
pavlushkaGood day Kilos ahoneybun Nahiyan :)05:32
Nahiyanhow is kilos05:33
pavlushkaNahiyan: as it seems and according to Him (Kilos) he is much better now, and I really hope so, :)05:35
pavlushkawelcome zaki !11:18
zakithnx pavlushka11:18
zakihello Kilos Nahiyan11:18
zakiA Sneak Peek At Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) 11:28
zakihi ahoneybun15:09
ahoneybunhey zaki15:09
zakiwhat's up..15:11
zakihow are you doing! :) 15:11
ahoneybunnm just chilling out today15:11
zakiha ha15:12
zakigot some free time? 15:12
zakimm nothing ..15:13
zakihey that's nothing15:44
zakihow's everything there?15:45
zakiwb Tanvir16:02
zakiwb pavlushka16:16
pavlushkawell thanks zaki :)16:17
zakihad dinner?16:18
pavlushkajust had it, good timing :p16:29
zakihe he16:41
pavlushkazaki: are you in Ubuntu Bangladesh FB?17:20
zakipavlushka: yes i mean group18:12
zakifb group18:12
pavlushkaoh, me and another person Farhan Sadik, I am kind of mentoring him, got kicked out, me first and then few weeks later, that means yesterday , he got kicked out.18:13
zakioh my..18:14
pavlushkaso I was checking if you too got kicked out from that group :p18:14
pavlushkaThat Ubuntu Bangladesh FB group is not that Ubuntu (in meaning) , lol18:15
zakii saw him mentioning you in some comment18:15
zakimay be thats why they did it18:15
zakii don't visit groups that much. 18:16
zakipavlushka: tanjim missing from irc for long time18:18
zakiQA: coffee on19:03
* QA starts grinding coffee19:03
QACoffee's ready for zaki!19:07
pavlushkaawe I missed the coffee with zaki :)19:10
pavlushkaQA coffee on19:11
* QA puts the kettle on19:11
* pavlushka waiting for a lonely coffee :(19:11
zakiQA: coffee please19:11
QAzaki: Done19:11
zakii'm here19:11
pavlushkazaki: thanks zaki :)19:11
pavlushkaQA large19:11
QAIn a beer mug just for you pavlushka19:11
zakihi dipraw19:12
QACoffee's ready for pavlushka and zaki!19:15
zakiQA: ty19:15
QAOnly a pleasure zaki19:15
pavlushkaQA ty19:15
QAOnly a pleasure pavlushka19:15
zakipavlushka: how's walrider in person? osthir like here in irc? :D  19:19
pavlushkazaki: yes, he is likewise in real as well :)19:20
zakiha ha. 19:21
zakigood night19:38

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