
duflurobert_ancell, RAOF: Anyone know who owns this? Although it looks like the regression came from a different package judging by the dates... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-control-center/+bug/162966802:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1629668 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "Some Display settings have gone missing: Scale, Launcher placement" [High,Confirmed]02:32
robert_ancellduflu, "owns"?02:33
duflurobert_ancell: I mean who to tell :)02:33
robert_ancellubuntu-desktop... :)02:33
dufluMy work here is done02:33
dufluMorning hikiko05:07
hikikoHi duflu :-)05:07
hikikoHappy Monday05:08
dufluhikiko: Happy Monday indeed. Almost time to think about Ubuntu Z05:54
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didrocksgood morning flexiondotorg07:57
didrockshad a good week-end?07:57
flexiondotorgdidrocks, o/07:58
willcookemorning gang07:58
flexiondotorgYep, very good thanks.07:58
flexiondotorgSpent the day at Mottisfont yesterday. Picnic and sleeping in the sunshine :-)07:58
didrockshey willcooke!08:01
didrocksnice :)08:01
Laneywhat up08:01
flexiondotorgMorning willcooke08:01
flexiondotorgMorning Laney08:01
flexiondotorgLaney, not the outside temperature.08:02
flexiondotorgHad to fleece up for my walk this morning.08:02
LaneyFeeling nippy, indeed08:02
LaneyGot to go cycle to town in a minute for a checkup at the opticians08:02
* Laney looks unforward08:02
didrocksgood morning Laney08:04
didrocksglasses for you man!08:04
Laneyhey didrocks!08:04
Laneyhope not :)08:04
Laneyhow's it going?08:04
didrocksI hope not for you too you, that's annoying ;)08:04
didrocksgood good, sunshine, a little bit cold, but perfect temperature for running ;)08:05
Laneyheating comes from the inside after a few minutes08:05
Laneytell that to my fingers08:05
* willcooke ponders getting the heating to come on again in the mornings08:05
Laneynot until granny's lips turn blue08:06
chrisccoulsonwillcooke, my heating actually came on this morning08:11
chrisccoulsonI obviously need to do the dad thing and turn the thermostat down08:12
willcookeSaw this the other day: http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/society/dads-begin-obsessive-relationship-with-thermostat-201410089147308:12
chrisccoulsonI'm hoping for another couple of weeks of mild weather though, as I had to repair my lawn last week after churning it up with a broken mower08:13
chrisccoulsonlol, that sounds like me :)08:13
Laneyk, back in a minute08:15
Laneyhopefully without a prescription /o\08:15
willcooke"see" ya Laney08:15
hikikohey, does anyone understands this error message:08:19
davmor2Morning all08:19
hikikoI try to remove libcuda1-361 because everytime I dist-upgrade the nvidia driver and several other packages are installed as a dependency and my xorg configuration is messed up08:20
willcookehikiko, my guess would be uninstalling a snap while it was "in use" and so couldn't delete it's files.08:20
willcookeor that snap has a lock on those files08:20
hikikowillcooke, I think that I don't have any snaps installed08:20
willcookehmm, could be the GL interface.08:20
willcookehikiko, I think it's worth asking in #snappy08:20
hikikowhat's the GL interface?08:20
davmor2willcooke, Laney: so guy I'm not seeing updates window popup at all I triggered it manually this morning, I'll try it on my test box is there a way to set that to daily rather than weekly at all?08:21
hikikothanks willcooke08:21
willcookehikiko, the GL interface is a part of snappy that lets it talk to gfx cards so that snaps can do direct rendering (or something like that)08:21
hikikooh, sounds like it might be that08:22
willcookedavmor2, it's currently set to look at the datestamp on the logs so if you do and apt-get upgrade (or similar) that will be enough to stop it showing for another week08:22
willcookedavmor2, lemme see if I can find the file, one sec.08:22
davmor2willcooke: damn it I bet byobu is overriding it then08:23
willcooketrying to find the MP from seb08:24
willcookemeh, can't find it.  Will keep looking08:27
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Mirvyou may be interested in bug #1627502 although it surely it's probably somehow limited to my computer09:12
ubot5bug 1627502 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "GTK3 crash in various operations" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162750209:12
Mirvor, I mean my other computer09:13
willcookethanks Mirv, looks like Robert is already in the loop but I'll speak to him about it later tonight09:13
Laneydavmor2: the settings are in software & updates09:17
LaneyI see popups from it all the time, so WFM™09:18
davmor2Laney: thanks09:18
didrocksLaney: no prescription? :)09:24
Laneydidrocks: nein - my eyes are made of solid win09:25
LaneyI saw some pictrues of the inside of them09:26
Laney(and there was a tiny sign saying "win")09:26
didrockscongrats! :)09:26
Laneybetter than 20/20, not quite sure what that means09:26
LaneyPISSED off that I got one of the letters on the smallest row wrong09:27
Laneyit was a Y but I thought it was a T09:27
didrocksahah! :)09:27
Laneythe guy didn't say09:27
didrocksyeah, you are like I was, seeing better from far than close09:27
LaneyI just saw it as I was leaving09:27
didrocksthis is how you get better than 20 :p09:27
Laneyi'll need reading glasses eventually09:28
Laneylike everyone09:28
Laneyhappyaron: here?09:33
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davmor2willcooke, Laney: why would scaling be missing from live session now?  It was there before and is there in xenial but is missing on todays live session10:29
Laneydavmor2: bug10:30
Laneyget that when it's built10:30
davmor2Laney: awesome thanks10:30
Laneydavmor2: amd64 is there, grab the debs and try it to confirm?10:32
davmor2Laney: will do10:32
=== Tranquilizer is now known as Microtrauma
davmor2Laney: working now \o/10:52
davmor2Laney: even better it all works too :)10:54
Laneydavmor2: can you check if indicator-bluetooth -> Bluetooth Settings works?10:54
Laneywith the packages from that ppa10:54
davmor2Laney: clicking on Bluetooth settings isn't doing anything10:57
Laneydid you upgrade the indicator and restart it?10:57
Laneythat's what I want you to check :P10:58
davmor2Laney: ah I didn't restart it hang on10:58
Laneyat least you reproduced the bug10:58
davmor2Laney: now it is working however the indicator doesn't seem to be staying open let me kick it around a bit and see if I can't figure that out]11:01
LaneyI saw that too before11:01
Laneyit would just close when you clicked it11:01
Laneyhad to hold the mouse button down11:01
Laneythat'll be a problem with unity or something else though11:02
Laneyso as long as the menu item works, we're cool bro11:02
davmor2Laney: yeah it closes as soon as you let go of the mouse button11:02
davmor2Laney: so restarted bluetooth and killed the indicator at the same time now it is working as expected11:13
Laneydavmor2: thanks old bean11:14
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
ochosiLaney: hey, quick question since you committed a patch to gnome-screensaver - is that thing actually alive? i thought it was merged into gnome-shell and gdm?11:44
Laneyochosi: it's used in unity11:44
ochosiLaney: i thought you had your own locker developed?11:45
LaneyI thought I might as well commit it in case someone else finds it useful11:45
ochosior maybe i'm confused, but it seemed like something UI-wise integrated with unity11:46
Laneyya, but with a11y turned on it falls back11:46
Laneybecause the unity one isn't compatible with screen readers11:46
ochosii see11:46
ochosiit's not actively developed by either gnome or you guys though, right?11:46
ochosiok, good to know11:50
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=== dumbravaMinunata is now known as BalanelSiAzorel
ximionLaney: LDC is fixed in Debian now :)12:29
Laneywell done on getting onto the maintainers list ;)12:30
ximionLaney: sometimes you need to make sacrifices :P12:30
ximionthe actual maintainer is working on bootstrapping the thing for the other architectures12:31
Laneyarm isn't that happy12:31
ximionwe'll probably drop armel, since LLVM apparently is broken on that architecture12:31
ximionall other arches just need (re)bootstrapping12:31
ximionLaney: also, if I run asgen locally, it's memory usage is always around 1G, which is exactly what I would expect12:32
Laneymaybe try with a remote mirror12:33
ximionthat will take ages with my slow connection :P12:33
ximionunless I find a very small one12:33
ximionLaney: the .desktop file parsing will be done in libappstream at some point, btw - I need a proper parser there anyway, so asgen could simply use it12:34
Laneyglib should be able to do what you need12:35
ximionwell, glib is already used12:36
ximionI am basically rewriting D code in C :P12:36
ximionlibas is already reading desktop entries, but only for validation, it isn't doing anything with them12:36
BalanelSiAzorelwhen will we enjoy unity 8 and mir?12:36
BalanelSiAzoreli just read 16.10 will still have unity 7 and x12:37
BalanelSiAzorelits been announced so many times and every time change of heart/mind12:37
Laneyximion: I mean that you don't have to write a parser, just wrap glib12:38
LaneyBalanelSiAzorel: It'll be in 16.10 as a non default option (preview kind of thing)12:38
BalanelSiAzorelpreview aka a glimpse aka it wont actually be usable12:38
ximionLaney: that's what I do ^^ - "parser" is a pretty strong word there :P12:38
Laneyok :P12:39
* Laney knows about crazy ximion ideas12:39
Laneyhand-tuned assembly!12:39
BalanelSiAzorelLaney, are u ubuntu developer?12:39
jbichaBalanelSiAzorel: that was announced months ago http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/05/ubuntu-16-10-unity-8-default-desktop12:40
BalanelSiAzorelit wont use by default doesnt mean preview12:40
BalanelSiAzorelits like saying lxde isnt used as default and when i try to install it and use it oops! its only a preview12:41
BalanelSiAzoreli really care about ubuntu12:42
ximionLaney: do you think asgen will be ready for Yakkety? Because if not, hughsie found a bug in the old generator that apparently makes his asglib not read the output file12:43
ximionthat bug doesn't exist in asgen12:43
Laneyximion: No way, I didn't look at the immutable stuff yet12:43
ximionLaney: it should work(tm)12:44
* ximion tested it here12:44
LaneyNot going to be able to try it before the release12:44
Laneydoes the bug affect Ubuntu's output?12:44
ximionit's simply an empty-string for a category12:45
ximionbecause some .desktop file hat12:45
ximion"XYZ;;ABC;" as Categories=12:45
Laneyok, is there an asglib patch?12:45
ximionand asglib chokes on that12:46
ximionno, hughsie says it's a generator bug, and I agree with him on that12:46
ximionasglib should handle that bug much better than it does right now though :P12:46
Laneywhat does it do?12:47
Laneyignore that component or?12:47
ximionignore the whole file12:47
ximionaha, so he did make it fail gracefully12:47
Laneylooks like it wilil skip those now12:48
Laneywill cherry-pick that12:48
BalanelSiAzorelguys, i backup my root partition using rsync12:48
BalanelSiAzoreli edit grub config file and set timeout to 112:49
BalanelSiAzorelbut every time i boot, timeout is still 10 secs12:49
BalanelSiAzoreli have two partitions with the same content, but only one is the root and rw12:49
didrocksBalanelSiAzorel: users questions and debates should go to #ubuntu, here is a developer channel for developping, helping the distro itself12:50
BalanelSiAzoreli edited the grub.cfg file but ive been told its not the orthodox way to do it12:50
didrocksBalanelSiAzorel: to answer on your question, I bet you didn't run sudo update-grub212:50
BalanelSiAzoreli did12:50
Laneyximion: want to add me to pkg-packagekit?12:50
didrocksBalanelSiAzorel: in that case, #ubuntu could help you (or stackoverflow)12:50
LaneyI'll cherry-pick that thing to debian and sync it12:50
BalanelSiAzorelguys, grub timeout variable doesnt work12:50
Laneyyou're missing 0.6.3 too12:51
desrthappy monday, all13:00
ximionLaney: sure13:01
ximionLaney: we need an effort to get font metadata info Debian, btw13:02
Laneysounds like fun13:02
Laneyhi desrt!13:02
ximionPaul Wise at the fonts team says that the people wouldn't add metainfo files unless that can be automated - but if it could be automated, I would have done that in asgen already :P13:03
desrthey laney :)13:03
desrtgood weekend?13:03
Laneyquite acceptable13:03
Laneyallotment, climbing, cycling, tapas13:03
ximionLaney: can you request membership of the project on Alioth?13:04
desrthelped a friend move this weekend, mostly13:04
desrtnah.  the muscle was indeed rented13:05
Laneyximion: depends on whether I can login13:05
* ximion also needed a few trials to guess his password13:06
LaneyI can13:06
desrtwe mostly packed boxes on saturday and unpacked them (in the new place) on sunday13:06
LaneyI hate that13:07
Laneynext time I move I will consider paying someone to perform that task13:07
ximionLaney: should we ping sbeattie somehow so he can get his LDC upload out of limbo with the changes in Debian?13:07
desrtthat task is sort of personal in nature, unfortunately13:08
desrtand it's a really good chance to go through all your stuff and decide, on an item-by-item basis, "ya... i guess i don't really need this anymore..."13:08
Laneyximion: you can try - it's going tob e annoying if it has to be bootstrapped though13:09
ximionLaney: it has to be bootstrapped, unfortunately, on all architectures where the busted compiler built before :(13:09
Laneymight be easier to do this in Z13:11
* flexiondotorg returns from lunch13:32
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mterryWhere's seb at?  I wanted to poke him about wanting a review on https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/geonames/search-countries-too/+merge/303864 -- so I'll just vaguely poke this channel instead13:37
didrocksmterry: holidayyyyyys13:38
mterrybest reason for not being online  :)13:38
didrocksexactly! :)13:38
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davmor2Laney, cyphermox: should I be concerned that ubiquity is crashing from the live session?13:44
cyphermoxdavmor2: probably, yes13:46
davmor2cyphermox: bug 162988413:48
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1629884 could not be found13:48
davmor2cyphermox: this is a live session when I installed updates and https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/2037/+packages in order to test those fixes but I can't see how the packages installed would affect ubiquity13:50
cyphermoxwell unity-settings-daemon need to run in the live session, so maybe there's something odd there13:51
davmor2cyphermox: oh I enabled wifi too as it is the broadcom chip, I'll try a fresh image on vm and see if I can reproduce there13:51
cyphermoxdoes it crash if you do the same and not update these packages13:51
davmor2cyphermox: 1 step ahead of you dude ;)13:52
davmor2cyphermox: so I got to the first page by opening it in vm I'll reboot this xps and see if it works there from a fresh start13:55
audio_heroini wanna configure ubuntu so that when i press power button, it shuts down instantly without interactive message/information/dialog boxes (editing  logind.conf wont do anything)13:56
davmor2cyphermox: nice so it is working fine on the default usb stick so something to do with the updates by the sound of it :)14:03
LaneyI don't believe that14:06
LaneyI think you'd know it if unity-settings-daemon wasn't started14:07
cyphermoxdavmor2: it's not u-s-d14:20
GunnarHjLaney: Noticed via bug #1554878 that XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP now is "Unity:Unity7". I think there is a need to modify language-selector and im-config accordingly; will look at it. Do you possibly know if the value for Flashback has been changed to "GNOME-Flashback:GNOME" yet, or is it still "GNOME-Flashback:Unity" (or maybe "GNOME-Flashback:Unity7"....)? Is im-config used in Unity 8?14:26
ubot5bug 1554878 in GLib "fix up usage of XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155487814:26
LaneyGunnarHj: Yes they need fixing; I'm doing it this afternoon15:10
LaneyNo idea what the value is in Flashback, sorry15:10
LaneyYou can check DesktopNames in the flashback package15:10
GunnarHjLaney: I can make the changes, if you like. Going to check Flashback first.15:13
LaneyGunnarHj: OK, if you like15:13
LaneyGunnarHj: Do you know about IFS in shell scripts?15:14
GunnarHjLaney: I knew about IFS, but would need to read up on it. Is it applicable here?15:14
LaneyGunnarHj: Yep, you can set it to ":" to loop over XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP15:15
GunnarHjLaney: Right, will consider it. Thanks.15:16
GunnarHjLaney: And thanks for the snippet. :)15:16
LaneyGunnarHj: No worries - let me know if you want a review15:18
LaneyFor language-selector it's probably just replacing the 'in' and '!=' with the right set operations on the whole set and removing [-1] and [0]15:19
GunnarHjLaney: Ok.. Since it's so late in the cycle, I'll make a proposal and ask for your review tomorrow.15:21
willcookedesktoppers - I'm going to be in London tomorrow now15:30
willcookeflexiondotorg, if you're at a lose end, and fancy a trip in to the big smoke, let me know and I'll tell reception15:30
LaneyGunnarHj: I found a workaround that means we don't have to have the multiple valued DesktopNames15:42
Laneywondering whether to do it or try to fix the bugs15:42
GunnarHjLaney: What's your idea?15:52
LaneyUnity 8 doesn't respect NotShowIn so I can just make ubuntu-terminal-app have NotShowIn=Unity15:53
GunnarHjLaney: Hmm.. How is that related to the changes in l-s and im-config we talked about?15:54
Laneybecause it was for the Unity 8 terminal that I made the change to XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP15:55
GunnarHjLaney: Aha, I see. Ok, it's your call I suppose.15:55
Laneychanging it has exposed bugs in XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP handling in quite a few components15:55
Laneyit might not be too clever to try and get all of those in the time remaining15:56
GunnarHjLaney: Yeah, that kind of change should better not be made late in a cycle, I suppose, if it can be avoided.15:56
GunnarHjLaney: Please let me know whatever you decide.15:58
LaneyGunnarHj: I think I'll do what I just said15:59
Laneydon't let that stop you doing the fixes though if you want - we should revert back to the current situation in Z-cycle15:59
Laneybecause sooner or later Unity 8 will fix NotShowIn and then the terminal will go invisible15:59
Laneywhich would be kind of bad :)15:59
GunnarHjLaney: In that case I'll make the change to be prepared. Just a question: Shouldn't it rather be "Unity7:Unity" rather than the other way around?16:01
Laneywhy does it matter?16:01
LaneyI don't think there's any priority expressed there, is there?16:01
GunnarHjLaney: Not sure. There is a protocol or something somewhere, I think. The one who called my attention to the multiple value thing last cycle was darkxst.16:03
LaneyAs far as I know the order isn't significant16:04
ximionLaney: LDC in Debian is fully working now, and will hopefully enter testing soon \o/16:07
GunnarHjLaney: In a discussion on the topic I had with darkxst, he seemed to assume that either Unity or GNOME should be the last item in the list. Can't tell if there is anything authoritative said about it, though.16:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1551283 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "ibus/im-config in Ubuntu GNOME" [Medium,Fix released]16:13
LaneyGunnarHj: It would be better to make them cope with the values anywhere in the list16:15
GunnarHjLaney: Ok, then I'll base my proposal on that.16:15
willcookenight all.  I'll be on tomorrow first thing then head off to that London mid morning17:08
=== dumbravaMinunata is now known as aetern
willcookeGot a meeting with Robert at 9, so I might as well keep this open17:09
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robert_ancellwillcooke, hi19:45
willcookemorning robert_ancell19:46
willcookenight all20:06
willcooke(off to London tomorrow)20:06

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