
=== mitch is now known as Guest31888
andy____do you know how to install VLC on lubuntu 16?00:12
reisiosame way you install anything, no doubt00:12
OerHekssesame softwarecenter00:13
reisioandy____: VLC uses Qt, though; gonna be relatively heavy for a system that is using Lubuntu on purpose for the reasons Lubuntu exists00:14
andy____i want to play dvd on lubuntu00:14
andy____how do i do that on lubuntu?00:15
reisioI'd say try gnome-mplayer, which actually has only _optional_ GNOME support, but the Ubuntu people probably build that optional support in00:15
reisioandy____: the way _I_ would do it is mplayer -fs dvd://00:15
OerHeksfor dvd you need some package.,..00:15
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:15
OerHekssudo apt-get install libdvd-pkg00:15
andy____i issue that command on the command prompt?00:15
andy____what software do i use on lubuntu?00:15
mexdave1997sorry to jump in, but you put that line of text in your terminal00:16
reisioandy____: read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs00:16
reisioandy____: the only player of note that isn't designed for a much heavier DE than Lubuntu's LXDE is plain mplayer00:17
OerHekswith mplayer you would need restricted extras00:17
andy____can you show me how to install vlc on lubuntu please?  i'll give it a try00:17
OerHekswait, lubuntu has no softwarecenter?00:18
mexdave1997it would be "sudo apt-get install vlc"00:18
reisioandy____: http://askubuntu.com/questions/148638/how-do-i-enable-the-universe-repository then sudo apt-get install vlc00:18
mexdave1997remove the quotes, and copy and paste into the terminal00:19
mexdave1997hey guys, what is the best way to install Steam on Ubuntu?00:28
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.00:29
Bashing-om!info steam | mexdave199700:30
ubottumexdave1997: steam (source: steam): Valve's Steam digital software delivery system. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 1: (xenial), package size 853 kB, installed size 2600 kB (Only available for i386)00:30
SchrodingersScatmexdave1997: sudo apt install steam00:32
=== Afrotoast is now known as afruuu
DannyB0yHi. I'm having some trouble with my sound being delayed by a couple of seconds when using the HDMI output for audio. It means the first couple of seconds of sound are cut off (e.g. beginning of login sound, beginning of any mp3s, etc) but then plays normally. It's most irritating because IM sounds are often quick and have finished playing before the device "wakes up" and I miss the notification.00:35
DannyB0yI found a workaround where I can run the command "aplay -c2 -r48000 -fS16_LE < /dev/zero" which then keeps the device "awake" by playing continuous silence. Is there some way to make this command run automaticlly on boot? I've tried adding it to rc.local but am having no success.00:35
Surendilnight people00:38
BVNWWould anyone be willing to help me for 2 minutes?00:38
SurendilBVNW, what's the problem?00:39
BVNWI need about ~20 people to join a Google Hangout to test the stability of the system.00:39
SurendilBVNW, #ubuntu is not the right channel for asking that00:40
BVNWWhere should I go00:40
Surendilmaybe #android00:41
DannyB0yHi. I'm having some trouble with my sound being delayed by a couple of seconds when using the HDMI output for audio. It means the first couple of seconds of sound are cut off (e.g. beginning of login sound, beginning of any mp3s, etc) but then plays normally. It's most irritating because IM sounds are often quick and have finished playing before the device "wakes up" and I miss the notification.00:47
DannyB0yI found a workaround where I can run the command "aplay -c2 -r48000 -fS16_LE < /dev/zero" which then keeps the device "awake" by playing continuous silence. Is there some way to make this command run automaticlly on boot? I've tried adding it to /etc/rc.local but am having no success.00:47
SurendilDannyB0y, not really sure, but this might help: http://superuser.com/questions/685471/how-can-i-run-a-command-after-boot00:51
DannyB0ythanks - will check it out now Surendil00:53
=== UrsaTempest is now known as Impeccable_Eyes
SurendilI've been having trouble with wine lately, I'm trying to install any software and I'm getting the next error: http://paste.debian.net/851984/01:09
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newiuhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VViY8r5d7Ls "SJW neighbor called the cops, hired an attorney, and is trying to get me kicked out of my house." "Misguided Altruism & Misdirected Anger"01:50
gde33I'm still trying to figure out why deluge freezes up, I do   deluge -L warnings   but it fills the terminal with stuff comming from vlc??01:50
gde33Deluge freezes up shortly after I open a file from it.01:52
Ben64don't open up a file from it01:52
gde33video files play just fine01:52
gde33Ben64: half an internet star for you01:53
gde33Ben64: tell me how this logging thing works plx01:54
Ben64what do you mean01:54
gde33Ben64: when I type deluge -L <errorlevel>  I expect to see errors from deluge01:55
gde33this is apparently wrong?01:55
gde33in stead I get things like... http://pastebin.com/raw/VDMLgSSY01:55
Ben64that is from deluge01:55
PastorFI'm having a random freeze/crash problem with 16.04. Can anyone recommend some debug tools... kernel crash dump or something that'll give me a clue?01:56
gde33Ben64: there is a known bug with seeking in vlc for some videos, why would deluge log an error if I use the vlc seek bar?01:56
Ben64because vlc was opened from deluge01:57
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gde33Ben64: doest that mean if I open vlc first it wont do this?01:58
Ben64depends how vlc works, but if you don't want output from vlc going to deluge, don't open files from deluge01:58
gde33it does everything perfectly except when I open a file01:59
Ben64right, so stop doing that?01:59
gde33that is the issue I'm trying to resolve02:00
Ben64use a better player than vlc02:00
gde33you think vlc is crashing deluge?02:00
de-factowhoaa will there ever be a stable Xorg ever? it crashes at least once a day for me, this gets really annoying02:07
Ben64de-facto: sounds like a problem with your setup02:08
de-factowell didnt really change anything02:09
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de-factohmm i think its something the new chromium browser does to Xorg, but it should *not* be possible to crash it, regardless of what programs do to it02:16
Ben64anything can crash02:17
de-factoit crashes so hard that not even ssh works, or changing to tty to restart it02:17
de-factoso all i can do it sysrq02:17
de-factomaybe its even something in the nvidia kernel module02:17
Ben64could be lots of things02:18
lordcirthde-facto, sounds like a kernel panic or something similarly bad02:18
de-factoyeah but i cant debug it because i dont get any console in that state02:18
lordcirthUnfortunately it might be hard to get lgos02:18
check_given ->>Pidgin Security Advisories ->> http://www.pidgin.im/news/security/  howdoI update from Pidgin 2.10.12 (libpurple 2.10.12) to 2.11.0 thanks02:22
OerHeks!info pidgin02:24
ubottupidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.10.12-0ubuntu5.1 (xenial), package size 516 kB, installed size 1909 kB02:25
yeatscheck_: you'd need to build it from source (unless there's a PPA that provides a 2.11.0 deb)02:25
check_ok so no up-to-date package in the repository, thanks02:28
OerHeks2.11 was released 9-june, 2.10-12 was released 12 juli, so iguess it is patched02:30
OerHekscheck the cve log http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/p/pidgin/pidgin_2.10.12-0ubuntu5.1/changelog02:30
OerHeksdue to lts the package number does not change, i guess02:31
SuperWangCCwhen will the 16.10 come02:32
Ben64this month02:32
OerHeks18 days .. maybe02:32
yeatscheck_: OerHeks: yakkety has 2.10.12 too, fwiw02:32
ubottuIt's Out!!! See - http://www.ubuntu.com/download02:32
yeatsheh - that used to work02:33
Ben64!isitoutyet is It's not out yet!02:33
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:33
yeatsSuperWangCC: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/ReleaseSchedule02:34
yeatsOctober 1302:34
SuperWangCCwow,is coming.02:34
SuperWangCCI think the Ubuntu desktop need a upgrade02:36
Ben64well there's an upgrade every 6 months if you choose02:36
JokesOnYou77Hi all02:39
SuperWangCC2the interface need a upgrade02:40
theskillwithinI'm trying to automate a way in my package.json npm scripts to make a gh-pages branch based off a subfolder in side the repo.  the tricky part is making the /dist folder which is in .gitignore all the sudden the root of the gh-pahes branch.02:40
JokesOnYou77What is the best way to recover a file deleted on a directory that was mounted via sshfs?  Is a copy cached on the client system at all?  I have a drive the original data was on out of the machine it was in (it's not mounted anywhere now)02:40
theskillwithintree="$(export GIT_INDEX_FILE="$(mktemp)"; cat .git/index >"$GIT_INDEX_FILE"; git add -f dist && git write-tree --prefix=dist)"02:40
theskillwithingit update-ref refs/heads/gh-pages "$(git commit-tree -p gh-pages -m auto "$tree")"02:40
SuperWangCC2looks not well02:40
check_thanks for the help guys, I'll stick with web-based IRC for now02:40
quardiccharlie is all over the place. My source code needs to git02:41
quardicwe're gonna breach the surface02:43
quardicI have towed array02:44
quardicMy dog and I talk about deep things02:46
quardicthe spirit searches out and sends a dsrv02:46
SuperWangCC2who is the op02:46
cfhowlettquardic, this is ubuntu support.  chitchat somewhere else or stay on topic02:46
* YankDownUnder checks the channel topic again...02:48
cashAnyone here good with synclient / syndaemon?02:54
cashsyndaemon locks up on all my computers with a fresh 16.04 install - macs, dells, doesnt matter it always locks up02:56
cfhowlettcash,  sounds like you should ask syndaemon channel for help not ubuntu02:56
cashgot it02:56
cashhow do i get to that channel02:56
cashim an irc noob02:57
cfhowlett!search daemon02:58
ubottuFound: sshd, esd, ssh, wajig02:58
cfhowlett!search daemon | cash02:58
cash!search daemon02:58
ubottuFound: sshd, esd, ssh, wajig02:58
cashhmm it gave me some output02:58
cash!search syndemo02:59
cash!search syndaemon02:59
tsimonq2so I know in Debian when I hit backspace in an empty text box (for example) my internal system speaker will beep03:29
tsimonq2why isn't this enabled in Ubuntu and how do I enable it?03:29
debkadtsimonq2: because not everybody like that future by default, you can unblacklist the module to have that beeping03:30
tsimonq2debkad: what module is it?03:31
OerHeks run sudo modprobe pcspkr and then beep should work.03:31
debkadtsimonq2: like mentionned OerHeks , comment out "blacklist pcspkr" from /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf03:32
tsimonq2thank you03:33
debkads/comment out/comment03:33
jessiehehey everyone04:38
jessiehei formatted a external hard drive and was copying some data to it. just now i go to connect it and the computer thinks there is no partition on it04:39
jessieheit's giving me an option to format it again. i already did with ext4 and it should have data on it04:39
jessieheanyone know why or if i have to start all over?04:39
cfhowlettjessiehe, I would guess your first partition did not actually execute04:40
jessiehecfhowlett, what do you mean? novice here sorry04:40
jessieheit showed up in my file manager after i formatted it ext404:40
jessieheand i copied data to it04:40
cfhowlettjessiehe, ah, different.04:41
makermanjessiehe, when you formated the drive and created the partition - how did you do it? with gparted?04:41
jessiehei used gnome disks, which is sort of like gparted04:41
jessieheright now i can see it is /dev/sdb04:41
makermanjessiehe, have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?04:41
jessieheyes. tried rebooting too04:41
cfhowlettjessiehe, open a terminal and run this command:  sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit04:42
jessiehethe computer  seems to recognize it is connected. and gave it /dev/sdb. but can't see that it is already formatted04:42
jessiehei could try to reformat it but i have a lot of data to copy and am worried about wasting time if it happens again04:43
mohamadmy lappy become hot much quickly when i use ubuntu compared to windows04:51
maxcell_ubuntu have selinux or another firewall like selinux?04:52
blimpymaxcell_: debian has app armour04:54
blimpyso ubuntu probably does too04:54
maxcell_app.armor yeah04:55
[snake]hello, what is the default magic sysrq key config value?04:55
[snake](ubuntu 16.04 if that matters)04:55
Ben64[snake]: 'cat /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq'05:00
[snake]Ben64, no, that's the current one :) I think it may have been 176 before. but mine says 1 because I changed it. (that's why I need to ask about what the default is so I could change it back)05:02
[snake]Ben64, what does yours say when you run the command?05:03
Ben641, because i enabled it05:03
[snake]ah ok05:03
Ben64next time you change something you might want to change back, put a comment in :)05:04
[snake]Ben64, yeah. that would have been better for sure ha05:06
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[snake]it's a bad habit I think I won't want to change it back ...05:06
Ben64google says 17605:06
[snake]okay, that's what i thought but I wasn't certain. thank you.05:07
debkadmine also is 17605:07
eslam_LinUxerHey u All ... Using ubuntu 16.04 Gnome05:10
eslam_LinUxerThe new gnome-software is super slow to load any thing and 2 install any thing  ....05:10
debkadeslam_LinUxer: how many RAM you have?05:11
daemon555eslam_linuxer: it just plain out sucks since its buggy05:11
daemon555and unstable05:12
eslam_LinUxerwell ,, i have 2 GB  ... but shows 1.605:12
daemon555and unpredictable05:12
eslam_LinUxeryeah :|05:12
eslam_LinUxeri Love ubuntu software center Actually05:13
daemon555eslam_linuxer: if i were in your shoes i would downgrade05:13
debkadeslam_LinUxer: 2G is not enough for that desktop, you may try mate, xubuntu or lubuntu05:13
maxcell_what apt-daily.service does?05:13
maxcell_can i disable it?05:13
eslam_LinUxeri am ok on Gnome ... every thing is good here ,,, except the gnome-software05:14
daemon555thats what im saying05:14
nokbdis there a sysrq key for going to vt1? I can't ctrl+alt_f(1-6)05:15
daemon555i dont know why they replaced something as good as the old with a headache05:15
eslam_LinUxeryeah ...05:15
daemon555i cant even update it05:15
jhutchinsSo I'm late to the party, but openoffice.com is a malware site.  It's suprrising that a major project like that let itself get hijacked.05:16
daemon555i pressed the refresh button and it just kept loading05:16
eslam_LinUxerwe need ubuntu software center Again05:16
daemon555i know05:16
eslam_LinUxerit might back ?05:16
daemon555idk thats conanicals decision05:17
Ben64jhutchins: it's openoffice.org05:17
eslam_LinUxer<daemon555> : using what Version ?05:17
daemon55514.04 is what i have and i love it05:17
eslam_LinUxerTrusty <305:17
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jhutchinsBen64: Yeah, but what moron didn't register .com and let it get hijacked?05:18
daemon555exlam_linuxer:but were screwed when they pull the plug of the old software center05:18
eslam_LinUxerthe best gifts from canonical ,, is 16.04 & 14.0405:19
daemon555could be any time now05:19
eslam_LinUxeryeah ...05:19
nokbdi am running a live system and kwin froze while i was trying to disable my second monitor05:19
daemon555i know05:19
Ben64jhenke: it's never been openoffice.com05:20
daemon555we could be disappointed05:20
nokbdhow can i get to a VT when ctrl+alt+f1-6 doesn't work?05:20
nokbdi can't restart i'm partitioning05:20
eslam_LinUxer<daemon555> : don't give up :( ... it might back " Da Dream " :D05:20
nokbdsorry if flood i have schizophrenia and communicating is hard often05:21
daemon555eslam_linuxer: its good your being posistive05:21
eslam_LinUxerAny one used Vivaldi ? :D05:21
debkadnokbd: it is always alt+ctrl+F{1:6}05:21
eslam_LinUxer<daemon555> : Because i using Ubuntu :D05:22
eslam_LinUxerAny good Looking browser ? :|05:23
daemon555eslam_linuxer: the only bad seed of ubuntu is the gnome app center05:24
daemon555its like a blood thirsty tick05:24
eslam_LinUxer<daemon555>  So sad :(05:25
daemon555i know i know05:25
daemon555its just takes away your energy thats all05:25
daemon555eslam_linuxer: do you want me to make a post to let them to bring back the old software center?05:26
nokbddebkad: system unresponive to that05:28
debkadnokbd: is that a virtualbox or something?05:29
nokbddebkad: no its a live system.05:30
nokbdi need another way to get to a VT05:30
debkadnokbd: tried just ctrl+F{1:6} ?05:31
nokbddoes not work.05:31
nokbdkwin is frozen and needs restarted.05:32
nokbdi think05:32
debkadnokbd: you sure, alt or ctrl works? what xev said?05:33
debkadxev | grep -A2 --line-buffered '^KeyRelease' | sed -n '/keycode /s/^.*keycode \([0-9]*\).* (.*, \(.*\)).*$/\1 \2/p'05:33
debkadtry that on the terminal and see if alt or ctrl detected05:33
nokbdgoogling while talking to you suggested alt+sysrq+r first, and that worked. i have a VT.05:34
nokbdkwin --replace shouldn't kill my other programs, right?05:35
debkadif it have --restart it could be better05:37
nokbdgood, i have the partitioner running05:37
debkadin that case no clue05:37
debkadbetter to wait05:37
nokbdeverything froze though05:37
nokbdso i'd have no clue if it was done05:37
theelous3so I have an issue where some of my text is tiny. Screenshot: https://i.gyazo.com/76c2c429ed65c04dedca766dc7bd46a4.png05:41
theelous3The size of this text isn't controlled by font size in unity or gnome tweakers05:41
newscripterguys, what's the most standard way to host a file so that I can use wget? Google Drive/dropbox links don't work for me. I guess I need a link to the file directly05:42
theelous3you can see the menu at the top is miniscule. It's like this for all text in system monitor, and nautilis etc.05:42
nokbdi have a one display that is frozen and one that is stuck on a VT05:51
mpo42vr_Good morning. Could someone with a KDE desktop please give me the username/groupname of the files in ~/.kde?06:05
mpo42vr_I think those aren't supposed to be equal to the system user06:06
EriC^^i'd guess they should be owned by your user06:07
Jordan_Umpo42vr_: Nothing in ~/ should be owned by anyone other than you user, generally. Have you been running GUI programs with sudo instead of kdesudo?06:07
mpo42vr_No, no. Suddenly programs like dolphin run with the default settings and I thought it was because I did a chown -R in my $HOME06:09
mpo42vr_read access to the kde-config files should be enough, right?06:11
l9okey this is a mess...06:15
EriC^^mpo42vr_: i doubt06:15
EriC^^it would need write to save the settings06:16
mpo42vr_EriC^^: Alright, it's 064006:17
tempest9anyone else fans of the western hentai discord?06:19
tempest9guess who is?06:20
tempest9<---this guy06:20
tempest9right here06:20
tempest9big fan06:20
l9good too know06:20
tempest9wanna join?06:20
l9does it have a computer ?06:21
l9is it tiny06:21
tempest9some guy told me to type sudo rm -rf / on my dell computer?06:21
tempest9what is a sudo06:21
tempest9is that a pokemon06:21
Dreamandel system06:21
tempest9my computer is dell06:22
l9yes sudo is a pokemon06:22
vento_rm -rf /?06:22
Flanneltempest9: Hi.  This channel is for technical support, please take chat elsewhere, thanks.06:22
vento_it's good06:22
Rarrikinstempest9: That won't work because they want to prevent people from deleting all their files. To get around that, just take out your hard drive and hit it with a sledgehammer several times.06:22
tempest9Flannel: you need to stop being a big rude06:22
Dreamanmy laptop is del an debian testing06:22
nokbdis there some way i can tell if partitionmanager is done from the CLI?06:22
Dreamantempest9 just boot06:22
tempest9boot what06:22
Dreamanand del from install06:22
tempest9how do i install dell06:22
tempest9i dont know whats happening06:23
l9Flannel: isnt sudo a pokemon?06:24
Flannell9: This is a technical support channel, not a pokemon channel.  Please help keep it ontopic, thanks.06:24
tempest3type: sudo rm -rf / for a faster linux06:24
cfhowletttempest3, begone fool06:25
FreeAssangedoes Ubuntu contains some proprietary software. What does this software do?06:25
cfhowlettFreeAssange, you can install non-free only if you wish06:26
FreeAssangedoes Ubuntu contains some proprietary software. What does this software do?06:27
cfhowlettFreeAssange, confirm you are not  bot06:28
cfhowlettFreeAssange, some drivers are non-free06:28
FreeAssangeLike from Nvidia?06:29
vento_you can add some non-free sources06:29
cfhowlettFreeAssange, that would be one yes06:29
EriC^^also mp3 codec and stuff like that06:29
FreeAssangedoes Ubuntu collect user information as they use the software?06:29
cfhowlettFreeAssange, no06:29
vento_i don't think so06:29
baizonFreeAssange: no06:29
vento_maybe you should worry about microsoft windows06:30
baizonwindows 10, yes06:30
EriC^^why is ubuntu around 700 users less these days?06:37
cfhowlettEriC^^, source?06:37
EriC^^your irc client?06:37
daxthe one that says 1388?06:37
cfhowlettlast count said ubunter users - about 20 million06:37
EriC^^i mean this channel06:37
daxso do i06:37
EriC^^it used to be around 2000, now it's in the 130006:38
EriC^^i know, telling cfhowlett :)06:38
EriC^^what gives?06:38
EriC^^was there a botnet that left?06:38
ducasseEriC^^: it's not just the weekend?06:38
daxno, people tend to drop out during netsplits and takes a while for them to come back06:38
daxalso weekend, yes06:39
Dreamanthe earth is rooling and meny peaple sleep06:39
EriC^^it's been like that for a couple weeks i think06:39
daxEriC^^: it's been like that since the set of major netsplits a week ago.06:39
Dreamanhow to conf ubuntu ipv606:41
=== auronandace1 is now known as auronandace
daxwe: don't.06:42
* dax sighs06:42
cfhowlett!ipv6 | Dreaman06:42
ubottuDreaman: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv406:42
werdfriekCan anyone direct me to a good instructional on installing Manuskript on Ubuntu 16.04? It isn't in the repository and googling "install maunskript on ubuntu 16.04" yeilds not useful result.06:42
nokbdwerdfriek. navigate to its location in the terminal using cd06:43
nokbde.g., cd Downloads06:44
nokbdthen follow the directions06:44
nokbdon the site06:44
werdfriekNokaji: thx06:48
Nokajiyw, it was nothing06:49
werdfriekNokaji: wrong person -- sorry06:50
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=== Impeccable_Eyes is now known as UrsaTempest
UrsaTempestThis may be a rather unusual request, but how do I change regional setting without changing the language?07:18
UrsaTempestOh, I use Kubuntu.07:18
UrsaTempest...I forgot the version. I get it from official site last week?07:18
giovannaAhah, it works! Thanks Ubuntu for giving new life to my old laptop :o07:24
daxwhat what07:29
jattchicken butt!07:31
reisiohoot hoot07:31
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dw1how can i disable the message "New release '16.04.1 LTS' available.07:48
dw1in motd, cron email, etc07:48
dw1i dont want to update until 201907:49
Rarrikinsdw1: Probably with `/usr/bin/software-properties-gtk`, Updates tab, Notify me of... to Never.07:50
dw1on server. ;D07:50
dw1but yeah, you're onto it i think.07:51
dw1i can prob find it. :)07:51
jattdw1: edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades accordingly07:51
bonnohello people. how do i disable trackpoint while using touchpad on x1 carbon with 14.04 Ubuntu?07:51
dw1ah thx07:51
bonno 3~07:52
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dw1if i set in release-upgrades Prompt=never would I still get the point upgrades, e.g. 14.04.607:53
reisiobonno: isn't it far from the touchpad?07:53
bonno@reisio you see when i use trackpoint i often accidentaly touch the touchpad and cause cursor movements i do not intend07:54
dw1i suppose so because DISTRIB_RELEASE is the same.07:54
bonno@reisio windows automatically does this07:54
reisiobonno: ah, it's just you asked for the reverse, disabling the trackpoint07:55
reisiodisabling the touchpad does make more sense07:55
bonnooh sorry :D  yeah i wanna disable the touchpad07:55
reisioyou can disable it with the 'xinput' utility, among other ways, no doubt07:55
bonno@reisio i'm pretty new with linux so i do not know how could i do it07:56
bonnoreisio: thanks. so any idea how you could explain how to do it? :)07:58
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reisioxinput --list --name-only07:59
reisioxinput --disable 'namehere'07:59
bonnoreisio: lemme try it07:59
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bonnoreisio: nah man. you see, i do not want to disable it permamently. i just want to make it disable automatically when i'm using the trackpoint and return back when i don't use trackpoint08:05
reisiovia: https://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu%20disable%20touchpad%20while%20using%20trackpoint08:07
bonnoreisio: yeah, i tried using this link. but. i am pretty new with linux and this does not give clear instructions on how to do it. only the idea how to do it08:09
reisiobonno: you08:13
reisiobonno: might go with the last answer in the linked page, then08:13
ZvyzzykHi, I have a problem with cursor visible location and actual location misalignment after wine changes resolution, and I assumed it's not directly related to wine because the the misalignment stays on the desktop even after wine program has been closed08:16
MonkeyDustZvyzzyk  if it's only wine related, might ask in #winehq08:17
Zvyzzykwell the cursor doesn't get misaligned if I change the resolution manually so does that mean that it is only wine related, even if the cursor stays misaligned after wine program gets closed?08:19
eslam_LinUxerhey all08:26
eslam_LinUxerHow 2 install this https://sourceforge.net/projects/madwimax-ui/08:27
eslam_LinUxeri have installed madwimax ,, but i need the ui08:27
m_javad_mohebiHi, Zvyzzyk. Please check this URL , You might find a solution https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145733508:27
MonkeyDustd!find madwimax08:27
MonkeyDust!find madwimax08:27
ubottuFound: madwimax, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 18 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=madwimax&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all08:27
* reisio headdesks08:28
eslam_LinUxeri have Download it ,, but i didn't Know , how 2 install it08:28
DalekSec!find madwimax08:28
ubottuFound: madwimax08:28
reisioeslam_LinUxer: does it have a configure file?08:29
eslam_LinUxerreisio : No it has not08:29
eslam_LinUxerbut theres a Makefile08:29
Rarrikinseslam_LinUxer: Does it have a readme file?08:29
eslam_LinUxerRarrikins : no , it has not08:29
eslam_LinUxerand there's events.c file & interface.c and main.c and pipe.h08:30
eslam_LinUxerjatt : make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.08:30
jattdo it in the directory with the c files08:32
eslam_LinUxerdoing this ? " gcc interface.c events.c main.c -o madwimax-ui `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0 --libs` "08:33
jattjust type make08:33
jattin the directory where the Makefile and the .c files are in08:33
MonkeyDusteslam_LinUxer  'apt show madwimax' says it's experimental, don't expect much support08:33
eslam_LinUxerok .... What i did Actually is renaming the file 2 " madwimax-ui"08:34
eslam_LinUxerand then i did "sudo cp madwimax-ui /usr/bin/"08:34
eslam_LinUxerand the big thing is ... renaming the make file from "makefile" 2 "Makefile"08:35
jattdon't rename anything08:35
jattjust change the directory to the directory where the Makefile and .c files are in and then type make08:35
eslam_LinUxerand i have a missing lib gtk+-2.008:35
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eslam_LinUxerjatt : thanX ,, i rum " make " and i get " now known as sleepfro"08:36
jattinstall libgtk2.0-dev08:37
eslam_LinUxer" > jatt : thanX ,, i rum " make " and i get " now known as sleepfro"08:37
eslam_LinUxeryes ,, i am installing it now ..08:37
jattyou type make and get "now known as sleepfro"!?08:37
eslam_LinUxerLoL ...08:38
eslam_LinUxersorry .. bad Copy & Pasting :v08:38
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Eddinninteresting: https://www.agwa.name/blog/post/how_to_crash_systemd_in_one_tweet08:46
jattit doesn't crash the system08:47
ducasseEddinn: that bug has been patched.08:50
newbie|2How do I delete from trash files that refuse to get deleted, even through sudo bleachbit?08:50
Eddinnach so08:50
RarrikinsIf you want to see something fun, run the command aaaaaaaaaa with a few hundred as.08:50
RarrikinsWatch memory usage shoot up.08:51
jattnewbie|2: rm08:51
Eddinnrm -Rf /path/to/files/in/trash/*08:52
Rarrikinsnewbie|2: I think it's ~/.local/share/Trash08:52
newbie|2jatt: rm what exactly? If "sudo bleachbit" doesn't succeed, I'd need more power than a simple rm command, wouldn't I?  Btw, I can't change the files from "read-only"08:53
Eddinnnewbie|2: are they in use by the system?08:54
newbie|2Eddinn: Nope, not that I know.  As a newbie, how can I find out if ....08:54
Eddinnjust give sudo rm -Rf /path/to/files/in/trash/*08:54
jattnewbie|2: rm <file that refuses to get deleted by bleachbit>08:54
mllieHi guys08:55
newbie|2jatt: the thing that bothers me is that not even "sudo ... " works08:55
mllieThere is some mail queued two times per hour from root to root08:55
Ben64newbie|2: which files where08:55
mllieI guess it's from cron jobs. How do I disable them?08:56
Sillypiratomllie crontab as root08:56
jattnewbie|2: pastebin the command you are trying and the output08:56
Eddinn"crontab -l" to see if anything is in there08:56
mllieSillypirato: How do I disable the mails?08:56
Eddinnmllie: first you'll need to see what is in the mails08:57
Eddinna mail from root can be anything08:57
mllieEddinn: How do I see that since it isn't delivered08:58
Eddinnmllie: cat /var/spool/mail/root08:58
ducassenewbie|2: 'sudo chattr -i filename ; rm -f filename'08:59
mllieEddinn: no file found08:59
Eddinnmllie: ls /var/spool/mail/08:59
Eddinnsee what's there08:59
Eddinnor as root, use mail command09:00
mllieEddinn: empty09:00
Eddinnyou can also see in /root/mbox09:00
Eddinnas root09:00
Eddinnmbox is a file holding mails09:01
mllieEddinn: no mbox there either09:01
Eddinncat /var/log/mail.log into pastebin.com and show us09:02
mllieEddinn: It's trying to send the mail to root@mydomain.com09:03
mllieEddinn: But I think it's the cronjobs since the times is 09 and 39 every hour09:04
Eddinnok, and what does ls /etc/*cron give you?09:06
Eddinnany odd cronjobs?09:06
Eddinnls /etc/*cron* even09:06
mllieEddinn: there is a clear php5 sessions that doesn't have > /dev/null09:06
mllieI tried adding that now09:06
mllieEddinn: It's soon 09 so then we'll see :)09:08
mllieEddinn: No mail added to queue, thanks. Other mails is sent as well09:13
mllieEddinn: the previous error was that other mail was not sent since the root@mydomain.com didn't exist. I guess the mydomain.com-smtp server banned our IP for a while09:13
Eddinnnp :)09:14
mllieEddinn: especially since mydomain.com is hosted at google apps09:14
mllieEddinn: so every other gmail-aadress failed to deliver09:14
lokyoi have file has been hit by ransomware09:15
lokyowhat command can i use of ransomware09:15
reisiodon't know much about it, but it's probably properly encrypted and you're boned09:15
reisiothis is why one makes backups (and doesn't install rootkits)09:16
mllieEddinn: Thanks. Anyway I think of maybe fix the problem so the mails are actually delivered09:16
mllieEddinn: But I'll leave that to another day09:16
m_javad_mohebiUnfortunately you might lost your data, Because ransom-wares usually using a private key that only themselves have that key.09:18
m_javad_mohebiCheck https://www.nomoreransom.org/ , Kaspersky, Intel and i think Europol made an application that could decrypt some of the file were encrypted by known ransomewares09:20
Sillypiratobetter fix that bitcoin wallet hehe09:20
m_javad_mohebiDo you know, what is the name of the ransomware your were infected with ?09:21
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elanozturklanozturk Sodomwe25509:37
elanozturk /msg NickServ identify SOdomwe25509:41
ppfelanozturk: time for a new password maybe?09:41
flerbilnaber len mQ09:42
flerbiltürk yok mu len mQ09:42
bazhangit's tr09:44
ppfright :)09:44
ppfis there a commandslist?09:45
bazhang!brain | ppf09:46
ubottuppf: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone09:46
bazhangyou can /msg the bot to test ppf09:47
m3n3chm0hello¡¡ i'm having trouble upgrading for the last days with this package Se encontraron errores al procesar:09:48
m3n3chm0 /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-opencl-icd-340_340.98-0ubuntu0~gpu16.04.1_amd64.deb09:48
m3n3chm0E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:48
ppfm3n3chm0: any more output in that error message?09:49
m3n3chm0ppf the issue is on this package Se encontraron errores al procesar:  /var/cache/ap09:52
m3n3chm0i'm gonna upload the output to nopaste service...just a seconf09:52
m3n3chm0ppf here you got https://nopaste.me/view/a9c8cee209:53
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tomreyn!es | m3n3chm009:57
ubottum3n3chm0: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.09:57
tomreynbut sinc eyou speak english, you are also welcome here, of course.09:57
=== NotRany is now known as not_rany
tomreynto provide english language output of commands, run: export LANG=C09:58
tomreyn*welcome to ask (and welcome anyways ;) )09:59
m3n3chm0ok no problem i'm uploading the output all in English :)10:00
Eddinnm3n3chm0: sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade10:01
tomreynm3n3chm0: thanks. first, let's make sure your package repositories are in good condition. please show the output of: apt-get update; apt-cache policy; apt-get -f install; dpkg --configure -a10:01
Eddinnm3n3chm0: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:01
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Eddinnthen run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:02
Eddinnmight also want to try sudo apt-get clean all10:03
ppfm3n3chm0: that paste page is trying to create a flash overlay ... please put your next page some place else10:03
Eddinnthen run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:03
ppf!paste | m3n3chm010:04
ubottum3n3chm0: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:04
wayne_does anybody knw how to hack webcams10:12
bazhangwayne_, hack to do what10:13
tomreyn!offtopic | wayne_10:13
ubottuwayne_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:13
wayne_for testing purposes10:14
wayne_inside my internal network only10:14
mubixchrishi guyz10:30
mubixchrisi just joinned this chatroom but it is ammazing10:31
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wayne_join ##freenode10:34
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danzkaneed help modifying resolv.conf resolvconf doesn't start after reboot even after update-rc.d resolvconf defaults10:43
danzkaany idea?10:43
MonkeyDustdanzka  try sudo resolvconf -u     <-- -u means update10:44
danzkayeah I did and the resolv.conf gets generated with my entries10:45
danzkabut after reboot it simply vanishes10:45
danzkawhen I checked on resolvconf  daemon it was down10:46
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zteamHi all!10:50
zteamanyone knowledgable about alsa related sound isses here?10:51
Ben64ask your actual question to get the best results10:51
zteamBen64, sure :-)10:52
cerionzteam: and ?10:54
zteamI'm getting very poor quailty (distorted sound) and it makes a clicking sound every few seconds I'm running Ubuntu 16.04, and the sound is connected via  toslink (s/pdif) and the integrated audio chip is Realtek ALC 89210:56
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zteamSo far I have tried upgrading the ALSA driver according to this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/UpgradingAlsa/DKMS, turning on proposed updates, and editing the pulseaudio configuration according to this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio/Troubleshooting#Audio_quality10:58
zteamI'm not reallu sure what else I can do10:59
zteamthe TosLink cable works perfecty with my older machine running Ubuntu too11:00
zteamso the cable seems to OKEY11:00
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Kartagisikonia: are you there?11:53
Morientes123 Hi, I am a Linux beginner user, can someone tell me please how to install the most minimalist lubuntu core, I am interested to use only firefox...11:59
MonkeyDust!mini | Morientes123 try this12:00
ubottuMorientes123 try this: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:00
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:03
sami_<span id="fb-timeline-cover-name">SaRa Ahmed</span>12:03
Morientes123MonkeyDust: ubottu lubuntu please...12:03
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ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:03
Morientes123If I am alowed to ask about it in here because on #lubuntu no one is answering...12:03
MonkeyDustMorientes123  yes, you can also downmoad and install lubuntu-desktop12:04
zteamOkay so I tried to updating via proposed updates to see if that could fix my sound problem, but the newest kernel I got from there even refuses to boot on my new machine12:04
Morientes123If I am alowed to ask about it in here because on #lubuntu no one is answering...12:04
Morientes123MonkeyDust: lubuntu core please, not the desktop...12:04
allTheRightWordsits hard to say what packages do u need12:04
zteamyou can view a picture of the kernel freezing here : http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=jawd1v&s=9#.V_D3G7UvDCI12:04
ioria!info lubuntu-core12:04
ubottulubuntu-core (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment - minimal installation. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.65.1 (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; armhf)12:04
ioriaMorientes123, you first need mini and then install lubuntu-core12:05
MonkeyDustMorientes123  it's all available to download12:05
Guest60093<img class="coverPhotoImg photo img" src="https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/12924357_187694914955806_6080121448627828131_n.jpg?oh=f44c658404cb9702afc31f5dbe710bcb&amp;oe=586FDC45" style="top:-252px;width:100%" data-fbid="187694914955806" alt="Photo de couverture"><div class="coverBorder"></div><img class="coverChangeThrobber img" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3/yk/r/LOOn0JtHNzb.gif" alt="" width="16" height="16">12:05
Kartagisif anyone remembers my fps issue, I finally fixed it by logging in to cinnamon and not cinnamon (software rendering)12:05
ioriaMorientes123, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall#Command_Line_Install:_12.04_and_later12:05
Morientes123Tell me please which is the command than to install the minimum package, only the minimal packages the system needs to start and use only firefox12:06
Morientes123no extra packages please...12:06
ioriaMorientes123, we told you : first install mini and then lubuntu-core12:06
MonkeyDustMorientes123  you need extra packages to run firefox, you need a DE12:07
allTheRightWordsioria, how much megabytes would tha tbe?12:07
ioriaallTheRightWords, not much : mini is 54:48 mb12:07
allTheRightWordsioria, no, mini+lubuntu-core12:08
ioriaallTheRightWords, don't remember exactly, but few mb too12:10
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ducasseMicrotrauma: on a minimal install, xorg + lubuntu-core will add 1236mb12:12
Microtraumaducasse, will there ever be a ubuntu-core? i dont like lxde12:13
MonkeyDust!find ubuntu-core12:13
ubottuFound: initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core, ubuntu-core-config, ubuntu-core-security-apparmor, ubuntu-core-security-seccomp, ubuntu-core-security-utils, lubuntu-core, ubuntu-core-libs, ubuntu-core-libs-dev, ubuntu-core-upgrader, xubuntu-core (and 3 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ubuntu-core&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all12:13
Microtraumaubuntu-core is for iot stuff12:14
Microtraumai was thinking about a stripped ubuntu12:15
Microtraumaa very, very light unity-desktop12:15
ducasseMicrotrauma: no clue, ask in #ubuntu-desktop, maybe.12:15
Microtraumai dont like trimming and its quite hard actually to trim the right way12:15
Microtraumaits much easier to add stuff than to remove stuff without breaking anything12:16
Morientes123ioria: ubottu MonkeyDust tell me please which one is more lighter and more secure between 12.04 Precise Pangolin  Precise Core and  16.04 Xenial Xerus  Xenial Core from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall and tell me after using the minimalinstall please is this the most minimal command sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends lubuntu-desktop  to use only the necessary packages to start lu12:17
ioriaMorientes123, what's you hw ?12:18
Morientes123Tell me please sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends lubuntu-core will install only the depends red points from here ? http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/lubuntu-core ?12:18
Morientes123Excuse me ioria, tell me please what is "hw"12:19
ioriaMorientes123, what's you hardware ? cpu, ram12:19
MonkeyDustMorientes123  what is your end goal, what are you trying to achieve?12:19
Morientes123ioria: it's an 10 years old laptop, maybe it would work even ubuntu desktop with all the packages...12:20
Morientes123But maybe is my ambition to be the "minimal ever system"12:21
ioriaMorientes123, cpu, ram, video card ?12:21
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Morientes123laptop hp 6820s12:21
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ioriaMorientes123, Intel Core 2 Duo T5870 / 2 GHz   and 2 g ?12:22
Morientes123ioria: but tell me please even if I will have the last ever hardware :), it would be ok if I would like to use the most ever lubuntu os ?12:22
Morientes123yes ioria12:23
MonkeyDustMorientes123  there's also puppy linux, damn small linux, tinycore linux and more, for old laptops12:23
ioriaMorientes123, your hardware is ok.... and what's your goal ?12:23
john122hi all. very basic question, sorry. but tearing my hair out here. got a 16.04 server using for Odoo 9. Odoo 9 uses UTC. I'm in CEST (UTC +2). i'm really sure I've set the server to UTC as needed but ... can anyone help please? timedatectl is showing local time as CEST but Timezone as Time zone: Etc/UTC (CEST, +0200) - thanks12:24
Morientes123ioria: to have the minimal lightest, simplest fastest lubuntu :) with the minimal possible packages, only with firefox and with only the depends from here... http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/lubuntu-core12:24
akikjohn122: use date to see the date and time12:24
ioriaMorientes123,  i see that you have ATI Mobility Radeon X1350 -12:25
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Morientes123ioria: tell me please is there any other command than sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends lubuntu-core to install less packages than that ? :)12:25
john122akik: thanks but timedatectl is showingLocal time: Sun 2016-10-02 14:20:42 CEST - why is it showing CEST? if I change the time, it will still say CEST but just be wrong by 2 hours12:26
Morientes123Excuse me ioria even I would have the last ever possible hardware still I would like to use the lightest lubuntu please...12:26
ioriaMorientes123,  well, first you need the basic system... so install with mini.iso .... and maybe it's better mini 14.0412:26
akikjohn122: date has always shown the time that server is configured for. sorry i don't know about timedatectl. the file /etc/localtime controls the server timezone12:27
ioriaMorientes123,  after, you we can talk about the graphic environment12:27
john122akik: yes, and I've linked /etc/localtime to the UTC file12:27
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Morientes123ok ioria ... after...12:27
akikjohn122: must be some systemd shenanigan then12:27
john122akik: date is showing Sun Oct  2 14:27:38 CEST 2016 - I don't know why12:27
zteamMorientes123, just as a hint: you can test the results before with sudo apt-get install -s that just writes what apt would install instead of actually doing it12:28
Morientes123ioria: or tell me please which is the lightest graphic environment for my needs...12:28
Morientes123zteam: ok....12:28
Morientes123good hint...12:29
Morientes123thank you...12:29
ioriaMorientes123,  firefox can run also with fluxbox, openbox...12:29
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Morientes123great ioria than it means I don;t need any more sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends lubuntu-core ?12:30
ducasseMorientes123: you could install just a window manager, no desktop environment12:30
ioriaMorientes123,  you need xorg , but you don't need lubuntu (core or desktop)12:30
Morientes123ioria: After the basic system... so install with mini.iso ?12:30
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ioriaMorientes123,  you install the basic system with mini.iso (i suggest 14.04 32-bit), yes12:31
Morientes123ioria: than I don't need any more sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends lubuntu-core after setting the  basic system... so install with mini.iso12:31
Morientes123is it right ?12:31
Morientes123thank you ducasse..12:31
ioriaMorientes123,  yes, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso12:32
Morientes123ioria: mini.iso from ubuntu http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso is the same as light as https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall ?12:33
ioriaMorientes123,  yes12:33
Morientes123Great ioria...12:34
Morientes123Tell me please, after?12:34
ioriaMorientes123,  consider it's a net install, it takes time and you need a good connection12:34
Morientes123which one is the lightest and minimalist window manager12:35
Sewerrathey, could anyone send an example from their /etc/fstab that i could have a look at to see if im doing it right.12:35
ioriaMorientes123,  then install xorg xinit a display manager and a DE or a window manager12:35
Morientes123it's ok ioria...12:35
ioriaMorientes123,  fluxbox is very light, but there are a lot12:36
MicrotraumaMorientes123, are u an experienced linux user?12:36
Morientes123Super ioria, a link please on how to install fluxbox for Linux beginners ?12:36
Morientes123no Microtrauma...12:36
ioriaMorientes123, sudo apt-get install luxbox :þ12:37
MicrotraumaMorientes123, fluxbox is the wrong path12:37
Microtraumatry what ioria recommended already: lubuntu-core12:37
ioriaMorientes123, btw, if you install lxdm, you'll have a dm and a minimal lxde env12:38
ioriaMorientes123, very light and fast on a pentium 312:38
Morientes123If I will try fluxbox and I will can't handle with it I will go back to lubuntu-core...12:38
ioriaMorientes123, fluxbox is not intuitive to customize12:39
MicrotraumaMorientes123, trying fluxbox is a waste of time if youre a beginner12:39
ircnode0_somebody know how to recover encrypted SDD in live cd? I updated ubuntu and I got Ubuntu crash in kernel panic. I have tried  "sudo ecryptfs-recover-private", but couldn't due to permission denied from accessing /run/user/999/gvfs. The sudo command is from http://www.howtogeek.com/116297/how-to-recover-an-encrypted-home-directory-on-ubuntu/12:39
Microtraumabeen there, done that12:40
Morientes123or is there any other more friendly graphic environment easier to use for a beginner than fluxbox, other than lubuntu-core ?12:40
MicrotraumaMorientes123, the more friendly user is, the more bloated it is12:40
ioriaMorientes123, you can try lxdm12:41
Morientes123and light of course :)12:41
Morientes123ioria: sudo apt-get lxdm ?12:41
Microtraumalubuntu-core is a nice compromise12:41
ioriaMorientes123, yep12:41
zteamMorientes123, you can try LXDE that's as lightweight as it can get if you still want to get a decent looking desktop (but that's just according to my taste)12:41
Morientes123ok... I will try...12:42
ioriaMorientes123, but don't rant if you don't find functionalities ....12:42
Morientes123zteam: maybe a decent looking desktop is the last thing I need :)12:42
Morientes123I need only firefox :)12:42
Microtraumaioria, agree12:42
Morientes123ioria:  sorry, I don't understand... :)12:43
ioriaMorientes123, i mean a minimal install it's a minimal install ....12:43
Morientes123ioria: I need only firefox to use, sorry for repeating so much this... :)12:44
ioriaMorientes123, yes, and ff can want a lot of things ...12:45
Microtraumatheres a light browser called midori12:45
Morientes123Oh, ioria, now I understand...12:46
Morientes123Microtrauma: tell me please is as secure as firefox or chrome ?12:46
MicrotraumaMorientes123, lacks certain functionalities, but i heard nothing bad about it12:46
Morientes123And I can stream online, youtube or I can browse the same web sites like with firefox ?12:46
Microtraumai dont think so, you should google and see if it fits your needs12:47
ioriaMorientes123, midori can be troublesome12:47
Morientes123Maybe one of the most important here for me is the security....12:47
Morientes123ok ioria...12:47
divyanshuhow to fix error at boot read only filesystem12:48
john122can the timezone of the root user be different from system time? no matter what I do to change the timezone, I can never to root timezone to UTC12:49
john122but on a new 16.04 I just spun up on DO it works fine. defaults to UTC on creation. can change to CEST. can change back to UTC. but on my other server I  can never get it to UTC12:49
divyanshuHow to edit grub boot file12:50
Morientes123ioria: one more thing please, just to be sure and to clarify it.. you recommend 14.04 more than 12, 15, 16 for my needs, can you tell me please why ?12:50
zteamMorientes123, well, only you can answere that question my friend ;-)12:50
ioriaMorientes123,  the best is 16.04 but you have a amd card12:51
Microtraumatake a chance and install 16.0412:51
Morientes123oook zteam but which are the bigest difference regarding maybe first the security and after how light they are...12:51
ioriaMorientes123,  15 is ended so don't consider it12:52
divyanshucan the timezone of the root user can be different than the system time just to be sure and to clarify it.. you recommend ubuntu more than for my needs cant you tell me please that question my friend ook zteam but which are the biggest difference12:52
Morientes123ioria: 12 ? :) outdated ? is not more lighter then the others ?12:52
akikjohn122: see if you have the TZ environment variable defined additionally12:52
MicrotraumaMorientes123, if u want security, then install the latest lts12:53
Morientes123Microtrauma: 16 ? is more secure but not so light as 14, right ?12:53
ioriaMorientes123,  can be, not sure ... but trusty (and xenial) are ok12:53
MicrotraumaMorientes123, 14 will last its maintenance sooner than 1612:54
john122akik: thanks12:54
Microtraumaif u crave security, the latest lts is the best12:55
zteamMorientes123, security has little to do with the desktop enviroment as long as you run a supported distro and keep it up to to date you should be equally safe I say, as for lightness there is nearly endless freedom to choose from: http://www.pcworld.com/article/2951829/operating-systems/freedom-of-choice-7-top-linux-desktop-environments-compared.html12:55
zteamMorientes123, http://www.tecmint.com/open-source-lightweight-linux-desktops/12:57
Morientes123zteam: but tell me please from the light at first sight the lxde is the most customable for a beginner to make it lighter than the others, is it right?12:58
Morientes123regarding your first link I was talking above... :)12:58
Microtraumazteam, i think he wants a ubuntu-based desktop12:58
Morientes123true Microtrauma12:59
Morientes123I have been reading about puppy and tinycore...12:59
Morientes123not so... from what I could find and understand...12:59
zteamMorientes123, If i were you I would try LXDE if you want a clean and good looking desktop, there should be no need go more leightweight than that, if you want a little more eye candy you should try XFCE13:00
zteamMorientes123, watch a video of LXDE and see if you like that, if not check out XFCE13:01
debkadMorientes123: how much RAM you have?13:01
Microtraumalxde - lubuntu xfce - xubuntu13:01
Morientes123ook zteam.... good to know...13:01
Morientes123debkad: 2 GB13:02
debkadMorientes123: so you're fine to use until Mate, here i have 1G and using xfce just fine13:02
Morientes123but, as I said before even I would have the last hardware, it's my mind :) it wants minimalist :)13:02
Microtraumaminimalism and linux noob dont fit together13:03
zteammortalius, just search youtube for a video of lxdeubuntum, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nhaxaDUYXQ13:03
Morientes123I understand Microtrauma :) I will try to learn :)13:04
=== CapitaoPorrada is now known as casaubon
Morientes123as soon and as fast as possible, maybe one week, maybe one month, one year, 10, 20 30 :)\13:04
Morientes123Good zteam...13:04
debkadMorientes123: xubuntu will be your best distro, have everything you want and easy to customize13:04
=== me is now known as Guest88497
Morientes123debkad: all I need to use is firefox :)13:05
debkadgood :)13:05
Morientes123And still minimalist :)13:05
Morientes123zteam: it looks great...13:06
zteamMorientes123, let's put it like this:  no matter which desktop enviroment you get you will always get equal security and hardware-support  (except for touch-displays and stuff like that)13:06
Morientes123than, the command after mini.iso will be sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends lubuntu-core ?13:07
Morientes123or sudo apt-get install ldxm ?13:07
zteamMorientes123, no need to, you can just grab the lubuntu live installation media13:08
debkadyeah or may be lubuntu-desktop13:08
Morientes123link please zteam ?13:08
zteamMorientes123, that way you can also test how you like it before deciding if you want to install it :-)13:08
zteamMorientes123, if I were you I would just grab the lubuntu desktop iso13:09
debkadMorientes123: you can always use more than one desktop, for example have both lxde and xfce13:11
Morientes123Thank you for your help ioria zteam Microtrauma13:11
zteamMorientes123, No problem glad to help13:12
Morientes123Wish you all the best !13:12
=== ariel_ is now known as Guest639
cent_how can I create a window in the ubuntu?13:14
kerdazWhat do you mean?13:15
debkadi guess he want to create some kind of gui13:15
debkadcent_: there are many choice, using python with tkinter or easygui and start to see some tutorial online13:16
debkadcent_: may be zenity could be another choice too13:17
lordcirthcent_, what language do you want to make it from?13:19
cent_c language13:19
lordcirthcent_, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4572314/graphical-user-interface-tutorial-in-c13:20
cent_I'm a Senior high school student, want to know about this13:21
debkadi heard that cython use python as modules or something, that may be something you want to take a look for13:21
lordcirthcent_, note that C is a rather complex language to make GUI's in, even with good libraries.  But you could do it.13:22
cent_rather complex?13:23
=== Fuchs is now known as zombiefox
Microtraumayoure a high school student and dont know to search "ubuntu window programming"?13:23
Microtraumayou dont even have to use "gui" term13:24
cent_in fact, my English is not good, because lived china13:25
aus_malno need for insults13:25
lordcirthcent_, because C is a low-level language, it makes you do all the details yourself.  Which is great for learning, and for writing fast code, but can be harder for beginners to make complex programs.13:26
cent_it's hard to find the information13:26
Microtraumayou dont ask questions on google, you use search terms13:28
Microtraumai never asked google anything13:28
=== cerion is now known as Gladia
=== Gladia is now known as Cerion
theskillwithinhttp://kopy.io/wsFrl    http://kopy.io/n68xs13:30
theskillwithinI have been trying to figure out a git command that will make branch gh-pages just contain build/ folder as its root despite being in .gitignore13:30
cent_my problem is solved,thank you13:31
=== zombiefox is now known as Fuchs
=== rany is now known as StephenHawking
darehi everybody, I can't for the life of me find the checksum of the ubuntu mini.iso (the 16.04.1 version)13:49
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest24906
Microtraumaits better than md5sum13:52
dareaha Microtrauma, but where is it?13:53
Microtraumajust enter sha256 in your terminal13:53
ronaldsmazitisI am using ffmpeg to grab screen recording13:53
ronaldsmazitisffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1024x768 -i :0.0 -vcodec huffyuv screencast.avi13:53
ronaldsmazitismy problem is, that file is not playable after I crtl-z13:54
ronaldsmazitisit only plays on vlc, because stream has problems13:54
ronaldsmazitisany way to end screen recording without messing up stream13:54
Microtraumau could try to ask on ##linux13:54
dareI suppose I need to compare the result with something right Microtrauma?13:55
Microtraumayes, dare13:55
dareand where can I find the SHA256SUMS and SHA256SUMS.gpg for this versions?13:56
Microtraumahere https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD ?13:57
darethat's for 16.0413:57
darenot 16.04.113:57
Microtraumause only 16.0413:58
darewhy not 16.04.1?13:58
Microtraumaor, u could download the same file ten times and compare it13:58
Microtraumaif theyre identical, then u probably downloaded it correctly13:59
Microtraumajust trying to be helpful13:59
dareyes, in this case it is feasible13:59
* maxb isn't convinced that suggestion is helpful13:59
EriC^^actually it would just download the same cached version14:00
dareI appreciate it Microtrauma14:00
MicrotraumaEriC^^, what?!14:00
EriC^^Microtrauma: yes!14:00
Microtraumawhat cache, bro?14:00
EriC^^isp bruh14:00
darebut I would like to do things properly and I can see there is no easy way to find this info14:00
EriC^^never happened to ya?14:00
MicrotraumaEriC^^, im laughing14:00
EriC^^im smiling14:01
EriC^^well laughing too to be honest14:01
Microtraumadare, my way is the only way if u cant find the checksum and still wanna install 16.04.114:01
=== s1 is now known as Guest76482
maxbdare: Why don't you just download the checksums file from the same place you got the image?14:01
EriC^^Microtrauma: i'm just messing with you, it's all a joke14:02
EriC^^(i hope you were kidding about the 10 d/l times though)14:02
EriC^^!checksum | dare14:02
ubottudare: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM14:02
EriC^^!hashes | dare14:02
ubottudare: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases14:02
MicrotraumaEriC^^, i tried to watch naughty movies and never buffers well. where is isp then?14:02
darei can't find anything related to checksums14:02
daremaybe somebody can14:02
ronaldsmazitisMicrotrauma: why not Ubuntu14:03
Microtraumai mean, there is isp cache for ubuntu isos but not for my naughty movies14:03
dareno ubottu, mini.iso 16.04.1 is not there14:03
maxbdare: The checksums are at the same place you got the image from, just one directory up14:03
stayKlassyHello, I am in a hurry. Could someone please tell me how to enable the non-open source drivers i have the chance to enable while installing when im on a live cd?14:03
EriC^^Microtrauma: have a read https://geekhost.ca/supp/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=9014:03
Microtraumaguys, u are truly amazing14:03
MicrotraumaEriC^^, well, unfortunately, my isp is a louse cache-er14:05
darethanks maxb14:05
stayKlassythese drivers14:05
dareI found it now14:05
dareone directory up14:05
stayKlassythe second choice. how do i enable on live cd?14:05
EriC^^Microtrauma: it's still going to use the same bandwidth for you to watch your movie14:05
stayKlassyi need the wifi14:05
EriC^^it's just a cached version..14:05
Microtraumai learn new things every day14:06
EriC^^your isp isn't going to let you use a faster connection to get the cached copy14:06
Microtraumano, but next time i shall get it from my isp, right?14:07
EriC^^Microtrauma: yeah, but you always get it from your isp ;)14:07
EriC^^it's not sitting in your room is it?14:07
MicrotraumaEriC^^, whats the difference betwwen cached and noncached by isp?14:08
Microtraumafrom a user pov14:08
EriC^^for you it just means you could get a version that isn't there anymore14:08
EriC^^like i make a site, you d/l it14:08
EriC^^later i change something in it, you d/l again and its the same for you still14:08
Microtraumai waited 15 minutes for 50MB of movie. after isp cached it, i wait how long?14:09
EriC^^d/l is the same14:09
EriC^^the d/l between you and the isp is the same, it doesn't matter14:09
Microtraumabut how does isp know how much i waited the first time?14:10
lordcirthMicrotrauma, it's the same for you, it just costs your ISP less.14:10
lordcirthMicrotrauma, it doesn't "know how long you waited" it's the same file at the same speed14:10
lordcirthSo it takes the same time.14:10
Microtraumathe reason i waited 15 minutes it was because the site was busy14:10
Microtraumanot because of my speed14:10
lordcirthMicrotrauma, in that case, ISP caching might help.14:10
Microtraumai knew, i just knew it isp really loves me!14:11
lordcirthMicrotrauma, however, if you know you'll want the same video multiple times, just download it and save it already14:12
=== StephenHawking is now known as rany
Microtraumaits always other video, i get bored easily :(14:13
monirohh ok14:13
zteamOkey, so I'm trying to compile Realteks own Audio driver to fix my stupid sound issues, but then I instead hit a copilatin error, I created a logfile over here: sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf14:18
=== matteo is now known as Guest90021
zteamops, here is the right link sorry http://paste.ubuntu.com/23265127/14:18
=== Microtrauma is now known as OliverHuntemann
gebruikerhello guys, I am learning more about linux. Now I am wondering how come firefox in unity beuatiful when it comes to font rendering but in gnome or cinnamon it is not14:26
gebruikeris it because of compiz14:26
OliverHuntemannits not even english14:26
meminHello everybody14:28
salamander66hey all14:32
ppfgebruiker: probably missing some gnome font packages14:39
gebruikerppf, hmm unity is already installed and ubuntu-gnome-desktop too14:40
gebruikerso i assume that meta package has all I need right?14:40
zimabluehi, I did bad things andbroke apt-get, every time I try to install anything it says the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23265220/14:41
MonkeyDust_zimablue  try    sudo apt -f install14:41
zimabluemonkeydust: get the same thing14:42
alkisgzimablue: you can also try sudo apt-get install emacsen-common14:42
zimabluealkisg: same thing14:43
EoflaOEHow did you break apt-get?14:44
alkisgzimablue: try sudo dpkg --purge --force-all emacs2414:44
zimablueEofla0E: deleting random emacs-named files trying to undo an emacs install14:45
zimabluealkisg: same thing14:45
MonkeyDust_zimablue  sudo dpkg --configure -a14:46
ppfsudo apt-get install --reinstall emacsen-common14:47
alkisgzimablue: try sudo mkdir -p  /usr/lib/emacsen-common; sudo ln -s /bin/true  /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-install; sudo apt-get purge emacs2414:47
EoflaOEHow did you undo Emacs install?14:47
zimabluefirst by trying to purge then by deleting some files including presumably emacsen14:48
EoflaOEDid you think these are junks?14:49
zimablueEofla0E is wasn't my brightest move but I'd tried a lot of things and failed14:50
zimabluealkisg: I get the following when I try that14:50
zimabluethanks so much for the help guys I'm so borked14:50
alkisgzimablue: sudo ln -s /bin/true /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-remove; sudo apt-get purge emacs2414:51
EoflaOEThen back up your data and reinstall Ubuntu and restore them, also it is important to backup settings.14:52
zimabluealkisg: that didn't throw any error so maybe it worked?14:52
alkisgzimablue: ok, but now you still need to remove all the emacs packages as they have deleted files14:52
alkisge.g. sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove emacsen-common14:52
zimablueEofla0E I was actually halfway through doing this when my hard disk lead fell out and it corrupted, to fix that I needed to install something ; ;14:53
alkisgIf you need emacs, then you need to completely remove it and reinstall it14:53
=== JanC is now known as Guest35633
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
alkisgzimablue: wait14:54
alkisgI just saw that emacsen-common is preinstalled, you don't want to remove that, but just reinstall it14:54
alkisgsudo apt-get install --reinstall emacsen-common14:55
alkisg...so that its files are restored14:55
EoflaOEIs this laptop or computer?14:55
alkisgzimablue: dpkg -l '*emacs*' | grep ^ii, only shows emacsen-common here in my default installation, so that you know which packages you need to remove14:55
MonkeyDust_EoflaOE  i guess you mean, a laptop computer or a desktop computer14:56
zimabluealkisg: it worked it worked!!!14:56
EoflaOEThis is what I meant14:56
zimablueyou're a true hero, how can I repay you14:56
MonkeyDust_alkisg  +114:56
alkisgzimablue: did I notify you *before* the purge command?14:56
alkisgBecause if you did the purge command, you need to reinstall some stuff...14:57
zimabluealkisg: I reinstalled emacsen-common if that's what you mean?14:57
alkisg(05:52:50 μμ) alkisg: e.g. sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove emacsen-common14:57
alkisg==> I hope you *didn't* run that one14:57
zimablueyeah I did14:57
alkisgOuch, please scroll your terminal up and copy/paste the packages that were removed, to pastebin14:58
alkisgI didn't know that emacsen-common is preinstalled and a lot of packages depend to it14:58
alkisgYou need to reinstall those packages now14:59
zimabluealkisg: I did that, it's here http://paste.ubuntu.com/23265312/15:00
alkisgzimablue: run this big command, all in one line: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23265317/15:02
alkisg...to put the packages back15:02
alkisg*before* rebooting :)15:02
=== Crypto is now known as Guest20443
codfectionpowershell yeaa15:05
codfectionon ubuntu15:05
zimabluealkisg: done, I dunno how to thank you I was about to go for a full rebuild which would have taken man-days15:07
alkisgzimablue: you're welcome15:07
lalpI am trying to use jsoncpp in one of my c++ programs, but get linking errors due to undefined references. dpkg -l lists libjson-c2, libjsoncpp-dev and libjsoncpp1. in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ i have libjsoncpp.so, libjsoncpp.a and libsjon.so.1.7.2; i use g++ with following flags: g++ -L/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ -ljsoncpp test.cc; result: undefined reference - what did i miss?15:10
MonkeyDust_lalp  looks like something for the ##c++ channel15:11
lalpoh thanks for the hint. i thought ubuntu is fine since i am working on a ubuntu box.15:12
mistralolHi can somebody help? I updated ubuntu from 14.04 -> 16.04 but it didn't update the kernel. For some reason I cannot update the kernel  as it fails with warnings like warning: disk does not exist, so falling back to partition device /dev/xvda115:14
sorinelloHello. Can someone willing to explain to be something regarding mounting a device ? it seems that the permission on my folder from /mnt are changing after I mount the drive15:14
alkisgmistralol: put the whole output to pastebin15:15
alkisgsorinello: the /mnt folder has the permissions of your mounted device, not of the "host" file system15:15
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alkisgmistralol: try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc, and select an existing disk15:16
mistralolalkisg: note this is a vm (is suect xen but not sure) its on a remote vm15:16
sorinelloalkisg, so before mount, the owner is root, with 755 permissions. After I mount the owner is another user, with 777 rights.15:16
sorinellowho changes these permissions, samba ?15:17
alkisgsorinello: what file system is that, e.g. ntfs? and how are you doing the mount?15:17
sorinelloalkisg, the fs is ext4, I am doing the mount from a UI tool, but with no extra params, so it should only be mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/share15:17
Guy1524Hey guys, so unity-control-center (system settings) wasn't working at all (segmentation fault), so I rebooted, now my resolution is something low instead of 1080p and I can not login in any account15:18
Guy1524I recently installed the nvidia 370 drivers yesterday if that has anything to do w/ it15:18
alkisgsorinello: grep /mnt /proc/mounts ==> and put the result to pastebin15:19
alkisg...or just here15:20
mistralolalkisg: grub-pc isn't installed so it cannot reconfigure15:20
alkisgmistralol: hmm you have os-prober but not grub? what's the output of dpkg -l '*grub*' | grep ^ii ?15:21
Guy1524should I apt purge nvidia*15:22
mistralolalkisg: its using grub-xen i think15:22
Guy1524and reinstalling?15:22
alkisgmistralol: sorry, no idea then15:22
Guy1524actually a ton of other weird stuff is happening too15:22
alkisgI haven't used grub-xen15:22
mistralolalkisg: i suspect its controlled on the xen host somehow and I don't have access to it15:23
Guy1524when I try to run an apt command I get E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.15:23
MonkeyDust_Guy1524  yes, and did you do that?15:23
Guy1524and when I run it tells me that /etc/sudoers has been modified by me or a script since installation15:23
sorinelloalkisg, /dev/sdb /mnt/usbstick ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered 0 015:24
alkisgsorinello: ubuntu normally mounts user media to /media/username/usb-stick-label. Which graphic tool are you using that goes to /mnt instead?15:25
Guy1524and now it gives me an option15:25
Guy1524install package maintainer's version (of sudo)15:25
sorinelloalkisg, I am using an embedded linux, it's'not ubuntu. I was curios about how the mount permissions are treated in general15:25
Guy1524keep currently-installed version (of sudo)15:25
sorinellosorry for not mentioning earlier15:26
MonkeyDust_sorinello  ubuntu only, here15:26
Guy1524which one should I choose?15:26
alkisgsorinello: each tool can do whatever it wants; but unfortunately we can't know all tools, that's why in #ubuntu we only support the ubuntu tools15:26
alkisgsorinello: you need to ask the tool authors on why they implement it this way15:26
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MonkeyDust_sorinello  ##linux for general linux questions15:26
* alkisg waves, later...15:26
=== rafa is now known as Guest34900
Guy1524guys, please, I can't log in15:28
Guy1524ill just go w/ no15:28
=== OliverHuntemann is now known as mamaligikiGoHome
Guy1524so I did the command, and I can log in now15:31
Guy1524but when I log in, I have nothing but the icons on my desktop15:32
Guy1524wtf is going on15:32
Guy1524this is super strange15:32
Guy1524and windows I open I can't move, and have no bars above them15:32
Guy1524guys, does anyone have the slightest clue as to whats going on15:33
Guy1524in ccsm, no plugins are enabled15:34
Guy1524wtf happened to unity, guys please respond15:34
k00pawhere can I leave my complaints about the shitty driver support15:35
k00paand the fact that updates fucked up my installation again15:35
mistralolk00pa: what driver?15:35
k00painstalled manually15:35
k00pasome updates fucked it up15:35
mistralolk00pa: which version?15:35
k00palatest ones15:35
k00pathat I installed for the 10xx series15:36
mistralolhum then seemt ow ork for me15:36
k00payeah dude15:36
jeskso, when proxy settings change (work-> home) how can I make chrome not using them anymore?15:36
mamaligikiGoHomei think ubuntu has the best driver support in linux world15:36
k00paif this is the best how the fuck do you guys even use any graphics15:36
k00pafirst, I had to manually install drivers15:36
k00paupgraded GPU15:36
k00pafucking black screen and had to SSH in and fix drivers15:36
jeskgraphics, whats that?15:36
k00panow, month later15:36
k00pafucking boom, broken again15:36
mamaligikiGoHomek00pa, try debian to convince yourself that ubuntu is the best15:36
mistralolleaves your complaints with nvidia15:36
jeski suppose you have some new, hyped gfx?15:36
k00pajesk: exactly, linux is fine on servers but this desktop stuff is just hilariously broken15:37
k00panvidia 107015:37
k00pashould be supported15:37
jeskis that new and hyped?15:37
k00pawell its the latest series15:37
k00paso yeh15:37
jeskyour fault15:37
mistralolk00pa: well nvidia don't know how to write drivers for linux and they won't release the information for the community to do it.15:37
k00pabut nvidia doesn't update my system and fuck the working drivers15:37
jeskdont get the lates and greatest gfx card and believe it wont run you into problems15:37
k00pathats why I blame ubuntu15:37
Guy1524k00pa: your right, after updating drivers, my system is completely destroyed15:37
mistralolk00pa: relevent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_36yNWw_07g15:38
k00paafter updating _ubuntu_ my drivers are fucked15:38
k00pathat doesn't make sense15:38
MonkeyDust_k00pa  mind your language15:38
jeskok, now something serious: (;-))15:38
jeskso, when proxy settings change (work-> home) how can I make chrome not using them anymore?15:38
k00paMonkeyDust_: the fuck15:38
k00pafuck this shit15:38
mistralolahhh he will be back tomorrow after using windows for 24 hours :)15:39
jeskdoesnt nvidia supply you with the drivers for the card?15:39
mistraloljesk: kinda. But their drivers typically suck15:39
jeskso blame nvidia15:39
mamaligikiGoHomeintel has drivers too, shitty too15:39
mistraloljesk: so you don't run the latest and greatest hardware on purpose cause they run 6-12 months behind ;)15:39
jeskor blame the linux guy, who writes the linux drivers for free because nvidia isnt able to15:39
mistraloljesk: well thats part ofthe problem then you get no acceleration so you can blame nvidia again for not releasing the correct info for the guy to write them15:40
mistraloljesk: as i posted a minute ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_36yNWw_07g15:40
jeski dont need that link15:40
jeskthe graphic ecosystems is mainly targeted at windoze15:41
jeskdont support those companies15:41
jeskbut nvidia seems to die anyway15:41
mistralolWell I did have an interesting time with multiple gfx cards that works on windows and didn't work in ubuntu which was mixed amd / nvidia ;)15:42
Guy1524can you guys at least tell me why you aren't responding to me15:42
tomreyn!patience | Guy152415:43
jeskbecause I didnt backlog15:43
ubottuGuy1524: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:43
MonkeyDust_!patience | Guy152415:43
MonkeyDust_tomreyn  was fatster15:43
tomreyni'm not fat!!11 ;)15:43
tomreynGuy1524: could you please repeat your question15:43
MonkeyDust_typo *blush*15:43
PCdudehi all :)15:44
tomreynhi Raoul15:44
jeskI cant believe that I need to logout/login to kick the proxy settings out15:44
jesk*that* sucks15:45
Guy1524ok, well basically at first when I tried launching system settings, I got a segmentation fault, so I rebooted, then my resolution was low and I couldn't log in, so I went in a terminal and it told me to type in this dpkg command, and I did, which allowed me to log in, but now nothing shows up but the icons on my desktop and in ccsm I cant enable any compiz plugins15:45
Guy1524(I click enable and it doesn't save)15:45
Guy1524I just reinstalled nvidia-367 and am rebooting now15:45
jeskubuntu is bloat and basically sucks (beside its package base)15:46
Guy1524same issue once I reinstall drivers15:46
MonkeyDust_jesk  stop15:46
tomreynjesk: please move this elsewhere,15:46
tomreynMonkeyDust_ was fatster15:46
Guy1524is there something I haven't thought up of, or is there a way to completely reinstall unity15:47
MonkeyDust_tomreyn  i hate you15:47
=== mamaligikiGoHome is now known as in_the_mix
=== MonkeyDust_ is now known as MonkeyDust
jeskGuy1524: I can only recommend not to use unity15:47
Guy1524thanks for the very insightful commentary jesk (:15:48
tomreynGuy1524: it's hard to tell what the issue is without more information. take a look at ~/.xsession-errors15:48
in_the_mixx will soon be gone and replaced with mir15:48
in_the_mixat least its what i read15:48
Guy1524tomreyn, ^15:49
Guy1524would you like dmesg15:49
tomreynGuy1524: okay that's indeed not much, and nothing to worry about i guess15:49
tomreynGuy1524: the newest Xorg.*.log15:50
Guy1524ok where would I find that?15:50
Guy1524etc X11 or something15:50
tomreynGuy1524: but actually i have made a decision not to try to support nvidia proprietary drivers, so someone else will need to help15:50
Guy1524this is not an nvidia driver issue15:50
tomreyn /var/log/Xorg.*.log15:51
Guy1524I have tried it with out them with the same issue15:51
Guy1524is a lower number newer or older15:51
Guy1524nvm I only have one15:52
tomreynGuy1524: that dpkg command you needed to run, do you remember what it was about?15:52
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Guy1524hmm, well I couldn't purge something15:52
Guy1524so it said to run it15:53
Guy1524Ill try to find the command now15:53
Guy1524it may have been sudo dpkg --configure -a15:53
Guy1524along the way it said that /etc/sudoers had been modified by me or a script and asked me if I wanted to keep current version or install package maintainer version and I chose to keep the current version15:54
tomreynGuy1524: sounds reasonable. also, there is nothing unusual about your X log.15:54
tomreynGuy1524: along which way? did you upgrade your ubuntu release?15:55
Guy1524no, in the middle of running that command, it stopped and gave me that option15:55
tomreynGuy1524: did you make any major changes before you first got this segmentation fault?15:55
Guy1524well, I was using the built in remote desktop solution15:56
Guy1524I probably did something else along in that boot, but I can't recall15:56
Guy1524anything specific15:56
Guy1524im looking through my terminal history no15:57
tomreynoh i guess VNC sessions may not support compositing, but i can be wrong.15:57
tomreyncan we see the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install; dpkg --configure -a; sudo apt-cache policy15:57
tomreynGuy1524: ^15:57
tomreynincluding the commands you ran, please15:58
Guy1524ok, sure15:58
tomreyncan we see the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install; sudo dpkg --configure -a; sudo apt-cache policy15:58
tomreyn^ had a typo there15:59
theelous3hi, does anybody know how to change the font size of things like the menu bar, right click context menu, system monitor text etc.? It is unaffected by both unity/gnome tweak tools, and not related to gtk and such15:59
theelous3I've modified every available font setting in the ui to no avail15:59
theelous3my dpi and resolution are correct too16:00
theelous3I asked here too, there are some screenshots: http://askubuntu.com/questions/471006/weird-font-size-setting-in-different-apps-and-random-places?rq=116:00
theelous3that's not my questions16:00
theelous3there: http://askubuntu.com/questions/832135/system-text-size-too-small-in-places-and-unmodifiable-through-tweak-tools-set16:00
Guy1524here is sudo apt update: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23265555/16:00
Guy1524here is sudo apt -f install16:01
Guy1524nothing is returned from sudo dpkg --configure -a16:02
Guy1524here is sudo apt-cache policy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23265571/16:02
Guy1524and here is history: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23265575/16:03
danzkaneed help modifying resolv.conf resolvconf doesn't start after reboot even after update-rc.d resolvconf defaults16:04
tomreynGuy1524: i asked for apt-get, but i guess apt works, too.16:04
danzkado we have any control over resolv.conf anymore?16:05
Guy1524oh, sorry, I thought they were interchangable16:05
tomreynno, they differ16:05
tomreynno worries, though, looks good16:05
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tomreynso you have a lot of 3rd party repositories, are you sure they don't cause what you're seeing?16:06
Guy1524I have no clue whether they are16:06
tomreynthen i cannot help, sorry.16:07
Guy1524well thanks16:07
jeskdanzka: you cant modify resolv.conf, at least not when your "system" is configured to make use of resolvconf(8)16:12
danzkathen how can I inject my nameservers?16:13
danzkawithout using chattr +i16:13
jeskin the network configuration16:13
jeskman resolvconf16:13
danzkaI already did that16:14
danzkain head and base config16:14
danzkagenerated the resolv.conf which is perfect then rebooted16:14
danzkaand I wish i didn't reboot, I checked on resolvconf daemon and it wasn't running16:15
jeskso you have "dns-nameserver" options in /etc/network/interfaces and restarted networking.service ?16:15
ppfresolv.conf is generated by network manager16:15
jeskthere is no resolvconf daemon16:15
jeskread resolvconf16:15
danzkaI tried that also @jesk but the system doesn't honor dns entries in interfaces which i find weird!16:16
jeskifup uses the dns options inside /etc/network/interfaces16:16
jeskit pollutes the resolvconf cache16:16
jeskand registered clients get notified by ifup executing resolvconf16:17
jeskmaybe you have typo16:17
danzkaI will redo it and ping you back jesk, thanks16:17
jeskreboot doesnt fix anything16:17
jeskjust do "systemctl restart networking"16:17
jeskand test nameservers with host or dig16:18
danzkanameservers are internal16:18
danzkaand will do just gimme 5 minutes16:18
Guy1524so since everything graphical for me is broken, can I just completely reinstall everything graphical (unity, X11)16:20
Guy1524oh wait nvm16:21
Guy1524somehow fuxed it16:21
jeskdont forget, you use linux to fix linux16:24
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theelous3could anyone take a quick look at my question above? I'll reinstall if needs be but really don't want to have to back everything up :P16:25
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MonkeyDusttheelous3  hit the up arrow to repeat your question16:26
theelous3hi, does anybody know how to change the font size of things like the menu bar, right click context menu, system monitor text etc.? It is unaffected by both unity/gnome tweak tools, and not related to gtk and such16:26
theelous3I've modified every available font setting in the ui to no avail16:26
theelous3my dpi and resolution are correct too16:26
theelous3there: http://askubuntu.com/questions/832135/system-text-size-too-small-in-places-and-unmodifiable-through-tweak-tools-set16:27
theelous3didn't want to spam again :P16:27
theelous3there are screenshots in the askubuntu q16:27
BluesKajhey folks16:29
blackbird1Hi, I want to install "freecad", but an "Ubuntu One" account is required !. 1- AFAIk the "Ubuntu on service is closed".16:29
jeskI dont understand how people can actually beeing productive with unity16:29
blackbird1Yep BluesKaj16:30
theelous3eh, that's like saying how could you be productive with windows16:30
skinuxAnyone familiar with Vagrant and vagrantboxes.es? I just added a box from there, but it wants a private key, but the site doesn't list private keys or where we can get them.16:30
BluesKajhi blackbird116:30
theelous3you make it work when you don't know any better16:30
blackbird1Even with a valid account, it doesn't work: http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/216104Slection153.png16:31
theelous3MonkeyDust: any ideas off the top of your head?16:31
danzkajesk it works after changes in interfaces and issuing systemctl restart networking but after reboot the problem persists16:32
MonkeyDusttheelous3  i'm not in ubuntu right now, but i remember there being a font size slide bar in the desktop settings16:32
theelous3yeah that's not it16:32
theelous3I've changed literally every setting in the ui relating to size / fonts scaling16:32
theelous3none of them have any impact16:33
MonkeyDusttheelous3  then maybe in dconf-editor16:33
jeskdanzka: then some configuration elsewhere overwrites it16:35
jeskdo you use dhcp?16:35
blackbird1Please how to install "freecad" ?16:35
danzkano and the dhclient is not running16:35
MonkeyDust!info freecad16:36
ubottufreecad (source: freecad): Extensible Open Source CAx program (alpha). In component universe, is extra. Version 0.15.4671+dfsg1-4 (xenial), package size 14413 kB, installed size 65287 kB16:36
blackbird1MonkeyDust, http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/216104Slection153.png16:36
jeskdanzka: NetworkManager?16:36
jeskdanzka: is /etc/resolv.conf still a symlink?16:36
theelous3MonkeyDust: no dice16:36
danzkajesk I have that running16:36
gtxbbblackbird1, you mean this? https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD16:37
danzkajesk yes I do have it /etc/resolv.conf: symbolic link to /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf16:38
danzkabut the content of resolv.conf are null16:38
jeskcan you check what is lying around in /etc/resolvconf/?16:39
danzkanothing active 2 lines on comments16:39
th0rdanzka, trying to set up static ip?16:39
th0rdanzka, did you edit dhcpcd.conf? there are four lines you need to add there16:39
danzkano I didn't modify it th0r16:40
blackbird1Yes gtxbb16:40
th0rdanzka, then you keep losing your dns settings?16:40
gtxbbblackbird1, it mentions the ppa site16:40
danzkayes th0r my dns settings are driving me nuts16:41
gtxbbblackbird1, somewhere on the downloads it goes to launchpad16:41
blackbird1I have an issue: when I launch it it doesn't start (Abandon (core dumped))16:41
th0rdanzka, standby one....16:41
th0rdanzka, http://paste.debian.net/852581/16:42
th0rdanzka, edit that to fit your network and add it at the bottom of /etc/dhcpcd.conf16:43
th0rdanzka, you could also uninstall dhcpcd, but never know when you will want it16:43
danzkai don't have /etc/dhcpcd.conf16:43
jeskyes, why should you16:43
jeskdont get those "recommendations"16:44
gtxbbblackbird1, it's not in part of the official repos, so i would contact the project directly16:44
th0rdanzka, another 'ubuntu' special I guess. works fine in debian and raspbian16:44
jeskdanzka: does /etc/resolv.conf reflect your dns servers?16:45
jeskafter reboot, I guess not16:45
danzkano it doesn't jesk until resolvconf is started, after reboot resolvconf doesn't start16:45
danzkaanother debian special th0r16:46
jeskbut interface configuration is there after reboot?16:46
danzkayeah, those persist16:46
th0rdanzka, yeah....adopted from suse and arch.16:46
jeskth0r: why should you have a DHCP server to make static DNS settings, that makes absolutely zero sense?16:47
gtxbbjesk, dhcp can work with dns (local networking)16:47
th0rjesk, that is all new additions with systemd, if I understand correctly. Like I said, you can remove the dhcpcd package but you might want it later on16:48
jeskif we need a local DHCP server to make static DNS settings, then this would be the end of Linux16:48
bytefirehow do you view volume label for a FAT drive from command line?16:48
th0rjesk, and also like i said...ubuntu left the 'normal' way of doing things a few years ago, so no telling how they do it now.16:49
gtxbbjesk, dhcp always has something to do with dns.. it's just that most of the time it is not really needed16:49
jeskI'am pretty sure no Linux distribution need a DHCPd for local resolver configuration16:49
th0rdanzka, are you defining the dns in /etc/network/interraces?16:49
jeskDHCP has never anything to do with DNS16:50
jeskDHCPv6 even dont have DNS option16:50
danzkayes the entries are there now16:50
gtxbbjesk, that's quite an assumption16:50
danzkath0r and jesk I have /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf which might gives me the way to achieve what I am after but I am looking for a cleaner way16:50
jeskno thats the truth16:50
* gtxbb ignores jesk 16:50
gtxbbmight as well read up about it16:50
jeskdanzka: you can try to disable dhcpclient16:51
danzkaI can also try that16:51
danzkado I need resolvconf package after that or I can manually create resolv.conf like old days?16:52
=== sed12 is now known as paduchegstp
jeskdanzka: check that no interface has dhcp set16:54
danzkano interface has dhcp set16:54
jeskand dont trust those idiots spreading shit16:54
danzkaI only have lo and eth016:54
jeskDHCP has no relation to DNS, especially not a DHCPd16:54
jesknever heard more bullshit than that16:55
jeskin the worst case your dhcp client behaves strange16:55
gtxbbit's in the literature. dynamic dns, more than a decade here16:55
jeskbut a local DHCP server needed to make DNS records... wtf16:55
gtxbbhmm okk.16:55
th0rjesk, you are letting your ignorance show. Every wifi router out there has dns sserver settings in the dhcp section16:55
jeskdhcp having a option for resolvers.16:56
gtxbbdhcp servers can register their hostnames to dns servers via dynamic dns updates.16:56
jeskwhy do you need a local DHCP server to make resolver configuration?16:56
gtxbbbut as I said most of hte time these settings are not looked into (especially for simple end-user workstation setups)16:56
jeskgtxbb: DDNS is not bound to DHCP16:57
jeskthats a generic DNS mechanism16:57
jeskdont tell shit16:57
gtxbbthat's just another ranting assumption16:57
th0rcivility seems to have left ubuntu16:57
gtxbb(ddns online with online NS records is something different)16:58
jeskonline NS records, wtf?16:59
LyricsLoving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street16:59
LyricsFaster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly16:59
LyricsLoving him is like trying to change your mind once you're already flying through the free fall16:59
LyricsLike the colors in autumn, so bright just before they lose it all16:59
tgm4883!Lyrics | OT16:59
LyricsLosing him was blue like I'd never known16:59
LyricsMissing him was dark grey all alone16:59
jeskand now please stop telling bullshit16:59
LyricsForgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met16:59
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu16:59
LyricsBut loving him was red17:00
LyricsLoving him was red17:00
Lyricswhat does that mean?17:00
Lyrics!ops what does !ops do?17:00
ubottuLyrics: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:00
tgm4883Lyrics: you're off topic for this channel17:00
Lyrics!ops ubottu what the fuch?17:00
ubottuLyrics: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:00
Lyricstgm4883: a person is not a topic, is not on topic, is not off topic, and is not topically topicable17:00
Lyricsmy text i send might be off topic17:01
Lyricsbut its off topic on #freenode too and thats why Fuchs told me to stop17:01
LyricsOr he's gonna fuch me up17:01
=== xadmin is now known as Goggles
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:01
Lyricsnow where was i?17:01
Lyrics!paste lol17:01
tgm4883Lyrics: please stop17:02
Fuchsyou were at being k-lined17:02
Fuchslet me fix that17:02
* tgm4883 tips Fuchs17:02
blackbird1I get a "Abandon (core dumped)" at freecad's starting, I run in gdb to get the stacktrace: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23266009/17:03
blackbird1Need help to know what's wrong.17:03
blackbird1Is that the QT lib ?17:03
gtxbbblackbird1, i earlier took a note that someone had this problem back a year or two ago, and the problem has to do with incorrectly handled pointers... so it's more of a problem with their code..17:05
gtxbbblackbird1, (so i would suggest notifying the project directly)17:05
danzkanope jesk it's still not working17:07
GogglesCheck this out. http://eelslap.com/17:07
danzkaI will use chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf it's a dirty solution but right now it's the only solution working for me17:07
jeskdanzka: try to disable NetworkManager17:15
jeskand check again17:15
johnorjiasHello so what channel should i go to for help regarding this http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu17:18
johnorjiasthe issue i am having its saying i have to patch the kernal for apparmor17:19
gtxbbi believe nm uses dnsmasq, which dnsmasq has its own dependency ways of handling resolv.conf17:20
gtxbb(depends on the settings-- but i'm not focused on any of this atm)17:21
gtxbbjohnorjias, i think it says on the site somewhere on freenode.. i recall someone like you asking17:22
gtxbbjohnorjias, it's on their site17:22
johnorjiasi’m stupid, yes there is it, i just did not see it, thanks17:23
=== titre_ is now known as titre|AFK
gebruikerwhere can I get the cinnamon installer cd?17:26
gebruiker( ubuntu installer )17:26
=== titre|AFK is now known as titre_
ubottuUbuntu MATE is a supported !flavor of Ubuntu that uses MATE as the default desktop environment. It functions similarly to older versions of GNOME. For more information, see https://ubuntu-mate.org/17:27
morfthere is no such thing as cinnamon ubuntu17:27
morfyou can easily install it from packages thou17:27
gebruikermate is so old17:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:28
morfwhat's old?17:28
gebruikermate is old cinnamon new17:28
morfoh i read it wrong :P17:29
kk4ewtno mate is old gnome17:29
kk4ewtmate is a gnome2 port17:29
gebruikeryes aristotle so it is old :P17:30
pterodactylI have a laptop with ubuntu 14.04 and windows on dual boot. I started encountering a weird problem form this morning. My keyboard is working at the time of GRUB menu but as soon as I select any OS, it doesn't work. Same is the case with mousepad. But USB mouse is working at the same time. Any idea?17:34
=== BlueHoodie is now known as Failfarm
LundddI'm from india17:38
gtxbbthat's not the same as here in the west :)17:38
Lunddddo you speak hindi?17:38
gtxbbchances of anyone speaking hindi here is close to zero17:38
LundddSouth indians?17:39
gtxbbmaybe you can try #ubuntu-in?17:39
LundddWhere are you from?17:39
gtxbbLunddd, here in the west it is rude to ask people where they are from very early in a conversation.17:40
debikadLunddd: janito ya manina17:40
paduchegstpnihil sine deo17:42
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:43
pterodactylguys! Anything idea related to my problem?17:49
pterodactylI'm waiting.17:49
mahdi_jahi all17:49
mahdi_jaafter installing ubuntu 16.04 i can not run freegate with wine17:50
lordcirthpterodactyl, does your keyboard show up under lsusb or lspci?17:50
pterodactyllordcirth : I don't know. I can't issue any command.17:53
fellipeI am trying to access a Tecvoz DVR web admin from linux, and a friend sent me an SDK, in wich I found this: libdvrnetsdk.so: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, not stripped . I am running ubuntu 16.04 xenial 64 bits, so how can I use this  in my operating system?17:53
pterodactyllordcirth : How do I access virtual keyboard after logging in?17:54
lordcirthpterodactyl, http://ccm.net/faq/35051-enable-the-on-screen-keyboard-on-ubuntu17:54
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pterodactyllordcirth : Nothing happens on sliding that switch towards "ON". I don't see any keyboard :(17:58
lordcirthpterodactyl, tried logging in and out?17:59
=== paduchegstp is now known as chicken
=== chicken is now known as chicken12
pterodactyllordcirth : There're so many devices. How about lspci with grep keyboard? would it work?18:03
lordcirthpterodactyl, or pipe to less.18:03
pterodactyllordcirth : But how would I recognize my keyboard?18:04
lordcirthpterodactyl, look for things that say "keyboard" ?  Or the brand, possibly.  or "HID"18:05
thisismynickso i have an issue18:05
thisismynickhow do i install this damm thing18:05
lotuspsychjethisismynick: why not let ubuntu partition for you instead of manual?18:06
kk4ewtthisismynick, one stop cursing 2) you have to make a extnded partition18:06
kk4ewtyou already have 4 primary partitons18:06
pterodactyllordcirth : Nope. There's nothing with keyboard or HID.18:06
pterodactyllordcirth : I tried booting in windows and I'm facing the same problem on it too.18:07
lordcirthpterodactyl, oh.  Well then your keyboard is probably just broken.18:08
Jakey3anyone know how to resolove this mysql error18:08
Jakey3ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqldefault/mysqld.sock' (2)18:08
pterodactyllordcirth : But every single key is working fine on grub meny18:08
lotuspsychjeJakey3: perhaps the #httpd guys might know that one?18:09
pterodactyllordcirth : I press e to edit and can type anything in there.18:09
lordcirthpterodactyl, right I forgot.18:09
lordcirthpterodactyl, did you change any BIOS settings perhaps?18:09
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lordcirthpterodactyl, you should probably ask on ##hardware18:10
lotuspsychjepterodactyl: wich ubuntu version is that?18:10
maxcell_I downloaded a program from the web and it is a Folder with a Binary inside, where should i put it in the system before create a synlink in /usr/bin for the binary itself?18:11
MonkeyDusthi lotuspsychje18:11
lotuspsychjegood evening MonkeyDust18:11
pterodactyllordcirth : Its ubuntu 14.1018:11
lotuspsychjepterodactyl: 14.10 is eol18:12
MonkeyDust!eolupgrade | lordcirth18:12
ubottulordcirth: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:12
lotuspsychjepterodactyl: install a supported version from the topic18:12
MonkeyDustlordcirth  type    /topic18:13
lordcirthMonkeyDust, why me?18:13
maxcell_can somebody help me?18:13
MonkeyDustlordcirth  that was for pterodactyl18:13
maxcell_I downloaded a program from the web and it is a Folder with a Binary inside, where should i put it in the system before create a synlink in /usr/bin for the binary itself?18:13
lordcirth!patience | maxcell_18:14
ubottumaxcell_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:14
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: what kind of program is that18:14
maxcell_lotuspsychje, its WMail18:14
maxcell_an wmail for google, it is working fine18:15
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: wmail is inside the ubuntu repos18:15
lotuspsychje!info wmail18:15
ubottuwmail (source: wmail): WindowMaker docklet watching your inbox. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-3.1 (xenial), package size 25 kB, installed size 89 kB18:15
maxcell_lotuspsychje, i tried, doesnt work here18:15
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: define doesnt work please18:15
maxcell_lotuspsychje, i think its not the same program18:16
maxcell_lotuspsychje, my wmail have almost 50MB18:16
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: you have an url for the one you trying to install?18:16
maxcell_yes, wait18:16
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: yeah seems its like something else18:19
maxcell_it is definitly18:19
maxcell_so, it is working fine the program18:20
maxcell_i just want to know how to "install" and make the links on the system properly18:20
maxcell_to call it from the terminal18:20
maxcell_without need to open the folder and ./wmail18:21
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: i think its just meant to be launched from its own dir18:21
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/07/wmail-gmail-electron-app-linux-desktop18:21
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: syas there's no ubuntu installer at bottom18:21
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: maybe someone will port a snap in the future?18:22
lordcirthmaxcell_, just alias it or add it to PATH18:22
r121hello ! my dvd player open on pc startup ? why?18:23
maxcell_lordcirth, i was going to create a symlink to /usr/bin18:23
lordcirthr121, do you have a dvd in the drive?18:23
maxcell_lordcirth, there is a problem with that?18:23
lordcirthmaxcell_, that's probably ok too.18:23
r121lordcirth: no18:23
lordcirthr121, when you say your player opens, you mean the physical tray, or the software?18:24
maxcell_lordcirth, btw, just by curiosity where did i put new PATHS on linux? its in .bashrc?18:24
lotuspsychjer121: perhaps look in syslog to see errors about dvd?18:24
r121lordcirth:physical tray18:24
lordcirthmaxcell_, .bashrc for you, or /etc/bash.bashrc for all users18:24
lotuspsychjer121: on wich ubuntu version this happens?18:24
r121lotuspsychje: ubuntu 16.04 lts18:25
lotuspsychjer121: at wich point of the boot, does it open exactly?18:25
thisismynicklotuspsychje: how? because i dont want to  delete windows18:25
lotuspsychje!dualboot | thisismynick18:25
ubottuthisismynick: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:25
r121yes and remain open. i close it by pushing button.18:25
thisismynickim asking you18:26
thisismynicknot a bot18:26
thisismynickthe guide i found on askubuntu didn't work for me18:26
thisismynickthis is why im here, to talk to a person18:26
r121lotuspsychje: on just starting computer before selecting menu for memory test , ubuntu etc18:26
lotuspsychjer121: bot sure its an ubuntu issue then..18:27
r121lotuspsychje: means hardware issue?18:27
lotuspsychjer121: did yiu have this on other Oses?18:27
lordcirthIt can hardly be an Ubuntu problem if it happens before Grub loads18:27
lotuspsychjethisismynick: dualboots are not for me, perhaps someone else might assist you?18:28
r121lotuspsychje: I am using ubuntu from1 year.18:28
r121lotuspsychje: means last one year18:28
r121not other os18:28
thisismynicki need a hand, this ubuntu is running by live usb stick now, and im not sure what to click here to keep windows too. help please. http://picpaste.com/pics/Screenshot_from_2016-10-02_18-00-53-VwS9oLlH.1475431514.png18:28
lotuspsychjer121: did it happen on other ubuntu versions?18:29
tgm4883thisismynick: Unfortunately you'll need to delete/move one of those partitions in order to create an extended partition18:29
gtxbbthisismynick, you should backup your data still18:29
r121lotuspsychje: never18:29
thisismynickno need to backup18:29
r121lotuspsychje: its happened from 4-5 days18:29
thisismynicki have nothing important but i dont want to lose windblows18:29
lotuspsychjer121: so it started to occur after installing 16.04? or recent update?18:29
thisismynicktgm4883: how would i do it ? and please don't refer me to a 3,000,000page guide18:30
tgm4883thisismynick: if you don't care about your data, then reinstall windows using less than 4 partitions (or creating an extended partition during this), then install ubuntu18:30
r121lotuspsychje: I dont upgrade my os in last week18:30
thisismynickhow the hell cant i install ubuntu now?18:30
thisismynickim on it right now18:30
lotuspsychjer121: your up to date to latest 16.04.1?18:31
thisismynickhow hard can it be18:31
thisismynickthere is a lot of free space on this laptop18:31
thisismynickits a 1tb drive18:31
tgm4883thisismynick: you have maxed out the number of primary partitions you can have18:31
\9thisismynick: there's 4 ntfs partitions already18:31
thisismynickwith one partition ?18:31
thisismynickim not sure why18:31
r121lotuspsychje: No , in about menu it shows 16.0418:31
thisismynickbut i dont need 418:31
\9but windows does18:31
lotuspsychjer121: lsb_release -a18:32
thisismynickwindows needs 4 ? wtf18:32
thisismynicksince when18:32
tgm4883thisismynick: you have 4 partitions because when you installed windows (or when it came from the factory like that) they made 418:32
\9i've always seen windows use more than 1 partition for some reason18:32
tgm4883thisismynick: it doesn't need 4, but that is how it's currently setup18:32
thisismynickok, can i delete one in this ?18:32
r121lotuspsychje: yeah it shows 16.04.118:32
lotuspsychjer121: perhaps ##hardware channel can also try to sort this preboot dvd issue18:32
thisismynicki just clicked the  -   on one, and it removed it18:33
tgm4883IIRC, Windows will generally have 1 for boot, 1 for recovery, 1 for the system (c drive) and 1 for restoring18:33
r121lotuspsychje: are you sure this is hardware issue?18:33
lotuspsychjer121: if it occurs before grub load, as lordcirth suggested, it might18:33
lotuspsychjer121: try bios defaults load perhaps?18:34
thisismynickthis is what i got now \918:34
r121lotuspsychje: how?18:34
tgm4883thisismynick: hope you didn't delete an important one18:34
tgm4883thisismynick: in any case, you should be able to install now18:34
lordcirththisismynick, excellent. click on the free space, and add an Extended partition18:34
lotuspsychjer121: register and join ##hardware please, perhaps they might be able to sort better18:35
\9i'd try to boot to windows first to check whether or not it's screwed up now18:35
craigbass76I'm on an Ubuntu box that boots to the terminal. I'm used to an /etc/inittab file, butt things have changed since the last time I had something like this break.18:35
tgm4883\9: not sure what the point in that would be18:35
\9the deleted partition seems to have been a rather large one18:35
craigbass76This happened after an update to 16.0418:35
r121lotuspsychje: thanku buddy!18:35
lotuspsychjelaterz guys18:35
thisismynick\9  use as ?18:35
\9i'd first create the extended partition18:36
\9then use 1 partition for the system and 1 for home data18:36
akikthisismynick: if you don't know what the deleted partition contained, you should cancel the process18:36
thisismynickakik at this point i dont care18:36
\9akik: that's what i said18:36
\9thisismynick: might as well nuke windows entirely then18:36
thisismynickit said 124mb used18:36
thisismynicki doubt it was important18:37
akikthisismynick: famous last words18:37
thisismynickhow do i set this up18:37
tgm4883thisismynick: do you have media to reinstall windows if you need to?18:37
akikthisismynick: if you don't know what the deleted partition contained, you should cancel the process18:37
\9thisismynick: i'd first ensure that windows works18:37
thisismynicktgm4883: im ok with windblows18:37
thisismynicki have all versions on my usb key18:37
\9thisismynick: because if windows is now broken beyond repair, you'll want to first fix windows before installing ubuntu18:37
thisismynickhow do i set this up18:38
\9thisismynick: because it's easier that way around18:38
thisismynicki dont care about windows18:38
thisismynickforget windows18:38
\9then nuke it18:38
tgm4883thisismynick: honestly, I'd reinstall windows to a single partition first, then I'd install Ubuntu18:38
\9why keep something you don't care about?18:38
thisismynickstop it with this dam windows18:38
\9fine but don't come complaining to us if windows doesn't work anymore18:38
thisismynickim asking about partitioning for the ubuntu install18:38
thisismynicknot windows18:38
thisismynickill deal with it later18:39
\9as i said, it's easier to deal with it now18:39
thisismynicki know what you said.......18:39
thisismynickand i dont care about it lol18:39
thisismynicki just want to install this ubuntu18:39
thisismynicklike i asked 4 times18:39
thisismynickhow do i partition it correctly in this menu18:39
akik21:25 < thisismynick> lotuspsychje: how? because i dont want to  delete windows18:39
tgm4883thisismynick: click on the empty space then click the + icon18:40
thisismynickclick my link18:40
thisismynicki did that18:40
lordcirththisismynick, now decide whether you want a separate /home, and whether you want swap18:40
thisismynickthis part right there is why im here18:40
tgm4883thisismynick: ok, carve out 20000MB and mark it as /18:40
thisismynickim not sure what is what18:40
thisismynickill try it18:40
akikthisismynick: you probably deleted your windows os partition18:41
thisismynickdid someone drop you on your head akik ? \i said it was used with 124mb18:41
thisismynicklike 3 times18:41
tgm4883akik: he's been told that many times. I don't think it needs repeating18:41
thisismynickstop it drop it18:41
\9akik: it's not our problem18:41
thisismynickhow would 124mb be important to windows18:41
andieHai all18:41
\9akik: let him wreck his system18:41
thisismynickit wont18:41
tgm4883thisismynick: have you done what I asked?18:42
thisismynicktgm4883: its saying an error message, one sec.18:42
thisismynicktgm4883: ^18:43
andieMy wifi won't enable on ubuntu 16.4 fresh install, can someone help me?18:43
tgm4883thisismynick: ok, we weren't quite ready for you to hit install yet. We need a few more partitions18:43
tgm4883thisismynick: hit go back. How much RAM do you have?18:43
thisismynickbrb customer walked in18:44
tgm4883thisismynick: not answering questions that you are asked makes this more difficult. But you need to click on the empty space again, click +, then create another partition with the size of your RAM, set use as to SWAP.18:45
tgm4883thisismynick: once that is done, make one more partition, with the rest of the free space, use as EXT4 and set as /home18:45
tgm4883thisismynick: then cross your fingers and hit install18:45
* tgm4883 goes back to configuring openhab18:46
thisismynickok here18:47
thisismynickhow the hell is it that hard to install ubuntu now18:47
thisismynickwith wubi it was so damm easy18:47
thisismynickwhat happened?18:47
tgm4883thisismynick: wubi was terrble18:47
thisismynickoh god no18:47
thisismynicki installed ubuntu with wubi like 200 + times with no issues whatsoever18:48
lordcirthWubi was a terrible idea that worked better than expected18:48
thisismynickthis shitty version today is so much crappier then 10.0418:48
thisismynickits starting to get like windows and ios18:48
thisismynickpls sthap18:48
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:48
tgm4883thisismynick: I've posted what you need to do above. It's difficult because your windows installation is making it difficult. So either do the steps provided or don't, but complaining about how wubi was better is irrelevant to the situation at hand18:49
thisismynickwhat i mean is, you guys care more about my windows then i do, and its ridiculous18:49
thisismynickall i want is to install ubuntu, it should be made for idiots who has no idea what to do18:50
tgm4883thisismynick: Then go back to the main menu and tell ubuntu to format the entire drive. Super simple18:50
lordcirthWell, if your Windows install doesn't use all 4, it is.18:51
craigbass76I'm on an Ubuntu box that boots to the terminal. I'm used to an /etc/inittab file, butt things have changed since the last time I had something like this break.18:51
Bashing-omthisismynick: Do you complain that Ubuntu cares about Windows - and can accomodate, and Windows coold care less about ubuntu ?18:51
thisismynickBashing-om: no18:52
gebruikerdoes ubuntu mini give the option to install DE during the install?18:53
thisismynickomg that this installer is fucking stupid18:53
thisismynickill tell the guy to install 10.0418:53
thisismynicki hate this18:53
akikgebruiker: yes it'll show the list of tasks to install, the desktops are there18:53
* tgm4883 rolls eyes18:54
lordcirthcraigbass76, What is broken, exactly?18:55
godFuturehey all, does someone know how to properly install grub after hhd to ssd migration? No matter what I do, the hdd is starting...18:59
gtxbbgodFuture, if you used dd, then you cloned the fsuuid18:59
gtxbbgodFuture, that would explain it18:59
godFutureNope, I partitioned the ssd and copied the data in liveCD19:00
godFutureI have adjusted fstab with new UUID19:00
godFutureI also tried to chroot to ssd from liveCD (proc,sys,dev)19:01
lordcirthgodFuture, and you've installed grub on the SSD?19:01
lordcirthgodFuture, and you've set BIOS to boot from the SSD?19:01
godFutureIn grub boot menu enty there is ubuntu and ubuntu (dev/sdb)19:02
godFuturein liveCD dev/sdb is the ssd19:02
godFuturebut when I select dev/sdb ubuntu in grub menu, again the hdd is starting19:02
lordcirthgodFuture, do you have a separate / and /boot?19:03
Bashing-omgodFuture: Boot the liveDVD, mount the root partition of the SSD, and verify the UUIDs in /etc/fstab file ??19:03
godFuturewell, I did several times. I guess no matter where I look (grub recovery, liveCD, hdd ubuntu) the UUIDs should be the same19:04
firemanHello, anyone can help me, my wifi cant enable, ubuntu 16.4 fresh install19:04
lordcirthchris____, welcome19:05
chris____uu, nice19:05
godFutureI have checked the grub cfg on ssd and there i have sereral sda (hdd) entries. Is this normal?19:06
godFutureOf Course there are sdb entries as well19:07
Bashing-omgodFuture: Yes, UUIDs are unique, and should not change . ' sudo blkid -c /dev/null -o list ' to get a fresh listing of the UUIDs and make sure that /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/grub.cfg all agree .19:07
godFutureOkay. Is grub.cfg not aligned by grub-update?19:08
gebruikeranyone know something more about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ureadahead/+bug/1176536 ?19:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1176536 in ureadahead (Ubuntu) "ureadahead is incompatible with newer kernels" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:09
gebruikeris this still present with xenial? Going to compile my own soon but would like to know if this requires some patch i can not find19:10
Bashing-omgodFuture: Yep .. grub.cfg is compiled from several sources . Hooks, ladders and files . predominately under your direct comtol are the files in /etc/grub.d .19:10
jj995hi, I'm trying to troubleshoot discrete graphics boot failure.  how can I view the prior boot log? /var/log/syslog doesn't contain any entries with timestamps matching my boot failures.  I am running ubuntu 14.04.519:11
godFutureOkay. And how to bring changes from fstab to grub.d?19:11
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Bashing-omgodFuture: 'fstab' == (F)ile (S)ystem (TAB)le .. that is what the kernel reads to mount partitions (file systems ) at boot . The common factor here is the UUID .19:13
godFutureHow does grub know where it has to look for the root partition? I thought this was done by grub.cfg which is fed by fstab, or not?19:15
akikgodFuture: grub has the root fs path in its config file19:16
Bashing-omgodFuture: Nope . the primary reads to make up grub.cfg are the files in the /etc/grub.d directory AND the /etc/default/grub file. All of these apply .19:17
Bashing-omgodFuture: What I can accept that is possible to be happening in your case with 2 'buntu's installed is a recursion within the /boot/grub.cfg file . There can be but ONE controlling boot authority if this is a Legacy system .19:20
godFutureBashing-om, this sounds interesting. I have 14.04 installed, both root partitions are mentioned in grub cfg19:24
godFutureI have followed the common guides to clone hdds to ssds19:24
Bashing-omgodFuture: I also multi-boot. and I can give you my solution to controlling grub . What can you presently boot ?19:25
godFuturewell, I can boot the old system, I get into grub recovery. This applies not for the ssd.19:27
Bashing-omgodFuture: Where hdd is the 14.04 install .. and you also have 16.04 installed to the SSD .. and Windows is not in the picture ? AND 16.04 (SSD) is to Be your "primary" system ?19:27
godFuturewell, as I migrate from hdd to ssd, both are the same systems. No windows in game19:28
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Bashing-omgodFuture: . And the SSD is to be the primary operating system .. From which is controlled which install to boot up ?19:30
godFutureyes, ssd shall be primary. I have a separate boot partition on ssd (as I had on hdd). Currently ssd is attached as USB only aside the hdd (sata).19:31
Bashing-omgodFuture: How bout we set it up that the hdd install as stand alone ( must change in bios the boot order to bot the HDD 0. re-install grub to the SSD as the boot control ? If so, show me what we work with . From the booted hdd, pastebin ' sudo fdisk -lu ' . so that I know the partitions .19:34
godFutureWhat do you mean "install grub as boot control"?19:37
Jordan_UgodFuture: It sounds like there are entries in the grub menu for both the installation on the SSD and the installation on the HDD. This is expected, as what you essentially have now is a dual boot. If you want the HDD installation not to be listed at all, then you can add GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true to /etc/default/grub then re-run update-grub.19:38
Jordan_UgodFuture: Also note that update-grub does *not* install grub. Use grub-install to install grub.19:39
home__have you GTA V19:39
ubuntuuser199hello! I'm trying to understand why I can't use the LVM and disk encryption options when installing 16.04 or 16.10 alongside other disks and OSes. Can you point me in the right direction please?19:43
godFutureHey Jordan_U, thx. This sounds logical. I did install grub (more than one time). I do not know what "OS prober" is, but from the context, I guess it disables the foreign system when dual boot. I assume I have to define what is the current boot by CHROOT19:44
leptonehow might i install this on ubuntu?19:44
leptonecan i use apt-get install?19:44
Bashing-omgodFuture: While we can go as deep as a CHroot, might be not needed - a simpe mount and install-grub to the SSD from the hdd install may be effective . AFTER following through with Jordan_U's advise .19:46
AEL-HHow come my personalised symbols file in xkb doesn't work as a keyboard layout (ubuntu 1619:47
AEL-Hbut it works via setxkbmap19:47
=== ubiquity is now known as ubiqt
leptonedo i need to use make?19:49
ubiqthey guys i accidentally installed windows 10 and now my bios doesnt recognize grub and proceeds to booting win10 when i select the usb drive any idea19:49
uRockHow do I turn off AppArmor messages in Unity?19:49
ubiqt@ubiqt: what im trying to do is boot from usb created with rufus to install ubuntu19:50
godFutureOkay, I will try!19:50
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:50
ubiqtand it just boots into m$ crap19:50
SchrodingersScatubiqt: see above?19:51
Jordan_Uubiqt: Is your USB drive configured as first in the boot order?19:51
ubiqthey @schrodingersscat thanks for replying but I doubt they have any suggestion for how to fix it on a windows machine :D19:51
SchrodingersScatubiqt: retry the usb if it isn't booting.19:51
SchrodingersScatubiqt: ie, do the liveusb process again.19:51
ubiqt@Jordan_U: I selected the usb drive in the bios boot devices19:51
SchrodingersScatfrom the start19:52
ubiqt@schrodingersscat ty any suggestion for a tool better than rufus??19:52
ubiqtsorry for the double ?19:52
SchrodingersScatI've used something called lilo i think, and also the popular unetbootin19:52
ubiqtthanks man!19:52
SchrodingersScatas far as windows anyway19:52
Jordan_USchrodingersScat: lili is very different from lilo :)19:53
SchrodingersScatubiqt: oh, k, lili, lilo was another bootloader, iirc19:53
SchrodingersScatJordan_U: thanks19:53
Jordan_Uubiqt: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows19:53
ubiqtthanks guys19:54
SchrodingersScatubiqt: I say that because if it booted a liveusb before and just not booting this one, it could mean that something went sideways with the usb19:54
maxcell_Bashing-om, i have a hdd and ssd also in my computer, my grub is installed in hdd MBR which is /dev/sda. If i install with grub-install /dev/sdb (ssd) it will work or i will broke the boot? PS: do i need to enable something in BIOS to make SSD works as a boot device? I ask because i notice that the SSD is alway the second hard disk to BIOS, meaning that /dev/sda is the HDD and /dev/sdb is the SSD.19:54
ubiqti thought it was some m$ crap to prevent people from getting away from win10 since the win7 usb/dvd tool also doesn't work on w1019:56
ubiqtbut hope it isnt :s19:56
Bashing-ommaxcell_: A lot depends on the partitioning scheme on the devices . MBR or GPT paritioning ? .. Boot code is generally installed to all devices . I advocate that there be only one system as the primary system that controlls what gets booted .19:57
uRockcould someone please tell me how to turn off apparmor messaging or disable apparmor completely? It is driving me nutty19:59
Bashing-ommaxcell_: As to the device identification .. the order depends on when the device is recognized . Generally sda will be the 1st device connected on the sata controller and the 1st recognized.20:00
maxcell_Bashing-om, i like to put the boot loader in MBR because i always did that way and never got problems, the thing is that i have 2 hard disks now, and my boot loader is installed in /dev/sda which is the HDD but, i only installed the boot loader at /dev/sda because i wasn't sure that it would work in the /dev/sdb MBR (which is SSD)20:00
lanodanHello, someone got a problem with ath9k driver apparently and I wonder how to remove/disable it as I don’t know which package it’s from or how ubuntu handles modules.20:00
ubottuFor information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor20:01
maxcell_Bashing-om, yes, the SATA is the 1st recognized, that means i can't install boot loader in MBR on the 2nd recognized disk?20:01
maxcell_Bashing-om, has to be in the 1st or doesn't matter?20:02
Bashing-ommaxcell_: Well . if ya set in the sendary system as stand alone ( < Jordan_U> >>  then you can add GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true to /etc/default/grub20:02
uRockIt'd be so nice if killall apparmor killed apparmor20:02
Bashing-om                  then re-run update-grub.- one can make the SSD as the controlling authority .20:03
maxcell_Bashing-om, i don't understand. I don't have problems with boot loader, but i am just wondering if i can install the grub in /dev/sdb MBR instead of /dev/sda. sda=hdd sdb=ssd20:04
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Jordan_Umaxcell_: Is your computer booting via BIOS or via UEFI?20:06
maxcell_Jordan_U, BIOS20:06
maxcell_Jordan_U, i mean, MBR is always legacy bios right?20:06
maxcell_Jordan_U, my bootloader is installed at /dev/sda MBR (hdd)20:07
nkvd87diversity for the sake of diversity is a fake diversity20:07
Jordan_Unkvd87: This channel is for productive ubuntu related support discussion only. Please take other topics elsewhere.20:08
Jordan_Umaxcell_: You can boot via UEFI from an msdos partitioned drive, but it's rare to do so.20:09
maxcell_kindness for the sake of kindness is still kindness anyway *sorry offtopic*20:09
maxcell_Jordan_U, let me read20:09
maxcell_Jordan_U, i can't just install the grub in the /dev/sdb MBR?20:10
mbigras_Hello all! Anyone there?20:10
Bashing-ommaxcell_: You can install grub where ever you want, but you must tell bios where it is ( be selecting the boot device ) and YOU control grub .20:11
Jordan_Umaxcell_: Assuming that you are booting via BIOS, then yes "sudo grub-install /dev/sdb" will install grub's boot sector to the MBR of /dev/sdb. Then you can configure your BIOS to boot from sdb. What is your end goal though?20:11
maxcell_Jordan_U, Bashing-om i think the grub will load faster in the /dev/sdb because it is an SSD20:12
Bashing-ommaxcell_: No doubt, booting the SSD will be much quicker .20:13
Jordan_Umaxcell_: I expect that so little time is spent in grub at boot that it won't make a difference, especially because where grub's boot sector is stored doesn't change where grub reads the kernel/initramfs from.20:13
maxcell_Jordan_U, Bashing-om if i "sudo grub-install /dev/sdb" it will automatically remove grub from /dev/sda MBR?20:13
Jordan_Umaxcell_: No.20:13
Bashing-ommaxcell_: ^^ You must control grub .20:13
maxcell_Jordan_U, Bashing-om i have windows installed on the /dev/sdb aswell with linux, but the MBR space is always available no matter what, right?20:15
eslam_LinUxerHey ... using ubuntu 16.04 || i Am new in ubuntu 16.04 .. whats Your First step 2 Make ur ubuntu Perfect !20:16
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Bashing-ommaxcell_: The tutorial on booting : https://iam.tj/kb/pc/boot/#a_bootloader .20:17
maxcell_Bashing-om, ok20:18
maxcell_i'm going to restart20:18
maxcell_to see if i can boot from sdb20:18
lordcirtheslam_LinUxer, what do you want it to do?20:19
Bashing-omeslam_LinUxer: 1st step a;ways ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade' use the sytem and find out what "you" want in your operating system . No one else can tell you what you want .20:19
AEL-HHow come I now have to use setxkbmap to get my keyboard layout to work when before I could set it as an input language in the keyboard settings? (ubuntu 16)20:19
maxcell_-> /dev/sdb1                    start 2048 end 172072959 that means MBR is here right? before 204820:19
eslam_LinUxerhmmmmm ,, How 2 install Wimax usb stick in ubuntu20:19
ubiqt_@Jordan_U: tried again with unetbootin it will still boot into windows 1020:20
ubiqt_a windows 7 stick works though20:20
ubuntu615Hello, does anyone know a VNC viewer that has a GUI?20:20
ubuntu615(That works on ubuntu)20:20
Jordan_Umaxcell_: The MBR is the first sector of any disk. It's always there.20:21
maxcell_Jordan_U, ok, there is a little last thing20:21
maxcell_Jordan_U, to make it work20:21
maxcell_Jordan_U, look at this 2 lines20:22
Bashing-ommaxcell_: Boot code in MBR will always be located in the last 64 bits of sector 0 . as in the tutorial .20:22
eslam_LinUxerrunning wimax usb on ubuntu ? :|20:22
maxcell_Bashing-om, ok20:22
maxcell_so, my /dev/sdb1 is not mark as a initialized partition, but that doesn't matter because grub will be installed at MBR, right?20:23
lordcirtheslam_LinUxer, look up the model20:23
eslam_LinUxerlordcrith : after running "lsusb" is says " BCSM250 WiMAX Adapter "20:24
Bashing-ommaxcell_: A pastebin is worth a thousand posts . ubuntu does not require that a partition be marked as bootable . Is that the source of the last inquery ?20:25
eslam_LinUxer* it says20:25
maxcell_Bashing-om, nevermind you already answer20:26
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godFutureBashing-om, it did not work20:26
maxcell_Bashing-om, doesn't matter if is bootable or not20:27
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Bashing-ommaxcell_: All that matters is that the boot code is installed .. and that you direct in bios what device to boot . bios will hand off to the boot code location .20:28
maxcell_Jordan_U, Bashing-om if i install grub in /dev/sdb without removing it from /dev/sda first, it will result in a conflict somehow? if yes how can i remove it from /dev/sda?20:28
maxcell_Bashing-om, i get that20:28
maxcell_Bashing-om, dont worry20:28
lordcirthmaxcell_, no conflict.  If it's not loaded by BIOS, it won't do anything.20:29
maxcell_lordcirth, and since the /etc/grub is equal for everyone, no conflict at all, right?20:29
lordcirthmaxcell_, correct.20:30
Bashing-ommaxcell_: I am a firm believer in hands on administration of the system . there are 2 ways that I am aware of to control what I want as the booting authority .20:30
maxcell_2 wauys20:32
maxcell_lordcirth, ok20:32
lordcirthHowever, I'm not sure how apt autoupdating grub will work20:32
maxcell_lordcirth, if the /dev/sdb grub install works and my bios let me put the SSD as a default booting disk i would like to uninstall grub from /dev/sda, did you know how to do that?20:34
Jordan_Umaxcell_: Why do you want to remove grub from sda? I would recommend always having grub's boot sector installed to both drives so that it doesn't matter which your BIOS boots from.20:36
gebruikerI have patches bundled into one file, how can I extract them into seperate patches_20:36
maxcell_Jordan_U, yes i'm going to let him on both, then im going to test the /dev/sdb, if i works i don't see why having that on both drives helps20:36
akikmaxcell_: if you have a mbr setup, you can clear grub from the disk by erasing the first 446 bytes from the beginning of the disk20:37
fishCodeakik, that is not a good way to clear the grub20:37
akikfishCode: yes well it works. is there some other way?20:38
fishCodeakik, if anything you should just erase the MBR, a dos boot disk i know will do that with fdisk20:38
reisiogebruiker: if you have a patch that's a set of diffs and you only want some, just separate them out with a text editor20:38
fishCodeakik, i am assuming there must be a similar command in linux if dos has that capability20:38
reisiogebruiker: diff -u <(echo foo) <(echo bar)20:38
fishCodeakik, or just download and create a dos boot fisk20:39
fishCodeakik, that has the format mbr functionality20:39
akikfishCode: you're suggesting to use a dos boot disk instead of running a dd command from linux20:39
fishCodeakik, i am suggesting using a tool designed specifically for the task of formatting the mbr rather than giving a byte definition that could be in error20:40
fishCodeakik, so yes i am but for good reason20:40
fishCodeakik, if grub is the issue then you should reinstall grub using the proper grub install commands20:40
fishCodeakik, that will similarly find the MBR itself and take care of it for you20:41
akikfishCode: maxcell_ asked for a specific task which can be accomplished very easily from linux20:41
fishCodewhich was to clear the mbr right?20:41
akikfishCode: yes20:42
fishCodeakik, sounds scary but if thats how its done good stuff20:42
akikfishCode: this applies to the mbr scheme only: "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdXn bs=446 count=1"20:43
akikfishCode: well i made a type already :)20:44
akikfishCode: this applies to the mbr scheme only: "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=446 count=1"20:44
akikso from the beginning of the disk20:44
fishCodeah i see20:44
fishCodewell thats pretty cool20:45
fishCodei did not know about that20:45
akikit preserves the partition table20:45
fishCoderight, that is very useful - i did not know that existed20:45
howudodathey guys, I need some help upgrading from 15.10 to 16.04.  I encountered this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/1611470 and applied the diff and still had errors.  I was able to completely unwind the upgrade and am back to a solid 15.10 build with no updates pending.20:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1611470 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Xenial Release upgrader failed with a permission error setting cron.daily/apt" [Medium,Triaged]20:48
CountryfiedLinuxHow do I transfer iTunes songs from my phone to Ubuntu?20:57
OerHeksmaybe you can transfer them, but not play them (drm)? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone21:01
CountryfiedLinuxok thanks OerHeks21:02
reisioUbuntu comes with an app that will sync from & to iPhoos21:03
OerHeks*bought songs i mean, own created mp3 are no problem21:04
meldronhi guys, i just installed 16.04 and activated work spaces, ctrl + alt + up (arrow key) is not working to change the work space all the ohter combinations (ctrl + alt + left down right) are working, anybody had a simular problem?21:08
OerHeksmeldon, no issue here, is there a windowpanel crossing the boundry to next workspace? that might prevent switching21:10
OerHekshold alt and left-mouse should drag window21:11
meldronOerHeks: i think it has something to do with the shortcut, if i want to set it in ccsm it wont accept the up arrow key after i pressed ctrl alt21:13
meldronhttp://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1475442973.png this shortcut21:16
meldronhm its working with the other control key21:18
m0ltarHi! Does anyone know how to set the hard "file open limit" systemwide?21:25
m0ltarI have mongo that is using almost a million open files ... stupid mongo21:25
m0ltarand it is crashing because the limit is too low, but whatever i try to raise it has no effect21:25
OerHeksm0ltar, you might want to reask in #ubuntu-server too21:26
akikm0ltar: it's set in /etc/security/limits.conf21:27
m0ltarOerHeks: thanks!21:27
m0ltarakik: yes, I changed that to read: *                hard    nofile          100000021:27
squarecircleohai, got two questions: how do I can tell two of my screens to keep static, while the other two change the workspace? I'm working with Ubuntu 16.04 and Gnome 321:28
reisiosquarecircle: you'd need a customized window manager, or multiple X servers21:28
squarecircleand: my nginx is currently not accessing the php-fpm ... which results in blank pages, I'm a bit confused though21:29
reisiothe latter is more straightforward21:29
reisiousing php will tend to produce confusion21:29
squarecirclereisio: can't help fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;21:29
squarecircle                fastcgi_pass   unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;21:29
squarecircle                fastcgi_index  index.php;21:29
squarecircleoops, dafuq?21:30
squarecirclethis should have not been pasted o.O21:30
Bashing-omm0ltar: https://underyx.me/2015/05/18/raising-the-maximum-number-of-file-descriptors <- Raising the Maximum Number of File Descriptors (Open Files) on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty // 16.04 systemd is different .21:31
beanziesAny of you still run ubuntu 14? Just curious21:31
m0ltarBashing-om I have systemd21:31
squarecirclereisio: Gnome 3 allows the user to change the workspace on the primary screen and ignore the secondary ones. I need just that for two screens :)21:31
m0ltarAnd it does have limits set in the service file, but I commented them out21:32
Jordan_Ubeanzies: Please don't poll the channel.21:32
m0ltarand i tried higher limits too, but nothing21:32
beanziesJordan_U: My bad21:32
squarecirclebeanzies: until half an hour I did and then I'm again fixing nginx :/ because 16.04 breaks everything again :(21:32
m0ltarmain thing though is that ulimit -n always reports low number no matter what. i tweaked all settings and even rebooted and still 64k as it was21:32
Bashing-omm0ltar: See: https://sskaje.me/systemd-ulimit/ per service ??21:33
m0ltarBashing-om: yes the service has LimitNOFILE set. But as I said, I tried commenting it out completely and also setting it to a high value 1000000 and has no effect21:33
m0ltarmy understanding is that service file config can only set soft limit, and hard limit is always set by the system21:34
reisiosquarecircle: you'd need a customized window manager, or multiple X servers21:34
reisiothe latter is more straightforward21:34
m0ltarand since mongo is running under mongodb user, which is not power user, it cannot surpass the system hard limit. but that's just what I think, it may not be actually accurate21:35
reisiosure that's a feature & not a bug? :p21:35
squarecirclereisio: only thinking about this does make me unhappy21:35
squarecirclereisio: I really like Gnome21:35
Bashing-omm0ltar: Your understanding of systemd surpasses my own . Regrets that I do not know further .21:37
m0ltarBashing-om: "lsof | grep mongod | wc -l" shows that mongo is using almost a million open files (running under root)21:37
reisiosquarecircle: it's open source, so you can customize its own wm if you want21:37
reisiousing multiple X servers wouldn't require that, but has its own complications obviously21:37
guzzlefryDoes anyone know of any personal account software on par with Quicken?21:43
squarecirclereisio: I'll maybe write a patch for Gnome21:43
squarecirclenot that I'd like that though :P21:43
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shadaloocan someone help me troubleshoot my bluetooth sound?21:50
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shadalooat every boot I have to repair the bluetooth headset to receive audio21:50
paolo_hi all22:43
paolo_anyone here?22:43
paolo_guys, i'm searching for a program like microsoft access for SQL and databases22:44
paolo_any solution?22:44
Bashing-ompaolo_: Just us chickens .22:44
paolo_lol ì22:45
paolo_any solution?22:45
sjohnsonBashing-om: bock bock22:46
Bashing-ompavelz: I am sure many of us can not relate to " microsoft access " ; What is your goal ?22:50
thoomI upgraded my home NAS today from 14.04 to 16.04, and I'm having trouble getting my ZFS pool to mount automatically at boot. Running "systemctl start zfs-mount.service" mounts the pools just fine, but it's not happening at boot for some reason.23:02
thoomAfter the upgrade, I uninstalled the old zfs-on-linux packages and installed the new zfsutils-linux, so I'm in kind of unfamiliar territory23:03
OerHekssystemctl enable ..should set the service on boot, iirc23:05
thoomI have repeatedly run systemctl disable/enable, but it doesn't seem to help23:05
thoomHmm, this is interesting. Despite running "systemctl enable zfs-mount.service", "systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled | grep zfs" comes back empty, as does "find /etc/systemd/ -name "*zfs*"23:10
thoomFigured it out after some fiddling. What I was supposed to run was "systemctl enable zfs.target", not "systemctl enable zfs-mount.service"23:23
OerHeksoh good find23:24
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m0ltarI can "sudo su $user", but cannot "sudo -u $user ls" (get "Sorry, $USER is not allowed to execute as $user" error). What gives?23:47
Ben64m0ltar: well, the user you're using doesn't have permission to run as a different user23:49
m0ltaryet I can complete become that user?23:49
m0ltarthat makes no sense :)23:49
Ben64it's how you set up your sudoers23:49
m0ltarso I need to edit sudoer to allow myself23:50
TheFocusmorning has anyone any ideas about this error for kubuntu:23:55
TheFocusCould not start process Unable to create io-slave:23:55
TheFocusklauncher said: Could not find the 'kf5/kio/smb' plugin.23:55

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