
cablopdead channel?00:00
valoriecablop: this is a help channel00:02
valorieif you need help, ask your question00:03
cablopyep, but it is dead at the moment00:03
valorieto chat, use #kubuntu-offtopic00:03
valoriethat is the nature of help channels00:03
cablopno one talking00:03
cablopwell, my question... how can i make Kubuntu start with the num key enabled?00:04
valorienumlock you mean?00:04
valorieI believe that is standard00:04
valoriesystem settings > keyboard will get you more options00:05
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kus-n62computer froze with 16.04 and virtual box with Windows 10 guest. mouse works but ctrl + shift + F2 doesn't do anything. what do?01:11
* momoe has returned02:50
user|80437Hi, I just upgraded kubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 and when I restarted plasma, my whole kde configuration was gone and I can't figure out how to get it back..03:22
user|36463how easy is it to use uttorent?04:05
user|36463how easy is it to use uttorent?04:07
valorieuser|36463: I use ktorrent, so dunno04:08
valorieuttorent isn't kubuntu software04:08
valoriealso: please don't repeat yourself04:08
user|36463what is ktorrewnt04:08
valorie!info ktorrent04:08
ubottuktorrent (source: ktorrent): BitTorrent client based on the KDE platform. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3.1-4 (xenial), package size 984 kB, installed size 3692 kB04:08
valorieworks great04:08
valorieI seed all the supported *buntu torrents04:09
merkkAnyone mind helping me out with why my screen res is stuck on 640x480? Kubuntu 16.04, fresh install04:58
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modifierMy desktop is really unusable. Upgraded to 16.04.1 last night and resolved some problems with xorg and nvidia. All the errors are now gone and instead of booting into a black screen (after kubuntu load logo) i am now getting a white screen instead. Going startx manually takes me to my old desktop, but it's reeeeally broken.07:36
modifierHmm.. white screen with cursor apparently07:39
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ChetManly does kubuntu still have a netbook option ?09:40
ChetManlyand what does that entail anyway09:40
ChetManlythis book has 2 gigs of ram and 1.7 ghz amd atom counterpart09:41
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> No we don't09:42
IrcsomeBot<Deno Jacob> Which is the most stable kde distro....in out of the box usability??09:43
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I quite enjoy Kubuntu 16.04 but I'm a bit biased ;)09:44
IrcsomeBot<Deno Jacob> Even i love kubuntu...but my friends who are using windows, mac looks as if it is less user friendly...and more unstable09:46
john_sCurrently stuck with my system not logging in to some share by mounting it as a cifs mount.. Using smbclient works. Using a different user on the server also works. Apparently I get logged in and then I cannot read the directory or something. Just flabbergasting.10:02
john_sUser is part of the same groups... and only has access rights through that group. Hmm. Maybe it is because it is a different user in UID.... but that would be weird.10:06
tibiHi! What happened to the "window list" plasma widget? It used to group the windows by desktop, now it no longer does that. I have plasmashell 5.6.510:37
tibi"used to" meaning in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Ever since I've upgraded to 16.06 it's been nothing but crashes and problems from kde plasma10:38
hateballtibi: so you are using ppa then?10:39
tibihateball: Yes, I'm using the PPA10:42
tibiIs there a source for Plasma 5.8 for Kubuntu?10:45
hateballit's not backported (yet)10:47
hateballtibi: #kubuntu-devel knows more on this subject10:48
acheronuktibi: not until it goes into our development release, then is backported. 5.8 release was too late to go into 16.10, so it will have to wait for development on 17.04 to start10:49
tibiacheronuk: back in the day I used to build my own KDE. Does that mean I'd have to compile it by myself, there's no PPA for it?10:50
tibiaccording to this http://news.softpedia.com/news/kde-plasma-5-8-desktop-will-be-an-lts-release-for-stability-and-performance-506124.shtml10:51
tibiPlasma 5.8 should arrive in two weeks. What does that mean? Available as a source release, everybody that wants to compile is on his own?10:51
acheronuktibi: that will be the release of the source tarballs publicly, yes. each distribution or packagers then package that on their own schedule depending on how their release workflow goes10:54
acheronukas always with open source, you are free to try to build your own while you wait10:56
tibiacheronuk: do you know of a distribution that would have it earliest?10:57
tibiI see10:58
ahoneybunbut we are missing Kirigami from the repos to build 5.810:58
acheronukahoneybun: it is in CI I think, so can rectify that once 17.04 gets underway10:59
ahoneybuneven if its in the CI it's not in the official repos so that doesn't matter10:59
ahoneybunwe need it in the repos as it is a dep of Discover now11:00
acheronukahoneybun: that is what I meant by rectify. Either sync with debian or see if we can get it in our way11:00
ahoneybunit's missing from Debian as well, so we will have to find our own way11:01
acheronukahoneybun: there is always a way. just have to get on it as soon as 17.04 opens. debian will not be too long starting on 5.8 if I read it correctly, so they will want it soonish as well.11:03
ahoneybunalways is a way, yep :)11:04
acheronukahoneybun: you can always set Simon on the task. direct all that energy it that direction :P11:04
ahoneybunbuy the right person a beer11:04
uk-neuhello, what does this mean: "kf5/kio/smb" not found, how to install it; I'm trying to install samba11:08
uk-neu_hello, what does this mean: "kf5/kio/smb" not found, how to install it; I'm trying to install samba11:11
uk-neu_sorry netcrash11:36
uk-neu_again: what does this mean: "kf5/kio/smb" not found, how to install it; I'm trying to install samba11:37
cablopuk-neu_: i guess 'sudo apt install samba' would solve part of the problem11:49
cablopwhere do you get that warning?11:49
uk-neu_cablop: samba is installed11:50
uk-neu_using dolphin->net->samba-shares11:51
cablopok... but where do you get the warning?11:51
cablopah, hmmm11:51
cabloptry with the old software center and look for the dolphin package, it should have some recommended packages for it11:52
cablopit should be there by default11:53
uk-neu_same happens with dolphin ->net-> network it gives me kf5/kio/network not found; something with kio I think but what11:53
cablopi remember i installed both samba client and samba server... and i have no issues with my dolphin to that respect11:53
uk-neu_I installed from scatch11:53
uk-neu_andfrom the beginning I had problems with samba11:54
cablopsame here, it has only a few months this install, and it is not complete (not to my taste)11:54
cabloptry 'sudo apt install kio kio-extras'11:55
cablopor your preferred method (i still like the old fashioned Synaptic)11:57
uk-neu_same do I11:57
uk-neu_now I get the nework shown11:59
cablopis it working?12:01
uk-neu_it seems so, tookits time to get known to the network but nowthe other comps are shown12:02
uk-neu_tookits / took its12:03
uk-neu_ok looks like it works now. Thank you cablop12:03
uk-neu_by the way, how to change the workgroup with this new version12:05
uk-neu_mostly I edited the smb.conf12:05
uk-neu_by the way cablop, how to change the workgroup with this new version; mostly I edited the smb.conf12:06
uk-neu_made a sudo service samba restart and the group was changed, now this seems not to be so12:08
cablopuk-neu_: yes, the smb conf is the way with samba12:18
cablopit existed an aplication called swat or alike, but it is not working anymore12:18
mcoxhi - is 16.10 going to have the 4.8 kernel ?12:29
soee_mcox: yes12:36
BluesKajHey folks13:39
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IrcsomeBotRokre22 was added by: Rokre2214:38
IrcsomeBot<Rokre22> Hello, I'm trying to install kubuntu on my pc but I have problems with the Nvidia free drivers, it randomly freeze, and I only have to restart the pc, is there a guide to install through the terminal?14:41
IrcsomeBot<Rokre22> I have a gtx 66014:42
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mcoxsoee_: cheers14:55
soee_IrcsomeBot: install nvidia driver >14:55
IrcsomeBot<Rokre22> Sorry if I can explain  correctly, I need to install kubuntu in a not graphical form, because it freeze in the live session14:57
IrcsomeBot<Rokre22> It's impossible to install14:57
IrcsomeBot<Rokre22> I had that issue with Manjaro kde too but it has the option to start the live USB with the closed Nvidia drivers14:58
IrcsomeBot<Rokre22> Because of that I now that the problem is the free driver with kde14:59
soee_you can install driver manually14:59
soee_add this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa15:00
soee_pick driver version you want and install: sudo apt install nvidia-XXX15:00
soee_where XXX is version number15:00
IrcsomeBot<Rokre22> I can do that before I start the live USB?15:00
soee_install system first15:01
IrcsomeBot<Rokre22> But how, when I start the live USB,  it freeze15:03
IrcsomeBot<Rokre22> Sorry,  I am very new on Linux15:04
Lornzerheyo, i have a small issue with plasma's color scheme (all default)15:09
Lornzerin some programs , the tooltip which pops up when hovering over buttons uses white for the background and a very very light gray for the text, making it unreadable15:09
Lornzeri changed the Tooltip -> Normal Text color from white to red (the only close color to it in the tooltip section) but that didnt fix it15:10
Lornzer1) do i need to reboot / restart plasma for color scheme changes to take effect?15:11
BluesKajLornzer, have you updated and upgraded?15:11
Lornzer2) if changes are immediate -> any idea which color set might be used by those apps instead (funnily enough it only affects mySQL clients (dBeaver and mysql Workbench)15:11
Lornzerthere are no updates available for any plasma related stuff in the update manager (its a pretty new install)15:12
BluesKajchoose a different scheme, that's all I can suggest15:13
Lornzerokay, thx15:14
soee_Rokre22 what version are you using ?15:14
Lornzerdo you know if individual changes to color set items are effective immediately?15:14
Lornzer(after hitting apply of course)15:15
Lornzeror does the software (or even the whole system) need to be restarted for it to be applied properly? this info would help a lot with debugging it.15:15
BluesKajusually it's effective immediately15:17
BluesKajas longa syou click apply and not just ok15:17
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IrcsomeBot<Rokre22> @soee_, 16.04.116:33
IrcsomeBot<Rokre22> That's the version I'm trying to install16:38
IrcsomeBot<Rokre22> (Photo, 1079x291) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/n26pTVIW/file_661.jpg16:39
soeeon laptop, PC, VM ?16:40
IrcsomeBot<Rokre22> Pc16:40
soeecan you try in some virtual machine if it works for you ?16:41
IrcsomeBot<Rokre22> I start the live USB and freeze randomly, sometimes when I select the lenguaje, or when I'm doing the partition16:42
IrcsomeBot<Rokre22> For example16:42
IrcsomeBot<Rokre22> Yes but, I'm not in home right now16:42
IrcsomeBot<Rokre22> If I'm in Manjaro with non-free drivers, and try in virtual machine, the virtual machine not gonna use the drivers of Manjaro?16:45
=== heinkel_111 is now known as heinkel_flying
DaisukeKanagianyone here familiar with hping3?17:23
PiciDaisukeKanagi: I've used it before17:23
DaisukeKanagihow to verify attack is triggered from my side, im running lts16.04 ubuntu17:24
DaisukeKanagii need syn flood and ddos kind of attack17:24
DaisukeKanagibrowse around found a simple cli17:25
PiciDaisukeKanagi: I'm afraid I17:25
DaisukeKanagiactually i need to trigger the attaack to check how sturdy an ips can be.. im in testing/lab environment17:25
PiciDaisukeKanagi: I'm afraid I'm not familiar enough with it to do that, also that sort of stuff is not really on-topic for any Ubuntu channel.  Maybe ##security or ##networking can point you in the right direction.17:25
DaisukeKanagiah ic17:25
DaisukeKanagithanks pici17:26
DaisukeKanagiapart from that17:26
DaisukeKanagiim running my ubuntu on my very old machine17:26
DaisukeKanagisomehow lagginess is quite17:26
DaisukeKanagiany recommended machine / hardware setup to run ubuntu 16.04 lts17:27
DaisukeKanaginow is t4400 intel w/ 1gb memory17:27
SmurphyDon't use Kubuntu nor Ubuntu.  Desktop to memory hungry.17:28
SmurphyUse Xubuntu... Will be lighter.17:28
DaisukeKanagiquite new to linux environment17:29
DaisukeKanagiso directly load ubuntu17:29
DaisukeKanagixubuntu vs ubuntu is the desktop gui?17:29
DaisukeKanaginow im working in more to lab environment,17:31
DaisukeKanagiso need many function related to server17:31
DaisukeKanagintp server, http server, multicast traffic generator, tacacs, radius server17:32
DaisukeKanagiis im making correct choise ^_^17:32
DaisukeKanagior linux having more specific version to particular function17:32
BluesKajthat all depnds on your server needs, suggest you join #ubuntu-server and ask your server questions there17:33
DaisukeKanagiah oh...17:34
DaisukeKanagihahaa i guess need to explore more deep down inside17:34
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FritigernPlasma 5.8 came out today, does anyone know what the plans are for adding this to which Kubuntu version? What I mean is, will this end up in 16.10, or will this be a 17.04 thing?19:23
soeeprobably first to 16.10 through backports, than 16.04 backports19:26
IrcsomeBotGreg Cole was added by: Greg Cole19:50
acheronukFritigern: the normal procedure is it goes in the development release, which will be 17.04 in this case as too late to include in 16.10 before release. Then nit can be backported fo stable supported releases such as 16.10 will be then, and 16.04.20:03
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Fritigernacheronuk: Yeah, I was afraid of that. They get me all excited for something new, only for me to find out that I won't be getting it for a coupld of months. *sigh*20:09
FritigernAnd "they" are the press that report on these newsies20:09
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=== Fae|Away is now known as GreySpirit
IrcsomeBotInvisaMage was added by: InvisaMage21:47
IrcsomeBot<Robert Welti> Do we get plasma 5.7 in Kubuntu 16.04? Is there a descision on this by now?21:59
IrcsomeBot<InvisaMage> Scroll up.21:59
IrcsomeBot<Robert Welti> So it is still a probably?22:00
IrcsomeBot<InvisaMage> Well, you can always force install it, right? Probably will not be installed by default until 17.04 is what they're saying.22:01
IrcsomeBot<Robert Welti> But that chat was about 5.8, right? Or didn't I scroll up enough? :D22:02
IrcsomeBot<InvisaMage> I thought you meant to say 5.8. My bad. I have no idea the.22:02
IrcsomeBot<Robert Welti> Ok. Thanks anyway! :-) Does anyone else know?22:03
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @Robert Welti, it's in preparation, but being a bit shorthanded, needing some testing and fixing done, and having to concentrate on Yakkety 16.10, it has got pushed back22:09
IrcsomeBot<Robert Welti> Ah, ok. So it will come sooner or later. That's great to know! Thanks!22:09
IrcsomeBot<Robert Welti> So maybe a month from now? Is it possible to say anything about a time frame?22:12
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @Robert Welti, I hope not that long. If it takes that long, skiping 5.7 and going straight for 5.8 may be a better option.22:18
=== dan_ is now known as Guest51395
wxli have windows that sometimes (not always predictably) resize themselves so they span the screen after snapping to the border. how do i stop this? (not the snapping)23:57
naught101_When ever I try to switch wifi networks, network manager seems to die, and wifi isn't accessible until I restart network-manager. Anyone seen something like this? KDE neon User Edition 5.7, 4.6.0-040600rc5-lowlatency, HP zBook with Intel Corporation Wireless 7265 (rev 48)23:59
naught101_I can change connections using nmcli ok23:59

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