
john_sanyone have a clue about a system not booting anymore the moment you specify ldap as an additional passwd source in /etc/nssswitch.conf? Even with bind policy set to soft and short timeouts.00:05
AIvaroMolinaAlllllvaaaaroooo moooolllllliiiiiinaaaaa03:06
AIvaroMolinaAlllllvaaaaroooo moooolllllliiiiiinaaaaa03:09
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Please stop03:09
AIvaroMolinaAlllllvaaaaroooo moooolllllliiiiiinaaaaa03:11
ahoneybunmm I think trying to ban that IP would be useless03:12
AIvaroMolinaAlllllvaaaaroooo moooolllllliiiiiinaaaaa03:13
AIvaroMolinaAlllllvaaaaroooo moooolllllliiiiiinaaaaa03:13
AIvaroMolinaAlllllvaaaaroooo moooolllllliiiiiinaaaaa03:13
AIvaroMolinaAlllllvaaaaroooo moooolllllliiiiiinaaaaa03:13
AIvaroMolinaAlllllvaaaaroooo moooolllllliiiiiinaaaaa03:13
ahoneybunDrone`:  thank you03:13
one|2How can I change the weather source to use this site: https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=KWAKENT6103:21
ahoneybunfor the widget?03:24
one|2ahoneybun: the widget yes03:27
one|2ahoneybun: does weather  underground still have reporters?03:35
ahoneybunone|2: I don't see an option to change the source03:35
one|2do you know much about weather reporting?03:36
one|2it is an important start03:37
one|2there needs to be reliable reporters03:38
one|2so where is wetter the current source coming up with it's sources?03:39
one|2or its03:39
one|2no it's03:39
one|2not really posessive03:40
one|2I'd go with NOAA.gov but I havent spoken with the members of it to hear what they think a nation is.03:43
one|2SO either they need a human contact or a secure sensor, weather station for the report to be accurate.03:45
one|2ahoneybun: do you read me?03:45
ahoneybunone|2: kinda sorta not sure about weather reporting03:46
one|2ahoneybun: do you not check the weather?03:47
ahoneybunI do03:48
one|2Who do you trust for reporting?03:48
one|2by typing weather?03:48
Guest15068ahoneybun: it links too weather.com so it looks like it is googles source03:50
Guest15068how about noaa03:51
Guest15068can you find a widget using NNOAA03:51
Guest15068I've seen what looked like a weather station sensor before.03:51
Guest15068Either weather underground or noaa had a network for this.03:52
Guest15068my guess is wetter.com parses and recycles wather.com or something03:55
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AIvaroMolinaalllllvaaaaaaaroooooooo moooooooooliiiiiiiiinaaaaaa04:50
AIvaroMolinaalllllvaaaaaaaroooooooo moooooooooliiiiiiiiinaaaaaa04:50
AIvaroMolinaalllllvaaaaaaaroooooooo moooooooooliiiiiiiiinaaaaaa04:50
AIvaroMolinaalllllvaaaaaaaroooooooo moooooooooliiiiiiiiinaaaaaa04:50
AIvaroMolinaalllllvaaaaaaaroooooooo moooooooooliiiiiiiiinaaaaaa04:50
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AtttiiivbarooTRUalllllllvaaaaaaarooooo moooooliiiiiinaaaaaaa05:49
AtttiiivbarooTRUalllllllvaaaaaaarooooo moooooliiiiiinaaaaaaa05:49
AtttiiivbarooTRUalllllllvaaaaaaarooooo moooooliiiiiinaaaaaaa05:49
AtttiiivbarooTRUalllllllvaaaaaaarooooo moooooliiiiiinaaaaaaa05:49
AtttiiivbarooTRUalllllllvaaaaaaarooooo moooooliiiiiinaaaaaaa05:49
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Mattthewalllllllvaaaaaaarooooo moooooliiiiiinaaaaaaa06:01
Mattthewalllllllvaaaaaaarooooo moooooliiiiiinaaaaaaa06:01
Mattthewalllllllvaaaaaaarooooo moooooliiiiiinaaaaaaa06:01
Mattthewalllllllvaaaaaaarooooo moooooliiiiiinaaaaaaa06:01
Mattthewalllllllvaaaaaaarooooo moooooliiiiiinaaaaaaa06:01
user|63768is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported07:22
user|63768according to stackoverflow i need to get into recovery mode07:23
user|63768while boottime07:23
user|63768but its not coming up07:23
user|63768any suggestion07:24
one|2Can aptitude be used for downloading source packages?07:36
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aienawhich graphical package manager is good for KDE08:43
aienasomething preferably which uses qt libs08:43
mparilloPeople here like to install Muon as a package manager. Discover comes with Kubuntu and is more like an app store.09:08
tibiSo. I've been having problems with Kubuntu 16.04 and even with the backports installed, plasma kept crashing09:34
tibiI found out today about KDE Neon, now I'm using it and no more crashes. Cool :)09:34
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one|2jasonwert: can you bridge too efnet?10:44
bounty1212I have a problem in KDE: How to change Inkscape's skin theme? Is there any option?10:49
IrcsomeBotRokre22 was removed by: Rokre2210:52
hateballbounty1212: inkscape uses what, GTK?10:59
atk81hi everyone11:03
bounty1212i installed gtk! so, what is next?11:12
claycornhello all11:14
claycornstill having memory issues11:14
AG_kubuhi  everyone I just installed kubuntu 16.04 and in plasma 5 I miss some good features I had back in plasma 4, like wallpaper for each desktop, or the menu application plasmoid which I ususlly use on a panel on the top of the screen11:21
AG_kubuthere is some way to have those features back ?11:21
soeeAG_kubu: hiho, Virtual Desktop does not support and will not support different wallpapers. You can use activities to set different wallpaper for each. There is no global menu plasmoid even in Plasma 5.8 so i'm not sure if there are any plans to bring it back any soon.11:23
claycornmy question next please11:24
AG_kubuwow, what the next features that will desappear ?11:24
AG_kubuI thik it wiuld be a better idea to look for some other DE to replace kde 4, many thanks soee11:26
soeeAG_kubu: see and read second comment from Plasma developer https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34324611:26
ubottuKDE bug 343246 in Desktop Containment "plasma 5 doesn't allow different wallpapers and widgets for each virtual desktop" [Wishlist,Resolved: wontfix]11:26
soeeAG_kubu: Activities do all that the virtual desktop do and much more - use them :)11:27
AG_kubuohh yeah and what about the menu ?11:27
AG_kubuI prefer to trust some DE that doesn't goes backward soee11:28
claycornim having mrmory issues11:29
soeePlasma goes forward and to make it possible a lot had to be rewritten from scratch and redesign11:29
hateballclaycorn: "<claycorn> still having memory issues" is not a question11:29
soeethat is why some features are missing11:29
hateball!details | claycorn11:29
ubottuclaycorn: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.11:29
one|2Is there a dev channel that can better sort out the sdl problem?11:29
AG_kubusoee: those features are not just missing , are deleted , quite different11:30
claycorni have 3 gigs of memory but it shows up as 740 megs on kubuntu 14.0411:30
hateballone|2: is this the problem where you are trying to compile a package that you could just install from the repos (zsnes)?11:30
claycornin bios it shows 3 gigs11:32
hateballclaycorn: can you paste the output of "free -m" ?11:32
hateball!paste | claycorn11:32
ubottuclaycorn: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.kde.org | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:32
one|2no hateball11:33
claycorni was told not to flood the chat room11:33
one|2there is a syntax error in this line: AM_PATH_SDL(1.2.0,,AC_MSG_ERROR(SDL >= 1.2.0 is required))11:33
AG_kubuyou known soee, I have bin using kubuntu since 9.04 and I never use activity so I don't really see the  improvement on removing features that people are using, but maybe it depend just from the point of view11:33
one|2It is a shell script, configure11:34
AG_kubuI read that KDE 5 is considered one of the most customizable DE of the market and it doesn't let you change properlly even the wallpaper ?, is a kind of joke !?! :)11:39
BluesKajHiyas all12:18
paul_blartHi there, I am sadly experiencing a problem while installing Kubuntu into a Virtualbox VM13:22
paul_blartwhen I boot the live disk and start the OS installer i reach the second page where it asks me if i want to download updates or third party tools13:23
paul_blartbut on this page the continue button is greyed out and I can't click it.13:23
paul_blartDoes anyone have an idea what is going wrong here?13:23
hateballpaul_blart: are you using the latest 16.04 iso?13:23
paul_blartfreshly downloaded13:24
paul_blartit says LTS though13:24
paul_blartif that makes a difference13:24
hateballI recall someone talking about vbox bugs, but I do not know since I do not use it13:24
IrcsomeBotian21293 was removed by: ian2129313:24
hateballI think that was more graphics related tho13:24
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1)13:24
hateballpaul_blart: is it grey regardless if you tick the boxes to download or not?13:25
paul_blartoh yeah I know what that means, just don't know if there are other. non-LTS versions that you might think i was using13:25
paul_blartyes it is13:25
paul_blartis there perhaps a log message where i could check what is going on?13:27
hateballthere should be a log for the installer but I forget where it is13:30
hateballlemme google13:30
hateballpaul_blart: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingUbiquity13:30
paul_blartthank you13:31
paul_blartQSocketNotifier: Invalid socker 15 and type 'Read', disabling...13:35
paul_blartQSocketNotifier: Invalid socker 15 and type 'Exception', disabling...13:35
paul_blartQSocketNotifier: Invalid socker 15 and type 'Write', disabling...13:35
paul_blartThat is what the debug log says when I reach that page13:35
paul_blart'socket' obviously, my bad13:39
BluesKajpaul_blart, you're not bad , just mistaken13:46
BluesKaj"my bad" is poor english  ..let's keep street lingo out of irc13:48
paul_blartThank you, BluesKaj13:50
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paul_blartthere is also a red trashcan visible on that page and a black checkmark on top of that. What does that mean?13:58
BluesKajwhat page?14:19
soeepaul_blart: inside installer ?14:20
soeeit means that your partition is to small i think14:20
paul_blartBluesKaj the second page after the language select14:34
paul_blartsoee: yes inside the installer14:35
paul_blartthe page is the one where i can click on the options to download third party software or updates14:35
paul_blarti just created a dynamic partition14:36
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catbadgerAnyone in here use lmms?15:37
BluesKajcatbadger, what's  lmms ?15:38
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catbadgerLinux Multimedia studio15:46
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clivejoPodcast Live : http://www.youtube.com/c/KubuntuPodcast/live19:10
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ngvbhi all22:55
ngvbI have a trouble with booting from flash drive. I have created a bug but it seems it is ignored. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/155659922:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1556599 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "ISO images don't have valid partition tables" [Undecided,New]22:57
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mparillongvb: I used to rely on unetbootin, but it stopped working for me maybe a year or two ago, so I bit the bullet and tried dd, always successfully, and have never destroyed my disk. My T61 must be pretty old, like the one you reference in your bug report.23:51
KOLANICHmparillo, I also tried dd, no effect23:57

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