
=== rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb
=== shardy is now known as shardy_mtg
smoserharlowja, hm.. i was suggesting you could render at setup.py (install) time.12:59
rharpersmoser: that hang we saw ... I think it may be related to system-resolvd;  I don't think that's getting started prior to cloud-init-local/net which means if we bring up networking but we don't have resolvd running, I believe it times out resolving (in my case, the GCE datasource)13:48
rharperI added After=systemd-resolved.service; Requires=systemd-resolved.service to cloud-init.service (which is when netmode runs)13:49
smoserthat could do it.13:49
rharperwe should chat with pitti maybe and see where that ought to come up13:49
smoseri treid to reproduce with the webhook reporter13:49
smoserbut it didn't work13:49
smoserbecause i was using by ip address13:49
smoseryou dont have to add the 'Requires'13:50
smoserand probably shouldnt really...13:50
smoserAfter is sufficent13:50
rharperit's sufficient, the question is if dns doesn't come up13:50
rharperis it worth running ?13:50
smoseryeah, i dont know whow i feel13:51
rharperif we requires=networking , why not dns too ?13:51
smosernetworking doesnt require dns :)13:52
smoserthe internet worked without dns for quite some time13:52
smoserheres my /etc/hosts file13:52
rharperI need to play with the unit deps; systemd said I had a loop13:52
smoserlets just ask pitti13:52
smoseri think he's in13:52
=== shardy_mtg is now known as shardy
rharpersmoser: the digitalocean merge is causing unittest failures due to older mock (I'm on xenial, no mock 2.0 here), http://paste.ubuntu.com/23275308/14:46
smoserrharper, fiddle.14:51
smoserthank you for catching.14:51
smoserproposed that merge ?14:51
rharpersmoser: https://code.launchpad.net/~raharper/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/30758315:00
harlowjasmoser well its either render at install, or render at runtime, i'm ok with either :-P17:17
smoserit kinda seems overkill to render at runtime to me.17:18
=== shardy is now known as shardy_afk
=== shardy_afk is now known as shardy
smoserrharper, where idid you get a mock that did not have that ?20:16
smoserthe assert_called ?20:16
smosernever mind.20:17
smoseri was running your branch and trying to see it fail20:18
smoserit doesnt fail there ! :)20:18
=== rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz
harlowjaalright, smoser https://git.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/commit/?id=8a445f0811e8deca935f5781a84e8d08067b1b1e much smaller now22:31
harlowjaa new makefile step will render that22:31
harlowjadon't see how i can easily do it in setup.py time22:42
harlowjaso makefile step it is :-P22:42
harlowjasmoser rharper mock had some busted version a while ago that let u do self.assert_anything_u_want and it'd say true22:45
rharperharlowja: yeah; I had seen that discussion22:46
harlowjabecause it was thinking u were mocking a new method 'assert_anything_u_want'22:46
harlowjavs checking prior asserts, lol22:46

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