
pittiGood morning05:26
flexiondotorgMorning desktopers.07:28
willcookemorning all07:59
willcookeZOMG!  Unity 8 & co is not listed any more:  http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg08:00
willcookeand that's good08:00
pittihey Laney, morning willcooke!08:02
willcooketop o the morning Laney pitti08:02
willcookeI "missed" the Google announcements yesterday - anything interesting or just more of the same?08:03
davmor2willcooke: they're selling a phone08:04
Laneyhi pitti, willcooke & davmor2!08:04
Laneyseems like Nexus is gone08:05
davmor2willcooke: it has google stuffs on it, and is designed by google and made by google08:05
willcookeLooking at techradar now08:05
didrockswillcooke: you shouldn't have missed the intro though!08:05
flexiondotorgMorning willcooke Laney davmor208:05
didrockshey guys :)08:05
willcooke600 quid for a phone?!08:05
flexiondotorgdidrocks, o/08:05
didrockswillcooke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZB2s3-Q15s for the conf intro :)08:05
davmor2Morning all08:05
willcookedidrocks, lolz!08:06
pittibonjour didrocks!08:07
willcookedidrocks, anything interesting for devs?08:08
dufluUmm, Ubuntu Touch + designed by Google?08:09
didrockswillcooke: apart from Google VR availability, nothing I would say08:10
willcookeI was hoping to find out about the Home APIs, but haven't seen that mentioned anywhere yet08:11
willcookeI saw on Twitter someone said that Google have said, if people release an app for Amazon's one they will not be allowed on Google's08:12
willcookewhich sounds like bull, but also wouldn't put it past them08:12
willcookeOh, they're going to make a wifi router as well?  I think that's where I'd draw the line08:19
didrocksnote they already had one :)08:24
flexiondotorgLaney, I've attached debdiffs for Yakkety and for Xenial SRU to LP: #157642409:26
ubot5Launchpad bug 1576424 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "Gimp crashes with text tool & caps lock" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157642409:26
flexiondotorgOpen post is prepared for SRU.09:26
LaneyI'll look later on09:29
LaneyHopefully someone else will do sponsoring before then09:29
Laneyit's possible to dream :P09:29
davmor2Laney: did you manage to fix the double icon for nautilus issue and did you want a bug filing or did you do it already?10:04
LaneyWhat is the double icon for nautilus issue?10:10
LaneyYou mean overlapping?10:10
davmor2Laney: where you open nautilus from the launcher and it opens under a second icon rather than the one in the launcher10:14
Laneydavmor2: Not here10:16
Laney(live session and real session)10:16
davmor2Laney: it wasn't for me but after an upgrade again it is back again10:17
LaneyTry it in a live session, and then if you reproduce it please file a bug with steps10:18
davmor2Laney: will do10:19
Laneyit's disturbing when you get stuck with an unbreakable grab10:23
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flexiondotorgGraeco-Roman wrestling Laney?11:29
davmor2flexiondotorg: I'm guess cat grip round the arm stopping him from typing11:38
Laneysend (no) help11:40
davmor2Laney: Okay11:42
davmor2Laney: fire up the aquarium html5 demo on a tablet and lay it on the floor the cat will soon be bored with you and chase the fishes11:43
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hikikodidrocks, just for the record I found a solution for my problem with the libcuda1-361 package but it was a hack:12:08
hikikoI edited the /var/lib/dpkg/info/libcuda1-361.prerm and put an "exit 0;" at the beginning so that the script doesn't run12:09
hikikothen I purged nvidia and libcuda112:09
hikikoand got rid of all issues12:09
hikikoI ll paste that on #snappy :p I think I'm at the wrong channel again :p12:10
hikikothanks for the help though :)12:13
didrocksyw! :)12:23
* flexiondotorg searches for food12:54
xnoxopened unity8 session on my laptop13:01
xnoxgsettings scale factor was not read, no graphical way to change HiDPI setting13:01
xnoxHiDPI was not autodetected13:01
xnoxwhere can I contribute code for my laptop to work correctly out of the box, with no end-user setup or changes13:02
xnoxbregma, ^ ?13:02
* xnox has a bog standard dell13:02
davmor2xnox: it's not set currently you have to manually edit a file13:02
xnoxdavmor2, even on phones that we ship?13:02
xnoxdavmor2, surely there must be a way to programe this in. Why a text file is not generated based on gsettings for example?13:03
davmor2xnox: by default I think it is set to 1080p iirc13:03
xnoxthat's not high-dpi, that's standard dpi.13:03
davmor2xnox: check in on #ubuntu-unity13:03
* xnox has 4k laptop13:03
davmor2xnox: indeed13:03
davmor2xnox: there is a file that I can't remember the path off where you can change the gu which would fix it I think kgunn pointed me at it13:05
kgunnxnox: long story short, we need work to be done in the SDK to support dynamic grid units...it's on their trello13:09
xnoxkgunn, not sure what do you mean by dynamic.13:13
xnoxkgunn, i know dpi resolution before unity8 session starts, as the desktop lightdm knows it.13:13
xnoxand the .desktop file that starts unity8 can tell it grid unit13:13
xnoxkgunn, having default as high-dpi is also probably more sensible choice =)13:14
xnoxkgunn, how are the phone gu's defined? and can i define my laptop there in the source package?13:16
bregmaxnox, the GU on phone gets set through a device-specific config file that gets burned into the device-specific image13:17
bregmaxnox, on the classic Ubuntu desktop, you'll need to set them manually in your .profile13:17
xnoxbregma, ok, so on the desktop side i can have a systemd generator that will generate one, and drop a symlink in place.13:18
xnoxbregma, no i want to set it programitcally for _everyone_ on the desktop =)13:18
xnoxmanually is not good enough, especially non-GUI manually =)13:18
xnoxbregma, where is this config file? I'll write a systemd system generator and upload it.13:18
bregmaxnox, how are you going to do that?  have a daemon running to watch each and every display device as it gets plugged and unplugged?13:18
xnoxbregma, for starters getting gu matches the first display is good enough.13:19
xnoxbregma, no need to write daemons..... systemd units can bind to .device units, and there is such a unit generated for each display anyway. all very declarative.13:19
* xnox has no non-highdpi displays13:19
bregmasounds delightful13:20
bregmaI think there is some pending work in Unity 8 itself to give better support for multiple hereogenous displays (including projectors) but that sounds like a reasonable short-term solution13:21
xnoxso... where is this config file? and i'll add a systemd unit to generate something sensible, if missing or is pure lies13:22
bregmaxnox, on desktop there's only /etc/profile.d/* and $HOME/.profile ...  on the Ubuntu Touch distribution there is an entirely different startup mechanism that reads Android settings etc. that just doesn't apply13:23
bregmaso I'd suggest /etc/profile.d13:24
bregmadunno how that will wok with the Unity 8 snap, but I imagine there's a way13:24
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Laneyhey ximion, is there a launchpad bug for https://github.com/hughsie/appstream-glib/commit/f0990480624f7f76f6d82a4d1d7356464e340880 do you know?15:38
ximionLaney: there is none that I know of15:53
ximionit's a rather invisible error, but maybe people complain about missing apps15:53
ximionI remember at least one bug report where someone was only seeing installed apps15:54
Laneyximion: hmm, there should be a bug to SRU it15:54
Laneydo you know an easy way to reproduce?15:54
Laneyuploading to debian now15:55
ximionLaney: you need to drop in a YAML file with a component which has an empty category15:55
ximionwhich never happens if the new asgen is used :)15:55
Laneyyeah yeah15:56
ximionLaney: we should probably fix the old dep11gen for Yakkety to not make this happen15:59
ximionwould be a rather trivial fix15:59
Laneycould do16:00
LaneyI don't see it affecting us atm though16:00
ximionI don't know where hughsie saw it then...16:00
ximionit doesn't happen in Debian16:00
LaneyI do16:00
ximionmaybe the broken .desktop file which lead to this bug was fixed meanwhile?16:01
ximionah :P16:01
Laney  - ''16:01
ximiondesktop files are a crazy source of bugs16:02
Laneygoing to be easier to just fix this ...16:02
ximionlook at the regex we apply in asgen to filter out non-printable characters some people put in there... :P16:02
ximiondesktop files need to be validated more, and more strictly16:03
ximionbut anyway, this one is trivial to resolve16:03
Laneynot sure what the actual problem is meant to be16:04
Laneywith the buggy asglib I can still look at all apps in gnome-software16:04
Laneyeven fslint itself16:04
ximionLaney: I think the problem is just the warning message16:05
willcookedinner time, night all17:05
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2

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