
mt-devI'm creating my own derivative of Ubuntu GNOME and would like to change the "System Information" image used in the details section of Settings. Where is that image stored? It used to be in /usr/share/gnome-control-center/ui/, but is no longer. Where has it disappeared to?00:43
jbichamt-dev: it's not user-replacable any more, see gnome-control-center debian/patches/56_use_ubuntu_info_branding.patch00:57
jbichaI mean, maybe if a user recompiled the gresource…00:59
mt-devAh, dummy me. I patched it back when they made the change, but forgot . Thanks so much jbicha!01:02
jbichaI think we'd like for that logo to be overridable (the Budgie Remix would like to use their logo for it instead)01:02
mt-devYeah, we did it by repackaging gnome-control-center01:03
mt-devIn our ppa01:03
jbichait would be nice if it would look up the icon name in gsettings like gdm does01:03
mt-devYes, that would be very nice! Then again, I wish the GDM login screen could be customized more01:04
jbichaand considering that Fedora has patched gnome-control-center for years to include a distro logo, it would be nice if upstream would just let distros add their logo01:04
mt-devWonder why they have yet to do that?01:05
mt-devMaybe we should bring it to the Gnome IRC channel?01:06
jbichawell you just have to convince the control-center maintainers01:07
jbichaand a good working patch would help01:07
mt-devHow do you figure out who the maintainer of an upstream Gnome application is?01:08
jbichalook in the git repo for a .doap file01:10
mt-devOkay, thanks!01:13
jbichait may need input from design too01:13
jbichadarkxst: if you want to make that initial-setup change or anything else for yakkety, Final Freeze is Thursday10:15
jbichawe haven't updated the packagesets in a while so I believe you'll need sponsorship for initial-setup10:16
mgedminthis is weird: http://imgur.com/a/mZbYg (see %s instead of my hostname)13:37
mgedminif I launch gnome-control-center with LANGUAGE=en, it shows 'ssh platonas' correctly13:38
mgedminthe VNC and webdav panels show the hostname correctly13:38
mgedminthe upstream translation for gnome-control-center 3.20 looks correct to me: https://github.com/GNOME/gnome-control-center/blob/gnome-3-20/po/lt.po#L5227-L523513:38
mgedminthe strings inside /usr/share/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/gnome-control-center-2.0.mo also look correct13:39
mgedminI'm on 16.04 with the gnome3-staging ppa13:39
mgedmingnome-control-center-data is 1:3.20.1-2ubuntu2~xenial113:39
mgedmingnome-control-center also same version13:39
mgedminoh cool there's a ~xenial2 uploaded 40 minutes ago ;)13:45
jbichamgedmin: that upload didn't affect translations13:50
mgedminsomeone on irc.gnome.org noticed a bug in the upstream .po file13:51
mgedminI just filed https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77240913:51
ubot5Gnome bug 772409 in Sharing "The invitation to "ssh %s" is mistranslated in lt.po" [Normal,New]13:51
mgedminalthough I don't know if that sort of bug would explain the symptoms I'm seeing13:51
mgedminshame that .mo files aren't plain text and I cannot edit them in vi ...13:51
jbichamgedmin: you ever use Launchpad Translations?13:52
mgedminstill, upstream first, eh?13:53
mgedmin... I'm actually not sure what's the right thing to do and how the workflows work13:53
* mgedmin fixes both of those13:55
jbichamaybe contact the Lithuanian Translators LP group to find out if there's anything more your contribution needs before it's accepted13:55
mgedminI fear I may be an owner of the Lithuanian Translators LP group :/13:56
mgedminI'm just terrible at collaboration :(13:56
jbichaoh never mind then since it looks like your changes didn't need approval13:58
jbichayou'll just have to wait for the next language pack update to include that change13:58
dr4c4n_so I downloaded the latest beta 2 of 16.10 ubuntu gnome, and I tried installing it on my asus Zenbook pro ux501vw, the Installer was great, seemed that everything was functioning well, no loud fans, and the touchpad worked, when the installer finished, it asked me to reboot which I did, I get to the login screen, enter my password, and the computer freezes, I can still see the grey background from17:49
dr4c4n_the login screen, and my mouse cursor, but it won't move and I had to shutdown, any suggestions?17:49

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