
modifierkk4ewt, Ben64: No EE's on xorg log anymore, yey. Now the Kubuntu logo flashes once, then loads up a bit and just blank white. Nothing else, just white.00:09
agustinset weechat.bar.status.position top00:09
modifierPreviously it was black.00:09
Gallomimiaso, systemd eh? heard the news...00:12
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Gallomimiais there a patch for that yet?00:13
modifierOkay, so no login screen, just white. No errors. Warning about glamouregl00:18
Bashing-ommodifier: A thought, did you purge the old driver(s) amd the xorg.conf file orior to installing the new driver ?00:24
modifierBashing-om: drivers yes, xong config no.00:25
naccGallomimia: what news?00:25
naccGallomimia: or i should say, *which* news00:25
Bashing-ommodifier: can you boot presently via the recovery console ? try and remove and rebuilt the xorg.conf file .00:27
naccGallomimia: do you mean the rather dumb length-of-one-tweet one? http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-3094-1/ it's been fixed in 16.04 for a few days00:27
modifierBashing-om: I don't know how to rebuild it, BUT! I tried renaming ~/.kde, which didn't help but then i did: export DISPLAY=:0.0 and it worked!00:29
modifierI'm on my desktop now00:29
Bashing-ommodifier: Well .. That is all to the good . You do good work .00:30
modifierBashing-om: Thank you!00:31
modifierkk4ewt, Ben64: Thank you too!00:32
Gallomimianacc: yep i think that's the one. good to know00:33
Bashing-ommodifier: ( sudo nvidia-xconfig to regenerate the xorg.conf file)00:33
kus-n62computer froze with kubuntu 16.04 and virtual box with Windows 10 guest. mouse works but ctrl + shift + F2 doesn't do anything. what do?01:14
kus-n62num lock key doesn't work so I'm guessing keyboard is locked out01:14
modifierArgh, only could start x, it kinda is just a big mess altho it looked like it's working at first01:16
Chr|sBoy, I remember when th is channel was busy non stop :/01:21
kus-n62so many people on this channel... is everyone asleep?01:28
SchrodingersScat!patience | kus-n6201:29
ubottukus-n62: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:29
OerHeksif we were, that would be silly.01:30
Maroonhow can i clean my distribution up01:33
Marooni last intsallled fusion-icon01:33
Maroonand uninstalled it again,01:33
delargehi there, what's the best program to manage a android smartphone? I want to restore to default settings01:35
Maroonbut sp,ethong remained left in the sysstem thats why I have a startup error when I boot my system, after the start of the X sysstem01:36
kus-n62looks like it is nouveau that crashed01:41
* CryptHex waves Hello01:45
fastAndBulbousthere seem to be a lot of bugs with managing audio through the system settings in ubuntu 16.04. After I upgraded from 14 I noticed that I need to restart my computer before an hdmi output source selected from the gui will actually work.01:47
fastAndBulbousand then like, if I connect a bluetooth headset at my work computer, toggling the mode from HSP/HFP to A2DP Sink will just erroneously change the output to the top output source in the list, which is usually HDMI01:50
fastAndBulbousI can't tell if that's just an issue with the gui or not, like the click on the "mode" drop down isn't registering properly.01:51
fastAndBulbousthough this only happens if audio is currently playing, so that makes me think its NOT the gui. if audio is stopped you can change the mode no problem.01:52
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Bashing-omMaroon: Have you tried ' sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove fusion-icon ' ?01:59
jeffreylevesqueanyone here use inotifywait?02:12
jacob_does anyone know why ubuntu yakkity was paused?02:20
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OerHeksjacob it isn't, release is set on this 20th02:21
Guest36103oh, on the ubuntu distro site, it says paused......02:21
Dubna_K42hi there02:21
OerHekswhere does it say that?02:22
OerHeksrelease is on 13th, even one week earlier https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/ReleaseSchedule02:23
Dubna_K42I can't back up these days02:23
Dubna_K42it says cannot understand duplicate version02:23
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Dubna_K42duplicate version not understanded02:27
Dubna_K42how to solve?02:27
phagahanyone can help-me with the XFCE4 desktop labels alignment? All my icons label on desktop are aligned to right, like on writer when you write a paragraph and align it to right02:27
phagahanyone can help-me with the XFCE4 desktop labels alignment? All my icons label on desktop are aligned to right, like on writer when you write a paragraph and align it to righ02:29
phagahi saiu (Read error: Connection reset by02:33
Dubna_K42No one answered our questions :-(02:44
Fedoration_Dubna_K42: that indicates that nobody understood your question or nobody knew the answer.02:52
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seven237why is Ubuntu selling out to MSN03:16
Ben64it isn't03:17
k_sze[work]Could somebody move this to AskUbuntu? http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/313393/how-to-ensure-that-autofs-and-nfs-are-ready-before-another-service03:17
seven237they are combining forces arnt they?03:17
Ben64seven237: no idea what you're talking about03:17
k_sze[work](And also help answer the question, if anybody has a clue.)03:18
seven237well they are partnering03:18
orlockseven237: Yeah, i'm running it here03:19
tewardk_sze[work]: offtopic here.  (Flag the post for UNIX mods to consider moving, but note Ubuntu is on topic there)03:19
orlockseven237: It's not bad, but it's also not new. Microsoft has has unix compatibility layers for quite a while03:19
seven237Hmm, anything MSN gets their hands on turns to shit03:20
orlockseven237: You mean MSFT, MSN is something else03:20
k_sze[work]teward: I don't have the required rep to flag it, I think.03:21
seven237Microsoft period03:21
k_sze[work]oh wait...03:21
orlockseven237: They have gotten much better recently.03:21
macbookHello Everyone03:37
jackhello guys03:38
macbooki resurrected my macbook today03:38
macbookwhat an excersize in frustration03:38
Guest36103macbook: what happened?03:39
macbookwell, this computer is a mess of closed source hardware - than you broadcom, nvidia and apple03:39
macbookso it was tough to get things working, and very tough to find the right nvidia driver and broadcom driver (both b43 and sta and bcmwl-kernel-source work for wifi)03:40
Guest36103but you have a macbook03:41
macbookyes I do - what do you mean?03:41
macbookits an old one03:42
macbookGuest36103 do you have experience with macs?03:44
Guest36103macbook: a little, oh yea, thy switchd to intel stuff, older stuff i know pretty well04:02
kotaroanyone know channel publisher ?04:11
kotaroor bloger channel04:11
kotaroroger roger04:14
benklopI'm using the 4.8 kernel from theUbuntu kernel PPA, and i'm getting CPU hangs every few hours or so, that render the system unusable. Log if anyone is interested: https://gist.github.com/benklop/adcdf19608989fac4399b54e306b43bb04:19
benklopnever mind.. I see those are mainline kernel builds. I suppose that means this should be reported upstream.04:23
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joj[]Hi, which is the canonical location now to load kernel modules at boot: /etc/modules (classic) or /etc/modules-load.d (systemd)? 16.04 has both...04:37
daemon555anybody know a good alarm clock in ubuntu?04:37
benklopdaemon555: cron running speaker-test?04:41
benklopnot really a serious anser, sorry :)04:42
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daemon555bonklop: nop04:52
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habbasiHello. I'm getting a black screen after installing official nVidia drivers.05:35
habbasiHave to revert to noveau to get display.05:35
Fedoration_habbasi: I've had that. Checking http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html are you using the 340 version?05:38
habbasiFedoration_: 361.05:42
Fedoration_In that case I'd try uninstalling 361 and trying 34005:42
koko777how change ident in the xchat-gnome 0.3.005:43
habbasiFedoration_: sudo apt install nvidia-340?05:43
Fedoration_I think so, yes, after you have erased 361 and rebooted.05:43
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habbasiFedoration_: 340 takes me into a weird low graphics mode with a configuration screen. Nothing in there works.05:53
Fedoration_Shame. 340 worked well for me (on elementaryOS and Mint) so I expected it would on regular Ubuntu. Still, we likely have different hardware.05:53
msevworki have this problem http://askubuntu.com/questions/407131/why-is-plymouthd-crashing-on-startup and the solution appears to be chown -R <myusername>:<myusername> /lib/plymouth ...does that mean i type it in like this:   chown -R <msev>:<msev> /lib/plymouth05:58
dconroydidnt click link but you have to remove the <>05:59
dconroyyou probably have to run it with sudo05:59
dconroysudo chown -R msev:msev /lib/plymouth06:00
dconroyit may work but doesnt look like the cleanest solution06:00
msevworkthank dconroy06:02
IronmalAngry ebony mistress whips the face of her slave mercilessly06:13
msevworkdconroy, what do you think about this solution http://askubuntu.com/questions/695761/plymouthd-crashes-on-startup-intel-hd-3000-15-10 which one is better :D06:14
dconroythis one looks better if it is actually the root of the problem06:15
dconroymy main issue with the previous solution is it didnt handle multiple users06:15
dconroyif you are the only user on the box , itll probably work fine06:16
Ironmal"Amazed over that cruel rage. Just loved it !!" "too cruel for me, but i must admit, it makes me rockhard" "So hot. So brutal. Sadistic sexually cruelty makes me load so fucking hard."06:16
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu06:17
Microtraumadunno the syntax06:18
elkywhat are you trying to achieve?06:18
dconroyhes trying to book mark the xhmaster links i think06:18
dconroyor boot the spammer06:19
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msevworkdconroy, the issue is plymouthd sigserv crash in ubuntu gnome 16.0406:27
sebsebsebwow really this channel  no life for a few minutes untill ok just now06:27
dconroyoh, your first link was for ubuntu 13 or somethin old06:27
dconroyis this in a VM?06:28
dconroyif not: try sudo chown -R msev:msev /var/lib/plymouth06:29
dconroyif it is a vm, try disabling 3d acceleration06:29
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Norbinanyone was able to install vmware workstation 12 on 16.04?06:30
Norbinnot install, get it to run, rather06:31
msevworkdconroy, no its a bare metal install of ubuntu gnome 16.04 on a modern machine i5 cpu nvidia gpu and so on06:34
dconroyok well verify the location of the the plymouth library with tab completes06:34
dconroyand change the ownership to your user06:35
dconroysudo chown -R msev:msev /var/lib/plymouth06:35
msevworkdoes the folder have to have files inside?06:36
dconroyto comfirm your problem - you are getting plymouthd crashing with a SIGSEGV on boot?06:37
dconroyif the folder has no files you might not be setting permissions on the right dir06:37
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gebruikerI am out of space06:39
gebruikerHow can I dort for packages that take up most of my space?06:39
dconroyto just find larger files you can use find with -size06:41
dconroyfind / -size +10M -ls06:41
sebsebsebgebruiker: how did you set up virtualbox06:42
sebsebsebgebruiker: as in the vm06:42
sebsebsebgebruiker: speciallfy the hard disk option06:42
gebruiker8 GB kind a the default sebsebseb06:42
dconroyi think by default they auto expand06:42
sebsebsebgebruiker: 8 GB fixed space, not dynamially expanding ?06:42
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gebruikeri thought it would auto expand too06:43
dconroyinstall the gt5 package that gives you human readable usage by directory06:43
gebruikerbut it does not06:43
sebsebsebgebruiker: indeed your stuck with 8GB if you gone for fixed space and put 8GB06:43
alkisggebruiker: what's the output of: df -h06:43
sebsebsebgebruiker: there may be a way to re size anyway, but probably a bit complex, in general it's better ot just go with dyanically expanding06:43
alkisggebruiker: then, sudo apt-get clean; df -h06:43
gebruikeralkisg, hold on a sce06:43
sebsebsebgebruiker: for whateer vm that is installed,  I would  put 40GB  and put dyanially expanding, the vm file itself would usaully remain quite small on the pshyicall hard disk, in  hojme folder hidden folder .virtualbox unless you put a lot into it06:44
alkisgUsually the space goes in ~/Virtualbox VMs06:44
alkisgIn .virtualbox there are only the settings, not the VMs06:44
dconroyi think he is looking for storage solutions on the vm and not the host system06:45
sebsebsebgebruiker: akaWolf I am not sure if any of that will help,  since it's a  fixed size VM that's been put to 8GB space.  it's like a computer thinking a hard disk is only 8GB in space a pshyicall hard disk.  can a pshyicall hard disk ever be resized in the size it is,  no not that I know of06:45
alkisgAnd resizing the vm in the host, solves the guest issue06:45
gebruikeralkisg, /dev/sda1          6,8G     6,4G   15M 100% /06:45
sebsebsebalkisg: not sure that can be done though, when it's a fixed size vm06:45
alkisgDisks can be resized, yes06:45
sebsebsebalkisg: partitons can be, but not a pshyicall hard disk06:46
sebsebsebalkisg: the vm of 8GB is like having a pshyicall hard disk of 8GB06:46
gebruikerwill that work with / on vm without losing data?06:46
alkisgsebsebseb: I've done it, do you claim that I haven't done it?06:46
dconroyVBoxManage modifyhd "path-of-disk-file" --resize 4000006:46
alkisgsebsebseb: you just need to properly update the mbr06:46
sebsebsebalkisg: you hae resized a fixed sized  virtualbox vm, well if so, ok explain to gebruiker how to do that06:47
sebsebsebalkisg: fixed size, not dyanically expanding option06:47
msevworkdconroy, yes i have that problem...i'm not at the machine yet since i'm at work...so just asking in theory :)06:47
alkisgsebsebseb: dconroy already said it06:47
alkisgAfter the physical resize, a partition resize with gparted will be necessary as well06:47
alkisgFixed or dynamic disk doesn't matter at all06:47
dconroyafter you have increased the size of the virtual disk, then you can increase the size of the partition06:47
alkisgWhat dconroy said :)06:48
dconroymaybe a live cd would work06:48
dconroyoooor just nuke it an start over06:48
sebsebsebwell yeah or that, or just nuke it and start over06:48
dconroybefore i learned how to use python virtual env’s i was doing that daily06:49
msevworkdconroy, i also forgot to mention that the whole installation was broken from the start but after sudo apt-get update and some rebuild of in the dpkg it came to life06:49
msevworki dont know how can they ship such a broken version lol06:49
msevworki had to fix it in recovery shell06:49
msevworksuch a pain, it never happened to me on ubuntu06:50
msevworkbefore it was butter smooth06:50
msevworkbut now disregarding a few crashes it works fine the ubuntu gnome06:50
msevworki'm liking the sleekness and design of the apps06:50
dconroythis is my first time in this channel, but i already know im gonna be the “nuke it and start over” guy06:51
gebruikerdconroy, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23273779/06:53
msevworkdconroy, haha :D06:53
msevworkwell i guess i'm more a fixerupper than06:53
msevworki decided not to nuke and pave06:54
msevworkand its working quite good :D06:54
dconroyugh windows06:54
dconroyalright make a copy of it06:54
dconroyrename it to iso06:54
dconroyand try again06:54
msevworkis it safe to upgrade to gnome 3.20 on 16,0406:57
alkisggebruiker: use the .vdi file, not the .vbox file. The vbox is the vm, the vdi is the disk, you want the disk.06:58
alkisgAlso, windows... ugh :D06:58
dconroyglad i told him to make a backup06:58
dconroyhowd i miss that06:59
dconroyoh 2am06:59
gebruikeralkisg, that worked06:59
sebsebsebmsevwork: you can but via  a ppa I think06:59
sebsebsebmsevwork: that  should mostly work ok06:59
dconroyirc needs to retroactively add giphy support06:59
alkisggebruiker: is the disk bigger now, if you use the windows explore and see its size?07:00
gebruikeralkisg, going to boot up07:00
sebsebsebmsevwork: but with ppas slight risk of something eles going wrong, but gnome ppa is quite well tested I belie so should be fine07:00
alkisggebruiker: don't; you need a live cd now07:00
alkisggebruiker: ...to resize the partition07:00
alkisggebruiker: i.e. you need to boot the vm with ubuntu.iso07:00
sebsebsebmsevwork: however by upgrading a 16.04 install to a later GNOME, you basically break it's Long Term Supprot party in a wya07:00
gebruikeralkisg, i thought ext4 would be live resizeable by design?07:00
sebsebsebmsevwork: and 16.10 is out soon as well07:01
alkisggebruiker: ...could be, but why do you want to live in the edge?07:01
sebsebsebmsevwork: partly above07:01
alkisggebruiker: you also need to update the mbr and move the swap partition etc07:01
gebruikeralkisg, i did not know it was on the edge i thought ext4 would be as old as my grandmas boob07:01
gebruikeralkisg, oh okay07:02
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alkisggebruiker: messing with the partitions of a booted system is not stable, old stuff07:02
dconroyhe went there07:02
dconroyrip nana07:02
dconroyif you dont have a live cd handy there are smaller apps that can help with the partition resize07:03
sebsebsebjondo: hi07:04
dconroygparted has a live cd07:04
dconroyi hope this damn vm is worth it lol. you could always attach another drive07:05
msevworksebsebseb, do you think 3.20 will ever be officially backported to 16,0407:13
sebsebsebmsevwork: no never07:14
sebsebsebmsevwork: that would totally break the idea of a LTS as well07:14
sebsebsebmsevwork: altough actsually...07:14
sebsebsebmsevwork: with reason in a few years, when that version of GNOME ships by default,  they might upgrade to a later one, but it's pretty unlikely07:15
msevworkhow would i put this in my path /usr/local/gromacs/bin07:15
sebsebsebsince can use a later relase of Ubuntu GNOME anyyway07:15
msevworkthe executables that are present in that folder07:15
sebsebsebmsevwork: LTS will stay with what it ships with mostly07:15
sebsebsebyou want something later go use the non LTS in general07:15
sebsebsebthe next one is out soonish 16.1007:15
gebruikeralkisg, i resized the partiton with resize2fs but in cfdisk the partition does not show up resized07:17
alkisggebruiker: you need to maximize the partition *before* resize07:18
alkisggebruiker: use ubuntu.iso, run gparted there, and do it graphically07:18
leeyaaguys do you know if ubuntu dapper had iptables module for filtering strings ?07:19
sebsebsebleeyaa: hmm yeah possibly, but that's a rather old releaes now of Ubuntu07:23
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support ended on June 1st 2011. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.07:23
leeyaasebsebseb: i know. i just have a weird case07:23
leeyaasebsebseb: do you know how to find out ?07:23
WOWAWIBOBOBUHallo meine Amerikanischen Kameraden :307:24
sebsebsebleeyaa:  not needed really to do anyth8ing proper with iptables before, and who dose mostly now as well, so nah  can't really help07:24
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!07:24
M412VINwas gehhhhht07:24
WOWAWIBOBOBUnö bleib hier trotzdem drin und spreche deutsch07:25
M412VINhallo timur07:26
WOWAWIBOBOBUhi marvin07:26
WOWAWIBOBOBUwas geht leeyaa07:27
leeyaanein deutch :D07:27
WOWAWIBOBOBUnande (can you speak japanese ;D)07:28
WOWAWIBOBOBUfresse marvfin07:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:29
M412VINdu hälscht dein  schnauze jetzt07:29
WOWAWIBOBOBUgleich gibts auf die fresse :307:29
M412VINim PC raum oder07:30
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu07:30
M412VINbei herr Prinz hahaha07:30
WOWAWIBOBOBUja ich sitz hier direkt neben dir07:30
M412VINi know07:30
WOWAWIBOBOBUder ist zu behindert um des zu bemerken wird schon klappen07:30
WOWAWIBOBOBUyo9u stupid mutterfucker07:31
M412VINalter was07:31
SpookanIgnore works too ducasse.07:31
gmsaydti_hello my friends Im back07:36
modifierMy desktop is really unusable. Upgraded to Kubuntu 16.04.1 last night and resolved some problems with xorg and nvidia. All the errors are now gone and instead of booting into a black screen (after kubuntu load logo) i am now getting a white screen instead. Going startx manually takes me to my old desktop, but it's reeeeally broken.07:37
modifierHmm.. white screen with cursor apparently07:40
leeyaahow to find out when was /lib/iptables/libipt_string.so introduced ?07:40
ducassemodifier: kubuntu uses sddm, right? have you tried reinstalling it?07:40
modifierducasse: purge and install?07:41
ducassemodifier: or 'apt install --reinstall'07:41
modifierducasse: i'll give it a shot07:41
matyyHey, does someone know how KDE programms (in this case Krusader) access MTP devices when run in Unity? I can write onto my phone from nautilus, but when using krusader it says "Disk full."07:42
gebruikeri have 31gb of unallocated space, and I want to add that space to /07:42
gebruikerhow do I do that?07:42
ducassematyy: i think they use something called KIO.07:43
matyyducasse: yeah, I think but only if run under KDE? Cause the addres is: /run/user/1001/gvfs/mtp:host...07:44
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ducassematyy: no idea if it requires a daemon or something.07:44
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RandomNick1333Hi guys, can anyone assist me in installing Ubuntu through a VM? (VM -> physical partition -> Dual boot)07:47
Morientes123Hi, I am a Linux beginner user, tell me please is it possible to use wicd or wpa_supplicant on openbox, with no other desktop environment?07:48
Morientes123If yes, tell me please is there any up to date link to show how to to it step by step? Thank you.07:48
ducasseMorientes123: you can do that, but if you really need a step-by-step guide it might not be a good solution for you.07:50
Morientes123Thank you ducasse, still can you provide please a link with at least some more details? I have been installing only Lubuntu core minimal installation, with nothing else more and than openbox...07:52
modifierducasse: still boots into a white screen and is as broken when i manually startx07:53
ducasseMorientes123: well, 'sudo apt install wicd' would give you wicd, not sure what more you need.07:53
modifierducasse: startkde gives me: $DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the X server07:54
ducassemodifier: never used kde, so i know little about it. you'd probably get more help in #kubuntu if no-one else here can help.07:54
Morientes123Lubuntu-core which I have been using has only http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/lubuntu-core do you think that it couldn't work because of it's minimal packages, tell me please which are the minimum packages for wpa_supplicant to work..07:54
ducassemodifier: you need to start the x server before running startkde07:54
modifierducasse: already trying to get help there, but thanks! :)07:54
ducasseMorientes123: the ones listed as 'depends'07:55
modifierducasse: So running startx might also start kde since it throws me onto my old desktop (altho broken)?07:55
ducassemodifier: depends on your x init files (~/.xinitrc etc)07:56
Morientes123ducasse: the ones listed as "depends" are the only one for wpa_supplicant to work? Not referring for Lubuntu to work...07:56
ducasseMorientes123: 'apt show wpasupplicant' then look at the 'depends' line.07:57
SkylakeMXMorientes123: ofcourse, it is :P07:59
Morientes123Depends for wpasupplicant: libc6, lidbus, libnl, libnl-genl-3-200, libpcsclitel, libredlines6, libssl1.0.0, lsb-base, adduser08:01
Morientes123Unfortunately on http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/lubuntu-core on the packages I have them now is nothing from the wpas depends installed in this moment.. :)08:02
ducasseMorientes123: installing wpasupplicant will also install dependencies.08:02
Morientes123Is it possible to install every each of them manually ?08:03
Morientes123Oh, ok ducasse08:03
Morientes123Tell me please, which is the command to restart the network to start the cable internet connection after I plug in the utp while the system is running, without to restart....08:05
SillypiratoYou shouldnt have to really08:06
ducasseMorientes123: 'sudo systemctl restart networking' should do it.08:07
Morientes123Thank you...08:08
Morientes123Tell me please is there any other way to connect to a hidden wireless network with wpa encryption only from the command line other than wpasupplicant ?08:10
ducasseMorientes123: nmcli maybe? never tried.08:11
SillypiratoMorientes123 what r trying to do ?08:15
Morientes123Sillypirato: :) have been installing only lubuntu-core minimal, after that openbox, and trying to connect to a hidden wifi network with wpa2-psk password :)08:17
SillypiratoMorientes123 oke , right so thats either nm-cli  , wpa_supplicant + dhclient or something like wicd08:17
SillypiratoMorientes123 btw nothing wrong with wpa_supplicant, works wonderful08:18
Morientes123Good Sillypirato all of them are only command line, I will try all of them to see with which one I will can do it...08:18
SillypiratoMorientes123 wel if you have a gui you can insstall nm-applet08:19
Morientes123Sillypirato: I am a beginner, I have been trying for many hours with my knowledge but no result... :)08:19
axerbiumhiya, i'm having lots of problems with iwconfig: power management just refuses to be disabled. I've tried the advice here: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/269661/how-to-turn-off-wireless-power-management-permanently, http://askubuntu.com/questions/606446/power-management-for-wireless-unable-to-turn-off-in-xubunu-15-04-vivid, http://askubuntu.com/questions/85214/how-can-i-prevent-iwconfig-power-management-from-being-turned-o08:19
axerbiumNothing works!08:19
SillypiratoMorientes123 ill help you , well get it working08:20
Morientes123I wouldn't like to use a gui, I will do my best with command line...08:20
Morientes123OK Sillypirato... let;s do it :)08:20
SillypiratoMorientes123 but you have openbox running right ?08:22
Morientes123Sillypirato: I will connect now in here from the laptop which I have to do it, maybe I have to copy-pate something, yes openbox is running, I will come here from it now...08:22
modifierducasse: ran reinstall kubuntu-desktop kde-* plasma-desktop and now it works! even got to keep my old 'theme'08:22
ducassemodifier: good :)08:23
Morientes123Here I am.. :)08:24
SillypiratoMorientes123 does iwconfig show you a network interace ?08:24
modifierducasse: only problem atm is my font when typing. I can see scandic letters fine when i press enter, but when typing they're just question mark symbols. But that really isn't a problem. :)08:25
Morientes123Sillypirato: tell me please it is safe to paste in here what iwconfig is showing ?08:26
ducasseMorientes123: in a terminal?08:26
SillypiratoMorientes123 no, use a pasting service08:26
Morientes123yes, in a terminal..08:26
ducassemodifier: where do you get this? and what font?08:27
modifierducasse: konsole, which i'm currently using for ssh08:27
SillypiratoMorientes123 ah looks good, oke so you want to use wpa_suppliant or nm-cli ?08:28
Robin___To write a file I own, do I still need write access to the file? :)08:28
ducassemodifier: can you try another font?08:28
modifierducasse: could it be UTF-8 problem?08:28
ducassemodifier: not sure, tbh08:28
Morientes123Sillypirato: which one is more uo to date, safty, stable, receive more updates, and so one :) I count on you :)08:28
modifierducasse: Oxygen mono is the font08:29
SillypiratoMorientes123 well eventhough i really like wpa_supplicant lets go with nm-cli , this is the ubuntu way, ill have to check the manual08:29
Morientes123Excellent Sillypirato08:30
SillypiratoMorientes123 btw can you try to start nm-applet from the cli08:31
Morientes123command please Sillypirato08:32
modifierducasse: another font won't fix the problem... and it's really weird it only shows when typing08:32
Robin___What access rights to i need to delete a file in a folder. Isnt it +w to the file and +x to the folder?08:32
SillypiratoMorientes123 nm-applet08:32
Morientes123Excuse me I am a beginner :)08:32
modifierducasse: like ä and ö08:32
ticatiousme too a beginner08:32
ticatioushow to download and istall softwares08:32
modifierOoops, wrong window08:33
ducassemodifier: weird. got no idea what could cause this.08:33
SillypiratoMorientes123 oke and does the machine have internet connection already ?08:33
ducasse!manual | ticatious08:33
ubottuticatious: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:33
Morientes123yes Sillypirato I am on it now, from the cabble...08:34
ticatiousubottu: install softwares and packages08:34
ubottuticatious: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:34
SillypiratoMorientes123 ah great, oke so install that , as root "apt-get install network-manager-gnome"08:34
modifierducasse: ah! encoding problem it was.08:34
modifierducasse: Changed from UTF-8 to baltic ISO and everything is fine now08:35
ungasomebody can giveme somwhere to read or tell me how to deal with .bdf (bitmap fonts) in ubunut ? I have this in /etc/fonts/conf.d08:35
ungaand that font leggie, shows up say in gnome-terminal08:36
modifierducasse: thanks for support :)08:36
SillypiratoMorientes123 when that is done try running it again08:36
ungabut I want add moar fonts08:36
pandaadbHi :) Glad to hear 16.10 is coming. I assume X.org 1.19 didn't make it in?08:36
Morientes123Sillypirato: maybe sorry, the wpa_supplicant is more minimalist, and more direct, with no more installs than nm-cli ? My apologises a combination of safty an minimal ?08:36
ducassemodifier: maybe you had a non-utf8 locale set?08:36
Morientes123I would like to keep it as simple as possible or even for wpas I need "apt-get install network-manager-gnome"08:37
modifierducasse: could be.. i vaguely remember fussing up with UTF-8 at some point08:37
SillypiratoMorientes123 no worries , this is tiny08:37
Morientes123Good Sillypirato, I will install it08:37
ticatioushow to download and istall softwares08:37
Sillypiratoticatious https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/software-center/08:38
ducassemodifier: 'locale' will tell you08:38
ducassepandaadb: try #ubuntu+108:39
SillypiratoMorientes123 and i get it , i dont like all the junk either, my systems are a simple as can be08:39
Robin___This is fucked up. I need +w file to delete a file right?08:39
Robin___+w access right08:39
Robin___and it should be enough with +x access to the folder?08:40
Morientes123Super Sillypirato ;) after installing netowrk manager http://paste.ubuntu.com/23274063/08:40
SillypiratoMorientes123 ah oke , sudo systemctl start NetworkManager.service08:41
Morientes123And still "thinking"...08:41
SillypiratoMorientes123 thats the modern way of doing it , would expect it to be running but oke08:42
SillypiratoMorientes123 does it accept that ?08:42
Morientes123After sudo systemctl start NetworkManager.service08:42
Morientes123No message...08:43
Morientes123Now nm-applet08:43
Morientes123And... thinking...08:43
SillypiratoMorientes123 oke that sounds good, it should spawn an icon08:43
Morientes123No message, and neither the possibilty to write other command...08:43
Morientes123The cursor is blinking at the beginning, without the username and host in front of it...08:44
SillypiratoMorientes123 do you ssee an icon in the bottom or anything like that08:44
Morientes123Should I ctrl+c or let it like that...08:44
Morientes123Uf Sillypirato no icon... :)08:45
Morientes123In the system try ?08:45
Morientes123down right ?08:45
SillypiratoMorientes123 yes thats what i would expect though it needs somewhere to dock and im not too familiar with openbox08:45
Morientes123Uf Sillypirato openbox.... no taskbar...08:46
Morientes123nothing at all only windows...08:46
SillypiratoMorientes123 ah oke maybe you setup something like docker08:46
Morientes123no desktop environment...08:46
Morientes123Maybe... :)08:46
SillypiratoMorientes123 well thats the lazy way of doing it , will you need to be able to switch wireless every day or often ?08:47
Morientes123Mmmm, not so often..08:47
SillypiratoMorientes123 because thats what its useful for , to have it auto switch networks and stuff and i would suggest for a beginner to use something like it , with wpa_suppplicant it surely works but you will have to connect it manually08:49
SillypiratoMorientes123 thats up to you really, but something like docker is useful for applets08:50
Morientes123I would like to learn to do it manully, is it extremly hard, and do you have enough time to explain to me ?08:50
Morientes123docker is the only way, and the simplest one for a beginner is it right ?08:51
SillypiratoMorientes123 pretty much yes08:51
SillypiratoMorientes123 but it can certainly be done manual nor is that hard08:51
Morientes123If you have enough time, we could try...08:52
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ducasseMorientes123: you could also use stalonetray08:52
SillypiratoAh thats a good suggestion ^08:52
Sillypiratocan you expand on that ducasse08:52
Morientes123ducasse: it's the first time I am hearing of docker and stalonetray :)08:52
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Morientes123I have to more hours for that for the beginning, if someone is available to try it together...08:53
ducasseMorientes123: it's basically just a system tray, intended for use along with a wm08:54
Morientes123ok... ducasse08:54
Sillypiratoshould be in the standard repo right08:54
ducassethink so.08:55
ducasse!info stalonetray08:55
ubottustalonetray (source: stalonetray): Standalone freedesktop.org and KDE systray implementation. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-1 (xenial), package size 64 kB, installed size 204 kB08:55
Sillypiratojust try to install it with apt-get and lets see if we can spawn the nm-applet on it08:55
Morientes123sudo apt-get install stalonetray08:55
modifierducasse: en_US UTF-8 :P08:55
Morientes123ok ?08:55
Sillypirato@ducasse , good tip , ill try that on my fvwm box08:56
Morientes123Done sudo apt-get install stalonetray08:56
modifiergtg, cu08:56
Morientes123And after nm-applet, thinking, no result still08:57
SillypiratoMorientes123 great , try to start that from a new terminal08:57
SillypiratoMorientes123 after that run nm-applet08:57
SillypiratoMorientes123 in a new window08:57
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Morientes123Sillypirato: run it in a new window, and no message and go on, no thinking like in the old windows...08:58
Morientes123*old terminal window08:58
ducasseMorientes123: did you start stalonetray first?08:58
Morientes123ducasse: nope08:59
CVirusMorning, I had a failed upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04 and then I somehow managed to fix it using recovery mode and apt full-upgrade ... But I think the packages that were removed from xenial are still there, like for instance the ubuntu software center .. How can I get rid of those?08:59
SillypiratoMorientes123 first you start the tray tool , then in a new window run nm-applet08:59
Morientes123Sillypirato: ducasse command please?08:59
SillypiratoMorientes123 if that all works we can automate its startup n stuff08:59
ducasseMorientes123: 'stalonetray &' i expect09:00
Sillypiratoit should pop up a new tray on your desktop09:00
Morientes123'stalonetray &' i expect stalonetray &: command not found09:01
ducasseMorientes123: paste what is inside '...' only09:02
SillypiratoMorientes123 looks like it isnt installed09:02
SillypiratoMorientes123 try installing it again with apt-get install stalonetray09:03
ducasseSillypirato: he pasted everything - including quotes09:03
Sillypiratooh lol09:03
Morientes123sudo -i09:04
SillypiratoMorientes123 ah just follow up on that , apt-get install iprint09:04
SillypiratoMorientes123 and it needs a config file09:04
ducasseMorientes123: you don't paste 'i expect' - that was _text_!09:04
Sillypiratolisten to this fella ^ :P09:05
Morientes123Done apt-get install iprint09:05
Sillypiratohere steal this config file and save it to .stalonetrayrc https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100782109:06
Morientes123new terminal09:06
SillypiratoMorientes123 it wants a config file we need to feed it that first09:06
SillypiratoMorientes123 that basically describes its layout and behaviour09:07
Morientes123OOO, when I windows+d I have just seen in the left up an icooon :) guess waht :)09:07
SillypiratoMorientes123 oh good09:07
Morientes123the wireless connections :)09:07
Morientes123Good :)09:07
SillypiratoMorientes123 basically you want to autostart nm-applet on boot09:07
ducasseMorientes123: there is a sample config in /usr/share/doc/stalonetray/examples/stalonetrayrc.sample.gz if you want to make it nicer later09:08
SillypiratoMorientes123 and networkmanager is not autostarting, you want to fix that09:08
Morientes123ducasse: tell me please you are referring to make the networkmanager nicer ? :)09:08
Morientes123Sillypirato: can you tell me please how ?09:09
ducasseMorientes123: the tray09:09
Sillypirato@Morientes123 do this ; sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager.service09:09
Sillypirato@Morientes123 it will autostart networkmanager the service , then you will need to lookup how to auto start things in openbox and add nm-applet to that09:10
Morientes123ok ducasse, Sillypirato done...09:10
gabriel_aweany pantaho users?09:10
Sillypirato@Morientes123 http://openbox.org/wiki/Help:Autostarthttp://openbox.org/wiki/Help:Autostart09:10
Sillypiratowoops http://openbox.org/wiki/Help:Autostart09:10
Sillypiratokeyrepeat rate is too high on this damn buttonplate09:10
Sillypirato@Morientes123 just add in " nm-applet & " whereever they tell you you should, after that reboot and see if that all works09:12
Sillypiratoalso dont forget that tray if you are using it09:12
Sillypiratothe & basically means; run in background09:12
Morientes123ok Sillypirato, I am trying now :)09:13
Sillypiratoducasse ty09:15
chinychinchinHELP - luks uefi lvm root filesystem does not boot - no password prompt allowed09:19
=== daniel is now known as Guest50970
chinychinchindoes Xenial work using an luks encrypted lvm root filesystem09:24
k1lchinychinchin: afaik that is the standard if you choose "encrypt my system" on the installer.09:26
gabriel_aweany pentaho users?09:28
k1lgabriel_awe: you might have more luck in the pentaho channels? (if they have irc channels)09:29
chinychinchink1l: i have a custon partition scheme - /boot /boot/efi and /dev/nvm0n1p3 as the encrypt09:32
baash05Hey guys/girls09:40
baash05I got a small echo script that I'm trying to figure out how to store as a variable.  echo $TEXT | grep -o 'api-\S*\W*api\.prod-aws\.mysite\.com\W*255'09:40
baash05I'm wondering if anyone could give me a hand with this.. I think it's a simple09:41
splashingcan someone hack in my fucking computer???09:42
hateballbaash05: variable=yourstring09:42
Sillypiratosplashing just ask the question09:42
ppfbaash05: by wrapping it in $()09:43
baash05I tried that.09:43
baash05one sec..09:43
ppfso why aren't you happy with it?09:43
dodo3773baash05: have you tried backticks09:43
ppfdodo3773: don't use backticks09:44
dodo3773ppf: Why not?09:44
baash05answer=$( $TEXT | grep -o 'api-\S*\W*api\.prod-aws\.mysite\.com\W*255' )09:44
baash05FQDN:: command not found09:44
baash05FQDN is the first bit of data in text09:44
ppfdodo3773: because you can't nest them09:44
dodo3773baash05: what is $TEXT?09:44
ppfbaash05: you're missing an echo there09:44
dodo3773ppf: ah09:44
Morientes123Thank you very much Sillypirato and ducasse09:45
ppfbaash05: what shell is this?09:45
baash05standard ubuntu terminal.. Gnome09:45
baash05But that last thing worked.09:45
dodo3773baash05: Yeah, sounds like ppf is right. $(echo $TEXT)09:45
baash05I was sure I tried that.09:46
ppfecho $0 tells you the shell09:46
dodo3773baash05: or why not just grep $TEXT without the pipe?09:46
SillypiratoMorientes123 you r welcome, always good to help a fellow linux user getting started09:47
baash05show pls :)09:47
ppfbaash05: grep [...] <<< $TEXT09:47
Morientes123One question please, now the machine is booting a command line terminal, tell me please is it possible only for one wireless conecctions to start firefox directly from console without to use openbox or any other envrinoment ?09:47
ppf<<< is posix i think, so should work in dash as well09:47
baash05I'll give it a go.09:47
dodo3773ppf beat me to it09:47
ducasseMorientes123: not firefox, no. it requires x.09:48
SillypiratoMorientes123 well you need something that can do  the rendering , hence the desktop09:48
dodo3773dash? What is dash?09:48
ubottu/bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using  BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash | See also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh09:49
Morientes123oook, any other browser can do that ? :)09:49
SillypiratoMorientes123 there are cli browsers but dont expect more than text ;)09:49
baash05COOL.. THANKS.09:49
dodo3773So, it's for cross-compatibility in case someoen somehow doesn't have bash I guess09:49
Sillypiratolynx is one such browser09:49
FManlinks is another09:50
baash05Oops.. didn't mean to yel09:50
k1lMorientes123: what is the reason for you wanting to launch firefox on cli?09:50
dodo3773Sillypirato: some cli based have pictures too09:50
Morientes123:) minimalist, and simplicity :)09:50
Sillypiratowebbrowsers are about the only gui i use which is fine09:50
Morientes123but no chance for audio or video streaming for those kind of browser, right ?09:51
Sillypiratohaving an openbox setup like yours has such low footprint that its about as fast and minial as it gets09:51
Morientes123for example youtube... :)09:51
dodo3773I think the cli browser with pictures is links like FMan said09:51
Morientes123oook Sillypirato, openbox is the best ! :)09:51
baash05final solution  answer=$(grep -o 'api-\S*\W*api\.prod-aws\.mysite\.com\W*255' <<< $TEXT | grep -o 'api-\S*' )09:52
baash05Looks ugly as.09:52
SillypiratoThere is really no need to toss the entire WM overboard , if you want to go even more minimal I suggest looking up dwm/awesome/i309:52
dodo3773Morientes123: No I don't know of any with video / audio. At least not without some 3rd party app being called like mplayer or youtube-dl etc..etc...09:52
Sillypiratoyeah thats making hard on yourself ^09:53
dodo3773Morientes123: Also, openbox world domination! ;P09:53
dodo3773Sillypirato: Yeah, I agree. Chromium works fine for me *shrug*09:53
Morientes123Great guys, I understand...09:54
Sillypiratonow all you need is xcompmgr to make you look like a hacker09:54
Sillypiratodont forget green on black terminals09:54
dodo3773green on black for life09:54
Sillypiratothe pirate needs smokes, just drop in if there is anything Morientes12309:55
Morientes123:)) don't intend that, any kind of hacker for the moment, white, gray or black..09:55
dodo3773with blue and red shades for zsh  of course09:55
dodo3773and different shades of green for different parts of commands09:56
Morientes123Sorry Sillypirato, I am not so good at jokes :)09:57
dodo3773zsh-autosuggestion and zsh-syntax-highlighting with a good .zshrc and I'm loving it09:57
SillypiratoOh yes me too, i cant do without that completion09:58
dodo3773oh and completions gotta have completions09:58
dodo3773Sillypirato: Yes!09:58
SillypiratoI destroy tab keys if it doesnt09:58
SillypiratoCOMPLETE DAMN U09:58
dodo3773seriously though09:58
Sillypiratoyeah its wonderful , complete commands and all ,couldnt do without09:58
dodo3773I forget sometimes when on a different machine and i'm left dumbfounded for a minute09:58
Sillypiratoauto capital correction , and we r getting offtopic, sory mods :P09:59
dodo3773this was fun I should come on here more often09:59
dodo3773well, i'm off. take care everyone10:00
SillypiratoI decided jumping in every so often and just help some random dude just for heck of it10:00
dodo3773Sillypirato: me too. This is where I started so good to come back and help10:00
dodo3773Helped me a lot in the beginning. A lot a lot10:00
dodo3773Okay later10:01
Morientes123Sillypirato: I am alowed to ask in here about tinycore ?10:02
SillypiratoMorientes123 some mod will kick ur ass10:04
ducasseMorientes123: try ##linux10:04
Morientes123I understand, now tell me please I don't have any sound... :))10:05
Morientes123I haven't got at all from the begining of reformating and installing lubuntu-core +openbox10:05
Morientes123Some commands please ? :)10:05
ducasseMorientes123: if you want to run such a minimal install you *will* need to read a lot of docs, not expect someone here to set everything up for you. just saying...10:06
Morientes123Roger that ducasse10:06
ducasseMorientes123: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=203674910:07
Morientes123Perfect ducasse10:07
=== NoJoke is now known as Zer0Pings
dullbozwr"Your worst enemy is not Jews, White Man, but your own females.” -- Andrew Anglin, publisher of the #1 Alt Right website10:08
juanonymoushow do you use curl -o?10:09
juanonymouswhat does this means btw? curl: option --output: requires parameter10:09
juanonymouswhen it says it requires a parameter?10:09
Morientes123ducasse: one more time please the link with how to make the taskbar to look nicer10:09
ikoniait wants a parameter10:10
ducassejuanonymous: 'curl -o filename ...'10:10
ducasseMorientes123: sample config is in /usr/share/doc/stalonetray/examples/stalonetrayrc.sample.gz10:10
juanonymousso i cant use it like to fetch info from a site?10:10
ikoniayes you can10:11
ducassejuanonymous: -o is output, iirc10:11
juanonymoussomething like curl -o wttr.io/weater10:11
ikoniaman curl10:11
juanonymousok thanks btw10:13
juanonymousis it possible to eliminate this curly braces btw here10:16
juanonymouswhile calling to curl10:16
juanonymouslike this for example10:17
juanonymous  "ip": "",10:17
juanonymous  "hostname": "No Hostname",10:17
juanonymous  "city": "Momoyama-cho",10:17
juanonymous  "region": "Kyoto",10:17
ducasse!paste | juanonymous10:18
ubottujuanonymous: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:18
ducassejuanonymous: is that what you get from curl? looks like json.10:19
juanonymousis this possible to call out this curly brace using curl10:19
juanonymousyes it is json10:19
ducassejuanonymous: 'call out'?10:19
juanonymousi mean erase10:20
juanonymouserase the curly brace using curl10:20
ducassejuanonymous: not with curl, but you could use something like sed, awk or grep10:21
ticatiousextracting and configuring files on ubuntu10:21
ducassejuanonymous: or just feed to json to jq to parse it10:21
somaReve1Hi, why does my OOM killer not do its job when memory resource becomes intense?10:22
somaReve1 it doesn't kill the probematic process which consumes 10GB memory and leads the system to an uninteractive state10:22
somaReve1Xorg becomes 'D' when memory resource is intense10:22
juanonymoushmmm could you fetch out data from sites using grep btw?10:23
ticatiousextracting and configuring files on ubuntu10:23
ducassejuanonymous: curl+grep, yes.10:24
ducasseticatious: you need to ask a question10:24
juanonymousfor example regarding with this one ipinfo.io10:24
cerionsomaReve1: http://askubuntu.com/a/402940/35000410:24
juanonymoushow could i combine curl+grep there?10:24
juanonymouscurl ipinfo.io/data | grep10:25
skinuxWhere are unix socket files intended to be placed? I'm trying to configure PHP-FPM socket file to be at /var/run/php but PHP-FPM says it cannot find to that address10:30
ducassejuanonymous: if you're getting json then jq would probably be a better choice than grep10:30
skinuxI need to get this working so I can continue development of my products.10:30
ikoniaskinux: you can put it where you want10:31
skinuxWhy can't PHP-FPM bind to /var/run/php then?10:31
ikoniait doesn't bind10:31
juanonymouscould i combine curl with jq?10:31
skinuxERROR: unable to bind listening socket for address10:31
skinuxApparently it does10:31
juanonymoussomething like that?10:31
ikoniaskinux: no it doesn't10:31
ikoniaskinux: thats because there is something already listening (probably the web server)10:31
ducassejuanonymous: curl ... | jq ...10:31
skinuxWhy would Apache be listening at /var/run.php7.0-fpm.sock?10:32
skinuxI mean /var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock *10:32
ikoniaskinux: who said it's the socket10:32
ikoniaskinux: also look at the basics, eg: the permissions10:33
ducassejuanonymous: the docs for jq are good - https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/v1.5/10:33
juanonymousok thanks ducasse10:33
ikonia /var/run/php - can the php service access that file system10:33
clu3guys suddenly all of my file system becomes "Read-only file system". I'm still on that box now10:38
clu3any help pls?10:38
k1lclu3: look into "dmesg" what is happening there10:39
clu3[69759.401660] type=1701 audit(1475577572.007:8647): auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=17613 comm="chrome" reason="seccomp" sig=0 syscall=311 ip=0xb17e6424 code=0x5000110:39
clu3i see messages like this, very cryptic to me10:39
somaReve1cerion: cool, thanks10:40
k1lclu3: "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the url here10:40
hacker454whats that10:41
hacker454may i know ur speed10:41
k1lclu3: journal commit I/O error10:42
skinuxI already set proper permission and ownership on the php directory under /var/run10:42
k1lthat is worrying me10:42
jouleshi anyone use ubuntu server?10:42
ikoniaskinux: have you verified the process can access it10:42
ikoniajoules: many people10:42
=== dwsr_ is now known as dwsr
skinuxHow would I do that?10:43
clu3yep, @k1l is my hdd in trouble ~10:43
k1lclu3: yes.10:43
joulesI'm looking for cpufreq modules for my intel processor10:43
ikoniaskinux: what account is the prefork process running as10:43
clu3should i backup data now ...10:43
k1lclu3: yes, asap10:43
ikoniaskinux: can the www-data account access and create a file in that directory10:43
skinuxWell, I have permissions set so it should be able to, but how do I test that?10:44
ikoniaskinux: give the user accont a valid shell and become that user10:44
skinuxI don't know how to do that10:45
ikoniaskinux: what does the fpm logs show10:45
joulesI am unable to set the frequency governor with ubuntu servers default kernel...10:45
joulessurely not10:45
ppfskinux: sudo -H $user sh10:45
skinuxTHat log is empty10:45
SillypiratoThats hard to believe10:45
ikoniajoules: define unable10:45
joulesno or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU10:45
Sillypiratowhat cpu do you have ?10:46
skinuxsudo: www-data: command not found10:46
ikoniajoules: is the acpi_cpufreq module loaded10:46
ikoniajoules: how did you confirm that10:46
jouleswait no10:46
rexwin_how do I convert amr file to mp3 file?10:47
joulesmodprobe acpi_cpufreq doesn't give an error but it doesn't seem to load.10:48
Rajkuse handbrake app10:48
ikoniahandbrake is not an audio converter10:48
popeyRajk: using ffmpeg10:48
popeyoops, I mean rexwin_ :)10:48
Sillypiratolsmod | grep acpi10:48
ikoniajoules: ok, so there is the bit you've got to work out first10:48
rexwin_Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 (Audio: mp3, 0 channels, s16p): unspecified frame size Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize' options10:48
rexwin_when I try to use ffmpeg10:48
jouleslol no insmod says "insmod: ERROR: could not load module acpi_cpufreq: No such file or directory"10:48
skinuxI can't seem to put it ANYWHERE!10:49
skinuxPissing me off10:49
QuezzonHi ppl, a newbee here. I would like to learn more about Linux, any tips (Besides trying)10:49
joulesthe kernel/drivers/cpufreq module directory is sparse.10:49
popeyrexwin_: what version of ubuntu?10:50
rexwin_Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS10:50
QuezzonUbuntu Mate right now10:50
Z0rkelI just reinstalled ubuntu and ran into an odd problem, I installed cinnamon and mate but think I made a small mistake somewhere or rather quite sure actually. I wonder how can I purge cinnamon/mate and make a proper installation of those desktops? (using 16.04.1)10:51
ducasse!manual | Quezzon10:51
ubottuQuezzon: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/10:51
joulesso it's compiled into the kernel anyhow.10:51
joulesso are all the governors..10:51
popeyrexwin_: you sure it's an amr file, looks like it thinks it's an mp3?10:52
QuezzonThx ubottu! and ducasse10:52
joulesdefault governor is performance lol10:52
QuezzonI do think I know the basics but I do not know where to start to get a step furter10:52
popeyrexwin_: seems possibly a bug in ffmpeg where it can't properly identify file content10:54
skinuxWhat does sudo -H do?10:54
rexwin_let me try another ubuntu version10:54
popeyskinux: "man sudo" and read the bit about -H ?10:55
popey(it's default on Ubuntu)10:55
skinuxEither way, it didn't work10:56
ducasseQuezzon: there's a good debian book at https:/debian-handbook.info, the arch wiki is good, as is the ubuntu wiki.10:56
dknight87anybody used sensu here? not getting much assistance on the sensu channel10:57
skinuxNo matter where I put it it says unable to bind listening socket to address10:58
Sillypiratopermissions or in use ^10:59
Sillypiratowhich port is it and r u using sudo10:59
AnonProtestBROi, bom dia.11:04
k200why secret mario chronicels is not in repo of 16.04 ??11:18
UbuntuDudehow come I get the same LibreOffice application entry on the dash whether I type Libre or excel?11:18
UbuntuDudehow to change that behavior and contron which keyword shows which applications?11:18
popeyk200: because it looks like it was removed from debian, so was removed from ubuntu when we synced at some point11:19
awareness-kindneCan I write messages?11:21
awareness-kindneYes I can, ok good.11:21
=== Microtrauma is now known as SpectralRebel
awareness-kindneUpdating package ubuntu-drivers-common to latest version makes my laptop computer fan to go on high speed. This happens even if there is no system load or cpu load.11:22
awareness-kindneI have reported this bug but they don't care much. Now I must update the package to latest version because otherwise I can't login. How can I fix my laptop fan speed?11:23
jouleshi, sorry. is it normal for ubuntu to compile cpufreq drivers itno the kernel?11:24
joulesok so it was a bios option that fixed it11:29
TomyWorkcan "systemctl restart systemd-logind" break stuff, forcing a reboot?11:34
TomyWorkmy sshd  is stalling at "debug1: Entering interactive session." and http://superuser.com/a/917629 suggests to run that command. strace supports the underlying hypothesis that sshd is communicating with some dbus service at the time it's stalling11:37
ppfTomyWork: if it broke something, how bad would that be? just give it a try?11:38
TomyWorkok it worked and didnt break anything :)11:39
SillypiratoTomyWork can you explain how you are trying to login ?11:42
TomyWorkssh -Tv git@my-gitlab-host11:44
TomyWorksshing into other users is the same though11:45
TomyWorkbut that command solved the problem, so...11:45
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
faekjarzHey there! I upgraded from Ubuntu Gnome 15.10 to 16.04: now i can't calculate simple equations any more in the …ehm… that exposé thing, when i press the super key, you know (?) Is that functionality externalised into a shell extension, or how do i get that back?11:52
lordcirthfaekjarz, I never new the Dash could do that.  However, I use SpeedCrunch for equation solving11:58
vegombreihiya folks11:59
* vegombrei cant get mkv files to play, think im missinga codec or something, it only plays audio no video can anybody help me fix this please12:00
faekjarzlordcirth: haha, well it did, i'll research SpeedCrunch now ;)12:00
k1l_faekjarz: it still works for unity. but i dont know about ubuntu gnome12:01
vegombreique passa12:02
LosPupvegombrei: If it needs HEVC, this worked for me. http://askubuntu.com/questions/631200/unable-to-play-hevc-files-on-ubuntu-14-04-lte12:03
faekjarzk1l_: DOH, silly me! Yes, Gnome still does it too. (lordcirth) …i overlooked that scroll bar …it's all the way to the bottom m)12:03
mysticToti tried to use systemd-networkd12:04
mysticTotbut i messed up12:04
mysticToti have no internet access in my machine  righ now12:04
faekjarzOK, next question: how do i disable those "App Store" search results in Gnome Dashboard?12:06
vegombreiLosPup: didnt work, i tried both ways in the url you sent me12:19
vegombreiLosPup: you think i need to medibuntu??12:19
=== mll_ is now known as mll
vegombreiLosPup: u there ?12:22
* vegombrei cant get mkv files to play, think im missinga codec or something, it only plays audio no video can anybody help me fix this please12:22
Ben64install mpv12:22
vegombreimpv doesnt work either12:23
Ben64pastebin the output of it12:23
vegombreiwhat output?12:23
Ben64when you do "mpv file.mkv"12:23
vegombreiits just a black screen with only audio and no video12:23
vegombreiah ok in terminal12:24
Spookanvegombrei: Dosent vlc play it?12:25
vegombreiBen64: http://pastebin.com/szXeJ97412:26
Ben64uh, well you actually have to put in the proper file12:27
vegombreiSpookan: nope, tried everything with vlc too adding repos updating it, also the libde plugin etc12:27
ioriavegombrei, ^ Ben6412:28
vegombreiBen64: im sorry i didnt get that12:28
vegombreii did give the path to the corrct file12:28
Ben64see all the errors about not being able to find a bunch of things12:28
Ben64because you didn't escape spaces, and you didn't put a file in at all12:28
Ben64use tab to complete things12:29
fireman__Jordan_U: hello jordan, do yo remember me?12:30
jackhumi just have installed 16.04 and at some places in my firefox and system i notice text rendered as boxes . what is the problem here , how to tackle this?12:32
cfhowlettONLY in ffox?12:32
fireman__Jordan_U: On my keyboard i found button for switch the wifi I was try press it and then my laptop turn to airplane mode, so i think its some trouble on my keyboard's driver12:33
jackhumcfhowlett: yeah, in firefox , and i some window dialog too , i noticed it i guess but i cant remember12:33
jackhumbut is boxes . i am guessing its kind of language or font problem12:33
cfhowlettjackhum, what language do you need?12:34
jackhumhow to figure out the real problem and solve it?12:34
vegombreiBen64: so i cpoied the file to desktop .. is this the right command?  mpv /home/vegombrei/Desktop/House of Cards S03E01 Chapter 27 (1080p x265 Joy).mkv.12:34
jackhumcfhowlett: i am indian , so i think all the indian languages?12:34
cfhowlettjackhum, and did you install those languages??12:34
jackhumcfhowlett: when installing , i didnt had internet connection so , i unchecked all the language marks etc12:35
cfhowlettjackhum, ah. I would guess your language support is in need of attention now that you have access.12:35
jackhumcfhowlett: so , how can i solve it ? any command on terminal that i can execute and whooshj?12:36
faekjarzvegombrei: your mpv parameter (the /path/to\ the\ file) is nor escaped - spaces need a backslash!12:36
Ben64vegombrei: needs to be escaped or in quotes. again, use tab12:36
cfhowlettjackhum, go to your dash, type in "language" no quote marks.  the language support utility should be one of the choices.  launch it and add and/or apply your languages as needed.12:37
Ben64although from the filename i see the problem12:37
AraceliBradleyHello guys........12:38
jackhumcfhowlett: should i install all the languages ? because website do consist pages with different type of language? :D12:39
cfhowlettjackhum, I guessing some of the websites you use need a particular font that is currently missing ...12:40
vegombreione sec ill try again ... im a noob guys just installed ubuntu like a week ago12:40
Ben64vegombrei: which version12:40
jackhumcfhowlett: do i need restart my computer for changes to take effects?12:41
nadekoCan I request help? So, I have two GPU in my PC, one is NVIDIA, and intel is another. So, if I want to use intel one exclusively for my monitor, how do I do it?12:41
cfhowlettjackhum, as a last resort12:41
faekjarzvegombrei: tab-completion should do that for you, automatically …or use quotes: those → ""12:41
LosPupvegombrei: I'm assuming you are using Ubuntu and VLC.  You can act like you are using Windows or a Mac GUI,  open a file folder with media you want to play, open VLC app, click media icon "whateverTVshow" and drag it on to the VLC player and drop or release it.12:41
Ben64vegombrei: great12:42
jackhumcfhowlett: thanks12:42
cfhowlettjackhum, happy2help!12:43
nadekomm... sorry. the right term should be graphic card, is it?12:44
jackhumcfhowlett: is there any way i can make my ubuntu start in clean way without showing error logs , when i start my ubuntu there is always 2-3 lines of error ,  i know it doesnt matter , but can i like wipe out those annoying messages , ?12:45
cfhowlettjackhum, yeah, but you are advised to just live with the few seconds of annoyance rather than silence important msg's.12:46
AraceliBradleymy friend want to upgrade his 14.04 to 16.04, how big average data used to do it via software updater? and which the best way, fresh install or upgrade?12:46
Ben64vegombrei: in order to get h265 videos working, you'll need to add this PPA and install mpv from the new repo. it should update after adding the PPA and running "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" https://launchpad.net/~mc3man/+archive/ubuntu/mpv-tests12:46
cfhowlettAraceliBradley, I suggest clean install.  the .iso will be around 1.5 gb these days iirc12:46
ppfwhy not upgrade12:49
ppfit works most of the time :)12:50
jackhumcfhowlett: right now i am loving 16.04 for the lack of AMD graphics support . As my laptop has two graphics intel hd 3000 and AMD 7670M my laptop used to give only 1 hour backup earlier when i was using 14.04 because both of my graphics were completely running.12:50
ppfjackhum: you can deactivate the dedicated graphics gard12:50
ppfthrough the bios and usually through software as well12:51
AraceliBradley<cfhowlett> ok, then we need backup Home directory. please share your experience.12:51
jackhumcfhowlett: i tried lots of solutions but never managed to get them work with 14.04 . but now in 16.04 i read that AMD graphics are not supported. I dont use dedicated Gpu a lot12:51
ppfAraceliBradley: that's orthogonal. you need to back up your home directory either way12:51
ppfyou also should be doing that regularily12:51
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vegombreiBen64: eureka !!! it worked12:52
jackhumppf , how can i turn that off completely , i read somewhere that currently AMD is not supported but they will upgrade it to support AMD . How can i make sure that even after upgrades my AMD is always turned off , giving me 3 hrs of backup which i am loving :)12:52
vegombreiBen64: that last thing i did with ppa fixed my player dude thanks soooo much man12:53
ppfamd is supported12:53
ppfboot your bios, you should be able to switch it of12:53
* vegombrei thanks all for all your help .. gonna go watch my show now thanks again 12:53
Ben64vegombrei: no problem12:53
jackhumppf: no , i dont have any option to switch it off in bios menu12:54
fireman__Hello all, my wifi hardblocked and maybe its because of wifi button on keyboard work for airplane mode, anybody have same experience? And solving its promblem?12:54
jackhumppf: when i installed 16.04 fresh i was like , thank god my laptop is not getting overheated as it was in 14.0412:54
cfhowlett!home | AraceliBradley12:55
ubottuAraceliBradley: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving12:55
ppfmaybe it turned of the dedicated card automatically12:55
ppftry this: sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch12:55
ppfcfhowlett: that's not really what AraceliBradley asked for12:56
AraceliBradley<ppf> actually, fresh install the safest way to avoid app incompatibility and misconfiguration12:56
kurowaSo. I have a driver problem. Using NVIDIA graphic card in laptop, optimus.12:58
kurowaThe intel one doesn't appear.12:58
=== julian is now known as Guest64479
jackhumppf: aah, i remember getting this answer from all the internet forums ,. sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch , but there is not file named this right now , and also not when i was with 14.0412:59
kurowamore exactly, Unknown: Unknown under Software & Updates, Additional Driver.12:59
Guest64479hi, i successfully installed ubuntu mate on a separate partition but now I can't boot windows 7 as my pc boots straight into ubuntu... what should I try?13:00
ppfAraceliBradley: sure13:00
jackhumi just love not making my laptop stress out on dedicated graphics when i am using ubuntu , i am just a simple developer, no need of using GPU :P13:00
cerionjackhum: you should have a menu (grub) to boot other OS too at boot13:01
ppfjackhum: sudo grep -i switcheroo /boot/config-*13:01
jackhumcerion: yes13:01
jackhumcerion: i use burg13:01
cerionGuest64479: ^13:01
jackhumcerion: burg - ubuntu + windows13:01
cerionjackhum: yep sorry13:01
Guest64479cerion: i don't get a grub bootloader menu, it just goes straight into ubuntu13:02
jackhumppf: CONFIG_VGA_SWITCHEROO=y13:02
ppfokay. lsmod | grep -e amd -e radeon13:03
cfhowlett!grub2 | Guest64479, do you have an ubuntu boot USB?  if so ...13:03
ubottuGuest64479, do you have an ubuntu boot USB?  if so ...: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:03
ppfcfhowlett: please read properly what people ask13:04
Guest64479thanks, i will give that a read13:04
jackhumppf: what are you making me do by these commands ?13:04
ppfGuest64479: no need, that doesn't cover your problem13:04
ppfjackhum: check if your kernel can do gpu switching and if the drivers are loaded13:04
AraceliBradley<fireman__> yes i have that experience, my network special key use fn+f3, the fn key not work, maybe dead, but ubuntu network manager did awesome magic, i can switch it off and on just a click way, but when i switch to window i can't turn on my wifi13:04
ppfGuest64479: you do have grub, but by default its set to silent and will boot ubuntu directly13:05
ppfGuest64479: you can change that behaviour in /etc/default/grub13:05
jackhumppf: lspci | grep VGA , this gives me two GPU output , 1 AMD radeon , other INTEL HD13:05
ppfjackhum: yes, but this is about the drivers, not the hardware13:06
ppfwhich outcome would you like to achieve btw13:06
=== Microtrauma is now known as acatre
Guest64479ppf: which setting do i change to enable the menu? to avoid screwing anything up13:07
jackhumppf: i am thinking of not switching on my dedicated GPU at all , i dont know if i use it . i dont use ubuntu for playing games and stuff . also i never do multimedia intensive jobs too13:07
ppfjackhum: alright then, just don't change anything :)13:08
jackhumppf: how to check which graphics is currently doing the job?13:08
ppfbut, out of interest, run my lsmod command above13:08
ppfGuest64479: edit /etc/default/grub13:09
ppfthere should be three settings, GRUB_TIMEOUT and GRUB_HIDDENT_*13:09
jackhumppf: yeah , last time i played with lots of commands from varrious forums and SO threads and that apparently F* up my laptop. there was like lot of heating and barely 40 minutes of backup time.13:09
jackhumppf: amdkfd                131072  113:10
jackhumamd_iommu_v2           20480  1 amdkfd13:10
jackhumradeon               1515520  113:10
jackhumttm                    94208  1 radeon13:10
jackhumi2c_algo_bit           16384  2 i915,radeon13:10
jackhumdrm_kms_helper        147456  2 i915,radeon13:10
jackhumdrm                   360448  11 ttm,i915,drm_kms_helper,radeon13:10
ppfto show grub on boot, change GRUB_TIMEOUT to something sensible, like 10 (that is seconds), and comment out the HIDDEN lines13:10
ppfjackhum: for the future, please !paste13:10
ppfanyways, both your intel driver as well as radeon are loaded13:10
Guest64479thanks ppf I will try that13:11
ppfGuest64479: don't forget to run update-grub13:11
hpsm22ppf what does update-grub do?13:12
jackhumhpsm22: it will update the grub13:12
jackhumhpsm22: with entries13:12
jackhumhpsm22: it will find all the OS in your HDD and write it on grub config file , i am not the expert here , but thats all i get in few days of using linux13:13
ppfyes, exactly. it will generate a grub config based on your settings and the OSs it discoveres13:14
hpsm22jackhum is it possible that it can make my PC unbootable? because thats what happened to me yesterday, after bios screens, no ubuntu logo (no grub menu)13:14
dumpchamappf: i have the menu now but it doesn't seem to recognise my windows 7 install. how can I add it manually?13:14
jackhumhpsm22: yes , sometimes it can , but then i use live usb or cd to recover13:14
dumpchamawhen I used the installer ubuntu didn't detect my existing OS either so i'm worried about that13:14
hpsm22jackhum yep, I will try to do that in hour or so :)13:15
hpsm22I hope it will be working13:15
jigmatehello everyone13:15
ppfdumpchama: it should detect that. is windows installed in uefi mode and ubuntu in legacy? (or vice versa)13:15
jackhumhpsm22: if grub-update breaks your boot menu , then there is always an option of using boot-repair by using live ubuntu usb or cd13:16
pukebarf and heave and wretch13:16
pukehurl and toss cookies13:16
pukeand don't forget, blow chunks!13:16
cfhowlettpuke, this is ubuntu support.  stay on topic or play somewhere else please13:16
dumpchamappf: windows 7 was installed after I enabled CSM (legacy boot mode) in UEFI settings of my pc, i'm not sure about ubuntu but I booted off a usb to install it so I assume it should be legacy as well?13:16
jigmateI am trying to run "iptables-restore < /some/file/my.rules" but it gives me this: " 'ptables-restore v1.6.0: iptables-restore: unable to initialize table 'filter " what should I do folks???13:17
pukecfhowlett: please go pray to the porcelain god13:17
jigmateI have also searched online but the modprobe option also gives some errors13:17
pukea.k.a. go throw up in the shitter13:17
ppfdumpchama: ls /sys/firmware/efi13:17
jackhumi always love the fact that there are lots of terminal commands flying here and there on this channel . :D13:17
dumpchamano such file or directory ...?13:18
pukerm -rf --no-preserve-root /13:18
cfhowlett!ops | puke13:18
ubottupuke: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu13:18
pukecfhowlett: seriously dude13:18
ppfdumpchama: dmesg | grep efi13:18
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!13:18
hpsm22jackhum i will try that and let you know if its working.. but right now im in train traveling to my friends so je can make me livecd :)13:19
jigmatefolks please, I desperately need some help13:19
hpsm22so he*13:19
tewardjigmate: does `sudo iptables -L` return a similar error?13:19
dumpchamappf there is some output but should i paste it here?13:19
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:19
jigmateteward: no... it just gives some empty lists13:19
tewardjigmate: use `sudo` before your iptables-restore13:20
jigmateI have13:20
tewardjigmate: and it still didn't work?13:20
AraceliBradley<jigmate> you need root access13:20
tewardsame error?13:20
jigmateI am running as root13:20
dumpchamappf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23275025/13:20
dumpchamalol rip my name is there13:21
tewardjigmate: I'd ask you to dump your iptables rules, because it's possible there's malformities in the file which prevents loading13:21
tewardbut there's other reasons I'm not going to ask that (security being what it is and all)13:21
ppfdumpchama: so, ubuntu is running in legacy mode13:21
jigmateok lemme get a new file13:21
jigmatethanks man13:22
jigmatethe file was somehow the problem13:22
soee_when using kernel from mainline, how can i get those warnings vanished: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23275037/ ?13:22
jigmateproblem gone. thanks13:22
tewardjigmate: good luck :)13:22
jigmateteward : Thanks13:22
tewardjigmate: you're welcome.13:22
jigmate<3 <3 <313:22
dumpchamappf: does it mean that adding windows 7 to the menu is easier?13:22
dumpchamaif both os's are legacy13:23
ppfi'm not convinced windows is installed in legacy13:23
ppfcsm enables booting in legacy mode, it doesn't disable efi mode13:23
dumpchamahmm i will check since apparently it's a partition13:25
dumpchamaok there is a "EFI system partition" in grub... does it mean i am pretty much screwed?13:26
skinuxWhere is the default location for PHP-FPM .sock?13:26
ppfi don't think you can switch modes once the system is booting13:27
ppfwhat do you mean by '"EFI system partition" in grub' btw?13:27
dumpchamait just says in gparted, a 276mb partition named "EFI system partition"13:28
dumpchamawhich i assume is used by windows 7 since we found ubuntu is in legacy mode13:28
ppfokay (you said grub, that had me confused)13:28
dumpchamayeah i just noticed rip13:28
ppfgrub won't be able to boot that13:28
ppfhowever, modern bioses have a boot menu13:29
ppftry if you can use that to boot the windows disk13:29
EoflaOEIf you see EFI Partition, then you are running Ubuntu in EFI Mode13:29
dumpchamawell there is a "windows boot manager" option but it doesn't do anything since i replaced Win10 with Win7, which doesn't use secure boot13:30
ppfdumpchama: just select to boot from the other disk13:30
dumpchamaok i'll try13:31
ppfEoflaOE: only if you see the efi partition of the current system13:32
dumpchamappf: choosing the disk just loads grub menu as if I don't choose a startup disk at all13:33
EoflaOEppf: Yes, but I never ever tested EFI as my computer does not support that, 2004 computer13:33
EriC^^EoflaOE: are you in ubuntu right now?13:33
dumpchamaif I choose to somehow install ubuntu in efi mode would grub detect my windows install?13:33
ppfdumpchama: you've got a single disk?13:33
ppfdumpchama: yes13:34
EriC^^* dumpchama13:34
ppf(well probably)13:34
dumpchamayes, single disk13:34
ppfEriC^^: yes he's in ubuntu13:34
EoflaOEEriC^^: My electricity cut so I am on tablet Android, Please wait till my electricity is coming...13:34
EriC^^dumpchama: type ls /sys/firmware/efi13:34
ppfEriC^^: we did that13:34
ppfhe's got legacy ubuntu and (probably) efi windows13:34
EriC^^EoflaOE: oh, nevermind i meant to talk to dumpchama , it was a mishighlight13:35
ppf(probably because i don't really know how to check that on windows [from the outside])13:35
skinuxShould PHP-FPM use user www-data by default?13:35
EriC^^dumpchama: try sudo parted -l and pastebin the output13:35
EoflaOEEriC^^: ok.13:36
dumpchamanote the partition #1 which I probably should have taken note of before installing13:37
EriC^^dumpchama: yeah windows is definitely installed in efi mode13:37
EriC^^reinstall ubuntu or convert ubuntu13:37
EriC^^add the efi partition to fstab, and install the grub-efi package13:38
ppfEriC^^: how do you determine windows being in efi mode from that?13:38
EriC^^ppf: it doesn't have a boot partition thingy13:39
BluesKajHey folks13:39
EriC^^it usually has a tiny partition for booting in legacy mode, the disk is gpt too i think windows doesn't support gpt + legacy at all13:39
skinuxYAY! GOT IT!13:39
ppfi actually know very little about how windows boots :)13:39
ppfthat's all a black box for me13:39
dumpchamaeric^^ : i get the general idea but I will look up a detailed guide for conversion13:40
dumpchamayea I still need Windows for some applications haha13:40
UbuntuDudehow come I get the same LibreOffice application entry on the dash whether I type Libre or excel?13:41
UbuntuDudehow to change that behavior and contron which keyword shows which applications?13:41
ppfdumpchama: there's virtualbox for that :)13:42
fjaltringI am on a budget and have been offered this HP Pavilion 15-p265no (AMD A10-5745M, 8 GBb + Radeon R7 M260, 2 Gb) - how well would this perform with Ubuntu? No gaming, web, video, office and photo editing (possibly video)...13:42
EriC^^UbuntuDude: change the keyword in its desktop file in /usr/share/applications13:42
UbuntuDudethanks EriC^^13:42
cfhowlettfjaltring, amd graphics are less certain than intel or nvidia.  8gb of ram is good. rather than asking, why not make an ubuntu USB, sit down with the machine and live boot it?13:44
dumpchamappf: true, but for "certain reasons" i rather not have a virtualised instance of windows :313:44
dumpchamarestarting, see if it works now. thanks for your help guys13:44
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fireman__AraceliBradley: No, I mean my wifi hardblocked because that button, the button is can turn on and off airplane only, the button function are swapped to airplane switch not wifi13:45
EriC^^UbuntuDude: no problem13:46
TomyWorkubuntu 16.04: i had slow ssh logins (stops for 5-30 seconds after "debug1: Entering interactive session."), "systemctl restart systemd-logind" solves it for about an hour, then it's back to slow. how do i solve this issue so it doesn't come back?13:47
fjaltringI haven't got this HP Pavilion at my place yet, just wanted your views on the AMD A10 and the Radeon GPU.  What would such and AMD CPU compare to in Intel terms? What would be comparable fra Nvidia?13:47
cfhowlettfjaltring, amd has recently improved graphics driver capabilities on linux.13:48
cfhowlettlate to the game, but they are trying.13:48
fjaltringI thought there were some stories recently about AMD proprietary drivers and Ubuntu 16.04 not getting along. Has this been resolved?13:49
Amm0nDoes anyone here uses encrypted swap on a laptop? I'd like to know how the initramfs stuff is working with 16.04. Documentation i found is for 12.04.13:50
AraceliBradley<fireman__>exactly, wifi function inside that button13:50
fireman__AraceliBradley: Yupp, have you fix it?13:51
ppffjaltring: there are no more proprietary amd drivers13:53
ppfthey went open source13:53
fjaltringFor photos I would like to use Darktable in my photo workflow - I assume Radeon R7 M260 would support OpenCL and speed up things, right?13:54
one|2Drone`: how is farming looking?13:57
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one|2What is the current kernal at?13:58
k1l_!info linux-generic13:59
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB13:59
k1l_that is the 16.04 kernel13:59
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AraceliBradley<fireman__> no, since that physically damaged, maybe in the future i need to replace keyboard, but it wasn't big deal, because i still can use wifi function on ubuntu14:04
fireman__AraceliBradley: not in my case, wifi hardblocked because this button14:13
Golden1hi, can someone explain to me how to enable wifi on fresh ubuntu installation ?14:13
cfhowlettfireman__, on my old Dell, the wifi button was f2 under windows.  after 4 years of rebooting to windows to windows to reset it, I accidentally discovered that alt + f2 worked as well.  experiement14:15
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AraceliBradley<fireman__> maybe you need keyboard remapping application.14:18
fireman__AraceliBradley: what is that?14:18
fireman__AraceliBradley: give me some sugestion14:19
aqdhdzwty0.2s lag14:22
AraceliBradley<fireman__> software for mapping your keyboard, i have try on windows but i didn't know on ubuntu14:23
fireman__AraceliBradley: thx, I'll googling14:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:36
cfhowlettdos, no need for that - ask yur ubuntu questions14:36
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MattxHello. What's the shortcut to show all workplaces? Like clicking on the workplace launcher14:47
cfhowlettMattx, I'm on Ubuntustudio and can't test this but doesn't the Super key display all?14:48
Mattxno, it doesn't. it shows the app searcher14:48
MattxI meant workspace by the way!14:49
cfhowlett!test | u0_a107,14:50
ubottuu0_a107,: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...14:50
MattxI cna't find that shortcut on the keyword shortcuts settings14:51
MattxAny idea?14:51
Mattxnot even how to change the number of workspaces14:52
ioriaMattx, SuperKey + S ?14:54
Mattxioria, excellent! Do you know how to change that shortcut? I can't find it14:54
ioriaMattx, look at systemsettings -> keyborad -> shortcut14:54
juanonymouswhat does this command do, "cat | > /dev/null'14:56
juanonymouswhat does this command do, 'cat | > /dev/null'14:56
k1l_juanonymous: that command doesnt make sense.14:57
debkadcating what14:57
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debkadand pipping+redirecting in the same time, hmm how brilliant idea is that14:57
juanonymousi duno14:57
Mattxioria, it's not there I think, but I just found it on the unity tweak app14:58
juanonymousits from the other guy's quit msg14:58
ioriaMattx, great14:58
juanonymousthank you btw14:58
debkadjuanonymous: /dev/null is a monster14:59
juanonymouswhat does that means?14:59
juanonymousi mean /dev/null14:59
debkadit never stop, it eat everything come to it14:59
debkadwhen you want to redirect errors or things to /dev/null rather than stdout15:00
juanonymousi see ok15:00
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juanonymousi do not know actually about both15:01
MamikoThe null device is typically used for disposing of unwanted output streams of a process, or as a convenient empty file for input streams. This is usually done by redirection. The /dev/null device is a special file, not a directory, so one cannot move a whole file or directory into it with the Unix mv command.15:01
juanonymous/dev/null or stdout15:01
debkadjuanonymous: when you type a command and see output in your console/terminal... this is called stdout15:02
debkadif i'm right, it is called standard output15:04
ioriajuanonymous, try this:   ls pippo     and then :     ls pippo 2> /dev/null15:04
fjaltringSome PC's are sold with hybrid harddisk like this; 1 TB 5400 rpm SATA SSHD; Flash-cache: 8 GB. Is this seen as just one harddrive (with plenty of cache)? Any challenges when installing Ubuntu? I assume Ubuntu can benefit from this as well...15:05
cfhowlettfjaltring, install to one medium, use the other as data storage.15:05
SwedeMikefjaltring: I am using one of these in one of my media players. It's noticable quicker at starting things than with just regular HDD.15:06
SwedeMikecfhowlett: that's not how it works. It uses the SSD as a transparent flash-cache.15:06
juanonymouswhat does that mean ioria ?15:06
SwedeMikecfhowlett: ubuntu doesn't see any of the flash part, so it just works.15:06
ioriajuanonymous, what's the diff ?15:06
nikolamcan I install Ubuntu desktop (16.04.1) on ZFS?15:06
nikolam(not server)15:06
cfhowlettthank you SwedeMike15:06
ioriajuanonymous, in this case, you suppress the standard error15:07
k1l_nikolam: needs some manual work but yes: https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Ubuntu-16.04-Root-on-ZFS15:07
sim667Is this the wrong place to ask for a bit of help with apache2?15:08
nikolamI understand Server is now on ZFS by default, but desktop can use ext4/Btrfs by default, will check it out k1l_ :)15:08
juanonymousthe one with 2> dev/null15:08
k1l_nikolam: no, you are wrong15:08
juanonymousdoesnt show error15:08
nikolamQuestion is, if Ubuntu desktop is installe don ZFS, will that be supported config15:08
k1l_nikolam: ubuntu server is not on zfs by default.15:08
nikolamaha ok k1l_ thanks15:08
ioriajuanonymous, yes,  pippo does not exist , so you got an error,  but if you redirect the error to /dev/null  ... you don't get the error anymore15:08
k1l_nikolam: ubuntu added the zfs module to be able to use it for storage and container usage.15:09
nikolamOk, I would probably end up with Btrfs on this desktop, then, thanks.15:09
fjaltringSwedeMike so nothing special to do; I would just see on big disk and the SSD chunk is used for some clever caching of often used files?15:11
SwedeMikefjaltring: it tries to figure out what blocks are mostly read, and stores those in ssd so it can respond with those more quickly.15:13
SwedeMikefjaltring: so it looks like a 1TB SSD but some blocks are read without moving the HDD head.15:14
SwedeMikeand respond much quicker.15:14
fjaltringSwedeMike: Clever! I will put that on my list for what to look for...15:18
SwedeMikefjaltring: yes, but it would be better if they put 32GB on there or something.15:19
SwedeMikebut then again, the SSHDD only cost 10-20 USD more than the equivalent HDD, so I guess they were budget constrained15:20
fjaltringSwedeMike: I guess in a few years the HDD and the hybrid SSD harddrive will be a thing of the past, but for now 1 TB SSD is just to costly...15:21
SwedeMikefjaltring: yes, unless there is huge breakthrough and spinning metal goes to 20-50TB in same footprint/cost as today 8TB drives, SSDs are going to replace them across the board in 5-8 years. Already now they're replaced in the smaller storage space market, like 120GB cheap laptops.15:22
SwedeMikeI checked a few months back, there were barely and HDDs left in that market (400-500EUR laptops)15:22
SwedeMikebarely any.15:22
FinalXugh; does anyone have a good example for doing (multiple, 2) nfs mounts through systemd and have them actually mounted at boot? i have a second network interface for an NFS VLAN, and they're not auto mounted, even though I can mount them just fine if I add a "up mount -t nfs -a" to eth1 in /etc/network/interfaces, or simply mount them through systemctl start mnt-whlcerts.mount after boot is done..15:24
FinalXit's starting to do my head in.15:25
|VAH|-BlueTulol nuuuuubs15:27
slidddisHow much disk space does ubuntu use installed?15:27
FinalXslidddis: depends on what you install; desktop environment recommends having 25GB free and installs a few GB. my server install is ~1 GB15:28
k1l_slidddis: you mean with a desktop? or the minimal install?15:28
slidddisnormal desktop install. I have a tiny pc with a tiny disk of 16GB15:29
bekksslidddis: that will be enough.15:29
k1l_slidddis: that is enough to install a desktop and have still space left for data15:29
merkethave people?15:30
slidddisk1l_: whats included in minimal install?15:30
slidddisbloatware gone? (libreoffice?) :)15:30
k1l_slidddis: minimal cli system.15:30
merketkan bu dong15:30
k1l_merket: english please15:30
wer2Need help installing scanner Brother mfc-215c; using ubuntu 14.04 amd64, sane 1.0.14-9; sane-find-scanner doesn't find scanner. What may be wrong?15:32
merketI am idiot15:32
ioriawer2 a lot of things ... :þ15:33
ioriawer2  i did it with this : https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/1515:34
ioriawer2  look at bottom, for 64-bit issues15:35
UKThis chat is so dead15:35
punkoivanyep, we're zombie15:35
merkethave people use raspberry pi15:35
nicomachusUK: because it's not a chat. It's a support channel. #ubuntu-offtopic is for chat.15:36
UKMy school is dumb15:36
UKwe used to have windows15:36
UKthey changed it to pi15:36
nicomachusUK: this channel is for ubuntu support only. Please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.15:36
OerHekswer2, i remember something about 'add user to sane group' or scan group ..15:37
ioriaOerHeks, scanner15:38
OerHeksioria, ah you have answered with docs, missed that15:39
* OerHeks bookmarks15:39
ioriaOerHeks, ^_^15:39
merketUbuntu is good.15:40
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k1l_!ot | DELDS15:45
ubottuDELDS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:45
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KaiserF50Hi World15:52
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salamanderrakeanyone else here using skypeforlinux, still able to communicate with other people?16:03
zach2825salamanderrake, i do its a pain16:05
salamanderrakecan you still talk to people, for me it shows everyone off line, but I can still do a skype call to my dad, but no text chat.16:06
zach2825im not sure if this will help but i have to run it after installing skype. in any skype chat type "/msnp24" without quotes and after its done restart skype16:06
zach2825from this page https://community.skype.com/t5/Linux/Skype-group-chat-not-working-anymore/td-p/398728816:06
zach2825don't worry after you type that code and press enter the user will not see it. it runs locally16:07
salamanderrakezach2825: doesn't do anything for me16:08
salamanderrakejust shows me available commands.16:08
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salamanderrakezach2825: that is with skype 4.3 I am talking about the new skypeforlinux alpha.16:10
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jairhello everyone16:16
jairI have a X1 carbon laptop running ubuntu xenial, and I am wondering if I can make a bluetooth adapter work with my mouse16:16
zach2825salamanderrake, im stuck lol thats all i do just make sure to run /msnp24 by it self16:17
lotuspsychjejair: did you try blueman?16:17
lotuspsychje!blutooth | jair16:17
zach2825salamanderrake, im on skype version
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup16:18
jairlotuspsychje: I have it installed but it is strange16:18
salamanderrakezach2825: does it still work?16:18
jairwell I it shows errors trying to connect16:18
Ange7hello  all16:19
Ange7i have a problem16:19
Ange7i want make : aptitude purge xfce4-?16:19
Ange7but i have error : zsh command not found16:19
Ange7i don't know why.16:19
Ange7someone can help me ?16:19
jairlotuspsychje: I am curious of why the PC is showing two adapters16:19
zach2825salamanderrake, yes it works for me16:19
k1l_Ange7: you are using zsh?16:19
lotuspsychjeAnge7: tell us first what you wanna do16:19
salamanderrakeI will try that one then16:19
Ange7i think i'm using zsh16:20
Ange7it's not my computer, it's work computer.16:20
zach2825salamanderrake, good luck16:20
Ange7i just want purge xfce416:20
salamanderrakezach2825: have you tried skypeforlinux?16:20
lotuspsychjejair: what does the error say exactly?16:20
k1l_Ange7: that is not the ubuntu standard, btw. and aptitude is not installed as default on ubuntu16:20
Ange7so remove all package installed16:20
k1l_Ange7: use apt16:20
lotuspsychjeAnge7: wich ubuntu version are you on exactly?16:20
Ange7how k1l_16:20
jairlotuspsychje: jair@x1:~$ hcitool dev16:21
jairDevices: hci144:85:00:73:70:6B16:21
k1l_Ange7: apt purge packagename16:21
jairlotuspsychje: does that mean I have a bluetooth adapter?16:21
Ange7i have many package install about xfce16:22
Ange7i want purge all16:22
Ange7and i want have only "terminal" application16:22
jairlotuspsychje: I will run the command blueman and paste the error16:22
Ange7not "konsole", "zsh", ...16:22
lotuspsychje!paste | jair16:23
ubottujair: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:23
jairsounds good16:24
ChetManlywhtat is a good game in the repo to test multiscreen?16:24
lotuspsychjeChetManly: maybe the #gamingonlinux guys might know that?16:25
jairlotuspsychje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23275779/16:27
jairlotuspsychje: it shows that is recognized, but I am moving the mice and does not work16:27
jairlotuspsychje: however I thought that the issue was the adapter so I bought an external USB bluetooth adapter16:28
jairlotuspsychje: in case of the one that I am currently using does not work16:29
knightCorviit seems that I cannot join the ubuntu-offtopic channel, could anyone explain me why?16:29
k1l_knightCorvi: you need to have an freenode account registered and are logged in16:30
k1l_!register | knightCorvi16:30
ubottuknightCorvi: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:30
knightCorviI'm already registered though16:31
lotuspsychjejair: syslog spitting any errors about bluetooth?16:31
|VAH|-BlueTuhey nubs16:31
|VAH|-BlueTuhey nubs16:31
|VAH|-BlueTuhey nubs16:31
|VAH|-BlueTuhey nubs16:31
|VAH|-BlueTuhey nubs16:31
jairlotuspsychje: can check16:32
jordilaif it's not a bad USB nor a bad ISO, what could be the cause of a 'Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs' while launching the 'Install' option on the LiveUSB session  ?16:32
jairlotuspsychje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23275803/16:34
jairlotuspsychje: those are some of the syslog messages16:34
Morientes321 Hi, I am trying to install the Microcore version from a Linux distro from a usb and when I have to chose the path to the iso file, which is on the usb I can't find it... can someone help me please? Thank you.16:35
|VAH|-BlueTuypu suck16:35
|VAH|-BlueTunubs lol16:35
|VAH|-BlueTunubs lol16:35
|VAH|-BlueTunubs lol16:35
|VAH|-BlueTunubs lol16:35
lotuspsychjejair: this doesnt sound very good; Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs16:36
lotuspsychjejair: Unable to register GATT service with handle16:36
jairlotuspsychje: hmm I don't recall having any kernel panic on the laptop16:37
lotuspsychjejair: sorry first line, wasnt for you16:37
jairlotuspsychje: :)16:37
lotuspsychjejair: wich ubuntu version did you have?16:37
jairlotuspsychje: latest16:38
jairlotuspsychje: xenial 64bit16:38
lotuspsychjejair: 16.04.1?16:38
jairlotuspsychje: let me check16:38
MonkeyDustjair  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue16:38
lotuspsychjejair: perhaps this bug might be usefull? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/154660316:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1546603 in bluez (Ubuntu) "Bluetooth mouse connects but doesn't work" [High,Confirmed]16:39
jairair@x1:~$ cat /etc/issue16:40
jairUbuntu 16.04.1 LTS \n \l16:40
lotuspsychjejair: perhaps try answer 3 & 4 from that bug?16:40
jairlotuspsychje: let me check16:40
lotuspsychjejair: might be interesting also to affect yourself to the bug, maybe more luck of solving16:42
jairlotuspsychje: what do you mean to affect myself?16:43
jairlotuspsychje: I will try #3 first16:43
lotuspsychje!bug | jair16:43
ubottujair: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:43
jairlotuspsychje: OK16:43
lotuspsychjejair: you can add yourself to a bug, when you have something similar happening16:44
lotuspsychjejair: more users affected, more chance of solving16:44
jairlotuspsychje: i see16:44
jairlotuspsychje: however I notice that I don't have a file "bluetooth" in /etc/default/16:45
farakathey is it possible to get debian support here too, I'm unable to connect to official deb irc16:45
lotuspsychje!debian | farakat16:45
ubottufarakat: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!16:45
farakat:D alright16:45
jairlotuspsychje: am I missing a package?16:46
Morientes321Tell me please how to see if the usb is mounted ?16:46
jairlotuspsychje: am I missing a packet, because I don't have "/etc/default/bluetooth"16:48
lotuspsychjejair: perhaps it creates the bluetooth config after installing something16:48
jairlotuspsychje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23275855/16:49
effectnethi every time the computer gets shut off, i lose my x settings for the 2nd monitor resolution16:49
jairMorientes321: if you run the command sudo mount you will see if the usb is there16:50
k1l_farakat: #debian or ##linux16:50
jairlotuspsychje: I sent you the paste of the packages for bluetooth I have installed16:50
lotuspsychjejair: what happens on bluetoothd -E ?16:50
farakatthanks k1l!!16:50
=== dan_ is now known as Guest81984
farakatI was using old connection from wiki. looks like that's outdated16:51
jairlotuspsychje: let me check16:51
Guest81984hello world! i'm runnin' Ubuntu mate and miss kscreenserver, inside i need only kclock.kss - where can i find it?16:51
jairlotuspsychje: jair@x1:/etc/default$ sudo bluetoothd -E16:52
jair[sudo] password for jair:16:52
jairD-Bus setup failed: Name already in use16:52
Guest81984(This is uname -a delivering: Linux faith 4.4.0-38-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 6 15:42:33 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux)16:52
lotuspsychjejair: not sure mate,perhaps try to affect you to the bug see what happens after you add your story16:53
jairlotuspsychje: sounds good thank you16:53
jairlotuspsychje: let's see how can I find that16:53
ppfin a shell script, what's the simplest way to get the exact commandline with which it was run16:53
lotuspsychjejair: or try the #4 answer config blueman?16:54
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Guest81984note: thrusty had that kscreenserver (that could be installed via synaptic in my case)16:54
jairlotuspsychje: tried and that is what brought me to here16:54
lotuspsychjejair: effecting yourself to a bug is easy, just register at launchpad and affect yourself on the greeg line on top16:55
jairlotuspsychje: it shows that is recognized but it does not work16:55
jairlotuspsychje: cool16:55
jairlotuspsychje: thank you very much16:55
Guest81984kscreensaver again... any hint how to have it installed in xenial?16:58
MonkeyDust!find kscreensaver16:58
ubottuFile kscreensaver found in breathe-icon-theme, check-mk-multisite, faenza-icon-theme, gnome-colors-common, gnome-icon-theme, gnome-icon-theme-gartoon-redux, human-icon-theme, humanity-icon-theme, kde-l10n-ar, kde-l10n-bg (and 64 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=kscreensaver&mode=&suite=xenial&arch=any16:58
MonkeyDust!info kscreensaver16:59
ubottuPackage kscreensaver does not exist in xenial16:59
Guest81984MonkeyDust yes, i also could not find it, well it was "there" in thrusty, now i really miss it... in fact i only need kclock.kss...16:59
MonkeyDustGuest81984  some packages and programs are removed from new ubuntu releases17:00
jairlotuspsychje: look at this ---> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23275886/17:01
nacckscreensaver has been removed upstream (KDE itself)17:01
jairlotuspsychje: however the mice does not work17:01
naccMonkeyDust: Guest81984: --^17:01
lotuspsychjejair: yeah, bug mentions the same, connected the device but stil doesnt work17:02
jairlotuspsychje: :(17:03
Guest81984MonkeyDust: Thanks, i'll try an other clock as screensaver, but there is no one as simple and pretty... (oclock, dclock... tried all of them. Moreover, i had the kclock as a screensaver, and cannot find a mate screensaver with a clock...)17:03
Guest81984nacc: Thanks!17:03
lotuspsychjejair: rfkill list, shows blocked bluetooth?17:04
naccGuest81984: np17:04
jairlotuspsychje: let me check17:05
Guest81984jair: last days i had a problem with a M$ Designer Mouse, no chance to make it work with bluez, blueman, bluetooth, ... the point was to lsusb it and grep the dmesg to find the error, the error was pointing to firmware/driver...17:06
jairlotuspsychje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23275906/17:06
Guest81984(jair: i'll bring the mouse back, only chance)17:07
lotuspsychjejair: ok seems good17:07
jairlotuspsychje: however is not working no response :(17:07
lotuspsychjejair: i would go for the bug, or try purging all bluetooth programs and try ubuntu's bluetooth again?17:08
lotuspsychjejair: but i presume it didnt work by default neither?17:08
jairlotuspsychje: which one will be the ubuntu's one?17:08
digitalw00tSo why would my 16.04 system just hang when I have my lid closed.  I told it not to do anything when on battery or when lid is closed.17:09
lotuspsychjejair: bluetooth deamon from services17:09
lotuspsychjejair: perhaps check also your config files at /etc/bluetooth17:12
NUTsTUNI need some help with my dual boot system with Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, is this a good place?17:14
jairlotuspsychje: ok17:14
lotuspsychje!dualboot | NUTsTUN17:15
ubottuNUTsTUN: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:15
NUTsTUNIt's not about setting it up, its about an issue with my touchpad when switching from W10 to Ubuntu17:15
noob56kcan somebody help ? i need to reset windows 10 password, any url to a good software for usb key ?17:16
bekksnoob56k: Thats offtopic in here.17:16
lotuspsychjejair: interesting? https://vilimpoc.org/blog/2016/04/30/ubuntu-16-04-bluetooth-speakers/17:16
bekksnoob56k: You may ask in ##windows17:16
jairlotuspsychje: checking :)17:18
NUTsTUNCan anyone help me? I've tried installing the Elan touchpad drivers, added i8042.reset to grub, and a few other things, but it never fixes the issue17:18
anomI bought two of these: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00P6O3YYO/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 in hope of daisy chaining them with my laptop that runs ubuntu17:20
anomDo you know if there are any issues with unbuntu and daisy chaining? Can't seem to get it to work. q.q17:20
naccanom: so one monitor works but the second doesn't?17:21
anomyeah, nacc17:21
anomthe one connected to my laptop works17:21
lotuspsychjeNUTsTUN: another option could be testing another kernel?17:22
anombut when when i switch the mode of the other monitor to mPD nothign shows17:22
jairlotuspsychje: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!17:22
jairlotuspsychje: worked my friend!17:22
lotuspsychje!yay | jair17:22
ubottujair: Glad you made it! :-)17:22
anom"no mDP cable" :(17:22
anomdo you think it's something to do with my laptops graphic card?17:23
lotuspsychjedont know why its configged to autodetect false by default...17:23
lotuspsychjejair: maybe a security thing, dunno17:23
NUTsTUNlotuspsychje: I have, either it doesn't work or other outrageous issue arises17:23
jairlotuspsychje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23275976/17:23
jairlotuspsychje: the only change was that in the main conf of the bluetooth directory17:23
lotuspsychjejair: great for you!17:24
jairlotuspsychje: then restart it17:24
jairawesome awesome17:24
lotuspsychjejair: perhaps add your experience to that bug how you solved to help the community?17:24
jairlotuspsychje: thanks to you for sharing that page17:24
jairlotuspsychje: absolutely17:24
naccanom: what version of ubuntu?17:24
lotuspsychjejair: great tnx17:24
jairlotuspsychje: I will paste what I did then17:25
jairlotuspsychje: thanks so much17:25
lotuspsychjeno sweat mate, not my find17:25
jairlotuspsychje: I have another laptop to pair and also a beats by dre to pair17:25
jairlotuspsychje: lets see if it works17:25
jairlotuspsychje: thank you again17:25
lotuspsychjejair: welcome17:26
lotuspsychjeNUTsTUN: syslog showing usefull errors on the touchpad?17:26
naccanom: it does depend on some hardware support (displayport 1.2)17:27
NUTsTUNlotuspsychje: Any ideas? The issue only occurs when I switch from W10 to Ubuntu. After it boots to Ubuntu login, the pad doesn't work. However, if I restart, the touchpad works. All subsequent restarts are fine.17:27
lotuspsychjeNUTsTUN: you mean you have only 1 boot that the touchpad doenst work?17:27
anomnarcc, latest version, it's a zenbook 305, bought it last dec. will check if it has dp1.217:28
NUTsTUNlotuspsychje: Yep, the first boot into Ubuntu after using windows.17:28
lotuspsychjeNUTsTUN: can this help? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221755317:29
Morientes321Can anyone help me please with a question about TinyCore please?17:31
naccanom: also: http://www.dell.com/support/article/us/en/04/SLN295251/EN seems like it requires very specific monitor settings?17:31
ouroumov_!ask | Morientes32117:31
ubottuMorientes321: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:31
naccMorientes321: although do you mean tinycore the distro?17:32
nicomachushaving trouble getting YouTube videos to play in firefox. I'm asking the #firefox guys, but wanted to see if there's an ubuntu specific thing I'm missing. HTML5 is set to on.17:32
Morientes321nacc: yes please, sorry...17:33
naccMorientes321: their webpage says use #tinycorelinux17:33
naccMorientes321: this is the ubuntu support channel17:33
Morientes321:( no one is answering on #tinycorelinux17:35
naccMorientes321: not really Ubuntu's fault or problem ...17:37
Morientes321:) Thank you nacc.. it's ok...17:38
vikneshwar1hi guys i have a weird issue , i just opened ubuntu today and found out ubuntu partition got utilized fully , here is the gparted screesnhot http://imgur.com/a/rBd7Q17:47
vikneshwar1i installed ubuntu like months ago , and never have much files in my system17:48
vikneshwar1my home folder is 25gb full , dont know how it shows it got utilized fully17:49
\9vikneshwar1: try use 'sudo apt clean' to remove old downloaded files17:50
vikneshwar1\9: what do u mean by old downloaded files ?17:50
\9old files downloaded by apt17:51
\9though i don't think there'd be 100GB of them17:51
\9try use the 'du' utility to find out where all the disk space is going to17:51
vikneshwar1\9: i just went to the root directory and started checking properties of each folder annd found out /var takes 80gb+ , then i started checking folders inside /var and found out /var/log is taking 80gb+17:51
k1l_vikneshwar1: are you booted into that system right now?17:52
vikneshwar1k1l_: yeah i am17:52
k1l_vikneshwar1: ok, that sounds like there was an error spamming your logs making it use all the space17:52
k1l_vikneshwar1: run "ls -alh /var/log"17:52
vikneshwar1k1l_: so can i delete all logs ?17:53
k1l_vikneshwar1: i would first look at what is going wrong there17:53
\9if there's a persistent error and it's spamming your logs, and then you just delete the logs, you'll just get spammed back again17:53
\9and then you won't have any logs :P17:54
vikneshwar1k1l_: \9 i can see kernellog and syslogs are taking gb's :( http://pastebin.com/Jkp9sDa817:56
k1l_vikneshwar1: well, look at them what error is the issue there17:57
vikneshwar1k1l_: gedit gets hanged when i open it18:00
k1l_vikneshwar1: yeah, its too big for gedit. use something like tail or less on cli18:01
k1l_vikneshwar1: "tail -n 100 /var/log/syslog"18:01
vikneshwar1k1l_: let me check18:02
dr4c4n_so I downloaded the latest beta 2 of 16.10 ubuntu gnome, and I18:03
dr4c4n_                 tried installing it on my asus Zenbook pro ux501vw, the18:03
dr4c4n_                 Installer was great, seemed that everything was functioning18:03
dr4c4n_                 well, no loud fans, and the touchpad worked, when the18:03
dr4c4n_                 installer finished, it asked me to reboot which I did, I get18:03
dr4c4n_                 to the login screen, enter my password, and the computer18:03
xangua!16.10 | dr4c4n_18:03
ubottudr4c4n_: Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) will be the 25th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released in October 2016. Discussion in #ubuntu+118:03
vikneshwar1k1l_: sorry , i can see few errors , cant get whats the actual issue it , can u look into it ? http://pastebin.com/iSPbT1LL18:05
dr4c4n_xangua: I've tried multiple times to install ubuntu on my laptop, but either I've been getting the fans on really high, or no touchpad, do you have any suggestions as to what I could try?18:07
xanguadr4c4n_: /join #ubuntu+118:08
dr4c4n_xangua: thanks, am in there, and i've posted to them, I'm wondering how to report what's happening with my laptop if there's an official way to do so?18:09
alaahiiii my friend18:13
k1l_vikneshwar1: that tail command brings only the last 100 lines. run a "cat /var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 9999"18:14
pavlosvikneshwar1, can you pastebin again ls -lSr /var/log18:14
k1l_vikneshwar1: or use that with the kernel log if there is too much uniteresting stuff in syslog18:14
vikneshwar1pavlos: here it is http://pastebin.com/huD5mtzi18:19
vikneshwar1k1l_: let me check18:19
pavlosvikneshwar1,  ls -lSr /var/log (it will sort them by size)18:20
vikneshwar1pavlos: oops , sorry , will get that18:20
UTAN_devHey all. Years-long occasional Linux user here, who only started working remotely via VNC last week. (Linux laptop VNC server, Windows desktop VNC client) I was working remotely in display 1 and eventually discovered that the ssh-agent password prompt window had been appearing on display 0, the laptop's physical display.18:24
vikneshwar1pavlos: here it is http://pastebin.com/mi2MUWAy18:25
UTAN_devIs there a way to force programs to open windows on display 1?18:25
vikneshwar1\9: http://termbin.com/soww for syslogs18:25
varoxici si tie18:26
andres_1 in Peru ?18:26
cherylHi everyone18:26
andres_Hello ?18:26
nicomachus!es | andres_18:26
ubottuandres_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:26
pavlosvikneshwar1,  you could clean up old gz files, I suggest keep up to 4 gz files to gain some space. You can also list by date (ls -ltr) to get rid of old entries.18:28
catbadgerbest ubuntu tablet, go!18:29
nicomachuscatbadger: try #ubuntu-offtopic for that discussion please.18:29
jabbotthey, I plugged in my USB mouse and without even touching it, it's jumping around.  How do I remedy this?18:30
vikneshwar1pavlos: fine :) what about the syslogs ,which takes more memory 25gigs =-O18:30
Southern_Gentlemjabbott, sorry i couldnt resist18:30
pavlosvikneshwar1,  seems your wireless is dumping errors in syslog18:31
vikneshwar1pavlos: oh , i would , i had issue with my wlan , sometimes , network wont show there is a wlan , i thought there is a issue with my wlan hardware and bought a another wlan  receiver and plugged to USB18:34
maccam94is it possible to install the 4.8 kernel on a laptop right now, or would that totally mess up the display stack?18:36
k1l_vikneshwar1: is linux-firmware-nonfree installed?18:36
maccam94(i'm on 16.04)18:36
k1l_maccam94: you can try the mainline kernels if you really want to18:36
k1l_!mainline | maccam9418:36
ubottumaccam94: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds18:36
pavlosvikneshwar1,  seems you need to configure your wireless differently. I searched for that error, I get 3 pages in French, I dont speak French18:37
maccam94i've got a skylake chipset and the system locks up when I try to attach a 4k display. supposedly there are fixes in 4.8. i'm aware of the mainline kernels, just wondering if those are server-only or if they might work on a system with a GUI18:37
maccam94i know the HWE packages backport the graphics stack as well18:38
k1l_maccam94: the HWE backports will still take some time. it will be the 16.10 kernel and xorg but 3 months after the 16.10 release18:38
maccam94yeah i know. again, just specifically wondering about compatibility between the kernel and the xorg drivers/drm/mesa packages18:39
mcphailmaccam94: It is so easy to roll back from a mainline kernel that it is easiest to just try it. If you find you have to update mesa as well, it may be best to wait for the HWE18:40
EstrI'm having an issue when trying to boot ubuntu, I got dual booting "initramfs) unable to find a medium containing a live file system." I've tried googling, most results were just "Put your usb in a 3.0" but I don't use an usb. It workde a week ago. Some other results told me to into bios and change some sata config thing to "IDE" which didnt work, and another result told me to enable IOMMU which is apparently not available on my motherboard18:41
Estrbecause it was not to be found anywhere in the bios. So now I'm lost and most of the results are greek to me..18:41
mcphailmaccam94: there are mesa PPAs, but you'll end up inflicting pain on yourself in the long run18:41
maccam94yeah, i've run the intel linux graphics updater tool so i'm already going to a path to craziness >_>18:42
vikneshwar1pavlos: haha fine :) even i have issue with my wlan in windows , it even dint show up there so i bought a new receiver , BTW now i am connected to default wlan in my laptop (not the one i bought)18:43
vikneshwar1k1l_: sorry , can you throw some light on what is that ?18:43
pavlosvikneshwar1,  software & updates, Additional drivers, maybe there is something there to fix your wireless?18:43
pavlosvikneshwar1,  you many need, sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree18:45
vikneshwar1pavlos: i just installed it18:45
vikneshwar1pavlos: btw , what is that18:45
pavlosmy /var/log is about 4.9Megs18:46
pavlosfirmware drivers18:46
vikneshwar1pavlos: okay , so how did it work before even though i haven't installed the driver ?18:47
pavlosvikneshwar1, that I dont know, worked but dumped stuff in syslog ...18:49
maccam94woot, the mainline 4.8 kernel seems to work with the intel graphics stack for 16.04. i can now drive a 4k display attached to my xps 935018:52
vikneshwar1pavlos: fine :) i dont know why still  80+ gigs are getting used even though i deleted log files which occupied gigs18:52
docmurI setup a powerdns server in a VM at my house.  If use a machine inside my home network and set the server to either the external IP of my network OR the internal IP of that server and do lookup's for records I know that server has, I get the right responses.  If I use an external server, I'm getting request time out's.  I have port 53 opened though the router and firmware.  Using TCPDUMP with a port18:54
sophia7can you temporarily allow an inbound port with ufw?18:54
docmurfilter, I can see when I make a request internally but not externally18:54
pavlosempty trash; du -sh /var/log18:54
vikneshwar1pavlos: thanks did:) just checked the /var size , its no more 1 gb , but my root directory still taked 80+ gb18:58
sophia7wtf is the new ifconfig thing replaced with? can't see my ip18:59
naccsophia7: probably use `ip addr`18:59
sophia7nacc: thank you young sire, I'll hand out some candy to ya some day from my van in grattitude19:01
sophia7gratitude indeed19:01
naccsophia7: yw?19:01
sophia7command < file .... will ignore keyboard input?19:03
sophia7I accidentally pressed a button :D19:03
vikneshwar1pavlos: its crazy that ls on / show most of the directory occupying 4.0KB http://pastebin.com/FP27YRPL19:03
pavlosvikneshwar1, use the 'du -h -d1 /' to find big dirs (the d1 is depth 1)19:03
pavlosvikneshwar1, ls tells you the dir entry is 4K19:04
naccvikneshwar1: you're mistaking ls's output for disk usage19:04
pavlosvikneshwar1, most dirs in / show as 4K19:05
ioriavikneshwar1, use du -sh /folder19:06
sophia7k, so, everyone, listen up! I am here to negotiate peace between the worlds. They've said this: fu 'yall, but I'm suggesting this: there shall be peace between the races.. blacks keeps to themselves, and whites to themselves and everything will be fine. No wars needed.19:06
nacc!ot | sophia719:06
ubottusophia7: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:06
vikneshwar1pavlos: nacc ok so what's the diff between dir entry and  disk usage19:07
naccvikneshwar1: http://askubuntu.com/questions/186813/why-does-every-directory-have-a-size-4096-bytes-4-k19:08
naccvikneshwar1: basic fs definitions19:08
pavlosvikneshwar1, man df and man du19:09
vikneshwar1nacc , pavlos thanks will check that19:09
pavlosvikneshwar1, most commands have a man page, it is helpful19:10
catbadger@nicomachus is this just for supporting people who are too lazy to RTFM then?19:11
=== onza is now known as Felishia
pavlosvikneshwar1, also you seem to be logged as root ... be careful19:11
nicomachuscatbadger: that and more advanced stuff. There are language guidelines.19:12
nacccatbadger: this is a support channel, not a channel to find opinions19:12
catbadgeryeah so i'll just take my decade of linux experience and eff off then sorry i broke your "RULES"19:12
nicomachusok bye.19:13
nvidiahello, to all19:17
nvidiai had instal ubuntu and win7 on diferent partition, i had must re-instal windows and now i don`t get anymore the boot menu when i start the pc. (windows run first, i don`t get the "choode" os to start) what can i do to get again the "choose os" menu ?19:17
lapionis anyone of libparted in here ?>19:19
nicomachusnvidia: do you have an ubuntu live USB or CD lying around?19:19
nvidianicomachus i have CD.19:20
vikneshwar1pavlos: yeah, i just logged in as root to delete those big log files19:20
nvidiainstaled on the partition19:20
nicomachusnvidia: boot that up, open a terminal, and run boot-repair19:20
nvidiaand then i must get again the "choose OS" right ?19:21
nicomachusnvidia: yes, that should restore Grub2 so you can choose your OS when you boot19:21
pavlosvikneshwar1, you can type sudo rm <bigfile> Staying as root, you might do other rm you did not intend to do ...19:21
nvidiaperfect. thank u very muuch., have a nice chat. cheers19:22
vikneshwar1pavlos: thanks , know about sudo , logged into root , so that i dont need to type sudo  each time , anyway logged out of root already :)19:23
liftedQuestion - I am attempting to install a PHP app on my otherwise-Rails server... and I have my subdomain setup, all looks well... but when I access the domain, index.php will not actually execute! I can definitely download files, so I know it's not an nginx config issue. It has to be PHP...19:24
sophia7can you run a tftp server withouht a deamon?19:25
sophia7tftpd requires you to config and blah blah19:25
Southern_Gentlemsophia7, sorry i dont see the need for an ftp if you can ssh into the box, if you can ssh you can scp19:26
sophia7I cannot.19:26
sophia7the tftpd for updating the firmware of my dildo (not trolling)19:27
sophia7tftpd seems to support such a mode though, -i option19:27
* Southern_Gentlem walks away from that one 19:27
sophia7oh, yeah, because I said dildo. What are we? 12 years old?19:27
sophia7if someone has a dildo, they must OBVIOUSLY be trolling... sigh19:28
OerHekssophia7, the kind of question makes me think you are trolling. please keep this channel family friendly, thanks.19:28
* nicomachus has never heard of firmware on those types of devices...19:28
sophia7OerHeks: I know it does, because people are so sensitive in here to everything.19:28
sophia7nicomachus: it has a really nice interface and usb connection for remote controlling :)19:28
nicomachuscan you not update the firmware over USB?19:29
* jmw wonders what new features the firm...ware update includes19:29
sophia7I meant to say WIFI19:29
nacckeep in mind, sophia7 just went offtopic a few minutes ago ...19:30
nicomachusok. so what is you're trying to setup here? a tftp server?19:30
* jmw also wonders if it was part of the recent DDOS on Krebs, heh19:30
sophia7I can even link it and prove it. But seriously though, it seems that you guys are way more fascinated over my dildo than I am. now who's the one trolling or keeping it "off-topic". All I'm asking is: how do I run a tftp server, and you're on about my dildo still.19:30
nicomachusjmw: no need for comments if you aren't helping with the technical issues. be adult about it.19:30
ioria!info tftp19:30
ubottutftp (source: netkit-tftp): Trivial file transfer protocol client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.17-18ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 15 kB, installed size 80 kB19:30
nicomachussophia7: I would start here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/201505/how-do-i-install-and-run-a-tftp-server19:30
naccsophia7: just install tftpd-hpa,19:31
sophia7keep in mind: you asked, I replied. I'm not just here casually trolling.19:31
k1l_sophia7: if you would not trying so hard to make it a drama we could actually work on the technical issue.19:31
sophia7k1l_: I would like to. It's really easy for you guys: stop bringing it up.. don't even comment this comment and we're all set and can move on. It's a dildo, k.. now let's move on and focus on the technical issue. You're the ones overly fascinated by it, not me.19:32
naccsophia7: install tftpd-hpa19:33
nicomachussophia7: we shared a couple links. do those help?19:33
sophia7looking on it19:33
sophia7looking on the hpa option19:33
sophia7it needs configuraiton :p19:33
nicomachussophia7: you're going to have to do some config work19:33
sophia7why is it that all the server applications always wants a configuration file and daemon status? Why can't they just "share" the directory specified by the command line?19:34
nicomachussophia7: because there are other tools for that. like rsync19:34
=== Trystam is now known as Tristam
nacciirc, you can just pass some basic arguments to in.tftpd and run it in the foreground19:35
ChetManlyanyone know why my nvidia-settings has no options in it?19:35
nk109is anyone having problems getting google chrome from google's ppa? http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ started returning a 404 a half hour ago19:36
ChetManlygot three cards, binary in, no options in the settings19:36
sophia7nacc: I read that too19:37
atellonk109 it's 404 for me as well19:37
ChetManlythree screens two cards*19:37
ChetManlyseems like there is overscan on the screens as well since window title bars go off the screen19:37
nicomachusnk109: 404 here too. check with the guys in their channel or just give it a wait.19:37
nk109nicomachus: thanks for confirming. what channel is their's?19:38
naccsophia7: i'd check the manpage, it's pretty trivial; iirc, you could also look at xinetd's conf for the same and it shoud show you an example commandline19:39
OerHeksobelix_, here > http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/19:39
pavlosnk109, https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html19:39
gebruikerwhat is the difference between make - clean ; mrproper ; distclean ?19:40
naccgebruiker: depends on the Makefile19:40
gebruikernacc, it is the linux kernel makefile19:41
naccgebruiker: then the appropriate channel to ask is a kernel-related channel.19:41
naccgebruiker: you can see what the difference is by examining the Makefile, though19:41
sophia7nacc: I've checked both manpage and info, haven't found such a thing yet19:41
pavlosgebruiker, these are labels in the Makefile, look at the Makefile to see what each label does19:41
naccsophia7: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TFTP should be mostly accurate, a swell19:42
C0r3If I want to make my usb stick bootable so that I will be able to boot into a UEFI system. How am I supposed to do it?19:42
gebruikerpavlos, i know generally what they do and that there are 3 levels of clean but I was looking for a more in-depth answer. I will have to find the appropiate channel first19:42
k1l_gebruiker: ##linux19:42
nk109pavlos: yes i can download a deb manually from there, but i have servers that are pulling chrome programmatically by adding their ppa19:43
pavlosnk109, I'll look for a ppa ...19:44
k1l_nk109: just wait untill the google guys fixed their repo again19:44
nicomachusgetting old, google...19:45
ADI_i can not ccess like a sudo and i am a sudo user19:46
pavlosnk109, some one suggested, On a 64bit sys, change contents in your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list to:19:47
pavlosdeb [arch=amd64] http://dl.google.com/linux/chr... stable main19:47
k1l_ADI_: can you give more details?19:47
nk109pavlos: its the "https://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/" that is returning a 40419:48
k1l_pavlos: that is not the issue at all. the google servers are down. there is nothing we can do19:48
ADI_Kll since i update my cp to ubuntu 16 i can not be sudo user19:48
ADI_and I realized qhen i was trying gto use bleachbit19:48
pavlosnk109, k1l_ my error19:48
yeats!fixsudo | ADI_19:49
yeatshmm - that used to be an active factoid19:49
ioriank109, wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb19:49
ADI_yeats, just "!fixsudo" ? does not work19:49
yeatsADI_: that was meant to have the bot address you with a factoid19:50
yeatsADI_: something like this might help: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo19:50
ADI_yeats, thank you, let me check on it19:51
sophia7ADI_: no u19:51
sophia7nacc: fyi, seems like all httpd does is taking a directory as argument and then simply provides it19:51
naccsophia7: over http, sure, that might be true19:53
naccsophia7: also isn't httpd a rh-ism?19:54
bashar_pls help20:04
k1l_!details | bashar_20:05
ubottubashar_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.20:05
pavlosbashar_, your question?20:06
bashar_i am using ubuntu mate, only firefox is working , but no other browser is working.....20:08
k1l_bashar_: do you use a proxy or vpn?20:08
pavlosbashar_, the chrome d/ from google does not work right now ...20:08
k1l_bashar_: and what does "no other browsers work" mean exactly? what error do you get?20:09
bashar_crome says ssl error20:09
bashar_i have install facebook messenger on ubuntu mate , it is also not loading20:11
bashar_no communication is stablish except firefox20:11
nils_I believe chrome displays a useful error message at the bottom of the error page.20:13
docmurI setup a powerdns server in a VM at my house.  If use a machine inside my home network and set the server to either the external IP of my network OR the internal IP of that server and do lookup's for records I know that server has, I get the right responses.  If I use an external server, I'm getting request time out's.  I have port 53 opened though the router and firmware.  Using TCPDUMP with a port20:13
docmurfilter, I can see when I make a request internally but not externally20:13
peyami have a android box connected to my ubuntu. I want to know the brand of it. how do I do it. anybody knows?20:18
k1l_know the brand of what? the android device? how is it connected?20:20
OerHeksCPU-Z is available for Android in Google Play Store. You can see your hardware information in it.20:21
peyamk1l_, usb cable20:21
k1l_peyam: lsusb20:21
peyamOerHeks, it's android box that has some problems20:21
peyamk1l_, seems like it doesnt notice it http://paste.ubuntu.com/23276648/20:22
sophia7how do you list open ports with ip?20:22
nils_does ubuntu change the cpufreq scaling governor at some stage while booting? It is defaulting to performance, however when I check in sysfs it says performance and the CPU is running at 50% clock speed.20:22
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nils_sophia7, ports that are listened on by services without resolving? try sudo netstat -tulpen20:23
sophia7nils_: netstat is old, I don't have it20:23
sophia7nils_: seems like it's replaced by ip?20:23
k1l_peyam: run "sudo update-usbids"20:23
k1l_peyam: then try again20:24
nils_sophia7, I don't think so, as far as I know ip is only for the IP layer.20:24
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pavlosnetstat -ntlp | grep LISTEN20:25
peyamk1l_, samething http://paste.ubuntu.com/23276660/20:25
sophia7bash: netstat: command not found20:25
sophia7I'm running cutting edge.. netstat will be removed in some future release20:25
nils_netstat is part of net-tools which I think is a dependency of ubuntu-minimal.20:25
sophia7oh, k20:25
nils_oh I see.20:25
k1l_peyam: is that android device running and set to work with usb?20:25
k1l_sophia7: what ubuntu is that?20:26
peyamit has some usb port.20:27
sophia7k1l_: archlinux :320:27
sophia7ss is the answer20:27
k1l_sophia7: really? all that drama in here and you run archlinux?20:27
sophia7yeah, I must pretend to use ubuntu to avoid even further drama20:28
maxcell_hahaha :D20:28
peyamk1l_, let him be. he knew he wouldnt get any further help.20:29
nils_well no point in re-joining then ;)20:29
maxcell_that was a little over the top20:29
k1l_peyam: well. what android box is it?20:30
peyamk1l_, that the answer i try to answer :(20:31
k1l_peyam: not all devices connect on usb as standard.20:31
peyamk1l_, do you think they never think of reparing a android box bu debugging it? I mean is it idiotic to not have a debugging option?20:31
k1l_peyam: of course they do. but they do know what box they have and what to do than. just putting a usb cable in might not be enough.20:32
peyamIt's a iptv box that uses Android. They got banned couse they had some tax issue. now they sended an update and they removed all the apps from it. so what is left is their useless streaming app and a musicplayer.20:33
peyamk1l_, yeah. I have one box at home and it clearly says what usb port is ment to use for debugging.20:33
peyamthis iptv box costed 290.53 $. can you believe that. for a simple machine that you can get for 23.24$ on wish20:34
k1l_peyam: maybe the guys in #android can help you on that. that seems to be more android specific than the ubuntu side20:35
peyamk1l_, Yeah. I will move there . Thank you for your help! :)20:35
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wodimhello, I was reading the LTS article on the wiki and it states "The LTS designation applies only to specific subsets of the Ubuntu archive.", are those subsets specified anywhere?20:57
MonkeyDust!lts | wodim20:57
ubottuwodim: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1)20:57
wodimthat does not answer my question20:57
nils_wodim, packages come with a Supported tag.20:58
wodimnils_, where's that tag visible?20:58
k1l_wodim: its the packages in the main repo20:59
nils_wodim, apt-cache show for example, I think there is also a way to check all the packages.21:00
mcphailwodim: try running "ubuntu-support-status"21:00
wodimk1l_, so kde, which is in universe, is not part of the LTS programme?21:01
k1l_ah, its main and restricted, actually21:01
k1l_wodim: no. that is maintained by the kubuntu team, which do guarantee 3 years of support, iirc21:01
wodimso if it's in universe/multiverse, it's up to the package maintainer21:02
wodimI suppose tho that security updates are pushed anyway?21:02
mrdebyeah what21:03
mrdebwodim: depends on what is is in sources21:03
wodimdepends on upstream you mean?21:03
k1l_wodim: canonical runs a security team, yes. but i think that only covers the main and restricted pacakges.21:04
wodimah, thank you21:04
cyrikHi.  I recently installed Ubuntu 16.04 64bit and any php files I try to load just show blank, white screens.  Is anyone else having this problem?21:04
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mrdebi jsut know that after i install, i right away change the stupid default sources.list to remove source downloads, which are too hugefor list21:05
cyrikin apache21:05
wodimthank you21:05
nacccyrik: do you have libapache2-mod-php installed and configured?21:05
nacccyrik: and your php sources are written for php7?21:06
nacccyrik: your apache logs should indicate what error is occurring, if any21:06
cyriknacc: I did install libapache2-mod-php.  I'm trying to get LogAnalyzer working but I can't get past this blank screen21:07
cyrikI used apt-get to install LogAnalyzer which is supposed to be supported21:08
nacccyrik: yes, it should work, please look in the apache logs, i'll try and reproduce it here21:08
cyriknacc: I found some errors21:09
cyrikPHP Warning:  include(): Failed opening './include/functions_common.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /usr/share/loganalyzer/index.php on line 4321:09
cyrikfor starters21:09
cyrikseveral of those type errors21:09
cyrikPHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function InitPhpLogCon() in /usr/share/loganalyzer/index.php:50\nStack trace:\n#0 {main}\n  thrown in /usr/share/loganalyzer/index.php on line 5021:10
Psil0Cybinhey guys i have a vps with fail2ban installed21:11
Psil0Cybini have this flooded in my logs reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo for 172.161.iconpln.net.i21:11
Psil0Cybind [] failed - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT!21:11
Psil0Cybinwhat can i do to attempt to understand this?21:11
ppfPsil0Cybin: install fail2ban21:12
Psil0Cybini have fail2ban installed21:13
Psil0Cybinbut that is still in my auth.log21:13
Psil0CybinI'm just trying to completely understand..21:13
ppfPsil0Cybin: it's bruteforce breakin attempts21:14
Psil0Cybinyea but that does not help me, its saying attempted break in attempt, how can i view if it was successful21:14
cyrikget an ASA :)21:14
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Psil0Cybinreverse mapping checking getaddrinfo for 172.161.iconpln.net.i21:15
Psil0Cybind [] failed - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT!21:15
orlockfuck asa's21:15
Psil0Cybinlike they tried to do reverse mapping21:15
pylon_hi all!21:15
Psil0Cybinwould fail2ban protect against that21:15
nils_Psil0Cybin, that's very hard to do since any successful attacker would do a lot to not leave traces.21:15
ppfPsil0Cybin: secure your system and you'll be fine21:15
Psil0Cybinpff i have fail2ban installed21:15
Psil0Cybini use ssh keys21:15
Psil0Cybinwhat else can i do21:15
nils_disable password login for SSH21:15
Psil0Cybinalready done21:15
Psil0Cybini use ssh keys21:15
ppfthat's about it21:15
Psil0Cybinbut I'm still flooded with logs on logs21:16
nils_yeah if you're paranoid you can do port knocking.21:16
Psil0Cybinwith all these attacks lol21:16
ironchunkother port for ssh, helps a lot21:16
Amaraport knocking?21:16
orlocknils_: From what i've seen, thats not really the case, they rely on apathy21:16
k1l_Psil0Cybin: well, set fail2ban to ban ips that fail to lgoin too often21:16
orlockPsil0Cybin: its the internet - get used to it21:16
nils_orlock, yeah depends on what the attacker wants.21:16
orlockPsil0Cybin: Either ignore it, or disconnect, you have to deal with it basically21:16
nils_Amara, basically sending a sequence of udp packets that then opens the tcp port for the IP that sent the udp packets.21:16
AmaraOr 2FA, its cute ^_^21:16
orlockPsil0Cybin: Changing ports will cut down the noise, but it's not security.21:16
Psil0Cybinso ur saying don't be worried about spam like this (reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo for 172.161.iconpln.net.i21:16
Psil0Cybind [] failed - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT!21:16
k1l_Psil0Cybin: if its a iprange you know that is not you or other users, then ban that ip range21:16
Psil0Cybin) as long as i have fail2ban, use ssh keys, have ssh passwords disabled?21:16
ironchunkand fail2ban should block an ip address after some attends with the right regex filter21:16
orlockPsil0Cybin: It's no concern21:17
Psil0Cybini just wanted to know if it was a concern21:17
orlockPsil0Cybin: Turn off address lookups in your daemons21:17
Amaranils_, I was trying to suggest it, thanks anyway!21:17
cyriknacc: any luck reproducing it?21:17
nacccyrik: yeah, debugging21:17
Amaramy bad ;_;21:17
cyriknacc: k21:17
orlockPsil0Cybin: It's just trying to resolve the names of IP's that are connecting. Most people turn it off for better performance21:17
Psil0Cybini was worried it was a bad concern or something of that nature21:17
Psil0Cybinso why would it say21:17
Psil0Cybinbreaking alert21:17
Psil0Cybinbut not before with other ssh brute forcers21:17
Psil0Cybinthis is a new alert :P21:17
nils_the log message could be improved21:18
Psil0Cybini kinda monitor the logs for fun21:18
Psil0Cybini don't have anything of value I'm learning linux21:18
orlockPsil0Cybin: Well, it IS a breakin attempt21:18
Psil0Cybinand own a ops21:18
orlockPsil0Cybin: but thats just what you get now.21:18
Psil0Cybinokay thanks21:18
Psil0Cybinso how can i be notified if i get broken into21:18
Psil0CybinI'm basically just fucked lol21:18
Psil0Cybinsorry for language21:18
orlockPsil0Cybin: I've looked at the logs, and if i see connections from local IP ranges (as in same country) i make a call21:18
ironchunkPsil0Cybin: you could set up an email notficiation after a ssh login21:18
Psil0Cybinhmm interesting21:19
Psil0Cybinyea that i should do21:19
orlockPsil0Cybin: Or stop using passwords, use keys21:19
nils_the problem is specific to the DNS settings for that IP, basically they set a PTR entry for the IP to a hostname that does not exist21:19
ironchunkPsil0Cybin: google it, its pretty common21:19
nicomachusalso set up Fail2Ban21:19
ppfwe're reiterating suggestions now21:19
Psil0Cybinwell i installed fail2ban21:19
Psil0Cybinhow would i set it up because litterely all day lol21:20
Psil0Cybinreverse mapping checking getaddrinfo for 172.161.iconpln.net.i21:20
Psil0Cybind [] failed - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT!21:20
Psil0Cybinwhoops wrong copy21:20
Psil0Cybinbut i could pastebin for days *input_userauth_requests, bad protocol versions lol21:20
Psil0Cybininvalid user admin is the best21:20
ppfyou should disable root login as well21:21
orlockPsil0Cybin: I've spoken to people from Redhat and HP after notifying them of breakin attempts from networks they looked after21:21
Psil0Cybinreally so add user account to sudo21:21
Psil0Cybinand disable root?21:21
Psil0Cybini thought root is okay to use if I'm using ssh keys and the vps is only for me21:21
ppfthen the attackers also need to guess your userame21:21
Psil0Cybinthats true21:22
cyriknacc: It looks like there are some files missing.  The errors I see are complaining about files that aren't there.  I'm wondering if the apt-get install process is not installing everything.21:22
Psil0Cybinthank you ppt21:22
ppfit's not a real protection because there are much less of those than possibilities in ssh keys21:22
nils_unless you plan to use that particular ISP, just filter them all and complain to their abuse department. Also their DNS configuration is demonstrably wrong.21:22
ppfbut you can actually see that they guessed wrong and laugh at them21:23
Psil0Cybinsee I'm just learning :)21:23
nils_ppf, given the amount of false logins each day that would probably preclude one from doing anything else ;)21:23
nacccyrik: which files?21:23
Psil0Cybini wanted to use my VPS as a irc bouncer but I'm kinda paranoid with all these attempts21:23
Psil0Cybini wanna make sure i have it secure first :o21:24
ppfto protect an irc bouncer?21:24
cyriknacc: PHP Warning:  include(./include/functions_common.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/share/loganalyzer/index.php on line 4321:24
cyriknacc: there is no index.php in that path21:24
OerHeksusername bigger than 16 characters would help too. some services are limited to that :-D21:24
nacccyrik: um, yes there is? or there should be21:25
nacccyrik: 16.04?21:25
Psil0Cybinare u for real i never thought of that21:25
nils_cyrik, just from that error message I can see the software isn't coded very well ;)21:25
nacccyrik: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23276874/21:25
nacccyrik: i get a white page, but no such error message, still debugging21:26
Psil0Cybinpff yea to protect an IRC bouncer, am i not a wierdo :O21:26
Psil0Cybini installed the vps and have just been monitoring logs for a few weeks21:26
Psil0CybinI'm just trying to figure out whats completely normal and what isn't.21:27
OerHeksstill those attempts will come21:27
cyriknacc: I didn't get those error messages until I changed the permissions on the /usr/share/loganalyzer to 655.  I did this to check if it was a permissions prob21:27
Psil0Cybinyea but is there like a good guide for like understanding, whats Okay....whats normal....whats a BIG PROBLEM21:27
Psil0Cybinor do u just assume yes when all ur logs are missing21:27
cyriknacc: I'm running 16.0421:27
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cyriknacc: if you inspect the white page do you also get nothing on the source page?21:29
nacccyrik: ack21:29
nacccyrik: but i get no error on the server (yet), debugging21:29
cyriknacc: I wasn't getting any error either until I chmod 655 the loganalyzer dir.  before that the log showed me squat21:29
cyriknacc: out of curiousity, who owns the files in your /usr/share/loganalyzer dir?21:31
nacccyrik: look to be root:root21:31
cyriknacc: that wouldn't need to be www-data:www-data ?21:32
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nacccyrik: well, it's 755, so should be readable by www-data21:33
Guest21651i've just installed ubuntu mate, that "Tilda" is the first thing i hate, and the fact that is stealing my F12 even more. I disabled tilda, do i have to reboot?21:33
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cyriknacc: ok21:34
lordcirthGuest21651, well, does it still pop up?21:34
Guest21651after no reboot yes, every time! It is so annoying, that i want to move to something else. (I am using emacs and mate-terminal with many profiles, no need for tilda, when C+Alt+t does the same without toggle... And my F12 is the / in emacs bindings, this is a German keyboard...)21:36
nacccyrik: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23276928/21:37
nacccyrik: that was after turning on the error reporting, etc. in the php.ini file for apache221:37
nacccyrik: LP: #157554321:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1575543 in loganalyzer (Ubuntu) "loganalyzer not work in ubuntu 16.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157554321:37
lonewulf85hello I am having an issue with apt-get, when I run it i get "cannot locate package"21:37
EriC^^lonewulf85: which package21:37
lonewulf85eric: any21:38
k1l_lonewulf85: can you put all output into paste.ubuntu.com and show the link here?21:38
EriC^^lonewulf85: try sudo apt-get update21:38
cyriknacc: so basically it won't work with php7?21:38
nacccyrik: i'll work on fixing it, but it looks like the upstream source hasn't been made php7 compliant21:38
lonewulf85k1l_ yes just give me a few moments I am running an update through the software center hoping that will fix it21:39
cyriknacc: you are a jedi.  I've been chasing my tail for hours trying to find an answer21:39
lonewulf85Eric^^ I have twice now21:39
EriC^^lonewulf85: does it mention get ..get...get..?21:40
lonewulf85Eric^^ yes it does21:41
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lonewulf85okay now when i try it gives me could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock anyone know how to clean dpkg21:42
k1l_lonewulf85: let the software center or updater run first.21:42
k1l_lonewulf85: you can only have one program use the package manager at once21:43
nacccyrik: i got it working21:43
cyriknacc: already? wow!21:43
nacccyrik: let me setup a PPA for you to use in the short-term and i'll submit it to be fixed properly21:43
lonewulf85k1l_ I know software center has stopped and the update was installed, I think it got locked open.21:43
lonewulf85Okay here is the pastebin http://pastebin.com/qbV5AVm821:49
k1l_lonewulf85: ok, can you show a "apt-cache policy gdebi"21:49
cyriknacc:  so preg_replace() needs to be replaced with preg_replace_callback ?21:50
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lonewulf85k1l_ it just gives me this N: Unable to locate package gdebi21:50
k1l_!away > precise|AFK21:51
ubottuprecise|AFK, please see my private message21:51
k1l_lonewulf85: please run a "sudo apt-get update | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the url here21:51
lonewulf85k1l_ http://pastebin.com/DcS4zt6X21:53
nacccyrik: test builds sent to https://launchpad.net/~nacc/+archive/ubuntu/lp157554321:53
check_update-manager -V /usr/bin/update-manager:28: PyGIWarning: Gtk was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.   from gi.repository import Gtk WARNING:root:can not import unity GI cannot import name Dbusmenu, introspection typelib not found update-manager: version 1:16.04.421:53
k1l_lonewulf85: do you use any sort of vpn or proxy?21:54
lonewulf85k1l_ nope21:54
lonewulf85k1l_ not unless my work network has one installed21:54
k1l_lonewulf85: well, your issue is a typical issue when the network is filtered.21:55
k1l_lonewulf85: yeah, that sounds like a company network21:55
cyriknacc: will this perform a full refresh on the files?21:55
nacccyrik: not sure what you mean? it iwll, once the build is available, install a new version21:56
lonewulf85k1l_ any work around21:56
nacccyrik: i'm not sure how you got in a state where /usr/share/loganalyzer didn't contain an index.php that doesn't seem possible21:56
lonewulf85k1l_ like tor or something21:56
cyriknacc: I reinstalled it while you were away and I have an index.php file now but still the white screen as before.21:57
nacccyrik: yes, that's correct21:57
nacccyrik: once my PPA is done building (it's done now, but needs to publish still which can take a bit), please test it21:58
k1l_lonewulf85: this names the technical issue behind it and some workarounds: http://askubuntu.com/questions/474549/got-nodata-issue-nodata-does-the-network-require-authentication21:58
nils_k1l_, maybe using https would be enough?21:59
cyriknacc: looks like it published a min ago21:59
nacccyrik: yep, should be good to test21:59
k1l_nils_: no. you need tunnel outside to circumvent transparent proxies21:59
cyriknacc: i've never installed a PPA before.  The first set of instructions is all I need?22:00
nacccyrik: yeah22:00
nacccyrik: add-apt-repository ppa:nacc/lp1575543; apt update; apt upgrade22:01
lonewulf85k1l_ everything was working just fine in14.04, is there a way to regress the uppgrade22:02
nacccyrik: ah ha, there are more errors22:03
nacccyrik: one sec22:03
cyriknacc: error 50022:03
cyriknacc: currently unable to handle this request.22:03
k1l_lonewulf85: no22:04
nacccyrik: from loganalyzer?22:06
mortesubt4i'm brazilian22:06
cyriknacc: when I try to access it in the browser, yes22:06
nacccyrik: yes, as i said, it's still not fixed, let me update another one22:07
cyriknacc: right, just answering your question :)22:07
lonewulf85k1l_ okay well I will reinstall, fortinatley I have seperate / and /home files22:08
k1l_lonewulf85: i dont think that it will work differently on 14.0422:09
lonewulf85k1l_ yesterday it was great, then I upgraded big mistake right.22:10
cpareHello - hoping someone can assist with a couple of distro questions...22:11
nacccyrik: ppa2 build submitted22:11
nacccyrik: sorry, typo on my part and two remaining same-named constructors22:12
lordcirth!ask | cpare22:14
ubottucpare: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:14
cpareIf I am occasionally going to be on my server and need gnome, is there any bennefit installing server over desktop?22:15
cyriknacc: no problem.  I'm just glad you can even help me out of this mess :)22:15
k1l_cpare: the desktop install is the same base system with a xorg and desktop. but if its a server you dont want install a desktop that steals ressources :)22:16
nacccyrik: it seems that /usr/share/loganalyzer/config.php overrides some of the error reporting, if you turn the flags on in that file, you get much clearer errors22:17
cyriknacc: ok, good to know22:17
nacccyrik: ppa2 is working for me22:18
nacccyrik: it should be up,if you can test as well22:18
nacccyrik: as far as displaying the page :)22:18
cyriknacc: ok I'll give it a go right now. brb22:19
nacccyrik: looks like there are more of the same-named constructors, but i'll fix and keep uloading as i go22:19
macbookWhats up team?22:19
cpare@K11_ - Thanks for the info, thats really all I needed - I occasionally use it as a desktop, but 90% of the time it's just running samba and plex server.22:19
cpareIf I wanted to add the Ubuntu styles to the default gnome install is it still gnome-look-ubuntu?22:21
cyriknacc: awesome!  I got a loganalyzer page now.22:21
nacccyrik: cool :)22:21
nacccyrik: there are still some errors, like i said, but htat should get you further, at least22:22
cyriknacc: the furthest I've gotten all day :)22:24
cyriknacc: huge thanks22:25
nacccyrik: np, please update the bug with your testing results if you can22:25
Globalirchello guys i have some problems i install manually a php5.3 version and i wanted to unistall with apt-get remove php5 was not success and i do a manually remove with locate php5 and after that collect all directory were php5 was. and use rm -rf like here http://paste.ubuntu.com/23277234/ and now apt-get update dont work it say me this http://paste.ubuntu.com/23277238/ what can i do ?22:30
naccGlobalirc: what do you mean installed manually?22:31
Globalircnacc with wget22:31
naccGlobalirc: wget of a .deb file?22:32
Globalircnacc wget http://in1.php.net/distributions/php-5.3.29.tar.bz222:32
naccGlobalirc: uh22:32
naccwhy would you use apt-get to uninstall that?22:32
naccGlobalirc: you installed it 'locally', in theory22:32
naccGlobalirc: and then you butchered your dpkg files, for some reason22:32
NUTsTUNWould anyone be able to help me would with some audio issues?22:33
Globalircnacc i use the rm -rf command to delete the php5 folders, files22:33
TameikiHello, I'm trying to host a XMPP server with Prosody, but when I try to connect, I have, in the logfile, a "ssl handshake failed". I check my certs and keys (self-signed) but nothing looks weird. Anyone have an idea please ?22:33
k1l_Globalirc: sudo mkdir -p /var/cache/apt/archives/partial22:33
naccGlobalirc: you also used it to delete files controlled by apt and dpkg22:33
naccGlobalirc: next time, don't do any of that, afaict22:33
Globalirck1l_ done22:34
nacccyrik: fyi, ppa3 clears out the last two warnings, i'm going to upload those fixes22:34
Globalircits work again k1l_ thax22:34
cyriknacc: I'll be the first one to test it22:35
Globalirck1l_ now i get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/23277251/22:36
Globalircnacc i will know next time22:36
Globalircto not do that22:36
MattJ100Tameiki: Prosody has its own support channels: https://prosody.im/discuss22:37
cyriknacc: loaded up nice and clean22:37
nacccyrik: awesome, thanks!22:37
cyriknacc: no, thank YOU! :)22:37
NUTsTUNDoes anyone know how to fix my problem: I have an Asus Zenbook Pro UX501VW running Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on dual boot. Whenever I have headphones plugged in, there is a high pitch white noise that comes through.22:37
nacccyrik: there may be other issues with the underlying stuff, particular the db code, but they are probably all upstream -- i'll send these php syntax things in a PR to upstream as well22:37
NUTsTUNThis noise is not there for Windows 10. I've tried disabling intel power save and muting the mic input etc22:38
k1l_Globalirc: ok, you messed your whole pacakgesystem. i guess reinstall is the best you can do22:38
NUTsTUNIt occurs with multiple distros and kernels22:38
ubuntu721Anyone good with kali linux?22:39
nacc!kali | ubuntu72122:39
ubottuubuntu721: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)22:39
Globalirck1l_ is not there a way to manually make this or install manually ?22:41
Globalircbecause if i reinstall i heve lot of work what i done already22:41
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k1l_Globalirc: no. you erased all informations from the packagesystem as what pacakge is installed etc. so that is totally ruined and cant be just recreated again.22:41
abshkdgood morning :) i am stuck with a problem that someone may have encountered already22:42
Guest62254Hi everybody22:42
abshkdtrying to install Display Link driver on ubuntu-mate and getting this weird issue22:43
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abshkdUnsatisfied dependencies. Missing component: Linux headers for running kernel, 4.1.19-v7+.22:43
abshkdThis is a fatal error, cannot install DisplayLink Linux Software.22:43
Globalirck1l_ with this tutorial i manage to rebuild all. http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/161866/how-to-recreate-var-lib-dpkg-status22:43
abshkdi have already installed linux-headers-generic22:44
OerHeksabshkd, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)22:44
Ben64abshkd: how do you have kernel  4.1.19-v7+22:44
abshkdusing ubuntu-mate for RPi. it just the vanilla install22:45
abshkdi am not even certain how this happened. generic header installs linux-headers-generic ( ...22:46
NUTsTUNSo no one knows what I can do???22:46
Ben64abshkd: yeah because 16.04 comes with 4.422:46
Ben64NUTsTUN: get a better made laptop?22:46
OerHeksNUTsTUN, you could put your hardware specific question on askubuntu too22:46
abshkdBen64 yeah but why would I get this weird kernel when using image verified image from ubuntu-mate22:47
abshkdhow can I fix this?22:47
NUTsTUNBen64: I don't think it's laptop quality.... Sound is great when running Windows 10. No interference or noise whatsoever22:47
Ben64NUTsTUN: so windows has some kind of workaround going, but noise on a headphone jack is a hardware issue22:48
abshkddo you think i could just update the kernel manually :/22:49
fioneI have a repo problem. when I do sudo apt-get update, one of the repo is looped six time, also it says 404 not found in one of the error.22:50
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k1l_fione: can you pate the output on paste.ubuntu.com ?22:51
cyriknacc:  do you show this on the loganalyzer page?: Syslog file is not readable, read access may be denied22:53
OerHeksnever seen a ubuntu repo with a space https://cloud.r-project.org trusty-backports/main22:54
nacccyrik: yeah, i'm not sure if that requires extra config or not22:55
k1l_fione: i wonder why you have a trusty repo there when your systme is xenial22:55
OerHeksoh never mind22:55
cyriknacc: load yours again but with /install.php22:57
k1l_fione: can you show "grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | nc termbin.com 9999"22:57
cyriknacc: you will see the message I see22:57
fionek1l_: quoting from the installation guide: "Installation and compilation of R or some of its packages may require Ubuntu packages from the "backports" repositories."22:57
\9what's the difference between "grep ^" and cat?22:59
k1l_fione: 3rd party repos belong in own files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d folder22:59
\9oh, shows the file name alongside the contents23:00
k1l_fione: and you can remove that second line of that repo. that is just rubbish23:00
k1l_\9: yeah.23:00
OerHeksk1l_, 2 lines with https, that could not be correct, is it?23:00
k1l_OerHeks: yeah, that is uncommon23:01
habeeb/server +22222 habeeb:Imnog00d23:01
bekkshi all23:03
bekksI'm looking for a howto/solution on how to use puppet & foreman on an Ubuntu 16.04/14.04. Does anyone know how to a) install those on parallel and b) how to configure puppet for being able to deploy machines and c) manage them with foreman afterwards?23:03
bekks*in parallel23:03
fioneOk.  so what should I name it, k1l_?23:05
k1l_r.list ?23:06
fioneok. then what is the *.list.save file?23:06
bekksa backup file.23:07
k1l_that is done by ubuntu when you upgrade your system. its a backup file23:07
fioneso I don't need to make it on my own, is it right?23:07
k1l_the backupfile? no23:08
fioneok. thanks.23:08
docmurI have powerdns running on a server inside my network.  If I use nslookup from inside the network I'm getting the right answers.  If I use telnet, I can connect via port 53 from external servers to the new dns server, I can see the connection with tcpdump src port 53, BUT, externally, nslookup won't return me anythig but connection timeout23:11
nils_docmur, maybe you are only allowing tcp, not UDP traffic?23:11
docmurI have the firewall set to allow but tcp and udp to the dns server23:13
docmurHowever, I can make two entries and tie one to tcp and one to udp23:13
docmurI also have all ufw firewalls disabled all the way to router23:14
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SquarismSo is Mir/Unity8 working in Ubuntu 16.10?23:32
Squarismas in "a working replacement for x11" ?23:32
OerHeksSquarism, optional, yes. join #ubuntu+1 for 16.10 support, untill release23:32
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