
acresearchhello people, i want to download lubuntu, what is the difference between intelx86 and AMD64?13:00
dodeIf you are using it on most modern PCs that runs 64bit OS then use the AMD64 version.13:52
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wxloh hai18:48
prashantcan you tell me how do i get back my panel?18:48
wxlprashant: are you sure it's gone? try `lxpanelctl restart`18:49
prashanti deleted them all18:51
wxlprashant: http://askubuntu.com/questions/64631/how-to-restore-the-default-lubuntu-panel18:52
prashantThat worked! Thanks man!18:55
wxlnp teward18:56
* teward was pinged?18:56
tewardwxl: E: mis highlight?18:56
wxloops yeah18:56
tewardit happens :)18:56
tbnbuddhahi. i installed lubuntu and my wifi is not working. so i got no inet connection. i already found a driver. but i need to install "apt-get install make". how can i download the package to run the apt-get offline?19:40
tbnbuddhais there a website to download sources like this manually?19:41
wxldude what card do you have that you need to compile it?19:42
tbnbuddhado you know the commandline to print that information?19:43
tbnbuddhaBroadcom BCM4314219:44
wxltbnbuddha: lspci -nn. you'll have to find the wifi card19:44
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:44
tbnbuddhaoh thx. i will take a look19:44
wxloh yeah19:44
wxlwell that's one of the few broadcom cards only supported by proprietary software19:45
wxlso lame19:45
wxlgetting make is so untrivial because it has dependencies you'll need to get, too19:45
tbnbuddhasounds not good19:45
wxlwhich in turn has dependencies19:46
wxlso you'd need:19:46
tbnbuddhai love linux if it is once working. if not ... :(19:46
wxlwell you should blame your chip for this problem19:46
wxlit's not like there aren't developers interested in helping support lots of software including incredibly old stuff19:47
tbnbuddhai know it is not the fault of the linux developers19:47
wxlapple/microsoft have no interest in doing that19:47
wxlin any case19:47
tbnbuddhabut that does not help who i could blame. it just don't work easily19:47
wxlis this a laptop?19:47
tbnbuddhajust wlan.19:47
wxlwhy don't you plug it in directly into your router?19:47
tbnbuddhaonly usb19:48
wxlugh lame router :)19:48
tbnbuddhano, the laptop has none19:48
tbnbuddhathe router has :)19:48
wxloh even worse19:48
wxlthat's terrrrrible19:48
wxlthrow it out, it's useless19:48
wxlj/k XD19:48
tbnbuddhai like it because it is small and light for the price19:48
wxlwell then you just have to follow the dependencies and get all the .deb packages19:48
tbnbuddhaif everything works from start on i don't need a network cable. if not i am f...19:49
wxlhere's what you do:19:49
wxl1. find the right package for the right version you're on19:49
wxlan example19:49
wxlit will tell you dependencies19:50
tbnbuddhathx a lot for this help19:51
tbnbuddhai need to dig in now :)19:51
wxlif it has a source package (like make is make-dfsg) then you'll have to make note of that19:51
tbnbuddhanot really a skilled linuxer19:51
lynorianyeah my pci network card which had the company bought out in 2004 and the thing worked a few months ago19:51
wxl2. now find it on launchpad19:51
wxle.g. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/make-dfsg19:52
wxlagain you'll have to look for the right version19:52
wxlexpand the section for that version19:52
wxlpackage (deb files) are near the bottom of that listing19:53
wxlmake sure you get the right architecture19:53
tbnbuddhajust a guess. is it maybe easy to connect a smartphone via usb and use it as a router?19:53
wxlnever done it before but theoretically yes tbnbuddha19:54
wxlso if you have an i386 you'd want https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/make_4.1-9_i386.deb19:54
wxlso that's one done19:54
wxlnow do the same thing for all the other dependencies19:54
wxlobviously you need to install them in reverse19:54
wxlin other words, make would be the last thing you install19:54
tbnbuddhayour help is really great but when i overlook it, it looks like an hour or two work for me. need the laptop tomorrow morning in my new co-working space19:54
wxldpkg -i /path/to/file.deb will install it19:54
tbnbuddhaa little sleep would be also not that bad :P19:55
wxlnot really19:55
wxlyou only have about 5 dependencies to worry about19:55
wxlit's just not one and only one package19:55
tbnbuddhais it like downloading 5 files, put them somewhere where apt.get finds it and then run the command?19:55
wxlwell what i would do is download them all19:55
wxlthen put them on the drive of the laptop (maybe use usb)19:56
tbnbuddhayep thats what i already done19:56
wxlthen dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb, starting with the remote dependency of make19:56
tbnbuddhato get the driver. then i was asked about the make package :)19:56
tbnbuddhai386 was 32 bit right?19:57
tbnbuddhagot an 64 bit one19:57
wxlso you'd start with gcc-6-base, then libc6, then libgcc1, then make19:57
wxlamd64 is 64 and i386 is 3219:57
wxlcheck your kernel to see what it is because that's ultimately what matters19:57
tbnbuddhait is 64 bit19:58
wxluname -m will get you that where x86_64 is amd64 and x86 is i38619:58
wxlto think that this is how we did EVERYTHING back in the day XD19:58
tbnbuddhayour skills are impressive :)19:59
wxlwell and back in the day there was no such thing as binary packages!19:59
tbnbuddhawish i had those.19:59
wxli've been doing it for a while. it takes a little practice19:59
wxland honestly i'm not the best19:59
tbnbuddhai appreciate it.19:59
wxlofftopic but there's a free linux mentoring program. see more at linuxpadawan.net19:59
tbnbuddhasounds good but i learn database stuff, php, javascript at the moment. my head hurts enough right now :)20:00
tbnbuddhabut i mark that page. sounds good20:00
wxlwell we're there when you need help. many of us have other skills, too, if you're interested20:01
wxlyou can idle in #linxupadawan if you want to hang out :)20:01
tbnbuddhait is great stuff for beginners like me. i searched a lot but just run from problem to problem20:01
tbnbuddhai try to follow your instructions now.20:02
wxltbnbuddha: we were all beginners once XD20:02
tbnbuddhathats right20:02
till__mmh i think i installed the packages successfully. but when i try to make my driver i receive "recipe for target[module_name] failed20:40
till__and recipe for target "all" failed20:41
till__i found help on google that says i should try to use -i to ignore errors. but i don't know if this is good20:41
wxltill__: i doubt that will fix things20:42
till__i try that one20:42
wxltill__: what package is this tho?20:42
till__not a package i think. it is the driver i downloaded20:43
till__when i try to make and make install it20:43
till__it throws that error20:43
wxli think you'd be better off using the ubuntu package20:43
till__which one you meant?20:43
wxlthis one till__ https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl20:43
wxlyou can just dpkg -i it20:44
till__is this a driver for those wifi cards?20:44
wxlyou may still have the same problem20:44
wxlif that's the case you need linux-header20:44
till__i try it20:45
wxlhere's where to get linux-headers, till__ https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux20:46
wxlmake sure you get the right version20:46
till__i need 3 more packages to install it says. try that20:49
wxlprobably coreutils20:49
wxlk which linux-headers package are you using?20:50
till__sorry, but what do you mean by linux-headers? i tried to install bcml-kernel-source20:51
till__i really don't know about that technical terms. makes it a bit difficult to form the right questions and don't understand everything you said. But it is great help so far. i get those 3 packages now and install them20:53
wxlyeah let me help you with that20:53
wxlhere's dkms https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dkms20:54
till__need a lot of time. because typing on the smartphone, moving the files, then switch to the laptop and so one :)20:54
till__but works fine so far20:54
wxllibc6-dev https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc20:55
wxlget a bluetooth keyboard :)20:55
till__have one. was too lazy to get it. my fault20:56
wxlgo back to that linux page to get linux-libc-dev20:56
wxlit's built from the same source package20:56
till__got it. and then the dkms20:58
wxlhere's dkms https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dkms20:58
till__dkms benötigt gcc :( get that one also21:01
till__when i search for "gcc" it gives me a ton of results. how do i know which one i need?21:03
wxlsorry i'm at work till__ and was on the phone https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-defaults21:04
wxlyou want the deb file for just gcc21:05
till__i really appreciate it. your work is much more important then my questions21:05
wxlas an exmaple https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/gcc_6.1.1-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb21:05
till__depends on gcc-6. when i try to install this it showed me 7 more depencies. puuh. i cannot finish this today. :(21:15
till__but your help was great. i really appreciate it21:15
till__wish a good night. thx a lot for the help21:26

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