
CoderEuropecheers pal. shall try.00:35
CoderEuropeouroumov_: worx well Thank-yous00:44
=== padgaland_ is now known as padgaland
CoderEuropeYeah, I like ubuntu-mate Software Boutique - it just needs a touch-typing tutor.01:31
HappyHoboHi adnaps06:17
sixwheeledbeastThe Software Boutique is a great idea but I didn't believe it was a full package manager with all packages.06:55
saratI need a small help in installing a windows application..08:31
sixwheeledbeastask away08:40
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest81133
=== Guest81133 is now known as pavlushka
guest-aqgfmwhello I change me username and hostname and now I cant log into my pc with the new user name18:33
guest-aqgfmwany help18:33
bekkshow did you change your username?18:35
guest-aqgfmwI think I used /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow18:37
bekksSo you broke your system :)18:37
guest-aqgfmwlol. Maybe18:38
bekksBecause you did not rename the home directory, so youe user cannot log in.18:38
guest-aqgfmwnever done this before??18:38
guest-aqgfmwcould I do a password reset?18:38
bekksThat will not help.18:38
bekksThe password isnt the issue. The non existing home directory is.18:39
guest-aqgfmwI have a boot disk could I use that to get root access and fix18:39
bekksBoot a live cd/usb, and rename the home directory, and take care your new username is able to use sudo.18:39
bekksOh, and fix your /etc/group as well :)18:41
bekks /etc/groups even.18:41
guest-aqgfmwok thanks18:47
elias_Estoy probando Ubuntu Mate19:28
elias_Mucho trabajo por delante19:29
thegamedoes anyone have bugs in his system or is it just mine?20:02
sixwheeledbeastexpand on bugs?20:09
ubuntu-matehi all22:06
=== cam is now known as Guest86294

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