
check_!info 16.1000:10
ubottuPackage 16.10 does not exist in xenial00:10
OerHeks -info00:10
ubottuUbuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) will be the 25th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released in October 2016. Discussion in #ubuntu+100:10
OerHeks17 days to go00:11
check_tnks ->> OerHeks00:11
razieliyostill afraid of updating from 14.04 to 16.04 :S00:12
razieliyoI did once and fucked my system00:12
razieliyobut I would need it because a lot of dependencies on some new package versions00:12
razieliyohas anyone made the step from 14.04 to 16.04? experiences?00:13
ahmed__any one here00:16
ahmed__hi there00:22
ValjanYes, though I am currently attempting to remove apple and replace it with Ubuntu. apple is stubborn however.00:23
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morfi tried that once, failed and cried like a baby00:23
ValjanI spent about 8 hours last night, attempting to do it with just Ubuntu now rather than straight from TRisquel00:24
ValjanIf this doesn't work I'll go to more drastic measures and start playing around with partitions.00:24
salamanderrakehow would I use ufw to allow skypeforlinux to communicate via https?00:27
de-factowell i guess you can find out which incomming port it uses (in preferences) and permit opening that port in ufw?00:31
de-factonot sure what you mean by https though00:31
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de-factonormally port 443 is used for https servers, though i dont understand how that would relate to skype00:33
workisfunhi guys, I have a (Emacs) shortcut on my taskbar, how can I find where it points to? I'd like to remove / uninstall emacs and install an older version of it (as a package I need is unstable in this new version)00:37
workisfunI'm on ubuntu 14.0400:38
workisfun(I'm not sure if apt-get uninstall will remove this emacs version I'm currently using)00:38
de-facto" dpkg --get-selections | grep emacs" will show you all packages which names contain emacs00:39
de-facto*all installed packages00:40
workisfunah it shows emacs24 deinstall (next line) emacsen-common install00:42
workisfuni also have an emacs-24.5.tar.xz in my ~/Downloads/ that's extracted there as well00:43
lieferMy gparted looks like this: http://imgur.com/a/UcBwb . I would like to resize the unallocated 16gb to "/" but i cant resize neither the "/dev/...0p2" nor the "/dev/...0p7" device. What gives?00:44
Ben64liefer: you have to unmount everything, then resize 2, then 700:45
OerHeksliefer, 5 and 6 are in extended, enlarge extended forst, then you can add to 700:46
OerHeksindeed, resize 2 ( = extended)00:46
lieferhmm but this is the device im booting from00:47
liefercan i still do it?00:47
OerHeksit is a funny partition mess, i would wipe and start over.00:47
workisfunde-facto: would I simply do `sudo apt-get uninstall emacs24` then? and i guess delete the other extracted tar.xz as well?00:47
workisfunI see there is a apt-get purge command as well, not sure which one to use00:48
de-factopurge clears configs aswell afaik00:48
workisfundamn, i need to keep my .emacs though i guess i could make a backup, and actually it doesn't look like apt-get uninstall is actually a thing (tab completion didn't bring it up)00:50
workisfunpurge is the only option then?00:50
ValjanAlright, so UNetbootin will never work to create a bootable usb for mac, yes or no?00:52
FedorationYou mean to boot Mac OSX from USB?00:52
Valjanbootable linux usb*00:52
FedorationMac OS has been bootable from floppies, CDs, external HDs, etc for at least 20 years. UNetBootin makes bootable Linux flash drives.00:53
check_purge is identical to remove except that packages are removed and purged (any configuration files are deleted too).  ->>http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/wily/man8/apt-get.8.html00:53
ValjanFedoration, booting Linux on a macbook00:55
FedorationValjan: that works.00:55
ValjanI'm having a good deal of trouble getting it to do so.00:56
ValjanEverytime I create something using UNetBootin as the ubuntu page states to, the end process shows that it will not be bootable.00:56
check_opps ->>http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man8/apt-get.8.html a bit more up-to-date00:56
FedorationValjan: if you hold down the Option key as you boot up, does the screen show you the option to boot into "Windows" (ie Linux) on your attached flash device?00:57
ValjanWhich is actually what the last panel shows on Ubuntu's main page for creating a bootable USB drive for Macs.00:57
OerHekstry etcher, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/05/etcher-usb-image-burner-tool-linux-open-source00:57
ValjanIt shows Mac and recovery00:57
FedorationI found that Bootable Cd Creator (or whatever it's called) didn't work, but UNetbootin did work.00:58
FedorationHow do I get my bootable flash drive to connect to a wifi network it knows about regardless of which laptop it is in and therefore what the MAC address of the wifi card is? It seems to bind each wifi profile to a MAC address, rather than simply to whatever wlan adapter is available.01:00
ValjanOerHeks, I'm checking that out now.01:01
Guy1524hey guys, so since the #elementaryos channel is dead would it be ok if I asked a question about it here?01:20
bazhangplease keep elementary support there only Guy152401:22
Guy1524ok ):01:22
napalmgrenadev2hello I am haing trouble with my trackpad..it does not let me left click, instead sometimes when I right click it will left click, sometimes I cannot left click at all..tried googling some solutions but no dice, anyone got experience with this at all? I'm on Ubuntu 16.4 with dell XPS 495001:39
lordcirthnapalmgrenadev2, are you sure it's not a hardware problem?01:43
napalmgrenadev2Not really, how would I know?01:43
napalmgrenadev2When I first installed Ubuntu it worked fine01:44
napalmgrenadev2but it does seem to be an issue with my laptop, popped up a lot in google searches01:44
Fedorationnapalmgrenadev2: simply plug in an external peripheral and see if you can right click / left click with that mouse / trackpad / whatever.01:44
FedorationIf you can, it is hardware related. If you can't, it's software.01:44
lordcirthFedoration, well that's not perfect, it could be driver-specific.01:45
* Fedoration thought drivers were software...01:45
totisIRC: /server irc.looksharp.com.ar01:45
allegoricalhi, i'm trying to smoothly animate a moving rectangle but there seems to be some visual artifacts... i'm on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS, configuration: driver=fglrx_pci latency=0... also should note that the behaviour was slightly different on Lubuntu... trying to understand how to get a standard behaviour, does it depend on the desktop environment?01:45
lordcirthFedoration, they are, but if you plug in a mouse and it works, then it could still be software, because the trackpad uses different drivers than a mouse.01:45
napalmgrenadev2can I just plug it in or would I need to install drivers for the mouse too?01:45
Fedorationnapalmgrenadev2: just plug it in and click away.01:46
lordcirthnapalmgrenadev2, normal mice will work fine with built-in drivers01:46
napalmgrenadev2hmm even when I plugged in the mouse, it has left and right click switched01:46
lordcirthSome newer trackpads cause problems on Linux due to non-standard drivers01:46
lordcirthnapalmgrenadev2, ok, well there's a setting under Mouse that switches that, look to see if it's set01:46
napalmgrenadev2it was set to primary right click...thanks man01:47
theskillwithinexport GIT_DIR=$PWD/.git && cd dist && GIT_WORK_TREE=$PWD GIT_INDEX=/tmp/lol && git add . && git push origin -f $(git write-tree):refs/heads/gh-pages && unset GIT_DIR GIT_WORK_TREE GIT_INDEX01:53
theskillwithin! [remote rejected] 6e3ee2b7b98db2a97877ff50a19e804c5a7ded1e -> gh-pages (failed) error: failed to push some refs to 'git@github.com:theskillwithin/hrtcup.git'01:53
theskillwithinso close to figuring this out01:53
ubottutheskillwithin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:53
JeffCubottu is a edgy name01:58
ubottuJeffC: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:58
_lennyheyo. do any of you guys run steam on your machine?02:04
lordcirth_lenny, yes.  Do you have a question about it?02:05
_lennylordcirth yes! I just ran the .deb package from their website; after it installs, when i click on the actual "Steam" icon, nothing comes up... Not sure what I can be checking. should I check the processes?02:05
lordcirth_lenny, why didn't you install from the repositories?02:06
_lennyi was following some random guide lordcirth02:06
_lennylordcirth should I just do a sudo apt-get install steam ?02:06
lordcirth_lenny, yes02:06
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FedorationHow do I get a "live" flash drive (with casper-rw persistence) to connect to wifi from whatever laptop it boots in, regardless of what that particular laptop's wlan MAC address is?02:09
OerHeksFedoration, if the wifi driver is loaded automaticly( without need of certain steps), you could use the networkmanager. it all depends on wifi device/driver i guess.02:28
FedorationOerHeks: when I boot up on one laptop consistently, it consistently connects to wifi. I don't have to manually intervene at all. But when I boot into a different laptop, that wifi profile doesn't activate because the wlan device has a new MAC address (I think that's the reason anyway).02:32
fraktorI just installed Xubuntu 16.04 today. It runs much better than Linux Mint DE for me. However, I'm having trouble installing wine: it keeps telling me that I have held broken packages. I'm not finding any information online except "run dpkg --add-architecture i386," which I have done. What should I try next?02:35
thamanfraktor, do apt-get update, then install wine02:43
Fedorationfraktor: I have only come across errors telling me about packages being held when the distribution has frozen the kernel packages for a good reason and something I'm trying to install depends on a later version of a package that depends on one of the held packages it cannot update.02:43
fancyfetushey guys, a friend just gave me 3 SSDs and one of them doesn't seem to work at all. I can't get it to show up in any disk manager I've tried.02:47
fancyfetusgparted included02:47
fancyfetusAny steps I can take to diagnose the problem or is it probably dead-dead?02:48
Fedorationdoes lsblk list it?02:48
obZenTry: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools02:48
obZenAlso, how are you physically testing it?02:48
obZenAre you using sata or usb or something?02:48
fancyfetusobZen: I've tried both :(02:49
fancyfetusdoesn't show up in lsblk :(02:50
FedorationIt sounds broken then.02:50
FedorationIf it showed up in lsblk you could dd over the first few Mb to erase its partition map. But not in lsblk is not a good sign.02:50
fancyfetusI've literally never seen a dead SSD02:50
fancyfetusi thought they were almost invincible02:50
FedorationNot heard of write limitations and wear levelling?02:51
FedorationAll flash media from USB sticks to firmware to SSDs has a limited write life.02:52
fancyfetusDidn't think they'd just 100% die straight out02:52
jon_hello I get an error message and apt-get tells me this: "E: Unable to parse package file /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_xenial-updates_restricted_binary-amd64_Packages (1)02:52
jon_"  CAN ANYONE HELP?02:52
fraktorthaman: sorry, forgot to mention that I did that as well.02:53
fraktorFedoration: how should I proceed in installing wine, if some of its dependencies are frozen? I can't install version 1.4 or 1.602:54
Fedorationfancyfetus: if your pal gave you the disks second-hand, they might have physical damage to the connectors too. There's usually a reason behind why someone doesn't need them any more :)02:54
fancyfetusFedoration: He's got a whole box of them :P Even offered to send me another one to replace this one02:54
fancyfetusThey were being used at his work, so they're probably just worn out02:54
FedorationCould well be the case.02:55
fancyfetusWhat do I do with a broken SSD? o.o02:55
fancyfetusAnything cool and creative?02:55
fancyfetusDo I drop it into a vat of Liquid Nitrogen and wait for the day that we can thaw it and repair it?02:55
hypercube32Fedoration, it can be 'deleted' from the scsi bus and still be there, aka not showing up in lsblk02:56
fancyfetus^ That's what I was looking for. I need to cover all my bases02:56
fancyfetusIs it fixable?02:56
hypercube32before you decide that its totally gone, id scan the scsi bus again to make sure02:56
* fancyfetus heads to google02:56
fancyfetusWait, I should say that it also wasn't showing up in my bios02:57
JeffCHey does any one know what the office looking program is for the picture of Ubuntu Kylin on ubuntu.com02:57
FedorationIt was a freebie disk with no user data on it and a replacement is offered... I'd just go with that. No point resurrecting it, depending on it, and then having it die again when you need it.02:57
hypercube32fancyfetus, then you may have a larger issue02:57
hypercube32fancyfetus, doesnt hurt to know what scsi sees on linux side though, you may well learn what you have02:58
hypercube32ls -al /sys/class/scsi_host/host*02:58
hypercube32then for how ever many of those there are, you can do this:02:58
hypercube32echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan02:58
hypercube32where 0 is whatever host* is02:58
fancyfetusLet me boot back into ubuntu!02:59
hypercube32then check dmesg02:59
hypercube32its cool cause stopping and starting disks (removing them and adding them back into the scsi bus) can basically allow you /hotswap/ especially if your bios is set for it (most new ones do that)02:59
ValjanUbuntu worked for all of 5 minutes03:01
ValjanThen I restarted again and now I'm getting Grub bootloader on my MAcbook03:01
JeffCHey does any one know what the office looking program is for the picture of Ubuntu Kylin on ubuntu.com03:02
ValjanIf I start it, my unlock encryption screen can't be interacted with.03:02
lordcirthValjan, edit grub and remove 'splash' from kernel line03:04
fancyfetushypercube32: I'm getting no output for any of them03:05
fancyfetushypercube32: ran it on host0 to host903:07
fancyfetusNo luck :(03:07
newdimensionI'm running ubuntu 16.04 on a virtual machine and I'm trying to troubleshoot why it's slow. I just came across a guide that says I need to "sudo bash -c 'echo vboxvideo >> /etc/modules'" to enable the virtualbox drivers. I've never encountered that step before, is it correct/03:08
superguestOn previous version of Ubuntu (approx.  < 12.04, I think)  the "Connect to Server" feature is not part of Nautilus, correct?03:10
th0rnewdimension, you can test to see if that will solve the problem. Just do 'sudo modprobe vboxvideo' and see if it solves the issue you are having. If so, add it to /etc/modules. That command will do that, so will nano03:14
th0rnewdimension, the modprobe will install that driver, but it won't get reinstalled at reboot unless you add it to /etc/modules03:15
Valjanremoving splash leaves a blank purple screen03:16
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lordcirthValjan, hit ESC maybe?03:16
Valjanseems unresponsive03:17
ValjanNo mouse03:17
newdimensionthanks th0r, just tried it. Is there a guide that's recommended to run ubuntu in virtualbox? I've read countless ones and I'm seeing incremental improvements. But this seems like the sort of thing that should have a solution out there already.03:17
th0rnewdimension, I no longer run ubuntu, so not sure. And haven't worked with virtualbox in quite a while either.03:18
newdimensionth0r: got it. thanks for the help03:19
morfdunno why but i also have some stupid issues with ubuntu in virtualbox03:19
newdimensionWhat's your issue?03:20
morfsomething with video mode03:20
morfthe xfce are in horribly low resolution03:20
morfthere is some issue with fonts or whatever03:20
newdimensionDid you install guest-additions?03:20
morfthat's not it it's something in init03:21
newdimensionWhat makes you think that?03:21
morfbecause it's reported issue03:22
morfwell and the report / fix works :P03:23
morfthe actual problem is that ubuntu guys says the bug is in virtualbox and virtualbox says the problem is in ubuntu03:23
newdimensionSo what's the fix for that?03:23
morfand it's like single line03:23
newdimensionI've never had that problem, what causes it? (so I can avoid it)03:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1443853 in kbd (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 14.10 ISO live boot in Oracle VirtualBox ends up with a corrupted display" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:27
OerHeksmorf, stop the Vbox vm, go into settings, give more videoram to the vm ?03:30
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newdimensionDoes any one know why disabling framebuffer is recommended to speed up Ubuntu?03:34
morfOerHeks: nope... the setfont removing from the mentioned script works03:40
webchathow can adobe flash be installed?03:40
nicomachus!flash | webchat03:41
ubottuwebchat: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash03:41
scetchhi, i just switched from kubuntu-desktop to ubuntu-desktop, and now whenever i open the system settings app it arbitrarily modifies my display settings03:41
webchatThe instruction s on the page produce a dialog Unknown channel trusty-partner.03:41
scetchit seems to pick from a profile at random - one monitor on, two monitors on with mirror mode, three monitors on but one clockwise or something03:42
jj995When I boot Ubuntu, I see a blinking cursor in the top left.  I can't ssh in and ctrl-alt-f1 doesn03:42
jj995*When I boot Ubuntu, I see a blinking cursor in the top left.  I can't ssh in and ctrl-alt-f1 doesn't switch to a virtual console.  I am using an nvidia NVS 5400M with the default Nouveau display driver.  If I switch to using integrated graphics in the bios, things work fine, but I want to use the discrete graphics card so I can power more monitors.  I tried adding nomodeset to grub, but that didn't change anything. How can I troubleshoot the blinking curso03:44
hypercube32newdimension, best thing you could do is start using virt-manager and kvm and get away from virtualbox.  its just so much more advanced and more options than virtualbox, if you'03:45
hypercube32if you've already started to hit your head on the ceiling, time to graduate03:45
hypercube32granted that there is a bit of a small learning curve, but still so much more flexibility03:45
nicomachuswebchat: you need to enable the Partner repositories in your software sources.03:45
webchatnicho looks like it worked.03:45
mr_reei've installed sudo apt-get install php7.0 libapache2-mod-php7.0 apache2. created an info.php in /var/www/html/ now when i navigate using browser localhost/info.php the gets downloaded rather than running the script03:46
newdimensionhypercube32: Are you talking about: virt-manager.org and linux-kvm.org ? Are they more mature than virtualbox?03:48
newdimensionbtw I'm on a windows 10 machine03:49
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hypercube32newdimension, yes very much so03:52
hypercube32newdimension, kvm is built into linux kernel03:52
hypercube32virt-manager is the gui like interface to kvm/qemu03:52
hypercube32kvm is the hypervisor03:53
hypercube32its what lots of people use (like me) in production work environments03:53
hypercube32and you can talk to the vm management stuff remotely too03:53
hypercube32and dont need a gui really to use it, but its there and honestly pretty easy once you get the hang of it03:54
hypercube32once you go that route you'll wonder what you were doing with virtualbox03:54
webchatmr_ree check the application setings in firefox03:54
webchator try mozilla irc for further asisstance03:54
newdimensionYou saying that KVM is built into linux kernel is making me think that it's for someone that is running Ubuntu as a host. I'm running windows. Or do you mean that KVM runs well with linux?03:55
remohi remove the postgresql and now i cannot reinstall03:56
remohplease help03:56
hypercube32newdimension, sorry didnt know you were running windows.03:57
hypercube32newdimension, win10 can now do ubuntu stuff i think? although i havent tried any of that out yet03:57
lotuspsychje!ubuwin | hypercube3203:58
ubottuhypercube32: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.03:58
hypercube32newdimension, usually what people do is they have an extra desktop when they dont have a laptop, and run all their vm's on that other box that isnt their laptop03:58
remoh@hypercube32 - how was that in win20, even without virtualization?04:00
newdimensionhypercube32: I only have a laptop at the moment. I'm using the virtual machine to work in django (so python). Requirements overall shouldn't be that high as nothing is resource intensive. I believe it's just a configuration issue that I'm trying to pin down04:00
lotuspsychjeremoh: perhaps add errors to the channel, so others can try to help you04:01
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lotuspsychjeremoh: the #httpd guys can also help perhaps04:01
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remohdpkg: error processing package postgresql-client-9.4 (--configure):04:04
remoh subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 204:04
remohErrors were encountered while processing:04:04
remoh postgresql-client-9.404:04
remohE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:04
nicomachusremoh: sudo dpkg --configure -a04:05
remohdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of postgresql-9.4:04:13
remoh postgresql-9.4 depends on postgresql-client-9.4; however:04:13
remoh  Package postgresql-client-9.4 is not configured yet.04:13
remohdpkg: error processing package postgresql-9.4 (--configure):04:13
remoh dependency problems - leaving unconfigured04:13
remohdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of postgresql:04:13
lotuspsychje!paste | remoh04:13
ubotturemoh: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:13
jj995when I boot Ubuntu with recovery mode selected in grub, it hangs with a blinking cursor below "ACPI: Video Device [VID1]".  I tried both noveau drivers and the "software & updates" recommended "proprietary, tested" NVIDIA binary driver version 352.6304:22
nicomachus!nomodeset | jj99504:24
ubottujj995: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:24
jj995nicomachus: thanks, but I already tried nomodeset and nomodeset is set by default during recovery mode04:24
GuzzlefrymHi I'm on xubuntu 16.04 and trying to set my DNS server.  I've set the DNS server in the network manager GUI but it doesn't seem to take.04:36
GuzzlefrymThe network manager config files under /etc look correct. I can ping there DNS server fine. Any ideas?04:37
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jj995this is driving me crazy.  the *first* time I add nomodeset to the grub editor, Ubuntu boots fine with my nvidia discrete graphics.  however, subsequent boots hang with a blinking cursor.  If I apt-get purge grub-common && apt-get install grub-pc, then again the *first* boot adding nomodeset works and subsequent boots hang again. what is going on?05:17
scetchhi, is there any way to stop the unity control center thinking it knows better than me with my monitor setup?05:22
scetchfor some reason it keeps deciding that my preference is completely wrong - every time i open the settings pane05:23
scetchit only happens when i open the settings, however. logging in and out is fine05:24
scetchbut i'm not even opening display settings, just the control center -- it hangs for a couple of seconds then rolls a roulette table on my display settings, changing it to disable one screen, set both to mirrored, or something else05:24
scetchamusingly, this didn't happen with the statistically less-tested kubuntu05:24
sqredreaperwould anyone be able to help me with smb?05:38
donavan01need some help ... trying to get linux ubuntu or kali installed on my chromebook but I some how got rid of the mount point or what ever it is called for the drive  (/dev/sdb or whatever) how the hack do you get that back05:39
sqredreaperis this the right channel for support?05:41
mlosevyes, right right05:44
alkisgdonavan01: device nodes are created on boot05:45
alkisgsqredreaper: you can ask here, or in #samba, but you need to ask specific questions, not general "can someone help me"05:45
sqredreaperi need to make sure someone knows about samba before i go into it05:46
sqredreaperin short im looking to browser my external drives mounted in ubuntu on my macbook pro05:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:46
alkisgjj995, how are you enabling nomodeset, manually by pressing "e" in the menu?05:47
alkisgsqredreaper: in general, you just right click on the folder you want and select "share", but if you don't specify where you're having issues with it, i'm not sure if anyone will be able to help05:49
alkisgalso macs prefer afp instead of samba, don't they?05:50
alakxHello! I´ve migrated from redhat to ubuntu and i am facing this error : http://pastebin.com/H0sYJSYr Im using apache as a proxy with ajp and i never had this error with my redhat server. Is it that tomcat is looking for cacerts in the wrong directory?05:50
sqredreaperno by dafult i can smb://05:50
sqredreaperi had no problem doing it from windows. i got rid of windows and im trying to just use os x and linux05:51
munzmania#join mongodb05:51
munzmaniasorry! lolz05:51
donavan01alkisg ... if its created at boot do you have suggestion on what to look up to read to figure out i can do to fix it or is this something I would be better off just wiping the system and starting over because I made a huge mess of it05:54
donavan01keep in mind im just about a complete novice05:55
sqredreapercan anyone point me in the direction to a guide for smb on linux? im not really sure how to edit the permisisons. is there a gui for samba on os x?05:55
munzmaniaDid anybody install 16.04 on macbookAir 2013? if yes, how did you get the to wifi to work ?05:58
hateball!mac | munzmania05:59
ubottumunzmania: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages05:59
munzmania@hateball: thanks06:00
sqredreapercan anyone point me in the direction to a guide for smb on linux? im not really sure how to edit the permisisons. is there a gui for samba on os x?06:04
lotuspsychje!samba | sqredreaper06:05
ubottusqredreaper: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html06:05
munzmania@hateball not updated , the "most recent guides" dates back to 13.10 ..... i had 14.04 on my mac before getting back to OSX and now i want to use 16.0406:06
BlackFlagHelo! How can I install CUDA with NVIDIA 340.96 diver in Ubuntu 16.04?06:10
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lotuspsychjemunzmania: perhaps just try a 16.04 liveusb/dvd?06:13
munzmania@lotuspsychje i did but it did not work06:14
munzmaniai mean the wifi06:14
munzmaniaunlike 14.04 !!06:14
lotuspsychjemunzmania: what wifi cipset would that be?06:16
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lotuspsychjeBlackFlag: perhaps you looking for the cuda toolkit?06:17
BlackFlaglotuspsychje, I think you are right. I want to play with john the ripper using my GPU.06:18
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-cuda-toolkit | BlackFlag06:18
ubottuBlackFlag: Package nvidia-cuda-toolkit does not exist in xenial06:19
lotuspsychjeshows on apt cache06:19
BlackFlagubottu, is it not possible to install it in XX?06:20
ubottuBlackFlag: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:20
BlackFlagubottu, lol >.<06:20
lotuspsychjeBlackFlag: try sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit06:20
munzmanialotuspsychje: ok, not sure how to get the chipset model/info06:21
lotuspsychjemunzmania: lshw -C network06:21
munzmaniai am using a mid 2013 macbook Air06:21
munzmanialotuspsychje: now i am running OSX -_-06:21
lotuspsychjemunzmania: recommended would be a cable install with a 16.04.1 liveusb/dvd and updating to latest in setup06:22
lotuspsychjemunzmania: but some chipsets also need the restricted-extras or newer firmware/drivers06:22
munzmanialotuspsychje: I am not using Ubuntu 14.04 anymore but when i used to , everything was running fine (except for the cam)06:22
Spookanmunzmania: I would recomend OSX over Ubuntu indeed.06:23
lotuspsychjemunzmania: use 14.04 until its eol, could be also possible06:23
munzmaniaSpookan: why?06:23
BlackFlaglotuspsychje, it seems that worked06:23
munzmanialotuspsychje: ok , thanks06:24
lotuspsychjemunzmania: or be ambitious and tryout 16.10?06:24
BlackFlaglotuspsychje, I'm instaling the packages06:24
lotuspsychjemunzmania: hier kernels do some magic in some cases06:24
Spookanmunzmania: Its better for the mac.06:24
lotuspsychje!yay | BlackFlag06:24
ubottuBlackFlag: Glad you made it! :-)06:24
lotuspsychjeSpookan: your in the ubuntu support channel here, ubuntu's fine on all kind of machines06:25
munzmanialotuspsychje: well, with 3+ kernel it used to work and now it dose not, not sure a newer one would do the trick .. but thanks06:25
munzmaniaSpookan: indeed .. but not for the user06:26
lotuspsychjemunzmania: i would recommend checking your syslog for errors, if something not working correctly06:26
Spookanmunzmania: Why not?06:26
munzmanialotuspsychje: ok, thanks alot06:27
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munzmaniaSpookan: with OSX Sierra , the OS runs you , just tired of apple. i could not install an app from "unidentified developer" until i "hacked" my mac06:29
FedorationDoes OSX have a package manager?06:30
lotuspsychjelets not discuss Osx here06:30
Spookanmunzmania: Strange, i have no problems with it.06:30
cfhowlettpretty much off-topic so >>> #ubuntu-offtopic.  thank you.06:30
FedorationJust curious. I haven't used it in years.06:30
WhiteNightHey All. Not sure, if the topic suits this channel, but I'll try n ask. Trying to use motion for USB WebCam recording, but consistently getting the error "Device not found" while the device /dev/video0 is most certainly there ...06:30
munzmaniaFedoration: yes, i it's called "app store" :p06:30
munzmanialotuspsychje: ok , sure06:31
cfhowlettWhiteNight, more details06:31
munzmania@Spookan: only on Sierra06:31
WhiteNightcfhowlett, Well whenever I stream it on localhost anyport, I get a blank grey screen, and when there is a motion in front of the cam, it says its capturing images, but eventually says cant connect to the camera. let me grab some error messages for you, hold on06:32
cfhowlettWhiteNight, also: has the cam EVER functioned?06:32
Spookanmunzmania: Yepp. As i said, no problems with anything here with Sierra.06:32
sondahello... i am trying to run microsoft office 2010 on ubuntu 15.10 via wine... but the inking is disabled... has anyone able to draw and handwrite in onenote on wine06:33
ducassesonda: 15.10 is eol06:34
cfhowlettsonda, 15.10 is dead and no longer supported here or anywhere else06:34
eversonHi :) Need to tweak Workspace configuration (to get 5x1). I know of CompizConfigManager - is that the most lightweight way to do this? Would prefer to install as few programs as possible. Thanks06:34
baizonsonda: upgrade to 16.0406:34
cfhowlettsonda, install a supported version.  suggest you get the LTS : 16.04, 14.04 and 12.04 are all currently supported.  16.04 is the newest06:35
sondawhy so?06:35
cfhowlettsonda, what what?06:36
sondacan i upgrade without moving my data to another hard disk06:36
cfhowlettsonda, yes?  use the eolupgrade link sent you above06:37
cfhowlettbut you WILL backup anyway ... right?06:37
sondai don't find any link sorry06:38
owen1i am on ubuntu 16.04 and i can't connect to WPA2 enterprise PEAP. i think this is my issue - http://askubuntu.com/questions/697567/cant-connect-to-wifi-after-upgrade-to-15-10-aka-dreaded-wpa2-enterprise-peap-n?noredirect=1&lq=1 should i try to downgrade wpa_supplicant ?06:38
ducasse!eolupgrade | sonda06:38
ubottusonda: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:38
proxx_14>16 is quite safe06:38
slcbagpiper@owen1:  If you downgrade like you suggest, be aware that while that may fix the problem with WPA2, it could cause problems elsewhere.06:44
owen1slcbagpiper: interesting. is it easy to upgrade back? also, what other options do i have?06:44
WhiteNightcfhowlett, God knows what happened. I just checked my logs and image directory, all good :-/ I have like 48K images. Yes, it is very functional, a logitech USB 720p HD cam06:45
slcbagpiperYes, it's easy to upgrade back.  Other options . . . that may depend on what hardware you're running.06:45
cfhowlettWhiteNight, so t'is fixed then?06:45
owen1slcbagpiper: thinkpad carbon x106:46
WhiteNightyes! I guess I restarted my linux box and then forgot to check until now :-) Thanks06:46
cfhowlettWhiteNight, ti's the magic that is ubuntu linux.06:46
slcbagpiperowen1:  I don't have any experience with thinkpads.  So sorry.06:46
WhiteNightI loooooooooooove Ubuntu man!06:46
owen1slcbagpiper: np. thanks!06:46
WhiteNightnight night06:47
slcbagpiperowen1:  I'm using Ubuntu 14.04.2, with the KXStudio DE on a 64-bit machine, and Ubuntu Studio on a 32-bit machine.06:47
slcbagpiperowen1:  I'm in contact with one of the key developers of KXStudio, and his advice to me was to skip 16.04 altogether, and just wait until 14.04's end-of-life; he says that Ubuntu 18 should be all set, with the KXStudio DE ready to go, by the time that 14.04 "expires." That's the option I'm taking.  I'm unsure about the flexibility if Thinkpads.  Sorry, man.06:50
owen1got it06:51
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slcbagpiperowen1:  Myself, I went from Ubuntu 10, to 12.04 LTS, to 14.04.2 LTS, to 16-something, BACK down to 14.04.2.  16 was buggy.  Anyway, this is doubtless boring you; "that's all I've got to say about thay-yat."  :)06:52
owen1slcbagpiper: if i downgrade wpa_supplicant, what command do i need to run to upgrade it in case things are broken?06:53
slcbagpiperowen1:  Sorry, was afk for a moment.06:55
slcbagpiperowen1:  You want to use Terminal commands, right?06:56
owen1of course06:56
owen1is the downgrade relevant to 16.04 as well? http://askubuntu.com/a/74396406:57
owen1i see 'vivid' there. just making sure.06:57
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slcbagpiperowen1:  To go from 14.04 to 16.04, you have to first move to 15.  Open a Terminal window and type sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ; that'll get you from 14 to 15.  Once that's all done, type sudo apt-get install update-manager-core .  Once that's done then type sudo do-release-upgrade .  Now, I can't guarantee that that will all work for you.  But that's what I would try first.07:05
cfhowlettslcbagpiper, what???07:05
cfhowlettLTS to LTS upgrade is quite simple as both are still active07:05
cfhowlettslcbagpiper, and the correct dist upgrade command is sudo do-release-upgrade07:06
slcbagpipercfhowlett:  Okay.  I stand corrected.  That's good news.  What's the right answer, then, please?07:06
slcbagpiperI see.07:06
owen1slcbagpiper: i am not trying to downgrade the OS. just wpa_supplicant07:06
cfhowlettshould be as noted above but test first07:06
slcbagpiperowen1, cfhowlett:  For sure. Back everything up first.07:07
cfhowlettnaturally  :)07:07
slcbagpipercfhowlett, owen1:  Did you catch what owen said about the WPA2 trouble he's having?  I could use the education, myself.  :)07:08
cfhowlettI did see that slcbagpiper but I have ZERO wpa knowledge, so I was silent on the subject07:08
slcbagpipercfhowlett, owen1:  Maybe a retrograde to 14.04 would be best?  I dunno.  I know that 16 was, for me, a bit buggy, but that very well could've been me.  Actually, no disrespect intended to 16 and the developer folks, but it was way buggy.07:10
cfhowlettslcbagpiper, I'd suggest making a 14.04 USB and testing a liveboot session before actually downgrading07:11
owen1i have no issues with 16 except for WPA2 PEAP.07:11
slcbagpipercfhowlett, owen1:  Right.  I'm out to sea on the WPA2 issue.  Sorry, guys.  :*)07:12
cfhowlettbest of luck ...07:12
slcbagpipercfhowlett, owen1:  All The Best!07:13
galxyKyle speaks to Urban Jungle Girl about the system that is controlling and harming us from conception to grave, all while making a huge profit from our sickness and suffering. Topics include: eugenics vs dysgenics, ultrasounds, vaccines, circumcision, drugging, indoctrination, school, work enslavement, the cost of dying, how we can take our power back as well as fight back, and more.07:14
cfhowlettgalxy, errr this is ubuntu support not ... whatever that is.  check your channels.07:14
galxycfhowlett, Sharing for the Ubuntu community I love.07:15
cfhowlettgalxy, this is the tech support channel so that would be spamming.  please don't.07:16
tjbiddleHi all. What would be the best way to have a server continuously attempt to mount a NFS file system, until it’s available, but without holding up boot?07:17
slcbagpiperowen1:  What's happening with your wpa_supplicant?  Are you getting repeated password requests, even after you know that you know that you know that you entered your password correctly?07:17
cfhowletttjbiddle, perhaps ask #ubuntu-server07:17
owen1slcbagpiper: i am not getting any password requestst07:17
slcbagpiperowen1:  What's happening, then?07:18
owen1slcbagpiper: in fact i am not sure what my 'inner authentication should be'07:18
owen1slcbagpiper: it just refuse to connect07:18
slcbagpiperowen1:  So it asks for "inner authentication"?07:19
owen1slcbagpiper: i don't have the error message in front of me. i can try again in a few minutes.07:19
owen1i am saying that i don't know for sure what should be the correct 'inner auth'07:20
slcbagpiperowen1:  OK.  That'd be great.  If I'm still online, I'll do what I can to help.07:21
mastrohi, today I started my laptop and Unity doesn't load07:22
mastroI already tried using ccsm to re-enable unity plugin, the setting doesn't stick07:22
mastroI also tried resetting dconf setting. nothing07:22
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mastroIf I login with a guest user I can enter just fine and unity load so it must be something with my user07:23
mastrocan you help?07:23
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hateballmastro: does X load at all?07:23
hateballmastro: check that your user is the owner of ~/.Xauthority07:24
mastrohateball: yes X load, lightdm start, I input the password and am greeted with empty screen07:24
hateballmastro: and have a look in ~/.xsession-erriors07:24
mastrohateball: as said: if I login with guest (option in lightdm) unity start but it's not my user07:24
mastrohateball: yes I own tht file07:25
slcbagpiperowen1:  Just Googling some possible workarounds and/or solutions; is your problem anything like that described here?  http://askubuntu.com/questions/763589/networkmanager-asks-for-password-repeatedly-802-1x16-0407:25
mastrohateball: openConnection: connect: No such file or directory07:26
hateballmastro: I dont know about unity specific issues then I'm afraid (I use kde plasma)07:26
mastrohateball: cannot connect to brltty at :007:26
eversonHi all. I've configured static wlan0 correctly afaik (in /etc/network/interfaces I've set my address, network, broadcast, gateway and netmask correctly). For some reason it's not automatically connecting to my wifi on reboot (nor is it finding any wifi connections when I click on the connection icon in the indicator). Any ideas?07:28
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mastroanyone with some idea of what could be the issue / what can i do to fix it?07:30
eversonFYI, my wifi connects automatically if I leave the wlan0 interface to connect dynamically. Also, I tried my static configuration with eth0 with cable plugged in and that worked too.07:30
mastrohateball: how can I install kde plasma or whathever?07:36
mastroI really need to work07:36
Choupsguys I need help and I pay $$$: http://pastebin.com/6zpkNED307:36
Choupseasy money guys07:36
cfhowlettatomic email hunter is a windows app.  ask ##windows for help with windows issues.  not an ubuntu problem.07:38
PCdudeChoups , definitely not how it works here07:39
newuserblackscreCan I just post a question?07:40
mastroguys I can't enter my PC and I have no idea of whats going on.  This is a first, never happened to me before using Ubuntu / Unity07:40
mastroI really hope this is just me being ignorant of something.. but would really appreciate some help07:41
eversonIs there something wrong with my wlan0 configuration? It won't connect automatically on boot. A similar eth0 configuration (with cable plugged in) works just fine: http://pastebin.com/jDBh6UJJ07:46
VillageHello, maybe someone try run DC++ server on Ubuntu..?07:49
cfhowlett!server | Village the other channel might know more07:51
ubottuVillage the other channel might know more: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server07:51
akikeverson: you need to start the wpa_supplicant too07:52
UrsaTempestGuys? Anyone knows media player that can read files with non-unicode filename?07:54
Villagecfhowlett, what channel? I don't foun dc++ hub support channel on freenode07:54
cfhowlettVillage, #ubuntu-server07:54
CB6Just updated Ubuntu and it wasn't working so I hard restarted. Now I'm getting CPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: sh Not tainted 3.16.0-77-generic #99~14.04.1-Ubuntu07:55
Villageoh, understand cfhowlett, thanks07:55
cfhowlettbest of luck, Village07:55
CB6Anyone no what to do for a sh not tainted error? Ubuntu recovery even posts that message. No idea what caused it since I changed no physical hardware07:56
eversonakik, can you point me in the right direction please? I've found some tutorials / articles that suggest adding wpa-ssid and wpa-psk to my config file but I'm not having any luck. Not sure how to get my hex key for example.08:05
weewqHey, mlocate... anyway in updatedb.conf to say that I don't want nfs/cifs shares scanned (which is the default) *except* for a directory that I *do* want scanned?08:15
weewqrather allowing nfs in general and denying all the directories that might have nfs mounted I don't want scanned?08:16
weewq*rather than08:16
akikeverson: you get the hex key with wpa_passphrase08:16
mastrosolved on my own08:22
riplyHi all, I'm coming here, because I'm looking for some decent feedback from the community vs a google search..08:24
CB6is there command line in grub to recover the OS if recovery isn't working by chance? I just updated to the newest version08:24
SkylakeMXriply: decent feedback about ubuntu?08:24
riplyI'm pitching a move from AD to LDAP next week... now while I have all the back-end stuff sorted out on an Ubuntu stack, I'm hunting around for a GUI for LDAP - any suggestions?08:25
riplySkylakeMX, sort of ;)08:25
CB6Most of the content I have found related to updates not working on restart are pretty dated.08:25
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leroides@search The Lovecraft Anthology08:26
lighttinstalling stuff is so hard for a noob08:29
SkylakeMXlightt: how could that be hard? you got a software center on ubuntu lol08:30
SkylakeMXlightt: you should try apt-get / yum or pacman instead hehe08:31
lighttSkylakeMX: it says skype wont install due to a missing dependency08:31
lightton lubuntu08:31
SkylakeMXlightt: ahhh, ill be back in 15 min and will help u if its not solved yet08:31
lighttthanks man08:31
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void__lightt: harder is to get to know the unix directories and what goes where08:32
CB6Is there a way to pull up command line from grub2 that has sudo etc?08:33
CB6sh not tained errors are all I get and recovery mode gives me that error regardless of the OS version I select08:34
SkylakeMXlightt: hey, i'm already back08:34
lighttError: Dependency is not satisfiable: libqt4-webkit (>=4:4.6.1)08:34
SkylakeMXlightt: how are you trying to install skype?08:34
lighttfrom a .deb thing with the package installer08:34
SkylakeMXlightt: you should try and update your system first before installing the package08:34
lighttoh yeah08:34
lighttthanks good idea08:34
akikis there a way to rescan usb devices? i've run "safely remove" usb stick from dolphin and somehow it totally removes the usb stick from the system08:36
SkylakeMXakik: you should try to remount it with the disk utility08:36
\9CB6: when you're in grub, the OS hasn't booted yet, so it cannot give you sudo08:37
SkylakeMXakik: or the harder way with a mount commando on your /dev/ devices :D08:37
\9CB6: if you cannot boot at all, try using a live session08:37
akikSkylakeMX: i'm looking for a terminal command08:37
SkylakeMXakik: first find out the device name (ea. /dev/sdb1, use fdisk -l or lsblk, etc)08:37
akikSkylakeMX: the problem is that the device special file is removed when i use "safely remove"08:38
SkylakeMXakik: then you could mount it with mount /dev/sdXX /mnt08:38
CB6\9: I have a GNU grub version options list and can pull up grub command-line. Anything I can do with that?08:39
SkylakeMXakik: ah, what you mean is that the device dissapeared from the /dev/ ?08:39
akikSkylakeMX: yes08:39
CB6By live session do you mean create a bootable iso on a thumb drive on another pc?08:40
akikSkylakeMX: this has been happening for quite a while. i'm not sure when it started, maybe with 14.04. instead of umount, dolphin umounts and removes the device file08:40
SkylakeMXakik: you could try mount -a to reload the fstab?08:40
akikSkylakeMX: the usb stick is not in fstab. has never been08:40
SkylakeMXakik: yea, then I'm sort of out of ideas08:40
akikSkylakeMX: is it udisks which handles the storage devices?08:41
SkylakeMXakik: try to search for some option or known bug in your filemanager I guess08:41
\9CB6: the grub command line might be useful, but i don't know enough about it to help you use it, or even say whether or not it would help you in this case. by live session, yes i mean such a thumb drive08:41
SkylakeMXakik: yes I think so08:41
SkylakeMXakik: or udev08:41
\9CB6: i don't understand the error you're getting, but googling it might yield some help with that. you said you wanted a shell with sudo, a live session can get you that08:42
SkylakeMXlightt: did you solve your problem yet?08:42
lighttSkylakeMX: update in process!08:42
\9CB6: follow steps 1-7 in "update failure" in this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery to get a root shell08:43
\9though you can use any terminal instead of ctrl+alt+f108:43
CB6haha my errors say to use sudo of which i don't have access to08:44
CB6I do have the grub menu and ya I'm googling things. I suspect a live session could possibly fix things.08:44
NoCodeWhen trying to "sudo apt-get build-dep ardour3", I get, "E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list"08:45
CB6Thanks, just have to wait for the 1.4 GB to finish downloading lol08:45
\9no problem08:46
SkylakeMXNoCode: you can enable source URIs with the update manager in ubuntu08:46
SkylakeMXNoCode: you know where to find them?08:46
nudogejoin #hostgator08:46
CB6 join liquidweb .. they're amazing!08:47
SkylakeMXjoin localhost, no better place to be08:47
lighttSkylakeMX: didn't fix it. I am trying sudo apt-get install skype08:47
SkylakeMXlightt: still same error?08:48
lighttloading .. :)08:48
NoCodeSkylakeMX, Ticking off "Source Code"08:48
lighttyes same error08:48
lightti think this terminal way will work08:48
SkylakeMXNoCode: yes, for the right source of the application you want to build08:48
SkylakeMXlightt: did you try 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' ?08:49
NoCodeUnable to find a source for ardour308:49
lighttthanks i will08:49
SkylakeMXNoCode: 1 sec08:49
NoCodeIt's a metapackage08:49
NoCodeso I will try just ardour08:49
lighttSkylakeMX: fixed, thanks for your guidance08:50
SkylakeMXNoCode: I guess you didn't install it over a PPA?08:50
* lightt goes to skype :D08:50
SkylakeMXlightt: your welcome! :)08:50
NoCodeSkylakeMX, No, what I'm trying to do is install it via Git. But I am trying to get dependencies for Ardour first before Git installation08:51
SkylakeMXNoCode: ok, what you could try is to add the PPA source of the application you are talking about and check the 'source' URI and uncheck the actual application URI in your source manager08:52
SkylakeMXNoCode: I guess this is the PPA source you need:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dobey/audiotools08:53
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NoCodeWhy do that if ardour3 is already in the repositories?08:53
SkylakeMXNoCode: sorry, didn't know that08:54
SkylakeMXNoCode: but then you should check the source URI of the source which it's in08:54
NoCodeThink I've figured it out at least. Still waiting for git to finish cloning.08:54
SkylakeMXNoCode: I hope you figure out :) i'm off08:55
NoCodeHave a good one, thanks for the info.08:55
SkylakeMXyour welcome :D08:56
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debkada message appeared and suggest me to upgrade 14.04 to 16.xx09:00
pritamhello brother09:01
debkadhi pritam09:02
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pritamcan I extend my root partition09:04
debkadwhy not09:04
proxx_Yes we can09:04
proxx_* you can ,my bad09:04
proxx_Ima still allobama you know, no seriously, boot up a gparted livecd , resize the part, make sure you have a backup09:05
proxx_resize is a walk in the part 99% of the time, the other 1% is horrible crashes and dataloss n stuff09:06
debkadproxx_: no need for gparted livecd but it is preferable, most distro have gparted out of the box on live session, ( ubuntu is one of them )09:07
proxx_debkad yeah ur right, anything that has *partedish09:10
debkadwonder if i must upgrade to 16.xx ( have 14.04 ) and if 16.xx have systemd or not09:11
proxx_i just did last week, smooth sailing09:12
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proxx_Yeah and just get used to it since, well we will have to face it anyway09:13
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=== Odium is now known as Odius
debkadwhen it end ( 14.04 ) ?09:14
CB6For "update failure" do you need to click the "Try Ubuntu" or "Install Ubuntu" option? I believe that's a step missing there for LiveCDRecovery. I'm using USB drive09:14
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debkadCB6: myself i use always Try Ubuntu09:15
debkadat least you can do things in that option09:15
CB6That's what I thought but wasn't sure there as it could really go either way asking for dependencies.09:16
debkadwhy it ask for dependency? didn't get that part09:17
proxx_your update brick ?09:17
Odiushey guys, I'm having some trouble (I suspect) getting php running. although info.php runs fine, if I setup an index.php I get a HTTP 500 error09:25
OdiusI've just setup LAMP stack this afternoon, index.html works fine, as does info.php, however beyond that I appear unable to move any further.09:25
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proxx_Odius what does the apache log say09:27
ulrichardIs there a way I could set different DPI scaling per monitor?09:28
CB6Update Recovery says /dev/sda1 but when I type that in it says no such file or directory. How do I determine my drive?09:38
Jakey3How can you limit swap usage on an ubuntu machine?09:38
ulrichardCB6:  ls /dev/sd*09:39
debkadCB6: fdisk -l09:39
CB6Running live disk right now btw lol09:39
Jakey3swappiness ?09:40
CB6cannot open /proc/partitions: no such file or directory09:40
ikoniaCB6: is proc mounted ?09:40
ikoniawin 1009:40
ikoniaoops, sorry09:40
CB6should be I ran the sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc09:41
ikoniacheck if it is09:41
ikoniadon't assume09:41
CB6unable to resolve host ubuntu09:41
ikoniaCB6: what are you doing to get that error09:42
CB6sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc09:42
ikoniawhy are you running, that,09:42
ikoniayou said it was already mounted09:42
CB6you said check don't assume09:42
CB6not really sure how to determine if it's mounted09:43
ikoniaCB6: so based on that error - it's not mounted09:43
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ikoniaas that probably happened the first time you ran it09:43
ikonia"mount" will show you what's mounted09:43
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CB6oh man lol failed to read mtab09:44
CB6this is after typing 'mount'09:45
ikoniayou've probably messed up your chroot09:46
ikoniareboot and try it again, pay more attention to commands / output09:46
CB6it didn't give me any errors when I did the mounting processes09:47
CB6I'll reboot it though09:47
ikoniaI suspet it did09:47
CB6https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery go through the recovery steps 1-7 again?09:48
ikoniaCB6: go through the whole recovery process again09:49
CB6interesting just before the bootable ISO splash screen popped up an SDA error showed up on the top (2)09:49
CB6HDD is shown in bios so I'm thinking it's just some software issue.09:49
ikoniaCB6: maybe a hardware problem with a disk device09:50
CB6This literally happened right after a hard reboot when Kodi stopped working properly. I clicked exit and ya it wasn't working so I had to hard reboot.09:50
CB6ikonia I'm hoping not09:50
ikoniaI suspect it will be09:51
CB6Right after an update? Most likely a boot loader issue or something. It gave me an sh not tainted error09:52
ikoniaI'm missing key bits of info about your problem, so I don't know09:52
ikoniaI was just watching you recover09:52
CB6simple, ran OS update to newest version and when I hit restart it gave me that not tainted error. It won't boot any of the options in grub so I'm not running the live OS09:53
ikonia"not tainted" error means nothing09:54
ikoniaI'd need to know the full problem09:54
hpsmmhi guys I have this problem.. I cant hibernate my PC .. in Gparted I see this http://i.imgur.com/vU48737.png .. I think the swap partition is in bad place, is there any way to fix this? Or is it good and I need to do other things to get the hybernate function09:56
CB6Said some index files failed to download. They have been ignored or old ones used instead09:57
ikoniaCB6: so thats not a problem at all09:57
ikoniaCB6: thats just an update warning09:57
proxx_hpsmm thats unlikely to be the reason09:58
proxx_hpsmm its in an extended part, which is perhaps not the most logical way to do it but there is no technical reason why it wouldnt work like that09:58
CB6When I apt upgrade -f it says unable to correct dependencies09:59
ikoniaCB6: right, so thats a different problem09:59
ikoniaCB6: why are you using a recovery chroot ?09:59
hpsmmproxx_: thanks.. and also the swap partition is "inactive" and when I try to make it active, it says error that it is using10:00
CB6I'm using a live disk because it won't boot and just following the suggested instructions.10:00
proxx_CB6 you can potentially get around that by first removing the packages of which it complains , complete update , try reinstall of the tools10:00
proxx_hpsmm ah right , can you try swapon from the cli10:01
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CB6That's a brutally long list. I recall seeing an option "After update you can reactivate." This was for certain packages during the OS upgrade to the latest version10:02
CB6Some were discontinued and others just needed to be reupdated. I don't recall what that option was exactly10:03
hpsmmproxx_: swapon: /dev/sda5: swapon failed: Zariadenie alebo iný zdroj je používané (Device or another source is in use)10:03
ikoniaCB6: ok - so what happens when you try to boot10:03
CB6I'm in live boot now. Should I try and load off the disk now?10:03
hpsmmor is using...10:03
debkadhpsmm: LANG=C10:03
ikoniaCB6: I don't know what you're doing to be honest, the information isn't good enough to work through the problem10:03
proxx_hpsmm oke so try to remove the part, also remove that secundairy , repart the swap device and retry10:04
proxx_*I meant extended10:04
hpsmmproxx_: and set it primary partition or extended?10:05
CB6first thing I saw when the error was loading up now is ata:2 and ata 3 soft reset failed10:06
hpsmm*set it to primary or extended?10:06
proxx_hpsmm dont really matter , do you have space free after that ?10:06
proxx_hpsmm if you do than make it extended , otherwise it doesnt matter10:06
debkadproxx_: i think he need to change the UUID in fstab when he recreate the swap10:06
CB6CPU: 3 PID: 1 Comm: sh not tained 3.16.077-generic #99~14.04.1-Ubuntu10:06
MultiplyI've installed the 4.7.6 generic kernel, but I am missing the extra package. Where can I find it?10:08
MultiplyI am running 16.0410:08
hpsmmproxx_: I need to restart brb10:08
CB6Anyone know what to make of that error? It seems to be common after upgrades from the research I've found which is exactly what I did.10:09
CB6ikonia: does that help?10:10
ikoniaCB6: not masively10:11
CB6Is there some way to get an error output to actually resolve this? I mean it's a kernel update causing this and some dependency probably.10:13
ikoniahow do you know it's a kernal update ?10:14
CB6it said10:15
CB6was definitely a considerable update10:15
CB6http://askubuntu.com/questions/36439/ubuntu-doesnt-boot-after-kernel-update we did some of these steps10:16
CB6lol the solution link is dead10:17
bonnohi people. i need to disable the touchpad on x1 carbon while using the trackpoint on 14.0410:17
bonnoi'm pretty new with Linux10:17
bonnoso I need guidelines10:18
bonnoI know it has smth to do with xinput10:18
CB6Should I just try installing over it with the live disk?10:19
CB6Wondering if that will cause more issues10:19
hpsmmproxx_ thanks for advices, I was scared to remove the old swap partition, now it looks better - theres just the ext4 and the swap partition.. but the swap partition is not active, do I need to make it active?10:20
proxx_hpsmm yes you should, you can do that live , the box will run without swap, if not in fstab , add it there10:21
proxx_try a swapon first to see if it actually runs10:21
hpsmmproxx_ yep, pretty activated :) http://i.imgur.com/4IuP6q0.png .. but dont know how to add it do fstab, I never did that10:24
hpsmm*add it to fstab10:25
proxx_I would suggest adding it manually but then some smartass here will probably tell me that there is some facny ubuntu way of doing it10:25
proxx_there is this 'genfstab' thing which you could use iirc10:26
hpsmmproxx_ I literally don't know what to do :D10:28
proxx_basically this is a text file which stores the info on what to mount on boot10:29
proxx_hpsmm UUID=1d9c5c7a-1dbe-4ee6-a6ff-669195ae305a none            swap    sw              0       010:30
proxx_Thats what my swap line looks like, yours would be similar10:30
hpsmmproxx_ yes I found it... but there's bad informations and also mine swap is commented10:32
hpsmmproxx_ #UUID=16d591fb-ffb5-4bed-9f80-982af15f8561 none            swap    sw              0       010:32
hpsmmso should I just copy the output of sudo blkid to fstab?10:32
proxx_Ah , oke, make sure you check the UUID with blkid10:32
proxx_hpsmm thats right then make sure it uses those options as in the commented line10:33
proxx_hpsmm as I said there is probably a more clever way to do it but this certainly works, I always do these by hand10:33
maquowiczi would like to ask ubuntu hardware / kernel signature question, is this the right place ?10:33
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CB6If I specify in the BIOS "Hard Disk Drives" 1st Drive as "USB" and 2nd Drive as SATA then when I go to set "Boot Device Priority" the SATA drive with the Ubuntu on it no longer shows. I am thinking that's maybe why we had the mount issues. Anyone know how to go about this lol? Super frustrating here. 1st boot device on boot device priority is [removable device] 2nd [USB with the live ISO] 3rd10:37
CB6boot device is showing CDROM lol10:37
SkylakeMXhey hey, someone need help?10:38
CB6yep lol10:39
maquowiczRecompiled touch screen driver (old sony all-in-one pc) to support it in Ubuntu 16.04 : https://launchpad.net/nwfermi10:39
maquowiczdmesg sais [   21.237123] nw_fermi: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel10:39
maquowiczDoes this signature problem can prevent driver from sending input events?10:39
maquowiczRaw /dev/nwfermi1 works, but associated with X /dev/input/eventN dont :(10:39
CB6Since you just joined I will repost  If I specify in the BIOS "Hard Disk Drives" 1st Drive as "USB" and 2nd Drive as SATA then when I go to set "Boot Device Priority" the SATA drive with the Ubuntu on it no longer shows. I am thinking that's maybe why we had the mount issues. Anyone know how to go about this lol? Super frustrating here. 1st boot device on boot device priority is [removable10:39
CB6device] 2nd [USB with the live ISO] 3rd boot device is showing CDROM lol10:39
hpsmmproxx_ what is cryptswap? should I leave it there?10:40
hpsmmproxx_ /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 010:40
debkadCB6: bios will pick always the first one then the 2nd ...10:41
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debkadCB6: the mount problem can be solved by using UUID rather than /dev/sdXY10:41
debkadby using UUID, no matter what you choose as the first boot from bios10:42
hpsmmguys what is this in fstab: /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0 ?10:43
debkadis an encrypted swap i think10:43
CB6BIOS device Priority doesn't show SATA but does show the USB. SATA shows as 2nd Drive Under "Hard Disk Drives" in BIOS. You are saying it will still always detect it?10:43
debkadCB6: in most case yes10:44
hpsmmdebkad can I delete that? I made a new swap partition10:44
SkylakeMXdebkad: what was your problem?10:44
CB6Debkad where do I specify UUID? Is that a bios setting or no?10:44
SkylakeMXCB6: your fstab10:44
hpsmmCB6: sudo gedit /etc/fstab10:44
debkadSkylakeMX: i have two, one is about if i must upgrade from 14.04 to 16 as i have a message shown suggest me to do that10:44
hpsmmCB6: or use cat or something10:45
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hpsmmCB6: but as root10:45
SkylakeMXdebkad: are you using LTS or not?10:45
debkadCB6: yeah like said hpsmm and don't forget to update-grub after modification10:45
debkadSkylakeMX: yes10:45
CB6I see .. I will need to load up the bootable drive first. Trying to load the SATA I can only get the grub load menu and none of the options of the kernel work including the recovery versions.10:46
debkadhpsmm: i can't be sure as i never used encrypted partitions10:46
CB6Can you update grub inside grub from 'c' ?10:46
SkylakeMXdebkad: currently running 14.04.5?10:46
debkadSkylakeMX: indeed10:46
debkadCB6: from recovery menu you can't access?10:47
hpsmmdebkad let's hope I will boot after restart lol10:47
debkadgood luck :D10:48
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SkylakeMXdebkad: not upgrading shouldn't be a problem since you will still receive all the security updates. However some applications and packages won't get the newest versions as 16.04 does10:49
CB6debkad under 'Advanced' selecting a version didn't work including older. They posted the same errors. I'm now on the Live USB. Should I try to do anything again in there recovery wise or should I just click 'Install Ubuntu'?10:49
bpyeHey guys, running 16.04 with a ZFS pool and trying to setup a ZFS share so that all files in it will be owned by share:share, with permissions 664 for files, or 2775 for directories10:50
CB6This probably with sh not tainted only came about after doing a kernel update10:50
debkadSkylakeMX: so i'm fine using 14.04, ok, when it end?10:50
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bpyeI am using sharesmb=on and usershares, and I can see the share and create directories etc10:50
bpyeMy issue is I can either get the file permissions right with force security mode, or the directory right with inheirit permissions10:50
SkylakeMXdebkad: when you mind upgrading I would advise making a backup of your important files over upgrading from the OS and do a clean install. The upgrading actually does work, but the chance of having new configuration conflics and small bugs may appear10:50
bpyeBut not both10:50
SkylakeMXdebkad: the EOL date of ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS is April 201910:51
debkadhmm thing going to be hard to fix10:51
SkylakeMXdebkad: I can ref you to the wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases page for that :)10:51
SkylakeMXdebkad: so what was your other problem?10:52
debkadthank you SkylakeMX10:52
debkadSkylakeMX: wonder if there is a simple script to get inbox from gmail10:52
debkadi h googled but the scripts i found look outdated10:53
SkylakeMXdebkad: to receive notifications or see your actual inbox content?10:53
debkadSkylakeMX: yeah, i found this from google developper page http://sprunge.us/NRgK , wonder if i can use it to show inbox rather than Labels10:54
hpsm22hey guys, it was "hope I will reboot lol" after I commented cryptswap in fstab, but it's now whitout the lol .. I cant boot10:55
debkadthe part inbox in the end that was just me doing some horrible things :D10:55
hpsm22debkad: im ... idiot lol10:55
ppfhpsm22: any more details?10:56
SkylakeMXdebkad: I think it should be able to / modified to do what you want10:56
hpsm22ppf i added hashtag infront cryptswap in fstab, saved, rebooted and now I cant boot ubuntu, its like I have no OS installed, it want me to choose boot device, when i press HDD.. nothing10:57
debkadSkylakeMX: yeah i think so, but no clue on howto, i asked in #python without success, may be it is hard to get it to work10:57
SkylakeMXdebkad: I'm not having any gmail account atm, but you should look at the api documentations of the gmail api, do u have it somewhere?10:57
debkadSkylakeMX: the script above was the one i picked from the documentation10:59
ppfhpsm22: uncommenting a mountpoint in fstab doesn't give you that result10:59
ppfwhat else did you do?10:59
SkylakeMXdebkad: ok one moment :)10:59
hpsm22ppf I deleted old swap partition, created new and added it to fstab .. any idea how to acces fstab without booting ubuntu?11:00
ppfthat's not an issue with fstab11:00
ppffstab is only read after the kernel is up11:01
thereyouareanyone here ?11:02
SkylakeMXdebkad: this part of the documentation should contain what you seek https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/v1/reference/11:02
hpsm22ppf then I dont know what happened11:02
SkylakeMXdebkad: to be more specific, I think you should look for the User.messages part11:02
SkylakeMXdebkad: Users.messages*11:02
ppfyou can boot a live disk to access your system11:03
SkylakeMXdebkad: are you a programmer / scripter? otherwise I wouldn't mind making you a script when I got home?11:03
maquowiczDoes Ubuntu kernel warning 'module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel' could prevent a HID-like device from sending /dev/input/eventS ?11:04
SkylakeMXdebkad: this is what you want https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/v1/reference/users/messages/list#python11:04
ducassemaquowicz: shouldn't, but i haven't tried with secure boot on. you can also use mokutil to disable verification.11:05
debkadSkylakeMX: when i run that script it return a blank line11:07
ppfhpsm22: also, be more precise: what happens exactly when you boot now?11:07
maquowiczducasse, that pc isn't on UEFI, thanks for mokutil tip11:07
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ppfgrub comes up? you can select your ubuntu disk?11:08
ducassemaquowicz: if you're not on uefi, that message should be purely informational, mokutil won't do anything either.11:09
SkylakeMXdebkad: can you try and tell me if the 'APIs explorer' below shows a correct output?11:09
hpsm22ppf absolutely nothing.. just the BIOS boot screen (info about my PC) and then the boot order table .. grub dont comes up and I cant choose the ubuntu disk11:09
ppfwhat's the 'boot order table'11:09
maquowiczducasse, it looks like that, further device init is taking place11:10
bekksppf: the selection menu where to boot from. Thats still part of the BIOS.11:10
ppfbekks: i've never seen that11:10
maquowiczalso raw /dev/nwfermi1 throws with loads of binary, but associated with X /dev/input/eventN dont :(11:10
ducassemaquowicz: ok, i've never tried on a legacy system. what kind of module is this?11:10
ppfanyways, hpsm22, if grub doesn't come up, that's not because you edited fstab11:11
bekksppf: a lot of BIOS offer that after pressing a key, like F12.11:11
maquowiczducasse, recompiled touch screen driver (old sony all-in-one pc) https://launchpad.net/nwfermi11:11
hpsm22pff http://i.imgur.com/Q3jnLoQh.jpg11:11
ppfbekks: yeah i know it on demand, but not coming up on its own11:11
bekksppf: It comes up when no bootable device is found.11:11
bekksppf: At least on some BIOS.11:11
ppfbekks: yeah, i figured11:12
bekkshpsm22: press escape.11:12
ducassemaquowicz: so it seems you get events, just not in /dev/event/...? try asking in ##linux.11:12
ppfhpsm22: you played with the partition table?11:12
hpsm22bekks nothing11:12
ppfyou'll need to boot into a live system and check out the partition table11:13
hpsm22ppf just deleted extended partition and made a new one11:13
bekkshpsm22: So you had a computer running windows, you decided to install Ubuntu?11:13
maquowiczducasse, something is showing in raw /dev/nwfermi1 but nothing where X.org server is looking at (/dev/input/eventN)11:13
originHi all11:13
hpsm22no, I bought laptop without OS and installed ubuntu11:14
thereyouareis grub2 better than grub 0.9 ?11:14
maquowiczducasse, wrote more details last post #22 at https://answers.launchpad.net/nwfermi/+question/24753811:14
bekkshpsm22: And when being ask to install grub, where did you install it to?11:14
maquowiczducasse, thanks will ask on ##linux11:14
bekksthereyouare: grub2 is the default nowadays.11:14
ducassemaquowicz: best suggestion i have is to ask in ##linux, someone there might have tried this or know how to debug it.11:14
maquowiczducasse, thanks again :) owe you one11:15
ducassemaquowicz: np :)11:15
hpsm22bekks Idk, I was running ubintu like 2 months now I played with the partitions and fstab and cant boot11:15
originSince I installed ubuntu 16.04, I meet bug during the boot/shutdown when I use the nvidia drivers for the graphical card11:15
originthe sentence takes around 1 minute for boot and shutdown,11:16
hpsm22new thing happend.. just black screen on boot11:17
hpsm22http://i.imgur.com/iZVcUe9h.jpg any ideas?11:18
ubottuuse @login11:19
ppfhpsm22: boot a live disk11:20
SkylakeMXhpsm22: it's past the bios and before the login screen?11:20
SkylakeMXhpsm22: if so, try pressing escape to see what it's doing?11:20
hpsm22ppf I cant right now.. skylakeMX its past the bios and before everything.. ESC not reacting nothing works11:21
SkylakeMXhpsm22: ah I've seen your other messages now,11:21
SkylakeMXhpsm22: easiest way to fix is using a live-usb and reinstall the grubloader11:21
SkylakeMXhpsm22: are you sure your startup entries are correct in your bios?11:21
ppfhpsm22: you probably screwed up either the partition table or your boot loader. you need a live disk to investigate and repair11:21
hpsm22yeah, I will try that, but dont have another PC atm11:21
debkadSkylakeMX: i got "401 Unauthorized" from reponse11:22
SkylakeMXdebkad: could you try the API explorer of that other example that worked too? just to be sure you ain't missing any information11:22
SkylakeMXhpsm22: could also be that you exidently switched your uefi/legancy since your bootinfo is missing11:23
thereyouareare there games for ubuntu ?11:24
SkylakeMXthereyouare: yes there are, you can display some of them in the games category of the ubuntu software center11:25
meldronhi guys, anybody tried the zfs on linux guide for zfs root filesystem? i tried it yesterday and everything worked, but after the reboot grub was not found so i could not boot the new ubuntu setup. Any similar problems?11:26
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debkadSkylakeMX: thanks for the help11:30
SkylakeMXdebkad: did you figure it out?11:31
SkylakeMXdebkad: and no problem11:32
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hpsm22skylakeMX how to switch it back?11:33
Jakey3when i try and scp a file i get permission denied but its the correct password?11:36
ppfhpsm22: in your bio11:37
ducassemeldron: you better try #zfsonlinux, that setup is not supported.11:46
debkadSkylakeMX: no i just give up :) it is not a big issue anyway, thanks again11:50
hpsm22ppf is there a way to run liveCD from smartphone?11:50
ppfi don't think so11:51
bekkshpsm22: No.11:51
alakxHello! I´ve migrated from redhat to ubuntu and i am facing this error : http://pastebin.com/H0sYJSYr Im using apache as a proxy with ajp and i never had this error with my redhat server. Is it that tomcat is looking for cacerts in the wrong directory?11:51
ppfhpsm22: how did you install ubuntu?11:53
meldronducasse: thx11:56
elanozturk /msg NickServ identify11:56
riplyelanozturk, that was close xD11:57
elanozturkhahaha right riply11:58
CB6"Install Ubuntu 16.04 LTS alongside Ubuntu 16.04 LTS" Is there a way to keep programs and files while reinstalling ubuntu?11:58
riplyCB6, what do you mean by keep files?11:59
bekksCB6: those are two separate installs, so you have to reinstall all programs from A in B, too.11:59
riplyCB6, you could try a rsync?11:59
riplyCB6, you'd need a shared partition though...11:59
CB6I just want to go back to my working install. All I did was click update when it said update and now it doesn't work.11:59
riplyCB6, an update isn't a reinstallation12:00
bekksCB6: So installing a seconds OS instance is the wrong approach.12:00
riplyCB6, are we talking about Server or Desktop?12:00
elanozturki need help about simple bash command to list files in folder and pick random line to player to play,can anybody help me pls??12:00
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riplyCB6, what's not working?12:01
ppfCB6: why would you run two instances of the same OS12:01
riplyCB6,  open terminal and do a sudo apt update12:01
riplyfollowed by a sudo apt upgrade12:01
CB6It prompted me for the update yesterday and I clicked to install. It wasn't working properly and wouldn't allow me to click power down so I had to hard reset it. Now it only goes to the Grub boot loader page giving me Generic Ubuntu, Advanced, Memtest12:01
bekksCB6: And what happens when you select Ubuntu?12:02
riplyCB6, are your files there when you select Ubuntu?12:02
riplyCB6, and can you login?12:02
lighttanyone know how to get my PS3 gamepad to work in Lubuntu12:02
CB6I did an apt update as per instructions in the recovery. It has a bunch of depency packages that aren't there. When I did the update to the new kernel yesterday it said a lot of stuff would be disabled and I would have to re-enable it.12:03
bekksCB6: What happens when you select Ubuntu?12:03
hpsm22ppf I installed ubuntu from livecd from anotger PC that i will have access tomorrow :(12:03
CB6riply it doesn't load just gives me sh not tainted errors12:03
bekksCB6: which errors exactly?12:04
ppfhpsm22: is that livecd still around? :)12:04
riplyCB6, what errors?12:04
CB6When I google that a lot of other people over the years also experienced this after an update lol.12:04
CB6"sh not tainted"12:04
hpsm22sadly, no, yesterday i formatted the USB because "why would i need livecd of ubuntu" .. lol12:05
bekksCB6: And no other output?12:05
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ppfhpsm22: too bad12:05
ppfCB6: this is super weird, please start from the top. you have two instances of ubuntu on the same PC?12:05
CB6 not syncing: attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x00007f0012:05
bekksCB6: Can you please provide the entire output, not just fragments, please?12:06
riplyppf, I don't think so no, he has one. He's asking how to install another one and have his files/programs still work12:06
ppfCB6: why would you do that12:06
CB6ppf (running live USB presently), SATA version gets to the grub and any version I select ends in a "sh not tainted" error followed by  not syncing: attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x00007f0012:06
hpsm22ppf omg, i forgot I also did update grub, may that fckd up my grub?12:06
bekksppf: Because his system doesnt boot after upgrading.12:06
ppfhpsm22: probably in some why12:06
ikoniahis upgrade failed12:07
ikoniaso he has packages out of sync12:07
ikoniaand it now won't boot12:07
ikoniait's that simple12:07
CB6Recovery apt get didn't fix anything to my knowledge. It loads the same error on boot12:07
ikoniaso he probably has miss-matches that are stopping the boot process12:07
ooko0ouch i don't want that to happen to my system or servers12:07
ppfikonia: sure, that part i get, but why install another instance12:07
ikoniappf: I believe he was trying to fix the broken install12:07
ikoniappf: as a recover environment12:08
CB6I don't want to install another instance. I want to replace the broken files or whatever is broken so I can get it running again without spending a day troubleshooting a broken upgrade12:08
ikoniaI suspect he's had 3rd party repos at some point based on the errors he was showing earlier12:08
ikonia(not confirmed of course)12:08
CB6This is an automated upgrade too. Kind of concerning really but it looks like it's happened to people over the year so I'm definitely not the first.12:08
ikoniaCB6: its not concerning in the slightest12:09
proxx_walk in the park upgrade12:09
ppfapparentyl i missed the prologue :)12:09
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CB6It's concerning because updates shouldn't break an operating system to the point it doesn't load. Maybe some dependencies don't work or something for programs but the whole thing not loading is just weird.12:09
ikoniaI got bored trying to help as only snippets of info are being shared12:09
ikoniaCB6: the upgrade didn't break it12:10
CB6specify information required12:10
ikoniaCB6: the failure of the upgrade did - thats what you need to look at why12:10
bekksCB6: Can you provide the full and entire output of your error please?12:10
bekksCB6: And not just two fragments.12:10
CB6How do I go about doing that shy of trying to type it all out?12:10
bekksCB6: Take a photo, whatever.12:10
CB6Would it maybe easier since I'm in the liveusb now to try some things there first to pull some errors possibly?12:11
bekksCB6: No.12:11
bekksCB6: You are expierencing an error, we need to know which one. And not just fragments of it.12:12
CB6CPU:0 PId: 1, Comm: sh not tainted 3.16.0-43-generic kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exit code+0x00007f00 message. basically same error as this except different OS obviously12:12
bekksCB6: And those are just two lines of the output. Where is the entire output?12:13
CB6Going to take a picture12:13
bekksCB6: Finally.12:13
CB6lol you say that as if I havn't already put time in here to listen to advice.12:14
bekksYou didnt.12:14
bekksI asked you for the entire output several times already.12:14
bekksSo its time to finally provide it instead of discussing why you didnt already.12:15
CB6You weren't in here earlier. Anyhow, is there a way to get the entire output?12:15
bekksI was in here all the time as can be seen in your backlog.12:15
CB6I noticed an ATA soft reset error prior to the bottom page which I believe is pretty relevant12:15
bekksOk, so you dont want to provide the information request - I'm resting that case. MAybe someone else will jump in.12:16
bekks+ed :P12:16
CB6Present vs active :P12:16
CB6Actually, I clearly just specified I wanted to produce the entire error output rather than just a page of it.12:16
CB6Since I'm being told I'm not giving enough information but not really given any particulars on how to produce the exacts of what's needed lol12:17
bekksAnd your question regarding that had been answered with "no" already.12:17
bekksSo stop discussing and provide the output requested.12:17
bekks1003 141317 < CB6> Going to take a picture12:17
bekksDo it.12:17
CB6I took a picture just uploading it hold on... my god lol12:19
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hpsm22CB6 if you runnibg terminal, run the command and add the | pastebinit ... so for example: sudo apt update | pastebinit .. it will upload the output into text file and show you the link.. then copy the link in here12:22
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CB6I don't think that's terminal but it's for sure looking like command line12:22
CB6I can't make any entries into it and the OS hasn't load12:23
hpsm22oh okay12:23
hpsm22but for me, the link not working.. try upload the image to imgur.com/upload12:24
CB6I don't know why my cell produced a different cell than desktop but that's interesting.12:24
CB6I really wish I could get into that top bit of the error but it's hard to read that fast. Something about an ATA soft reset. Shows this for the booting of the Live USB as well.12:26
hpsm22yep, this one ia working :)12:26
CB6Is that even enough information to really go off of?12:27
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ppfCB6: scroll up, please, the most interesting part is at the beginning of the kernel panic message12:28
CB6ppf how do I go about that by chance?12:29
ppfhit page up12:29
CB6lol (got to switch to the non entertainment one for that)12:29
CB6one second12:29
CB6hitting page up isn't doing anything12:30
CB6shift + pageup?12:30
CB6I'm sure this is painful but ya it's not scrolling up for me when I hit that.12:31
lordcirthCB6, try hitting scroll lock and then page up12:33
CB6bizarre nothing12:35
nico_#join qtq-documentation12:35
CB6Are you typically able to scroll up when boot fails?12:35
CB6I know you can in terminal but I can't make entries right now etc. Just the cursor at the bottom is there blinking12:36
lordcirthnico_, it's /join12:36
lordcirthCB6, sometimes, sometimes not.  Does it say 'kernel panic' anywhere?12:37
lordcirthOh ok.  Yeah I usually can't scroll when its a panic.12:37
lordcirthDoes this happen every time?12:38
CB6cpu:3 PID: 1 Comm: sh Not tainted 3.16.0-77-generic #99~14.04.1-Ubuntu12:38
CB6Yes, ever since I did a reboot after the update it's done this.12:38
ppfyou are in a livesystem already, aren't you?12:38
CB6No, but I can load Live back up if you want. Will this help?12:39
CB6The only thing I can get from boot is the Grub options and C to do whatever the grub options are in that independent command line.12:40
CB6It's definitely not the same as terminal anyhow (learned that much)12:40
ppfin the live system, look at the boot log (of the installed system)12:40
CB6ok, not sure how to do that but going to load up the live OS12:40
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ioriaC86 you can try to reinstall, from live or from recovery , the xenial kernel  4.4.0-38-generic... 3.16.77 it's the utopic/trusty one12:41
ppfsorry, i totally overlooked that.12:42
ppfcan you maybe boot the proper kernel from grub?12:42
ioriaC86  if you can boot from Recovery, check apt-cache policy linux-generic , if it's labele as xenial, you can just apt-get install linux-generic12:42
ioriaC86  *labeled12:43
CB6I can't boot from recovery. I can only load the live USB12:43
CB6I will try to find that option under advanced12:43
ioriaC86  ok, try to do that from live12:43
ioriaC86  if you can,  grub -> advenced options -> recovery12:44
ioriaC86  from recovery -> enable network and root shell12:45
CB6xenial kernel 4.4.0-38-generic isnt an option it's all 3.16 from grub12:45
ioriaC86  cause you don't have it yet ...12:45
CB6LiveUSB then?12:46
ioriaC86  3.16 menu  it's ok for this12:46
ioriaC86  again  because you don't have it yet ...12:46
CB6Do I obtain it via live USB then since my options in recovery for SATA are from 3.16.0-43 to 77?12:47
ioriaC86   choose  3.16.7712:48
CB6same eror12:48
CB6that's for recovery evne12:48
ioriaC86   try again with another item, then boot the live cd... are you on an efi system ?12:49
CB6Asus m3a78-em motherboard, 8GB 2x4, AMD Phenom 92012:50
CB6(older probably 2009)12:51
CB6I can boot from USB12:51
ioriaC86   yes, boot and provide   sudo parted -l | pastebinit12:51
ioriaC86   you may need to install  pastebinit12:51
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CB6alright, just loading it now. Going to select the live version as specified12:53
CB6Had to make an adjustment in the bios (cmos battery apparently needs to be replaced)12:53
pi_joint #raspbian12:54
piotrqanyone who's familiar with hpvertica?12:54
deceptionhelli'm new here12:55
piotrqi've testing environment with vertica db 7.1.212:56
piotrqi need exec upgrade vertica db on testing enviroment12:56
CB6Warning: the driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes but Linux says it is 512 bytes12:56
piotrqbut someone deleted vertica deb file12:57
CB6this is after performing sudo parted -l | pastebinit12:57
bekkspiotrq: what is "hpvertica"?12:57
ioriaC86   no url ?12:58
mlosevwhat is "hpvertica"?12:58
piotrqvertica database12:58
CB6I don't see an url in terminal. Was it supposed to produce one? I installed pastebinit as instructed12:58
mlosevi use only mysql and postgesql12:58
ioriaC86   yeah, it's supposed to12:59
ioriaC86   sudo parted -l   .... what you see ?12:59
CB6I got that error I posted after typing in sudo parted -l | pastebinit13:00
bekkspiotrq: isnt it available on the myvertica portal anymore?13:00
k_szeIn Ubuntu 14.04, is there a way I can make a SysV service depend on an Upstart service?13:00
BluesKajHowdy all13:00
ioriaC86   sudo fdisk -l13:00
r--tI got my name in plastered i the same.13:02
ioriaC86   sorry, have to leave .... good luck13:02
r--trighteous aim pack in cig to pain.13:02
CB6ioria thanks for trying13:02
hansolhello, can someone to help me?13:03
bekks!ask | hansol13:03
ubottuhansol: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:03
hansoli have domain13:03
r--troot-, take my name part time to what came.13:04
Secret-Firehow to use youtube-dl?13:04
hansoland i want to connect it with my ubuntu desktop13:04
CB6Linux is on /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 8GB extended SDA5 8GB linux swap13:04
bekkshansol: Define "connect it" please.13:04
hansoladd domain to my machine ubuntu13:04
hansoli have domain and name servers13:04
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hansolbut how to add it to my machine ubuntu13:05
bekkshansol: Setup a webserver accepting connections to that domain name, setup your dns to point to your IP, configure your firewall.13:05
hansolbekks: i have installed apache13:05
hansolbekks: the domain is sogomonyan.tk13:06
CB6my primary is ext4 992GB (not sure what Ioria would be looking for)13:06
acresearchhello people, i want to download lubuntu, what is the difference between intelx86 and AMD64?13:06
bekksacresearch: the first is 32bit, the second 64bit. Which CPU do you have?13:07
CB6ah, it says EFI under dev/sdb213:07
r--tI got my in plastered as the same... then you came what right in on that same.13:07
hansolbekks: http://pastebin.com/TdJyWgNM this is my hosts file is that correct ?13:09
bekkshansol: Is that IP in line 3 the IP of your Ubuntu?13:10
hansolbekks: yes13:10
bekkshansol: And did you setup your DNS record to point to that IP, too?13:11
hansolbekks: i setup ot from domain options13:11
bekkshansol: Is that a "yes" or a "no"? :)13:12
hansolbekks:  yes13:12
bekkshansol: So now you have to configure your webserver for delivering content for that domain.13:12
hansolyesterday i was with debian and it worked but now with ubuntu its not so simle13:12
bekkshansol: It is exactly the same.13:12
hansolbekks: how to configure webserver ?13:13
bekkshansol: The same as you did yesterday ;)13:13
piotrqbekks: no because on the myvertica is avaliable last 2 versions13:13
CB6pastebin.com/ERBYE7Ky here's some specs asked for13:13
piotrqmy target version is older13:13
hansolbekks: http://pastebin.com/sD5Y8K2g this is my resolf.conf file13:13
bekkshansol: the resolv.conf is irrelevant.13:13
bekkshansol: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/httpd.html13:14
bekkspiotrq: So I guess they dont support it anymore then.13:14
hansolbekks: i have done it but its not worked13:15
hansolmy machine cannot connect to domain name13:15
bekkshansol: So you did something wrong then.13:15
hansolbekks:  im not13:15
bekkshansol: Then it would connect ;)13:15
hansollocally i open the machine13:15
hansolbut from internet i cannot13:15
hansolit connecet13:15
hansolbut only locally13:16
piotrqbekks: i know, but i need to test upgrade13:16
bekkshansol: So you did not configure the DNS record correctly, in your DNS management tool.13:16
hansolfrom internet i dont have connection13:16
piotrqhave someone vertica-7.1.2.deb file on hdd?13:16
hansolbekks: how to check that13:16
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bekkshansol: By going to your DNS management tool and checking the entries you made. And that does not mean /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf - those two files are local files.13:17
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hansolbekks: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/dns-configuration.html13:18
hansolis this it ?13:18
bekkshansol: No.13:18
hansolthen what ?13:19
bekkshansol: you said you have a domain. where did you got that domain from?13:19
hansolwhat matter this have ?13:19
hansoli have normal working domain13:19
hansolwith correct nameservers13:19
bekkshansol: Because you need to login where you got it from, and configure settings there.13:19
hansoli configured settings there13:19
CB6mount: special device /sda1 does not exist. I just did an fdisk -l that showed it's there. What am I missing here?13:19
hansolnow i need to configure ubuntu13:19
hansolcheck my ip13:20
hansolthe server works13:20
hansolbut with domain its not working13:20
CB6(running on live usb right now trying to mount dev/sda113:20
hansolthis is server13:20
bekkshansol: so the dns record is wrong, the webserver is not configured for serving content for that domain, or your firewall is blocking things.13:20
CB6 http://pastebin.com/ERBYE7Ky13:21
hansolbekks: mb its firewall ?13:21
hansolbekks:  how to find out13:21
bekkshansol: I dont know? Did you rule out the first and the second option yet?13:21
hansolanyone can help me to connect domain to ubuntu13:23
ducassehansol: the domain you posted earlier returns a SERVFAIL, so you have probably configured it wrong.13:23
hansolok i have my dns nameservers13:23
hansoland NS2-SOF.BLIZOO.BG13:24
smichedoes anyone know why this might fail? sudo bash script.sh script content: sudo -H -u obadmin bash -c 'cd /home/obadmin/deploy && nohup node forever.js &'13:24
smicheit works approx 50% of the time, pretty random13:24
hansolducasse: i have my nameservers and they are correct13:25
hansolits somthening with ubuntu13:25
hansolnot with domain13:25
bekkshansol: the entries on your dns server are wrong.13:25
bekkshansol: the the dns servers themselfes.13:25
Southern_Gentlemhansol,  the ubuntu default page is coming up so that says its something in your config13:25
ducassehansol: no, this is a dns problem. try ##networking13:26
hansolSouthern_Gentlem:  what config to show you ?13:27
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=== rogues is now known as rogue
hpsm22smiche whats the output when it is not working?13:30
CB6http://pastebin.com/Hri0upB0 here is what my recovery errors look like13:31
hpsm22CB6 you were updating ubuntu and you interrupted it or it failed, right?13:34
hansoli have static ip and i have my own webserver, and when i open my ip address to browser everything is work but when i type my domain name its not working13:34
ducassehansol: because the domain is set up wrong. try ##networking.13:35
CB6I'm not positive if it finished as I wasn't able to close out of the program I was in (Kodi) to get back to Ubuntu desktop. I had to force a restart13:35
CB6This pastebin is just from now. I believe I was asked to check logs. How do I go about that?13:35
crank1988how often is a cronjob executed with the following rule "0 */1 * * * "command to execute"13:36
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Picicrank1988: every hour. */1 is equivalent to *13:36
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m[at]hello personal empowerment family13:38
m[at]whose ready to delight their soul today?13:38
crank1988Pici: thank you.13:39
hansolducasse: this is ubuntu problem13:39
CB6Would this be appropriate for checking the install error logs or troubleshooting it /var/log/kern.log ?13:39
hansolducasse:  domain is not setting work13:39
ducassehansol: this is not an ubuntu problem, it's a dns problem.13:40
hansolducasse: dns are corrects13:40
hansolgive me some online infromation how to connect domain to ubuntu ?13:41
hpsm22hansol no, dns works good, but under wrong confifuration13:41
hansolhpsm22: yes its a wrong configuration13:41
hpsm22CB6 try it13:41
hansolhpsm22: help me to configure it correct13:42
hpsm22hansol yes, wrong config of dns server.. but I dknt know how to setup them, sorry13:42
Picihansol: Does your domain registrar provide a place to setup your DNS settings, or do you have to run your own DNS server?13:42
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hansolPici: yes it provides13:43
Picihansol: Then you need to put your server's IP in those settings.13:44
hansolPici:  i put them already13:45
proxx_Then you should be able to resolve them using dig or nslookup, if not you fucked up there13:45
audio_heroincan ubuntu be configured so that when i press power button, it shuts down instantly?13:46
Picihansol: How recently did you do that?13:48
Southern_Gentlemaudio_heroin,  define instantly13:48
audio_heroinSouthern_Gentlem, without interactive message/information/dialog boxes13:49
Southern_Gentlemaudio_heroin,  yes most Desktop envirnoment can be set to shutdown on button press13:49
audio_herointeach me the ubuntu way, for i have found no solution till now13:50
Southern_Gentlemaudio_heroin,  i am sure it can be done, you will most likely have to play with some configs13:50
audio_heroinSouthern_Gentlem, i googled and overgoogled, and nothing13:50
Southern_Gentlemaudio_heroin,  not really the ubuntu way but your Desktop environment way13:51
audio_heroinman, ubuntu uses unity as de13:51
ducasseaudio_heroin: at the low level, it needs to be active in logind.conf iirc, but most de's probably override this somehow.13:51
CB6hpsm22 I typed it into terminal and got it is a directory lol. I considered it would open the file but I guess not hah13:51
audio_heroinguys, tell me what works13:51
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CB6How do I view the system errors for the sata drive from LiveUSB?13:52
hansolPici: 1 day ago13:53
CB6Holy what do I do with these logs? I mean is there any way to logically sort through them?13:57
raubIf I have a host with two interfaces, both of which getting IP from DHCP, what is the best way to specify which one interface/gateway should be the default one?13:58
proxx_raub non , your configuration makes no sense13:58
proxx_raub *none13:59
raubproxx_: elaborate13:59
CB6trunked connection?13:59
proxx_raub what are you trying to gain here13:59
raubproxx_: two interfaces, two vlans, want to use vlan1 for default gateway13:59
proxx_raub dont use same ip space for starters14:00
ducassehansol: then you probably did something wrong, because that domain returns an error.14:00
raubproxx_: Are you saying "same ip space" == "two vlans"?14:00
proxx_raub in Q tagging its common to use 2 diff ip spaces , yes, this has to do with vlan routing14:02
hansolFailed to restart hostname.service: Unit hostname.service is masked.14:02
proxx_Basically 1 per vlan14:02
Picihansol: You need to double check that. when I look at your domain's whois record, it gives me two nameservers that don't seem to exist.  NS1-SOF.BLIZOO.BG does not exist. ns.blizoo.bg does.14:02
raubproxx_: they have their own IP spaces, otherwise I would not use different vlans14:02
gdrooidHi guys, I need your help to understand whether my Ubuntu Server version is OK or not. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04.2, and on the Releases page I can see it in the *current* table, but there, in the "EOL Date" column it says "HWE August 2016"14:02
gdrooidSo, is 14.04.2 supported or should I upgrade?14:03
proxx_raub so how is it you have 2 interfaces with the same ip space ?14:03
ducassehansol: this is not a problem local to your machine, you are barking up the wrong tree.14:03
osamamhdhello guys I have a problem ??14:03
osamamhdany one ??14:03
Piciosamamhd: you haven't asked a question yet.14:03
raubproxx_: That is a question I myself would like an answer for, as it seems you are talking about a different setup than mine14:03
proxx_raub anyways , you can set a specific gateway per device with the dev flag14:04
osamamhdI want to connect my laptop to a monitor, and I want it side by side14:05
hansolFailed to restart hostname.service: Unit hostname.service is masked.14:05
osamamhdit just work top and down14:05
Picigdrooid: You'd need to install a newer HWE stack package to maintain full LTS status. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack14:06
proxx_@raub ,  would look something like this ip route add dev eth114:06
ducassehansol: there's not much point asking us if you don't listen to what you are told.14:06
gdrooidPici: Thank you ;)14:06
NoCodeWhere's a good source for a rt-kernel for xenial?14:06
osamamhdI will try it give a moments14:08
jeffreylevesquedoes http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/utils/scrypt have dependencies?14:08
Picijeffreylevesque: yes, the items listed next to the red dots are dependencies.14:09
CB6Anyone have any solutions as to why my system won't boot beyond grub?  http://pastebin.com/Hri0upB014:09
ppfapt -f install14:11
proxx_CB6 try removing those packages which cry about deps and reupdate14:11
ppfapt-get -f install14:11
proxx_CB6 whoa thats a lot, hm might not be the best way to it, just ignore me :P14:12
CB60 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove, and 221 not upgraded14:13
hansolsudo: unable to resolve host sogomonyan.tk: Connection timed out14:13
hpsm22CB6 my opinion is - that's corrupted update, I think the only non-yeartaking solution is to clean Install14:13
CB6it's already feeling like a year14:14
cscfCB6, did you do a release upgrade?14:14
CB6I have Kodi installed in there with current settings etc. Any way to do it without being a super big pain losing all my settings etc?14:14
ducassehansol: yes, your dns is set up wrong.14:14
cscfCB6, copy the config directory somewhere14:14
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CB6I did whatever the suggested kernel update was. I don't have any beta updates enabled so I shouldn't have seen anything too buggy14:15
CB6how do I go about that cscf?14:15
cscfCB6, look up where Kodi's configs are, probably in ~/.config or something, and copy them to a USB, or scp, or whatever.14:15
CB6lol I just want to save viewed etc14:16
ppfapt-get dist-upgrade?14:16
osamamhdPici: check out.14:16
CB6can I reinstall without formatting it all?14:17
ppfdid you try dist-upgradw14:17
CB6I did that14:17
ppfto what end14:18
zh1getting this error on a ubuntu, "The package linux-image-extra-4.4.0-40-generic needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it"14:18
CB6got some errors.. ah that's because the article had typo in the command. Let me try that! Hope it works14:19
one|2How can the android emulator be started? Does it require a gui launcher?14:19
CB6If I am in the liveUSB and I type that will it update the actual install or will it be updating the USB instead?14:20
CB6Naturally, I want to update the sata physical install.14:20
ppfyou chrooted14:20
ppfdidn't you14:21
CB6earlier I did14:21
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CB6I did the whole recovery thing and I published it14:21
ppfif you're in the chroot it's like you're in the real system14:21
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CB6http://pastebin.com/Hri0upB0 this is what I performed earlier14:22
ppfi saw that14:22
CB6I didn't actually know what chroot did but I know now sort of. I'm not sure if I am supposed to add chroot to that sudo apt-get distro-update14:24
ppfyes, of course you do that in the chroot14:24
CB6lol ok not advanced here at all. Good thing I asked. So is this thing updating the LiveUSB and not the actual SATA then?14:25
CB6Looks like it updated but I'm not sure if it updated the Live or the physical sata14:25
ppfare you in the chroot or not?14:25
CB6I don't know14:25
CB6I did it earlier but doubt it since I closed out terminal14:25
ppfthen open a new terminal, set up the chroot again14:26
CB6So all these steps again ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt ??14:27
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CB6followed up with sudo apt-get distro-upgrade ?14:27
ppftype just mount14:28
ppfand check if they're all there. they should be14:28
ppfso just the chroot should do14:28
CB6mount just blew up my screen with cgroup on etc14:29
ppfmount | grep /mnt14:30
kur1jI'm trying to upgrade libvirt on a ubuntu 14.04 box to something later than 1.2.x (want to try 1.3.x to see if it fixes a bug) what would be the best way to do this? I tried to download the libvirt-bin from here http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/libvirt-bin and install it but I get a lot of error messages of out of date dependencies.14:30
CB6ppf showing on14:31
ducassekur1j: there are several ppas that provide later libvirt versions14:32
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CB6Any other checks to see if the distro-upgrade went proper? Follow ups to that?14:33
ppfdid you do what i asked you?14:33
ppfchroot into /mnt, then run dist-upgrade14:33
Patwardhanhow good is windows defender, compared to other AV?14:34
ppfPatwardhan: wrong channel?14:34
ducassePatwardhan: this is #ubuntu14:34
CB6Kaspersky is decent Patwardhan14:34
Patwardhannot wrong channel14:34
CB6Protected a lot of clients forever14:34
Patwardhani am asking for ubuntu14:34
ppffwiw: AV is bad14:34
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kur1jducasse: which ppa would include a later version of libvirt?14:34
kur1jor where could I find that?14:35
Patwardhanis using windows defender bad practice?14:35
ducassekur1j: search on ppa.launchpad.net14:35
PiciPatwardhan: Please direct your questions to ##windows . You're in #ubuntu now.14:35
CB6Windows Defender is basic but better than nothing. If you are a hacker it's the first thing you want to circumvent I'd imagine. So never default lol14:35
proxx_its a shitgarden , like the rest of m$ products , good enough ?14:35
CB6LOL, hey it upgrades alright at least!14:35
Piciproxx_: Please mind your language here.14:36
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proxx_fuck sorry14:36
ppfPatwardhan: all this is bad advice. this is #ubuntu so windows defender isn't something we can help with14:37
ppfmoreover, don't use AV.14:37
CB6I find that while AV can stop and eliminate some malware it's also malicious in that it takes up your resources slowing even exceptionally fast machines down depth scanning etc.14:38
CB6forward slash?14:38
Picihero: /quit14:38
ppfCB6: it's also offtopic here14:38
stephansThe LXD container hypervisor... is it possible to use this as a way to run apps securely? It would seem so based on Ubuntu.com. But I cant see how ot connect graphically.14:40
CB6What chroot command am I supposed to be putting in to set it up?14:40
stephansThe density would make it ideal for desktop use... instead of Virtual Box... it uses lots of resources.14:40
ppfchroot /mnt14:41
ppfIF you're mounts are still up14:41
ppfi thought you had it upgrading already?14:41
CB6I did before ya14:41
hackeroneWhat else needs to be setup for running an android emulator?14:42
CB6It upgraded something but I wasn't positive as to whether that was the liveusb or actual desktop14:42
hackeroneandroid-emulator isn't listed14:42
ppfstephans: secure in what way?14:42
ppfCB6: why do we repeat everything at least three times?14:43
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CB6ppf it's sayomg pkgproblemResolver:: Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages E:unable to correct dependencies14:45
ppfCB6: full output please14:45
matikbirdhi everyone,14:50
matikbirdI'm here because any of my browsers are impossible.14:50
matikbirdi'm downloading ubuntu 12.0414:50
matikbirdis it recommendable?14:50
ppfmatikbird: no it isn't14:51
ppfit's really old14:51
MakhanI "Think" i've got a rootkit, but i'm not sure14:51
Makhani need your help14:51
WernerWantHello I want use ProxyPreverseHost in 000-default.conf on apache214:51
matikbirdI know it is.. but, you see14:51
matikbirdI tried every distro in this laptop.14:52
teenisMakhan: why do you think so?14:52
WernerWantbut I can't restart the server with it14:52
matikbirdI know everything worked fine in 12.04 back in the day14:52
PuroIs it possible install any kind virtual speaker system to Ubuntu or it variants? I mean that I can use headphones and it sound like I have speakers. Like Dolby virtual speakers. I have Asus Xonar Essence STX soundcard.14:52
matikbirdi'm just worry it doesn't upgrade by itself.14:52
Makhanmy pc is doing things i don't remember doing myself14:52
matikbirdppf: would that be a really big deal?14:52
Makhanit's installing some weird programs and some strange files keep appearing in my root folder14:53
ppfmatikbird: you wouldn't get modern hardware support and end of life is some time early next year14:53
ppfthe kernel is really old14:53
ppfjust go with xenial14:53
michal__can someon explain me something about software in linux14:53
teenisMakhan: what kind of files and programs14:53
matikbirdthat's exactly why I'm going with it. this laptop seems not to be modern hardware.14:53
matikbirdor at least, xenial works really bad.14:53
Makhani don't know they look weird14:54
wabbitsmichal__ just ask your question :)14:54
matikbirdi'm on linux mint now. I was hoping that everything works the way it should.14:54
matikbirdyou see, nothing crashes. but it slow as hell.14:54
Makhanone of them os called waru."some russian?"14:55
matikbirdand I have an I3 2,50ghz14:55
WernerWantHello I want use ProxyPreverseHost in 000-default.conf on apache2 It don't work14:55
michal__ok.So...I have partition linux one part for own documents and second for linux mint.And I want to install software from synaptic: Where the software will install?14:55
ppfCB6: you can try to upgrade (apt-get install) the outdated dependencies manually14:55
Makhanteenis: nevermind, i'm going to do a clean install14:56
ppftry apt-get install python3-minimal14:56
matikbirdgod I hope it works.14:56
matikbirdi'm gonna lose it otherwise.14:56
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sangyHi, I can't seem to find shadow-utils, nor the shadow manpage on the 3rd section. Is this intended?14:59
CB6ppf tried that and then it pulled up the usual errors on dependencies15:02
CB6upgrades disables stuff. Is it possible I can reactivate them?15:03
ppfCB6: error message ...15:03
CB6error packageproblemresovler resolve generated breaks this may be caused by held packages15:03
ppffull message15:03
Picisangy: Ubuntu doesn't have a shadow-utils package.  The shadow source package provides the binaries for the passwd, login, and uidmap packages.15:05
Picisangy: also, are you sure you didn't mean man 5 shadow? 3 would be a system call.15:06
CB6Wondering if maybe there's a package I need to get said updates and that15:08
CB6is why upgrades aren't getting those dependencies?15:08
CB6updates disable packages external from the OS core pack do they not?15:09
CB6For kernel anyhow15:09
ppfit does, those are irrelevant right now15:09
ppftry apt-get install python315:10
ppfand please, don't paste the entire worlds history, just the outputs of the respective command15:10
sangyPici: I do have shadow 3: https://linux.die.net/man/3/shadow15:10
CB6saying apt-get -f install15:10
ppfdude, paste the full output15:11
CB6should I try apt-get -f install python3?15:11
kur1jducasse: I can't find a PPA for trusty with 1.3.115:11
kur1jducasse: can I install the 16.04 repository and just install from that?15:11
CB6Is there a native IRC app inside Live? This is getting tedious typing it out on the alternate laptop hence the non posting all the time15:11
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sangyPici: amazingly, it does compile, it's just that the manpage is missing...15:12
ppfyou can install software on the live system15:12
CB6going to try xchat15:14
Picisangy: See man 3 getpwnam for the same information.15:15
sangyPici: ah, ok. Thanks!15:16
Picisangy: assuming you have manpages-dev installed, of course.15:16
sangyPici: it is actually not me, but a student of mine who is working on an Ubuntu system. Thanks for the clarification, I'll make sure they have manpages-dev15:17
Picisangy: no problem.15:17
Amm0nHow to handle initramfs hooks in Ubuntu 16.04? Trying to hibernate using an encrypted swapfile and i need to add a resume + resume_offset= hook to the initramfs.15:17
ppfCB6_: did you run apt-get update ?15:20
CB6_earlier ya and posted it15:20
ppfin the chroot?15:21
ppfanyways, python appears to be gone from the dependency list?15:21
ppftry another one15:22
ppfor try this: apt-get -f install | grep ": Depends" | cut -d' ' -f 2 | xargs apt-get install15:23
k1duhello,sorry can anyone help me with a grub problem ?15:23
ppfCB6_: wrong paste?15:25
k1duhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/23270575/  <--- i dont understaind nothing here seriously ... i just installed win 10 in another hdd and among my other OS the grub dissapeared if i want to go into the other OS like Mint i have to use the f8 Key anbd select manually the hdd that haves the os installed ... but almost nothing works..15:26
k1duI have tryed to update-grub but it doesnt work ..15:27
mewecoffeek1du: so Windows took over your bootloader? so you can boot to Linux OS by selecting the hard drive but you cant get to grub2 bootloader when booting up?15:27
k1dui had on 1 part win7 + mint and in other ubuntu 16.04 and in the 3rd hdd i installed win 10 to test it ..15:28
mewecoffeedid you boot up to install disc and install boot-repair?15:28
k1dui had burg ... before i installed win 10 ... as i read on forums its outdated and bad .. so i tryed to uninstall it15:29
mewecoffeewhat i've had to do for dual boot installs is: 1) after installing linux, using install disc to install boot repair https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair15:29
k1dui didnt used boot repair15:29
mewecoffeeand then that usually lets me get to grub once, If I boot to windows and then after a 2nd reboot it doesnt show grub, I have to enter the following into an administrative prompt in windows15:29
mewecoffeebcdedit /set "{bootmgr}" path \EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi15:29
zh1how can i go back a kernel on ubuntu 16.04?15:30
mewecoffeewatch the syntax though, it's different per OS and version, I got the syntax from the process complete message on boot repair.15:30
letsrockhi do we have a vpn which could bypass enterprise proxy15:30
ppfzh1: install the package15:30
mewecoffeeand lastly this was for me on a win10/ubuntu 16.04 dual boot, not sure how much that applies to mint15:30
k1dui could install another ubuntu along win 10 maybe that will help when it reconfigures the grub ? could be a soulution =15:31
ikoniawhy would that help ?15:31
ikoniathat would make things worse15:31
k1dui cannot upgrade grub form ubuntu15:31
ikoniaupgrade grub ?15:31
ikoniawhy do you want upgrade grub ?15:31
k1dui wil take a look at boot-repair but as i read on forums it wont work ..15:31
k1duit doesnt show up ..15:32
Southern_Gentlemk1du,  you installed win1015:32
ikoniawhy are you trying to upgrade grub15:32
k1duafter the win 10 install15:32
ikoniado you mean grub has vanished after the windows 10 install15:32
k1dui just wanted to test it so i installed in a 3rd hdd i use for testing15:32
k1duikonia: yes15:32
letsrockboot repair disk is perfect for these solutions especially dual boots @kldu15:32
Southern_Gentlemand if win10 was on the second drive it requires to write its boot stuff on the first hard drive15:32
ikoniak1du: so you just want to re-install grub to the mbr of your boot disk ?15:33
ikoniais that what it comes down to15:33
ikoniarather than "upgrading grub"15:33
Amm0nHow to handle initramfs hooks in Ubuntu 16.04? Trying to hibernate using an encrypted swapfile and i need to add a resume hook to the initramfs.15:33
k1duwell i tought that updateing grub would repair the grub menu and things would sor15:33
ikoniaupdating and upgrading are two different things too15:34
k1dui will go try boot-repair and after i will be back with news15:34
k1duyes i know sorry15:34
hackeronewhat is needed for running an android emulator?15:34
hackeroneqemu has a launch command15:34
hackeronewhat is used for launching android-emulator15:35
ikoniaCB6_: you've been at this for hours15:35
ikoniaCB6_: back up your data - and just re-install to 16.04.1 from day one15:35
ikoniamake it easy on yourself15:35
CB6_I'm mentally spent lol... been at it all night.15:35
k1duErrors were encountered while processing:15:37
k1du qemu-system-common15:37
k1du at15:37
k1du qemu-system-x8615:37
k1du qemu-kvm15:37
k1du python-vm-builder15:37
k1duthat is what i get when i install boot-repair ...15:38
k1duBrb i will go crack my forehead and will be back15:38
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jordilahi #ubuntu community... i'm installing Xubuntu 16 from a LiveUSB on Windows machine (dual bootable in mind). Why is the installer not offering the 'Install Ubuntu alongside Windows' option? what am i missing ?15:45
dumbravaMinunatais xubuntu an official derivative?15:46
cscfdumbravaMinunata, yes, it is15:46
ppfCB6_: i second ikonia15:46
ppfkill it with fire15:46
cscfjordila, perhaps Windows is using all 4 primary partitions?  That would prevent the auto-installer working.15:47
jordilacscf there is just one big NTFS partition15:47
CB6_ya I think so.. apparently kernel updates can cripple a server fast lol. Not doing that again!15:48
ppfdon't blame a kernel update15:48
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cscfjordila, ok, well then try the manual install and see if you can shrink it15:49
ppfyou broke something durin os upgrade, without knowing what it's hard to give advice15:49
CB6_I was watching a movie while it was upgrading. Didn't do anything myself lol15:50
jordilacscf ...yeah, aligned with your suggestion, i may try to shrink the windows partition and create the needed ones, manually...15:53
jordilai was just being lazy, .. ( missing the almost one-click-install-alongside-Windows ) :-P15:53
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jordilawow... i've just got a " Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs..." while launching the LiveUSB 'Install Xubuntu' option, what am i missing ?15:58
ouroumovjordila, maybe bad USB or bad ISO, did you check the hashes?15:59
jordilaouroumov USB is brand new... didn't checked the hashes though... let's do it16:00
jordilalet me add that it booted a couple of times... and showed the 'Kernel panic ...' afterwards.16:01
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jordilai'm afraid i'm outdated on this... which Live USB creation tool do you recommend ?16:08
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GhostlyHello, I installed pytest locally using pip. how bind the name so that i don't have to manually path to it each time i want to use it from the bash shell?16:16
PiciGhostly: You installed it using pip --user ?16:18
neilduganHi I am having trouble with vsftpd -- it doesn't want to copy a file over, I am getting this error message in syslog -- Oct  4 03:13:05 webserver kernel: [2134332.137656] audit: type=1326 audit(1475511185.982:52): auid=4294967295 uid=65534 gid=65534 ses=4294967295 pid=26721 comm="vsftpd" exe="/usr/sbin/vsftpd" sig=31 arch=c000003e syscall=37 compat=0 ip=0x7f957751acd7 code=0x0 -- what does this mean?16:18
Ghostlypici, that is correct.16:18
Southern_Gentlemneildugan,  do you own both machines16:20
PiciGhostly: You'd need to add ~/.local/bin/ to your user's $PATH.  Modify your .bashrc and add a line that says:  PATH="$HOME/.local/bin/:$PATH"16:20
neilduganSouthern_Gentlem, yes!  one my laptop the other is VM on my server16:21
Southern_Gentlemand the vm has an external ip?16:21
Southern_Gentlemneildugan,  well i suggest you scp the file over and forget about vsftp16:22
Southern_Gentlemscp is in ssh16:22
Ghostlypici, Awesome. That worked perfectly. Thanks alot ^^16:23
neilduganSouthern_Gentlem, ok, but any idea what the error means?  I would like to know.16:23
Ghostlypici, seems i was a bit hasty here. Now normal commands are not working.16:26
Ghostlypici, ...Forget that. I made a silly typo. But now i got it fixed.16:28
Sillypiratoand so the pirate joins ubuntu once again16:30
giuliohi all16:30
giuliosome one can help me to compile a old driver source from mediatek?16:30
Sillypiratogiulo , is it really old crappy and nasty with libs missing n stuff ? in that case no :P16:31
Sillypiratogiulo , show me the link plz16:31
giulio2012 kernel 2.616:32
PiciGhostly: yay16:32
giuliobut i use 4.8 kernel16:32
giulioerror: passing argument 2 of ‘hex_dump’ from incompatible pointer type16:32
giuliowait for link16:32
Sillypiratogiulo; right , so what card do you have16:33
giulioit gives me many odd errors, a 3070 chipset and for now load rt2800usb driver16:34
rafaelcenteioHi, I have two desktop environments installed (xfce and unity), but for some reason the button to change the environment does not appear on the greeter screen. Thanks in advance.16:34
Sillypiratogiulo from what source did you confirm that there is no mainstraim support ?16:35
giuliothe big problem, reason of try to install the drivers, is the packets lost16:35
giulioi searched the official download page16:35
giuliothat is the latest driver source from mediatek16:36
giulioand in past i compiled it without problems16:36
jack_esqueletonhi i have a problem wiht my wireless card it could't conncet16:36
Sillypiratogiulo so if i understand correctly the mainstream drivers sucks ?16:36
giulioif with mainstream u intend the default in ubuntu, then yes16:37
giuliothe default make me 40% packets lost16:37
Sillypiratogiulo eght thats nasty :P  , oke so what do you get after running make ?16:37
giulioi formatted today before i used the official meditek but not i not compile at all16:37
Sillypirato(use something like pastebin or whatever you like)16:38
giuliothat error: error: passing argument 2 of ‘hex_dump’ from incompatible pointer type16:38
giuliomany times16:38
giuliorror: passing argument 2 of ‘hex_dump’ from incompatible pointer type16:38
giulioerror: passing argument 2 of ‘hex_dump’ from incompatible pointer type16:38
giulioah ok16:38
moat_joeIs postgres 9.6 going to make ubuntu 16.10?16:39
naccmoat_joe: #ubuntu+1, but i'm guessing not since it's past feature freeze and 9.5 is what is in 16.1016:40
giuliothats all16:40
baizonmoat_joe: no, 9.516:40
giulioty Sillypirato16:40
moat_joeThanks nacc, baizon16:41
Sillypirato@giulio  did you install kerneldev ?16:41
IBMHPGOOGLEAfter upgrading to xubuntu 16.04 does not the xfce starting, the message says that the graphic card driver was not found or something like that, how can I reinstall all the things that have to do with the graphical environment?16:41
giulioi install build-essential16:41
christiamhi everybody16:41
christiamI am christiam from Spain16:42
baizonhi christiam16:42
elias_achristiam: Ask a question!16:42
christiammy English is not so good..16:42
giulio@Sillypirato i installed build-essential gcc and linux-headers16:42
baizon!es | christiam16:43
ubottuchristiam: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:43
elias_achristiam: You are doing just fine. :)16:43
christiamwell,where can I find the best tutorial to install sofware in Linux by consol?16:43
newdimensionHow come apt-cache only has two version of firefox? (45 and 49).  I was looking to downgrade to 4816:44
Sillypirato@giulio im testing if it builds here16:44
Southern_Gentlemchristiam, your distro of choice16:44
baizonnewdimension: there is 45 LTS and 4916:44
giuliook thanks Sillypirato16:45
christiamok thanks..16:45
newdimensionbaizon: they only keep the LTS and not the versions in between?16:45
baizonnewdimension: because they arent supported by mozilla and also the package team16:45
newdimensionbaizon: I'm on the regular release cycle, that means I was on 45 before I switched to 49?16:46
baizonnewdimension: with the regular cycle you upgrade every 6-7 weeks. With LTS you stick with the lts versions16:47
baizonnewdimension: more here https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/faq/16:47
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Sillypirato@giulio do you have this : module-assistant16:49
giulioerror impossible found module-assistant16:50
giuliono..not even in repos16:50
\9!info module-assistant16:50
ubottumodule-assistant (source: module-assistant): tool to make module package creation easier. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.8 (xenial), package size 87 kB, installed size 389 kB16:50
giuliowait send update16:51
Sillypiratobe careful not to do too many multiliners, some mod may kick your ass16:51
giulioi cleaned all and forgot to update list16:51
giulionow im updating16:52
IBMHPGOOGLECan someone please help me with the things I wrote earlier here?16:52
Sillypirato@giulo , i found this btw http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9117316:52
naccIBMHPGOOGLE: it would be good to provide the exact message16:52
giulioSillypirato, ok now installed16:53
giuliotry now compile?16:53
Sillypiratogiulo sure ,  the page above also explains how to blacklist but i guess you already knew that16:53
IBMHPGOOGLEJust scroll up a little bit16:54
giulioi not found that page16:54
IBMHPGOOGLEYou will find everything16:54
giuliobut i was conrcerned to the error and searched a solution for it16:55
giuliobut found only topic without reply16:55
giulionow i will try that how-to16:55
giuliothanks in advance16:55
newdimensionbaizon: so what's the reason the regular updates are kept on apt-cache? They chose to only keep LTS?16:55
newdimension*aren't kept16:56
Sillypirato@giulo sure bro16:56
IBMHPGOOGLESomething like reinstall graphic card driver?16:57
baizonnewdimension: because no support?16:57
IBMHPGOOGLEOr reinstall xubuntu graphic?16:58
ash_workzif instructions say to run ./configure, it's implied a `configure` file is present in that directory, right?17:00
naccIBMHPGOOGLE: "the message says that the graphic card driver was not found or something like that" -- that is not precise17:00
giulioSillypirato, nothing has changed17:00
Sillypiratogiulo ah thats great news17:00
giulioor is the blacklistening rt drivers or the problem is elsewhere17:01
Sillypiratogiulo nah should still compile if that possible in this kernel17:01
giulio...then what i must do?17:01
giuliomodule-ass said all ok already17:01
IBMHPGOOGLEBecause it is partly in Swedish that is how I can translate it17:02
ninjahCan someone suggest an l2tp ipsec vpn client or solution?17:02
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ninjahNo l2tp in 16.0417:02
giulioso Sillypirato what can i do?17:03
Sillypiratogiulo gimme a sec17:03
giulioDPO_RT5572_LinuxSTA_2.6.1.3_20121022/os/linux/../../common/cmm_data.c:3151:33: error: passing argument 2 of ‘hex_dump’ from incompatible pointer type17:05
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Sillypiratogiulio do you have the kernel headers installed ?17:08
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giulio-generic and for the 4.8 kernel17:10
giulioSillypirato, the error is odd...can be a gcc version imcompatibility?17:11
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Sillypiratogiulio guess i could be , did you try and find a solution for the packet loss on the kernel (sure u did) I can imagine support is assumed for this driver17:13
Sillypirato*kernel driver17:13
ash_workzyeah, I am just overall confused by ./configure17:14
ash_workzpeople refer to it like it's a command when it seems like it's a file17:15
giuliowith old kernel it worked17:15
giuliobut not without errors,but i founded fixs17:15
ash_workzI assume `configure` is a file commonly archived with applications17:15
ash_workzso if official instructions tell me to download a a file at <link> and run ./configure and there is no configure file, then likely the link is corrupt or something17:16
Sillypirato@giulio did you check the readme file ?17:19
giulionothing special17:20
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Sillypiratogiulo its probably lack of kernel support, its not uncommon for these type of drivers by vendors , they are often slow if they release something nice , perhaps you could see if there is a madwifi/patched driver for monitor support, maybe there is some stuff around for this kernel17:22
Sillypiratonot saying there isnt some clever fella that might be able to fix this17:25
giulioSillypirato, the usb work but has a huge packets lost17:26
giulioi tryed many options settings in driver.conf but nothing changed17:27
acresearchpeople, is there an issue with canonical ltd.?17:28
Sillypiratogiulio , lower power settings ?17:29
kal_hi everyone. I'm trying to install ubuntu to dual boot, then I get to the installation type screen and no disk or partition is loading17:29
giulioisetted power off17:30
giulioto power manager by iwconfig17:30
Sillypiratogiulio with some adapters its possible to set some settings including power , lowering it can help with packet loss17:30
giulioi used iwconfig wlanxxx power off17:31
Sillypiratogiulio letme check17:31
cerionkal_: what hardware do you have ?17:32
Sillypiratogiulio option called txpower17:32
kal_desktop, amd cpu,17:32
kal_samsung ssd, forgot which 1tb hdd17:32
giulioSillypirato, that is already "hacked"17:33
giulioby me with crd and wireless region17:33
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giulio38dbi as max17:33
cerionkal_: could you take a photo of this screen and post on imgur.com17:33
cerionand back the link here17:34
kal_no problem17:34
kal_well it looks like this http://i.stack.imgur.com/DIUce.jpg17:34
Sillypiratogiulio so you cant lower it ?17:35
cerionkal_: indeed. I got not idea.17:36
kal_lol it's all good.17:36
kal_vm works so i guess ill just do that17:36
Sillypiratooh and setting rate to a lower value can give more stable connection17:36
cerionkal_: some chipset might not be recognized17:37
acresearchpeople, is there an issue with canonical ltd.?17:37
cerionkal_: you could post on askubuntu.com. Specify the more detail you can like the motherboard type and number and so on17:37
giulioSillypirato, why lower it?17:37
newdimensionI'm trying to install firefox manually so I downloaded the compiled version from mozilla. Extracted the file and copied it to /usr/lib/firefox. then sudo ln -s /usr/lib/firefox /usr/bin/firefox. when I try to run firefox in terminal it says it's not installed17:37
MonkeyDustnewdimension  begin with    which firefox17:38
Sillypiratogiulio a lower rate can give a more stable connection17:39
newdimensionMonkeyDust, that doesn't return anything17:39
MonkeyDustnewdimension  ok...    whereis firefox17:39
newdimensionMonkeyDust: firefox: /usr/bin/firefox /usr/lib/firefox /etc/firefox17:40
giulioi always used to 38dbi17:40
MonkeyDustnewdimension  ok... now pastebin     dpkg -l firefox ; dpkg -L firefox17:42
giulioseems i must downgrade to kernel 4.5 from 4.6 seems to be a change of api17:44
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newdimensionMonkeyDust: http://pastebin.com/MpUfKM6k17:46
newdimensionIt mentions firefox v45 which I uninstalled using apt-get remvoe17:47
MonkeyDustnewdimension  it shows /etc/ only... on my system, the list much longer17:49
MonkeyDustnewdimension  what happens after    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade17:49
MonkeyDustnewdimension  and can you run firefox with the absolute path, i.e.    /usr/bin/firefox17:50
giulioim installing 4.5.7 kernel17:51
newdimensionMonkeyDust: sudo apt update shouldn't have any role because I'm installing it manually right? The reason I'm doing it manuallt is that apt-get doens't have the version I want17:51
MonkeyDustnewdimension  true that17:53
cerionnewdimension: you should have done ln -s /usr/lib/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox17:53
cerionnewdimension: sudo rm /usr/bin/firefox. and do it again17:53
cerionrobart: salut; on parle anglais ici sinon aller dans #ubuntu-fr17:54
MonkeyDustj'aime regarder les filles qui marchent sur la plage17:55
cerionnewdimension: ?17:56
giulioSillypirato, thanks for all :)17:57
giulioi go bye17:57
acresearchpeople, is there an issue with canonical ltd.?17:59
bekksacresearch: Which issue do you have in mind?17:59
acresearchbekks: it seems when i read about it articles say it is not making profit? is ubuntu development at risk?18:00
bekksacresearch: Whatever you read is nonsense.18:01
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bekksacresearch: It is a company, its goal is to make money.18:01
acresearchbekks: i hope so, i do not want ubuntu to stop18:01
Sillypiratothis has been so for quite some time18:01
bekksacresearch: Then stop reading nonsense like that :P18:01
Sillypiratocommunity will run it if it has to , basically they already do18:01
acresearchbekks: haha18:02
Sillypiratoits like a failed redhat18:02
acresearchbekks: its good to keep an eye on what is happening in the world18:02
bekksSillypirato: redhat didnt fail ;)18:02
kim27Hi all, I'm using LXDE, and everytime I unplug and plug back in my USB wifi, I can no longer manage the USB wifi as a user until I reboot. It will magically connect to wifi if that is what the settings are, but I as a user no longer have permissions to manage the card from the LXDE UI. Any ideas of what I need to change to allow me to edit the permissions? 16.0418:03
teo_A question about the keyring: it says it unlocks during login. But if the password is reset during maintenance, will that unlock again the keyring?18:03
bekksacresearch: thats for sure, but nonsense like that cant be true, obviously "a company deliberately not earning money"18:03
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acresearchbekks: no what i read on wikipedia is, what i understood, is that they made some unprofittable investments (ubuntu one, mobile etc...) and that the company has yet to make profit since it was made18:04
k1lacresearch: ubuntu development is not at risk.18:05
k1lacresearch: but that non tehcnical topic better suits into #ubuntu-offtopic18:06
rasoanaivoI m from Madagascar18:08
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zeleftikamI'm from the US of A18:08
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rasoanaivoyes,  can you speak french ?18:09
k1l!fr | rasoanaivo18:09
ubotturasoanaivo: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:09
zeleftikamrasoanaivo, no, sorry18:09
rasoanaivookay , so let's talk :)18:09
zeleftikamrasoanaivo, private message me with /msg zeleftikam18:10
rasoanaivohow to private message?18:10
zeleftikam /msg zeleftikam message18:10
newdimension cerion: Sorry was away. It did that. now if I try to run firefox it says: bash: /usr/bin/firefox: No such file or directory18:17
kim27ah, restarting nm-applet seems to solve the problem18:19
Jordan_Unewdimension: ls -l /usr/bin/firefox18:22
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newdimensionJordan_U: /usr/bin/firefox -> /usr/lib/firefox/firefox18:23
Jordan_Unewdimension: ls -l /usr/lib/firefox/firefox18:24
newdimensionJordan_U: /usr/lib/firefox/firefox18:25
Tims_Techis there a ubuntu touch irc channel?18:25
Jordan_Unewdimension: You forgot the -l18:25
newdimensionJordan_U: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 162808 Oct  3 13:35 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox18:25
Jordan_Unewdimension: Did you download the 32 bit version of Firefox?18:26
newdimensionJordan_U I downloaded the one under .../linux-x86_64/....18:27
cerionnewdimension: and when you run /usr/lib/firefox/firefox directly ?18:27
ubuntu-mateI'm new on linux18:28
newdimensioncerion: bash: ./firefox: No such file or directory    even though I can see the file in green right there18:28
ubuntu-mateand I shoose ubuntu mate18:28
ubuntu-mateis that good desicion for me?18:28
cscfnewdimension, are you in the right directory?18:29
Jordan_Unewdimension: file /usr/lib/firefox/firefox18:29
newdimensioncscf: yes, I'm ls in the directory to double check and it's there18:30
newdimensionJordan_U: /usr/lib/firefox/firefox: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, BuildID[sha1]=9f7786936c83e25a0e179da513a1595e57f0b86e, stripped18:30
cscfnewdimension, and you are on 64bit?18:30
Jordan_Unewdimension: Get the 64 bit version, or install 32 bit libraries. Why are you installing Firefox this way at all though?18:31
newdimensionJordan_U: the download should have been the 64bit  version not sure how it's the 32bit. I'll redownload. I need firefox version 48 to use it with selenium but it's not on apt-get18:32
cscfnewdimension, what Ubuntu version?18:32
cscf16.04 has Firefox 4918:32
newdimensioncscf, I'm on 16.0418:32
cerionoh no18:33
cscfnewdimension, so why can't you use Firefox 49?18:33
cscfDo you need exactly 48?18:33
newdimensioncscf selenium a program for browser testing doesn't work with 49. 48 was the latest version I had that was working18:33
newdimensioncscf, Jordan_U and cerion: thank you all for help it's working now. An issue though: It doesn't have the firefox logo when it's shown on the toolbar at the left and it doesn't show up in search.18:40
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rasoanaivoim from madagascar18:48
MaroonI got now Ubuntu MATE18:48
rasoanaivowhat? i use linux mint18:49
andres_Etto Spamish ?18:49
rasoanaivono , english an french18:49
MaroonReally, madagascar must be beautyfull!18:49
k1lrasoanaivo: hi, this channel is for ubuntu support only. mint is not allowed in here18:49
andres_Amm Nose18:49
nicomachus!es | andres_18:50
ubottuandres_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:50
rasoanaivoyes, but my country is in difficulty now18:50
andres_Amm Gracias18:50
Maroonrasoanaivo: MATE is the version of ubuntu, which looks and feels like the old gnome 2 desktop18:50
Maroonrasoanaivo: what difficulty?18:51
rasoanaivocris political18:51
nicomachus!ot | Maroon rasoanaivo18:51
ubottuMaroon rasoanaivo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:51
andres_No hablan18:52
nicomachusandres_: Por favor usa #ubuntu-es18:52
MaroonNo hablan desaniol18:52
* nicomachus slams his head on his desk and gives up 18:53
max3i have a string var with unicode code points in it, like '\u0022adfdf\u0022' how do i create a string var with what it would look like printed?18:54
cscfmax3, in bash?18:54
MonkeyDustmax3  looks like something for #bash18:55
max3oh whoops thought i was in python18:55
cscfAh ok18:55
MonkeyDustmax3  looks like something for #python18:55
fireman__Hay all, i just installing ubuntu 16.04 LTS but I cant turn on my wifi, I was googling but not solved yet, please help me18:56
newdimensionI've done some reading. The icon problem is related to unity not finding firefox. How can I let unity know that firefox is installed?18:56
EriC^^fireman__: show us "lspci -k | grep -A2 -i network"18:56
newdimensionI might need to create a .desktop file. Is there a place I can download the default one for firefox?18:58
fireman__Device name Qualcom Atheros QCA956518:58
EriC^^fireman__: kernel module loaded?18:58
fireman__EriC^^ ath9k18:58
andres__Amm otro canal de Spanish ?18:59
iorianewdimension, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23271425/    this is in /usr/share/applications , if i got you18:59
k1landres__: you were told that its #ubuntu-es for spanish. in here its only english18:59
andres__No hay Otro ?19:00
fireman__EriC^^: ath9k19:02
ioriafireman__, have you tried 'Try ubuntu' ? ans see if it works19:03
giulioSillypirato, i resolved, i hope..must do more test, i booted 4.5.7 then compiled without errors the source driver, rebooted in 4.8 maked only "make install" for copy the compiled files then rebooted19:03
giulionow seems go not too bad in 4.819:03
cscf!es | andres_19:04
ubottuandres_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:04
nicomachuscscf: I've tried that already with him.19:05
cscfnicomachus, worth a shot :P19:05
fireman__ioria: no I dont, this laptop is basically installed ubuntu before, then win7 and now my friend want to back to ubuntu, so I just install as he wish19:05
ioriafireman__, from the main Menu select  'Try Ubuntu without install'19:06
ppfis there an easy way to switch of my touchpad while i'm typing?19:07
fireman__ioria: yes I know that well but now already installed on it19:07
Jordan_Ufireman__: Please pastebin the output of "rfkill list".19:07
elisa87hey I accidentally entered "rm *" in the wrong directory and my files in that directory got deleted. How can I back it up?19:07
ioriafireman__, ah, ok misunderstood19:07
fireman__Jordan_U: okay, on my way19:08
fireman__ioria: my bad english :D19:08
k1lelisa87: easiest is to get your backups.19:08
ppfelisa87: they're gone19:08
ioriafireman__, :þ19:08
Jordan_Uelisa87: There is no "recycling bin" for rm. How important is this data to you?19:08
k1lelisa87: or you try something like extundelete or photorec. but that is a lot of effort and there is no guarantee to get the data back19:08
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fireman__Jordan_U: pastebin.com/vV8KJGs419:15
ppfregarding my touchpad: i briefly tried synclient and syndaemon, but couldn't get the to actually disable the touchpad19:15
ppf(i didn't try very hard though)19:16
ioriappf, synclient TouchpadOff=1 ?19:17
ppfthat switches it of permanently19:18
ioriappf, what are you looking for ?19:18
ppffor the touchpad to disable itself while i type19:18
CountryfiedLinuxHow do I convert MPV files to something else?19:19
ioriappf, syndaemon -i 1 -K -d ?19:19
newdimensionioria: Is it normal to have to go through this? All the guides that I've found regarding installing firefox from a tar were just copying the content to /usr/lib/ and symlinking to usr/bin. No a single one mentioned the trouble with .desktop19:20
\9CountryfiedLinux: ffmpeg probably, assuming that's a video format19:20
\9CountryfiedLinux: ffmpeg -i input.mpv output.whatever19:20
iorianewdimension, firefox dosn't know you are on unity19:20
CountryfiedLinuxok thanks19:20
ppfioria: M(19:21
ioriappf no way ?19:21
ppfi failed at reading the manpage19:21
ppfthat does actually work19:21
ioriappf lucky guy19:21
tsousaWhen is the new ubuntu is going to be released?19:22
newdimensionioria: so the correct way is to write a .desktop file? Where would have I gotten it if you didn't share yours ?19:22
CountryfiedLinuxtsousa, this month19:22
ppfyeah i threw in a -t there, and because my WM selects a window once i hover it, i failed to see that it worked19:22
ppfioria: fwiw M( is a facepalm smiley :D19:22
iorianewdimension,  i think from the ubuntu package ... not sure19:22
nicomachus!yakkety | tsousa19:22
ubottutsousa: Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) will be the 25th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released in October 2016. Discussion in #ubuntu+119:22
tsousabecause i jave some trouble with the kernel it keeps disconecting me from te internet19:22
ppfat least i use it that way19:22
ioriappf  i see :þ19:22
Jordan_Ufireman__: Looks like you have a physical wireless switch/button that is set to disable wifi.19:23
ppfso, thanks for the hint!19:23
ioriappf   youwelc19:23
AmaraHow do I fire systemd service.timer one time to test manually?19:24
iorianewdimension,   but you can copy another one from the /usr/share/applications and adapt it to firefox19:25
fireman__Yes, I do, do you mean on keyboard?19:25
ppfAmara: depends on what kind of Sec you specified19:25
Jordan_Unewdimension: You could have extracted the one from the packaged firefox.19:25
cscffireman__, either a hardware switch or a special keyboard shortcut19:25
newdimensionJordan_U: the tar file? I couldn't find one there19:26
CountryfiedLinuxCan I play M4V files on Ubuntu?19:26
Jordan_Unewdimension: No, the one that is from the repositories (and installed by default).19:26
Amarappf: its a daily thing that fires wih 12h accuracy, I don't wanna wait, or edit the timer file19:26
ppfAmara: but probably the 'correct' answer is you can't19:26
fireman__Jordan_U: that button turned on and i found check sign on network manager, but still appear wifi disable19:26
CountryfiedLinuxIt's Apples iTunes DRM. I thought buying a digital download was a good idea, now having issues playing it anywhere but iTunes.19:27
Amarapdf, I've google but could find it too, thanks!19:27
psyonixis there an application I can install that will alow me to adjust volume for indvidual applications at the soundcard level? Say I want my browser's overall volume to come through lowder than say, spotify, but I want to use a mixr for that instead of adjusting the volume controls of those apllications individually19:27
tomodachipsyonix: pulsaudio volume controll allows you to specify volume per sound source19:28
tomodachilike browser , mp3 player  etc19:28
psyonixcool, thanks!19:28
k1lpsyonix: the pulseaudio settings can do that. just look at the ubuntu sound setings19:28
tomodachiprobably sudo-apt get install pavucontrol19:28
tomodachiif its not already installed19:28
ppfthe - moved a couple letters there :)19:29
Jordan_Upsyonix: The sound preferences in gnome-control-center allow you to do that out of the box, though the app needs to be playing for you to change its volume setting.19:29
ioriafireman__, maybe you need  to configure the interface ssid, passphrase , etc. etc .19:29
Jordan_Ufireman__: Please run rfkill list again and pastebin the new output.19:30
newdimensionAdding the firefox.desktop made unity able to find firefox when searched for. But it's not showing the correct icon19:32
fireman__paste.ubuntu.com/23271543/ Jordan_U19:32
Jordan_Ufireman__: What model laptop do you have?19:33
psyonixdoes anyone here use bitchx?19:35
iorianewdimension,   don't know your settings, but you can display any icon you want, editing the "Icon=" intem in the .desktop file19:35
iorianewdimension,   *item19:35
newdimensionioria: I just want to have the default look. Right now "Icon=firefox" so I'm assuming it can't find it19:37
Southern_Gentlemshouldnt it be firefox.png?19:38
iorianewdimension,   look in your folder (where you downloaded firefox) ... any  icons in there ?19:38
fireman__Jordan_U: hp but i am not sure about model, wait for sec19:38
newdimensionioria: only firefox/icons/updater.png19:38
iorianewdimension,   you can download one .... look for firefox.png, or .xml  in google  and point the Icon to it19:39
ford_Trying to get a Logitech G510 keyboard to work using gnome15 but it's outdated git project and the config file is a .ac not .sh || https://gnome15.org/downloads/manual-install/ || stuck at the ./configure command due to no file or directory existing - however there is a config.ac file as I've mentioned before. I've tried autoconf, autoconf -i, and both give errors. automake --add-missing gives "error: configure.ac is required". Wat do?19:41
fireman__Jordan_U: HP 1419:43
iorianewdimension,   http://www.iconarchive.com/show/software-icons-by-hopstarter/Mozilla-Firefox-icon.html19:43
=== drumcode is now known as Alleanza
Jordan_Ufireman__: Try "sudo rfkill unblock all" .19:45
psyonixword, pulseaudio is exactly what I needed19:47
psyonixthanks again all19:47
fireman__Jordan_U: Ok I'll try19:47
fireman__Jordan_U: Should I reboot?19:50
newdimensionThis might be a late realization: Do the people that maintain apt-get adjust firefox install so they work with ubuntu? Is that why I'm having to do so much steps? and finding missing files?19:50
k1lnewdimension: yes. that is the idea behind a package management and package maintainers.19:50
fireman__Jordan_U: wireless lan still Hard Blocked19:51
newdimensionk1l: I actually thought that they just automate the steps. But now realize that they adjust the files so it works with the specific linux release19:51
k1lnewdimension: any reason why you dont just install firefox from the repo?19:51
newdimensionk1l: I need v48 which is not on the repo19:51
iorianewdimension,   did you download the icon  ?19:52
k1lnewdimension: wait, isnt 48 dead already?19:52
iorianewdimension,   i think you need a 24x24 or 3219:53
MonkeyDustFF 49 here19:53
newdimensionioria: I found that firefox has the icons in firefox/browser/chrome/icons/default so that wasn't it. Latest mozilla is V49 is that what you meant ?19:53
k1lnewdimension: its not suggested that you run outdated browsers. that is a direct security issue19:54
iorianewdimension,   ^ k1l    no i meant this http://www.iconarchive.com/show/software-icons-by-hopstarter/Mozilla-Firefox-icon.html19:54
newdimensionk1l, I know. I'm on a virtualmachine and I need v48 to have selenium work (a program to run functional tests on websites)19:54
psyonixthat seems like a whole lot of work19:54
psyonixwhy wont selenium support the latest build?19:55
newdimensionv49 was released a couple of weeks ago if I remember correctly. They might have not gotten time to update yet19:56
newdimensionI need to take a break from all this. Thank you all for the help. Really do appreciate it19:57
zh1how can i mark on synaptic several packages to be removed in a row?20:00
Egyptian[Web]hi - i removed a repo, did apt-get clean all, apt-get update and yet i can see packages from that repo .. how do i remove it from cache?20:00
k1lEgyptian[Web]: can you show the output on paste.ubuntu.com and show the link here?20:01
newdimensionis clean all as effective as purge ?20:01
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k1lnewdimension: that is a total different command. not doing things like remove or purge20:02
zh1wanna select a bunch for "Mark for complete removal"20:02
Egyptian[Web]k1l: its an internal repo and i'd rather not show specifics if i can20:02
k1lEgyptian[Web]: if you remove the repo from your sources.list then its not cached. a apt update should get a list without that repo.20:03
k1lEgyptian[Web]: but it will not remove packages. they are still installed20:04
Egyptian[Web]no .. i am talking about apt-cache policy package20:04
k1lEgyptian[Web]: then that repo is still somewhere in your sources20:04
k1lso remove it from your sources.list20:05
k1lor sources.list.d folder, where 3rd party repos should be put20:06
psyonixtype "rails console" in your terminal20:06
Egyptian[Web]i believe this is what i am looking for `rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* `20:06
psyonixwrong window20:06
tgm4883Egyptian[Web]: not likely20:06
k1lEgyptian[Web]: no.20:06
k1lEgyptian[Web]: a apt update will get a new list from the repos. but you seem to not have removed that repo yet20:07
Egyptian[Web]k1l: let me verify this command and get back soon20:08
OrmusHello ! I have a question about " ls " timestamps reading. Reading the result of " ls -lrt" of a USB key on 2 different computers gives different timestamps (readings gives exactly two hours of difference for the "last modified" field)20:08
OrmusHow can that be ? The "last modified" field is supposed to fixed, isn't it ?20:08
RabitTrashsup guys20:09
RabitTrashcan somebody help me with ramscraping or sniffing ?20:10
psyonix_I asked this a little while ago, but does anyone in here run bitchx?20:10
CountryfiedLinuxDoes OBS perfectly capture audio and video from movies?20:10
k1lRabitTrash: not in here. if you do this for research you will need to read the documentation anyway :)20:10
Jordan_UOrmus: Do the two different machines have two different timezones? Is the filesystem in use Fat32?20:10
OrmusUSB key are fat32 indeed. Computers use the smae timezones20:11
zh1got it, shift+del20:11
k1lpsyonix_: before you wait for every 1500 users to answer if they run that program or not, better ask the real technical question :)20:11
RabitTrashk1L which channel i have to ask those questions ?20:11
cscf!alis | RabitTrash20:11
ubottuRabitTrash: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http20:11
psyonix_killerpty: for some reason Ctrl + X isn't allowing me to toggle windows20:12
psyonix_k1l: for some reason Ctrl + X isn't allowing me to toggle windows20:12
RabitTrashWhich are good channels for hackers etc ?20:13
OrmusBut reading last modified date shouldn't be affected by computer timezone ?20:13
cpt-oblivioussounds legit :p20:13
cscfRabitTrash, as I mentioned, use alis to find channels20:13
RabitTrashYes but how cscf20:13
RabitTrashi dont know much about irc :l20:13
k1lRabitTrash: read the bots message.20:14
psyonix_crawl before you walk etc20:14
npmccallum-workI have an ubuntu system. I want to remove all packages except one package (i.e. ubuntu-minimal) and all its dependencies. I tried http://askubuntu.com/questions/240346/how-to-keep-only-ubuntu-minimal however it doesn't actually remove them all (for example, postgresql is still installed, but manually removing it doesn't remove ubuntu-minimal). I can't reinstall this system from scratch. Suggestions?20:14
Jordan_Unpmccallum-work: What is your end goal? Why can't you re-install?20:16
RabitTrashwhats the command to join a channel ?20:16
PiciRabitTrash: /join #channelname20:16
psyonix_ /join #_____20:16
OrmusIt's /join #channelname20:16
RabitTrashthanks boys20:17
psyonix_you could also use /part20:17
naccnpmccallum-work: the first answer there?20:17
npmccallum-workJordan_U: This is Travis CI. Their image is trusty, but I need xenial. I can upgrade to xenial before running my checks. But it takes forever. I'd like to minimize runtime.20:18
npmccallum-workJordan_U: it doesn't matter if the system is broken after the tests run since it is discarded anyway20:18
cscfnpmccallum-work, sounds like you should ask a Travis-CI channel how to get a xenial image20:19
npmccallum-workcscf: they have refused, and closed the bug20:19
naccnpmccallum-work: their recommendation seems to be to use docker to run with 16.04?20:19
naccnpmccallum-work: can you not do that?20:20
naccI believe the issue referred to is: https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/582120:20
npmccallum-worknacc: docker requires me to write all the tooling20:20
naccnpmccallum-work: what tooling?20:20
RabitTrashbut u guys dont know anything about Scrapping or sniffing ?20:20
cscfRabitTrash, that's offtopic here.20:21
RabitTrashah kk sorry..20:21
RabitTrashbut cant find any channel that is full like this :l20:21
npmccallum-worknacc: does it matter?20:21
npmccallum-worknacc: I'm asking a question about how to debug dpkg/apt20:21
npmccallum-worknacc: and you're telling me to use docker20:22
psyonix_bruh, if you can't work out IRC, why on earth are you trying to get into sniffing?20:22
naccnpmccallum-work: no, i'm saying travis-ci says to20:22
npmccallum-worknacc: and their suggestion is stupid20:22
naccnpmccallum-work: but you also ignored my first question, are you using the first answer there?20:22
npmccallum-worknacc: no the second20:22
npmccallum-workI know how to use aptitude20:22
npmccallum-workapt-mark showmanual reveals afterwards that only ubuntu-minimal is listed as manual install20:23
cscfRabitTrash, also, you should probably learn more Linux skills (and IRC) before trying cracking.20:23
npmccallum-workbut yet apt-get autoremove doesn't remove the packages like postgresql20:23
RabitTrashAbout linux i know things but i got a bit of questions20:23
npmccallum-workso I'm looking for help debugging this20:23
RabitTrashbut i cant ask them here..20:23
chopparuHi fellas, newb here, how do i get that help screen back after I first installed Ubuntu?20:23
psyonix_have you tried google/20:23
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.20:24
psyonix_I mean, if he's asking about IRC, and script kiddie stuff, it would make sense he should start with a search engine, not an ubuntu chan20:24
psyonix_RabitTrash: http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/beg-faqs.html20:26
RabitTrashkk thanks psyonix20:27
naccnpmccallum-work: does travis-ci support rebooting the environment during the ci run?20:28
npmccallum-worknacc: no, but I don't need that20:28
naccnpmccallum-work: what do you need from 16.04?20:29
npmccallum-worknacc: openssl20:29
npmccallum-worknacc: trying to upgrade just it basically does a dist-upgrade20:30
npmccallum-worknacc: which is why I'm trying to minimize the installed packages before upgrading20:30
Picinpmccallum-work: travis-ci's docs suggest using docker if you want to use another release that they do not provide.20:31
ppfnpmccallum-work: if it's just openssl (and not all the dependencies), just build it from source?20:31
npmccallum-workPici: I know.20:31
npmccallum-workppf: because I want to test against ubuntu's build20:31
MaxouHello I install android-sdk with apt-get but now i can't locate where is the folder somone can help me ??20:32
naccMaxou: what folder do you mean?20:32
Maxounacc the android folder20:32
naccnpmccallum-work: it seems like a mistake to try and ignore the explicit advice of the travis-ci folks, tbh. It seems like significantly more work to try and minimize an install at runtime just to dist-upgrade it...20:33
Maxounacc i try to install ionic20:33
npmccallum-worknacc: that would be good advice if they actually documented the docker route, which they don't20:33
naccnpmccallum-work: but to answer your original question, I don't know why postgres would be held if only ubunut-minimal is manuall20:33
naccnpmccallum-work: it's documented all over their site?20:33
naccnpmccallum-work: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/docker/20:33
npmccallum-worknacc: I tried the docker route before trying this route20:33
npmccallum-worknacc: yes, I've read the docs20:34
jattis there a way to get the list of ppa names that are compatible to be purged with ppa-purge?20:34
Jordan_Unpmccallum-work: Look into dpkg --set-selections20:34
MaxouHello I install android-sdk with apt-get but now i can't locate where is the folder somone can help me ??20:35
naccMaxou: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23271778/20:35
naccMaxou: also, !patience20:35
Jordan_Ujatt: "ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/" (though that will also include disabled ppas.20:35
jattJordan_U: thanks will try with those names20:38
npmccallum-workJordan_U: I'm not sure how this will help me.20:40
Xinhey all! does anyone know a good torrent client that I can get like a remote for android for?20:40
XinI just wanna have 1 pc do all the torrents20:40
Xinotherwise the network gets messed up haha20:40
npmccallum-workJordan_U: I'm able to see with --get-selections that a lot of packages I don't want are installed.20:40
cscfXin, deluge and transmission have that,  I think20:41
Maxounacc : i see your url but my laptop go off no more battery can you respast it please ?20:42
Xincscf, thanks ill check those out20:42
Maxouoh ok is find it in the irc client historic20:43
Maxounacc thank for your help20:44
naccMaxou: np, that's just the listing i have locally, but it should get you started20:44
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
Rey-HooolHey Guys20:47
Rey-HooolWhat do u use Ubuntu for?20:47
k1lRey-Hoool: that sounds like a topic for the chatter channel: #ubuntu-offtopic20:48
Jordan_Unpmccallum-work: --SET-selections. Fire up a VM, install only ubuntu-minimal, run "dpkg --get-selections > minimal_selections.txt" Copy the mimimal selections over to other machine, "sudo dpkg --clear-selections && sudo dpkg --set-selections < minimal_selections.txt". Note, this is a very dangerous thing to do, so unless you can revert back to an old snapshot I would *not* recommend doing it.20:48
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npmccallum-workJordan_U: it isn't dangerous because these are all ephemeral systems20:48
Rey-Hooolwhat is the use of UBUNTU?20:48
k1lRey-Hoool: its a linux distribution.20:49
Rey-HooolWhat is the advantage of UBUNTU over other ditros20:49
tomodachiRey-Hoool: it has a huge userbase and lots of places to find solutions to your problems20:50
tomodachialso its based of debian *one of the oldest distributions around*20:50
tomodachiit allows you to walk among the stars like the anchients20:50
tomodachiits also a bit more modern and easily approachable than debian some might say20:50
Rey-Hooolcan i install app s for fuctionality of Kali Linux20:50
tomodachiif we are talking about desktop ubuntu20:51
Rey-Hooolso like MITM attacks from Kali20:51
tomodachivs desktop debian for example20:51
k1l!kali | Rey-Hoool20:51
ubottuRey-Hoool: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)20:51
=== Eddinn- is now known as Eddinn
Egyptian[Web]i am back .. and i have narrowed my situation i got an old internal repo on port 80 and a new internal repo on port 8085; when both are up. i can pull from the container on 8085. when the container on port 80 is down. port 8085 is unknown or something. does this make sense?21:00
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holocronI'm fooling with juju lxd here, and following a reboot, none of my lxc containers will start properly. With no lxc processes running, I can run lxc list without issue, but "lxc start <container>" hangs. If I CTRL-C and check ps, there's something called "forkstart" still running, and two more processes of [lxc monitor] on the container.21:23
holocroncommands like "lxc list" or "juju status" hang with no output until I kill the lxc processes with SIGKILL21:24
Egyptian[Web]holocron: did u update your kernel?21:24
Egyptian[Web]what does upstart/docker log tell you?21:24
npmccallum-workJordan_U: thanks, the set-selections stuff is working21:24
holocronEgyptian[Web] Linux zs93kvi 4.4.0-38-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 6 15:47:15 UTC 2016 s390x s390x s390x GNU/Linux21:24
Egyptian[Web]no no .. did you recently update your kernel and then rebooted? idd you also install the linux-extra-image deb?21:25
holocronEgyptian[Web] Ah, no I hadn't updated the kernel, but I did reboot. Checking on that deb21:25
naccEgyptian[Web]: why do you suspect that is the issue?21:26
Egyptian[Web]past personal experience21:26
naccEgyptian[Web]: with lxd and juju?21:26
Egyptian[Web]no . just docker21:26
holocronEgyptian[Web] i definitely haven't installed that deb.. and yeah, thanks nacc.. this is lxd21:27
naccholocron: you might want to ask in #lxcontainers21:27
holocronnacc: thans, i asked there and in #juju.. only crickets chirping at the moment21:27
Jordan_Unpmccallum-work: You're welcome.21:27
naccholocron: this is 16.04, i assume?21:28
holocronnacc +-1 yeah21:28
holocronnacc 16.04-1, lxc version 2.0.4, juju 2.0-rc221:29
naccholocron: are you able to launch, e.g., new containers? `lxc launch images:ubuntu/xenial/amd64` ?21:31
holocronnacc will try this now - s390x architecture here tho21:31
naccholocron: ah ok, sub arch as appropriate21:31
dfreyI am running a Ubuntu 16.04.1 VM with unity.  When I login, I get 3 "System problem detected" dialogs.  When using other installations of ubuntu, clicking "report problem" brings up another windows where I can see what the problem is.  In the VM I am working on, clicking report problem just seems to dismiss the window.  How can I figure out what is causing the system problems?21:32
holocronnacc: yeah strange, it retrives the image and hangs after "starting x-y"21:33
holocronnacc: same sort of mess in the ps tree21:33
naccholocron: ok, so i'd expect something more fundamental at this point (and probably unrelated to juju, although i don't exactly know where juju would sit in the juju-lxd relationship, i'd assume it's on top of lxd, rather than somehow changing it's bheavior)21:34
holocronnacc: quite right21:34
naccholocron: unfortunately, i think your best bet is to just hang out in #lxcontainers and see if someone is able to respond eventually21:34
holocronnacc: yep, okay thanks for the info21:35
naccholocron: you could also try #ubuntu-server, but the people there i'd expect to respond are already in #lxcontainers21:35
holocronworth a short21:36
tomreyndfrey look at the files in /var/crash/21:38
john___hello can anyone please tell me how to uninstall python 2.721:39
john___on ubuntu 15.0521:39
naccjohn___: ubuntu 15.x are eol, you should update asap21:39
naccjohn___: and you can't remove python2.7 (or shouldn't) on most installations of ubuntu, as it's pretty fundamental these days21:40
idokojohn___ i think a fuck ton of libs and apps depend on that21:40
tomreynjohn___: also, there is and was no ubuntu release "15.05"21:40
naccjohn___: so maybe take a step back and tell us what you're trying to achive (why do you think you need to uninstall python 2.7?)21:41
tomreynthat is, unless your webchat will time out shortly21:42
dfreytomreyn: Thanks21:43
tomreynwelcome :)21:43
Disaster_Areabit of a long shot but anyone here use the DAW Reaper?21:47
John_williamhello can anyone help me recover my re.py file in /usr/lib/python2.721:48
naccJohn_william: do you mean deleted it?21:49
alaaim  new here21:49
John_williamhi alaa nice to meet you...21:49
nacc!ask | alaa21:49
ubottualaa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:49
naccalaa: this is the support channel for ubuntu, do you have a question to ask?21:50
chopparuhi there, can I install hopper (free) on ubuntu?21:50
alaanice to meet you21:50
John_williamnacc: i have deleted a part of script while installing openstack on ubuntu 15.0521:50
naccJohn_william: `apt reinstall libpython2.7-minimal`, but where did re.py go?21:51
John_williamso it always gives error now21:51
naccJohn_william: I assume you are john__ from before? "and you can't remove python2.7 (or shouldn't) on most installations of ubuntu, as it's pretty fundamental these days"21:51
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naccJohn_william: 15.05 is not a version of Ubuntu, and 15.x are eol, you should upgrade ASAP21:51
naccJohn_william: and what do you mean deleted 'part of a script'?21:51
naccJohn_william: re.py is a core python file/module, what would deleting a script have to do with it21:52
John_williamnacc : yes i am john_  ... please tell me how can i update python 2.7 to python 3.421:52
Bashing-omJohn_william: ^^ and " /usr/lib/python2.7/re.pyc: python 2.7 byte-compiled " .21:52
chopparuam I asking stupid questions, since i get no answer? :S21:53
k1lJohn_william: what is the output of "lsb_release -sd"?21:53
Bashing-om!info hopper | chopparu21:53
ubottuchopparu: Package hopper does not exist in xenial21:53
k1lchopparu: their website offers instructions how to install21:53
chopparuthanks! Will check it out21:54
Jakey3i installed monit from source21:56
Jakey3when i type monit in terminal21:56
Jakey3doesnt show that its installed21:56
Jakey3how do i reach monit21:56
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tomreynJakey3: if you install (and potentially build) software from source, then you are kind of expected to know how to daemonize it. it may be better to stick to pre-built packages until you are into this.21:58
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tgm4883Jakey3: it's wherever you installed the binary to21:59
tomreynJakey3: what is your greater plan / what are you trying to achieve? why don't you just use the ubuntu packages?22:00
Jakey3tgm4883, /etc/monit22:00
Jakey3tomreyn, install monit to monitor unicorn with a chef installation22:00
tomreynthanks for answering one of the two questions i asked.22:01
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Jakey3tomreyn, i could use the package using a chef cookbook that build from source though22:04
tomreynJakey3: usually, compiling software on a production server is something you try to prevent, surely as part of a deployment?22:06
Jakey3tomreyn, its for test purposes not going into production22:06
tomreyni see. i still don't understand why you'd prefer to build it instead of using the existing packages, though.22:07
tomreynalso, it's uncommon to place an entire software within /etc, especially binaries.22:07
tomreynmany if not most C softwares will build to /usr/local/ ... by default.22:08
porkstoreanyone have any idea why i would only be able to get 50mbps connection with my router vs 100mbps without a router, if the router is supposed to provide up to 300mbps ?22:09
orlockporkstore: There's two possible limits22:10
orlockporkstore: total throughput and pps22:11
orlockPPS is generally a CPU limit on the router22:11
orlockwhile total throughput is more likely a wire limit22:11
orlockAnyway. It depends on your router22:11
porkstorethat means i have low capacity ethernet cable ?22:11
tomreynthat's not what orlock said, no. it's another possible explanation, but quite unlikely.22:12
orlockporkstore: no - Do you have access to any diagnostics of your router?22:12
orlockporkstore: It also depends on the traffic type22:13
bekkshi all22:14
bekksIs there some issue known with the 14.04.5 server ISO, for not being able to autoconfigure (dhcp) a network interface?22:15
bekksThis has been working for a lot of machine deployed with the 14.04 iso, and without any network change the .5 iso isnt able to detect a dhcp config.22:15
bekksWhere can I get a stock 14.04 server iso?22:16
bekksI'm switching this to #ubuntu-server22:17
mKnHi! I've got a question..22:19
mKnI think it would apply to all Linux distros, but I've been trying to do it with Ubuntu (the GNOME release)...22:19
mKnAny help would be greatly appreciated!22:20
kk4ewtmKn, are you using gnome or unity there is a difference22:20
mKnIs it allowed to post the link to the site?22:20
kk4ewtso whats your question22:20
mKnWell, I've been trying to use UNetBootIn to put Ubuntu Gnome on a USB drive (64 Gb), and I can't seem to make it persistent.22:21
mKnI've been able to do it before, while using a PC to do it, but I've never made a Live USB from a Mac before this.22:22
kk4ewtyes you are correct unetbootin doesnt know about a persistant layer22:22
mKnIs there any way for me to give it one? Like, a different program that would make this easier?22:23
kk4ewti am noit sure i can answer that in this channel22:23
mKnAhh, so that means that I would need to use something other than UNBI.22:23
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kk4ewtyou can try with rufus but personally i would try the fedora liveusb-creator22:24
mKnAh, can I do that from a Mac? (Googling now)22:24
Rufus<-- requires at least one drink first :)22:24
Rufusfor mac you have unetbootin22:24
mKnYes... I'm trying to make the USB persistent.22:25
kk4ewtwell he has dd as well but that will not do the persistant layer22:25
kk4ewtmKn,  sorry i thought there was a mac port22:26
mKnAh... So, from what it sounds like, there's no way to do it from Mac?22:26
mKnOr would I have to use a WINE-esque program...?22:27
lordcirthmKn, do you have a second USB?22:27
tomreynyou can always do it in a vm running under os x, as long as you can do device passthrough22:28
lordcirthThat's true too22:28
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mKnAh, like VBox?22:29
tomreynvirtualbox, or virtualpc or whatever you have there.22:29
mKnOkay, just so I have this right, use liveusb on a VM to install gnome on the drive?22:30
tomreynyou could actually download the installer.iso and just boot the VM off this, attaching the USB stick to the VM, and installing to that22:30
mKnOkay... My brain is trying to process this. Just came down from a migraine. xD22:31
mKnSorry for my stupidity.22:31
mKnDo you mind a PM?22:31
tomreyni prefer talking in channels, we can move it to #ubuntu-offtopic22:32
mKnAh, thanks.22:32
mKnAh, it's saying that I need to be identified with services?22:33
skinuxWhere is the right place for PHP-FPM's sock file?23:01
raspadohi all, how can I have a user sudo su - jenkins from /etc/sudoers? I'm trying to get a user to sudo su - jenkins without a password23:01
Ben64raspado: sounds like a bad idea23:02
raspadoBen64: any other way to only allow this user to run "sudo su - jenkins"? we're allowing him to sudo as this user to manage jenkins23:03
raspadobut we dont want him to do anything else23:03
Ben64give him the password to jenkins?23:03
raspadojenkins acct only uses keys23:04
lordcirthssh keys?23:04
Ben64maybe for ssh sure, but once logged in you can do "su - jenkins" and type the password23:04
lordcirthSo have him make a key23:04
lordcirthand put his ssh key in jenkin's authorized file23:04
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raspadocould work, ill try it thx lordcirth23:05
raspadothen Ben6423:05
enmahallo, i am a new user ubuntu23:07
tomreynhi enma23:08
tomreyn!ask | enma23:08
ubottuenma: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:08
enmawhat time in there?23:31
naccenma: that doesn't seem like a real question23:33
SkoniHello people. I wanted to ask for your help in an Ubuntu installation matter. Please chat in private if you have 5 minutes. Thank you very much.23:33
nacc!pm | Skoni23:33
ubottuSkoni: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.23:33
modifierHello, just installed nvidia-370 (Kubuntu 16.04.1) and installs 'fine' but also says that: Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the kernel source for this kernel does not seems to be installed. I'm having some trouble getting into GUI (black screen, nvidia, sigh..) so this is relevant to my interests. Any insight?23:33
SkoniOk. Sorry. I wanted to install the Ubuntu Desktop version of Linux but I was wondering whether there exists the possibility to perform a Custom Installation (to select what Software I want except Linux and the UI). Thank you in advance for you time in helping me out with this matter.23:35
naccmodifier: where did you install nvidia-370 from?23:37
naccmodifier: it's not in the ubuntu archives (yet)23:37
naccSkoni: I mean, you can just install anything you want after?23:38
naccSkoni: i don't recally if the desktop gives you a customization option23:38
modifiernacc: graphics-drivers ppa23:38
naccmodifier: ah23:38
modifiernacc: should i try something older? i'm sitting on GTX 95023:39
naccmodifier: sadly, i don't really know -- there are others that typically help with graphics stuff in this channel, though, hopefully one of them can help eventually23:40
naccmodifier: i'm guessing, that message though is a bit worrisome23:40
Skoninacc: I meant to be able to choose from a list of software packages and tools except the basic tools and the Ubuntu UI, in order to be able to choose even whether I want to not install LibreOffice (for example).23:40
kk4ewtmodifier,  install kernel-devel gcc23:40
nablunghi all23:40
Bashing-om!minimal | Skoni But there is a steep thought process :23:40
ubottuSkoni But there is a steep thought process :: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:40
modifiernacc: i see. I'm having some serious trouble getting into GUI, despite it was working on 15.10 before23:41
modifierkk4ewt: i'll try that, thank you.23:41
k1lSkoni: that sounds like you want to use a minimal insatll23:41
Skoniubottu: Thank you very much for this info. I will try it right now into my VirtualBox VM.23:41
ubottuSkoni: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:41
naccSkoni: i believe desktop comes preseeded with things like libreoffice, etc. (not sure though)23:41
SkoniYeap. Thank you k1l. I will try with the minimal install.23:42
modifierkk4ewt: unable to locate package. Should i have some rep?23:42
kk4ewtbuild-essentials ?23:42
Ben64modifier: sudo apt-get install build-essential dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r) linux-headers-$(uname -r | sed s/-[a-z].*//g) linux-headers$(uname -r | sed s/^.*[0-9]\-/-/g)23:42
modifierkk4ewt, Ben64: Aight, i must admit i'm not sure what half of that command does; One shouldn't sudo anything they don't know of but.. oh well, what can i do.23:45
Ben64it installs things you need to build things, dkms (which is used to build modules), and all the headers for your kernel23:45
Ben64you can put "echo" before it to see what it actually does23:46
modifierthe headers part was a bit confusing, thanks for explaining.23:46
Ben64like for my system it would do... "sudo apt-get install build-essential dkms linux-headers-3.13.0-93-generic linux-headers-3.13.0-93 linux-headers-generic"23:46
modifierkk4ewt, Ben64: Installed nvidia-364 instead of the 370 after doing like you instructed and the driver install made much more sense now. Fingers crossed, going to reboot.23:54
slyyHello. I no longer get the option to upgrade to Ubuntu 16.04.1 in the Software Updater (update-manager). I'm using Ubuntu 14.04. Software & Updates is set to notify of new Ubuntu versions "for long-term support versions." Is there something else I need to do?23:55

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