
Unit193ahoneybun: I edited that mute from Drone` so it'd last more than 2 minutes, fyi.03:22
ahoneybunUnit193: I can't remember how to op myself03:22
daxplease nix that #ubuntu +r in 10 minutes or so03:23
ahoneybunthanks for the save btw03:23
Unit193Helps to be identified. :)03:23
Unit193dax: Can do.03:23
ahoneybunam I not?03:23
daxjust want to stop that idiot from spreading into our namespace, he's a pain in the ass in wiki?edia land03:23
daxso very harsh response03:23
daxand he changes ips like crazy so03:23
ahoneybunUnit193: tell me the secrets to being a better channel op03:25
Unit193ahoneybun: Drone` set it by itself due to flooding, Drone` is an antispam (or is it an attack?) bot.03:25
ahoneybunthe repeating?03:26
ahoneybuntripped it?03:26
daxnvm i remembered03:28
Unit193ahoneybun: But sure I'm generally around to help. :)03:30
ahoneybunhow do I op up though?03:31
Unit193/cs OP #kubuntu   for example.  Several of us have aliases or scripts though.03:33
ahoneybunworks here03:36
Unit193OK, I have no idea about scripts for konvi.03:37
ahoneybunkonversation works fine here03:37

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