
diego11hi all09:48
tbnbuddhahi. i think i crashed my package management. whenever i try to install something it end up with "ldconfig not found". Solutions i found via the web are all not working so far. anyone got a suggestion?10:27
leszektbnbuddha: please can you give a concrete detailed error message10:34
leszekor is it just ldconfig not found ?10:34
tbnbuddhai throws me just this error message10:36
leszektbnbuddha: that sounds like a broken system. Is the package libc-bin installed ?10:39
tbnbuddhait is but when i try to reinstall it it says ldconfig is missing :)10:41
tbnbuddhathe was also a message that a package is broken. did not not which one it was but i think it was libc6 or libc-bin, one of those10:42
leszektbnbuddha: it seems libc-bin is broken as it contains ldconfig. Which version of Lubuntu ?10:44
tbnbuddhasome kind of 14.xx10:45
tbnbuddhahow can i check this?10:45
tbnbuddhai am a beginner on linux10:45
leszektbnbuddha: lsb_release -r as terminal command should show you the version10:54
leszektbnbuddha: then download the correct package for your architecture 32bit (i386) 64bit (amd64) from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty-updates/libc-bin11:01
leszekand install it by doube clicking on the deb file downloaded. That will hopefully bring back ldconfig which allows you to repair the rest of the system11:01
tbnbuddhaok i  will try that11:02
tbnbuddhathe package manager told me thatz there is no "lintian" available and i should install it with apt-get. If i try that it says "ldconfig" not found11:07
tbnbuddhawhen i try to install the downloaded libc-bin package11:08
tbnbuddhaisn't it an option to just open the package with a package manager and copy the ldconfig out of it?11:08
leszektbnbuddha: can you force install it with dpkg --force-all -i /path/to/the/debfile.deb11:12
tbnbuddhai try that11:12
tbnbuddhahe does it but ldconfig is still missing after that11:15
tbnbuddhawhen i try to install "make" after that for example with apt-get11:16
tbnbuddhaor when i try to do "apt-get -f install"11:16
leszektbnbuddha: hmm... /sbin/ldconfig does not exist ?11:27
tbnbuddhayep. it is  there11:27
tbnbuddhait is not there11:27
tbnbuddhai installed without i-net connection because wifi wasn't  detected automaticly11:28
tbnbuddhaafter i tried to install needed packages after it, it ended like this11:29
tbnbuddhain the evening i have a second pc when i am at home. then i can create a new usb stick to install it freshly. seems to complicated to fix this without11:31
leszekyeah needs some digging around what actually is broken overall11:32
tbnbuddhabut lots of thanks you guys so far. i appreciate it11:34

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