
wgrantcjwatson: Thanks for the reviews.12:13
wgrantcjwatson: (that last one has some serious history... https://launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/i-really-do-hate-views was my first start on it, a week before I joined the company...)12:14
cjwatsonPerhaps I should do something with some of my misc branches that are about half that old ...12:22
wgrantThat's where that batch last week came from...12:25
wgrantI have some dozens sitting in various ~ backups that never quite saw the light of day.12:25
wgrantcjwatson: Does my reply in https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-1083709-again/+merge/306167 make sense to you?12:26
cjwatsonwgrant: Yep, seems reasonable, just hadn't quite had a chance to think about it.  Approved with one extra comment.12:33
wgrantcjwatson: Thanks.12:34
cjwatsonI'm making fairly decent progress with the base git-target import model, BTW.  We should talk about the auth arrangements next week.12:34
wgrantOdd is right.12:35
cjwatsonAnd resisting the impulse to go and spend a day ripping out the rest of IBranchTarget.12:35
wgrantIt is conceivable that a simple HMAC could work here with minimal database implications.12:36
cjwatsonPush over HTTPS, you mean?12:37
cjwatsonHow novel.12:37
cjwatsonCertainly worth considering.12:37
wgrantLP then need only verify the signature and that the encoded job ID is presently Running.12:37
cjwatsonI like avoiding a new celebrity if we can.12:38
wgrantAvoiding celebrities and limiting excess authority always make me happy.12:38
cjwatsonRight, need to go out shortly, later12:39
wgrantIndeed, and I should sleep. See you next week.12:39

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