
nils_I'm having trouble building the vanilla kernel under yakkety (otherwise it works great btw), Cannot use CONFIG_CC_STACKPROTECTOR_REGULAR: -fstack-protector not supported by compiler03:27
nils_it works with the ubuntu sources, I assume there is some sort of patch in play?03:29
foormeahi! on kubuntu 16.04, sudo do-release-upgrade -d     tells me that there's no new release. is that expected? thanks!09:18
k1l_make the release prompt to look for normal releases, not only lts09:19
foormeathanks k1l_ reading up on it09:20
nils_is there somewhere I can see the individual patchsets applied to the ubuntu kernel? I'm unable to build the vanilla kernel tree with gcc 6.2 from 16.1014:43
Dreamanwhy not update kernel to 4.8 final14:46
k1lnils_: look at the wiki pages from the kernel team. there is some info14:47
nils_it's been out for like 3 days, I don't expect them to be that fast.14:47
nils_k1l, didn't really find anything, it's easier with regular packages since the patches are usually provided as a tar file.14:49
k1l!info linux-generic14:49
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB14:49
k1lDreaman: ^14:49
nils_I pulled the source for that, it appears to be rc7.14:49
Dreamanthis is not final14:49
Dreamani manual install :)14:50
Dreamanjust 1 moment14:50
nils_of course I could just diff the rc7 tree against the ubuntu source, but I'd like to know which individual patch makes the -fstack-protector thing work with gcc 6.2. Or maybe I'm looking in the wrong place.14:51
Dreamanreboot i install14:53
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Dreamannikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ inxi -F14:57
DreamanSystem:    Host: ubuntu-ivan Kernel: 4.8.0-040800-generic x86_64 (64 bit)14:57
Dreaman           Desktop: Unity 7.5.0  Distro: Ubuntu 16.1014:57
Dreamanwork :)14:57
nils_figured it out.15:00
nils_gcc on 16.10 will set -fpie by default, adding -fno-pie to KBUILD_CFLAGS in the top level Makefile makes the kernel build.15:03
nils_so in conclusion, I could have helped myself with a simple diff of the Makefile ;)15:04
=== hasselmm1 is now known as hasselmm
tyrogHi, is it possible to download Ubuntu 16.10 with the Unity 8 desktop out of the box? Or there is only the classic Unity 7 version? Thanks22:14
OerHekstyrog, i just read that unity8 will be an option > http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-16-10-yakkety-yak-to-ship-with-an-optional-unity-8-session-after-all-508994.shtml22:23
OerHeksrelease 13th .. 7 days to go22:23
tyrogOerHeks: Yeah, after asking I also checked a similar news. Nice!22:24
tyrogIt still seems very alpha state though, not ready to be a real replacement on a desktop IMHO22:24
OerHeksi knew it would be an option, installing that is22:24
tyrogFor now...22:24
tyrogYes, there is always that option, but I hope it is considered as a default option for 17.04. That's the main reason why intermediate releases between LTSs exist22:25
tyrogOerHeks: I think it looks nice but still feels a bit phone-ish in the user experience22:29

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