
mgedminhm, so the gnome-control-center-2.0.mo is shipped by the gnome-control-center-data package in the gnome3-staging ppa, rather than by a locale pack05:34
mgedminwhoa, the minimum ram requirement for the 16.10 livecd is just 384 MB?05:58
altinWhere do I find the custom keybindings file?08:42
altinI created some keybindings via gui08:42
altinbut I want to find the config file08:42
pchooHi all, what will be the expectation for Optimus laptops with NVidia gfx cards in Ubuntu Gnome 16.10?08:52
geoff10000hi all. How do ensure new windows are placed in the middle of the screen in Gnome 3.22?10:26
geoff10000currently, they open top left corner10:26
mgedminaltin: custom keybindings are saved in dconf13:01
mgedmintry dconf dump / to see ALL THE SETTINGS13:02
jbichamgedmin: where do you see the 384MB? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuGNOME says 1.5GB13:04
mgedminboot the livecd, press any key at the very earliest syslinux screen, hit F1 for help, hit F2 for minimal system requirements13:06
mgedminthe syslinux help files are full of ancient advice from the elders (on thinkpads pass a special 'floppy' parameter etc.)13:06
jbichamgedmin: well, is it possible to run the live iso with 384 MB of RAM? You can test in VirtualBox. If not please file a bug about that13:11
jbichaI don't think even Lubuntu would recommend installing a system with that little RAM though13:12
mgedmindo you remember which package ships the .txt files with syslinux help?13:15
mgedminafaiu they're shared between all flavours (at least one of the help pages says something of the kind)13:15
jbichamgedmin: no to the first question but maybe you could ask in #ubuntu-installer ; and yes, it's shared13:20

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