
smoserharlowja, yeah. i fixed, and added a tox with an 1.3 mock version to test.01:33
smoserwell, rharper fixed.01:33
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Odd_Blokerharper: cloudinit-analyze sounds <3 <3 <308:26
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smosermagicalChicken, around ?16:29
jgrimmsmoser, fwiw, Wed are class days, so expect delayed response16:36
smoserk. mail sent.16:38
magicalChickensmoser, jgrimm: I just got the email about syslog support, I'll start adding that in to the cloud-init logging documentation later today or early tomorrow17:01
magicalChickenIt might actually be useful to put logging documentation into a separate section in the docs since its used everywhere17:02
jgrimmthanks magicalChicken!17:03
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