jeffrey_f | Interesting question. Is it possible to ping and address then autologin after a successful ping? | 00:12 |
Jordan_U | jeffrey_f: So you want your machine to boot, and if it can't ping a host it will give a login screen, if it can then it will automatically log in as user foo? | 00:16 |
jeffrey_f | Jordan_U: Yes. It is a Kiosk. If no network for some reason, I don't want to display a web page that can't be had. | 00:17 |
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tsda | #Hi. Iam Strugling with openvpn server in ubuntu . I ve connected and no errors. I can ping all internett ip but i cant access internett via web browser. Ping and ping works. Where do i need the focus? | 00:27 |
hpsmm | when will be ubuntu 16.04.1 out? | 00:27 |
hpsmm | tsda: isnt vpn similiar to proxy? and when you use proxy, you must set it in browser manually.. have you tried that? | 00:29 |
howudodat | I need some help upgrading from 15.10 to 16.04.1. I seem to be getting bit by this bug: but even when I put in the diffs, It still fails with permission errors. Now all my sources are set to xenial. in the release upgrader, which script completely unwinds the upgrade? | 00:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1611470 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Xenial Release upgrader failed with a permission error setting cron.daily/apt" [Medium,Triaged] | 00:32 |
howudodat | so if I do a apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade, it is telling me all the packages that will get upgraded, but I'm concerned there will be post install scripts that get missed | 00:33 |
tsda | i have other openvpn server and thats working | 00:34 |
_unreal_ | ok dont know what I did but I've done something to my computer and dont want to reboot. normally in inkscape, I can drag guide lines out from the ruler's on the sides, but every time I try to drag I end up dragging the entire inkscape window and it minimizes a bit and gets moved around on the screen, what have I done? | 00:36 |
_unreal_ | its like I'm holding ALT and clicking on a window to drag but not holding alt | 00:36 |
lucas_ai | I have ubuntu on a Microsoft Surface 3 pro, and on my external HDMI monitor, ubuntu interfaces are shown too big. Scaled-up. How can I prevent this? The screen resolution is fine: 1080p | 00:37 |
pantato | lucas_ai: what do you mean by "interfaces" ? | 00:38 |
pantato | like the task bar? | 00:38 |
ricardo111989cas | hola | 00:50 |
ricardo111989cas | desde colombia | 00:50 |
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_unreal_ | que es esto en english | 00:52 |
hulio | i love ubuntu | 01:15 |
hulio | it's fast on SSD | 01:15 |
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VladimirVolkov | 1 | 01:17 |
VladimirVolkov | hey, how to measure disk performance, which man to read and app to install? | 01:18 |
lucas_ai | pantato, the task bar is fine but the software like chrome, firefox or hexchat, looks bigger | 01:28 |
opnox | test | 02:17 |
Moxxie | Hello | 02:18 |
Moxxie | Anyone familar with Paladin? | 02:18 |
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energizer | is there an android emulator i can download free, perhaps with APT? | 02:34 |
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yosefk_ | test | 02:55 |
Choups | guys, help please: | 02:55 |
Choups | | 02:55 |
Choups | big problem here | 02:57 |
Choups | any1 with any clue? | 02:57 |
Choups | guys, help please: | 02:59 |
Choups | I'm doing an Installation of OpenProject 5.0 with Apache on Ubuntu 14.04. LTS´ | 02:59 |
kk4ewt | Choups, service apache2 status | 03:01 |
jnagro | Choups: did you read the troubleshooting section? | 03:01 |
jak2000 | i buy a domain and how to configure the domain in the server? i want setup a mails erver(postfix) and webserver http2 thnks | 03:01 |
jnagro | lower down on the page, they suggest a few log files to look at - any error messages in there? | 03:01 |
SchrodingersScat | Choups: there's 4 people in #openproject | 03:02 |
SchrodingersScat | Choups: but yes, check your apache logs, and if openproject keeps any logs | 03:02 |
Choups | root@localhost:/home/openproject/openproject-ce/log# service apache2 status | 03:04 |
Choups | * apache2 is running | 03:04 |
Choups | jnagro: yes | 03:04 |
Choups | nothing | 03:04 |
Choups | both clean | 03:04 |
Choups | the openproject one has literaly nothing | 03:04 |
jnagro | Choups: does the "something went wrong" message say more? | 03:06 |
jnagro | is it DNS? failure to connect? slow to respond? | 03:07 |
jnagro | or a 500 from the server? | 03:07 |
Choups | | 03:08 |
jnagro | humor me | 03:08 |
Choups | what? | 03:08 |
jnagro | lol | 03:08 |
jnagro | i mean - just tell me which error you got | 03:09 |
Choups | thats the error right there | 03:09 |
OerHeks | click on 'Information for the administrator of this website' | 03:09 |
Choups | done it | 03:10 |
* OerHeks facepalms | 03:10 | |
kk4ewt | Choups, service mysql-server status | 03:11 |
jnagro | given the brevity of the error, doesnt feel like an application error - perhaps your apache setup is wonky | 03:12 |
Choups | kk4ewt: smysql-server: unrecognized service | 03:19 |
Choups | smysql-server: unrecognized service | 03:19 |
Choups | mysql-server: unrecognized service | 03:19 |
kk4ewt | Choups, service mysqld status | 03:19 |
Choups | mysqld: unrecognized service | 03:20 |
Guy1524 | hey guys, using the open source radeon drivers, how do i modify overscan values | 03:20 |
Choups | kk4ewt, anything? | 03:21 |
jnagro | Choups: that leads us to believe that mysql isnt installed/running | 03:22 |
kk4ewt | Choups, yes they had you setup mysql but i dont see where they had you start it | 03:22 |
Choups | lol | 03:22 |
Choups | right | 03:22 |
Choups | what an idiot | 03:22 |
Choups | me | 03:22 |
Choups | should i just start it ? | 03:23 |
jnagro | Choups: btw deb packages do exist for this, which may make setup easier | 03:23 |
jnagro | as well as a docker image | 03:23 |
Choups | ty guys | 03:29 |
Choups | sorry for such newbie question | 03:29 |
Choups | *s~ | 03:29 |
derik | hola | 03:37 |
derik | alguien habla español | 03:37 |
graamont | i would like to know what should i do to fix the issue with a delate audio when i play youtube there anybody able to give me a suggestion? | 03:39 |
kk4ewt | try again | 03:40 |
Hanonim | Hi there ! | 03:50 |
Hanonim | I have a ssh related question | 03:54 |
DarkSpiritAK47 | hello | 04:00 |
totesMagotes | i have a set of ubuntu isos downloading on transmission through magnet links so i dont have those torrent files, is there some other way i can take these and put them onto different torrent software, can i somehow restrip the magnet link from them? | 04:00 |
kk4ewt | totesMagotes, stop your transmission redownload the torrent file start your new program and point the new program to where you have the isos downloaded | 04:03 |
kk4ewt | start the torrents with the file | 04:04 |
guardianL | just set the download location to where the files already are | 04:05 |
kk4ewt | yep | 04:05 |
kk4ewt | why move if they are one the same machine | 04:05 |
kk4ewt | now they are going to be on a different machine thats a different story | 04:06 |
totesMagotes | try to finish downloading on a different operating system. | 04:06 |
Hanonim | Is there a way I can ssh into a box when 1) it is behind a router 2) no port forwarding set 3) dynamic ip ? | 04:09 |
Hanonim | For instance, I'm communicating using websockets (box as a client) and I send a message and it send me back a "request to ssh into it", if you follow me | 04:10 |
Hanonim | Basically I want an ssh server that behave like a client (initiate connection) | 04:11 |
Moxxie | Greetings all. | 04:11 |
kk4ewt | Hanonim, behind a nat? | 04:12 |
Moxxie | Any information on UIE or Legacy Mode? | 04:12 |
Hanonim | kk4ewt: ideally there would be no nat, the box would simply connect to router and find my server using websockets and do its stuff. But I still would like to have the possibility to ssh into it, if I'm not asking for too much | 04:14 |
Choups | guys, imagine some1 has a great ideia but doesnt has the programing skills to implement it. | 04:18 |
Choups | he needs a development team | 04:19 |
Choups | where can a person find one? | 04:19 |
Hanonim | guess there is a bit of overhead | 04:19 |
zartarr | hey guys someone had helped me earlier setting up my printer via cups | 04:21 |
zartarr | however the POS only prints black and white | 04:21 |
zartarr | can somebody help a newbie out cheers | 04:22 |
zartarr | see for my color model at localhost:631 | 04:25 |
zartarr | it only shows greyscale | 04:25 |
zartarr | isn't that odd? | 04:25 |
ubuntu | hello | 04:36 |
ubuntu | is there sanyone there? | 04:37 |
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Guest50639 | none? | 04:39 |
none | what? | 04:39 |
Guest50639 | oh that's funny there is someone named none here? | 04:39 |
none | yes | 04:40 |
Guest50639 | I can't see the list of people who are in this chat | 04:40 |
Guest50639 | I am in a virtual machine but I am having trouble connecting to wireless when I tripple boot | 04:40 |
Guest50639 | How do I figure out the driver to install I have a lenovo thinkpad x201 | 04:41 |
flh | exit | 04:41 |
Guest50639 | is "universe" a repository? | 04:42 |
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sed12 | hi | 04:43 |
sed12 | grub timeout in /etc/default/grub doesnt work | 04:44 |
sed12 | i set it to 1 second and still i get 10 secs timeout | 04:44 |
cef | Google-fu has failed me. What's the sustainable way to turn off the nvidia logo when using the nvidia driver on ubuntu 16.04 - xorg.conf seems to just vanish regularly (ie: when anything changes, such as monitor, etc)? | 04:55 |
Guy1524 | hey guys, I have to use the xrandr command to activate overscan compensation but I do not know how have this be automatic iv tried the obvious answers so far like rc.local, and I yes, I am using DISPLAY=:0 | 05:24 |
kk4ewt | Guy1524, have you tried it yet | 05:26 |
Guy1524 | yes, I tried the ways I just mentioned | 05:29 |
Guy1524 | but they haven't worked | 05:29 |
HappyHobo | Hi folks. | 06:03 |
HappyHobo | Hi faekjarz | 06:04 |
faekjarz | Hey there! HappyHobo xD | 06:04 |
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HappyHobo | I need help and it appears that ubuntu-mate is closed for cleaning. | 06:05 |
HappyHobo | Yes I use the official mate variant not ChaletOS(xubuntu derivative) like I did before. 16.10 and gtk 3.20 won't work with my gtk 2 themes. I want beautiful colorful, rich incredible theming like I had with ChaletOS. It used the zoncolor engines. I have those on my harddrive and I've installed them and nothing is right with the desktop but it's kinda colorful. | 06:07 |
lotuspsychje | HappyHobo: #ubuntu+1 for yakkety | 06:07 |
HappyHobo | You serious? | 06:07 |
lotuspsychje | !yakkety | HappyHobo yes | 06:08 |
ubottu | HappyHobo yes: Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) will be the 25th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released in October 2016. Discussion in #ubuntu+1 | 06:08 |
HappyHobo | Lemme guess no one is in there and active. | 06:08 |
* HappyHobo is afraid to join. | 06:08 | |
lotuspsychje | HappyHobo: there is also #ubuntu-mate if you like | 06:08 |
HappyHobo | Someone stole their keyboards lotuspsychje. | 06:09 |
lotuspsychje | HappyHobo: patience is a good attitude on support channels | 06:09 |
HappyHobo | I tried to embrace unity. I really did but its interface just makes me cringe. It looks like the illegitmate child of windowmaker and gnome 3. | 06:11 |
faekjarz | I'm still on 15.10 and the youtube-dl manpage says "-k, --keep-video" …is there something simil… uh…for audio …never mind …my intuition served me well: i already used youtube-dl -kx to somehow end up with 4 files, .mp4, .opus, .mkv, and .webm. Maybe a little overkill, but ~exactly* what i wanted. (FYI) | 06:11 |
lotuspsychje | !eol | faekjarz | 06:12 |
ubottu | faekjarz: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 06:12 |
lotuspsychje | faekjarz: its recommended to install a supported version from the topic mate | 06:12 |
faekjarz | lotuspsychje: holy meatballs, 15.10 is eol since July! When is Yakkety due, i mean _which_ of October? | 06:19 |
ducasse | faekjarz: around the middle, i think. | 06:20 |
baizon | faekjarz: | 06:21 |
faekjarz | a'ight, thanks for eol-ing me :D In 16.xx keepass uses the new db format, i tested that format on android, the other day, so there's no reason to keep running 15.10 | 06:26 |
lotuspsychje | indeed | 06:26 |
volomike | anyone know how to customize the min,max,close icons for Gedit when used in Lubuntu 16.04? | 06:30 |
volomike | I mean, what is that? gtk2? gtk3? qt? Is there a GUI config tool for that? I used to have something for Ubuntu 14.04, but don't see one for Ubuntu 16.04. | 06:31 |
RudyValencia | Out of the different virtualization apps, which is the best performing one? | 06:31 |
RudyValencia | (I want to run win7 on a VM) | 06:32 |
volomike | anyone know if there's a gui tool to configure gtk? I have Lubuntu 16.04 | 06:34 |
ducasse | volomike: that's called 'client side decorations', often used by the gnome devs. | 06:34 |
trijntje | How can I type in ’ in ubuntu 16.04? I'm using a stupid website that doesn't let me copy/paste my password | 06:34 |
volomike | ducasse, so that's the window manager's job? | 06:35 |
volomike | ducasse, when I run Gedit on Lubuntu 16.04, I assume it uses a different window manager just for that, such as metacity? | 06:36 |
trijntje | found it: ctrl + shift + u 2019 | 06:36 |
ducasse | volomike: normally, yes, but the gnome guys want their apps to do it. the window is then set with a flag so the wm doesn't decorate it. | 06:36 |
volomike | ducasse, is there a way that I can override? | 06:37 |
volomike | ducasse, this was the question more exactly: | 06:37 |
ducasse | volomike: google 'gtk3-nocsd', but it's a ugly hack | 06:38 |
volomike | ducasse, is there another way so that I customize the theme the devs used? | 06:39 |
volomike | for instance, when I look at this on github: | 06:40 |
volomike | I see for instance there that that theme looks different than mine, currently. | 06:40 |
volomike | before gtk3-nocsd was even applied yet | 06:40 |
Ilushka | Hello guys, I have installed bootable usb with rufus, but when I boot it up I get the following errors: | 06:40 |
Ilushka | I burned a dvd and received the same ones. the image is not corrupted. | 06:41 |
ducasse | volomike: yours look different from the top one of those two pictures? | 06:41 |
volomike | yep | 06:42 |
volomike | my screenshot is: | 06:42 |
ducasse | volomike: i have no idea if the buttons themselves follow themes, sorry. | 06:43 |
volomike | okay | 06:43 |
volomike | you were a help, however | 06:43 |
volomike | you gave me more keywords to search on | 06:44 |
ducasse | volomike: there is probably a gtk channel, you could try that. | 06:44 |
volomike | ah, perfect, thanks | 06:45 |
volomike | is there a way to install an older gedit? | 06:45 |
ducasse | volomike: not really, you would need to force the install of an older package and pray it works with newer libraries | 06:46 |
volomike | okay, thanks | 06:46 |
volomike | ducasse, this is an interesting article: | 06:46 |
sed12 | grub timeout doesnt work | 06:47 |
ducasse | volomike: you could try that, ppas are used at your own risk. | 06:48 |
volomike | {he tries, and winces as he does} | 06:49 |
volomike | omg much better | 06:50 |
volomike | that's the fix | 06:50 |
pantato | why is linux mint more popular than regular ubuntu? | 06:54 |
sed12 | it isnt | 06:54 |
ducasse | !ot | pantato | 06:54 |
ubottu | pantato: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 06:54 |
pantato | according to these charts they are | 06:54 |
usil_ | hello | 06:54 |
usil_ | what is the meaning of number 100 and 500 | 06:55 |
sed12 | grub timeout doesnt work | 06:55 |
sed12 | can anyone explain me why? | 06:55 |
usil_ | in apt-cache policy output | 06:56 |
volomike | ducasse, you're famous: | 06:56 |
volomike | lol :) | 06:56 |
sed12 | do u know other unix related channels? | 06:56 |
baizon | pantato: which charts? | 06:56 |
ducasse | volomike: ;) | 06:57 |
volomike | okay, signing off. Later Ubuntu'ers! | 06:57 |
sed12 | can u recommend other unix related channel? | 07:00 |
Spookan | sed12: Try /list #Unix* | 07:00 |
sed12 | thanks, Spookan | 07:03 |
eyamil | oh sweet it connected | 07:15 |
Ilushka | Hello guys, I have installed bootable usb with rufus, but when I boot it up I get the following errors: | 07:17 |
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eyamil | .helloworld | 07:21 |
tenzinolojia | hi! guys | 07:23 |
herbert | hi! | 07:23 |
pantato | Ilushka: did you use UEFI? | 07:28 |
pantato | Ilushka: did you run a pass on the drive looking for bad sectors? | 07:28 |
Ilushka | pantato, no and no, i'll google about it | 07:29 |
ducasse | Ilushka: looks like a nouveau problem, but i've no idea what to do about it. try a bit later, when there are more people here. | 07:32 |
Ilushka | ducasse, thanks | 07:34 |
Dead_Office | Hi , My PC started acting up after a blackout we had last Wednesday. For instance Brackets , an application I use for web development, froze the first first time I started it up on the next day. Today I had to restart the system because the screen turned into literally a gray square and I couldn't interact with any thing ; so I SSH'ed to system from the phone and shut it down. I am afraid to lose my work on this device. Is there any way that I can | 07:38 |
Dead_Office | check the health of my system and fix what's gone wrong after the black out? Yeah , and one more thing When I started my system today I got this message "An error occurred, please run Package Manager from the right-click from the right click window or apt-get in a terminal to see what is wrong...." I cant remember the rest of the message. | 07:38 |
xvtz | I cannot boot from my usb in an old PC, while the same usb runs fine in newer laptops. On the old PC, it says device reported invalid chs sector 0; eh complete. | 07:39 |
gab23 | bonjour a tous | 07:44 |
Dead_Office | The result of "sudo apt-get -f install" 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 160 not upgraded. | 07:45 |
aus_mal | hi, i was wondering if it's possible from a minimal install to then install gnome-session-flashback as a DE instead of unity? Thanks | 07:47 |
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OerHeks | Dead_Office, try sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt full-upgrade | 07:48 |
Dead_Office | Could it be just a coincidence? | 07:48 |
OerHeks | aus_mal, sure, use the mini iso | 07:48 |
OerHeks | !mini | 07:48 |
ubottu | The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See | 07:48 |
aus_mal | thanks, i'll give it another shot | 07:49 |
Dead_Office | I really hate updates....Here goes nothin....downloading | 07:50 |
Dead_Office | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 08:00 |
Dead_Office | yeah , whatever updating with no problems means a healthy system no? | 08:01 |
Dead_Office | LoL | 08:01 |
OerHeks | seems so, yes. | 08:02 |
OerHeks | boring when all goes well. | 08:03 |
Barbarian | Hi guys! I have a network printer+scanner (an Aficio Ricoh 1515). The printing part works absolutely perfectly: the printer utility found it, and talks to it just fine. I'm not sure how to set up the scanner portion of it though. Could anyone point me in the right direction? | 08:04 |
Dead_Office | it could be just a coincidence. Like eveything was fine and OSes just being OSes | 08:04 |
Barbarian | The official documentation covers Brother, HP and Samsung printers | 08:04 |
Dead_Office | OerHeks, Thanks for time. See ya later | 08:04 |
Dead_Office | for your* | 08:04 |
OerHeks | Barbarian, i find a sane-ricoh driver | 08:06 |
OerHeks | but for 2 types only | 08:06 |
Barbarian | OerHeks: Thanks, I'll install it and let you know if it works :) | 08:07 |
OerHeks | it is not for your scanner .. and i find no guides sofar | 08:07 |
aus_mal | sorry. attempted login failed from lightdm into gnome-session-flashback, do I need a different desktop manager? thanks | 08:11 |
Barbarian | OerHeks: I found some info on SANE. I've added the primary user to the "scanner" group, added the IP of the network scanner to /etc/sane.d/net.conf and am trying to scan now | 08:14 |
Barbarian | Seems to be hanging, however | 08:14 |
pantato | Ill | 08:15 |
thecpaptain | I'm atttempting to install openFoam, and run into some troubles with paraView and python. Following installation step #12 in, I get the following error: | 08:17 |
linuxlove | hi | 08:17 |
thecpaptain | hi | 08:18 |
linuxlove | i need to remove virtualbox completely and install it again | 08:18 |
linuxlove | i used remove and purge | 08:18 |
linuxlove | but when i use sudo apt-get install virtualbox i cant see it download again | 08:19 |
linuxlove | and just run some commands and installs it | 08:19 |
thecpaptain | I'm running ubuntu 16.04 | 08:20 |
sed12 | why do u have to see it being downloaded again? | 08:21 |
thecpaptain | does anyone have any ideas? restating: I'm atttempting to install openFoam, and run into some troubles with paraView and python. Following installation step #12 in, I get the following error: | 08:22 |
ikonia | thecpaptain: it's not finding the python library where it's expecting | 08:23 |
ikonia | it tells you to set the full path | 08:23 |
izzy | hi Yall | 08:23 |
thecpaptain | okey, how do I do that? | 08:24 |
ikonia | thecpaptain: depends on the application and it's options/settings | 08:24 |
ikonia | the error suggests using the -python-lib option | 08:24 |
thecpaptain | hm | 08:25 |
thecpaptain | any ideas on how I can find out the settings needed for the application? | 08:25 |
ikonia | thecpaptain: you appear to not understand what you are doing | 08:26 |
ikonia | thecpaptain: openfoam ships docker images | 08:26 |
thecpaptain | that is definitely true | 08:26 |
ikonia | you may find it easier to use them | 08:26 |
ikonia | the instructions are very clear and simple on how to use them | 08:26 |
thecpaptain | that sounds good | 08:26 |
thecpaptain | any links? | 08:26 |
ikonia | | 08:26 |
ikonia | thecpaptain: yeah - the site you where reading, but clearly didn't actually read | 08:26 |
thecpaptain | xD | 08:26 |
izzy | Can i ask for a little help? | 08:26 |
ikonia | izzy: if it's about ubuntu, of course | 08:27 |
thecpaptain | do I have to undo anything before proceeding? | 08:27 |
izzy | Yes, it's about ubuntu based distros, an installing problem (yeah it's the same problem with every distro so why not) | 08:27 |
ikonia | thecpaptain: no idea, I've no idea what you want | 08:27 |
ikonia | izzy: sorry, we don't support ubuntu based distros | 08:28 |
ikonia | izzy: only ubuntu official releases | 08:28 |
izzy | yeah, i've got the same problem with ubuntu, xubuntu and everybuntu, so no problem | 08:28 |
ikonia | izzy: what is the actual real distro you are currently using | 08:28 |
izzy | lubuntu right now | 08:28 |
ikonia | right | 08:29 |
izzy | i've got an asus eeepc900 and i'm trying to install lubuntu on it, it haves a 4gb ssd and a 16gb ssd (now i'm installing gparted to manage better this strange thing) anyway, when i choose any distro to install, it goes wrong when i'm installing grub | 08:29 |
ikonia | "it goes wrong" | 08:30 |
ikonia | with that level of information, the only thing I can suggest is "make it work" | 08:30 |
izzy | yeah, sorry, too generic, i will report the problem when i reinstall it back until the grub problem show | 08:30 |
izzy | anyway it says that the installation can't install grub on sdb1, and i installed all the OS in sdb1 so i dont know | 08:31 |
morf | /3/2 | 08:31 |
bazhang | whats the version of ubuntu izzy | 08:32 |
bazhang | !version | izzy | 08:32 |
ubottu | izzy: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 08:32 |
thecpaptain | sorry for the newbie questions, but is ubuntu 16.04 LTS the same as Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 (LTS) ? | 08:32 |
izzy | lubuntu 16.04, but now i have to wait until the live usb pen charges everything, so i think i will ask you later, i'm sorry but this asus eeeepc 900 is obiovusly slow | 08:33 |
thecpaptain | ah yes, found the answer myself. | 08:33 |
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo | ||
thecpaptain | a trivial problem (for you, not for me :) )> how do I start docker? I run "docker info" whereby I get "Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?" | 08:49 |
thecpaptain | I'm running ubuntu 16.04 | 08:50 |
Ben64 | what about "docker" | 08:50 |
thecpaptain | I'm trying to follow the install instructions here: | 08:50 |
thecpaptain | | 08:50 |
Ben64 | ok, did you do the "sudo service start docker" | 08:51 |
Ben64 | err... docker start | 08:51 |
tomreyn | sudo service docker start | 08:52 |
thecpaptain | I did: thecpaptain@dascpaptain:~$ sudo service docker start thecpaptain@dascpaptain:~$ docker info Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host? | 08:52 |
tomreyn | is a better tutorial for 16.04 | 08:53 |
Ben64 | how about sudo systemctl start docker | 08:53 |
thecpaptain | i installed docker just now following the instructions found here: | 08:53 |
Ben64 | well by following that, you're no longer supported here | 08:54 |
thecpaptain | -.- | 08:54 |
thecpaptain | people here gave me the link to that site... | 08:54 |
thecpaptain | but ok. What should I do in order for me to get support here | 08:55 |
Ben64 | use the packages from the ubuntu repositories | 08:55 |
mlvmhn | which software should i use for videoediting? | 08:55 |
mohamad | hye whatup guys | 08:55 |
tomreyn | mlvmhn: a video editing software :P - so run: apt-cache search 'video edit' | 08:56 |
thecpaptain | excellent. I would love to do that. My initial quest is to install openFoam, where I have some problems with paraView and python. I was suggested to install "docker" to install openFoam. So, how do I install docker using the ubuntu repositories? | 08:56 |
Ben64 | well you have to undo whatever repository you added by following that page on | 08:56 |
tomreyn | hi mohamad | 08:57 |
thecpaptain | i've uninstalled what i did on | 08:58 |
thecpaptain | now what? | 08:58 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: sudo apt-get install -y && sudo systemctl start docker && sudo systemctl enable docker && docker version | 08:59 |
tomreyn | (as the how-to i pointed you to earlier discusses) | 09:00 |
thecpaptain | tomreyin, seemed to work. In the end I got the following message: "Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?" is this a problem? | 09:02 |
hargut | Hello. | 09:02 |
hargut | Since when are settings in /etc/network/interfaces ignored? I'm running a beta of yakkety over here. | 09:03 |
hargut | But I noticed since yesterday that I can write whatever I want into /etc/network/interfaces.d/* and it is ignored on ifup/ifdown during system running. | 09:04 |
hargut | On restarting the whole system the settings do take effect. | 09:04 |
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hargut | I already removed network-manager. But did systemd get involved in network handling or what could that be? | 09:04 |
hargut | It just sucks if you can't bring up/down an if the way you want. | 09:04 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: yes that's a problem. without the daemon you can't use it. check your system logs and review why it failed to start. you probably still have packages from the repository installed which are getting in the way. | 09:06 |
thecpaptain | hm, okey | 09:06 |
thecpaptain | how do I check the system logs? | 09:06 |
thecpaptain | rather, which system log should I check? | 09:06 |
hargut | thecpaptain, tail -f /var/log/syslog | 09:06 |
hargut | thecpaptain, cd /var/log && grep -rHin yoursearcterm * | 09:07 |
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tomreyn | thecpaptain: yes it's probably in syslog | 09:07 |
mohamad | who here using cub linux | 09:07 |
tomreyn | mohamad: please limit your chat to ubuntu here, thanks. | 09:08 |
mohamad | ooo, im sorry | 09:09 |
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Guest77105 | hello | i have created a live usb using usb creator on ubuntu but still its not booting | 09:09 |
Guest77105 | can any one help me with this | 09:09 |
thecpaptain | my syslog entries connected to docker: | 09:10 |
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tolceng | hi | 09:12 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: look at lines 12 to 15. you installed "docker-engine" (probably from the APT repository), which caused several dependencies to be installed, possibly also from the APT repository: aufs-tools:amd64 (1:3.2+20130722-1.1ubuntu1, automatic), cgroupfs-mount:amd64 (1.2, automatic), docker-engine:amd64 (1.12.1-0~xenial). Then you only removed the docker-engine package ubt not the dependenciy packages. you may also not | 09:13 |
tomreyn | have removed the apt repository you added earlier (can't tell form this output). | 09:13 |
thecpaptain | okey, suggestions on how to proceed? | 09:14 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: ensure that the APT repository is disabled or removed, update the package cache (sudo apt-get update), identify and purge all packages which remain installed from the repository, purge all docker packages you installed fomr the ubuntu repositories. install docker form the ubuntu repositories. | 09:16 |
tomreyn | where "form" and "fomr" are my variations of the word "from" ;) | 09:17 |
thecpaptain | :) | 09:17 |
thecpaptain | so, to remove the other packages i run "sudo apt-get purge <package name>" ? | 09:18 |
tomreyn | once you identified them, yes | 09:18 |
thecpaptain | don't know how to ensure that the repository is removed however | 09:18 |
tomreyn | if, after sudo apt-get update, apt-cache policy no longer list it, then its is removed. | 09:18 |
tomreyn | you'll still need to identify and purge the packages you installed from there, though. | 09:19 |
tomreyn | removing just the APT repository does not magically do that. | 09:19 |
thecpaptain | its still in the list: | 09:20 |
thecpaptain | should I purge it again? | 09:20 |
tomreyn | this page shows a captcha | 09:21 |
thecpaptain | now should work: | 09:22 |
thecpaptain | trying to purge again simply tells me that nothing has been removed since package 'docker-engine' is not installed | 09:23 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: APT repositories and packages are not the same thing. | 09:25 |
tomreyn | APT repositories tell your system where it can download packages from and which versions are available | 09:25 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: the "apt-get purge" command will allow you to remove packages, but not APT repositories. | 09:26 |
thecpaptain | ok i got rid of the apt repository | 09:26 |
thecpaptain | now I need to get rid of the packages | 09:26 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: APT repositories are configured in /etc/apt/sources.list* | 09:26 |
rishabh_ | mohamad, | 09:27 |
thecpaptain | yeah, I remembered that I had to add the repository there in the installation step, so I removed what I added, and now it doesn't show in 'apt update' anymore | 09:27 |
thecpaptain | now I need to identify the dependencie packages | 09:27 |
thecpaptain | how do I do that? | 09:27 |
zartarr | checking whether the C++ compiler works... no | 09:27 |
zartarr | configure: error: in `/home/user/Downloads/powertop-2.8': | 09:27 |
zartarr | configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables | 09:27 |
zartarr | See `config.log' for more details | 09:27 |
zartarr | user@user-ThinkPad-X200:~/Downloads/powertop-2.8$ make | 09:27 |
zartarr | bash: make: command not found | 09:27 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: personally i use this command to identify packages which should not be installed: apt-show-versions | grep -Ev '(uptodate|not installed)$' | 09:28 |
thecpaptain | ok, i'll install apt-show-versions then | 09:28 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: i run this after I removed a third party repository and ran sudo apt-get update. | 09:29 |
thecpaptain | hm | 09:29 |
thecpaptain | it doesn't give any output | 09:29 |
thecpaptain | apt-show-versions | grep -Ev '(uptodate|not installed)$' I mean | 09:29 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: can i see the output of: sudo apt-get update; apt-cache policy; apt-show-versions | grep -Ev '(uptodate|not installed)$' | 09:30 |
rishabh_ | hello | can some one help me | i am unable to install ubuntu on my laptop | 09:32 |
thecpaptain | | 09:32 |
thecpaptain | i excluded the apt-get update output | 09:32 |
rishabh_ | latk, | 09:33 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: why? | 09:33 |
latk | rishabh_ ? | 09:33 |
thecpaptain | just... thought it was redundant | 09:33 |
thecpaptain | i'll give it to you | 09:34 |
rishabh_ | can you help me | 09:34 |
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thecpaptain | | 09:34 |
tomreyn | rishabh_: we can try, but you will need to provide more information. how are you installing, where did you download it from, how is it not working (error message? context?), which model is your laptop (not just the brand)? | 09:36 |
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rishabh_ | i am trying to install using usb | my previos os is fedora i want to erase it and install ubuntu16 | 09:36 |
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tomreyn | thecpaptain: okay, so apart from the unsupported (here) repository you would seem to be fine | 09:37 |
rishabh_ | some file not found messeg flashes | 09:37 |
rishabh_ | tomreyn, can we have 1:1 chat | 09:37 |
merito | Can anyone help me? I have a question | 09:38 |
tomreyn | rishabh_: no, sorry. but we can chat here. | 09:38 |
thecpaptain | okey, that's good i guess | 09:38 |
rishabh_ | tomreyn, so you got my issue? | 09:38 |
thecpaptain | hope the openfoam repository won't stand in my way of installing openfoam using the ubuntu repositories | 09:38 |
thecpaptain | :) | 09:38 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: so i suggest you now follow the how-to i pointed you to earlier, the howtoforge one | 09:39 |
merito | Em... so i just ask my question | 09:39 |
thecpaptain | hm, but I have to remove the dependencie packages first? | 09:39 |
tomreyn | rishabh_: you have not answered all questions, yet | 09:39 |
tomreyn | !ask | merito | 09:39 |
ubottu | merito: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 09:39 |
thecpaptain | should i proceed with the howtoforge instructions without removing the dependencie packags? | 09:40 |
rishabh_ | tomreyn: i downloaded image from ubuntu official site| then i created the usb using ubuntus startup disk creator tool | my laptop model is lenovo Ideapad Z570 | and the error message i am getting is file not fount this message just flashes for some second when i am troying to boot from usb | 09:41 |
merito | I have a launchpad reverse proxy server. But i also use a apt mirror. So how can i just set launchpad proxy and keep mirror unchanged? | 09:42 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: those dependencies are apparently from the ubuntu repositories (could also be from openfoam, though). so i assume they won't get in the way. you can run apt-cache policy against them and check which repository the "candidate" version comes from. if that's an official ubuntu respostory they won't get in the way. or you could just remove them, probably easier. | 09:43 |
thecpaptain | hm | 09:43 |
gebruiker | how do I find out what processor family a machine is ? | 09:43 |
morf | cpuinfo | 09:44 |
thecpaptain | since the goal is to install openfoam in the end using the ubuntu repositories, maybe its wisest to remove the openfoam repositories? | 09:44 |
merito | I don't know how to redirect "" to reverse proxy server. | 09:44 |
morf | gebruiker: cat /proc/cpuinfo | 09:44 |
tomreyn | rishabh_: so either the usb media you created was not created properly, or, more likely i think, you are booting off the wrong media (i..e from hard disk instead of the usb media) | 09:45 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: if that is available in ubuntu, yes, that's wise, since it would ensure you can continue to receive support for it here. | 09:46 |
tomreyn | !info openfoam | 09:46 |
ubottu | Package openfoam does not exist in xenial | 09:46 |
rishabh_ | tomreyn: Same disk i tested after usb creation | the tool prompts to test the media | there its working properly but when i boot from that usb it show me error | 09:46 |
thecpaptain | to install openfoam i used the instructions here: | 09:46 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: openfoam is not available from default ubuntu repositories | 09:47 |
thecpaptain | hm, all right | 09:47 |
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thecpaptain | ah yes, the idea was to intall openfoam using docker, which was meant to be installed using the ubuntu repositories | 09:48 |
Sillypirato | hi | 09:48 |
gebruiker | morf, alright the machine says intel celeron, but i am not sure if that is the family name because it is just a model name? | 09:48 |
gebruiker | ivy, sandy, atom, p4, silvermont ... | 09:49 |
merito | !ASK | How to redirect "" to a reverse proxy server? | 09:49 |
ubottu | How to redirect "" to a reverse proxy server?: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 09:49 |
Sillypirato | cat /proc/cpuinfo @ gebruiker | 09:49 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: i see. so you probably don't need this repository or any packages you may have installed from it. | 09:50 |
thecpaptain | reading a bit more carefully on that page, I also found a simpler way to install it using apt-get: | 09:50 |
thecpaptain | tomreyn, yeah i don\t think so either | 09:50 |
thecpaptain | i think I have to undo what i did in the first instructions I followed on how to install openfoam | 09:51 |
thecpaptain | and remove the repositories | 09:51 |
thecpaptain | questions is just how to undo what i did | 09:51 |
morf | gebruiker: you are mixing things up sorry | 09:51 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: well if you don't want to run it in docker but on the native system then you do need the repository - and those instructions you just pointed to would setup that repository on your system. | 09:51 |
thecpaptain | ah | 09:52 |
thecpaptain | okey... | 09:52 |
thecpaptain | sigh, what to do then? | 09:52 |
morf | gebruiker: do you need like intel cpu family? there is "cpu family" in cpuinfo; or cpu architecture? or manufacturer... | 09:52 |
gebruiker | Sillypirato, alright I don't seem my processor family listed. Do you ? | 09:52 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: so first of all you will need to decide whether you want to run it on your main system or within a docker container. | 09:52 |
thecpaptain | which do you recommend? | 09:52 |
gebruiker | morf, please see pasteubunut link at Sillypirato | 09:52 |
morf | cpu family: 6 | 09:53 |
morf | that's intel designation of the cpu family | 09:53 |
morf | | 09:53 |
gebruiker | morf, so which one from the processor family list at the bottom is it? | 09:53 |
thecpaptain | i suppose the docker option is the best, since it means i get support from here, so I decide to go for that one | 09:53 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: hard to tell, i don't know your needs, environment etc. running it in docker is a good way to ensure you don't mess up your main ubuntu system. it can also be more complex. | 09:53 |
rishabh_ | tomreyn, | 09:54 |
thecpaptain | well, since i have very limited understanding of what i'm doing, i think ensuring i dont f*ck up my ubuntu system is wise | 09:54 |
thecpaptain | let's go for docker | 09:55 |
thecpaptain | what do I do? | 09:55 |
Sillypirato | @gebruiker , this is a VM right ? | 09:55 |
gebruiker | Sillypirato, yes | 09:55 |
tomreyn | rishabh_: try to find out how to reliably boot off your usb media, and try again. | 09:55 |
tomreyn | (and sorry, i missed your earlier reply.) | 09:55 |
morf | gebruiker: MCORE2 | 09:56 |
rishabh_ | tomreyn, np | i tries several times but no luck |is there any other way to install ubuntu | 09:56 |
morf | hm | 09:57 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: sounds reasonable. so install docker as discussed on the howtoforge tutorial, then continue from there using the instructions you found to install openfoam in a docker container. | 09:57 |
Sillypirato | @gebruiker im not quite sure I understand what your question is, mind repeating that ? | 09:57 |
thecpaptain | tomreyn, okey, so I don't have to uninstall the docker dependencie packages, the openfoam repositories, and the openfoam installation first? | 09:57 |
morf | gebruiker: ... i would say MCORE2 it's somehow its variant | 09:58 |
tomreyn | rishabh_: see if you can get the computer to boot *anything* off the usb media (write some other OS installer or live system to it) | 09:59 |
tomreyn | rishabh_: if you can, vome back here. | 09:59 |
tomreyn | *come | 09:59 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: you have an openfoam installation? | 10:00 |
rishabh_ | tomreyn++ thanks | 10:00 |
tomreyn | welcome | 10:00 |
thecpaptain | yes | 10:01 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: if you are going to use openfoam in docker, then you should remove its apt repository, apt GPG signing key and all packages installed off it off your main system beforehand. | 10:01 |
thecpaptain | tomreyn, all right, glad i told you | 10:01 |
tomreyn | <tomreyn> thecpaptain: i see. so you probably don't need this repository or any packages you may have installed from it. | 10:02 |
tomreyn | always remove what you don't need. | 10:02 |
thecpaptain | that sounds good | 10:02 |
thecpaptain | questions is just how i do that | 10:02 |
thecpaptain | :) | 10:02 |
tomreyn | we did this before witht he other repository. so just re-do it for the openfoam now. | 10:03 |
thecpaptain | hm aight | 10:03 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: i can help you with the steps if you get stuck, but try on your own for now | 10:03 |
thecpaptain | where were the repositories again? /etc/apt/... | 10:03 |
tomreyn | /etc/apt/sources.list* | 10:04 |
thecpaptain | i found this in my sources list: "deb xenial main", so i remove it? | 10:05 |
thecpaptain | or should i purge first? | 10:05 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: yes remove it | 10:08 |
thecpaptain | aye captain tomreyn | 10:08 |
thecpaptain | it has been removed | 10:09 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: then it's the same as before: sudo apt-get update; apt-show-versions | grep -Ev '(uptodate|not installed)$' | 10:09 |
sam54 | hello | 10:10 |
sam54 | any one there | 10:10 |
thecpaptain | so it found two things that seem to have been expected: | 10:11 |
sam54 | hello | 10:11 |
thecpaptain | tomreyn: i purge those packages then? | 10:11 |
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tomreyn | thecpaptain: yes thats correct | 10:14 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: you should purge these two packages | 10:14 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: once that's done, do: sudo apt-get -f install, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:15 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: this will resolve any dependency conflicts caused by the other packages, if any, and make sure you have the latest software patches installed. | 10:16 |
thecpaptain | it suggests to run 'apt autoremove' to remove some packages which are no longer needed | 10:16 |
thecpaptain | should i do so? | 10:16 |
Sillypirato | Thats quite safe | 10:16 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: right, i forgot that one. sudo apt-get --purge autoremove | 10:17 |
thecpaptain | okey its done | 10:17 |
thecpaptain | including dist-upgrade | 10:17 |
thecpaptain | should i now proceed to follow the install of docker? | 10:18 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: finally, to completly remove the 3rd party repositories you had installed, also remove their APT signing keys. first you will need to check which ones are currently installed: apt-key list | 10:18 |
thecpaptain | | 10:18 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: now identify the ones you no longer need, and get the ID behind the slash in the "pub" line | 10:19 |
tomreyn | e.g. if you wanted to removed the "Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key", that id would be FBB75451 | 10:20 |
thecpaptain | tomreyn: so i'm guessing the ones i no longer need are the ones connected to docker and openfoam? | 10:20 |
tomreyn | this seems correct to me. | 10:20 |
xchatter | I am writing an ISO image to an USB stick with the dd command. This stick has caused some problems recently. Is there a way to check whether the copy was 100% OK after it has finished? Thx. | 10:20 |
zartarr | anyone ever have issues in libreoffice in ubuntu where the powerpoint is showing patchy black/white spots over formulas and such? anyone know how to fix this? | 10:21 |
thecpaptain | okey, so i purge those according to 'sudo apt-get purge #ID'? | 10:22 |
tomreyn | xchatter: dd it back to a file from the usb stick, then diff both files | 10:22 |
xchatter | tomreyn, that is a great idea. And so logical. Did not think of that. | 10:23 |
xchatter | tomreyn, are there also other ways? Just curious. | 10:23 |
xchatter | tomreyn, thx a lot | 10:23 |
thecpaptain | tomreyn: do i get rid of the apt signing keys by purging their IDs? | 10:24 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: no, apt-get purge only removes installed packages (and their configuration files). what we're doing now (we had skipped this step earlier, so this is actually new) is to remove the cryptographic keys which allowed the system to verify the authenticity of packages installed from these 3rd party repositories. | 10:24 |
thecpaptain | hm all right | 10:24 |
thecpaptain | its nice to learn as you go along :) | 10:24 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: to remove those keys, use: sudo apt-key del ID | 10:25 |
xchatter | damn I got this dd: writing to '/dev/sdc': Input/output error | 10:26 |
xchatter | 58353+0 records in | 10:26 |
xchatter | 58352+0 records out | 10:26 |
xchatter | That means it was not successful, right? | 10:26 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: once you did so, it should say "OK". but to verify (sincve this tool is a bit buggy sadly), you need to check that the key was really removed: apt-key list ID | 10:26 |
thecpaptain | tomreyn: okey, they seemed to be removed | 10:27 |
=== Guest38108 is now known as NameNick | ||
tomreyn | xchatter: "Input/output error" combined with "records out" lower than "records in" means the copy failed on the destination. | 10:27 |
thecpaptain | tomreyn: now i proceed with the docker installation? | 10:28 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: right. :) | 10:28 |
thecpaptain | aye aye! Proceeding to (install) dock(er)! | 10:28 |
thecpaptain | tomreyn: and just to double check, this was the one where I don't fuck up the repositories and stuff again: | 10:29 |
xchatter | Is there a way to check whether a USB stick is defective? | 10:29 |
xchatter | I mean a special software tool under Linux? | 10:30 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: correct | 10:30 |
tomreyn | xchatter: badblocks | 10:32 |
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thecpaptain | tomreyn, seems like docker is installed. Now i have to install the openFoam image | 10:32 |
tomreyn | xchatter: | 10:33 |
xchatter | tomreyn, thx | 10:33 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: right, i think you had a how-to for this as well | 10:34 |
thecpaptain | tomreyn, so i'm getting closer to the goal. Now i'm going to install the openFoam, which I think is the following instructions: | 10:34 |
thecpaptain | tomreyn: is it safe to proceed with those instructions? | 10:34 |
thecpaptain | tomreyn, the instructions are here actually: | 10:36 |
Exterminador | hello guys.. i have a Acer Aspire notebook and from nothing it starts to hibernate from time to time.. i have win 10 and xubuntu installed in dual boot mode and that happens in both OSes.. any idea of what could be? | 10:37 |
arkadiy | hello | 10:38 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: the page whose url you just pasted discusses how to configure the docker third party APT repository on ubuntu, and install their docker packages from it. not what you want, since you are using the docker packages from the ubuntu repositories (suppoorted here). | 10:39 |
thecpaptain | tomreyn: yeah... i figured so after reading... i'm trying to find an instruction to install openfoam through docker now | 10:40 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: i cannot guarantee that it's safe to follow the steps discussed on - doing so would require me to review the two scripts downloaded there and review what they do, and to test it myself. which involves more work than i am willing to spend. | 10:40 |
thecpaptain | tomreyn: that's okey. I'll try and see what happens | 10:41 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: i DO recomend you review those scripts before running them (if you are going to follow that how-to)- | 10:42 |
thecpaptain | hm okey... but since I don't understand much of what | 10:42 |
tomreyn | you should always review any scripts you download from anywhere before you make them executable and run them. | 10:43 |
thecpaptain | what's written, then there really isn't much I'm going to learn by reading them :) | 10:43 |
thecpaptain | but i\m having a look | 10:43 |
thecpaptain | seems okey to me, i will try | 10:44 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: before you run the openfoam scripts, make sure dockerd is running (in case you skipped those steps while following the docker installation how-to) | 10:45 |
tomreyn | :q | 10:45 |
tomreyn | ^ please ignore that line | 10:45 |
thecpaptain | ah yeah, it tells me that docker isn't running | 10:46 |
thecpaptain | ignoring line which has been ignored | 10:46 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: so back to the docker installation how-to from howtoforge, and do the steps you missed / skipped. | 10:47 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: make sure you ran everything up to and including "docker search ubuntu", and that none of it returned errors. | 10:48 |
thecpaptain | aye aye | 10:48 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: this last command just ensures that the docker environment can properly communicate with the online registry which provides ready-made docker images for download (you'll need this later on). | 10:49 |
thecpaptain | i've followed the instructions: | 10:50 |
tomreyn | you could also follow the entire how-to to get an idea of how to work with docker containers. | 10:50 |
tomreyn | looks good | 10:51 |
thecpaptain | and 'docker search ubuntu' | 10:51 |
thecpaptain | | 10:51 |
tomreyn | captcha | 10:51 |
Exterminador | any idea about my problem? | 10:51 |
thecpaptain | tomreyn: should i quit root now? | 10:52 |
tomreyn | Exterminador: does it really hibernate, or just power off? | 10:52 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: yes you should | 10:53 |
Exterminador | tomreyn: it just sleeps. i hit power button and it get back to where it was (asking for login password on xubuntu) | 10:53 |
thecpaptain | i proceed to the instructions: Installing and running OpenFOAM+ On Linux, in | 10:53 |
tomreyn | Exterminador: try a bios update, if it doesn't help, return to vendor, or have it repaired / replaced. | 10:54 |
thecpaptain | tomreyn: command "id" doesn's show anything about docker. That might be the problem? How do i add docker to groups? | 10:54 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: good point. you need to add yourself to the docker group, i think. let me check. | 10:55 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: try this: sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami) | 10:56 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: if it runs without errors, then logout (completely, including graphical desktop), login again, and follow the openfoam how-to from there. | 10:57 |
thecpaptain | didn't show anything. | 10:57 |
thecpaptain | hm, all right | 10:58 |
thecpaptain | i'll reboot the entire system i think | 10:58 |
thecpaptain | be back in a bit | 10:58 |
thecpaptain | :) | 10:58 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: sorry that didnt work for some reason | 10:59 |
thecpaptain | hm okey | 10:59 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: let me reproduce it here quickly | 10:59 |
thecpaptain | sure, i'm just glad you | 11:00 |
thecpaptain | are helping :) | 11:00 |
webchat | hello | 11:00 |
webchat | Why is there so many minor revisions fo 12.04 such as 12.04.5 | 11:01 |
MonkeyDust | webchat it's called 'point releases' | 11:02 |
webchat | why is that? | 11:03 |
MonkeyDust | webchat i guess the windows service packs are similar, so not unusual | 11:04 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: so do this: sudo adduser $(whoami) docker | 11:04 |
webchat | The installers happen to be 40-60MB overly large for a CDr. | 11:04 |
thecpaptain | it returns: "The user `thecpaptain' is already a member of `docker'" | 11:05 |
thecpaptain | so that's good i guess | 11:05 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain: then logout (incl. desktop) then login, then run this: docker search ubuntu. it should not return an error message. if no error, proceed with openfoam how-to | 11:05 |
thecpaptain | i'll be back | 11:06 |
tomreyn | ok | 11:06 |
tomreyn | (and yes looks good) | 11:06 |
webchat | Is there an installer for a supported version under 700MB? | 11:06 |
cfhowlett | !minimal | webchat | 11:07 |
ubottu | webchat: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See | 11:07 |
=== Nilesh__ is now known as Nilesh_ | ||
hpsmm | !noob | 11:09 |
thecpaptain_ | back | 11:09 |
cfhowlett | !behelpful | hpsmm | 11:09 |
ubottu | hpsmm: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. | 11:09 |
thecpaptain_ | tomreyn: what was i supposed to do now again? | 11:09 |
webchat | cfhowlett: the server install is small enough. | 11:09 |
cfhowlett | webchat, indeed. | 11:10 |
webchat | What is the advantage of using 64bit? | 11:10 |
tomodachi | webchat: it guarantees that the kernel are using the latest optimizations for your cpu | 11:10 |
cfhowlett | webchat, 1. 32 bit is on the way out. plan ahead | 11:10 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain_: first, make sure you can now control docker as your standard user, without having to run it through sudo. the openfoam tutorial depends on this. you can test this using: docker searhc ubuntu | 11:10 |
tomreyn | * docker search ubuntu | 11:10 |
tomodachi | webchat: it also allows you to use more than 4 gigs of ram | 11:10 |
thecpaptain_ | tomreyn: 'docker search ubuntu' returns no errors and a list of things, so it seems to work | 11:11 |
thecpaptain_ | tomreyn: i proceed with the installation instructions then? | 11:11 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain_: yes, you should be good to go now. continue with the openfoam instructions, getting help from the openfoam project if things should fail. | 11:11 |
thecpaptain_ | aha! docker info now gives a response | 11:11 |
webchat | tomodachi: the system has over 4G now and is running a 32bit version | 11:12 |
thecpaptain_ | excellent, then I say thanks a lot! | 11:12 |
thecpaptain_ | tomreyn: you have saved me a sh*t ton of time | 11:12 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain_: welcome, and good luck. | 11:12 |
tomreyn | thecpaptain_: hope you learnt a bit meanwhile. it was fun to work with you. i'll be AFK for a while now. | 11:13 |
webchat | so make thing not compatible becaue of rumor "32 bit is on the way out" cfhowlett | 11:13 |
thecpaptain_ | yeah, i learnt something all right. Not deep knowledge, but i know more than before. I'm glad you enjoyed, it was fun for me too :). Cheers and take care! | 11:14 |
MonkeyDust | webchat in a terminal, type this command ... what's the very last line ... sudo dmidecode --type 4 | 11:14 |
tomreyn | :) take care | 11:14 |
webchat | 64-bit capable I know my CPU's MonkeyDust | 11:17 |
sonda | hello.. is there any good note taking app for linux that has write anywhere functionality, quick search, handwriting (scribbling) | 11:26 |
NoCode | Will dpkg-reconfigure linux-sound-base reconfigure my audio in Ubuntu? | 11:29 |
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cfhowlett | you went to all the trouble to type it in irc ... why not put it in a terminal? | 11:31 |
NoCode | cfhowlett, Yes, let's just put awesome commands in the terminal and see what they do. | 11:32 |
NoCode | lol | 11:32 |
MonkeyDust | NoCode did you come here to ask or to tell what to do | 11:34 |
=== Error404NotFound is now known as Guest21056 | ||
UbuntuOK | Hello! I'd like to edit the page, which contains wrong information (outdated links). I'm logged in, but there is "Immutable page" on the page tabs. What should I do? | 11:36 |
paulvd | Hello, I am new to dedicated servers and linux, I am trying to install LAMP on a dedicated server, I try to install apache by typing in sudo get-apt install apache2, but it says package not found? | 11:36 |
UbuntuOK | @paulvd: did you update the apt packages cache? | 11:37 |
ioria | sonda, have you tired xournal ... | 11:37 |
sonda | it doesn't have search functionality | 11:38 |
paulvd | @UbuntuOK: Yes I did sudo apt-get update | 11:38 |
cfhowlett | paulvd, according the wiki, you should install lamp-server^ | 11:39 |
paulvd | yeah that's what I am trying to do | 11:39 |
cfhowlett | paulvd, sudo apt install lamp-server^ | 11:40 |
MonkeyDust | paulvd or tasksel (task select) | 11:41 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | hello | 11:42 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | ubuntu 14.04 ... i'm looking for a way to make a continious loop of about 70 pictures | 11:42 |
NoCode | MonkeyDust, I came here for a fucking solution. | 11:42 |
cfhowlett | NoCode, please no profanity allowed | 11:42 |
NoCode | Whatever. | 11:42 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, lots of options. gimp comes to mind | 11:43 |
cfhowlett | openshot can also ouput a video. | 11:44 |
NoCode | You're the one telling to try a command that may or may not work which completely mess up my system. | 11:44 |
NoCode | Anyway | 11:44 |
NoCode | See ya | 11:44 |
paulvd | E: Unable to locate package lamp-server^ E: Couldn't find task 'lamp-server' E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'lamp-server^' | 11:45 |
paulvd | :/ | 11:45 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | cfhowlett, can you give me a basic walkthrough with gimp about how to get started? | 11:46 |
cfhowlett | paulvd, what version of ubuntu | 11:46 |
paulvd | 14.10 | 11:46 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, wait 1 --- confirm that you want to a .gif? | 11:46 |
paulvd | utopic | 11:46 |
cfhowlett | paulvd, dead and end of life, no longer supported. upgrade to 16.04 | 11:46 |
NoCode | | 11:46 |
paulvd | huh | 11:46 |
pimpMyNick | can someone plz guide how to get amount of data written on HDD by operating system? I mean, I want to know how much data is written on HDD at my current usage level so that I can buy SSD (endurability in Terabytes of data written) according to that. | 11:47 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | i don't mind the filetype of the endproduct... i want a continous loop of a selection of about 70 jpg fotos | 11:47 |
paulvd | what no longer supported | 11:47 |
paulvd | you mean in 14.10 they didnt have lamp? | 11:47 |
cfhowlett | paulvd, no I mean 14.10 is DEAD | 11:47 |
MonkeyDust | !eol | paulvd | 11:47 |
ubottu | paulvd: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 11:47 |
paulvd | yea but doesn't mean we cannot install packages on it, windows xp has also stopped and so has so many other OS, doesn't mean you cannot install apps on them | 11:48 |
UbuntuOK | paulvd, that's not how ubuntu works; when you use apt, as default, | 11:48 |
cfhowlett | paulvd, so let me confirm: you are now on ubuntu with ZERO updates and ZERO security ? | 11:48 |
UbuntuOK | it tries to retrieve the packages from the online repositories. the repository for ubuntu 14.10 is now defunct. | 11:49 |
UbuntuOK | if you forcedly want to use 14.10 (at your own risk), | 11:49 |
UbuntuOK | you can use the CD/ISO as repository, | 11:49 |
UbuntuOK | and the packages will be retrieved from it. BIG DISCLAIMER: nobody in the world will support/approve such setup. | 11:50 |
paulvd | cfhowlett: I am not going to "host" sites or anything there, I need that to test things out like a localhost and unfortunately the dedicated server doesn't have 16.04 so I want to use 14.10 only or should I switch to CentOS ? | 11:50 |
paulvd | It has CentOS6 | 11:50 |
cfhowlett | paulvd, if you have that machine on the internet you should expect and plan to fix the breaches because you have no security. using centos or other OS is your choice. and testing on a defunct OS sounds ... questionable. | 11:51 |
paulvd | why does it? how does it matter, its not going to be live, and I will look at security part later on, but right now my priority is to learn how to handle a dedibox and i have only 14.10 at my end | 11:52 |
huttan | gkk | 11:52 |
cfhowlett | paulvd, and the repos to install are off-lined so .... | 11:53 |
cfhowlett | you can compile from source though | 11:53 |
=== BSD is now known as notorious_bsd | ||
MonkeyDust | paulvd you can do tests with 14.10 if you like, but you cannot come here for support | 11:54 |
UbuntuOK | paulvd, the procedure I've mentioned above will make the install work. | 11:54 |
paulvd | which procedure? CD/ISO ? | 11:55 |
UbuntuOK | yes. edit `/etc/apt/sources.list` and uncomment the cdrom entry. | 11:55 |
UbuntuOK | the virtual machine will need to have the iso loaded in the drive, which will be seen as cdrom from the guest o/s. | 11:56 |
thecpaptain_ | i'm trying to run openFoam using docker, and i'm having some troubles with performing simple terminal operations. For example I want to open a text file using 'vim', but it simply says: "bash-4.1$ vim 0/U bash: vim: command not found" | 11:56 |
thecpaptain_ | does anyone know what one has to do to simple commands in docker? | 11:57 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | cfhowlett ... still available for some help with the loop using gimp? | 11:58 |
MonkeyDust | thecpaptain_ there's also #docker | 11:58 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, not forgotten, sorry for the delay | 11:58 |
thecpaptain_ | MonkeyDust ah yeah, i'll go there :) thanks | 11:59 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | no prob ... it's for my baby's first birthdayparty ... today .... so no pressure here :p | 11:59 |
zrno | helo | 11:59 |
zrno | someoune speaking GERMAN??? | 12:00 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, | 12:00 |
cfhowlett | !de | zrno | 12:00 |
ubottu | zrno: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 12:00 |
zrno | ach ok thx :) but i need someone who is wery good at UBUNTU :) | 12:01 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | cfhowlett .... i'm using ubuntu 14.04 | 12:01 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, OK | 12:01 |
MonkeyDust | zrno let's hear it, in one line | 12:01 |
zrno | 16.04 | 12:01 |
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zrno | okay i need 2 connect 2 speakers but somehow my PC dose onley one one speaker what em i wrong :( | 12:02 |
zrno | oh by the way its a sound card in side whir 5.1 support | 12:02 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, or a simple command line from the image directory. first sudo apt install imagemagick then covert -delay 20 -loop 0 *.jpg newimage.gif | 12:02 |
=== bulat is now known as Guest85363 | ||
thecpaptain_ | sorry to post this question here, but here goes: trying to connect to another IRC '#docker', through, but it tells me the following as i try to connect: "#docker Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services", could someone tell me what it means so that I can stop posing my questions here? :) | 12:04 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | can you explain to me what that last bit does? covert -delay 20 -loop 0 *.jpg newimage.gif ... putting all the jpg's in one gif with 20 secs of showing? | 12:04 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, total gif display time - 20 secs, yes. | 12:04 |
Eddinn | thecpaptain_: the channel is restricted. you need to identify with nickserv first and then if you have access, you can join | 12:05 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | total gif or each foto within that gif? | 12:06 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, all the images will be copied to a single .gif and said .gif will loop every 20 seconds | 12:06 |
thecpaptain_ | Eddinn: damn... okey, thanks a lot | 12:06 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | ok, so i will change the 20 into 700, so each foto will have 10secs, is that the logic? | 12:07 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, yep | 12:07 |
paulvd | switching to centos | 12:07 |
paulvd | ubuntu is weird | 12:07 |
Sillypirato | good choice | 12:07 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | Reading package lists... Done | 12:07 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | Building dependency tree | 12:07 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | Reading state information... Done | 12:07 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | Package ffmpeg is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 12:07 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 12:07 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | is only available from another source | 12:07 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, what ubuntu version are you? | 12:08 |
paulvd | lol | 12:08 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | hello? | 12:09 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, what ubuntu version are you? | 12:09 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | sorry, got disconnected | 12:09 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | i'm 14.04 | 12:09 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | i tried to install ffmpeg, but i got errormessage | 12:09 |
Eddinn | what is the error? | 12:09 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, ah 14.04! | 12:09 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, apt-get install avconv | 12:10 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | in terminal: "has no installation candidate | 12:10 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | with or without sudo? | 12:10 |
Eddinn | Nooby_One_Nooby: apt-get udate && apt-cache search ffmpeg | 12:10 |
Sillypirato | <Nooby_One_Nooby> run it as root (yes sudo) | 12:11 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, ffmpeg was divorced from ubuntu for a bit. avconv was the replacement. ffmpeg rejoined ubuntu in 16.04 . but avconv should be available to you in the universe repo | 12:12 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | sillypirato ... what do you mean with running as root? | 12:12 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | i'm doing the apt-get update, but i'm receiving in the list many 403 and 404 errors | 12:13 |
Sillypirato | sudo apt-get update | 12:13 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | 403: forbidden, 404: not found | 12:13 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, lsb_release -a | 12:13 |
Sillypirato | cache is not updated hence wrong links ;) | 12:14 |
cfhowlett | in a different terminal window | 12:14 |
Eddinn | Nooby_One_Nooby: check your apt sources and fix them, or use another source. | 12:14 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | cfhowlet: i did the lsb thing, and it says thatno lsb modules are availvable | 12:16 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | *available | 12:17 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, OK then: more /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit | 12:17 |
cfhowlett | this machine IS the one online is it not? | 12:18 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | i also tried to install avconc, but it says that the package can not be located | 12:18 |
cfhowlett | avconv not avconvc | 12:18 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | sorry ... here i made a typo, but in terminal it was correct | 12:18 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, avconv is part of libav-tools | 12:18 |
cfhowlett | install libav-tools and you should get it | 12:19 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | ok, i think it got installed, libav-tools | 12:21 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, cool. same structure as the ffmpeg command but substitute avconv for ffmpeg. test it out and see. | 12:21 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | but i can't find them in my list with installed applications | 12:21 |
cfhowlett | it's command line ... | 12:21 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | can you type the command line for me to copy/paste, please? | 12:22 |
noodlesnod | /j ##linux | 12:24 |
cfhowlett | cd /pictures convert -delay 20 -loop 0 *.jpg newimage.gif | 12:24 |
noodlesnod | im going to smash this cline | 12:24 |
noodlesnod | /j ##linux | 12:25 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | cd /pictures ... is the directory where my pics are? (i don't have them in the pic directory) | 12:25 |
cfhowlett | cd to your pics | 12:26 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | *.jpg ... the * means the name of one file, or that it chooses ALL pics within that folder? | 12:26 |
cfhowlett | that will choose *all* pics with .jpg extension in the folder | 12:26 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | ok | 12:26 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | goign to try | 12:27 |
EriC^^ | Nooby_One_Nooby: echo *.jpg will show you the list it will use | 12:27 |
EriC^^ | in the order it'll use | 12:27 |
BluesKaj | Hey folks | 12:27 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | order of jpg is all the same for me | 12:28 |
=== afru is now known as workfro | ||
Nooby_One_Nooby | i types cd /pictures (after i put the photos there, it says no such directory | 12:30 |
cfhowlett | Pictures | 12:31 |
cfhowlett | or right click inside the folder and open a terminal | 12:31 |
MonkeyDust | Nooby_One_Nooby the / sends you to root, try cd ~/Pïctures ~ means home | 12:31 |
sorseg | Hi! Why could there be DRDY ERR and UNC in ubuntu, whle in Windows everything is fine and smart shows that drive is ok? | 12:31 |
sorseg | It is on laptop with quite old disk | 12:32 |
MonkeyDust | sorseg start from the beginning, when or where o you see that | 12:32 |
sorseg | I started seeing it before booting ubuntu | 12:33 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | how do i right click in folder and open terminal? i don't have that option? | 12:33 |
sorseg | now grub cannot read filesystem and boot, so I booted from usbdrive | 12:33 |
MonkeyDust | sorseg doing what, on which ubuntu version | 12:33 |
sorseg | xubuntu 16.04 | 12:33 |
MonkeyDust | sorseg doing what and what do DRDY and UNC mean | 12:33 |
=== [0xAA] is now known as Zer0Pings | ||
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, ... or open a terminal. type cd <space> then drag and drop the /Pictures folder in the termainl | 12:34 |
cfhowlett | *terminal* | 12:34 |
sorseg | MonkeyDust: when trying to boot it will show before splash screen, also in syslog, Now when ubuntu won't load from hdd and I boot from usb it is shown in syslog when I run gparted | 12:35 |
=== [0xAA] is now known as Zer0Pings | ||
Nooby_One_Nooby | and after i dropped the folder, there appears a line and after that i type the command? | 12:35 |
cfhowlett | yep | 12:35 |
sorseg | something like 68489.756311] ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR } [68489.756314] ata1.00: error: { UNC } | 12:35 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | yet again, no such file or directory | 12:36 |
cfhowlett | pwd | 12:36 |
cfhowlett | will display your current directory | 12:36 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | /home/myname | 12:37 |
cfhowlett | then you are NOT in pictures | 12:37 |
EriC^^ | Nooby_One_Nooby: type cd Pictures | 12:37 |
EriC^^ | capital P | 12:37 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | now i'm in it, i think | 12:38 |
cfhowlett | pwd | 12:38 |
EriC^^ | how many seconds you want the delay | 12:38 |
=== [0xAA] is now known as Zer0Pings | ||
Nooby_One_Nooby | sorry the delay, my pc stopped responding suddenly | 12:44 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | eric, i have about 70pictures, wanted about 10secs each, so i used 700 | 12:44 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | cfhowlett, i'm going to open my gif now | 12:44 |
=== anonymous is now known as Guest51647 | ||
Nooby_One_Nooby | actually, it seems my terminal is still working ... is that normal, that long of a time? | 12:47 |
EriC^^ | Nooby_One_Nooby: yeah | 12:47 |
cfhowlett | 70 images? yea and it'll be a big*** file too | 12:48 |
vices | anyone able to help walk me through getting more stable wifi drivers set up? I'm guessing that's the resaon the wifi keeps disconnecting (new install of 16.04 on a surface pro 20 | 12:48 |
EriC^^ | Nooby_One_Nooby: the delay isn't like that | 12:48 |
EriC^^ | Nooby_One_Nooby: try with -delay 1000 for about 10secs delay between them | 12:49 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | eric, i alreayd typed the command with 700, and since it is taking a huge time, i don't think i'll redoing it soon :s | 12:51 |
EriC^^ | :D | 12:51 |
EriC^^ | it's fine 700 isn't that bad | 12:51 |
EriC^^ | not much of a difference | 12:51 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | and i can see that it is working ... every time that i click on the gif file, it is increasing in size, so at least there's that | 12:52 |
EriC^^ | the man page of the convert doesn't mention at all the delay but i tried 100 and it gave like 1sec | 12:52 |
EriC^^ | it's not even millisecond, kind of odd | 12:52 |
EriC^^ | Nooby_One_Nooby: yeah | 12:53 |
Guest65771 | hi | 12:53 |
EriC^^ | Nooby_One_Nooby: what are you trying to do ultimately? | 12:53 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | just a slideshow of a selection of photos for the first birthdayparty for my baby girl | 12:54 |
EriC^^ | cool | 12:54 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | i hope that my father in law remembers to bring the projector | 12:54 |
cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby image resolution is also a factor. HD images will take substantially longer to render than lower resolution images. | 12:55 |
Exterminador | guys, how can i force a screen resolution? | 12:55 |
EriC^^ | Exterminador: xrandr | 12:55 |
EriC^^ | xrandr -q shows the list of available res | 12:55 |
Eddinn | Exterminador: | 12:55 |
Exterminador | EriC^^: but the maximum resolution that appears is 640x480.. :/ | 12:56 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | but at the moment, cfhowlet, i'm ok with patience, as i said the gif file is increasing in size every time i click the gif ... the only question at the end is: will it work | 12:56 |
EriC^^ | Exterminador: are you doing this in a vm? | 12:56 |
Exterminador | used it on windows, with higher resolution | 12:56 |
Eddinn | Exterminador: then the display driver propably isn't loaded | 12:56 |
Eddinn | Exterminador: what display card do you have? | 12:57 |
vices | if I just wait around for 16.05 will the wireless issues eventually get patched up? | 12:58 |
cfhowlett | considering that there is and will be no 16.05 ??? | 13:01 |
cfhowlett | perhaps you mean 16.04.2 or 16.10? | 13:01 |
vices | huh | 13:01 |
vices | why no 16.05? | 13:02 |
cfhowlett | not how ubuntu works | 13:02 |
BluesKaj | !release | 13:03 |
ubottu | Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at & | 13:03 |
vices | well seeing how many bugs there are, maybe that will wind up being how it works this time ;) | 13:03 |
BluesKaj | vices, 16 is the year, 10 is the month, hence 16.10 | 13:03 |
vices | oh that's pretty cool | 13:04 |
vices | now i know exactly when i first started messing with ubuntu.. | 13:04 |
vices | a fleeting affair | 13:04 |
sed12 | will we have mir in ubuntu 16.10? | 13:05 |
Exterminador | lost my connection. this laptop is unable to keep up a usb connection | 13:06 |
Exterminador | and the other one hibernates by itself | 13:07 |
Exterminador | i'm screwed | 13:07 |
galegox | | 13:12 |
uebera|| | Hi, is there an easy way to make "lxc-create -n older -t ubuntu -- --release lucid|hardy|dapper" work? (i.e., where to find the required repositories online in the first place)? | 13:15 |
cfhowlett | uebera||, those repos are dead and off lined. | 13:16 |
uebera|| | cfhowlett: Maybe I'm lucky after all --> | 13:19 |
cfhowlett | uebera||, sorry for the misinformation | 13:20 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | cfhowlett and eric ... my terminal is working again, so let me see how's the fie | 13:20 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | *file | 13:21 |
vices | kind of strange how basic system support is still a big issue with ubuntu.. | 13:21 |
uebera|| | cfhowlett: No problem ;) | 13:21 |
SchrodingersScat | !wifi | vices | 13:22 |
ubottu | vices: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at | 13:22 |
vices | thanks I'll give it a whirl~ | 13:23 |
juanes | romare just open command prompt on Windows as admin.(?)or if it doesn't work open it up as normal user; type "powercfg -h off" and then shut windows.Restart and log in ubuntu,that's all. | 13:23 |
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cfhowlett | Nooby_One_Nooby, ??? | 13:26 |
SchrodingersScat | vices: lspci | grep -i wireless #might give you info that you can paste so someone might be able to give more detail. idk what the surface pro uses | 13:27 |
vices | SchrodingersScat, nothing pops up from that command | 13:28 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | cfhowlett, opened my gif with imagemagick ... the pc reacted really slow ... when reacted and opened, there was a problem: it shows only a part of my pic | 13:30 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | cfhowlett ... brb | 13:30 |
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Eddinn | Nooby_One_Nooby: do a ls -lah on the gif | 13:31 |
Eddinn | what is the size of it? | 13:31 |
vegombrei | greetings people | 13:31 |
vegombrei | i cant play webrip files for some reason, it only plays the audio theres no video, any suggestions?? | 13:31 |
SchrodingersScat | vegombrei: webrip? | 13:32 |
Eddinn | vegombrei: codec issue | 13:33 |
Eddinn | what player are you using? | 13:33 |
SchrodingersScat | vegombrei: ffprobe -i file.ext | 13:33 |
vegombrei | SchrodingersScat: yeah, ya know some of them torrent tv show files are webrip files, also i cant play mkv, i think mebbe if we fixed that we could also play webrip | 13:33 |
SchrodingersScat | why does that sound fake? | 13:34 |
Eddinn | vegombrei: what player are you using? | 13:34 |
vegombrei | Eddinn: yeah i figured that, i recently installed ubuntu, using the default player i guess its called totem | 13:34 |
bekks | vegombrei: pastebin the output of "file webripfile" and "ffprobe -i webripfile" please. | 13:35 |
Eddinn | install vlc player | 13:35 |
vegombrei | Eddinn: also got vlc, same problem, only audio no video | 13:35 |
lessless | Hello folks! Any ideas how to overcome "dirperm1 breaks the protection by the permission bits on the lower branch" error when building a docker image on 4.4.0-38-generic in 16.04? | 13:35 |
SchrodingersScat | vegombrei: ffprobe will tell you what codec + other information about the file. | 13:35 |
vegombrei | how does one ffprobe | 13:36 |
vegombrei | i must remind ya'll im a noob | 13:37 |
usil_ | hello, anyone knows what is the meaning of numbers 100 and 500 at "apt-cash policy pkgname" output | 13:37 |
bekks | vegombrei: Open a terminal, type the commands given. | 13:37 |
SchrodingersScat | vegombrei: like bekks and I mentioned, ffprobe -i filename | 13:37 |
vegombrei | i did that, the file is on an external hdd, | 13:38 |
vegombrei | do i hafta give the path? | 13:38 |
bekks | vegombrei: PAstebin the output requested please. | 13:39 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | i'm back ... the size of the gif is 850mb | 13:39 |
da_ | hello all | 13:39 |
SchrodingersScat | vegombrei: yep, either cd /path/to/file/ so you'll be in the same directory, or give the ffprobe -i /path/to/file/filename | 13:39 |
john-key | hi all | 13:39 |
vegombrei | ok trying that, gimme a minute | 13:40 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | eddinn ... i'm back ... can you type for me the exact command line for my to copy/paste that ls command that you want me to perform | 13:40 |
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john-key | I need install pacekt ettercap but i have problem with this packet... help? | 13:41 |
bekks | john-key: Which kind of problem on which Ubuntu version? | 13:41 |
john-key | backbox | 13:41 |
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bekks | !backbox | john-key | 13:41 |
ubottu | john-key: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on or for help with it. | 13:41 |
john-key | thc | 13:42 |
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john-key | thx | 13:42 |
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vegombrei | it says no command ffprobe found | 13:43 |
Eddinn | Nooby_One_Nooby: in the directory where you created the gif | 13:43 |
bekks | vegombrei: So use the other command. | 13:43 |
vegombrei | one sec | 13:44 |
Eddinn | type ls -lah file.gif | 13:44 |
Eddinn | well, gtg. laters | 13:44 |
vegombrei | | 13:47 |
vegombrei | did it work? | 13:47 |
vegombrei | im still guessing its the mkv format thats the issue i need codecs for that | 13:48 |
MonkeyDust | vegombrei havent followed ... vlc can play .mkv files | 13:49 |
vegombrei | MonkeyDust: yeah it does play some, but particularly a webrip.mkv i dunno why it just plays the audio | 13:50 |
vegombrei | so basically i used ubuntu when it was 8. something, thats like many years ago, i remember there was a think medibuntu or something i had to do | 13:52 |
vegombrei | install repositories etc | 13:52 |
SchrodingersScat | vegombrei: are the restricted-addons still a thing? | 13:53 |
Nooby_One_Nooby | is there a way in imagemagick to make the pictures fit the screen, now i'm seeing only a small part of each pic | 13:53 |
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jack_rip_vim | three mins about you and linux, i want to make a video for linux | 14:02 |
jack_rip_vim | email address | 14:02 |
* gtxbb thinks jack_rip_vim is spamming advertisement for Microsoft's | 14:04 | |
gtxbb | tsk! | 14:04 |
gtxbb | shame. | 14:04 |
jack_rip_vim | yes | 14:04 |
jack_rip_vim | i will use openshot to make the video | 14:05 |
jack_rip_vim | :D | 14:06 |
sed12 | i have a problem | 14:09 |
SchrodingersScat | !ask | sed12 | 14:09 |
ubottu | sed12: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 14:09 |
sed12 | i wanna press the power button and my computer to shutdown automatically | 14:10 |
vegombrei | SchrodingersScat: not sure my friend i thought it would be built in by now | 14:10 |
sed12 | no dialog boxes, no message boxes | 14:10 |
th0r | sed12, just hold the button down. but be prepared for a system crash | 14:10 |
SchrodingersScat | vegombrei: i normally install the non-free stuff during install. | 14:10 |
vegombrei | SchrodingersScat: i did that, | 14:11 |
SchrodingersScat | !warning | sed12 | 14:11 |
ubottu | sed12: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! | 14:11 |
sed12 | i implemented it already but i was wondering if ubuntu could be configured this way | 14:11 |
SchrodingersScat | isn't the answer yes if you got it to work? | 14:11 |
sed12 | i just made a feature reqqest | 14:12 |
SchrodingersScat | vegombrei: well, ffprobe is a part of ffmpeg, aside from that I normally use mpv to play stuff. | 14:12 |
vegombrei | ya think i should look up medibuntu amd install them repos anyway?? | 14:12 |
SchrodingersScat | vegombrei: no, I wouldn't. | 14:12 |
sed12 | other users were looking for the same thing, unfortunately they didnt find a way | 14:12 |
vegombrei | shall i sudo apt-get mpv ? | 14:12 |
SchrodingersScat | vegombrei: does the file play on other machines when they have codecs for it? | 14:13 |
vegombrei | think thatll work ?? | 14:13 |
SchrodingersScat | vegombrei: we haven't even really pinned down the codec of the file correct? | 14:13 |
SchrodingersScat | vegombrei: mpv is good though, worth a shot, it can sometimes give warnings too, like 'noframe' | 14:13 |
vegombrei | yeah it did play on windows, but then windows was bothering me with virus and crashing so i switched to ubuntu | 14:14 |
SchrodingersScat | vegombrei: k, if you want to install ffmpeg so you can ffprobe it then that'll at least tell you /which/ codec is being a royal pain. | 14:14 |
vegombrei | SchrodingersScat: ah ok, mebbe it adds the missing files, ill install it and try brb | 14:14 |
Jakey3 | if certain packages are installed by root will router own those packages and others user cannot use the, | 14:15 |
Jakey3 | ? | 14:15 |
Jakey3 | root | 14:15 |
vegombrei | SchrodingersScat: so shall i just sudo-aptget ffmpeg? | 14:16 |
bekks | Jakey3: All users can use them. | 14:16 |
SchrodingersScat | vegombrei: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg | 14:16 |
SchrodingersScat | vegombrei: and then if you want you could also try converting it to something else :^) | 14:17 |
vegombrei | SchrodingersScat: yeah i did that it says package isnt available | 14:17 |
SchrodingersScat | !info ffmpeg | 14:17 |
bekks | vegombrei: sudo apt install avconv | 14:17 |
ubottu | ffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): Tools for transcoding, streaming and playing of multimedia files. In component universe, is optional. Version 7:2.8.6-1ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 1271 kB, installed size 1891 kB | 14:17 |
SchrodingersScat | oh, right, libavtools | 14:17 |
bekks | vegombrei: Which Ubuntu release are you on? | 14:17 |
SchrodingersScat | !info libavtools | 14:17 |
ubottu | Package libavtools does not exist in xenial | 14:17 |
SchrodingersScat | what was it called? | 14:17 |
bekks | SchrodingersScat: avconv and ffmpeg. And currently, we're back at ffmpeg :) | 14:18 |
vegombrei | bekks: im on 14.4 lts | 14:18 |
jean-benoit | montreal | 14:18 |
ioria | !info libav-tools | 14:18 |
ubottu | libav-tools (source: ffmpeg): Compatibility links for libav-tools (transitional package). In component universe, is extra. Version 7:2.8.6-1ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 14 kB, installed size 60 kB | 14:18 |
SchrodingersScat | bekks: iirc though the package wasn't avconv, it was libav-tools or something, which included avconv and similar, if i'm wrong then disregard though. | 14:18 |
DJones | SchrodingersScat: libav-tools | 14:18 |
vegombrei | bekka avconv also package not available | 14:18 |
SchrodingersScat | ioria / DJones : thanks | 14:19 |
ioria | np | 14:19 |
bekks | vegombrei: Which Ubuntu release are you on? | 14:19 |
ioria | no ffmpeg on trusty | 14:19 |
vegombrei | bekks: 14.4 LTS | 14:19 |
ioria | !info ffmpeg trusty | 14:20 |
ubottu | Package ffmpeg does not exist in trusty | 14:20 |
bekks | !info avconv trusty | 14:20 |
ubottu | Package avconv does not exist in trusty | 14:20 |
bekks | :) | 14:20 |
Jakey3 | bekks, i want to install rvm and ruby as root wil this cause any problems | 14:20 |
vegombrei | oh | 14:20 |
ioria | !info libav-tools trusty | 14:20 |
ubottu | libav-tools (source: libav): Multimedia player, server, encoder and transcoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 6:9.18-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 3187 kB, installed size 9350 kB | 14:20 |
bekks | Jakey3: Which kind of problems? | 14:20 |
vegombrei | whats the latest ubuntu? | 14:20 |
vegombrei | ya think i neeed to upgrade? | 14:20 |
Jakey3 | if i add another user | 14:20 |
Jakey3 | they will be able to use ruby | 14:20 |
Jakey3 | and rvm | 14:21 |
SchrodingersScat | vegombrei: 16.04 is latest LTS and release, soon 16.10 will be out, couple weeks. | 14:21 |
vegombrei | SchrodingersScat: is there a why to add those repos? and install the missing files? | 14:22 |
SchrodingersScat | vegombrei: avconv was similar to ffmpeg, i wouldn't mess with the repos, and especially not add repos from other releases. | 14:22 |
vegombrei | hmm, thanks guys i gotta run ill be back tomorrow have a nice day see yall | 14:24 |
SchrodingersScat | later, good luck | 14:24 |
codepython777 | I've a 14.04 and 16.04 (fresh install). How can I move my ssh/users from 14 to 16 easily? | 14:26 |
bekks | codepython777: create the users from 14.04 on the 16.04 machine. Done. | 14:26 |
Prometheian | There a way I can set something in bash so I can do 'cd dev' and have it go to my development directory? | 14:27 |
SchrodingersScat | codepython777: then you can probably move their ssh keys | 14:27 |
codepython777 | bekks: is there a way to do this automatically? create all users from one machine to the other? Move their ssh keys? | 14:27 |
bekks | codepython777: How many users are we talking about? | 14:27 |
SchrodingersScat | I hate my users, I normally make them reupload keys. | 14:28 |
codepython777 | bekks: just 4 | 14:28 |
bekks | codepython777: Move them manually. | 14:28 |
codepython777 | bekks: how do you maintain ssh keys across machines? is there an automatic way to move them around? | 14:31 |
Prometheian | @codepython777 Sharing ssh keys is bad juju, you should have one per system so if any single one is compromised the rest are fine and you can just disable access for that one | 14:32 |
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codepython777 | Prometheian: it would be nice to have a script to create one, then copy a config file from one of the existing machines, the install this key on the other machines? | 14:33 |
SchrodingersScat | Prometheian: hmm, I've seen people use their public key for authentication across many machines all the time. | 14:33 |
Prometheian | Maybe some do it, but I've always gone with the route of one key per machine. Hell, I don't even share keys between my win 10 and ubuntu installs on my home machine :/ | 14:33 |
acresearch | people, i have a ubuntu.iso image file that i want to write to a CD, where can i do that? the startup disk creator app only writes to usb. What can i do? | 14:33 |
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SchrodingersScat | !info brasero | 14:34 |
ubottu | brasero (source: brasero): CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.12.1-1ubuntu3~16.04 (xenial), package size 171 kB, installed size 1109 kB | 14:34 |
howudodat | I need some help upgrading from 15.10 to 16.04.1. Got bit by this bug: I applied the diff and still get errors. Now all my sources are set to xenial sources. How can I unwind the repo change? | 14:35 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1611470 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Xenial Release upgrader failed with a permission error setting cron.daily/apt" [Medium,Triaged] | 14:35 |
ioria | howudodat, no idea... uname -r | 14:39 |
howudodat | ioria: ? not sure I understand. uname -r prints the kernel release version..if you are asking whats my kernel its 4.2.0-42-generic | 14:41 |
Maroon | Is it possible to install the actual 16.04 Ubuntu version like the old gnome from look and usage? | 14:41 |
ioria | howudodat, so, still wily | 14:41 |
k1l | Maroon: look at ubuntu mate. that is the same look | 14:41 |
Maroon | or better said how can i configure the look of gnome as much i like? | 14:42 |
ioria | howudodat, apt-cache policy linux-generic | 14:42 |
jack_rip_vim | mate-desktop | 14:42 |
k1l | Maroon: look at ubuntu mate :) | 14:42 |
howudodat | yes, the update wont run, but it ran far enough to change all my sources to xenial. I could just do an apt-get upgrade / dist-upgrade now, but I'm afraid it wont run any post upgrade scripts necessary, and leave me more borked than I am at the moment | 14:42 |
Maroon | Im searching for it in google k1l | 14:43 |
ioria | howudodat, yep,... what the kernel ver in apt-cache policy linux-generic | 14:43 |
howudodat | policy shows 4.2 installed with 4.4 candidate from xenial repos | 14:43 |
k1l | Maroon: | 14:43 |
Maroon | I'm about it k1l | 14:44 |
ioria | howudodat, retry with the patch... if not working you won't have much of a choice | 14:44 |
codepython777 | anyone using vagrant here? | 14:44 |
howudodat | the diff is 4 lines of code, so I patched it manually. there are still errors with the apt-folders. is there an unwind script? | 14:45 |
Maroon | Telekom is angry about me. I bought just an german Telekom account and surfed now of 2.04 GB with just 10 Euro cost up to date. thats really wealthy | 14:45 |
howudodat | actually I know there is, becuase I've seen it unwind upgrades in the past (resetting sources). I just need to know what that is | 14:46 |
ioria | howudodat, at what stage the upgrade failed ? | 14:46 |
deadPlant_ | set net_proxy_host | 14:49 |
howudodat | I get to: 158 installed packages no longer supported, 49 will be removed, 293 new and 2394 wil be upgraded. start upgrade gives error: failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock. however the python script returns with: File "/tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader-oyqbfj3h/DistUpgrade/", line 1062, in _enableAptCronJob PermissionError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/etc/cron.daily/apt' | 14:49 |
deadPlant_ | set net_proxy_port 9050 | 14:49 |
deadPlant_ | dskjfkljsdf | 14:53 |
ioria | howudodat, have you backed up before the patch ? | 14:55 |
howudodat | ioria: yes and no :) if I run /tmp/ubuntu-relrease-upgrader-<tempname>/ it runs the patched version. if I run do-release-upgrade again, it will re-download the upgrader into a new <tempname> folder | 14:57 |
memin | hello somebody here | 14:59 |
SchrodingersScat | memin: yes, many. | 14:59 |
memin | oh ok it is my first use | 14:59 |
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memin | i have a question about netbeans | 14:59 |
ioria | howudodat, ok, you can replace sources.list with a wily one, or run apt update and apt full-upgrade and try to accomplish the upgrade ... sorry no other ideas | 15:00 |
memin | i dont knwo how can i install it | 15:00 |
SchrodingersScat | memin: sudo apt install netbeans | 15:00 |
SchrodingersScat | !packages | memin, can also use the software center, and several other methods. | 15:01 |
ubottu | memin, can also use the software center, and several other methods.: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Muon, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! | 15:01 |
shinka | I'm trying to take a file, remove the last 4 lines, add one line, and send the result to uglifyjs. It goes like this "head -n -4 x.js | uglifyjs", but I don't know how to add a line at the end of the output from head before sending it to uglify. | 15:01 |
memin | yes bu it gives an error now i have reset the ubuntu os i will try it but if i install it sudo apt install netbeans it also installs it for java not for c c++ and php | 15:02 |
memin | sorry for bad english | 15:02 |
praxilene | hi everybody | 15:02 |
SchrodingersScat | memin: from 'apt-cache show netbeans' : Package includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added. | 15:04 |
howudodat | memin: you have 2 optoins. install netbeans from the supported repos as SchrodingersScat described and then install c++/php as plugins. This is preferred way and described here: Option 2 is go to netbeans download page, download the bundle you want and install directly. This is described here: | 15:06 |
SchrodingersScat | he's gone ;( it's over | 15:06 |
howudodat | oops :) | 15:07 |
SchrodingersScat | i did the same | 15:07 |
SchrodingersScat | howudodat: we could have also probably mentioned that a 'reset' isn't required to solve this problem, and although I don't use netbeans I see it's listed as a java IDE, so I would imagine java is expected with that. | 15:07 |
howudodat | iora: back to my nightmare :) is there a easy way to go back to wily sources? The installer has an unwind feature in it, I've seen it before. any idea how to trigger that? | 15:08 |
howudodat | SchrodingersScat: I prefer eclipse myself and have java/cdt for it. but they both work similarly | 15:08 |
howudodat | sadly I have 6 java versions currently on my system: openjdk6-8 and oracle6-8 | 15:09 |
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=== l9_ is now known as l9 | ||
howudodat | iora: there is a backup of my sources.list, can I just copy that back and run apt-get update? | 15:13 |
effectnet | hello | 15:14 |
ioria | howudodat, i don't think there's a back up , unless you made one | 15:15 |
ioria | howudodat, look at this : | 15:16 |
ioria | howudodat, /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list | 15:19 |
howudodat | iora:ok that unwound the sources. apt-get update and dist-upgrade both show I'm up to date with everything. should I now retry the upgrade and work the upgrade error iin here, or should I move over to devel? | 15:24 |
ioria | howudodat, if you run sudo apt-get upgrade ... what you got ? | 15:25 |
howudodat | ioria:0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded | 15:25 |
ioria | howudodat, ok... try to install something small .... | 15:26 |
ankesh | why dont we have i tunes | 15:26 |
ioria | it's proprietary, i think | 15:26 |
k1l | ankesh: ask apple why they dont want itunes to run on other OSs. | 15:26 |
ankesh | kill << i mailed them but no response | 15:27 |
k1l | ankesh: see. but we cant solve that because its not open source software. | 15:28 |
ankesh | kill : ya but they should understand | 15:28 |
howudodat | ioria: ok I installed pidgin, no problems | 15:29 |
k1l | ankesh: yes, but you need to tell them. there is nothing #ubuntu can do about that | 15:29 |
ioria | howudodat, ok.. so what you wanna do ? i don't advice for a -d do-release-upgrade | 15:29 |
eslam_LinUxer | Hey u ALL :| | 15:30 |
k1l | make sure the release promt is set to normal and not LTS | 15:30 |
xchatter | I am looking for a program for Linux with which I can put events on timelines in order to study history. Is there anything like that in the Ubuntu repositories or does anybody know a program that works under Linux? | 15:30 |
ioria | howudodat, ^ k1l | 15:30 |
eslam_LinUxer | i had a problem yesterday ... in bcmwl driver for my ubuntu 16.04 | 15:31 |
eslam_LinUxer | and i solve it ... by connect my phone 2 wifi .. and connecting my phone with my ubuntu .. | 15:32 |
ioria | howudodat, check /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades | 15:32 |
girish946 | hello, I want to package this python module for ubuntu I need help for that. am I on the right channel? | 15:33 |
howudodat | yikes, I'm super late for an appointment...gotta run. at least I am back to "normal" although I haven't done a reboot. I'll be back on tomorrow morning (or late tonight) to work through the patch. Would that be better on this channel or devel? | 15:34 |
ioria | howudodat, your call :þ | 15:34 |
howudodat | k. thanks for your help so far. back tonight or tomorrow :) | 15:35 |
ioria | howudodat, yrwlc | 15:35 |
rumflump | girish946: I suggest #friendly-coders | 15:36 |
girish946 | ok | 15:36 |
girish946 | rumflump, ok thank you :) | 15:37 |
rumflump | and reading the /topic in that channel too | 15:37 |
rumflump | good luck :) | 15:37 |
gebruiker | how do I remove the depdency packages that got installed ? | 15:38 |
ioria | gebruiker, usually with autoremove | 15:40 |
gebruiker | apt-get remove --auto-remove packagename | with all dependencies? | 15:40 |
Sillypirato | correct | 15:41 |
ioria | gebruiker, sudo apt-get autoremove and see what it says | 15:41 |
skinux | Why is it I can find enough software to install to fill almost 100G, but I can never find all that software to remove to free up space? | 15:41 |
evga | When i try to spoof MAC address with ubuntu 16.04 and NetworkManager using WIFI it's not able to connect... help ? | 15:41 |
skinux | Seems I can never find all of the software in Software Center to remove to get my space back. | 15:42 |
gebruiker | ioria, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 181 not upgraded. | 15:42 |
SchrodingersScat | skinux: dpkg can show you installed software, synaptic can sort by installed, ncdu can be used to see where your disk is being used. | 15:42 |
nicomachus | 181 not upgraded?? | 15:43 |
Sillypirato | evga you can set a mac with network-manager if you like , or shut it down and do evverything manual with wpa_supplicant | 15:43 |
ioria | gebruiker, ah, you meant to remove deps in one shot with the pkg ? | 15:43 |
evga | Sillypirato: it does not works with NetworkManager ... | 15:43 |
evga | Sillypirato: when I enter the spoofed mac on the gui and try to connect it fails .. if I remove the mac it works | 15:44 |
Asasashh | Hi. I have a question about SSH... can someone help or am I in the wrong place? | 15:44 |
gebruiker | ioria, yes!!! | 15:44 |
SchrodingersScat | !ask | Asasashh | 15:44 |
ubottu | Asasashh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 15:44 |
nicomachus | Asasashh: ask the question | 15:44 |
wayne_ | have a question about aircrack-ng | 15:45 |
ioria | gebruiker, ok, with that sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove pkg | 15:45 |
wayne_ | color r | 15:45 |
Asasashh | Nicomachus sorry, didnt know if there was a specific channel I had to go to. Basically, when using RSA keys, can I generate my keys on the host and copy the public key to the client? | 15:45 |
bjrohan | What is the proper way to have a python script executed in your home directory without having to type in python first, I assume adding it to your PATH somehow? | 15:46 |
wayne_ | hey | 15:46 |
Asasashh | Bjrohan just use a shebang in the file | 15:46 |
bjrohan | Asasashh: Gotcha | 15:46 |
Asasashh | Bjrohan, shove #!/usr/bin/python3 or whatever on first line :) then make sure it is executable with chmod +x | 15:47 |
Maroon | How to install an Ubuntu window theme? I downloaded Libra what so ever and couldnt install it | 15:47 |
wayne_ | use apt-get search cache | 15:47 |
gebruiker | ioria, that is incorrect | 15:48 |
nojimon210210 | hi | 15:48 |
ioria | gebruiker, meaning ? | 15:48 |
Asasashh | I wanna linux pc from university, and they use windows so it is easier to have the keys premade | 15:48 |
eslam_LinUxer | best strategy game for ubuntu ?:\ | 15:48 |
Sillypirato | <evga> ah I see , you can enter it in the interfaces file in /etc , try that | 15:48 |
gebruiker | ioria, it does not show the dependencies that where installed during the installation | 15:48 |
ioria | gebruiker, if i run remove for hexchat for example (without the autoremove flag) i got the msg about the deps : The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required: | 15:49 |
ioria | hexchat-common | 15:49 |
ioria | Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove it. | 15:49 |
evga | When i try to spoof MAC address with ubuntu 16.04 and NetworkManager using WIFI it's not able to connect... help ? | 15:50 |
nojimon210210 | i need help on how to search for different chatrooms | 15:50 |
Asasashh | I have my host with the keys both on it, so what key do i put on the client | 15:50 |
nojimon210210 | linux | 15:50 |
ioria | gebruiker, but i prefer to purge the pkg, anf then run autoremove | 15:50 |
SchrodingersScat | !alis | nojimon210210 | 15:50 |
ubottu | nojimon210210: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 15:50 |
skinux | Anyone know how big a Ubuntu Server Vagrant VM would be? | 15:51 |
tgrundle | hi, i got bit by the win10 anniveristy update bug where the partition table is corrupted, show i wait for a fix, use a window tool to correct, or use testdisk/gpart? I have seen various recommendation online | 15:51 |
evgeny | hello world | 15:53 |
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bjrohan | Asasashh: Not sure what I am doing incorrectly, my program | 15:55 |
bjrohan | #!/usr/bin/python3 | 15:55 |
bjrohan | print("Hello World!") | 15:55 |
nicomachus | bjrohan: try asking in the python channels. | 15:55 |
bjrohan | Asasashh: I made it executable, howeverit says command not found | 15:55 |
skinux | Does Ubuntu have a central file where all installed software is recorded? | 15:55 |
gebruiker | ioria, that is odd because I am comparing the list shown by apt-get with the list installed and there is a huge difference | 15:55 |
ioria | gebruiker, what are you removing ? | 15:56 |
skinux | I mean, if there is no central file record, how does Synaptic, Ubuntu Software, or DPKG know? | 15:56 |
SchrodingersScat | !path | 15:56 |
ubottu | The $PATH variable tells the shell where to look for the commands you tell it to run. See | 15:56 |
nicomachus | skinux: dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | 15:56 |
nicomachus | skinux: actually, simpler would be "apt list --installed" | 15:56 |
gebruiker | ioria, bunch of programs indepened of gtk | 15:56 |
ioria | gebruiker, which one for example ? | 15:57 |
gebruiker | ioria, it is a simple math, the programs that apt-get selectrs or better said the dependencies that apt-get selects are larger/more than the dependencies it wants to remove | 15:57 |
gebruiker | ioria, fakeroot bc xz-utils etc.. | 15:58 |
gebruiker | *when it wants to remove | 15:58 |
skinux | Any way to filter to only executable applications, excluding libraries? | 15:59 |
ioria | gebruiker, with apt-cache show pkg and apt-cache depends you can check the pkg details | 15:59 |
gebruiker | guys is it possible to reduce the icon size of the unity bar on the left? with the unity tweak tool the size does not seem to change | 16:00 |
gebruiker | ioria, doing that for every package is a lot of work, I do not think you can help me further. Thank you for your attempt | 16:00 |
ioria | gebruiker, ok | 16:01 |
ChetManly | why cant I see my /backup partition? | 16:02 |
bekks | ChetManly: Most likely because it isnt mounted. | 16:03 |
ChetManly | sudo chown chet:chet /backup | 16:03 |
ChetManly | doesnt survive after reboot | 16:03 |
bekks | ChetManly: Can you pastebin "mount" please? | 16:03 |
ChetManly | mount: can't find /backup in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 16:06 |
bekks | ChetManly: So it isnt mounted. | 16:06 |
ChetManly | it wont mount | 16:06 |
SchrodingersScat | !details | ChetManly tell us more about this partition? | 16:06 |
ubottu | SchrodingersScat: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 16:06 |
bekks | ChetManly: Because you need to create a fstab entry before it will be mounted upon reboot. | 16:07 |
SchrodingersScat | !details | 16:07 |
ubottu | Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. | 16:07 |
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ChetManly | its the second partition on the hard disk, and its a straight copy of boot harddrive that contains my / and windows partition | 16:11 |
bekks | ChetManly: At you dont have a fstab entry for it, so it wont mount automatically. | 16:11 |
ChetManly | bekks: who cares | 16:12 |
bekks | ChetManly: You, because you are complaining that it doesnt mount. | 16:12 |
ChetManly | wont mount it at all | 16:12 |
ChetManly | like it doesnt exist | 16:12 |
bekks | Then why do you try to mount it? | 16:12 |
ChetManly | can clearly see in my filemanger | 16:12 |
ChetManly | thats what I passed to you eariler | 16:13 |
ChetManly | oic I see what I did wrong | 16:14 |
ChetManly | how do I specify the file type when it a dd copy of my first drive | 16:15 |
ChetManly | that has two filesystems on it | 16:15 |
bekks | dd does not operate on a file level, so the file extension for input/output files is irrelevant. | 16:16 |
SchrodingersScat | dd cares not of file types | 16:16 |
SchrodingersScat | dd consumes all | 16:16 |
ChetManly | yes | 16:16 |
ChetManly | ok so I dded the sda which has windows and linux on it | 16:17 |
bekks | What was the exact dd command you used? | 16:17 |
ChetManly | coming | 16:17 |
ChetManly | sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb2 bs=3G | 16:17 |
ChetManly | sda contains MS and buntu thou | 16:18 |
ChetManly | its the only place I had room | 16:18 |
bekks | So that leaves sdb2 unusable, due to the nested partitions. | 16:19 |
SchrodingersScat | k, so if I'm reading that right it put an entire disk into a partition, yes? | 16:19 |
bekks | Basically, completely unusable and worthless. | 16:19 |
ChetManly | SchrodingersScat: yes | 16:19 |
SchrodingersScat | bekks: later could they dd if=/dev/sdb2 of=/dev/sda ? | 16:19 |
ChetManly | SchrodingersScat: yay someone understands | 16:19 |
SchrodingersScat | ChetManly: but no, I wouldn't expect /dev/sdb2 to be readable like that. | 16:20 |
bekks | SchrodingersScat: thats the only way to use it, later on, yes. | 16:20 |
Maroon | Is the Ubuntu Desktop as standart KDE? | 16:20 |
ChetManly | SchrodingersScat: ive done it before | 16:20 |
bekks | Maroon: Ubuntu Desktop is using Unity, not KDE. | 16:20 |
SchrodingersScat | Maroon: the 'Ubuntu' release will be Unity afaik, if you want KDE there's Kubuntu | 16:20 |
ChetManly | not sure where i went wrong | 16:20 |
Maroon | Oh, I see! So when I download Ubuntu GNome, I am a bit closer to old GNome Desktop | 16:21 |
Maroon | ? | 16:21 |
bekks | Maroon: No, since the old gnome desktop is dead. | 16:21 |
bekks | Maroon: Ubuntu Gnome is using Gnome 3. | 16:21 |
SchrodingersScat | Maroon: there was a mate/cinnamon spinoff and I didn't follow it to know which one people stuck with, if they have. | 16:22 |
Maroon | I see. I wish to know which desktop has the best usability | 16:22 |
bekks | Maroon: That depends on your personal opinion. | 16:22 |
ChetManly | but it was only a dd of a full ntfs install SchrodingersScat | 16:22 |
SchrodingersScat | Maroon: thanks to freedom you get to have that inner conflict for yourself ;( | 16:22 |
Maroon | I dont like the menues seperated from the windows | 16:23 |
Maroon | But I guess in gnome 3 its done similar | 16:24 |
bekks | Maroon: So compare Unity, KDE, XFCE, LXDE and Mate - and decide :) | 16:24 |
Maroon | Not Ubuntu Gnome? | 16:24 |
\9 | Maroon: mate is a continuation of the old gnome desktop | 16:24 |
\9 | so you probably want that | 16:24 |
bekks | Maroon: That list isnt complete :P | 16:25 |
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\9 | "usability" doesn't really have a single definition | 16:25 |
Maroon | After I installed Mate and uninstall it, the unity desktop will reapear or? | 16:25 |
ioria | Maroon, in Unity you can change that in systemsetting -> appearance -> behaviour and there is also gnomeflashback | 16:26 |
bekks | Maroon: You can choose the desktop to be used upon every login. | 16:26 |
SchrodingersScat | ChetManly: afaik something like dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb2 should work like you expect, and may even be able to do something like make /dev/sdb2 an ext4 partition, mount it to /backups, then dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/backups/sda1.img ; etc and then mount /backups/sda1.img /foo/bar or something? | 16:26 |
Maroon | bekks: thats perferct | 16:26 |
leo___ | join #books | 16:34 |
evga | When i try to spoof MAC address with ubuntu 16.04 and NetworkManager using WIFI it's not able to connect... help ? | 16:34 |
ChetManly | SchrodingersScat: mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 2>/dev/null ??? | 16:37 |
Sillypirato | is the damn cat dead or alive | 16:38 |
ioria | Sillypirato, ask SchrodingersScat | 16:38 |
ChetManly | I think were talking about feces | 16:39 |
SchrodingersScat | ChetManly: idk what your setup is, it's up to you how you want to backup, there's many ways. | 16:39 |
SchrodingersScat | !ohmy | ChetManly | 16:39 |
ubottu | ChetManly: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit | 16:39 |
ChetManly | lmao | 16:39 |
stan_man_can | Do you guys have any tips for managing servers? Every client I spin up a new VPS, but that means each VPS has it's own root password, user password, database password... | 16:40 |
stan_man_can | right now i have about 15 VPS's running so it's starting to get a bit unweildy | 16:41 |
stan_man_can | i use a password manager but there's no way to track server stuff in it | 16:41 |
Sillypirato | lookup puppet @ stan_man_can | 16:41 |
stan_man_can | Sillypirato, i'll take a look thanks | 16:42 |
stan_man_can | Sillypirato, seems really poweful | 16:45 |
stan_man_can | powerful* | 16:45 |
stan_man_can | more than what I was looking for but maybe it's a better route | 16:45 |
Sillypirato | stan_man_can its steep but indeed it is worth it , there are alternatives | 16:46 |
Sillypirato | stan_man_can something like webmin is also useful for multiple servers | 16:47 |
ioria | !webmin | 16:47 |
ubottu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. | 16:47 |
Sillypirato | stan_man_can iirc it has a nice gui for that kinda stuff | 16:47 |
Sillypirato | ah my bad , ty | 16:47 |
Guy1524 | hey guys, I have to use xrandr to compensate for overscan on a monitor, but I haven't been able to get the xrandr commands to get run on boot | 16:48 |
Guy1524 | is there a configuration file where I can set xrandr configurations | 16:48 |
ioria | Guy1524, you mean at startup ? | 16:51 |
Guy1524 | ya | 16:51 |
Guy1524 | I would like the changes to be applied before lightdm boots up as well | 16:52 |
ioria | Guy1524, oh | 16:52 |
Guy1524 | if its not possible ok | 16:52 |
ioria | Guy1524, | 16:52 |
ioria | Guy1524, but that is after lightdm | 16:52 |
Guy1524 | x is started before lightdm right? | 16:53 |
Sillypirato | Yes let the DE handle that | 16:53 |
stan_man_can | Sillypirato, ah | 16:54 |
stan_man_can | the pricing is going to kill the pu ppet idea | 16:54 |
stan_man_can | $120 per node? I'm assuming a node is what, a server? | 16:54 |
ioria | Guy1524, lightdm starts X | 16:55 |
Sillypirato | pricing ? | 16:55 |
stan_man_can | | 16:55 |
Guy1524 | is there a way to tell lightdm to run the xrandr commands | 16:55 |
ioria | Guy1524, idk | 16:55 |
Sillypirato | Thats enterprise , you dont need that , if you want support you can buy it | 16:56 |
Guy1524 | I saw somewhere /usr/sbin/lightdm-session | 16:56 |
Sillypirato | software remains free | 16:56 |
ioria | Guy1524, | 16:56 |
ioria | Guy1524, but it's old | 16:56 |
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stan_man_can | Sillypirato, ah | 16:57 |
ioria | Guy1524, that's better look at Adding System Hooks | 16:58 |
SchrodingersScat | stan_man_can: similar to ansible has a paid product, but if you don't need it then there's still the core tool. | 16:59 |
stan_man_can | SchrodingersScat, gotcha | 17:00 |
Sillypirato | ^ which is common amongst opensource tools , the bigger onces | 17:00 |
stan_man_can | we're a laravel shop and use laravel forge, It's super awesome for the most part but lacking in a few area's | 17:00 |
Sillypirato | @stan_man_can , landscape is also a great tool but its paid | 17:02 |
Guy1524 | k thx | 17:03 |
Guy1524 | which configuration file do I put it in? | 17:04 |
Guy1524 | because this is all I have in /etc/lightdm | 17:06 |
Guy1524 | lightdm.conf.d users.conf | 17:06 |
Guy1524 | and the first one (directory) is empty | 17:06 |
gebruiker | guys how come distrobutions like arch linux seem to boot so fast | 17:07 |
gebruiker | in comparison to ubuntu | 17:07 |
=== stuart is now known as Guest57889 | ||
Sillypirato | less junk basically | 17:07 |
Guest57889 | very light on there feet at install stage | 17:08 |
Sillypirato | ubuntu has all the bells and whistles in place | 17:08 |
Sillypirato | but you can use a server install and only use pkgs you want | 17:08 |
Sillypirato | which imo is a good approach | 17:08 |
Guest57889 | arch linux = lots of work imo | 17:08 |
Sillypirato | if you care i suggest ubuntu server | 17:09 |
Sillypirato | its clean and quick | 17:09 |
Guest57889 | its for the more experienced user | 17:10 |
Guy1524 | found a solution which may work | 17:10 |
gebruiker | is it possible to get the nice desktop env but not all the bloat? so it is nice and fast like arch? | 17:10 |
Sillypirato | sure | 17:10 |
=== Swant is now known as Svensk | ||
Sillypirato | server install + *insert DE/WM* | 17:10 |
gebruiker | can i just not turn off services or remove apps? this so I can keep the pre-configured settings? | 17:12 |
Sillypirato | sure you can but imo its the wrong way around | 17:12 |
DJones | !minimal | gebruiker You can use the minimal install cd and just add what you want, | 17:13 |
ubottu | gebruiker You can use the minimal install cd and just add what you want,: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See | 17:13 |
Sillypirato | ^ that basically | 17:13 |
Guest57889 | bare bones | 17:13 |
Sillypirato | and gebruiker , you might learn something in the process | 17:14 |
gebruiker | Cool, but will I have to fiddle with fontconfig and other programs in order to keep the nice fonts? (just looking at it from a pragmatic point ) | 17:14 |
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dudrubix | hello | 17:18 |
markddd | Hi. could someone help me a bit figuring out if I should create a bug report? | 17:18 |
markddd | this happens when I do decrease and then once increase the brightness on my screen, but there no change in brightness | 17:19 |
dudrubix | do i need to fstab each partion i made? | 17:20 |
Sillypirato | dudrubix , if you want to mount it yes. | 17:21 |
dudrubix | i created a partion for / /var and /home | 17:21 |
Sillypirato | uhm , the installer can do that stuff 4 u | 17:22 |
dudrubix | do i need to do something with fstab for each partion? | 17:22 |
Sillypirato | Tell me what r u trying to do exactly | 17:23 |
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dudrubix | have seperate partions. when i generate the fstab do i need to do it for each partion /home etc | 17:24 |
Sillypirato | Tell me what r u trying to do exactly | 17:25 |
Sillypirato | dudrubix Yes for every partition made you need to update fstab to have it auto mounted | 17:28 |
dutch_ | I have a program that I use "screen" to start but does not have a pid file when started. I'm looking for a better way of starting/monitor the process and restart it if it dies. Any suggestions | 17:30 |
dudrubix | i did genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab how would i also add home? | 17:30 |
Sys5 | Hi, Chef failed, ideas? | 17:35 |
Sillypirato | dudrubix I have no clue , i edit that stuff manualy | 17:35 |
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AnimalFarmPig | I've got a very simple systemd service file. It works if I manually invoke it, but it doesn't run automatically at boot time. I'm sure I've missed something obvious. Can anyone take a look? | 17:45 |
Jakey3 | if i install rvm as root | 17:45 |
Jakey3 | then add a user | 17:45 |
Jakey3 | the user cannot do rvm get head | 17:45 |
AnimalFarmPig | oops, catted in the wrong directory, but I promise that the file is present in /lib/systemd/system | 17:45 |
Jakey3 | receive an error Archives path '/usr/local/rvm/archives' not writable, aborting. | 17:46 |
MonkeyDust | !info rvm | 17:47 |
ubottu | Package rvm does not exist in xenial | 17:47 |
Jakey3 | i installed manually | 17:47 |
MonkeyDust | what's rvm | 17:47 |
Jakey3 | | 17:47 |
Jakey3 | ruby version manager | 17:48 |
ducasse | AnimalFarmPig: don't add your own services to /lib, put them under the same path in /etc. you also need to 'systemctl enable' it. | 17:51 |
aeoril | Is there a version of Ubuntu that runs on a Surface 3? | 17:52 |
MonkeyDust | !tablet | aeoril | 17:52 |
ubottu | aeoril: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 17:52 |
aeoril | MonkeyDust: thanks | 17:52 |
AnimalFarmPig | ducasse: in /etc/init or some other location? | 17:52 |
ducasse | AnimalFarmPig: /etc/systemd/system | 17:53 |
AnimalFarmPig | ducasse: ahhh! cool. Thanks. | 17:53 |
ducasse | AnimalFarmPig: /lib/systemd/system is for packaged unit files. | 17:54 |
AnimalFarmPig | I thought /lib was a strange place to put my init scripts... | 17:55 |
AnimalFarmPig | alright, needful done, restarting the box to make sure that worked | 17:56 |
AnimalFarmPig | Yay! It tried to start, and then failed because it depends on an NFS mount being up. Adding a ""... | 17:59 |
gebruiker | guys | 17:59 |
gebruiker | lets say ext4 comes with updates... how would I then update my file system without mkfs´ing it | 18:00 |
gebruiker | and losing my data | 18:00 |
bekks | gebruiker: the updates arent in the fs structure on disk, but in the fs driver in the kernel. | 18:00 |
bekks | No need for mkfs. | 18:00 |
gebruiker | cool | 18:01 |
gebruiker | bekks, also for btrfs? | 18:01 |
bekks | gebruiker: For every filesystem. | 18:01 |
bekks | gebruiker: even for xfs :P | 18:01 |
gebruiker | lol | 18:01 |
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negev | hi, why am i getting: configure: error: cannot run C++ compiled programs. | 18:04 |
negev | when trying to run a configure script? | 18:04 |
negev | i have the build-essential package installed | 18:04 |
ppf | negev: crosscompiling? | 18:10 |
negev | no, somehow my libc6 was screwed, had to reinstall it | 18:11 |
ppf | look at the configure log to get a more exact error | 18:11 |
negev | yeah i did | 18:11 |
EvilRob | Hello. Can someone tell me if the update-grub utility actually modifies my computer's firmware in any way on a UEFI system? | 18:14 |
glitchd | EvilRob, i dont believe so.. | 18:16 |
bekks | EvilRob: Whats the background of your question? | 18:16 |
ducasse | EvilRob: it shouldn't, no, the installer should do that with efibootmgr. | 18:16 |
negev | i can't install libpcre3-dev, get this error: " libpcre3-dev : Depends: libpcre3 (= 2:8.38-3.1) but is to be installed" | 18:17 |
negev | why is that? | 18:17 |
negev | i can't reinstall libpcre3 either | 18:17 |
bekks | negev: Can you pastebin "sudo apt update" please? | 18:17 |
negev | bekks: | 18:18 |
ro_ | Hi, guys! How can I change a font and it's size in TTYn? I would like to make it a bit bigger. Thanks! | 18:18 |
EvilRob | I have a ThinkPad 11e which is UEFI. After I made some changes to Grub, I can no longer bring up the boot menu with F12 to boot from a USB flash drive. I can't even bring up the firmware settings with F1. In both cases, the screen remains blank. I can still boot normally, however. | 18:19 |
ducasse | ro_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup | 18:19 |
bekks | negev: And whats the output of "apt-cache policy libpcre3" please? | 18:19 |
negev | bekks: | 18:20 |
bekks | negev: So remove that package, wherever you minstalled it from. It is not from the official repos. | 18:20 |
EvilRob | Is it possible that something I did in grub utility somehow corrupted the firmware to render it inaccessible to me? | 18:21 |
bekks | EvilRob: No. | 18:21 |
EvilRob | Damn. I can't figure this out. I guess this ThinkPad is going back for service. | 18:22 |
ioria | EvilRob, what you mean with 'grub utility' ? /etc/default/grub ? | 18:23 |
EvilRob | ioria: update-grub | 18:24 |
ioria | EvilRob, update-grub basically is just grub-mkconfig | 18:25 |
ioria | EvilRob, what file did you edit ? | 18:25 |
EvilRob | ioria: /etc/default/grub, just like you mentioned. | 18:26 |
ioria | EvilRob, can you post it ? | 18:26 |
sonda | anyone know of good note taking app where there is search functionality, write anywhere both typed and handwritten... xournal is good but no search functionality | 18:27 |
b0lw4y | sonda | 18:27 |
b0lw4y | emacs | 18:28 |
bekks | b0lw4y: Handwritten notes in emacs? :) | 18:28 |
b0lw4y | missed that part lol | 18:28 |
ioria | b0lw4y, handwriting on emacs ? wow | 18:28 |
b0lw4y | SCREW ME | 18:28 |
EvilRob | ioria: | 18:28 |
sonda | i have a wacom tablet.. i couldn't make onenote run on wine | 18:29 |
sonda | has anybody luck setting up office 2010 on wine with inking | 18:29 |
ioria | EvilRob, looks ok... try to uncomment #GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 and see if something changes | 18:30 |
johann_ | hey | 18:31 |
EvilRob | ioria: I'll give that a shot, but honestly, I don't know why that setting might prevent my firmware settings from loading. | 18:31 |
fes | i just updated ubuntu gnome 16.04 to 16.10 and I can only use Wayland session because X11 session hangs after ~20 seconds. Anyone else experiencing this? I know that 16.10 is not fully stable yet. | 18:31 |
ioria | EvilRob, neither do i... run sudo update-grub after | 18:31 |
yeats | fes: #ubuntu+1 | 18:32 |
fes | yeats, should I join that channel? | 18:32 |
yeats | fes: yeah, that's where support for 16.10 happens while it's pre-release | 18:33 |
fes | oh, thank you! | 18:33 |
ioria | sonda, what you mean exactly with 'search functionality' ? | 18:33 |
EvilRob | ioria: Here's the output of update-grub: | 18:34 |
EvilRob | ioria: ready to reboot. | 18:34 |
sonda | there is no simple text searching in xournal | 18:34 |
ioria | EvilRob, well, Adding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration | 18:35 |
ioria | sonda, | 18:35 |
EvilRob | ioria: Is that message unusual? | 18:36 |
sonda | ioria: thats a cumbersome way of doing it | 18:36 |
ioria | sonda, guess you're right... but can work | 18:37 |
ioria | EvilRob, you should ask Eric^^ | 18:37 |
Bashing-om | EvilRob: That warning "Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT ...." os just that - a warning - and will not inpacct the system performance. However it is easily fixable . | 18:39 |
sonda | no i won't go for it... its totally unreadable | 18:40 |
sonda | has anyone setup onenote on wine with inking | 18:40 |
ioria | sonda, i heard of zim, but don't know if support handwriting | 18:42 |
MonkeyDust | i use zim, it doenst | 18:43 |
ioria | sonda, "Xournal lacks the capability to automatically perform OCR on handwritten text, thus precluding the existence of features such as searching a handwritten document for text" | 18:45 |
eagle | hello how are you ? | 18:45 |
=== eagle is now known as Guest69791 | ||
sonda | i don't want to search handwritten... atleast typed text should be able to search | 18:45 |
Guest69791 | est ce qu'il y a des français ? | 18:46 |
MonkeyDust | !fr | Guest69791 oui moi | 18:46 |
ubottu | Guest69791 oui moi: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 18:46 |
Guest69791 | ok thanks | 18:47 |
Guest69791 | join #ubuntu-fr | 18:47 |
ioria | sonda can't you use another program to search in those ? like searchmonkey | 18:50 |
Guest69791 | can you help me on ubuntu ? | 18:54 |
leptone | im trying to install an IRC client in the USC. its in my dock and in the USC it says "installing..." it looks like it downloaded and began the install but is stuck and change complete the install. Im not able to open the app. anyone know whats going on? | 18:56 |
jatt | what is "the USC" | 18:57 |
vlt | leptone: For how long now? | 18:58 |
leptone | sorry the "Ubuntu Softeware" app i though it used to be called "Ubuntu software center" or something | 18:58 |
vlt | jatt: Ubuntu Software Center, I guess. | 18:58 |
jatt | jesuschrist | 18:59 |
jatt | ok | 18:59 |
jatt | can you try to install it from the command line? | 18:59 |
scylla | how to install flash player on ubuntu 16.04 | 19:00 |
Jakey3 | does the /tmp folder automatically get emptied every so often | 19:00 |
Jakey3 | ? | 19:00 |
theoceaniscool | Jakey3, every reboot | 19:00 |
Guest69791 | the flash player on firefox ? | 19:00 |
scylla | my chronium is not opening online movie | 19:01 |
glitchd | Guest69791, whats up? | 19:01 |
GONZA-ONE | speak french?? | 19:01 |
Guest69791 | yes | 19:01 |
Guest69791 | oui | 19:01 |
GONZA-ONE | excellent | 19:01 |
GONZA-ONE | je suis nouveau ici peux-tu me dire en quoi consiste ce chat | 19:01 |
jatt | !fr | GONZA-ONE | 19:02 |
ubottu | GONZA-ONE: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 19:02 |
Jakey3 | theoceaniscool, thanks | 19:02 |
Guest69791 | c'est un chat d'entre aide mais viens sur le forum fr | 19:02 |
Jakey3 | when i run this script I again when its finished need to manually enter source /etc/profile.d/ | 19:02 |
GONZA-ONE | ok | 19:02 |
scylla | Guys please help me | 19:02 |
leptone | jatt: nope. | 19:03 |
theoceaniscool | Jakey3, read again the 10th line | 19:03 |
Guest69791 | you maybe must use firefox | 19:04 |
Jakey3 | theoceaniscool, whats your point? | 19:04 |
theoceaniscool | Jakey3, it already runs it, so unless rvm does something, the answer is no | 19:05 |
jatt | leptone: please close the software center application and try again | 19:06 |
theoceaniscool | Jakey3, BTW, in case you don't know it, /etc/profile.d gets source'd every time you open a terminal | 19:06 |
jatt | from the command line | 19:06 |
Bashing-om | scylla: ' sudo apt install flashplugin-installer ' I expect will do that for ya . | 19:06 |
leptone | jatt: i tried that, same result | 19:07 |
Jakey3 | theoceaniscool, thanks for the info. I still have to manually enter it again for me to have access to the rvm | 19:07 |
Jakey3 | if i dont it cant find rvm | 19:07 |
leptone | jatt close it from the command line? | 19:09 |
theoceaniscool | Jakey3, lets fix it | 19:09 |
theoceaniscool | Jakey3, add these lines to your /etc/profile file | 19:10 |
theoceaniscool | Jakey3, that way will be run automatically | 19:11 |
=== Guest69791 is now known as Eagle-357 | ||
scylla | flashplugin-installer is already the newest version ( | 19:13 |
scylla | Bashing-om flashplugin-installer is already the newest version ( | 19:13 |
Jakey3 | theoceaniscool, what does the first -d indicate | 19:13 |
theoceaniscool | Jakey3, Check if /etc/profile.d is a directory (checks if it exists and is an accessible directory) | 19:14 |
=== Svensk is now known as Swant | ||
Jakey3 | theoceaniscool, if [ -r $i ] ? | 19:16 |
theoceaniscool | Jakey3, If it exists, is a file, and is readable | 19:17 |
theoceaniscool | Jakey3, man bash | 19:17 |
CVirus | I'm trying to upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04 and I keep get this error .. I tried to rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* and changing my mirror and nothing works! | 19:17 |
Jakey3 | theoceaniscool, will do thanks | 19:17 |
scylla | Bashing-om mozilla worked :D | 19:18 |
Jakey3 | theoceaniscool, thanks | 19:18 |
Bashing-om | scylla: I do not know . Is the problem with videos in chromium in all sites ? Or just particular sites ? | 19:18 |
fl1p | looking for help around a wireshark capture where is the best place to ask? no getting any responses in #wireshark | 19:18 |
fl1p | need a wireshark guru :-) | 19:18 |
theoceaniscool | flip, I have a little experience | 19:19 |
CVirus | just found this, someone is suggesting to use the main repo .. will try that | 19:19 |
Jakey3 | are there any considerations when installing ruby on an ubuntu for development or deployment? | 19:20 |
fl1p | theoceaniscool: I'm trying to find to find any useful data that has been given as a 'challenge' so i know it exists, from the WEP connected AP. i do see data but it is non readable. is there a way to make it readable? It is set to 'Open System' so no need for a WEP key. i'm just not usre how to read it...? | 19:21 |
leptone | how can i "accept" / "move past" this prompt ? | 19:21 |
fl1p | I know this looks dodgey but the file is here - | 19:21 |
leptone | i tried esc, :q. ctrl+c and ctrl+d | 19:21 |
ioria | leptone, tab and enter ? | 19:22 |
theoceaniscool | leptone, Enter | 19:22 |
fl1p | theoceaniscool: Or goto thsi site a select WEP Trace - | 19:22 |
fl1p | theoceaniscool: thank you | 19:22 |
leptone | ioria: ty! | 19:23 |
scylla | <Bashing-om> like it didn't worked on 2-3 sites | 19:23 |
ioria | leptone, ubuntu-restricted-extras ? | 19:23 |
Bashing-om | leptone: space-bar to select e, tab to OK, enter to accept | 19:23 |
ioria | leptone, np | 19:23 |
leptone | ioria: restricted extrax? | 19:23 |
ioria | leptone, never mind | 19:23 |
checkers | test | 19:25 |
acteek | hi all | 19:25 |
leptone | woo hoo! | 19:25 |
leptone | got me an IRC client!! :) | 19:26 |
=== sed12 is now known as cHciD | ||
theoceaniscool | fl1p, Sorry, my WEP knowledge is nonexistent | 19:27 |
leptone | so a cup o coffee fried my mac and im really not wanting to get another one. I'd like to go all linux but i need to be able to run this program Rekordbox by Pioneer and export to USB (Wine cant do this). | 19:27 |
theoceaniscool | fl1p, But from other similar challenges that I've participated, I recommend you to read and understand the WEP protocol | 19:28 |
fl1p | theoceaniscool: ah ok no problem | 19:28 |
=== cHciD is now known as w4l5t | ||
fl1p | theoceaniscool: thanks | 19:28 |
leptone | does anyone know a way / tutorial to dual boot ubuntu and win 10 such that they are accessing the same file system | 19:28 |
fl1p | theoceaniscool: i can crack it with aircrack suite just never played with it in wWireshark.. | 19:28 |
leptone | i can read/write to the same music directory whther ive booted from ubunut of windows? | 19:28 |
leptone | is this doable? | 19:29 |
theoceaniscool | leptone, Yes | 19:29 |
yeats | leptone: you can mount a windows partition in ubuntu, no problem - the reverse is more complicated, but also possible | 19:29 |
leptone | theoceaniscool, is there a specific name (so i can google) for what I'm trying to do? | 19:30 |
theoceaniscool | leptone, "mount windows partition" | 19:30 |
theoceaniscool | leptone, "mount windows partition ubuntu" | 19:30 |
w4l5t | agnostic is an euphemism | 19:30 |
Bashing-om | !dualboot | leptone | 19:30 |
ubottu | leptone: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - Macs: | 19:30 |
OerHeks | depends what filesystem, exfat needs a few utils. | 19:31 |
CVirus | I'm trying to upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04 and I keep getting this error .. I tried to rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* and changing my mirror and nothing works! | 19:31 |
SchrodingersScat | leptone: what does Rekordbox do? | 19:31 |
w4l5t | SchrodingersScat, will we have mir in ubuntu 16.10? | 19:32 |
SchrodingersScat | !16.10 | w4l5t | 19:32 |
ubottu | w4l5t: Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) will be the 25th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released in October 2016. Discussion in #ubuntu+1 | 19:32 |
theoceaniscool | SchrodingersScat, A dj program | 19:33 |
theoceaniscool | SchrodingersScat, BTW, can you explain the "!16.10 | s4l5t" meaning and syntax? | 19:34 |
w4l5t | semantic web | 19:34 |
ioria | theoceaniscool, it sends a bot msg to the user X | 19:35 |
SchrodingersScat | !info mixxx | leptone | 19:35 |
ubottu | leptone: mixxx (source: mixxx): Digital Disc Jockey Interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.0~dfsg-4 (xenial), package size 4512 kB, installed size 12491 kB | 19:35 |
theoceaniscool | ioria, thanks | 19:35 |
ioria | np | 19:35 |
leptone | SchrodingersScat, if only | 19:36 |
SchrodingersScat | leptone: doesn't hook into your panasonic hardware? | 19:36 |
SchrodingersScat | *Pioneer | 19:39 |
leptone | SchrodingersScat, for my purposess, rekordbox exports music files to a USB (by some proprietary process) so that when these files are played on a multiplayer "CDJ 2000" (hardware made by the same company) a bunch of super handy info about the file is avaliable to you, waveform and what not... | 19:40 |
MonkeyDust | leptone looks like an #ubuntustudio issue | 19:42 |
leptone | MonkeyDust, what? | 19:42 |
ioria | !info djing | 19:43 |
ubottu | Package djing does not exist in xenial | 19:43 |
leptone | the issue is that Rekordbox (proprietary software) doesnt support linux | 19:43 |
ioria | !info multimedia-djing | 19:43 |
ubottu | multimedia-djing (source: debian-multimedia): Packages for Disk Jockeys. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.4ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 3 kB, installed size 22 kB | 19:43 |
leptone | MonkeyDust, ^ | 19:43 |
leptone | and running it in Wine doesnt siupport exporting to USB, which is the on;ly feature i wish to use | 19:44 |
SchrodingersScat | leptone: mixxx kind of does this, idk about other programs, | 19:46 |
leptone | SchrodingersScat, mixx does NOT do that, at all. | 19:47 |
leptone | like i said ^ | 19:47 |
dieterd | using lenovo yoga, but battery status is missing. | 19:47 |
leptone | SchrodingersScat, for my purposess, rekordbox exports music files to a USB (by some proprietary process) so that when these files are played on a multiplayer "CDJ 2000" (hardware made by the same company) a bunch of super handy info about the file is avaliable to you, waveform and what not... | 19:47 |
SchrodingersScat | k | 19:47 |
leptone | im not looking to run DJ software on my linux distro | 19:47 |
SchrodingersScat | fine, enjoy your dual-boot ;( | 19:48 |
leptone | im looking to format USB according to Pioneer's proprietary way. thx for hel;ping tho | 19:48 |
leptone | SchrodingersScat, i know right | 19:48 |
trijntje | Hi all, my cpu governor keeps reverting back to 'powersave' on ubuntu 16.04, how can I make sure it stays on 'performance' | 19:49 |
MonkeyDust | trijntje odd, i have the opposite isue, want it to stay on powersave | 19:50 |
MonkeyDust | trijntje you can use indicator-cpufreq to set it manually | 19:50 |
trijntje | MonkeyDust: I've set it with cpufreq-set, but it just keeps reverting to powersave. I use this pc for heavy calculations which take a couple of days, so I have no interest in powersave ;) | 19:52 |
w4l5t | echo whatuwant >/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor | 19:54 |
MonkeyDust | trijntje fair enough, my old frankenstein laptop heats up and shuts down in anything but powersave mode | 19:54 |
w4l5t | | 19:54 |
JosephineBlack | Hallo :-) | 19:55 |
JosephineBlack | maybe u can help me :-( | 19:55 |
JosephineBlack | I got a nice ney System and everything is okay | 19:56 |
ioria | but ... | 19:56 |
JosephineBlack | just but standard-user cant use the histotc command in terminel :-( | 19:56 |
JosephineBlack | history | 19:56 |
JosephineBlack | wirh root and privileged users it works fine | 19:56 |
JosephineBlack | with | 19:57 |
JosephineBlack | sorry I got bad eyes | 19:57 |
w4l5t | whats the command? | 19:57 |
MonkeyDust | JosephineBlack don't abuse the enter key, it has rights too | 19:57 |
JosephineBlack | history | 19:57 |
viktor_ | ikonia: hello. I'm the guy with the video fps problem. I was just wondering something. could teamviewer cause this? | 19:57 |
w4l5t | whats the error? | 19:58 |
gebruiker | what login manager comes with ubuntu? ( package name ) | 19:58 |
JosephineBlack | history | 19:58 |
JosephineBlack | sh: 2: history: not found | 19:58 |
MonkeyDust | gebruiker lightdm | 19:58 |
w4l5t | echo $UID | 19:59 |
JosephineBlack | and if i use arrpw keys $ ^[[A | 19:59 |
trijntje | w4l5t: that did the trick, thanks! | 19:59 |
w4l5t | yw | 19:59 |
leptone | so i need 2 additional partitions? one to install windows on and another to put my music files in, and ill mount the second one iun ubuntu on boot? | 19:59 |
JosephineBlack | I wanst award that their have been to set rights to use history :-( | 19:59 |
w4l5t | JosephineBlack, too many mistypes | 20:00 |
gebruiker | hi trijntje ... i fugred out the problem with vritualbox. I just had to switch manually (ctrl shift f1 ) then it worked fine. Strange how by default it does not | 20:00 |
JosephineBlack | whats mistypes? | 20:00 |
merovino | prova | 20:00 |
ioria | JosephineBlack, but bash is installed or available for that user? | 20:00 |
JosephineBlack | for any user its a debian derviate | 20:01 |
JosephineBlack | and by the way I m native german excuse mine englisch plz | 20:01 |
ioria | JosephineBlack .bash_history ? | 20:01 |
JosephineBlack | yes | 20:01 |
w4l5t | which history | 20:01 |
leptone | in order to keep all my music in a place acceable by both ubuntu an dwindows (dual boot) i need 2 additional partitions? one to install windows on and another to put my music files in, and ill mount the second one iun ubuntu on boot? | 20:02 |
leptone | is this correct? | 20:02 |
JosephineBlack | ioria I already copied it from root to standard user - reboot - no nix help :-D | 20:02 |
JosephineBlack | anyhow I like the Os | 20:02 |
w4l5t | man, each partition has a filesystem | 20:02 |
ioria | JosephineBlack running dash or bash ? | 20:02 |
trijntje | gebruiker: what does that shortcut do exactly, do you input it into the guest system? | 20:02 |
trijntje | leptone: no, if you put your music on windows ubuntu can access it just fine | 20:02 |
JosephineBlack | the command history in shell w0815? | 20:02 |
JosephineBlack | ist usefull | 20:02 |
JosephineBlack | it s | 20:02 |
w4l5t | enter `which history` | 20:03 |
JosephineBlack | I mosttime work with windows | 20:03 |
ioria | JosephineBlack echo $SHELL | 20:03 |
JosephineBlack | so I m happy I had history on mine linux derviate | 20:03 |
JosephineBlack | /bin/sh | 20:04 |
w4l5t | the output? | 20:04 |
JosephineBlack | /bin/sh | 20:05 |
JosephineBlack | ? | 20:05 |
JosephineBlack | thats bad? | 20:05 |
ioria | JosephineBlack should be /bin/bash | 20:05 |
w4l5t | echo $SHELL | 20:05 |
JosephineBlack | okay thanks# | 20:05 |
JosephineBlack | so I have to change it in the .bashrc? | 20:05 |
w4l5t | chsh | 20:05 |
ioria | JosephineBlack sh its a link to dash | 20:05 |
JosephineBlack | very verwirrend - confusing | 20:06 |
JosephineBlack | but thanks | 20:06 |
w4l5t | cat /etc/passwd | 20:06 |
ioria | JosephineBlack ls -l /bin/sh | 20:06 |
gebruiker | What is it in unity that makes it look so good. I installed ubuntu mini, from there on unity, but the fonts are f ugly | 20:06 |
gebruiker | like your grandma boobs ugly :O) :P | 20:06 |
w4l5t | install new fonts | 20:07 |
ioria | JosephineBlack The history command is a feature of bash | 20:07 |
w4l5t | increase dpi | 20:07 |
JosephineBlack | $ ls -l /bin/sh | 20:07 |
JosephineBlack | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Jan 4 2016 /bin/sh -> dash | 20:07 |
JosephineBlack | very "brainy" :-( | 20:07 |
w4l5t | chsh | 20:07 |
w4l5t | man chsh | 20:08 |
JosephineBlack | okay | 20:08 |
JosephineBlack | so I get a new shell lol* | 20:08 |
w4l5t | just read `man chsh` | 20:08 |
JosephineBlack | okay | 20:08 |
JosephineBlack | :-) | 20:08 |
ioria | JosephineBlack if you type bash you enter in the bash, run history and exit | 20:09 |
w4l5t | its only temp, ioria | 20:09 |
w4l5t | chsh will make it eternal | 20:09 |
ioria | w4l5t, sure | 20:09 |
ioria | JosephineBlack if you type dash eneter in dash , run history and you got dash: 1: history: not found | 20:10 |
w4l5t | JosephineBlack, do u want to access history at any time? | 20:11 |
ubuntu-mate | I broke my linux machine can someone help me fix it | 20:12 |
guest | Hey all | 20:12 |
JosephineBlack | sorry I got a very slow net | 20:13 |
guest | ubuntu-mate, whats goimg om | 20:13 |
w4l5t | expose your problem, ubuntu-mate | 20:13 |
JosephineBlack | I just use the history command some times in terminal - dash | 20:13 |
w4l5t | so u must use chsh | 20:13 |
JosephineBlack | but it seems it more often lol | 20:13 |
ubuntu-mate | I changed my username and hostname with /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow and now I can log into the new user name | 20:14 |
w4l5t | yes, chsh is the way to go | 20:14 |
JosephineBlack | otherwithe it wouldnt boder me :-( | 20:14 |
JosephineBlack | okay | 20:14 |
JosephineBlack | thanks for help | 20:14 |
JosephineBlack | have a nice weekende | 20:14 |
w4l5t | ubuntu-mate, what the name of the new user? | 20:14 |
JosephineBlack | :-) | 20:14 |
w4l5t | same 2 u | 20:15 |
axk4545 | I have a laptop with amd graphics and I noticed that the graphics are messed up when I resume from suspend. any ideas? | 20:15 |
ubuntu-mate | Truth | 20:15 |
guest | what amd graphics card | 20:15 |
w4l5t | "graphics are messed up" isnt helpful | 20:15 |
w4l5t | ubuntu-mate, and the name of the new user? | 20:15 |
axk4545 | w4l5t: let me try to get an image for you. | 20:15 |
w4l5t | sorry, of the old user | 20:16 |
ubuntu-mate | w4l5t: I changed the username to Truth | 20:18 |
axk4545 | guest: Here is what lspci -vnn| grep VGA A 12 gives Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Thames [Radeon HD 7550M/7570M/7650M] | 20:18 |
dieterd | may be netbook is to new | 20:18 |
w4l5t | stop using suspend | 20:19 |
w4l5t | ubuntu 16.10 will be released soon and maybe your problem will be fixed | 20:19 |
=== EvilRob is now known as EvilR0b | ||
w4l5t | ubuntu-mate, the old username was...? | 20:20 |
ubuntu-mate | latitude | 20:20 |
w4l5t | could you post the output of "cat /etc/passwd"? | 20:21 |
ubuntu-mate | ok | 20:21 |
ubuntu-mate | w4l5t, copy and paste content? | 20:23 |
w4l5t | type "wc -l /etc/passwd" | 20:23 |
StevenR | #j #lopsa | 20:24 |
ubuntu-mate | into the text chat? | 20:25 |
w4l5t | in the terminal | 20:26 |
ubuntu-mate | then what? | 20:26 |
w4l5t | print here the output | 20:26 |
ubuntu-mate | 41 /etc/passwd | 20:26 |
w4l5t | i think you should use paste bin | 20:26 |
ubuntu-mate | I'm new to this: what is that? | 20:27 |
w4l5t | its a type of site where you can paste text files | 20:27 |
ubuntu-mate | the text file shows this user name (ubuntu-mate) in the text file passwd | 20:29 |
dddid | hello, I broke my ubuntu | 20:29 |
w4l5t | we dont care about ubuntu-mate, only about latitude and Truth | 20:29 |
ubuntu-mate | me too!! welcome | 20:29 |
dddid | it doesn't really boot anymore. | 20:29 |
dddid | black screen, even if I hir | 20:30 |
ubuntu-mate | w4l5t, im using the live usd stick now | 20:30 |
dddid | hit alt Ctrl and f7 during boot. | 20:30 |
krs_ | Is there any PPA for Ubuntu 16.04 providing FFmpeg with libvpx and libopus ? | 20:30 |
w4l5t | ubuntu-mate, mount root partition on mnt | 20:30 |
ubuntu-mate | type mount root in terminal | 20:31 |
w4l5t | ubuntu-mate, root is the name of superuser | 20:31 |
EvilR0b | Can anyone explain this line from the output of update-grub? "Adding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration". It appears in this output. My problem is that I can no longer access my computer's firmware settings with F1 during the POST. This also makes booting to a USB impossible using F12. All that happens now is my system gets stuck at a blank screen. Prior to changing my grub settings, I | 20:32 |
EvilR0b | everything functioned normally. Did grub flash something and corrupt my BIOS? | 20:32 |
ubuntu-mate | so how do i mount the root | 20:32 |
w4l5t | u dont mount root, u mount root partition | 20:32 |
ubuntu-mate | Id that what I type | 20:33 |
ubuntu-mate | is* | 20:33 |
w4l5t | no, do you know whats your root partition? | 20:33 |
ubuntu-mate | no | 20:33 |
w4l5t | ls /dev | 20:34 |
ubuntu-mate | there is a lot there | 20:34 |
w4l5t | type "wc - l | ls /dev" | 20:34 |
Rarrikins | ls /dev/sd* | 20:35 |
w4l5t | wait, its "ls /dev | wc -l" | 20:35 |
maxcell_ | i know a better command for this | 20:35 |
maxcell_ | simple one | 20:35 |
slaffe | hmm, what is causing this? | 20:35 |
slaffe | ./bin/sh: 1: /usr/bin/nano: not found | 20:35 |
ubuntu-mate | how do I tell what the partitions are | 20:35 |
w4l5t | type "ls /dev | wc -l" | 20:36 |
Rarrikins | slaffe: Run 'which nano` | 20:36 |
ubuntu-mate | it says 224 | 20:36 |
slaffe | [22:36:39]root@scenics:/home/slaffe# which nano | 20:36 |
w4l5t | type "ls /dev >output.txt" | 20:37 |
slaffe | ./bin/nano | 20:37 |
maxcell_ | slaffe, ls -l /bin/nano /usr/bin/nano | 20:37 |
maxcell_ | slaffe, ln -s* | 20:37 |
Rarrikins | slaffe: So the script you ran thinks nano is in the wrong place. | 20:38 |
ubuntu-mate | what do I do with the file | 20:38 |
DiABETA | My home media server is booting into emergency mode and I dont know why! Help! | 20:38 |
slaffe | thanks | 20:38 |
Rarrikins | maxcell_: That's not a very good idea. Anything in /usr/bin can be removed at any time with a system update. | 20:38 |
w4l5t | ubuntu-mate, sorry type "ls -a /dev >output.txt" | 20:38 |
zteam_ | Hi all! | 20:38 |
maxcell_ | Rarrikins, you are just creating the link, its ok | 20:38 |
Rarrikins | slaffe: Edit the script you're running and change the /usr/bin/nano to /bin/nano. | 20:39 |
Rarrikins | maxcell_: The link can be deleted later. | 20:39 |
Rarrikins | maxcell_: That will make the script stop working again. | 20:39 |
ubuntu-mate | now what | 20:39 |
maxcell_ | thats true | 20:39 |
w4l5t | ubuntu-mate, do u use an editor on linux? | 20:39 |
maxcell_ | if there is any way, better | 20:39 |
ubuntu-mate | no | 20:39 |
ubuntu-mate | dont think so | 20:39 |
w4l5t | what browser do u use? | 20:39 |
ubuntu-mate | chrome | 20:40 |
maxcell_ | w4l5t, ubuntu-mate just type "lsblk" in the terminal to see where the root partition is mounted | 20:40 |
w4l5t | open output.txt in chrome | 20:40 |
maxcell_ | :D | 20:40 |
ubuntu-mate | will firefox work | 20:40 |
w4l5t | yes | 20:40 |
MonkeyDust | !manual | ubuntu-mate | 20:40 |
ubottu | ubuntu-mate: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. | 20:40 |
ubuntu-mate | ok its open | 20:42 |
DiABETA | okay...just my FSTAB | 20:42 |
w4l5t | select all text displayed by clicking and moving | 20:43 |
w4l5t | moving the mouse | 20:43 |
zteam_ | Can somebody please help me fix my sound, the sound quality is very poor, I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 my integrated audio chip on my motherboard is realtek ac 898 | 20:43 |
ubuntu-mate | ok | 20:43 |
zteam_ | I can't stand this any longer | 20:43 |
w4l5t | ubuntu-mate, did u select it? | 20:44 |
zteam_ | I been an Ubuntu user for almost 10 years and now this | 20:44 |
maxcell_ | zteam, buy a better sound card | 20:44 |
maxcell_ | @_@ | 20:44 |
ubuntu-mate | yep | 20:45 |
blastedt | hi my ubuntu doesn't boot and i dont know why, can someone tell me where the log file is | 20:45 |
w4l5t | ubuntu-mate, press Ctrl+Ins | 20:45 |
zteam_ | maxcell_, yeah sure.... I already spend $1400 bucks on a new computer of course I like to intvest in a new soundcard too | 20:45 |
maxcell_ | zteam, im just saying the sound card can be bad and thats why the sound quality wasn't that good | 20:46 |
OerHeks | zteam_, clementine got a build-in equalizer. but then again, you should have noticed this before, it does not come out-of-the-blue | 20:46 |
ubuntu-mate | insert? | 20:46 |
w4l5t | yes, ins is from Insert | 20:46 |
blastedt | why is ubuntu so popular if you have to reinstall it every boot | 20:46 |
blastedt | i have never ever in ten years had a ubuntu install survive rebooting | 20:46 |
blastedt | it's so fucking frustrating | 20:46 |
maxcell_ | blastedt, nvidia card? | 20:46 |
blastedt | no clue | 20:46 |
MonkeyDust | blastedt mind your language while you ask / look for a solution | 20:47 |
blastedt | my parents sent me their netbook | 20:47 |
w4l5t | blastedt, some people say arch is much more reliable | 20:47 |
ubuntu-mate | now what? | 20:47 |
zteam_ | maxcell_, sure, but if the motherboards sound chip is faulty I rather return the motherboard | 20:47 |
w4l5t | ubuntu-mate, google for "paste bin" | 20:47 |
maxcell_ | zteam, what exactly means your sound is bad? | 20:47 |
maxcell_ | zteam, its making squeaks or something? | 20:48 |
poppi | hi | 20:48 |
zteam_ | OerHeks, noticed what before I have owned this computer for just one week | 20:48 |
blastedt | ok finally got into the boot logs and it says "failed to fully start up daemon: input/output error" | 20:48 |
ubuntu-mate | w4l5t: googled it and pasted? | 20:48 |
poppi | is there a way to create a shortcut key to paste a text sting | 20:48 |
w4l5t | no, find a link related to "paste bin" search term | 20:49 |
maxcell_ | blastedt, how did you get it if your system didn't inicialize | 20:49 |
ubuntu-mate | ok then what | 20:49 |
w4l5t | did u find it? | 20:49 |
ubuntu-mate | found | 20:49 |
w4l5t | ok, click on that link | 20:49 |
ubuntu-mate | im in | 20:49 |
w4l5t | ok, sign in using your google account to be able to delete what u will upload | 20:50 |
maxcell_ | poppi, you mean like a command in the terminal or just a key that you press inside a game and it makes the command for you | 20:50 |
dddid | apparently the computer crashed while updating to 16.04. | 20:50 |
zteam_ | maxcell_, it only plays the sound partialy so it's get disturbed and on top of that it's making a clicking sound of it's own | 20:50 |
dddid | it does not boot. | 20:50 |
dddid | on Linux 3.19, it boots in low-graphoc mode | 20:51 |
blastedt | @maxcell_ upstart works, recovery and normal boot do not | 20:51 |
blastedt | so i can get into a command line but thats it | 20:51 |
maxcell_ | zteam, wasn't your headphone plug? | 20:51 |
poppi | maxcell: no not in the terminal but in a text editor | 20:51 |
ubuntu-mate | w4l5t: Ok im log in | 20:52 |
w4l5t | ubuntu-mate, did u choose a username? | 20:53 |
ubuntu-mate | yes | 20:53 |
w4l5t | there's a clickable blue box tagged "new paste" | 20:53 |
poppi | maxcell: i want a key combination that will help me past prefined text | 20:53 |
ubuntu-mate | ok I did that and pasted | 20:53 |
w4l5t | ok, post the url of your paste | 20:54 |
zteam_ | maxcell_, if I use my headphone plug it all works great, if I connect it via a TOSLINK (S/PDIF) it give distorted sound and clicks, If use my TOSLINK cable on my old computer it works perfectly | 20:54 |
ubuntu-mate | | 20:54 |
maxcell_ | poppi, hmm i didn't know how to do that, is more like a linux/programming area and it's over my understanding. i think you could find your answer in #programming and #linux | 20:55 |
w4l5t | no, you didnt run "ls -a /dev >output.txt" | 20:55 |
maxcell_ | w4l5t, "lsblk" can resolv your problem | 20:55 |
w4l5t | you executed only "ls /dev >output.txt" | 20:55 |
ubuntu-mate | ok I will do it again | 20:56 |
maxcell_ | zteam, so what can be wrong, the Kernel or the Sound card right? | 20:57 |
blastedt | Hey does anyone know how to fix `Failed to fully start up daemon: Input/output error` btw? | 20:57 |
=== h3x is now known as Guest35861 | ||
w4l5t | blastedt, type "journalctl -xe" | 20:58 |
blastedt | No journal files were found / -- No entries -- | 20:58 |
w4l5t | try "dmesg|tail -n 20" | 20:58 |
zteam_ | maxcell_, I agree on that of course it can be both things | 20:58 |
maxcell_ | zteam, you should run a liveCD for another linux OS or mayb windows just to test. If the problem were in kernel it can be because of a missing non-free driver that you can install latter (dont ask me how) | 20:58 |
zteam_ | maxcell_, but the only way to test it properly would be to use windows I guess | 20:59 |
blastedt | "Failed to enable subscription: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1" and the daemon i/o error | 20:59 |
Guest35861 | what comand do i need to use to know what linux distro is running? | 20:59 |
=== smoth is now known as csgon00b | ||
MonkeyDust | Guest35861 cat /etc/issue | 20:59 |
w4l5t | blastedt, you gotta paste 20 lines | 21:00 |
Guest35861 | tyy | 21:00 |
maxcell_ | zteam, i think debian with non-free firmwares can do the work too but, the windows is super-reliable on this particular test because its all proprietary and you know if it didn't work something is definitly wrong with the card | 21:00 |
blastedt | @w4l5t | 21:01 |
zteam | maxcell_, I know, but it sucks to be dependent on Windows just to test this | 21:01 |
zteam | :-/ | 21:01 |
ubuntu-mate | w4l5t: here is the new one | 21:01 |
maxcell_ | zteam, so learn more about your card and look if there is any proprietary driver for linux | 21:02 |
w4l5t | blastedt, do u know the name of the daemon? | 21:02 |
blastedt | Not a clue. I've never had any success learning anything about linux below terminal level | 21:02 |
w4l5t | blastedt, but isnt it displayed? | 21:02 |
blastedt | no, that's the only message i get w4l5t | 21:03 |
w4l5t | ubuntu-mate, you didnt run "ls -a /dev >output.txt" | 21:03 |
maxcell_ | zteam, also look at google if anybody have the same issue using the same sound card as yours | 21:03 |
zteam | maxcell_, I already tried this: | 21:03 |
w4l5t | blastedt, do u get that message every time you boot? | 21:03 |
ubuntu-mate | this is what I tyoed ls -a /dev >output.txt | 21:04 |
blastedt | w4l5t: when I boot normally without quiet it just freezes at a random point. I have to boot upstart and run dmesg to get anything about daemons | 21:04 |
ubuntu-mate | typed* | 21:04 |
blastedt | I'm going to reboot into normal then upstart and see if its the same | 21:05 |
w4l5t | ubuntu-mate, sorry, im an idiot, run "ls -alh --color=auto >output.txt" | 21:05 |
zteam | maxcell_, anoother option would be this: | 21:05 |
maxcell_ | zteam, do that | 21:07 |
maxcell_ | zteam, you already try it? | 21:07 |
ubuntu-mate | w4l5t: | 21:07 |
zteam | maxcell_, only partly | 21:07 |
blastedt | @w4l5t this is when i dont do anything in upstart before dmesg, same errors but a little more shown at the top | 21:08 |
zteam | maxcell_, not sure if I'm supposed to try all four steps | 21:08 |
zteam | at once | 21:08 |
w4l5t | ubuntu-mate, sorry, im an idiot, run "ls -alh --color=auto /dev >output.txt" | 21:08 |
blastedt | theres no error message if i boot into recovery or normally. it just doesn't boot. | 21:08 |
maxcell_ | zteam, try to do this, kill the pulseaudio service and open a music program and go to the configs and mark him to use Alsa instead of Pulseaudio and put some music to see if it works properly, if does, the pulseaudio is causing you trouble right/ | 21:08 |
w4l5t | blastedt, theres a channel #systemd, go there and ask | 21:09 |
ubuntu-mate | w4l5t: | 21:10 |
maxcell_ | blastedt, systemd-analize blame | 21:10 |
zteam | maxcell_, earlier then I tried the aproach in the arch wiki the clicking sounds continued even after I killed of pulseaudio server | 21:10 |
w4l5t | ubuntu-mate, try "sudo blkid /dev/sda" | 21:11 |
maxcell_ | zteam, the second step says something about IOMMU | 21:12 |
maxcell_ | zteam, your card use that technology? | 21:12 |
blastedt | `tim@tim:~$ systemd-analyze blame \n Failed to parse reply: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1` @maxcell_ | 21:12 |
blastedt | Thanks for the help @w4l5t | 21:13 |
w4l5t | blastedt, anytime i can, i will try | 21:13 |
maxcell_ | never saw this before | 21:13 |
blastedt | @maxcell_ looks like whatever dispatches processes is broke as shit | 21:13 |
blastedt | @maxcell_ im just going to install another distro and hope it doesnt break i guess, ubuntu clearly doesnt agree with this netbook. thanks anyways | 21:14 |
gebruiker | what terminal is used in unity ? | 21:14 |
w4l5t | tilda | 21:14 |
maxcell_ | blastedt, the blame command should point you to exactly service that are not loading or something | 21:14 |
MonkeyDust | gebruiker gnome-terminal | 21:14 |
slaffe | when I do df -h, how do I hade like /devsham, /run/lock and so on? | 21:14 |
w4l5t | i use tilda | 21:14 |
slaffe | hide* | 21:14 |
maxcell_ | ok | 21:14 |
elanozturk | hi | 21:15 |
lordcirth | slaffe, 'man df' | 21:15 |
MonkeyDust | slaffe define 'and so on' | 21:15 |
ronaldsmazitis | my nautilus is stuck opening | 21:15 |
lordcirth | slaffe, just include/exclude fs types | 21:15 |
w4l5t | ronaldsmazitis, isntall pcmanfm | 21:15 |
slaffe | ya I want to hide what I do not want to so. /sys/fs/cgroup /run /run/user1000 /run/cgmanager/fs for instance | 21:16 |
slaffe | see* | 21:16 |
ubuntu-mate | w4l5t now what | 21:16 |
lordcirth | slaffe, it's all in the manual page. | 21:16 |
w4l5t | print the output | 21:16 |
slaffe | cba to read through that right now, that is why I threw out the question | 21:17 |
ubuntu-mate | PTUUID="6b38cf61" PTTYP="dos" | 21:17 |
w4l5t | ubuntu-mate, try "sudo blkid /dev/sdb" | 21:18 |
blastedt | what distro is best for a netbook with a minimum of effort? i want to be able to plug+play the thing and just set up the ides i use on it, im going to use it for coding | 21:18 |
lordcirth | slaffe, it's one page | 21:18 |
lordcirth | blastedt, Xubuntu is pretty good. | 21:18 |
ubuntu-mate | did that | 21:18 |
blastedt | isn't that just ubuntu with a different window manager lordcirth? this thing cant run ubuntu | 21:18 |
w4l5t | no, u did "sudo blkid /dev/sda" | 21:18 |
blastedt | or it can but i have to reinstall it every time i reboot the computer | 21:18 |
lordcirth | blastedt, yes. how much RAM do you have? | 21:19 |
blastedt | 2gb | 21:19 |
zteam | maxcell_, I don't know, google doesn't tell me a thing about so probably not | 21:19 |
lordcirth | blastedt, that's too little for Ubuntu, but Xubuntu will be fine | 21:19 |
ubuntu-mate | yes i did lol | 21:19 |
blastedt | thanks cirth ill check it out | 21:19 |
blastedt | hopefully it lasts more than one reboot | 21:19 |
lordcirth | blastedt, DE/WM is the main user of RAM at idle. | 21:19 |
maxcell_ | zteam, yeah, i gess you should do and undo the steps in arch page to see if anything works | 21:19 |
lordcirth | blastedt, what do you mean you had to reinstall? | 21:20 |
blastedt | ive installed ubuntu on this netbook three times in the past 24 hours | 21:20 |
blastedt | if i reboot the computer after the first boot it doesnt boot again | 21:20 |
blastedt | different things happen every time it's exciting | 21:20 |
blastedt | oh, also, ubuntu crashes my desktop headset which is exciting because they arent connected in any way | 21:20 |
ubuntu-mate | w4l5t: got to go. Will have to finish later thanks | 21:21 |
lordcirth | blastedt, sounds like you have hardware probles | 21:21 |
w4l5t | k, ubuntu-mate | 21:21 |
lordcirth | problems* | 21:21 |
lordcirth | blastedt, run memtest from the installer, and once installed, check smartctl | 21:21 |
blastedt | @lordcirth: maybe. my parents didnt say they had any issues, and the ubuntu they had installed on there worked fine but i wanted it clean and to know root pw | 21:21 |
maxcell_ | lordcirth, what is smartctl | 21:22 |
lordcirth | maxcell_, it's in smartmontools package, it checks SATA SMART data - hard drive health self-reporting | 21:22 |
bekks | It checks hdd SMART data, not just for SATA devices. | 21:23 |
maxcell_ | cool | 21:23 |
lordcirth | bekks, right, sorry | 21:23 |
eszett | Hi | 21:24 |
maxcell_ | that makes sense because blastedt can run the ubuntu in LiveCD but the problem appears after he install so its worthy checking | 21:24 |
w4l5t | corrupted iso? | 21:24 |
eszett | I have a question, what does that mean : "ubuntu14 login: [ 3719.056088] xfs: module has bad taint, not creating trace events" ? | 21:24 |
w4l5t | its smth filesystem related | 21:25 |
gebruiker | the default theme in unity what is it called? | 21:25 |
eszett | w4l5t: do you answet to me? | 21:25 |
w4l5t | yes | 21:25 |
lordcirth | blastedt, I yes, I forgot, first, run the installer's selfcheck | 21:25 |
bekks | eszett: Nothing really important. Do you experience problems with your filesystems? | 21:25 |
w4l5t | and its also about a kernel module | 21:26 |
eszett | w4l5t & bekks: it is the error i get in my VirtualBox | 21:26 |
lordcirth | doesn't taint normally refer to anti-debugging licenses? | 21:26 |
eszett | (from loading up a vagrant configuration) | 21:26 |
w4l5t | i dont use virtualbox | 21:26 |
blastedt | @maxwell_ running memtest from grub | 21:26 |
bekks | eszett: thats no error at all. | 21:27 |
blastedt | @maxwell_ i can run livecd and also i can boot once or twice after installing | 21:27 |
bekks | eszett: thats a plain dmesg entry. | 21:27 |
eszett | bekks: ah good to know | 21:27 |
bekks | eszett: Can you pastebin "VBoxManage showvminfo ..." please and provide the URL please? | 21:27 |
eszett | let me see, yes | 21:28 |
maxcell_ | blastedt, do the hdd test that the guys are telling you | 21:28 |
maxcell_ | blastedt, mayb the problem is the HDD itself, some HDDs can't handle to much formats and just get bad clocks | 21:28 |
maxcell_ | blocks* | 21:29 |
maxcell_ | hope not but, it can happens, use to happen to me everytime with a samsung HD, than i buy a Western Digital and never get problem | 21:30 |
w4l5t | hdds must be defragmented even when ext4fs | 21:30 |
maxcell_ | w4l5t, how you defrag an HD in ext4? | 21:31 |
w4l5t | `apropos defrag` | 21:31 |
bekks | maxcell_: you dont need to do that. | 21:32 |
w4l5t | yeah, someone created that defrag tool just because he head no life | 21:32 |
bekks | w4l5t: the need of defragmentation is basically an urban legend on non-windows filesystems. | 21:32 |
w4l5t | *had | 21:32 |
w4l5t | as i already said, linux programmers have no life and create defrag tools | 21:33 |
bekks | w4l5t: those tools exist but they arent widely used. For good reasons. | 21:33 |
bekks | They arent needed. | 21:33 |
blastedt | @lordcirth: how do i get smartmontools without internet? is there a way to add net to upstart? | 21:33 |
lordcirth | blastedt, why don't you have internet? | 21:34 |
w4l5t | how many people use dd? | 21:34 |
blastedt | lordcirth: upstart is the only boot i have and it apparently doesnt start the wifi service | 21:34 |
lordcirth | w4l5t, I use it all the time | 21:34 |
bekks | w4l5t: A lot of people. | 21:34 |
gebruiker | guys | 21:34 |
blastedt | sudo apt-get install smartmontools in upstart produces an error about connecting to the pack manager servers | 21:34 |
w4l5t | how many people use zsh? | 21:34 |
gebruiker | what is the name of the default theme of unity? | 21:34 |
lordcirth | w4l5t, this is sounding like a survey | 21:34 |
bekks | w4l5t: how does taking polls solve your ubuntu support issues? | 21:35 |
w4l5t | how many people use xclip? | 21:35 |
lordcirth | blastedt, can you ping google? | 21:35 |
lordcirth | w4l5t, polls are off-topic here | 21:35 |
Abe_ | Hi I have installed ubuntu back then on a different machine. I get this Warning .. what should I do? | 21:35 |
w4l5t | ok, sorry | 21:35 |
Abe_ | how do I get my ubuntu supported til 2019 pls? why is mine already EOL? I don't get it | 21:36 |
bekks | Abe_: Which Ubuntu are you using? | 21:37 |
Abe_ | 14.04 | 21:37 |
Abe_ | 14.04 kernel 3.19 | 21:37 |
bekks | Abe_: 14.04 is supported, until 2019. Just install updates as regular. | 21:37 |
Bashing-om | Abe_: Terminal way ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' should set you up with the latest X stack . | 21:38 |
lordcirth | bekks, as his paste says, he's getting the Hardware Enablement Stack warning | 21:38 |
bekks | lordcirth: So the way to go is opening up the URL presented in the error message ;) | 21:38 |
blastedt | lordcirth: ill let you know when memtest is finished | 21:39 |
Abe_ | I ask in a forum they told me I need to reinstall or something and gave me this... and that my version is EOL | 21:39 |
bekks | Abe_: Just open | 21:40 |
maxcell_ | buy guys | 21:40 |
gebruiker | how do I completely reset my unity? | 21:40 |
maxcell_ | gtg | 21:40 |
lordcirth | blastedt, note that memtest does not 'finish' as such, it generally runs until you stop it. 20,30 min should be good. | 21:40 |
Abe_ | is this true. you guys say something completely different | 21:40 |
bekks | Abe_: The message tells you to open that link, just do it. | 21:40 |
maxcell_ | bekks, could be a virus | 21:41 |
maxcell_ | bekks, :~ | 21:41 |
Abe_ | Ok I did that what do I see here now | 21:41 |
bekks | maxcell_: what could be a virus? | 21:41 |
maxcell_ | bekks, old jjoke | 21:41 |
bekks | Abe_: Read the content of the page. | 21:41 |
jo-erlend | Abe_: When an Ubuntu version is called LTS, it is supported for five years. The version number means year.month, so Ubuntu 14.04LTS means it was released in April 2014 and will be supported five years, ergo until April 2019 | 21:42 |
blastedt | lordcirth: i thought "pass 46%" was a progress bar | 21:42 |
bekks | jo-erlend: And still, his installe HWE is outdated. | 21:42 |
lordcirth | blastedt, yeah, but it will keep doing passes, usually | 21:42 |
bekks | jo-erlend: And we're on a good way to solve that, already ;) | 21:42 |
blastedt | ic, will it say if it finds errors or do i need to cat and grep into a log file later | 21:42 |
jo-erlend | bekks: sorry, I'll stop interrupting. :) | 21:43 |
Choups | whats the best cloud hosting i can get with 10usd/month? | 21:44 |
lordcirth | blastedt, it should already be showing 0 errors yet on the screen | 21:44 |
lordcirth | Choups, that's off-topic here. | 21:44 |
Choups | oh | 21:44 |
Choups | where can i ask this then? | 21:44 |
Abe_ | yes I thought all would be supported til 2019. but why did I get this HWE Stack EOL Date warning. it tells me this on the page...We encourage all HWE Stack users on Ubuntu 14.04 to update to the final Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial HWE Stack or fully upgrade to the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS release | 21:45 |
bekks | Abe_: Yes. And the page even tells you how to do it. | 21:45 |
=== lunagirl is now known as tanja | ||
Abe_ | Update to the Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial HWE Stack (version 4.4 kernel) | 21:46 |
Abe_ | Upgrade to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS | 21:46 |
Abe_ | Fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS | 21:46 |
Choups | lordcirth where can i ask this? | 21:46 |
lordcirth | Choups, no idea. | 21:46 |
bekks | Abe_: Please actually read the content, not just the headlines. | 21:47 |
Abe_ | I just wanna keep my version. there is something nobody told me about when I installed this version of ubuntu | 21:47 |
Abe_ | I am. I'm trying to avoid upgrading to 16.04 | 21:47 |
bigceezy2 | HI! I cannot get ubuntu to boot on my mac mini from CD or Usb. Any suggestions are very appreciated. | 21:48 |
bekks | Abe_: So please read the ONE sentence in the "Install Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial HWE Stack" section. | 21:48 |
Abe_ | ok I need to run hwe-support-status and follow instructions | 21:49 |
bekks | Abe_: Correct. | 21:49 |
Abe_ | bekks: I can't do it right now. I'm not sitting on this Pc right now that is affected. but after all this my Pc will be supported until 2019 again? my Pc with kernel 3.13 this never popped up. I'm sorry I've never heard about this | 21:51 |
bekks | Abe_: Yes. | 21:51 |
Abe_ | ok thx a lot | 21:52 |
=== NameNick is now known as Guest19588 | ||
blastedt | @lordcirth: unknown host | 21:57 |
blastedt | @lordcirth: pinging gives network is unreachable | 21:57 |
blastedt | so wont be able to install the package from upstart | 21:57 |
lordcirth | blastedt, ok. So, what does your wifi menu show? | 21:57 |
lordcirth | blastedt, also, did you verify the install media? | 21:58 |
blastedt | @lordcirth: no wifi menu, upstart has only terminal, did not verify install media | 21:58 |
blastedt | @lordcirth: gonna just try installing xubuntu and seeing if that works | 21:59 |
lordcirth | blastedt, sure | 21:59 |
blastedt | all my work is on github so im fine to just reinstall | 21:59 |
gebruiker | the font "ubuntu regular" is present in my system but the font " ubuntu "is not | 22:00 |
jatt | gebruiker: what does | 22:08 |
jatt | fc-list ubuntu | 22:08 |
jatt | say? | 22:08 |
gebruiker | jatt, a sec my machine is real slow | 22:12 |
AEL-H | Hi, I dd'd a corrupted usb to an isofile with ddrescue, then I tried to reestablish a partition table on the isofile with testdisk . . everything seemed to go okay. It apparently wrote a 'fat32' primary partition onto the isofile and told me to restart | 22:12 |
AEL-H | I have restarted now, but I can't seem to mount the iso file | 22:12 |
bekks | AEL-H: because you cannot magically create an iso image from a raw disk image. | 22:13 |
bekks | AEL-H: just putting some file extension is meaningless. | 22:13 |
gebruiker | jatt, | 22:14 |
AEL-H | bekks: So how should I proceed? | 22:14 |
bekks | AEL-H: mount the raw disk image file. | 22:15 |
bekks | AEL-H: Ah, I just read you messed up the image. So create a new image. | 22:16 |
gebruiker | how many GB does the default install take? | 22:20 |
Jakey3 | can anyone see any glaring mistakes in this chef recipe for installing redis | 22:21 |
Jakey3 | on ubuntu | 22:21 |
jatt | gebruiker: that's the same I get I think there are no other additional ubuntu fonts | 22:21 |
Jakey3 | it works just wondering if its has the correct configuration as security taken into account | 22:22 |
gebruiker | jatt, so should I try to regenerate ? fc-cache or reboot / logout login | 22:23 |
AEL-H | bekks: I found out the problem, I just needed to skip a few sectors at the start of the image | 22:23 |
bekks | gebruiker: rebooting will not regenerate any cache or fix that issue ;) | 22:25 |
gebruiker | bekks, lol, bad windows habbit .. I do have ubuntu regular but no ubuntu ... so odd | 22:26 |
bekks | gebruiker: And which exact problems is caused at that point? | 22:26 |
gebruiker | bekks, there is no font named ubuntu | 22:27 |
bekks | gebruiker: And which exact problems is caused at that point? | 22:27 |
OerHeks | ubuntu-regular = ubuntu font. | 22:27 |
gebruiker | OerHeks, the odd thing is that a lot of screenshots on depic the "ubuntu" font | 22:28 |
wolftune | Hi, I have a laptop that has an ultrabay for a second battery (besides built-in), and my system sees two batteries, but it only shows the status and id of the internal and doesn't recognize the state or id of the bay one, even though it sees that it is present. | 22:28 |
wolftune | How can I get the system to correctly recognize and use the ultrabay battery? | 22:28 |
OerHeks | wolftune, does it show up with: dmidecode -t 22 >> | 22:38 |
wolftune | OerHeks: yes, it shows up. one says "front" the other says "rear" the front has full details, the rear does show the model number now, but capacity and voltage are unknown | 22:43 |
OerHeks | oke, install 'acpi' and see with acpi -V >> | 22:44 |
OerHeks | maybe more accurate | 22:44 |
=== anonymous is now known as Guest23692 | ||
wolftune | OerHeks: | 22:45 |
wolftune | Battery 0: Unknown, 0% | 22:45 |
wolftune | Battery 1: Unknown, 99% | 22:45 |
wolftune | Battery 1: design capacity 1879 mAh, last full capacity 1694 mAh = 90% | 22:45 |
Guest23692 | Hello Guys | 22:45 |
wolftune | (via acpi) | 22:46 |
Guest23692 | quirt | 22:46 |
OerHeks | At least more info, but nothing about 2nd adapter? | 22:47 |
Komanda24390234 | how would one create a process sandbox like AWS lambda? | 22:47 |
blastedt | how do i connect to wifi in xubuntu | 22:48 |
blastedt | ive added my connection to the network connections menu but 1. im not sure of the ssid and 2. im not sure of the encryption type, where can i autodiscover? | 22:49 |
kk4ewt | !xubuntu | 22:49 |
ubottu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with !Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at - To install the Xubuntu environment from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop^ » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !xubuntu-channels | 22:49 |
wolftune | OerHeks: 2nd adapter? I mean, yeah, there's no info about the charge of the second battery | 22:49 |
OerHeks | wolftune, what is the vendor/machine type? | 22:50 |
wolftune | OerHeks: Thinkpad T450s | 22:50 |
OerHeks | i know double battery is an option, but there must be more users facing the same question | 22:51 |
wolftune | searches I've done seem to indicate some people who just have things working, no issues per se. *Maybe* it's the battery itself and I should try a new battery, but I doubt it | 22:51 |
kk4ewt | switch the batteries around if you can | 22:52 |
wolftune | I tried to see what would happen if I let the battery on the recognized one go to zero, and the machine did go off rather than continue on the other batter as I'd hope | 22:52 |
wolftune | kk4ewt: one is in a bay, the other is built-in. | 22:52 |
wolftune | I can't swap them around | 22:52 |
kk4ewt | make sure in the bios it knows that the bay is a battery | 22:52 |
wolftune | kk4ewt: it's a laptop specifically designed with a battery-bay, a dual-battery setup. It's not a bay for whatever | 22:53 |
kk4ewt | wolftune, still check the bios | 22:55 |
blastedt | why is unix so terrible? | 22:55 |
blastedt | operating systems, usually, they like. operate | 22:55 |
lordcirth | blastedt, mine operates just fine, thanks. | 22:56 |
kk4ewt | blastedt, ask AT&T | 22:56 |
lordcirth | blastedt, what's wrong now? | 22:56 |
blastedt | xubuntu doesn't have autodiscovery of wifi networks | 22:56 |
blastedt | onto mint | 22:56 |
lordcirth | Yes it does | 22:56 |
blastedt | it doesnt for me at least | 22:56 |
blastedt | unless its hidden in another terminal command | 22:56 |
blastedt | i put my network settings into a new network and zero feedback | 22:56 |
lordcirth | blastedt, perhaps you need some drivers for your wifi card or something? | 22:57 |
bekks | blastedt: So are you using Mint? | 22:57 |
blastedt | no mint is the next one i'll install | 22:57 |
blastedt | right now im on xubuntu | 22:57 |
lordcirth | blastedt, Does your wifi card show up? Is the hardware switched off? | 22:58 |
blastedt | it shows up in lspci but not in ip a | 22:58 |
bekks | blastedt: so configure an IP for that interface. | 22:58 |
bekks | blastedt: that doesnt happen magically. | 22:58 |
blastedt | like i said, i went to network connections and added a connection | 22:59 |
lordcirth | bekks, if it doesn't show up at all, it's not up, not just unconfigured | 22:59 |
bekks | lordcirth: so explain the difference between "not up" and "unconfigured" and the implications. | 22:59 |
lordcirth | blastedt, you probably need drivers. What's the model? | 23:00 |
bekks | lordcirth: if the interface show up on lspci, it is usable. | 23:00 |
blastedt | Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY rev 01 | 23:00 |
blastedt | Are those drivers on the install media? | 23:00 |
bekks | blastedt: No. | 23:00 |
bekks | !wifi | blastedt | 23:00 |
ubottu | blastedt: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at | 23:00 |
blastedt | not supported | 23:01 |
bekks | blastedt: where do you see that? | 23:03 |
blastedt | | 23:03 |
blastedt | broadcom has a driver anyways | 23:03 |
blastedt | ill see if it works | 23:03 |
bekks | | 23:03 |
gebruiker | when I add a new user to the system, the unity setup is not the default anymore, the fonts are different and collors too | 23:03 |
bekks | Its supported pretty well. | 23:03 |
bekks | blastedt: just follow the link I just posted. | 23:04 |
blastedt | lordcirth: thanks for the help but im just gonna throw it out the window. not worth spending thirty hours on this thing when im only going to use it for two months | 23:08 |
blastedt | bye | 23:09 |
bigMouth1ommie | true story: first time running ubuntu in a long time. broke some stuff. fixed it. in the course of TRYING to fix it, i broke other things. (i tried simply copying another users' home folder to mine. i chowned it and everything). now, when i launch applications, they root to that users home folder. how do i fix that? | 23:21 |
=== bigMouth1ommie is now known as bigMouthCommie | ||
gde33 | I'm trying to understand why logging deluge errors to the terminal shows vlc errors | 23:26 |
bigMouthCommie | This is my first time running Ubuntu in a long time. I broke some stuff with ccsm. I fixed it. In the course of TRYING to fix it, I broke other things. I tried simply copying another users' home folder to mine. I chowned it and everything. Now, when I launch applications, they root to that user's home folder. How do i fix that? | 23:26 |
miau | n g | 23:26 |
=== jatt is now known as Guest6286 | ||
bigMouthCommie | This is my first time running Ubuntu in a long time. I broke some stuff with ccsm. I fixed it. In the course of TRYING to fix it, I broke other things. I tried simply copying another users' home folder to mine. I chowned it and everything. Now, when I launch applications, they root to that user's home folder. How do I fix that? | 23:30 |
=== bigMouthCommie2 is now known as bigMouthCommie | ||
lordcirth | !patience | bigMouthCommie | 23:32 |
ubottu | bigMouthCommie: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 23:32 |
bigMouthCommie | i thought cleaning up the grammar and punctuation would help | 23:33 |
lordcirth | bigMouthCommie, most likely some of the config files you copied have references to their home folder's path. 'grep -r <olduser> ~/' | 23:33 |
bigMouthCommie | ooh. good tip. i'm grepping as suggested. | 23:34 |
sami__ | pass word | 23:36 |
bigMouthCommie | preferred pastebin? | 23:38 |
bigMouthCommie | | 23:39 |
bigMouthCommie | good stuff starts line 18 | 23:40 |
bigMouthCommie | err 11. 18 is just n archive | 23:40 |
bigMouthCommie | oh. fixed u r the man | 23:43 |
bigMouthCommie | lordcirth | 23:43 |
bigMouthCommie | thank u | 23:45 |
theskillwithin | I'm trying to automate a way in my package.json npm scripts to make a gh-pages branch based off a subfolder in side the repo. the tricky part is making the /dist folder which is in .gitignore all the sudden the root of the gh-pahes branch. | 23:53 |
theskillwithin | git push --force origin $(git commit-tree -m "auto" master:dist):gh-pages may have worked? but its in .gitignore | 23:53 |
theskillwithin | | 23:53 |
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