
daftykinszoom zoom05:07
knightwisemorning everyone07:01
=== brmbrmca1 is now known as brmbrmcar
diploMorning all07:39
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:46
davmor2Morning all08:24
GargoyleHappy monday!08:24
davmor2Gargoyle: mehday08:24
=== james_ is now known as Guest75905
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Monday, and happy Techies Day! 😃09:30
foobarrywhich micro sd should i buy?10:05
popeysandisk or samsung10:06
foobarryooh pricey. a whole 30p more10:08
davmor2foobarry: sandisk 1 tb ;)10:08
popeyHave you watched the bunnie talk from ccc? It's super interesting, and gets quite deep about hacking the tiny cpu inside sd cards10:09
popeyworth a watch10:09
zmoylan-pi1tb on a card small enough to hide behind a mote of dust if dropped...10:09
zmoylan-pii remember when the format was first released there was talk of music albums been released on cards.  you'd have needed a magnifying glass and tweezers just to sort your music...10:11
davmor2zmoylan-pi: more like a microscope than a magnifying glass10:13
zmoylan-piwell a jewellers eye loupe...10:13
zmoylan-piyou can get them in maplins... :-)10:13
foobarryrefurbished micrso SD cards eeeek10:17
zmoylan-pione careless previous owner who is still looking for it...10:18
popeyyeah, apparently *very* common to sell 8GB cards as 1GB (or similar) due to whatever sectors actually work10:24
popeyBunnie said they saw a 16GB internal card sold as 128MB or thereabouts because that's the only sectors that worked10:25
zmoylan-pibodes well10:25
ali1234selling cards like that is extremely common10:26
ali1234it's also common to sell them as 16GB even though only 128MB of it works10:26
zmoylan-piwhen i first started disk drives were shipped with a dodgy sectors list which you had to type into novell when setting them up... you really looked for drives with small lists and paid extra for them10:27
ali1234also kingston sucks10:28
ali1234popey: can you recommend a keyboard and touchpad case cover thing for nexus 7 that works with ubuntu?10:29
popeyLogitech K480 is the one I have10:30
popeybut I'm told they basically all work10:30
popeyI don't have a cover style keyboard, only the big jobbies10:30
ali1234hmm and no touchpad10:30
ali1234i suppose it does have a touchscreen10:31
ali1234and i'd need a proper mouse for anything fiddly anyway10:31
ali1234popey: if you see anyone with a nice one ask them where they got it please :)10:32
popeyyeah, i use a thinkpad bluetooth mouse10:32
popeyI am in the office tomorrow, will ask around and see, as I know some people have different ones there10:32
popeyali1234: just asked them https://www.1byone.com/Accessories/Wireless-Bluetooth-Keyboard/O0000-0713 they have one of them10:38
ali1234this looks interesting: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Navitech-Wireless-Bluetooth-Keyboard-Google/dp/B00HYXMUMM/ref=pd_sim_sbs_147_5?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=71X10PTQGNAC9Z0A0GZ810:42
zmoylan-piyou'd have thought by now there'd be a call for a standard connector on tablets and phones so that they could be connected to keyboards/ dashboards without all the silly suction cups/clips to support them11:33
davmor2JamesTait: I got this stuck in my head so now you can have it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1-YPLp3KqA happy techie day  :D11:35
Azelphurdecided to buy that GPD Win, just placed my preorder, gonna be interesting to play with Linux, Steam, etc at 5 inches11:52
davmor2JamesTait: I figure that covers a techie right a gadget inspector ;)11:59
JamesTaitClose enough, davmor2. 😉12:00
davmor2JamesTait: :D12:00
diddledan_davmor2: lol, clever pick of song14:23
diddledan_wow, I'd forgotten how much of an earworm that tune is/was14:25
davmor2diddledan_: ran out of idea for geek or techie was gonna go with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCARADb9asE and claim JamesTait had mis-spelt Trekie14:25
diddledan_we come in peace, shoot to kill14:28
davmor2diddledan_: it's life jim but not as we know it14:31
* lopta sighs15:30
davmor2lopta: why15:31
loptadavmor2: I plugged a Cardbus card into a laptop running an operating system other than Ubuntu and it reset.15:35
loptaI'll use USB instead.15:38
diddledan_I might almost feel sorry for this tech support scammer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du6acZ-PZQ816:18
davmor2diddledan_: that is comedy gold16:58
diddledanooh, westworld starts tomorrow17:02
diddledandavmor2: aye, I stopped feeling sorry for him when he started swearing his bum off17:02
diddledanooh, and a new crime drama in november: conviction with the lass who played agent carter17:04

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