
batkins61But 2.0 doesn't provide for static IP address assignment, other than snippits, correct?  I require that, because I have to slot these servers into specific addresses.00:00
roaksoaxbatkins61: 1.9+ allos you to xonfigure the interface in 3 ways "auto-assign" which is mAAS picks an IP for you automatically and writes e/n/i for it00:01
roaksoaxbatkins61: "static" you can change the IP to what you want (and MAAS writes e/n/i)00:01
roaksoaxbatkins61: or DHCP, which means what ever ip address you can get00:02
batkins61When I tried to select "static", the menu refused to stick, and always reset to Unconfigured00:02
roaksoaxbatkins61: check the logs in /var/log/maas/*.log and see if there is an error00:02
roaksoaxbatkins61: when you are trying to change it as static00:03
batkins61After commissioning, the interface is set to auto assign.  I tried to change it to static, but it ignores that.  Setting to DHCP with snippits works, and the nodes commission and deploy00:05
batkins61I can ICMP ping them, but they refused connect on 22.00:05
roaksoaxbatkins61: i have not tested what you've done, but 'static' should work, and if it doesn't there must be an error going on00:06
roaksoaxbatkins61: it you could please look at /var/log/maas/*.log while setting the interface as static00:07
roaksoaxbatkins61: and if you could file  abug00:07
batkins61Ok, let me try again.00:07
roaksoaxeven better00:07
roaksoaxso we can fix it00:07
roaksoaxbatkins61: did it work ?00:19
pmatulisroaksoax, hi, can we get the topic in this channel to point to the new doc site?00:26
mupBug # changed: 1052870, 1237723, 1253940, 1272018, 1301833, 1304613, 1306372, 1308802, 1309593, 1311119, 1313580, 1313723, 1315071, 1317677, 1317978, 1326827,00:39
mup1330762, 1340254, 1344125, 1350459, 1351247, 1352938, 1361673, 1361773, 1376395, 1386482, 1389033, 1389809, 1389852, 1392378, 1459441, 1462635, 162359800:39
=== roaksoax changed the topic of #maas to: World's best bare-metal provisioning tool | Docs: http://maas.io/docs | Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~maas-devel
mupBug # changed: 1379155, 1379636, 1390145, 1430129, 1430324, 143722100:51
mupBug # opened: 1379155, 1379636, 1390145, 1430129, 1430324, 143722100:57
mupBug # changed: 1379155, 1379636, 1390145, 1430129, 1430324, 143722101:09
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
mupBug #1629868 opened: times out because of no dbus <maas-ipv6> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):New> <maas (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629868>13:07
mupBug #1629896 opened: [2.1] Deployment defaulting to hwe-16.04 instead of ga-16.04 <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629896>14:41
mupBug #1629896 changed: [2.1] Deployment defaulting to hwe-16.04 instead of ga-16.04 <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629896>14:50
mupBug #1629896 opened: [2.1] Deployment defaulting to hwe-16.04 instead of ga-16.04 <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629896>14:53
mupBug #1629909 opened: [FFE] New upstream release MAAS 2.1 <maas (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629909>15:41
mupBug #1629915 opened: Specifying the default gateway in an interface different than the provisioning one does not work <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629915>15:56
mupBug #1629909 opened: [FFE] New upstream release MAAS 2.1 <maas (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629909>15:56
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
ybaumyhi. im using 2.1.0~alpha4+bzr5397-0ubuntu1~16.04.1 and now im having connection issues. the hosts are getting dhcp ipv4 addresses but then... http://imgur.com/a/7yWBT16:39
ybaumyand the commissioning fails16:39
ybaumyseems like the nodes are trying to use ipv6 addresses16:40
ybaumy2016-10-03 18:07:42 [RegionServer,1,::ffff:] Successfully configured DHCPv4 on rack controller '4y3h7n'.16:42
ybaumy2016-10-03 18:07:42 [RegionServer,1,::ffff:] Successfully configured DHCPv6 on rack controller '4y3h7n'16:42
pmatulisybaumy, i'm getting something similar. commissioning fails due to DHCP16:51
baldpopeybaumy, does the network your handing out dhcpd leases from allow traffic through firewall to internet?16:51
ybaumyyes it does16:52
ybaumythe nat is configured on the ASA16:52
ybaumyat least on the maas server its working16:53
pmatulisybaumy, whoah, weird. after rebooting my maas yet again my node has enlisted. that wasn't happening before16:54
ybaumyhmm i dont know whats going on. how do i disable ipv6 completly. im not using it anyways16:56
pmatulisybaumy, no idea. but commissioning seems to be proceeding as normal now (for me)17:01
ybaumyhmm maybe i know what the problem is. my dns servers changed and the proxy log shows still the old ones. which file is used for the dns servers in maas17:02
pmatulisybaumy, i noticed when i was in a broken state the logs where showing that the rackd and regiond had lost connectitivy17:03
pmatulisthis was also reflected in the web UI17:03
pmatulisyup, my node is in the 'Ready' status now17:03
* baldpope sigh17:32
baldpopeis there a current doc for deploying openstack/autopilot ?17:32
baldpopethe one listed on ubuntu's site appears out of date with the current UI17:33
HeOSHello! Could you say me, how can I debug a situation, when maas can't connect to SuperMicro's BMC?17:47
HeOSI see, that mass got an IP-address of the BMC, but it can't operate by power actions on the server.17:47
HeOSI've tired to run ipmitool on the controller, it works, I can connect to the server and operate it, but MAAS can't.17:49
mupBug #1629868 opened: times out because of no dbus <maas-ipv6> <MAAS:New> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629868>17:56
mupBug #1629868 changed: times out because of no dbus <maas-ipv6> <MAAS:New> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629868>17:56
kikoHeOS, that's odd -- what happens when MAAS tries to connect?17:57
HeOSkiko, when I add my credentials there, then I see the following error: "Connection timed out while performing power action. Check BMC configuration and connectivity and try again. "17:58
HeOSI don't see nothing in the maas' logs.17:58
kikoHeOS, I guess the first question I have is why hasn't auto-enlistment work for you?17:58
HeOSauto-enlistment is working, I see credentials there, but maas can't power on, for example, my server. So, my question is the following: how can I figure out why it's happened?18:00
HeOSkiko, I don't know, what I should to do. :(18:01
kikoHeOS, is there an IP address problem on the rack/cluster controller?18:02
kikoi.e. is it using the wrong IP address to connect?18:02
kikoHeOS, there will be something in /var/logs/*18:02
HeOSkiko, I can connect to the IPMI's ip-address from the controller by using ipmitool, it works.18:03
kikoHeOS, the question is how does it fail?18:03
kikoand the logs can tell us18:03
HeOSkiko, I'm using the following version: 2.0.0+bzr5189-0ubuntu1.18:04
HeOSkiko, what a kind of logs can help?18:04
mupBug #1629868 changed: times out because of no dbus <maas-ipv6> <MAAS:New> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629868>18:05
kikoHeOS, /var/log/maas/* on the controller should help18:05
HeOSThere are two files: maas.log rackd.log.18:06
kikoyep, look through those when attempting to boot the machine18:08
kikoi.e. sudo tail -f /var/log/maas/*18:08
mupBug #1629868 opened: times out because of no dbus <maas-ipv6> <MAAS:New> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629868>18:08
HeOSI'm going to repeat my actions right now to get all related information from the logs. :)18:08
HeOSkiko, I see only this files changed: http://paste.openstack.org/show/584061/.18:13
kikoHeOS, what did tail -f show when you clicked the button?18:13
kikothat file isn't very useful18:13
kikoroaksoax, blake_r, mpontillo: any hint as to what could be wrong above?18:14
mupBug #1629868 changed: times out because of no dbus <maas-ipv6> <MAAS:New> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629868>18:14
mupBug #1629868 opened: times out because of no dbus <maas-ipv6> <MAAS:New> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629868>18:17
HeOSkiko, what a button should I click?18:19
HeOSDo you mean the "Save" button in the IPMI-related config?18:19
HeOSNo new information in the logs.18:21
HeOSI only see "Power error check now" message in the MAAS UI.18:21
kikothat's what we want18:22
HeOSkiko, can I enable more informative log level for the tool?18:22
kikoHeOS, you see nothing in the logs?18:24
kikothat's so strange18:24
blake_rHeOS: MAAS uses ipmipower to power control the machine, try that versus using ipmitool18:25
HeOSkiko, yes, I'm.18:25
HeOSBMC-related information: http://paste.openstack.org/show/584065/.18:25
HeOSblake_r, kiko, thanks, looks like ipmipower or BMC related problem. I'll try to inve18:38
HeOS*investigte it.18:38
kikoHeOS, thanks -- it's odd18:40
baldpopeHeOS, i'm using supermicro mobo with maas - power control works fine - what's going on18:41
baldpopekiko, is there a newer doc for deploying openstack via maas/autopilot?18:45
kikobaldpope, it's called conjure-up :-) let me find a doc18:45
baldpopekiko, looks cool18:46
kikobaldpope, however, note the "preview release"18:46
baldpopedoes this replace the work with juju?18:46
kikowell, it drives juju18:46
kikobut through a very nice front-end18:47
baldpopemy mistake18:47
baldpopedo you still need to go through the prep with maas - re: discover/commission of the new blades?18:47
kikobaldpope, yep18:48
kikothe entire stack depends on MAAS doing what it needs to18:48
baldpopek - stupid question - i wiped and re-installed my maas box - i noticed on the 16.04 install, an option for maas / rack controller install option18:49
baldpopeversus the standard ubuntu install18:49
baldpopeif the end results is intended to be a maas box, should I pre-select the appropriate install, or am I fine with installing via apt - post system install18:50
kikobaldpope, it doesn't really make that much difference.18:53
kikobaldpope, the maas install just leaves the machine with maas preinstalled18:54
mupBug #1629972 opened: networking stop incorrectly disconnects from (network) root filesystem <maas-ipv6> <MAAS:New> <ifupdown (Ubuntu):New for lamont> <ifupdown (Ubuntu Xenial):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629972>19:02
HeOSbaldpope, looks like, I have old version of the IPMI's firmware.19:05
baldpopeHeOS, i had firmware issues with ikvm - supermicro support was reasonable in getting me an updated one19:05
HeOSYay, it works, when I use the following command: ipmipower --workaround-flags=nochecksumcheck,noauthcodecheck -h <host> -u <user> -p <pass>19:10
mupBug #1629982 opened: [2.1] After upgrade from 2.0 to 2.1, iscsi cannot be updated. <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629982>19:41
baldpopeyo kiko , for maas-oath - should use the api key?20:37
kikobaldpope, I think the answer is yes?20:37
baldpopeyou guys are killing me with being unable to paste the api key20:38
kikobaldpope, what do you mean?20:42
kikobaldpope, the API key in the MAAS web UI can't be pasted?20:42
baldpope copy the api key from web ui, attempt to paste in conjure-up (also through openstack-install) , paste no work20:43
baldpopequit conjure, and I can paste in the putty terminal20:44
baldpopeactually, maas-oauth must be looking for something different, because conjure doesn't prompt for a username, just the maas-server and maas-oauth20:46
stokachubaldpope: did you try shift+insert20:47
stokachuto paste in putty20:47
baldpopei did not stokachu , i'll try that20:48
kikostokachu, baldpope has a point though, does the token include the user information in it?20:49
stokachuits just the api key you get from your accounts page20:49
stokachuyou dont enter a username or anything20:49
baldpopeok, i'll try again20:49
kikoso the key is globally unique20:50
kikook :)20:50
baldpopeshift insert worked, ty stokachu20:50
baldpopethat shit was driving me nutz20:50
stokachuyea shift+insert is not well known for some reason20:50
stokachubut it's what i always use20:50
baldpopei've always just used right click20:51
stokachubaldpope: yea that won't work with the ncurses stuff we're doing20:51
baldpopeappreciate the tip - you know how many times I've had to type that api key out20:52
stokachuyea :( i know your pain20:52
baldpopealmost enough to make me ditch and go to virtual pc ;)20:52
baldpopeor hyper-v20:52
baldpopeok, after putting in maas server ip, and api key and clicking add credential, i get an error - unable to find home/user/.local/share/juju/accounts.yaml20:54
baldpopeodd, i removed the log file and ran again, worked this time - odd...21:23
baldpopei'm at deploying openstack-base21:23
baldpopealso, not sure if it's supposed to have or not, but the public key tied to my user in maas did not got applied to the ubuntu account during the initial deployment when running conjure-up21:30
baldpopethe assumption is that it should have?21:30
cmartDoes anyone know how to get MAAS to release an IP address which was previously statically auto-assigned to a node, but that node has been deleted?21:47
roaksoaxcmart: yes21:52
roaksoaxcmart: hwen you delete a node it should delete all ip addresses owned by that node21:53
cmartI don't think that happened. My Subnet view in the web interface shows that the IP address is owned by "MAAS". Usage "Unknown", Interface "Unknown", Type "Static". I'm looking for a way to remove this entry in both the GUI and the CLI, and coming up short.21:54
cmartI'm only trying to re-use the IP address. MAAS won't let me statically assign it to a node, says that it conflicts with an existing IP.21:55
cmartroaksoax: "IP address is already in use."21:58
roaksoaxcmart: that seems like a bug22:00
roaksoaxcmart: can you please file a bug and point me to it ?22:00
PCdudehey all :)22:13
PCdudeI have some questions about openstack, to prevent myself from spamming this IRC channel, I have put it in an askubuntu question22:13
PCdudeSome are MAAS specific therefore I post it here22:13
mupBug #1630034 opened: Cannot re-use static IP address <maas-cli> <ui> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1630034>22:34
cmart^ roaksoax ^ as requested :) Thanks so much for taking a look.22:34
cmartroaksoax I pasted the output of a couple SQL queries as a comment. I'm thinking of just deleting the row in maasserver_staticipaddress22:51
roaksoaxcmart: thank you for filing, we will inviestigate that23:24
cmartroaksoax: more detail in the comments, but I worked around/resolved the issue for myself23:28
roaksoaxcmart: great! thank you!23:29
cmartby deleting the static IP from the database. it's not a great solution (doesn't identify the root cause of how the address got in that state), but got me past the problem.23:29
roaksoaxcmart: you could have tried doing it via the webui :)23:31
cmartI did, there was no way that I could find to delete it. I tried all I could in the web UI and API before touching the DB directly.23:31

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