
=== JanC is now known as Guest96823
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
om26erjsalisbury, re bug 1627108, the latest kernel is bad as well.15:02
ubot5bug 1627108 in linux (Ubuntu Yakkety) "X1Carbon comes to a crawl during high CPU usage tasks" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162710815:02
jsalisburyom26er, ack, thanks.  I'll build the next one.15:02
om26erjsalisbury, Hi! same results with the new build. Could you maybe build a few versions together to fasten the testing ?16:14
apwom26er, that is a bisect, the next step depends on whether it works or fails with each test16:15
jsalisburyom26er, ack.  what apw said :-)  16:16
om26erapw, hmm, is that an automated process ?16:16
apwsemi-automated is the best description16:17
om26erjsalisbury: that's a good kernel.17:40
jsalisburyom26er, ack, thanks.  Next one coming shortly.17:41
manjortg, is CONFIG_MEMCG_SWAP_ENABLED is disabled coz of potential high memory consumption ? 18:19
rtgmanjo, looks like you can enable it on boot command line, "swapaccount=1"18:21
manjortg, yes .. but the reason for having it disabled by default is mem consumption ?18:22
rtgmanjo, heck if I know.18:22
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
manjortg, also arm64 sets CONFIG_NR_CPUS=128 and amd64 sets it to 256, can we make a case to make them match for 17.04 ? ie increase 128 -> 256 for arm64 ?18:27
manjortg, I know it is premature atm.. but trying to see if there any opposition18:28
rtgmanjo, I actually had  CONFIG_NR_CPUS=8192 for awhile, but I think that setting was regressed during Beta218:28
rtg8192 for amd6418:28
manjortg, was it regressed due to bug ?18:29
rtgmanjo, no, other reasons18:29
manjortg, ic .. May be we can revist bumping arm64 to match amd64 in 17.0418:30
rtgmanjo, I will restore it for 17.0418:30
manjortg, cool18:30
manjortg, I will have a list for you for 17.04 wrt arm64 .. 18:32
om26erjsalisbury, that is a good kernel as well, but it seems to say that its 4.7-rc5, probably wrong name ? 18:32
rtgmanjo, perhaps you should start a bug, assign me, and milestone it for 17.0418:32
manjoyep .. I am doing a review based on a proposal .. will open a bug and assign you18:32
om26erapw, Hello! any update on bug 1622655 ?18:33
ubot5bug 1622655 in linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu) "Enable CPUset and pids CGroup controllers for RPi kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162265518:33
manjortg, one pita config that is coming up for arm64 is 64k page support.. I know we beat this horse to death last time... but it still is a popular request18:34
jsalisburyom26er, thanks.  The bisect bounces around.  The naming is done by the mainline-build-one script in kteam-tool.  I've never looked at how the naming is done, but I assume it has to do with the closed tag to the commit.18:34
jsalisburyom26er, for example, that commit:18:34
jsalisburygit describe 5048c2af078d5976895d521262a8802ea791f3b018:34
manjortg, I have 2 people claim perf improvements with 64k pages .. we do have it enabled for ppc64el18:35
om26erI only understood some of that :)18:35
manjortg, I hate to bring it up again .. but is this something we should explore again? 18:36
manjortg, if it is a strong no from your side it is a no .. but if it is a possibility for arm64 I can try to gather some data18:39
rtgmanjo, I'm not an expert on that. Perhaps dannf would be a better resource ?18:39
manjortg, let me sync with him on other socs we enable and see what we comeup with18:40
manjortg, iirc last time we beat on this horse .. he did try to make an argument for 64k pages.. 18:41
rtgmanjo, I've got no skin in that game. If it works then I'm fine with it. 18:42
manjortg, ack .. will get back to you after I talk it over with dannf 18:43
manjortg, target is 17.04 .. so lots of time to gather any proof / data points 18:44
dannfrtg, manjo : PoR is not to do 64K pages. there are plenty of negatives - and most of hte positives can be achieved (or improved by) hugepages19:04
dannfwe discussed this at a sprint w/ various teams already19:05
rtgdannf, yeah, seems like I turned it off once19:05

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