
Capum321hello, installed samba and smb.conf doesn't have security = user anywhere, neither as commented line03:05
Capum321is this correct?03:06
tsimonq2Capum321: #ubuntu is probably the best place for that :)03:08
kaganithat hellstorm documentary is horrifying.08:22
tbnbuddhahi. i am trying to setup a laptop with lubuntu but i run into so much problems. But i guess maybe my laptop is damaged. For example my wifi isn't working (driver issue i read about it) so i use a smartphone with tethering. but after around 20 seconds the connection always shut down. when i restart tethering on my phone i have another 20 seconds. and so one. what can be the reason for this?17:11
wxltbnbuddha: stupid question, but is the phone using wifi?17:12
wxltbnbuddha: does turning off the wifi radio on the phone help it at all?17:12
tbnbuddhammh then i have no internet connection at all. it might sound stupid on you, but i just use my smartphone with wifi17:13
wxltbnbuddha: the problem may be that wifi is fickle :(17:13
tbnbuddhais the wifi and the tethering related to each other?17:13
tbnbuddhai am in my flat and i almost never have connection problems when i use my smartphone17:14
wxladmittedly, i wouldn't expect the problem to happen every 20 seconds17:15
tbnbuddhait is also everytime the same amount of time until the connection is interrupted17:15
tbnbuddhait is almost excactly the same time period17:15
wxlhave you looked at logs to see if there may be something clearly happening?17:15
tbnbuddhalogs on the laptop?17:15
wxlyeah and if not there on the phone17:15
wxlbut those are likely much harder to get to17:15
wxl /var/log/syslog or /var/log/dmesg would be where i'd start17:16
tbnbuddhammh on the phone i don't even know where to find logs. but ok i can take a look into the logs on my linux on this laptop17:16
wxlwhat you can do is "wattch" both logs while you start the tethering and then wait 20 seconds17:16
tbnbuddhai take a look17:16
wxltail -f /var/log/{syslog,dmesg}17:16
wxldo that in a terminal17:16
wxlthen hit enter a couple times to make a clear break17:16
wxlthen start the tethering connection up17:17
tbnbuddhaoh yeah there are some error messages. i try to paste them17:19
wxl!pastebin | tbnbuddha17:19
ubottutbnbuddha: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:19
jirido_Lubuntu rules!17:23
tbnbuddhai installed that pastebinit now. did i just need to use "| pastebinit" at the end or how it is done?17:24
wxltbnbuddha: correct. so you could concievably do the `tail -f /var/log/{syslog,dmesg} | pastebinit` and it SHOULD work but you may have to kill the process rather than ctrl-c'ing. not sure.17:25
wxltbnbuddha: or you could just select relevant lines and put them in a normal paste17:25
tbnbuddhawhere do i get the url and how could i stop the process?17:25
LuMintwhat's this pastebinit? where do I find the script?17:25
LuMintatm i use gist-paste17:26
tbnbuddhaapt-get install pastebinit17:26
tbnbuddhawhere do i get the url from to post? and how can i end the process?17:26
tbnbuddhactrl c might not be the solution, or?17:27
wxltbnbuddha: in a seperate terminal just do `killall tail` and the former terminal should spit out the url17:27
tbnbuddhaah ok will try that17:28
tbnbuddhaand the url?17:28
wxltbnbuddha: see the latter clause of my last post :)17:28
tbnbuddhaah sorry. my fault17:29
wxli'm doing about 100 things at once so you're lucky i got it right at all XD17:29
LuMintwxl: ctrl+c won't work?17:29
wxlLuMint: it may. it also may issue an exit code that kills the stream. just not sure.17:29
tbnbuddhathe problem was in the end the connection is interrupted17:31
tbnbuddhaso i have to start tethering again that the paste is transferred with working connection17:32
wxlat what point did the connection actually stop?17:33
tbnbuddhai need to take a look. i started tethering. then i run the command.17:33
tbnbuddhaanywhere in the middle it should have stopped17:33
wxli'd do it the other way around and watch the time closely17:33
tbnbuddhathen i run tethering again to stop the pasteit command17:33
tbnbuddhai think 19:30:42 should it be17:34
tbnbuddhathere are some error messages that sound like that17:35
tbnbuddhai think more and more my laptop is damaged. it also does not shutdown or restart correctly.17:36
wxlit seems that ModemManager has a serial time out and that's what causes the changes17:36
tbnbuddhathis is a fresh 16.04 lubuntu installation17:36
tbnbuddhawhat could be the cause of that?17:36
wxlalthough NetworkManager also core dumps, which is strange, too17:36
wxli am honestly not sure. i'd have to dig around and see if this is a common problem17:37
tbnbuddhawxl i appreciate your help very much. it is so good how you help people17:37
wxlwhat i will say is that we share this same infrastructure with Ubuntu. i think if you might have better luck getting to the cause of this problem if you open your search to a wider audience. would you mind asking at #ubuntu and see if they have any insight?17:38
tbnbuddhai get more and more the feeling it is a serious hardware problem17:38
wxli wouldn't necessarily jump to that conclusion. it's possible, but not certain17:38
tbnbuddhasure i will try that. i really need that laptop and could not afford to buy a new one right now :(17:39
wxlyou might try doing a memory test on it. you can do that at the grub start up menu (hold down shift when booting)17:39
tbnbuddhaok this is a good idea17:39
wxltbnbuddha: those serial time outs start at line 11617:39
wxltbnbuddha: NetworkManager core dump occurs on line 14917:40
tbnbuddhammh ok. i try to test the memory first then i ask in the ubuntu channel17:41
tbnbuddhathx a lot for your help so far17:41
wxlsorry i couldn't be of more help17:41
tbnbuddhayou already are a huge help17:42
wxlgood luck my friend ;)17:42
tbnbuddhathank you :)17:42
tbnbuddhammh i don't have a grub menu when booting. so holding down shift has no affect. or did i something wrong? i just have installed lubuntu freshly. no other os on it17:44
tbnbuddhaah ESC is the key. seems they changed that17:49
tbnbuddhathere is no memtest entry in my grub menu. can i start it from the grub command line?17:54
tbnbuddhaubuntu website shows no command for that in the command list for grub17:54
tbnbuddhaseems i need to install it via apt-get first17:56
tbnbuddhammh already installed :(17:57
wxltbnbuddha: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:59
bkmhello, folks. linux-generic kernel dependency problem? Is this a known issue? installing the latest alternate lubuntu installer from a thumbdrive.17:59
wxlbkm: please elaborate18:00
bkmwxl: on install it says cannot install kernel, see /var/log/syslog or console 4. those show that the kernel has dependency problems18:01
wxlbkm: what specfic problem?18:01
bkmwxl: meaning you want the messages on console 4?18:02
wxlbkm: yep18:02
bkmwxl: linux-generic depends on linux-image-generic (/; however: Package linux-image-generic is not configured yet.18:06
bkmthe / should be an =18:06
wxlbkm: that's very strange. is this the daily version?18:07
wxl!info linux-image-generic yakkety18:07
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB18:07
wxlbased on the above, i'd suspect not18:07
wxl!info linux-image-generic xenial18:07
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB18:07
wxl!info linux-image-generic trusty18:07
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB18:07
bkmdon't think so, i may have the *.iso on my desktop18:08
wxlyou don't know what version it is?18:08
bkmwxl: lubuntu-16.04.1-alternate-i386.iso18:08
wxlbkm: did you check the hashes?18:09
wxlbkm: you should start with that. otherwise you may have download and/or copying issues.18:09
bkmwxl: thx.18:10
wxlbkm: as you can see by looking at the release notes there are no known bugs https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes/Lubuntu18:10
wxlno known RELATED bugs i mean18:10
wxlbkm: also looking at the above linux-image-generic for that version should be so that's strange too18:10
bkmwxl: yeah, noticed18:11
swift110hey guys18:20
wxlswift110: ok18:20
bkmwxl: similar error with lubuntu-16.10-beta2-alternate-i386.iso21:45
wxlbkm: and you checked the hashes?21:45
wxlbkm: i question you because i've installed all of these, as have others, and we have not run into such problems.21:46
bkmwxl: i used the zsync option which claimed to have checked the hashes21:46
wxlbkm: these are also fundamental problems. everyone in ubuntu would likely have them, too.21:46
wxlbkm: what install media did you use?21:46
bkmi dd'ed the iso to a thumb drive.21:47
wxland did you check the hashes on the drive?21:47
wxlwell then i'd advise you do that21:47
wxlcopying can create problems, too21:47
bkmwxl: right, thx21:48
bkmwxl: but the exact same problem?21:48
wxlbkm: seems weird, but again, it's been tested by others with no such problems21:50
bkmwxl: /target/boot seems to have filled up.21:59
wxlbkm: how small is your drive?22:01
bkmwxl: my /boot partition is ~22 Mb. Drive is large.22:02
wxlbkm: did you partition it as such?22:02
bkmwxl: yes22:02
wxlbkm: in that case, i think we've got a PEBKAC. XD22:03
bkmwxl: yeah. be nice for a message saying that writing to that partition is impossible rather than just blundering on until some obscure error, but it's something i should have thought of.22:04
wxlbkm: admittedly, that's reasonable. feel free to file a bug against debian-installer.22:05
bkmwxl: many thanks for your suggestions.22:05
wxlbkm: happy to help. let me know if you need anything else. :)22:06
bkmwxl: either firefox not to consume all resources until the window manager freezes or for chromium not to blow up. other than that, lubuntu has been great on both lean and mean machines22:07
wxlbkm: fwiw i use proper chrome. there's also xombrero if you want something really light22:08
wxlbkm: i've never bothered with such things but you could probably re-nice firefox to make it behave better. maybe.22:09
wxlbkm: however, most likely is gobbling up memory.22:10
wxlbkm: there is cgroups http://serverfault.com/questions/344181/nice-for-memory-management#34418722:11
bkmwxl: actually, with chromium, i was never able to input text. i have tried different chromes, but was never able to rely on it. i think i tried re-nice, but eventually, i would have to restart the window manager. yes, memory seems worse than processor. i like that chromium has different pieces to kill, but text entry...22:12
wxlbkm: there's also ulimit/timeout http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/44985/limit-memory-usage-for-a-single-linux-process22:13
bkmwxl: great! i have not been doing much with computers lately, so i am trying to regain my vocabulary and see what has happened while i have been absent.22:13
wxlbkm: as for chromium, you might want to check and see if you're running ibus. it used to cause all sorts of headaches.22:14
wxlbkm: see also bug 130764822:15
ubottubug 1307648 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "chromium-browser does not accept keyboard input with iBus" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130764822:15
bkmwxl: great!22:15
n-iCehello wxl here?23:27
wxln-iCe: yep23:30
n-iCedoes lubuntu makes everything for a ssd installation?23:30
wxli mean you can do an ssd installation but it's not a requirement23:31
wxlthere's nothing special to do, really23:31
n-iCereally what about noatime23:32
wxlthose are common kernel features23:32
n-iCeI just bought a laptop who has a ssd 250GB and a sata hard drive with 500GB23:32
n-iCeso I want to make sure I do the best configuration23:32
wxllast time i installed on an ssd i just installed23:33
n-iCeawesome, will actually ubuntu and lubuntu do the same?23:33
wxlas far as the kernel is concerned, yes23:33
n-iCeor should I go to Ubuntu23:34
n-iCeor nothing to worry about in lubuntu?23:34
wxlthey're both the same in terms of installation, really23:34
n-iCeok, awesome.23:34
n-iCeswap is not needed anymore, right23:37
n-iCefor me23:37
wxlas long as you have the memory23:37
wxlprobably enough :)23:38
wxlif you're really worried about it you could put swap on the hard drive23:38
n-iCeso, lubuntu should go ok23:39
wxli've run lubuntu on as little as about 256KB23:39
n-iCewould you put  / and boot in ssd and home in the sata?23:39
wxlnot good for modern browsing, but it works!23:39
wxlthat's really a personal choice but i'd probably want to use the ssd as much as possible23:40
n-iCethanks going to reboot into lubuntu hold on23:40
swift110ssd's are awesome23:49

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