
=== kp is now known as Guest89607
Guest89607does anyone know how to check which ubuntu version i have?06:02
alkisgToo late, he only stayed for a couple of minutes06:35
alkisgWe must get a chat bot to keep them busy :D06:35
masnellalkisg: great idea. Cld add the function to auto Google Ubuntu sites and return the top 3 answers when question detected - probably answer at least half correctly06:54
nomicwould be untidy06:55
nomicmebbe to put in a channel window06:55
nomichave a parallel channel with autogoogle attempts at answering queries06:55
masnellnomic: true, but won't be surprised if you found it was easy to be focused, eg, q not a TO:, user only on <5 min etc06:58
alkisgJust for new users named ubuntu-mate* or guest*, and only for their first question... and it could just answer with a "Hi there! Note that users don't watch the IRC window all the times, so you may need to wait at least for 10 minutes to get the first answer."07:11
masnellbz on something already, else I think it would be interesting to learn how to build an IRC bot to do it.07:17
=== graham_ is now known as Guest5469
eagle-357hello how'r U ?10:14
libaofengubuntu mate is beatiful10:28
libaofengi very like10:28
omegahi how do i mount location13:21
Chetomega: what location?13:40
omegahi chet i have added a toshiba hard disk but when i click on it this is the response"Unable to mount location"14:18
Chetis the drive formatted?14:29
Chetomega: open terminal and type: sudo fdisk -l14:31
ChetCan you see your drive?14:32
Chetsee if you can mount the drive in terminal: http://askubuntu.com/questions/231391/unable-to-mount-location-cant-mount-file14:32
omegano i cann't see14:36
Chethmm... external or internal drive?14:37
omegachet its internal from a toshiba laptop15:01
UNIm95Hi 2 all. I have problem with mate and Top menu. I made clean install in Virtulbox from mini.iso. Next apt-get install mate desktop. Next i try add to upper panel Top menu.15:02
UNIm95But nothing happens.15:02
ouroumovomega, please provide the output of "lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT"15:03
UNIm95Other applets i can add/remove without problems15:03
ouroumovUNIm95, I wouldn't call an install from mini.iso "clean", and I think you need to install both "ubuntu-mate-desktop" and "ubuntu-mate-core"15:04
omegaNAME           FSTYPE MOUNTPOINT15:05
omega├─sda1         ext4   /15:05
omega└─sda5         swap15:05
omega  └─cryptswap1 swap   [SWAP]15:06
omegauniM95 thats it15:06
UNIm95ouroumov: This packages are installed15:07
UNIm95One moment! I can add Top to Lower panel but not to upper.15:10
ouroumovomega, so your drive is there, it's most likely /dev/sdb, but apparently there's no partition on it, which is why you can't mount it.15:10
ouroumovomega, use "Disks" utility (or "gparted" - but be careful not to select wrong device) to create the partition15:11
ChetSystem > preferences > hardware > disks15:11
omegaok how will i know the right disk15:16
omegai have identified it now how to mount it15:18
omegachet it has options here to restore partition image15:20
omegaor create partition image15:20
Chetis anything listed in volumes?15:25
omegachet no15:43
omegaits just a plain volume of 500gb15:44
omegathat is unknown15:44
Chetomega: Are there any files on the drive? Is it formatted? (I think I asked you that already)16:07
mate|71773hi, i have 16.10 beta 1016:38
mate|71773i cant change homepage in ubuntu16:38
mate|71773any ideas?16:38
Chetwelcome screen?16:40
mate|71773no, the ubuntu home page16:40
mate|71773oh sorry16:41
mate|71773i meant Firefox lol16:41
mate|71773it keeps reverting back to Ubuntu Mate home page16:42
Chetthat is fucked16:43
Chetgtg later ppls16:43
khwI recently upgraded to 16.04.  It did not go perfectly, and I had to use 'aptitude' to finish it.  Prior to that firefox would keep crashing.21:08
khwBut since the upgrade, every time I login in, I immediately get a dialog box about a 'system error',  and asking if I want to report it.21:08
khwThe option to see any details is not offered.  In /var/log/syslog, there are a bunch of errors marked 'critical'.  Almost everything seems21:08
khwto be working ok nonetheless, except today in gvim,  several times I've hit several CTRL-E keys in rapid succession to scroll down a21:08
khwfew lines, and the computer freezes, and I have to do a hard reboot from the power switch.  Any suggestions?21:08
TheMariustry linux mint 18 instead, 16.04 had so many bugs i gave up on it, but linux mint 18 is from what i hear from most, a less buggy system21:12
TheMariusand thats my experience too21:12
TheMariusi tried 16.04 mate21:12

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