[14:44] I'm thinking of signing up for acorns. I think I've seen it mentioned here. Is it worth doing? [14:44] I've not see it here [14:44] it's that money investing thing right> [14:45] I use it. Not a high yield thing [14:46] Is it worth just having an account for tiny returns? Like a cup of coffee type of deal? [14:46] I saw a fb add for it and it seems interesting [14:47] Let me send you a referral code. We both get 5 bucks [14:47] It adds up [14:47] govatent [14:48] Start investing with Acorns today! Get $5 when you use my invite code: https://acorns.com/invite/2UT4ZJ [14:48] Cool. I'll use your code [14:48] Hey roaksoax [14:48] Been a while! [14:49] indeed [14:49] are you guys doing a release party ? [14:49] I really gotta setup tmux / screen on my Linux headless server [14:49] we are, the dating is looking to be Nov 5 [14:50] Honestly, between my work and life craziness, Aaron has been holding the team together. He's been amazing. [14:50] ah bummer! gonna be traveling that week [14:50] @KMyers we need to look at some places [14:50] then we can have a month to promote it [14:50] the release is in less the two weeks though :) [14:51] I would not say amazing, we've not had a Ubuntu Hour in a few months,... [14:51] we can have the party whenever we want [14:51] if you guys I'll be traveling between the 29th Oct and the 13th. But if you guys do it before or after, please do let me know [14:51] I don't think there are rules of having more then one [14:52] not sure though but us in the south could get one together fast just takes time to plan on up north where I don't know where anything it [14:52] *anything is [14:52] I'll be in Orlando this weekend and Oct 28-29 for Halloween Horror with the roommate [14:53] @mhall119 is there anything against more then 1 release party for a LoCo? [14:53] I know we would not get more then 1 LoCo box thingy with stickers and such [15:08] alright making a Ubuntu Hour at Mojos on Oct 15 [15:09] https://www.meetup.com/ubuntufl/events/234569282/ [15:12] I'll be late. This morning my building announced a meeting on October 15 for our termite situation [15:12] it's fine [15:12] just a general time [15:12] what matters is you better make it to this one! @govatent [15:12] lol [15:14] Yup. [15:14] so many Wordpress themes to pick from ... [15:14] I'm still trying to find a theme for the loco site [15:25] I would never expect to see this [15:26] asking me to modify sudoers in a update?! [15:28] @mhall119 The system admin should be the only package maintainer of sudoers, correct? [15:29] I'm asking because this seems like an outrageous upstream issue with ubuntu or one of the packages i've installed. [15:34] holy crap! i just set up "Xming X Server" on windows and I can now run X- apps. [19:12] @AdamOutler if you've modified /etc/sudoers and then get a package update, you will be asked that question [19:14] So, someone or something changed your sudo configuration since it was installed [20:45] There's a release party? [20:46] There will be [21:18] @mhall119 that seems wrong. Why should any pacakge ever modify my sudoers list? That's a whitelist of admins on my machine. Packages should not modify it. [21:19] anything that runs as root can modifiy it, that goes for package installation as well as anything you run as root [21:19] distro developers would probably keep other packages in the archives from editing it, since as you say it seems wrong to do [21:20] but that won't help you against 3rd party packages, stuff in PPAs, or scripts that you yourself run with sudo [21:20] do you know what package update triggered that message? [21:21] I'm guessing it was the 'sudo' package itself [21:23] @AdamOutler Because ruby mindset of duck punching is transferring over to Linux and working its way into the system. [21:23] duck punching is my favored term over monkey patching [21:24] you yourself shouldn't be editing /etc/sudoers either, that's what /etc/sudoers.d/ is for [21:27] @All - anyone up for a sushi run soon? Maybe the night of the 15th? [21:32] You did see the date of the Ubuntu Hour right? [21:33] Ubuntu doing a new release? [21:35] what? when did that happen? [21:36] I'm asking -- because I have no idea. I'm really out of the Ubuntu-loop. lol [21:36] @ahoneybun, Yes, but after [21:36] we are [21:36] it's at Beta 2 right now [21:40] When's the official date? I'll have to get it installed. [21:40] haven't done dist-upgrade in ages [21:44] Oct 13 I think [22:18] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule