
game0guys, I'm trying to switch off apache server and it's not working00:11
game0I tried service apache2 stop00:11
game0and I did service nginx start00:11
game0I saw the status of both and they all fine, and I don't know what did I missed00:12
game0the link of my page is here00:12
OerHekson 16.04/systemd it would be: systemctl stop name.service00:12
matthelmkesudo systemctl start apache2.service00:13
matthelmkesudo systemctl stop apache2.service00:13
OerHeksreload - status- enable ..00:13
OerHeksgame0, you might want to check out #ubuntu-server too.00:14
* OerHeks wonders who clicked that ip without ssl.00:16
tgm4883OerHeks: why?00:16
teenisbeat me to it00:17
OerHeksjust curious ..00:17
game0OK, I don't know but it seems to be it's reading the apache index file cause if I hit any wrong url it will give me nginx error00:17
teenisOerHeks: mostly the "without ssl" part seemed a little odd00:18
game0can this happen?00:19
OerHeksIt is easy to get a https server certificate nowadays00:19
game0it's confusing a little bit00:19
teenisgame0: unless you specifically told it to overwrite the file during install, sure00:19
OerHeksgame0, on what ubuntu version is this?00:19
teenisit'd be a bit weird if the installer went messing around with your web files00:19
tgm4883OerHeks: sure, but just mentioning that would indicate that going to that link without SSL is somehow wrong00:20
teenisalso I don't think anyone signs certs for IPs00:20
tgm4883teenis: that's also true00:20
game0ubuntu 160.0400:21
game0I didn't do anything00:21
game0just installed the nginx and then installed the apache00:21
teenistgm4883: in fact, every single cert issued for any IP address has been revoked 4 days ago00:22
teenisoct 1st00:22
game0I will remove apache00:24
OerHeksoh, indeed https://support.globalsign.com/customer/portal/articles/1467819-internal-server-name-phase-out00:25
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Yesnomaybesojoin ## blender00:29
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xixor_the_thirdwassup nerds!?!00:46
ndboosthey so im trying to backup stuff to s3 and iptables is getting in the way00:50
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fioneI have a problem with bumblebee NVIDIA?00:54
fioneusing optirun R doesn00:54
fionedoesn't give me R00:55
ndboosthey so im trying to backup stuff to s3 and iptables is getting in the way anyone know what the rules are needed to get it to work00:56
ndboostim assuming its an inbound rule as well? as i only block inbound stuff00:56
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OerHeksfione, what would optirun R do ?01:01
fione[ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: Could not load GPU driver01:01
fioneI've checked the busID, it is correct.01:02
fione0erHeks: before that, in additional drivers, it is unknown:unknown below NVIDIA, might that be the cause?01:04
nicomachusI cannot get any HTML5 videos to play in Firefox (version 49.0) and have no idea why01:05
fionesomething like this: https://imgur.com/a/j0jwH01:05
OerHeksfione, as i have seen a cuda repo in your sources a few hours back, no clue what is going on01:05
elisa87 how can I make gist code.c overwrite the already uploaded code.c ? I downloaded gist using ruby gems :)01:06
fione0erHeks, do you know where I can ask question like this elsewhere?01:07
OerHeksaskubuntu perhaps, with detailed info what you are trying to do01:09
kernellohello everyone, I got a verify-your-account email from a website that my account was accessed from 'safari on linux' which happened in the moments that I was changing my password for this website. could this be an error or should I really worry? I also got other following emails which showed the device correctly.01:11
kernellothe device meaning the browser01:11
kernellois there 'safari on linux' at all?01:12
kernellothere is linux on mac but..01:12
kk4ewtno safari is closed source01:13
OerHeksyes, via the wine route i think01:13
fionekernello: have you ever use application that changes browser user agent?01:13
kernellofione, I dont know what it is01:14
kernelloI only used firefox and accessed the website01:14
kernelloand I wanted to change pw01:14
OerHeksso did you verify your account?01:14
kernelloOerHeks, no, there came multiple emails at the same time. the first one was with this safari thing..the others were pointing at correct browsers, and the last one was confirming pw change. since all came after the pw change, I didn't verify it again01:16
kernellothe only unusual moment was that during pw change, the current pw was not accepted first, though I used it to access the acc a minute ago. besides, I could log out and re-login.01:17
nicomachuskernello: I have actually seen "Accessed via Safari on Linux" before... but can't recall where.01:17
nicomachusand it was legit01:18
kernelloso maybe that was just mistyping or similar, and not related to this message..01:18
nicomachusChecking through my email. Looks like it was from Twitter.01:18
kernellonicomachus, correct01:19
kernellocan someone really access my web account that I only access from within ubuntu?01:19
nicomachuskernello: was it Tweetdeck?01:19
fionehave you crosschecked the time when the account was accessed and what you are doing?01:19
nicomachusI wanna say it was Tweetdeck that did that for me. I can check01:19
kk4ewtkernello,  if you go to a webpage and give your creditials01:20
kernellonicomachus, I see the arrival time of email, but the email doesnt state the time of access01:20
kernelloand the emails arrived after I was done with it all01:20
nicomachusyea it doesn't say that, which is odd01:20
nicomachusOH, I remember.01:21
kernellokk4ewt, you mean I use ubuntu firefox browser and login to twitter my acc can be compromised?01:21
kernelloif I use*01:21
nicomachusit happened when I was using Maltego or something like that, where I logged in to my twitter through an API. I think they just use random user agent strings for stuff like that01:21
kernellobut even when assuming an outside access, I was done in a minute or so, and in this interval I logged out and logged in with the same password.01:23
nicomachusI would say it's probably fine, but if you're worried about it just change your password.01:23
kernelloyes, I already did, maybe I can do it again, though even if something happened, it was before the pw change..01:24
OerHeksanother device logged in?01:24
kernelloOerHeks, yes, but that's not safari, either01:25
kernellolet alone the on linux one :)01:25
kernelloI was wondering if anyone had the experience that twitter sent this kind of mistaken info01:25
kernelloI mean, this kind of info mistakenly01:26
nicomachusyes, it happened to me. but I think it was because of a spoofed user-agent from a third-party application I was using.01:26
kernelloof course, how can one know01:26
OerHeksonly an user-agent could do this, or a distro that randomly generates that info01:26
kernellodoes firefox auto-spoof like that? for better privacy? :)01:27
nicomachusthe private browsing session might, but I don't think so.01:27
Ben64safari comes up under chrome01:28
kernelloand another strange thing on the same device was that when I wanted to write here about this, I saw that the channel list on my irc client was empty01:28
kernelloBen64, so chrome could be defined as safari?01:29
Ben64Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.3601:29
nicomachusBen64: I get "Chrome on Linux" if I sign in through Chrome on Twitter, though01:29
Ben64just saying01:29
nicomachusthe only time I got "Safari on Linux" was signing in through Maltego.01:30
nicomachuslemme pull it up and check01:30
kernelloI did access via Chrome, too, in the session in question..but I got a separate email to verify this access01:30
kernelloit was 'chrome on linux'01:30
kernelloin the email01:31
nicomachushmm... maybe it wasn't Maltego. It was another thing I was using with a Twitter API...01:32
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kernellowhat would you suggest to access websites like twitter securely?01:35
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nicomachususe https01:37
nicomachushighly suggest using an "https everywhere" add-on in Firefox.01:37
nicomachusand then make sure the url box is green before typing in passwords.01:37
kernellonicomachus, thank you very much, the url box shows https but I'd forgotten to add https everywhere01:42
kernellodo some websites like twitter by default use https?01:43
paul__Hello - New Ubuntu 16.04 install. Only using free software. After login, the lightdm splash screen gets stuck 50% of the time requiring me to REISUB. Can't seem to find similar issues search google. Anyone know what I can check?01:43
macbooksup guys01:46
thorv2Linux homework :/you?01:46
nils_kernello, yeah many of them do.01:51
kernellothank you nils_01:52
nils_kernello, in fact if you use http:// for twitter it will redirect you to the https site, then the browser will remember to always use TLS (https).01:52
kernellothank you everyone, for your insights on the 'safari on linux' mystery01:53
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effectnethello in here02:07
thr33hey, I apologize ahead of time for this huge comment. I've been using Ubuntu for the last 4 years or so for work and home computing. I know thats not that long but I have noticed some changes in stability and adaptability and I was wondering if anyone else had too. With a bit of research I was always able to get things to work really well, whether it was blutooth or windows apps in WINE. ever since 14.04 I cant seem to get anything to02:11
thr33work right. trying to set up blutooth permanently messud up my volume control and I cant seem to figure out how. Windows apps in WINE keep crashing and I can't seem to find anyone who figured out how to fix it. Fire fox wont even run right out of the box and keeps crashing. The OS freezes a lot even though I have more than enough computing power to handle what I do. I keep re-installing but the same issues keep cropping up on my deskto02:11
thr33p and my laptop, I'm curious if anyone else has noticed increased issues. Maybe I'm just getting worse at linux somehow...02:11
Bashing-omthr33: All I can say is that I have nevee had a problem - that I did not cause. That said, the only non-native app I have is google-chrome . 'buntu is rock solid for me and my use case .02:15
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thr33Bashing-om: Well, I'm glad to hear that. I have a lot of respect for the Ubuntu project and I'd rather it just be me than a larger issue02:17
hpsm22I have ubuntu 16.04 now and my question is - can I Install win7 besides ubuntu as dualboot?02:17
thr33hpsm22: yes02:18
Bashing-om!dualboot | hpsm2202:19
ubottuhpsm22: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:19
Bashing-omhpsm22: If I might suggest. a clean fresh install .. and slowly add back in - as your use case demands - the non-linux tools ; see where/what breaks .02:22
Bashing-omthr33: ^^ sorry about that hpsm22 My last was to be directed at thr33 .02:23
hpsm22thx for answers, I did deja-dup so I will consider clean Install of win7 and then ubuntu and restoring the backup from ubuntu.. will that be safest way to do it? :)02:24
neilduganHi I have pluged a USB audio dongle, It is showing up in the audio preferences, how do I get sound sent to it?  the sound test is going via the laptop speakers02:25
hpsm22or another way- I need office word and excell, will wine or VM handle it?02:26
Ben64hpsm22: vm would work, wine might work, libreoffice usually works02:27
Bashing-omhpsm22: That will work :) .. remember to " sudo update-grub " for ubuntu to pick up and chainload the Windows boot code to it's boot menu .02:27
thr33Bashing-om: I've been doing just that the last few installs. I have almost nothing running on it now but firefox and xChat. Even as I type now XChat is lagging with text input and firefox on my other monitor is going grey when I type into in browser IM. My hardware is new, compatible and properly installed. I'm afraid I may just have some sort of ghost in my machine that I need to exorcis02:28
neilduganhpsm22, dual boot is possible.  I found the easiest way was to get windows to resize its partition first, then install ubuntu on the now blank section02:28
neilduganhpsm22, a VM is the easiest, but I think to be 'legal' you need to buy an OEM copy of windows to install on it.02:29
Bashing-omthr33: If ya boot to terminal .. is the system still 'laggy' ? pointing a finger at the graphics stack .02:29
neilduganhpsm22, I use VirtualBox for my Windows VM02:30
thr33it isnt, I was worried I may have a issue with my origional pfx card so I baught a new more basic graphics card. still with the lag. gfx stack def a possible culprit though02:31
hpsm22neildugan i think, the best way will be to try all solution :) thx :) Ben64: yep, but libreoffice messing the documents from my school :)02:32
Bashing-omthr33: " I baught a new more basic graphics card " we have a driver conflict in that perhaps you did not purge the old driver ?? what is the hardware and what driver is installed ?02:33
neilduganhpsm22, when I send documents anywhere, I always convert them to PDF first, windows office is not even compatable between versions itself sometimes.02:35
thr33Bashing-om: hardware is a generic AMD 1 gig. have to take dog out, brb02:36
neilduganI have pluged a USB audio dongle, It is showing up in lsub and the audio preferences, how do I get sound sent to it?  the sound test is always going via the laptop speakers02:38
Ben64click the audio thingy, and choose the output02:39
Bashing-omthr33: 1 Gig, ya want to run a light desktop . The top 'buntus need at least 2 Gigs of ram for a good experience .02:40
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maybefbido i need to republish my public key after i create a subkey underneath it02:53
sartanhey guys. using LTS 14.10, what is the recommented ntpd? is it still ntpd? it seems the wiki docs are pointing to timesyncd which doesn't appear to be in trusty repos.  wiki talks about xenial.02:55
sartanreferring to https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/NTP.html : no backreferences to 14.04 *02:55
Ben64sartan: what is the output of "cat /etc/issue"02:57
sartan14.04.05 lts02:57
sartan14.04.5 LTS.02:57
Ben64yeah, ntpd02:58
sartanSorry i don't know where '.10' came from. i'm doing a lot of work in various distros right now =)02:58
Ben64was wondering, you said LTS but 14.10 :)02:58
Ben64the package is "ntp"02:58
sartanCool, that's what I thought. Thanks for replying so quickly Ben!03:00
Mattthew_Alllllvaaaaroooo moooolllllliiiiiinaaaaa03:02
AIvaroMolinaAlllllvaaaaroooo moooolllllliiiiiinaaaaa03:04
AIvaroMolinaAlllllvaaaaroooo moooolllllliiiiiinaaaaa03:07
=== Foxhoundz is now known as BenderRodriguez
Capum321hello, installed samba and smb.conf doesn't have security = user anywhere, neither as commented line03:09
Capum321is this correct?03:09
BenderRodriguezsearch for it harder <>_<>03:09
BenderRodriguezit may be commented out03:09
AIvaroMolinaAlllllvaaaaroooo moooolllllliiiiiinaaaaa03:10
Capum321BenderRodriguez: i am searching hardcore mode, with Find function. there isn't misleading with that03:12
AIvaroMolinaAlllllvaaaaroooo moooolllllliiiiiinaaaaa03:15
psyonixReal dumb question I'm sure. But under boot options in grub, I can choose to boot into a recent kernel (I think? I'm new) a dave mode, and a nother with an md in it (can't remember. I tried searching for an explanation and I only find how to boot into safe more. Can someone walk me through what each boot option is for?03:17
psyonixdave = safe wtf03:17
AIvaroMolinaAlllllvaaaaroooo moooolllllliiiiiinaaaaa03:19
OerHeksgrub manual explains pretty good03:20
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:21
psyonixThat;s what I was looking for, I think i was too sp-ecific in my serch terms03:22
psyonixshit can't type03:22
nils_so I'm trying to build a kernel on yakkety, seems the kernel doesn't like gcc 6.2: Cannot use CONFIG_CC_STACKPROTECTOR_REGULAR: -fstack-protector not supported by compiler03:22
OerHeksnils, untill release, join #ubuntu+1 for 16.10 support .. 13th is releaseday03:23
nils_OerHeks, thx03:25
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carlosefquestion: upgrade from 14.04 or clean install?03:50
Ben64carlosef: clean install, in my opinion03:51
Bashing-omcarlosef: Pros and cons . experience will tell you . A clean install takes the baggage out of the equation .03:52
carlosefthanks for the answers03:58
AndChat95744question:radeon r5 m230 opencl driver for 16.04?04:07
tangevery one here?04:09
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Bashing-omAndChat95744: Support list for ATI cards: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Amdgpu .04:12
Guest8966dude, ubuntu is awesome!!04:12
AndChat95744 Thanks.04:14
Bashing-omAndChat95744: Keep in mind there is no proprietary driver in 16.04 for ATI, as AMD has thrown full support to open source .04:15
BlueSharkHow do I run GameBoy roms in Ubuntu?04:18
OerHekstons of GB emulators in softwarecenter04:18
BlueSharkOerHeks: Can you name one?04:19
AndChat95744Another question:I have dual graphics cards how to make it work together?04:19
OerHeksBlueShark, VBA or read this topic https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/30apnd/game_boy_advance_emulator/04:20
Bashing-omAndChat95744: OerHeks may have better advise, I have to this time seen no good solution in 16.04 .04:23
rocketsf4nhowdy all04:24
amitprakashHi, I am starting off a service using systemctl and a service file https://bpaste.net/show/fb21bc55b15e04:27
amitprakashHowever, looking at /proc/pid/limits, I see that none of the limits settings are being applied04:27
amitprakashHow do I resolve this (16.04)04:27
MoppyHi! I need 'MegaEGL' for Xenial. Is this libegl1-mesa?04:36
OerHeksMoppy, yes, i think so http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libegl1-mesa04:38
MoppyOerHeks, Thanks.04:39
mbelloHello. Trying to get some help with this issue: http://askubuntu.com/questions/807854/pppoe-wont-start-at-boot-time-after-upgrading-to-ubuntu-16-04lts04:40
amitprakashSeriously, no documentation on how systemd services limits can be set?04:40
mbellosystemD is new to me and I can't figure out what in Ubuntu 16.04.1 is supposed to bring pppoe connection up. It used to work on 12.04 and 14.0404:41
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amitprakashI've verified the settings every where (and ulimit -a throws the right output) but some magical setting is moving /proc/pid/limits to a much lower value?04:41
Bashing-omamitprakash: Maybe this : https://sskaje.me/systemd-ulimit/ per service .04:44
amitprakashBashing-om, as I'd pasted before thats being passed https://bpaste.net/show/fb21bc55b15e04:45
amitprakashBashing-om, in fact, this setting works perfectly on my debian servers04:46
amitprakashJust ubuntu is doing some external wizardry04:46
AIvaroMolinaalllllvaaaaaaaroooooooo moooooooooliiiiiiiiinaaaaaa04:51
Bashing-omamitprakash: Regrests, I do not know enough about systemd to advise .04:52
amitprakashBashing-om, I don't think anyone does.. inundated with similar posts on the web without a solution04:53
amitprakashWhy the hell does ubuntu have to mix init upstart and systemd04:53
amitprakashjust stick to one04:53
Bashing-omaniruddhab: I am sure was a hard fought decision to break from 'buntu tradition and follow the mainstream . Many of us are not comforable - yet .04:55
aniruddhabBashing-om: context?04:56
Bashing-omaniruddhab: 1) https://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/788613-understanding-and-using-systemd . still looking .05:00
amitprakashBashing-om, I think you've got me confused with him05:01
Bashing-omaniruddhab: Yeah .. apologies . My error .05:03
amitprakashBashing-om, nm, I'll revert back to debian05:04
amitprakashwas forced to use ubuntu because those are supported distros for mongo and aws05:04
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amitprakashBut I think I can make do on #deb, thanks Bashing-om05:05
dumpchamahi... after installing grub2 and getting ubuntu to boot in efi mode I can't load Windows 7 from grub2 anymore... it will give a 0xc0000225 error...05:35
dumpchamahow can I fix this? the boot repair tool doesn't repair win7...05:36
Choupsguys, i have 2 vps's, i want to turn vps2 into a proxy for vps1, how do i do it?05:37
SpeirosHello folks.  Since updating to 16.4 version of linux, I've lost sound.  I used to have problems with it before on this computer, but I was able to use the headphones etc, but now they all seem to be discontinued.05:38
SpeirosCan anyone give me (a novice) instructions on how to find a potential driver for it?05:39
SpeirosSorry, lost connection.05:46
SpeirosSince uploading to 16.4, I've lost sound, even through headphones.  I used to get sound, but only through the headphones (on this computer).  Can anyone help me out please?05:47
AIvaroMolinaalllllllvaaaaaaarooooo moooooliiiiiinaaaaaaa05:53
ppmRaspbr 305:57
uxfiofftopic question06:01
uxfibtu where do yo utell where someoen is from? based on the name/look?06:02
uxfioops wrong room06:02
Speirosuxfi No idea mate.06:02
uxfiSpeiros meh06:02
Speirosuxfi Once upon a time, you used to right click the name, but it seems different from last time I was on here.06:03
uxfiSpeiros haha no I mean in real life06:03
Speirosuxfi  LOL...ok, well, some from Australia use the word "mate" as friend.06:03
uxfiI know06:03
Speirosuxfi How do I answer private messages?06:04
uxfiSpeiros um06:04
uxfiSpeiros  you should see my name on the top06:05
uxfiin red06:05
ouroumov_Speiros, have you checked your sound setting to see if you have multiple hardware entries?06:05
Speirosuxfi  Yep, just saw it...06:05
Speirosouroumov I only seem to have one, where before I had either two or three.06:05
Speirosouromov_  Sorry, missed the underscore.  Yes, I used to have either two or three, but now I just have one.06:06
ouroumov_Speiros, check the output of "lshw -C sound" for "Unclaimed" hardware06:06
AIvaroMolinaalllllllvaaaaaaarooooo moooooliiiiiinaaaaaaa06:07
Speirosouromov_  I'll try that.  Thanks.06:07
Speirosouromov_ I get the NVidea  card info06:09
ouroumov_Speiros, are you using the proprietary NVIDIA driver?06:09
Speirosouroumov_ It says I'm using the built-in audio..."digital Output (S/PDIF), but doesn't say.  It's the only option that's there apart from when I look at other drivers.06:12
cluelesspersonOkay seriously, wtf is this crap?06:12
cluelesspersonsudo systemctl enable openvpn@server06:12
cluelesspersonhow is this sane for service management?06:12
cluelesspersonservice name whatever   EASY06:12
ouroumov_Speiros, please go to the Software and Update settings06:12
cluelesspersonsystemctl nameWTF ARE YOU DOING06:13
ouroumov_Speiros, then to the "additional drivers" tab06:13
Choupsguys, what i have: http://imgur.com/a/QuEE506:14
Choupswhat i need: http://imgur.com/a/qgpwk06:14
Choupshow can i do this?06:14
Speirosouroumov_ ok.  This tells me that I'm using 2 proprietary drivers...one is "unknown", but for the CPU, and the other is the recommended driver, namely GT218, and it says "(proprietary, tested)"06:15
Speirosouroumov_  Actually, I'm wrong.  The NVIDIA corporation driver up top is highlighted as correct, but says I'm using the X.Org X server driver06:16
ouroumov_Choups, you mean having two machines with the same IP on the same net? Learn Magic?06:18
k_sze[work]I purged a lot of desktop environment related packages from Ubuntu 14.04 a while ago. Yesterday I reinstalled using `apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop unity`, and now I get "WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/1000/keyring-vHnTwd/pkcs11: Connection refused" when I try to git fetch.06:19
k_sze[work]What's the proper way to fix it?06:19
k_sze[work]hmm, nvm, looks like I just needed to re-login.06:25
CodingFreehi, would you know if Ubuntu server or desktop have Python installed by default?06:33
ducasseCodingFree: yes, both do.06:35
CodingFreethanks ducasse06:35
MoppyCodingFree: At some point the newer ones wont have Python 2 installed, and 3 isn't backwards compatible.06:47
CodingFreethanks Moppy, I'll keep it in mind, that could be troublesome06:47
Choupshow do i run tor, in a ubuntu 16.04 ?06:59
Choupsi need an app to use tor as proxy06:59
Choupsso i need tor to be runing on the machine07:00
Choupshow do i do it?07:00
Speirosouroumov_ There's no way to change this driver without it automatically reverting back to the default.07:01
SpookanChoups: Download Tor and run it?07:02
mikisidhello everyone, i have one problem, or maybe not :D, how to enable systry icon for gitter.im app and for hexchat app in unity, use Ubuntu 16.04.107:05
mikisidty in advance07:05
kuro6try tail, more secure than tor. https://tails.boum.org/07:06
ChoupsSpookan, how ?07:06
ChoupsYou need:07:08
Choups2 USB sticks (at least 4 GB) Why 2?07:08
Choups1 hour to download Tails ( 1.1 GiB )07:08
Choups1 hour to install07:08
SpookanChoups: Google gave me this as a first result. https://www.torproject.org/download/download-unix.html.en07:08
ChoupsOption two: Tor on Ubuntu or Debian07:09
ChoupsDo not use the packages in Ubuntu's universe. In the past they have not reliably been updated. That means you could be missing stability and security fixes.07:09
phcipherubuntu maybe07:09
Choupsno tor fo ubuntu then?07:09
Choupsthis means there is no tor for ubuntu?07:10
ChoupsSpookan: ?07:11
proxx_Choups you could use the upstream build07:14
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en07:15
phanimaheshanyone from bugcontrol around? There is enough information in https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1462841 for it to be marked triaged in Unity.07:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1462841 in unity-tweak-tool (Ubuntu) "window spread causes system logout" [Low,Triaged]07:15
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phanimaheshI can do it myself, but I haven't been active lately and usually restrict myself to UTT only.07:17
Dubliciao mari07:19
OerHeksphanimahesh, are you using 14.04 lts and the latest UTT ? newer than mentioned in the bugreport ? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/unity-tweak-tool07:21
phanimaheshIt has been verified in later versions in comments 8,10. I haven't tested this in a while.07:24
OerHeksi call that not verified, poor info on unity tweak tool version for those releases07:26
OerHeks"As part of the big bug review for 16.04 LTS" come on :-D07:27
RLShiftyDoggithey guys im running cinnamon desktop and the applet for my batt life isnt working at showing the precentage can someone give me a hand07:36
phanimaheshOerHeks: Sorry, got disconnected while verifying the bug, had to switch sessions.07:36
phanimaheshThe bug has nothing to do with unity tweak tool, it is a bug in unity (I'm the author of unity tweak tool)07:36
phanimaheshAnd just checked, I could reproduce it earlier but not on the latest unity from xenial.07:37
phanimaheshwill just ask everyone to reconfirm after updating07:37
phanimaheshThanks. Your comment made me want to check. I switched to i3 few months ago and haven't been using unity actively.07:38
OerHeksI cannot reproduce it either on 16.04.1 - unity 7.407:40
phanimaheshOerHeks: Would you mind if I mention that you've also verified that it can't be reproduced?07:45
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OerHeksphanimahesh, sure :-)07:46
OerHekswith ati - open radeon driver07:47
OerHeksUTT 0.0.7ubuntu207:48
TomyWork0.0.7 - that version is for multiple reasons not very trust-inducing07:52
Choupshi guys, so basicly i have an app that uses phantomjs, and i installed tor on the server. Now i setup everything so that the app uses phantomjs and phantomjs uses tor, meaning the ip that apears on destination servers is the one from tor07:53
Choupsbut how do i check if this is working right?07:53
OerHekstry www.whatismyip.com ?07:54
Choupshow do i visit that with phantomjs?07:54
OerHeksChoups, via comandline, curl icanhazip.com #or# curl ifconfig.me07:56
phanimaheshTomyWork: we were too lazy to update the version. :/07:56
phanimaheshWe planned to change to 1.0 after one particular bug was resolved, but never got around to cleaning it up fully.07:57
phanimahesh(Unity tweak tool expects unity and standard components to be present. If anyone removes them, utt may crash)07:58
ChoupsOerHeks, i want to see if phantomjs is using tor07:58
TomyWorkdoes the package Depend on them then?07:58
TomyWorkthat's what Depends is for07:58
phanimaheshTomyWork: We added Depends on a few. Then got complaints that we should degrade gracefully.07:59
TomyWorkbut if your current version crashes, it Depends on them. if you degrade gracefully in a future version, you can change that to a Recommends08:00
phanimaheshcurrently for some, we detect at runtime and disable those settings. For others, yes, we should depend on them.08:01
* phanimahesh tries to remember what happened, a similar conversation happened before.08:01
Choupsim using phathomjs and tor, and i need a way to confirm that it is indeed using tor, so how do i do this?08:03
disco_Hi there. Since this morning I have a blank screen when starting xorg. I have an nvidia card and I read http://askubuntu.com/questions/760934/graphics-issues-after-while-installing-ubuntu-16-04-with-nvidia-graphics. Purging nvidia-* doesn't solve the problem. Installing version -364 of the driver neither. Any idea ?08:04
phanimaheshChoups: inspect network traffic. :P tcpdump or wireshark. It's probably a little like using a flamethrower to light a candle, but it works in this case.08:06
one|2What package contains gmake?08:12
brsc2909anybody know why i can send emails using postfix/ heirloom-mailx as sudo but not user08:19
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k1l_one|2: make is actually gmake on ubuntu08:25
one|2k1l_: make and build essential have been nstalled08:25
one|2is there some way for adding a symlink or alias08:25
k1l_one|2: yes, but you just can use make. since on ubuntu that is using gmake as make all the time.08:26
one|2k1l_: how can the bash paths be shown?08:31
girlinvogueFucking terrifying. Have you seen that? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkQ6J5F01Do Hellstorm - Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany (Full)08:32
one|2k1l_: it works using gmake the context is building zsnes with netplay08:34
geirhaone|2: Why is it running gmake instead of make in the first place?08:34
one|2geirha: it was following the instructions in the zsnes source readme08:35
geirhaAh, and they use gmake to "point out" that you need GNU make, I see08:36
one|2now it cant find libsdl08:37
one|2What needs be typed for showing the paths?08:37
hateballone|2: env08:37
geirhaone|2: Why don't you just use the zsnes from the repositories?08:37
hateballalso, if you're compiling stuff you need the dev-packages08:38
hateballand what geirha said08:38
one|2geirha: the netplay doesn't work08:38
geirhaok, anyway, run:   sudo apt-get build-dep zsnes   to install all the dev-packages that was used to build the zsnes packages in Ubuntu's repository08:39
geirhaAnd it's a good idea to report it as a bug at launchpad08:40
phanimaheshbtw anyone noticed the new apt tool has weird behaviour on ctrl-c?08:42
one|2geirha: where is the zsnes page?08:42
one|2it still has problems finding the libsdl components08:43
brunch875phanimahesh: I don't remember ever using ^C on apt. How does it behave?08:43
phanimaheshI liked it for its fancy progress bar, until I had to ctrl-c it. It traps and ignores, I guess.08:43
brunch875wouldn't aborting leave an installation in an inconsistent state anyway?08:44
phanimaheshbecause download happens before actual installation.08:44
phanimaheshyou can abort during downloads freely08:44
phanimaheshmid-unpacking, it's a little tricky08:44
brunch875I'm going to try it with sl08:45
phanimaheshaborting during the actual installation can be dangerous. but I broke my system on a daily basis for a couple of months long ago and learnt to recover from most things.08:46
brunch875you're right! How upsetting...08:46
geirhaone|2: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zsnes/+index08:46
phanimaheshI now simply don't care. Never do aproper shutdown, always hold power button, never worry about ctrl-cing most stuff, etc.08:47
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brunch875livin' la vida loca ☺08:48
phanimaheshbtrfs on disk, and I snapshot if I feel i'm getting out of my depth.08:48
phanimaheshrevision control for the hard disk, ftw.08:49
phanimaheshcan recover from practically anything (other than disk failure or deleting the snapshots and messing up badly) very easily.08:49
brunch875>and learnt to recover from most things08:50
brunch875no kidding!08:50
phanimaheshand I'm moving most of my installations to nix, so that I can have deterministic setups.08:51
one|2geirha: look here Netplay has been disabled for the indefinite future, until the core becomes more accurate and/or non-random. We recommend using ZSNES v1.36 or v1.42n [http://nsrt.edgeemu.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=448] until this is resolved.08:51
one|2Is there a 1.42n packaged geirha08:52
brunch875one|2: that links me to one of those 'domain to be taken' website08:52
altinI created some keybindings via gui08:56
altin but I want to find the config file08:56
one|2geirha: looks like 1.42 need be build for netplay08:58
geirhaOh, so you're trying to build an *older* version?08:58
brunch875!zh | jh__08:59
ubottujh__: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:59
bulliconwhy is a file descriptor called file descriptor, what does it descibes?08:59
one|2geirha: after reading that09:00
one|2Here is the problem, ./configure: line 3534: syntax error near unexpected token `1.2.0,,AC_MSG_ERROR' ./configure: line 3534: `AM_PATH_SDL(1.2.0,,AC_MSG_ERROR(SDL >= 1.2.0 is required))'09:00
geirhatry installing libsdl1.2-dev09:01
one|2it has been installed09:02
one|2is there a reconfigure script for it?09:02
geirhaI don't know, then. configure doesn't find it for some reason.09:02
one|2aptitude remove zsnes isn't working eithter09:08
OerHeks!find  libsdl2-dev09:09
ubottuFound: libsdl2-dev09:09
foormeahi! on ubuntu 16.04, why is there init scripts both for systemd and sysv? why not only systemd?09:15
nikolamI installed Ubuntu with Unity. How do I make it behave privately for user using it, e.g. not to send searches and identifying user's IP address over internet? (14.04.1 LTS)09:15
k1l_foormea: its in the process of transition.09:15
k1l_nikolam: look at the privacy settings in the system settings09:16
foormeak1l_: ha ok. is it fully migrated in 16.10?09:16
ironchunkfoormea: and systemd generates unit files for init scripts09:16
one|2geirha: :)09:16
one|2geirha: running09:17
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whitenoise|2geirha: :)09:17
foormeathanks k1l_ and ironchunk. once fully migrated to systemd, will the daemon defaults currently in /etc/default moved elsewhere, or will that remain?09:17
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k1l_foormea: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MartinPitti/posts/i4aNqWmuBmW09:18
foormeathanks k1l_ let me have a look09:19
nikolamk1l_, I did, but is it all to set, no hidden things somewhere else? So no searching Amazon by default anymore?09:20
LachezarHey all. How do I enable/disable a service in Ubuntu? update-rc.d says: System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/nginx do not exist.09:20
k1l_nikolam: no, nothing hidden.09:20
nikolamAnd not sending searches over net by default. Am I right and Amazon searches are not enabled by default anymore?09:21
k1l_Lachezar: for 14.04 use upstart, for 16.04 use systemd09:21
ironchunkLachezar: systemctl disable nginx.service09:21
k1l_nikolam: if you set it to off, then its off.09:21
nikolamBut is it is on by default?09:21
k1l_nikolam: yes, its "opt out" by default on 14.04. on 16.04 its "opt in"09:22
Lachezark1l_: systemctl: command not found09:22
k1l_Lachezar: as i said, it depends on what ubuntu you are using. details matter09:22
LachezarAh. Yes: 14.04 LTS09:23
k1l_k1l_> Lachezar: for 14.04 use upstart, for 16.04 use systemd09:23
nikolamso on 14.04, one had it installed by default and needed to turn it off. On 16.04 it is disabled by default and one need to enable it if needed. I think it is a great improvement.09:23
nikolamthanks k1l_09:23
Lachezark1l_: So how do I do it in 14.04? update-rc.d does not help, and systemctl is not available09:23
k1l_Lachezar: use upstart!09:24
k1l_Lachezar: sudo service nginx restart09:24
Lachezark1l_: start/stop/restart works. I want to disable the auto-start of the service.09:25
k1l_Lachezar: look into /etc/init/ there should be a nginx.conf09:27
Lachezark1l_: Yes, there is. But I do not want to 'remove' the service, just not start it after I reboot the machine.09:28
k1l_Lachezar: then edit the conf09:28
Lachezark1l_: Hm. That does not sound right. I duck-duck-went around and found something about writing 'manual' in nginx.override, does that sound right?09:30
k1l_Lachezar: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#disabling-a-job-from-automatically-starting09:31
akikLachezar: yes that's the way to do it09:31
Lachezark1l_, akik: 10x09:32
dishantguptajoin #apachecamel10:00
SpookanNo thanks10:01
juacadoHi, I need to modify desktop.gnome.remote-access value in order to access remotely to my Ubuntu 16.04 from a MacBook Pro, but this property doesn't appear in dconf-editor...10:10
juacadoany clue what to do next? Thanks!10:10
popo bonjour a vous  besoin d'aide pour ubuntu gnome 15.10 probleme clavier logitech le verouillage fonctionne mais les chuffres ne fonctiones pas mon clavier est celui ci   http://support.logitech.com/fr_ch/article/10052?product=a0qi00000069uczAAA   mon voyant vernum sur le recepteur usb est allumer mais lorsque je tape les numeros !!! bein rien voila si quelqu'un peut m'aider ce serai sympa  ps j'ai fais le tour des forums ubuntu et de google ect et rien10:10
k1l_!fr | popo10:11
ubottupopo: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:11
serardI'd like to auto-install apt-fast (script, unattended, no user input); but it requires some options; I know debconf-set-selections but I don't know what string to pass to configure apt-fast installation10:16
serardgenerally speaking, how can I get selection options from a .deb ?10:18
nikolamIs it normal that I can't see application's license, before installing from "Ubuntu Software" ? I suppose everyone should be informed of software's licence and rights before installing it, also if proprietary and open/libre apps are mixed on list?10:21
serardok got it http://serverfault.com/questions/407317/passing-default-answers-to-apt-get-package-install-questions10:22
nikolamI see now that there is also "nonfree" notion under some apps results on top..10:23
emcsshow to remove text from gif pic in ubuntu  ?10:29
emcsslike this :10:29
juacadosorted, I didn't have installed dconf-tools, only dconf-editor10:32
k1l_splashing: enough of that in here now. please keep this channel for ubuntu support only10:44
AndChat|95744Question:Can I change pci device class?10:49
Robin___How can i make a user have read-access to a file within, e.g. /home/dir1/dir2/dir3/thisfile.txt but not have access to neither /dir1 or /dir2?10:54
lapionanyone in here have any experience with NVidia Quadro FX1800 ?11:06
lapionI am having XServer crashes11:07
proxx_ṕerhaps not exactly that model11:07
proxx_oke so and what does dmesg and xorg logs say11:07
splashinglapion, try ubuntu 16.1011:07
lapionproxx_, I have a shell open one moment, I can tell you that kworker is spawning a lot though11:09
lapionACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEGP.DGFX._DSM: Argument #4 type mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150930/nsarguments-95)11:09
proxx_do you have one of these hybrid fx machines ?11:11
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lapionproxx_, no it's nvidia only.. pci-express -16 Laptop11:11
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EightynineI'm using Xubuntu 16.04 and I have tearing even in Chrome. Driver Manager says "Unknown device" and looks like driver is not installed. Hardware acceleration and compositing is not working in Firefox and Chrome. I have Radeon HD 6750 with free driver.11:12
ChetManlywhat do you call it when when opened windows will go off and not hit the usable edge of the screen?11:12
ChetManlyeg. the title bar will go past the top of the window11:12
lapionproxx_, if I remove the nvidia there is no video11:15
ChetManlyI thought it was overscan but using xrandr I put on underscan but the same thing happened on a smaller screen real estate11:15
proxx_lapion are you running latest version ?, on 14.04 right11:16
gargsmsI am trying to extract the last number from a string `some example string with number 220` using shell. I can grep the pattern, but how do I extract that number out? I need to compare it with another number11:16
lapionproxx_, running nvidia 340 on 16.0411:16
EightynineWhy is nobody answering?11:16
lapionproxx_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23279278/11:18
proxx_Eightynine patience11:18
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lapionproxx_, I am using metacity because unity crashes most definitively11:20
gaganhow to uninstall ubuntu?11:21
Ben64gagan: are you dual booting11:21
Ben64then just format the drive/partition11:21
gaganit's the onl os on machine11:22
gargsmsgagan, if you are not concerned about your files, you can basically remove the whole thing. rm -rf /11:22
Ben64gargsms: that won't work11:22
proxx_lapion im sorry i gotta run , sure someone can help you here11:22
lapionokay np proxx_11:22
gargsmsBen64, it will if he gains superuser access11:23
gargsmssudo su11:23
gaganwhat command to use for deleting partitions?11:23
Ben64still won't work, and "sudo su" isn't the right way to do anything11:23
Ben64gagan: you'll have to do it from a livecd11:23
gagandon't have one11:24
Ben64then you can't11:24
gaganthat's sad11:24
Ben64no it isn't11:24
gagani just want to get rid of linux atm11:25
gargsmsgagan, Do you have the Ubuntu installation drive? CD or USB? If you run it, you can then delete your partitions while it asks you to choose installation media11:25
Ben64and then do what11:25
gaganmy instructor installed the linux on my machine don't have access to os11:26
Ben64ok you could gain access11:26
gargsmsgagan, What are you trying to do once you remove Linux?11:27
gaganwill go for windows os11:27
bekksI think its a school computer, or something, which is not intended to be reinstalled/administered by everyone.11:27
gargsmsThen your Windows installation will provide you to modify disks anyway11:27
gaganno its my own laptop11:27
Ben64gagan: so just install windows11:27
bekksgagan: you dont need to remove anything. Put in a windows CD and install Windows. Done.11:27
fishCodewindows has its own partitioning software11:28
fishCodeit will initiate during the windows install11:28
fishCodejust delete all the partitions until it is nothing but free space11:28
gargsmsAnyone? I am trying to extract the last number from a string `some example string with number 220` using shell. I can grep the pattern, but how do I extract that number out? I need to compare it with another number11:28
gaganoh ok thanks. i will try that :-)11:28
fishCodethen press install and windows will automatically create the appropirate partitions11:28
Ben64gargsms: try #bash11:28
lapionhello can anyone else in here have any experience with NVidia Quadro FX1800 ?11:29
Ben64lapion: ask your actual question for best results11:29
bekksgargsms: echo $A | awk '{print $NF}'11:29
lapionI am having XServer crashes11:29
fishCodewhat is the error report11:29
lapion I have a shell open one moment, I can tell you that kworker is spawning a lot though11:30
lapionACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEGP.DGFX._DSM: Argument #4 type mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150930/nsarguments-95)11:30
lapionproxx_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23279278/11:30
Fedoration_gargsms: man egrep  -- or look up online about capture groups and use an expression like (\d)+11:30
lapionfishCode, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23279278/11:30
lapionoops sorry fishCode11:31
the_trickyhello, guys11:32
the_trickycan someone help me with a simple GET request via telnet?11:32
gargsmsFedoration_, Ben64, awk $NF worked. I need to use this with Apache log piping. So cannot have a shell script basically11:32
fishCodelapion, sorry i dont see anything that jumps out at me. looks like its beyond my experience level. sorry i couldnt help you out11:32
fishCodelapion, you using third party drivers?11:33
lapionI have to nouveau is too shaky with this card11:33
fishCodeno worries11:33
fishCodei use em11:33
lapionlet me try nouveau again11:33
fishCodesee if that makes a difference11:33
fishCodeand then if it does perhaps see if there is an updated version of the third party drivers even11:34
lapionI see there are 2 xservers running one original, and one failsafe.. let Alt-f into the other11:34
Specialisthi! which font that comes with ubuntu can be used to substitute "Symbol"?11:36
fishCodelapion, sorry anyhow what desktop are you using11:37
fishCodelapion, unity or something else?11:37
lapionfishCode, unity crashes on entering..11:37
lapionwith metacity11:37
fishCodehave you tried installing another DE11:37
fishCodesomething like KDE or Gnome that is widely supported11:38
fishCodei dont know the ones you mentioned11:38
lapionfishCode, gnome-flashback.. is the classic desktop with the old style menus and metacity doesn't have a compositor11:38
fishCodelapion, so you have had problems with multiple DEs, what was the model of your video card?11:39
lapionnvidia quadro fx180011:39
lapionfishCode,  fx1800m ( pci-express 16 mobile(laptop)11:40
fishCodeim seeing if theres anything jumping out at me on the web regarding that card and linux11:41
lapionI forgot to try nouveau with non compositing de..11:41
lapioncan you check the dmesg I pastebinned11:41
hateballlapion: what nvidia blob were you using? 361?11:42
lapionhateball, 34011:43
lapionlast one that's compatible11:43
fishCodetry rolling back one further lapion11:43
fishCodejust to see if its the current driver set thats the issue11:43
lapionfishCode, rolling back to nouveau and then again to 331+updates11:44
hateballlapion: ah yes I see now that I googled a bit. sorry, havent used those drivers in a good while11:44
fishCodelapion i was just looking at the 33111:45
fishCodelapion, looks like a good one to try11:45
lapionfirst nouveau11:45
lapionsystemctl surely messes up quick reboots..11:47
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kobiwanIs this the right place to ask newbie questions? can you route me to the correct venue if not12:06
bekkskobiwan: For Ubuntu related questions, this is the right channel.12:06
FManyou need to ask for permission to ask a question first12:08
* FMan runs and hides12:08
ppmshei zai12:08
ppmshei zai12:09
k1lppm: this channel is for english12:09
ChetManlyHow do I tell if I am using the nouveau driver or not?12:17
Ben64lshw -C VIDEO12:18
BluesKajHiyas all12:18
ChetManlyBen64: thanks12:21
lapionso nouveau workg "goodly"12:24
fishCodelapion, i see so still crashes but useable?12:24
lapionfishCode, nouveau gives many artefacts12:24
lapionwell actually mixpixelations12:25
k1ldepends on the card12:25
fishCodeoh fun12:25
lapionkil, quadro x180012:25
lapionkil, quadro x1800m12:25
ChetManlyhow does supertux cart smash my window manager to pieces12:26
lapionfishCode, but at least firefox doesn't crash it on opening..12:26
lapionnor running some glxgears12:26
fishCodelapion it seems very strange to me that you are having so many problems with an nvidia card12:27
fishCodeis it a bad card somehow? can you flash the graphics cards firmware?12:28
john-keyhi. i have problem. i cant install vim in linux blackbuntu... help?12:29
lapionfishCode, I might replace it altogether12:29
lapionfishCode, it's a laptop modell12:29
lapionfishCode, is there a way to flash these cards from linux ?12:29
ducassejohn-key: only official flavors are supported here.12:29
lapionI think I am going to upgrade bios/uefi12:29
fishCodejohn-key sudo apt-get install vim12:30
fishCodelapion im guessing there must be a way to flash them let me see12:30
john-keywhen i write sudo apt-get install vim... i have info :eading package lists... Done12:31
john-keyBuilding dependency tree12:31
john-keyReading state information... Done12:31
john-keyPackage vim is not available, but is referred to by another package.12:31
john-keyThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or12:31
john-keyis only available from another source12:31
fishCodejohn you need to add the official repositories12:31
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akikudisksctl unmount, i don't seem to be able to use that to unmount a path, only a device. is that correct?12:40
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com12:40
fishCodeakik, umount /mount/point12:41
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Arch Linux, Manjaro, Slackware (using other packaging systems)12:41
akikfishCode: thanks but that was not what i asked12:41
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fishCodeakik, ah my bad12:41
akikfishCode: udisksctl seems to be able to unmount without any other access control12:42
fishCodeakik, what do you mean by access control. like user permission access or somesort of system access control?12:44
akikfishCode: i can use udisksctl unmount -b device to unmount it with no further password query12:45
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precise|AFKubottu said I have a noidy away message, never had anyone mention that before? Is it an issue? Been on IRC for years and never had that issue...12:49
ubottuprecise|AFK: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:49
precise|AFKDon't mean to cause trouble or anything :P12:50
=== precise|AFK is now known as precise
k1l precise its about the nickchanges :)  just set the away status with /away12:51
preciseHmmm, it isn't working...12:52
akikfishCode: oh well. can't make udisksctl unmount work through a script ran through kde's dolphin. probably best to use umount and sudo for it12:52
preciseNot an ubuntu thing though, will take somewhere else :P12:53
fishCodeakik, that seems the best way12:54
fishCodeakik, it is a bit of a hazard to allow that kind of thing to be done without administrator permissions12:54
ubottufreenode is the IRC network that you're on! - See http://freenode.net/project -  - freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policies - The Ubuntuchannels on freenode also have their own !Guidelines12:56
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support ended on April 30 2015. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.13:05
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".13:05
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.13:05
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring13:05
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Read the release notes at http://ubottu.com/y/xenial13:06
PiciEoflaOE: please /msg ubottu13:06
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phos1I have a webserver setup on ubuntu with 3 users sshing into it. How do i adjust the upload process so that permissons on new files and the owners are set to www-data, instead of currently defaulting to whomever uploaded it and 644.13:17
phos1The other 2 users are not able to over write data made by someone else, unless I CHOWN it, which is really annoying..13:18
EriC^^phos1: add them to a group13:21
EriC^^phos1: they're creating the files over ssh?13:21
phos1Everyone is in group www-data,13:22
phos1SSH and FTP13:22
phos1So I always CHOWN files to www-data, which fixes the issue so we can all get at the files13:22
Jakey3Im running lubuntu 16.04, after i wake up my laptop from a sleep everything runs very slow even though there is alot of spare ram and few applications running?13:25
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xKillhi everyone13:35
xKilljust want to know if there's something wrong with 16.04 nfs, i cannot mount any nfs share (i've other clients working with no problem)13:36
hateballxKill: defaulting to v3 instead of v2, perhaps?13:37
hateballI think I have seen people with such issues13:37
xKillserver runs nfs413:37
phos1EriC^^:  Any way to make it so the files we create in FTP / SSH are www-data by default?13:37
phos1EriC^^: Or how should we set that up so we can all get into these files13:37
xKillit says bad superblock or wrong fs type13:39
xKillhi im back, had to reboot... well, i still cant connect to nfs shares from 16.0413:51
xKillsystem is up to date13:51
Youbi_Hello, I have a problem with lightdm, it doesn’t start correctly and loop on a black screen with only the cursor. The logs tell me that “dbus-lauch” was not found, so I was thinking that there may be a problem with lightdm’s environment. How can I check the $PATH used by lightdm?14:04
ppfYoubi_: /proc/<pid>/environ14:07
gargsms#ubuntu-server is very quite always. Anyone who can help me with Apache custom log here?14:11
nikolamdo I use gnome-language-selector to set the default language in Ubuntu/Unity? (for interface)14:12
nikolamI see Serbian cyrilic/latin is both grayed out, even it is installed. Maybe Unity is not available for all languages/not localized?14:13
nikolamit is 16.04.114:13
anomIf I were to daisy chain two monitors from my laptop, would my laptop need to be hdmi to hdmi, or hdmi to dp (to monitor)?14:13
anomnever daisy chained before its a bit confusing14:14
nikolamIt says in callout "any entry below Einglish" will be ignored..14:15
nikolamI can only guess that DP can chain14:15
fission6my server  keeps falling out of time sync and causing some API call isues with AWS, how do you keep an ubuntu server time updated?14:17
nikolamHuh, seems I need to _drag_ language above on the list, so it can me used for system, in Language Support list..14:18
gargsmsfission6, try ntpd14:18
fission6gargsms: how do i get it to sync on a frequent basis14:19
fission6or does it do it automatically14:19
anomoh i see. so i can't use hdmi to connect my laptop to the first monitor when daisy chanining?14:19
gargsmsIt should run as a service by itself14:20
WildyLionhi guys, I just upgraded ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 and was forced to use Upstart (due to the need to run cryptdisks with keyscript)14:24
WildyLionand now the system refuses to boot properly, it appears like after a certain point upstart can't start new jobs anymore14:24
fission6gargsms: does this look correct?14:25
WildyLionfission6: yes, and your ntpd will probably have some servers (ubuntu.pool.ntp.org) right out of the box14:26
fission6i see ok thank you, let me try14:26
gargsmsI wonder why it is not synchronised by default14:26
k1lfission6: what does it mean "falling out of time sync"?14:26
fission6so ntpdate is available but that just "hard sets it" ntp is not available, looks like i need to install it14:27
k1lfission6: that usually means there is a hardware issue or way too much load.14:27
WildyLionmy problem is that init (upstart) complains with 'init: Error while reading from descriptor: Broken pipe' (same with bash or dash as default shell) and just can't start a job14:27
fission6gargsms: ntp is not installed apparently?14:27
fission6does that sound right by default14:27
de-factoWFT is happening here, was playing some audio with chromium and again my xorg froze *hard*, had to sysrq to regain control: http://pastebin.com/snQ1UHP514:28
de-factois it the nvidia driver getting some functions used by chromium browser that make him crash or is it even hw failing?14:28
de-factoa bit worried about that unhandled interrupt14:28
gargsmsfission6, it depends on the cloud provider in that case. Are you using an image from Ubuntu directly, or a custom one?14:29
fission6aws ec214:29
fission6i mean ntp is not installed, i guess i need to install it? ntp is the dameon that will update frequently righ14:29
fission6its weird, i have ntpdate but not ntp14:29
gargsmsSee this as well: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/NTP.html14:30
fission6gargsms: great so now i finally understand ntp and I shoud be using timesyncd14:32
fission6i dont have this either, do i ineed to sudo apt-get14:32
gargsmsYou should always update, upgrade once you start the server. And ideally you should spawn new servers from an AMI that you create with a working system14:33
kus_ubuntui686ok so this might be the most stupid question but can I run multiple instances of the same program at once? there is a program called gdrive and it can upload files from my computer to google drive. Can I open another terminal and upload a different folder while gdrive uploads one folder in the current terminal?14:37
Ben64kus_ubuntui686: depends on the program14:38
gargsmsAnyone here who can help me with Apache2 logs?14:39
WildyLionanyone who can help with my upstart question?14:39
k1lkus_ubuntui686: that doesnt make sense for gdrive.14:39
WildyLionspent like 4 hours on it, it'd be easier to just reinstall the whole system (and there's an awful lot of stuff here)14:40
kus_ubuntui686sorry I got disconnected14:41
k1lkus_ubuntui686: that doesnt make sense for gdrive.14:42
fission6OK thanks, i installed ntp, looks like its doing its thing14:43
nikolamAfter changing system language in 16.04.1 / Unity, I see not any data forlder on desktop nor in documents, pictures, anymore...14:48
nikolamIt offered to rename them and puf, I don't know where is data now14:48
nikolamplus Teamviewer started misbihaving after reboot14:49
nikolamActually data is still ther eunder old 'Desktop' , 'Documents' and other English-named folders, but it is not displaye don desktop nor in folders now under shortcuts14:50
nikolamSeems like I manually need to move all data from old named folders to new named folders under non-English language..14:51
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nikolamseems to me like only Video folder has been moved. May be because it seemed it freezed (maybe moving data in background) and I didn't know what was going on and turned off computer on power button14:55
skinuxWhere can I find free PDFs for complete Ubuntu Desktop administration and Ubuntu Server administration?14:55
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nicanaca0hey chat 0/, I'm after a bit of advice about how far to take security for a ubuntu 16.04 LAMP server. Is this the right place to ask?15:01
ZipZapIs there here anybody help me with Docker Network?:P15:01
kamild1996Hey, got a question. Should clearing CMOS also reset UEFI in some way?15:02
WildyLion[expletive removed], I just recreated initramfs from scratch (removed old ones) and it's now all working15:04
WildyLioni spent [expletive removed] 5 hours on this bug and still don't have any data for a bug report!!! [expletive removed] if this was a commercial system, I'd be calling my lawyer already15:05
WildyLionand why the _hell_ systemd can't finally implement the keyscript option in /etc/crypttab?!?!!?!15:06
WildyLionthere's been _tens_ of requests for this feature already15:06
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crovaGreetings! How would one restore the boot loader to the the previous Ubuntu installation? I can't seem to be able restore the installation from a live cd without losing all my data (that option show up grey all the time)15:31
theoceaniscoolcrova, If you have destroyed grub, you can reinstall it boot with a LiveCD, choosing "Try it!", opening a terminal and using the command `grub-install`15:33
noob56khello how do i become a blackbelt in linux command line ?15:44
akiknoob56k: read a book15:45
theoceaniscoolnoob56k, open console, put "man", press 2 times tab, read all of them15:45
noob56kok i will do that, thanks guys15:46
AnthaasI have dual monitors, and for some reason full screen applications keep going to my second monitor, I want them on the first.15:47
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AnthaasHow can I do this? echo $DISPLAY returns :0 if it is any use...15:47
theoceaniscoolAnthaas, set the monitor you desire as primary15:48
theoceaniscoolAnthaas, Settings -> Displays -> Choose whatever you wish and press "Set as primary"15:49
Anthaastheoceaniscool, Settings = System Settings?15:49
theoceaniscoolAnthaas, Yes15:49
AnthaasDisplay = screen display?>15:50
AnthaasIm asking becausse I don't see a "set as primary" option15:50
theoceaniscoolAnthaas, Now that I remember, I think now it chooses the primary based in your cursor position15:51
gebbione_hi folks, my user can run an operation like chmod 777 when sudoing, but the same operation would not run from a function. Is this something i can fix? the command is ignored when using sudo in the function15:51
Anthaastheoceaniscool, Im launching the application on the main screen and it is opening on the secondary, I've tried launching on the secondary, and it still opens on the secondary.15:52
gebbione_mhh i think i got it15:53
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alwynHi, where can I ask for the status on security patches?15:56
alwynI'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and I see on the Ubuntu CVE pages that patches are still "needed"15:56
naccalwyn: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/ ?15:57
alwynnacc: specifically https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2016/CVE-2016-5426.html and https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2016/CVE-2016-5427.html15:57
naccalwyn: pdns is in universe, so i'm guessing it is dependent on community maintainership to get the security fix15:58
alwynnacc: I see. So my best bet would be to not wait and upgrade to 16.04 LTS? :P15:59
naccalwyn: or file a bug, maybe15:59
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mbelloHello, anyone knows how Ubuntu 16.04 is supposed to start pppoe interface when booting up?16:06
mbelloDescribed the problem here, but no help so far: http://askubuntu.com/questions/807854/pppoe-wont-start-at-boot-time-after-upgrading-to-ubuntu-16-04lts16:07
mbelloIssue is, pppoe interface is not brought up (and it was working on 12.04 and 14.04), I upgraded with do-release-upgrade and it stopped working16:07
^MikeI have a lvm snapshot that I can't remove; lvremove says it is "in use" -- how can I tell what it is in use by? I do not see it listed in /proc/mounts :\16:07
gunsandshanksHi, is there a decent guide for setting up Ubuntu with SecureBoot16:09
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ircnode0_Somebody teach me how to find appropriate package to be installed from missing command? e.g. What I have to install to solve this  "/usr/bin/Magick++-config: not found" error?16:13
naccircnode0_: what version of ubuntu?16:13
naccircnode0_: you want the package 'command-not-found', whcih will just answer that question for you :)16:15
naccircnode0_: or use apt-file to search16:15
ioria!info libmagick++-dev16:16
ubottulibmagick++-dev (source: imagemagick): object-oriented C++ interface to ImageMagick. In component main, is optional. Version 8: (xenial), package size 11 kB, installed size 80 kB16:16
nacc!info graphicsmagick-libmagick-dev-compat16:17
ubottugraphicsmagick-libmagick-dev-compat (source: graphicsmagick): image processing libraries providing ImageMagick interface. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.3.23-1build1 (xenial), package size 9 kB, installed size 63 kB16:17
naccis what you want ircnode0_ --^16:17
ircnode0_nacc: the solution you gave was awesome, simple !!16:18
ircnode0_nacc: linux is easy if you know right tool  (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و16:19
ircnode0_nacc: thank you.16:19
naccircnode0_: yw16:19
zhipenganyone successful install wireless net driver for xiaomiWifi16:20
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zhipengI read from blog that someone has use xiaomiWifi as wireless Internet card. I tried but failed, anyone can help?16:21
littleimpI messed up my settings and now the switch-input-source shortcut doesnt work anymore. On a guest account it still works. Anyone has an idea how to find the culprit?16:29
nuclernadalI want to install ubuntu but I wonder how secure / strong it is against malware/spyware/virus planting websites?16:30
nuclernadallike  a windows pc will get infected right away no matter what type of AV you install there, how about ubuntu?16:31
nacc!virus | nuclernadal16:31
ubottunuclernadal: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus16:31
naccnuclernadal: most of what you are referring to is people installing garbage (read, insecure stuff)16:31
iorialittleimp, you mean change keyboard layout ?16:31
naccnuclernadal: i don't think that's *as* likely in ubuntu/linux16:31
nuclernadalnacc: I wont install anything but how about visiting websites which give away viruses all time like p0rn ?16:32
littleimpioria: yes my shortcut is set as <super>+space in both accounts, only guest works though16:32
nuclernadalor watching movies online16:32
iorialittleimp, odd16:32
k1lnuclernadal: the bigger issue is that users install stuff from the internet, and run that as root. but that is not the regular way on ubuntu16:32
iorialittleimp, the other shortcuts work ?16:32
littleimpioria, yes everything except that one. Also if I change the shortcut it doesnt work16:33
nicomachusnuclernadal: and you don't get the bloat programs/toolbars from installing programs like you get in Windows, either. Windows installer .exe's are some of the worst perpetrators of viruses and malware16:33
iorialittleimp, so .. what did you do ?16:33
nuclernadalk1l: I want to give this laptop to friend, he is not computer literate, he only knows how to use browsers, so if I give him windows laptop then for sure its going to screw within 5 days, obviously he wont have root password16:34
nicomachusnuclernadal: as far as online goes, a good ab blocker and a good dose of common sense will go a long way.16:34
littleimpioria, not sure. i was changing some shortcuts with the compiz config tool.16:34
nicomachusad blocker* not ab blocker16:34
nuclernadalnicomachus: he doest have common sense about where to click and where not16:34
inquistornuclernadal, why don't you install Ubuntu on the laptop and you use it for a little while and see what you personally think16:34
iorialittleimp, mmm, can you switch from the panel indicator ?16:34
littleimpioria, yes16:34
k1lnuclernadal: installing from the ubuntu repos is fine. otherwise people will start to fiddle with stuff from "some website".16:34
nuclernadalinquistor: well you guys have exposure than me, thast why I am asking you16:34
nicomachusnuclernadal: then install uBlock Origin, ghostery, and HTTPS Everywhere and fight the bad links.16:35
littleimpioria, also already tried unity --reset to reset all settings16:35
k1lnuclernadal: adblockers are important to block driveby infections on java trhough bad ads16:35
nicomachusand malicious pop-ups and pop-unders16:35
iorialittleimp,  compiz config tool you mean ccsm ?16:35
nuclernadalk1l: worst case, PC wont get affected, doesnt matter what malware or spyware ad he clicks online, right?16:35
littleimpioria, yes16:35
nuclernadalk1l: ubuntu*16:35
k1lnuclernadal: its very unlikely to infect the data on the system.16:36
iorialittleimp,  do you remember what did you change ? there is a 'restore default' oprion somewhere16:37
nuclernadalk1l: I am not worried about data either, all I am worried about is websites breaking system to a point where it needs reinstall, which happens in windows all time16:37
littleimpioria, i actually also compared the compiz settings for my user and the guest and restored everything to default16:37
littleimpioria, so when i compare the dconf settings they are now the same16:37
nuclernadalk1l: I am asking because it happeend with Android phone and then we had to re-install operating system on that android phone16:38
iorialittleimp,  rebooted ?16:38
littleimpioria, yes tried that one multiple times16:38
k1lnuclernadal: the mobile OS are a different animal when it comes to security. the most dont get any security updates16:39
iorialittleimp,  go in Text Entry Setting from the panel indicator16:40
nuclernadalalright, so bottom line is, ubuntu OS wont break doesnt matter which website you are browsing and if those websites are trying to load bunch of crap,16:40
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EriC^^nuclernadal: that's an overgeneralization16:41
littleimpsorry killed my unity by resetting it in ccsm16:42
EriC^^it depends on the browser, and any vulnerabilities it has, flash etc.16:42
littleimpioria, ok im in text entry settings16:42
inquistornuclernadal, I agree with EriC^^, but suffice it to say the experience on Ubuntu is going to be much more stable then anything you've seen from a Windows install.16:42
nuclernadalEriC^^: i want to give this laptop to my friend, he is not computer literate, he likes to watch videos/movies online after searchign google16:42
EriC^^nuclernadal: there is a ton of windows viruses out there, for sure16:42
nuclernadalhow can I make him safe so that i dont have to re-install ubuntu again16:43
iorialittleimp,  shift + Super + Space ?16:43
k1lnuclernadal: what you stated is not true for any OS. if you want to infect a systen there is always a way. common sense would be not to go onto illegal and malware sites if you dont want to go into risks.16:43
EriC^^nuclernadal: i've been using it with no issues16:43
inquistornuclernadal, if you gave this to a friend with Windows installed who would deal with those issues?16:43
k1lnuclernadal: tell the user not to do stuff that will risk the system.16:43
nuclernadalinquistor: thats the problem, once the laptop reaches friend, there is only remote support, I cant do anything16:43
littleimpioria, this shortcut is already set for switching to previous source16:44
nuclernadalif the laptop was closer I would have installed windows and gave it to him16:44
iorialittleimp,  yes, and it works ?16:44
littleimpioria, no16:44
k1lnuclernadal: overall ubuntu is a safe system and the entry target is much smaller since its not much profit to make malware for a OS that is only 5% on the market.16:44
inquistornuclernadal, Ubuntu is a very stable choice, particularly if you pick a decent browser with a reasonable set of extensions16:45
Jordan_Unuclernadal: Disable flash, install adblock, don't make them an administrative user. Also, it sounds like you maybe should be worried more than you are about phishing attacks, which could cause much worse problems than needing to re-install the OS.16:45
nuclernadalinquistor: yes, are these the extensions which fellow member suggested to install uBlock Origin, ghostery, and HTTPS Everywhere and fight the bad links. ?16:45
nuclernadalJordan_U: i cant disable flash, how would he watch online streaming movies?16:46
Jordan_Unuclernadal: Most streaming sites don't use flash anymore.16:46
inquistornuclernadal, those are good. Also it depends on whose movies he's going to watch. Many streaming services are moving to html5 based players which doesn't require flash.16:46
k1lnuclernadal: you seem to rely on illegal and malware websites but want us now to tell you that ubuntu is safe against that. that doesnt work.16:47
nuclernadaland there wont be any type of data on that laptop, I am not worried about losing/stealing, all i am worried about is reinstalling OS in case if he goes to p0rn websites, which he will sure go16:47
nuclernadalsafer than windows, thats what I wanted to know16:47
Jordan_Unuclernadal: Could this user give away credit card information if tricked? What about information which could lead to identity theft?16:48
nuclernadalJordan_U: nope, he is not that dumb16:48
nuclernadaland he doesnt have CC16:49
MonkeyDustwhat's CC16:49
EriC^^credit card16:49
nuclernadalwhcih browser should I install after installing ubuntu? chrome? chromium?16:50
MonkeyDustnuclernadal  ubuntu comes with firefox... chromium sits in the repos, chrome is 3r party16:51
inquistornuclernadal, I prefer Firefox, but if he is going to watch Hulu or Netflix he will need to use Chrome and hal will need to be installed16:51
nuclernadalalright, will do16:51
nuclernadalshould I install older version of ubuntu because its a celeron laptop N2840 and 4gb of RAM ?16:52
Jordan_Unuclernadal: Don't give them admin rights and the most you'll likely have to do is delete their browser profile, or possibly wipe their home directory. There is still some risk that damage could be done outside their home directory, but I woukd say it's quite small.16:52
MonkeyDusthardware abstraction layer?16:52
inquistorharware abstraction layer... its deprecated for everything except the flash based drm used by these two sites.16:52
nuclernadalwhich version should I install, what you guys suggest for celeron 2840 4gb16:52
inquistor*hardware abstraction layer16:52
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EriC^^credit card16:53
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BlueSharkhey, how can I use/run a .vmem file?17:00
kernellohello everyone, I was talking about this here last night..since there are more people on the channel right now, I'd like to ask of your opinion again..I got from twitter an 'unusual acc access'email in which the device of access was shown as 'safari on linux'. let alone whether it is technically possible or not, I do not use it. has anyone had similar experience?17:00
BlueSharkkernello: No, I've found their user-agent detection to be pretty accurate. If you don't use Safari, I'd recommend you change the password immediately. To be sure, enable 2FA.17:01
k1lkernello: better ask in the offtopic channel about that experiences17:01
kernelloBlueShark, sorry, what is 2FA?17:01
BlueSharkkernello: 2-Factor Authentication17:02
BlueSharkkernello: https://www.google.com/landing/2step/17:02
kernelloah, thank you, BlueShark17:03
kernellok1l, sure, just asking here in case it may have any security-related aspect17:04
kernelloconcerning settings etc17:04
kernelloor application-related17:04
k1lkernello: well. i dont know what you do with your system. safari on linux can be the twitter apps. but you should know if you use them or set them up to use your account.17:05
kernellok1l, if you refer to clients, no, I don't use one17:06
kernellomaybe I should17:06
k1lkernello: then there is nothing #ubuntu can help you with.17:06
phos1I have a website setup in ubuntu, with 3 users. Currently if anyone uploads a file, it’s owned by them and no one else is able to change it. How can i correct this?17:10
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k1lphos1: put all users in one group and make the folder owned by that group17:11
phos1k1l: All users are in group www-data, but if a user makes a new folder it’s then owned by that user17:12
phos1So existing folders are fine, as they are all www-data owner:group, but new folders are not. It’s driving me crazy having to CHOWN & CHMOD every time I make a folder17:12
akikphos1: give the directory g+s permissions17:13
akikphos1: then the new things created under it will keep the group17:14
phos1akik: Current parent directory is 774, what should it be?17:14
akikphos1: g+s will add the s bit17:14
phos1kk, i’ll try that now, thanks17:15
akikphos1: i think the number is 2774 then17:15
HyperMusicHey is there a torrents-related channel on freenode?17:16
k1l!alis | HyperMusic17:16
ubottuHyperMusic: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http17:16
HyperMusicubottu: thanks!17:16
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:16
HyperMusicstill, thanks!17:16
k1lHyperMusic: but id you mean warez when you say torrent, then: no17:16
phos1aik: That worked, thank you!17:18
HyperMusick1l lol warez17:19
HyperMusici miss me the good ole days17:19
akikphos1: thank the knowledge learned 10 years ago :)17:20
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ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...17:35
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Psil0Cybindoes anyone know what else i would install with exim4 in order to send logs to external email17:41
Psil0Cybini want to be able to send email overtime someones connects to my machine via ssh17:41
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...17:42
Guest82871Psil0Cybin: why exim? postfix is the default no?17:45
Psil0CybinGuestst82 that is what i want to know17:45
Psil0Cybinbut i want to send it to an external email17:45
Psil0CybinI'm having a little bit trouble understanding the guides I'm a little confused17:45
doumeslt ala comunauté ubuntu17:47
Guest82871you try this?17:47
Guest82871is pretty simple, basically you need to configure a relay host17:47
Psil0Cybinwhy would people use exim4 over postfix17:47
Psil0Cybindebian vs ubuntu?17:47
Guest82871no idea, might be that ex-debian people17:50
=== Gabbo is now known as Guest88540
doumeplease what is the command to mount a USB key17:52
akikdoume: you could try "udisksctl mount -b /dev/sdXn"17:53
akikdoume: a normal mount command also works. you need root access to use it, sudo17:54
rond_Hello! I've got noob question - after connecting by ssh to remote computer, how can i specify a path to my local Desktop? i need it to do: scp <file> <pathThatIDontKnow>17:55
debkadi think usb key will be mounted by default when it pluged17:55
debkadscp file user@host:path i think17:56
naccrond_: so you're trying to copy a file from the remote server to the local server?17:58
naccrond_: why not just use scp directly? Rather than ssh and then scp17:58
rond_nacc: i think i need to do it this way because debkad's solution doesn't work17:59
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rond_nacc: i first connected by ssh to aknowledge the path ;)18:00
naccrond_: scp would verify the path, or error out if it can't find it...18:00
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naccrond_: what are you trying to do?18:01
Guest88540If it's one file, scp is good. If it is mult files/dirs rsync over ssh works great18:01
rond_copy a file from remote computer to my local18:01
rond_it's a single pdf18:01
rond_and it will be one small dir18:01
naccscp user@host:path/to/file where/you/want/it/locally/.18:02
rond_first i need to learn scp and ssh before i go further ;)18:02
rond_nacc: should autofill (triggered by TAB button) should work with typing remote path to file?18:02
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naccit is definitively backwards to ssh to scp18:03
naccrond_: depends on how you are auth'd, not necesesarily18:03
rond_it worked! :) thanks a lot18:04
rond_(no autofill)18:04
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Disaster_Areahey can someone help me I've been having a really weird bug with a program I'm running, and I want to know if anyone has had any similar issues. Fwiw the program I'm trying to run is my DAW Reaper which I'm using through WINE. The issue is that when I try and open it up the program is transparent. I restarted it once and it appeared and worked ok but when I tried to open any windows within the program [e.g. my preferences, or to insert a virtual18:05
Disaster_Areainstrument] then those screens were transparent. Anyone had any similar issues or can maybe help diagnose and fix the problem?18:05
Guest80556this is ubuntu mate, 1 week old install, xenial, problems with bluetooth (bluez) for the Microsoft Designer Mouse (a low energy mouse), it is simply not detected... Please help18:05
Guest88540Disaster_Area, screenshots would help.. also, did you check WINEHQ if the app is supported?18:06
Guest80556root@faith:~# dmesg | grep -i blue could find something but also delivered errors...18:06
Guest80556[   11.580954] bluetooth hci0: Direct firmware load for brcm/BCM20702A1-0a5c-21e6.hcd failed with error -218:06
Guest80556this is a lenovo L430 Thinkpad running 16.0418:07
Guest80556uname -a delibvers [   11.580954] bluetooth hci0: Direct firmware load for brcm/BCM20702A1-0a5c-21e6.hcd failed with error -218:07
Disaster_AreaGuest88540, I'll take a quick video of it I guess. I don't know if they specifically support the app - i'm not sure they would but it's an .exe file and the original makers of the DAW say that it works 'admirably' on wine although judging from the forums it seems that with every linux distro the program runs into quirky issues that is different distro by distro.18:07
maxcell_Why when i install openssh-server it generate RSA and DSA keys already?18:08
Guest88540Disaster_Area, you might be better off asking in their forums.18:08
Guest80556*copy paste is complicated with this two clipboards...18:08
leptonedoes anyone know the PPA for the stable version of Google Chrome Browser18:08
Guest88540leptone, webupd8.org might have that18:08
Southern_Gentlemleptone, their website?18:09
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k1lleptone: its the google repo. you get that when you install the .deb package18:09
Disaster_AreaGuest88540, well I asked on their IRC channel but it's fairly quiet there and I signed up for their forums but my account's not been approved yet. Anyhow, now i just tried to record my issue and it all worked smoothly, so if it happens again I'll just record it again and either it'll work or I'll be able to share the problem xD18:09
Guest88540kll is right.18:09
Disaster_Areaanyway since noone seems aware of this type of bug I'll just leave this for now, rather than try and figure out the underlying problem18:09
k1land webup8 are PPAs with all sorts of stuff. if you activate them you get a load of other stuff you might not want from a 3rd party.18:09
liftedi have 2 servers. one is production. i want to copy & paste production and make a development/staging server.18:10
leptoneSouthern_Gentlem, ?18:10
leptoneI'm looking for the the series of commands ill need to install Chrome so i can install it on a remote server18:10
k1lleptone: load the chrome deb package from their webservers and isntall that18:10
leptonechromes site tells you to download an installer18:11
k1lleptone: wget and dpkg then18:11
leptoneid like to :18:11
bubba1is here the windows 10 chat?18:11
k1lbubba1: bad try of trolling …18:11
Guest88540lifted, so you want to sync info/configs?18:12
Picibubba1: Try ##windows18:12
liftedGuest88540: yeah18:12
bubba1ok thanks :-)18:12
leptone<command for adding ppa>, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get install chrome-stable18:12
Guest88540lifted, how are the servers connected now? ssh/nfs/smb?18:12
liftedGuest88540: SSH.18:13
liftedGuest88540: thank u for helping18:13
Guest88540lifted, look into rsync over ssh18:13
onzaguys how do I recover files from a formatted drive?18:14
onzahalp D:18:15
zviomode zvio +x18:15
k1lonza: i guess photorec is one last hope18:15
liftedGuest88540: i can definitely rsync everything...18:16
Guest80556please help with the bluez... on the mint mate i had on this laptop (lenovo L430) some days ago bluez could detect the Microsoft Designer Mouse, but the type was bad, the forums wanted me to have bluez in version >5, no i have ubuntu last version, bluez in higher version and cannot detect it... any hint?18:17
Guest88540lifted, only advice i have is to run the script from the dev server...also make it keyless ssh(makes script easier)18:17
liftedGuest88540: what "script"??18:17
Guest88540lifted, consider making the script tar(or 7z/zip) the current content in case of a problem.18:17
Guest88540lifted, well you can do it by hand, but why not script and automate18:17
danmHi, does Ubuntu know to switch between GPUs with the default drivers?18:18
onzasudo apt-get install photorec?18:19
onzaa dumb guy put a ISO9600 + ext4 partition in a windows computer18:19
onzaand the windows computer blowed it up18:19
onzaI want what was in the ext4 part18:20
Guest88540in 16.04 you can type apt install apt-get isnt needed no more18:20
onzano package photorec D:18:20
Guest88540onza, have you considered testdisk?18:21
onzaWTF one of the partitions survived instact :o18:23
onzathe ISO9600 is untouched o.O18:23
onzawindows so noob18:24
tbnbuddhahello. i got some serious problems with my laptop. i want to do a memtest86+ but it does not apear in my grub menu. it is installed when i check apt-get. it is also listed in "etc/grub.d" what can be the reason that it is not shown in the menu then?18:24
onzaand there's a virus18:25
Guest88540please dont spam chan onza :P18:25
Guest88540tbnbuddha, you can run it from live install media also18:25
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tbnbuddha88540 oh man that idea i could have found forself. thank you. i will try18:26
Guest80556onza: there is some package foresics-all ... (never tried it): # apt show forensics-all18:28
kille_anyone here?18:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:29
kille_I'm new here. Any good IRC rooms?18:29
Guest80556... still need the bluez... any ubuntu xenial doc on bluetoo' ?!18:32
kille_yo peeps.18:33
kille_I wish to check some channels out18:33
Guest88540so go look..18:33
Eddinnkille_: type /list18:34
kille_Could ya let me know a few?18:34
kille_I hit the googs but it doesn't help.18:34
kille_ah thanks!18:34
Guest80556kille_ here is a small diff between check and spam18:34
Guest88540kille, i now see you are new to irc...that changes things. :) this is just one network of many with dozens of channels.18:39
kille88540 yeah it's my first time on here. trying to figure things out. thought as much, but where do you get other network deets?18:40
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http18:40
killethanks. i'll give it a bang.18:41
killeok, so do i have to leave the channel before i can do that though?18:42
killenot getting any feedback here18:42
Guest88540kille, in your irc client there should be several already available... FYI, that is only a portion of what is out there.. some arent listed and some are private18:42
killeand how do i leave a channel without completely killing the connection?18:42
tbnbuddhamy lubuntu installation usb stick has only a "check disc for defects" entry, no memtest86+ one. there was some checking but it does not look like a memtest. just basic files and grub checks. should i m ake an ubuntu usb stick? it should have an memtest86+ entry isn't it?18:42
Guest88540kille, you can be in several chans at once18:42
Guest88540kille, look up irc tutorial on youtube.. itll answer questions you dont know you have18:43
kille88540 how? thanks for the help btw.18:43
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killei think i should do that yeah18:43
killeboobtube ftw18:43
pedahzurI have an older laptop (Core Duo, ATI graphics) that I upgraded to 16.04 from 14.04.  For the most part, things are working.  However, X will not start at boot.  BUT! If I do 'startx' as my user after I log in, X starts up just fine.  systemd says the graphical.target is "loaded active active" and systemctl get-default gives me graphical.target Ideas?18:48
wberger_hello at all, can someone help me ?18:49
k1lpedahzur: make sure no fglrx is installed. then try to start the lightdm and see if there are errors18:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:50
cmendes0101I'm trying to get BC Match or GMP installed but hitting an issue with php7.0 being at 7.0.9 and those 2 packages needing 7.0.8 on Ubuntu 16.04. Is the best solution to downgrade to make that dependency match?18:50
cmendes0101php7.0-bcmath : Depends: php7.0-common (= 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.3) but 7.0.9-1+deb.sury.org~trusty+1 is to be installed18:50
Guest88540not familiar with either app but yeah, give it a go18:51
k1lcmendes0101: that PPA you use is messing with the depencies. ubuntu ships php7 on 16.04 so there is no need for that ppa18:52
cmendes0101ah ok18:52
k1l!ppapurge | cmendes010118:52
ubottucmendes0101: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:52
cmendes0101thanks taking a look18:53
pedahzurk1l: Odd...lightdm isn't installed, even though I selected it during the upgrade process.18:53
k1lpedahzur: what desktop is installed?18:53
Guest80556... still need the bluez... any ubuntu xenial doc on bluetoo' ?! I need to detect that Microsoft Designer Mouse, that i could detect some days ago on the linux mint mate (that is gone now on this HD)18:54
pedahzurk1l: KDE18:54
k1lpedahzur: that uses ssdm18:54
k1lpedahzur: *sddm18:54
pedahzurk1l: What's the package name? Because apt-cache search ssdm doesn't give me anything.18:55
k1lpedahzur: sddm, i made a typo18:55
doumeyou can help me access to a Francophone Network18:56
Picidoume: try /join #ubuntu-fr18:56
pedahzurk1l: It wsa installed. I did install lightdm and told it to use lightdm. We'll see what happens now... :)18:56
gargsmsAnyone here who can help me with Apache2 logs?18:58
pedahzurk1l: Welp...that fixed it. Maybe something in the upgrade process didn't work right. Because I remember, when it asked, if I wanted to use lightdm or sddm, I selected lightdm. So, I guess it went ahead and installed sddm anyway...but then configured for lightdm, which made it not start properly.18:59
gargsms#ubuntu-server is very quite18:59
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gargsmsYes, typo. :(19:01
gargsmsBeen looking for it a long time now19:01
gargsmsI will shoot the issue here anyway.19:02
gargsmsI am trying to write a custom log for Apache. For any log entry ending with 0, I am using the declaration below, just to test. Nothing gets logged to syslog in this case. However, if I just do logger -s, then the entry is logged completely.19:02
gargsmsCustomLog "|/bin/bash -c 'if [ `awk \'{print $NF}\'` -eq 0 ]; then logger -s ; fi" combined19:02
naccgargsms: that's just testing the return code of awk19:04
naccgargsms: is that what you intend?19:04
gargsmsEven that is not being logged. That's my issue. nacgc19:05
naccgargsms: err, sorry, i meant it's testing if the output of the awk command matches the numerical value 019:06
naccgargsms: which seems like it would never be true19:06
gargsmsI can see in my access.log file that the entries end with 019:06
gargsmsWhich I did because I modified the log format to test it19:07
gargsmsI am suspecting there is some syntax error with this. but so far I haven't been able to fix it.19:09
cmendes0101k1l: thanks! purging the ppa to downgrade fixed the issue19:10
naccgargsms: do you need to use |$?19:11
naccgargsms: reading the apache page, | doesn't spawn a shell by default19:11
gargsms|$ spawns sh by itself. That is even worse because it lacks a lot of bash features19:12
gargsmsI have two other CustomLog filters which are working just fine19:12
gargsmsThis works: CustomLog "|/bin/bash -c 'stdbuf -o0 grep -E --invert-match \'status:(200|206|302|304)\' | stdbuf -o0 sed -r \'s/status:(\d*)//\' | stdbuf -o0 cat >> /var/log/apache2/err.log'" combined19:13
naccgargsms: what terminates your bash command?19:13
naccgargsms: i don't see a trailing ' in the first one19:13
docmurhow I reset apt-get so I don't get these kind of errors: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).?19:14
docmurI want to install something but not the thing apt-get is complaining about19:14
naccdocmur: you don't 'reset' apt -- it's saying you have some inconsistency already19:14
naccdocmur: fix the inconsistency then install the thing you want19:14
docmurI can't, it's some super annoying zfs issue, that won't go through, hence I want to forcable clear it without using apt-get -f19:15
gargsmsnacc, a typo again. There is a ' in the conf file. apachectl configtest passes, there are no errors either19:15
naccdocmur: using zfs from ubuntu?19:15
docmurlibguestfs0 : Depends: zfs-fuse but it is not going to be installed19:15
naccdocmur: please provide the full output19:15
naccdocmur: in a pastebin19:15
naccdocmur: what version of ubuntu and where did you get libguestfs0 from? (apt-cache policy libguestfs0)19:17
docmurI'm actually on debian 7.8 but that shouldn't matter in this case, because I know there is some way to get apt to ignore that and just let me install what i need19:17
ahnostI just updated my ubuntu system and firefox but youtube is saying "your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available"19:21
naccdocmur: remove libguestfs0 i guess? or use .debs manually and dpkg. apt won't agree to do things when it's in an unresolveable state like that19:21
naccdocmur: so debian broke libguestfs0? or install zfs-fuse?19:22
k1lahnost: youtube will use html5 in most cases19:22
docmurFair enough19:23
ahnostk1l okay, how do i fix the problem?19:23
k1ldocmur: "sudo apt install zfs-fuse"19:23
k1ldocmur: wait, if that is debian better ask in #debian to sort that.19:23
docmurCan't it self breaks during the install and will cancel it, samething if I try libguestfs019:23
naccdocmur: you'll need to ask debian at that point, then, seems odd they woudl have broken oldstable, but who knows19:26
docmurYa fair enough19:27
docmurI've seen this before, the solution was something strange19:27
johnjohn89I have a patch file for the xournal apllication. how do you install the patch?19:40
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NoCodeJust installed nvidia drivers from the PPA, but I'm still having problems with the nvidia-settings applet. There's no configurable settings in the applet to adjust anything.19:49
NoCodeWhat can I do to fix the issue19:49
naccjohnjohn89: the easiest thing is probably to build it ina  PPA -- where did you get the patch from?19:49
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Southern_GentlemNoCode, did you reboot19:50
Guest70506What's going on?19:50
borgrelwhen did trusty get changed to LTS??19:51
NoCodeSouthern_Gentlem, Yes19:51
naccborgrel: trusty has always been a LTS19:51
Piciborgrel: it always was an LTS19:51
NoCodeGetting this error: "ERROR: nvidia-settings could not find the registry key file. This file should have been installed along with this driver at /usr/share/nvidia/nvidia-application-profiles-key-documentation. The application profiles will continue to work, but values cannot be prepopulated or validated, and will not be listed in the help text. Please see the README for possible values and descriptions."19:51
bekksNoCode: which just means that the help file will have issues.19:51
k1lborgrel: it was started as a LTS but technically it was made a LTS when teh 14.04.1 was released.19:52
bekksNoCode: Or did I get that wrong?19:52
borgrelthanks k1l19:52
NoCodebekks, I dunno. I don't have any settings to configure in nvidia-settings.19:53
Jordan_Utbnbuddha: memtest86+ doesn't support UEFI, and so the entry isn't shown on UEFI systems.19:53
NoCodeThat's my current issue.19:53
toshiba_ciao a tutti19:53
PenguinMan98I've got an ubuntu vps that won't boot. The error given is here: http://screencast.com/t/a85cMptDf .  I cannot access the server physically.  I have a serial console with gPXE I can get to but that's all I have to go on to try and troubleshoot this.19:53
votlonso who is an immortal here?19:53
PenguinMan98Can anybody offer me any assistance or at the very least point me in the right direction?19:54
naccPenguinMan98: you probably should ask your VPS provider? seems like no disks were detected?19:54
bekksPenguinMan98: Contact your hoster, that thing is broken.19:54
liftedI did an apt-get update;upgrade and now my 3rd monitor is stuck in 1024x768???19:54
lifteddo i need to update a config file by hand or something19:55
PenguinMan98Yeah.  Just before the crash the server was complaining that it was out of disk space even though it was only using 9 of 25 gigs I bought19:55
PenguinMan98I have the host already looking into it19:55
Guest88540PenguinMan98, if you have logs/screens of that open a support ticket with them19:55
PenguinMan98I thought I'd ask here because they usually just come back to me saying that it's an unmanaged plan so they can't do squat19:56
votlonPenguinMan98: who is your host if you can give that out19:56
borgrelwhich is better? ubuntu kde or ubuntu gnome?19:56
bekksborgrel: the one you like more.19:57
votlonborgrel: to each his own19:57
PenguinMan98@bogrel: Don't start religious wars19:57
k1lborgrel: better test it for yourself. everyones workflow and taste is different19:57
votlonPenguinMan98: i'm guessing there is data on the vps?19:58
NoCodeWonder if I should install libxnvctrl-dev19:58
PenguinMan98There was before it crashed19:58
PenguinMan98This isn't the first time this has happened and last time my data was fine as soon as the issues were resolved19:58
votlonPenguinMan98: it may be unmanaged but you should still be able to at least get an image from them if they claim it the disks are on, social engineer that shit on the phone :p19:59
borgrelthanks k1l19:59
PenguinMan98kk. ty all19:59
tbnbuddhaJordan_U thank you. didn't know that20:00
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest1615
NoCodehrm, still no luck with any settings in "nvidia-settings".20:03
borgrelis there anything (other than the amazon lens) like the AL that i should know about before istalling??20:04
ppfis bash compatible with dash scripts?20:04
bekksborgrel: No. Disable and or uninstall the software you dont like, done.20:04
k1lborgrel: its opt-in on 16.04 anyway20:05
naccppf: yes, but dash may not be compatible with bash scripts, iirc20:05
naccppf: dash is strictly POSIX, iirc (or tries to be?)20:05
ppfthinking of replacing /bin/sh with bash20:07
ppf_or_ i could make my scripts portable ...20:07
naccppf: or just use /bin/bash as needed?20:08
tylneshanybody using QtCreator and happened to know how to fix this error?20:08
naccppf: if you need bash, use bash, dont' assume sh is bash :)20:08
tylnesherror: open /etc/default/lxd-bridge: no such file or directory20:08
bekksppf: OR use /bin/bash AND fix your scripts? :)20:08
ppfnacc: not possible in this very special case20:08
naccbekks: ^520:08
ppfhow do i get the directory of the script file portably?20:09
naccppf: probably call dirname on $0 ?20:10
ppfis the script file guaranteed to be $0?20:10
ppf(modulo links)20:10
bekksppf: the scriptname is $0.20:10
tylneshnobody :/20:11
nacciirc, that means it might depend on how the script is invoked as well20:11
naccppf: as to $0's value20:11
bekkstylnesh: Whats unclear with that error?20:11
superbfishi disabled my screen by mistake (fn+F6) and my mouse stopped working, i did modprobe psmouse proto=imps to get it working again but now i can't use 2 finger scrolling.20:12
ppfnacc: meaning what precisely?20:12
nacce.g., $0 is ./test.sh if invoked as ./test.sh but is $HOME/test.sh if invoked as $HOME/test.sh in my quick testing in bash20:12
ppfah, right20:12
ppfyes, i deal with that already20:12
naccppf: ok20:12
ppffwiw: BASE=$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")20:13
tylneshbekks: Well, what exactly is lxd-bridge and why does the qt not start without it.20:14
ronaldsmazitismy virtualbox can't launch20:15
ronaldsmazitissudo /sbin/rcvboxdrv setup20:15
votlonronaldsmazitis: ubuntu 16.04?20:15
bekkstylnesh: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/04/07/lxd-networking-lxdbr0-explained/20:15
ronaldsmazitisyes ubuntu 16.0420:16
bekksronaldsmazitis: Read line 11.20:16
k1lronaldsmazitis: iirc you need to turn secureboot off since virtualbox broke their signing keys20:16
votlonbekks: is that also why it won't install off of apt-get atm?20:16
bekksronaldsmazitis: And then read line 30 and install the headers for the current kernel.20:16
tylneshbekks: Hmm.. why do I need it to run QtCreator?20:17
ronaldsmazitiswhich was the command for kernel20:17
bekkstylnesh: I dont know.20:17
bekksronaldsmazitis: uname?20:17
tylneshbekks: Never had this problem in Arch nor Debian.. Darn.20:18
nacctylnesh: can you pastebin the output? of invoking `qtcreator` ?20:18
nacctylnesh: 16.04?20:18
k1lronaldsmazitis: make sure "linux-generic" is installed20:18
tylneshnacc: Yep20:19
ronaldsmazitisbekks uname says linux20:20
Grorcohey can someone help me with iptables, I want the default to send all traffic to port 80 on my machine, then I want to be able to allow specific ip addresses through.20:20
ronaldsmazitis4.4.0-38-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 6 15:41:41 UTC 2016 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux20:21
nacctylnesh: that's from qtcreator? please show you invoking qtcreator and getting that output20:21
ronaldsmazitisk1l it looks like generic is installed20:21
bekksronaldsmazitis: which is far more than "linux" :P20:21
nacctylnesh: as that's referring to container stopping20:21
k1lronaldsmazitis: "linux-generic"20:22
ronaldsmazitisah ok20:22
k1lronaldsmazitis: if that is installed it will have installed the matching linux headers. so details matter20:22
tylneshnacc: running qtcreator from terminal only gets "Setting up the container backend failed.20:22
nacctylnesh: that's probably the bug20:23
nacctylnesh: why does qtcreator need a container backend?20:23
tylneshnacc: That's what I'm asking... Never ever have I heard about something like that.20:23
nacctylnesh: `apt-cache policy qtcreator` ?20:23
nacctylnesh: ah are you using the ubuntu sdk?20:24
ChetManlyhow may I make a window open two one of my screens when I login? say my irc client20:26
tylneshnacc: Damn.. I must20:26
tylneshnacc: I must've installed it by mistake, when setting up this machine20:26
tylneshalready purged it...20:26
nacctylnesh: yeah, i think that's what is emitting that startup failure, at least20:27
nacctylnesh: specifically qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu20:27
ronaldsmazitisok, I'm just checking 16.10 in virtual machine20:27
ronaldsmazitisinteresting how mir looks like20:27
bekksronaldsmazitis: 16.10 is using X-server by default.20:28
tylneshnacc: Thanks, you're right :)20:28
nacctylnesh: so it works without that pacakge installed?20:28
tylneshnacc: Yep. Although it's a shame. I was thinking of trying out app development for Ubuntu Touch..20:29
ChetManlythree screens*20:30
nacctylnesh: i *believe* what is supposed to happen when you install the sdk is if it can't find a container management, it should prompt to configure it20:31
nacctylnesh: no idea if it actually does ;)20:31
Guest80556... still need the bluez... any ubuntu xenial doc on bluetoo' ?! I need to detect that Microsoft Designer Mouse, that i could detect some days ago on the linux mint mate (that is gone now on this HD)20:31
Guest80556any help is appreciated.20:31
Guest80556the mouse is not detected, but some Chinese bluetooth keyboard is.20:32
Capum321hello, installed samba and smb.conf doesn't have security = user anywhere, neither as commented line20:32
Guest80556(note: this is a "low energy mouse", but have no idea what this means...)20:33
bekksCapum321: if you need it, add it and restart samba.20:33
Capum321i don't know, but every file sharing tutorial sets it to 'user' value. It isn't working, even with guest = ok and force user = nobody to get anonymous login20:34
borgreli can never get samba working properly ..... use sftp or apache20:35
bekksCapum321: So try it the.20:35
Capum321i mean the security = user doesn't exist in the file anyway20:35
tylneshnacc: Yep, it should, but it doesn't. Such a mess.20:35
ppftrying to run a webpy application in uwsgi, but its log contains 'no app loaded. going in full dynamic mode'20:36
CaRoLiNeR_ReApErhey hey20:38
Capum321is there an order on this smb.conf?20:38
Capum321anywhere in global section?20:38
bekksCapum321: yes.20:38
CaRoLiNeR_ReApEranyone know how to use backbox tools ?20:38
ubottuBackbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.20:38
OerHeksCaRoLiNeR_ReApEr ^^20:39
CaRoLiNeR_ReApErok thanks20:39
ppfi've been running uwsgi from a virtualenv, installed from pip before, without errors20:44
ppfgetting rid of the virtualenv right now, using the stock uwsgi20:44
ppfversion is more or less the same (2.0.12 v 2.0.13)20:44
Pinkamena_Dabout once a week or so I will resume from suspend on my laptop and mouse clicks on the unity panel (top or left) will do nothing. I can still interact with the active window. Whenever this happens, the only was I can seem to get responsiveness back is to open compiz and disable/enable and plugin (so that the desktop kind of refreshes). Things work fine after that unless I click on a program with multiple windows, such that the20:45
Pinkamena_Dwindows recede into the background so that you may choose one (not sure what this effect is called). At this time the desktop will be stuck like that and nothing will respond. I will have to restart unity, and lose any work from the programs. Is there some way to fix it?20:45
Pinkamena_DNo message in dmesg either.20:45
ppfhm, i think this is a bug!20:47
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:47
ppfthe error refers to this line in postinst: if [ "$BINARY_IS_UWSGI_ALTERNATIVE" -eq 0 ]; then20:49
Picippf: then run it in a virtualenv if it works that way.20:50
ppfBINARY_IS_BLOB is defined as $(update-alternatives --list uwsgi | grep -c '/uwsgi_python$')20:50
ppf(plus some boilerplate)20:50
ppfwhich results in ""20:51
dasxssorry for my english. i am just using vivaldi browser on ubuntu. how can i transfer my bookmarks on ubuntu?20:51
ppfPici: i prefer solving problems over avoiding them :)20:51
Picippf: Well, personally I prefer running each of my apps in their own virtualenv to keep their environments separate.  Also you may want to ask the folks in #python if they've seen something like this before.20:52
ppfPici: i'm pretty sure this is a packaging problem20:54
ppfsee my paste above20:54
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dasxssorry for my english. i am just using vivaldi browser on ubuntu. how can i transfer my bookmarks on ubuntu?20:57
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OerHeksdasxs, bookmarks, from what browser to what browser ? most browsers can 'export' bookmarks as a html page, clicking them again and storing them is an option21:01
dasxsi was using vivaldi in windows 10. then i have export my bookmarks. i have just a bookmarks.bak file.21:02
dasxsOerHeks i was using vivaldi in windows 10. then i have export my bookmarks. i have just a bookmarks.bak file.21:03
OerHeksdasxs, a quick search gives this: http://techdows.com/2016/03/import-chrome-firefox-ie-edge-bookmarks-vivaldi.html should also include vivaldi21:03
dasxsOerHeks but i is not a html file. it is a .bak file.21:04
ppfcan i report a package bug without creating a new account?21:05
OerHeksdasxs, html file is just an example, did you read that url?21:05
dasxsyes i read. my vivaldi does not give me a html file when export.21:06
skinuxHow fast are responses on ubuntuforums.com?21:09
natmalI'm trying to enable the hwclock service on Ubuntu on my UDOO, but when I run 'systemctl enable hwclock', I get "Failed to execute operation: Unit file is masked"; what does this even mean?21:09
OerHeksskinux, wait and see? no way to tell when someone gives answers21:09
dgsis it still possible to upgrade 10.04 to 10.04.4 via dist-upgrade?21:13
k1ldgs: you better not run 10.04 at all.21:14
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support ended on April 30 2015. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.21:14
dgsk1l: for sure. we've got a few customers using a legacy version of our app using 10.04 still. Working with them to get them on to our current standard (jessie), but will be another 6 months at least before a move can be co-ordinated.21:15
OerHeksdgs, that is bad support, poor customers21:16
k1ldgs: the thing is, that 10.04 doesnt get any security updates since 1.5 years. and you can look at ubuntu.com/usn what issues are there every week.21:16
dgs(i've been arguing to upgrade since last year - but overruled by the business)21:16
dgsi totally 100% agree - but having to work within what I'm told to do21:16
dgsanyways, i'd thought 10.04 was the end of the road, which is where that server is sitting now, but found there is a 10.04.4 which is probably marginally better. From what I can tell I can move to it at all21:18
Ben64if it's your job, then you need to overrule them. like how medical officers can overrule the captain of a starship in medical cases21:18
dgs*can't move to it at all21:18
futuriledgs: if I remember correctly ... you get all security updates through normal apt-get; the only thing that will have changed in the point release is kernel upgrade.21:19
k1ldgs: if you run the updates (which you dont get anymore) your system will become a 10.04.X anyway. the point releases are like servicepacks on windows.21:20
dgsBen64: my job is to make recommendations to the business and then do what they tell me to do. These servers are due to be decommissioned and the customers moved onto the current version of our app in the next 6 months - they're totally not interested in the expense of upgrading/testing them when they're going to be turned off soon21:20
OerHeksfuturile, wrong, 10.04 is EOL, servers are down21:21
dgsOerHeks: that's what I thought. So pretty much dead in the water21:21
dgswhich is fine - just needed to confirm =)21:21
dgsthanks all for the info =)21:21
futurileOerHeks: ah I see, he didn't do the security updates when they were released.21:21
Ben64dgs: your job is "recommender" ?21:23
borgreldgs: post me the server after its decommissioned?21:24
dgsBen64: in this instance yes21:24
Ben64dgs: what is your actual job21:24
dgsBen64: contractor - depends on what contract i'm on at the time21:25
lapiondgs, you need to change all http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/21:26
dgsin this case, i've been handed a massive document with all the many many many security concerns involving this legacy app running on a unsupported OS, and make recomendations as to the most cost effective method of remedying them21:26
Ben64ok so they know and don't care about the customers or security at all, cool21:26
dgsBen64: they absolutely do - which is why the customers are being moved to our current app. But that's typically a 6 month process per customer and when the last one is done... these servers will be turned off21:27
lapiondgs, it is possible to upgrade ubuntu to newer version on the same hardware..21:27
dgslapion: thanks. will that pick up the point releases?21:28
SuperJonotronanybody know how to get tpm working with 16.04?  tpm-tools seems to have issues with tpmtoken_protect that I can't figure out how to resolve21:28
Ben64dgs: no, because if anyone cared, they wouldn't have let this happen in the first place. 10.04 came out in 2010, April. it's been unsupported since 2015, April. That was 18 month ago21:28
Ben64no bug fixes, no security updates, for 18 months. there have been big vulnerabilities in things since then21:29
lapiondgs, yes old-release repositories still work..21:29
dgsBen64: ahh. so you think we've been doing nothing for the last 2 years? way to comment on a situation you know nothing about. go you21:29
ChetManly14.04 have trim?21:29
k1lChetManly: yes21:29
dgslapion: cool. thanks21:29
ChetManly55 seconds to boot with ssd21:29
Ben64dgs: indeed i do, you've had plenty of time to prepare for the end of life of 10.0421:29
k1llapion: dgs they are just an archive. they dont have updates since 1.5 years.21:29
ChetManlytoo long21:29
k1lChetManly: that is not about trim. trim is a different thing.21:30
lapionI am still using 11.04 on a desktop because it's the last version which has my prefered de21:30
k1llapion: that is really really not intelligent21:30
ChetManlyjust to get to display manager I might add21:30
k1llapion: you can use an current release and look at mate or cinnamon or xfce21:30
lapionk1l, at least he will be no more then 1,5 out of date and not 3+years21:31
dgsyup. and the business has had other priorities - that's how things work in the real world. ideally they would have had money and resource to do all the things.... but they didn't and had to pick and choose. as I said, you know nothing about how the business got here.21:31
ChetManlyk1l: what?21:31
lapionk1l, am currently working on mate but has too many inconveniences and does not port my desktop intact21:32
k1lChetManly: trim is not about boot speed. trim is about technically remove old states on the ssd chip from already deleted data to make it available to be used again.21:32
lapiondgs, however I need to say ubuntu could have been upgraded on the same hardware.21:33
ChetManlyk1l: slowes it down21:33
k1lChetManly: your slow boot has another reason, not trim21:34
dgslapion: yeah it's mostly the work around customer acceptance testing that stopped that.21:34
dgsfocus has really not been on this version for years, so no interest from anyone really in doing anything about it21:35
dgsnot even now really! i suspect what ever recommendations I make will be mostly ignored21:35
k1ldgs: there is real justification to run EOL OSs. and since the options are layed out i think we can drop that topic to not start the circle again :)21:36
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dgshaha. yeah - i totally agree it shouldn't be in this state21:36
dgsno argument from me =p21:37
k1loh, missed a *no. but i geuss we are done with that topic now :)21:37
ChetManlyk1l: dmesg?21:43
lapionI have 16.04 running on a "fablet" with a pentium m1 1.1GHZ with intel 815 chipset from before 200521:45
lapionthats more then 11 years old21:45
Roman71I have EeePC 1000HD with Xfce.. Works pretty well :)21:52
Roman71..sorry for my english ;)21:52
TemporaryAccountIs this the place to report bugs to the Disks tool?21:54
TemporaryAccountI am using Mint, but they said that the Disks tool is the stock Ubuntu one, and so to report bugs there.21:54
k1l!bug | TemporaryAccount21:55
ubottuTemporaryAccount: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:55
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werdfriekDoes anyone know what is required to install qt creator on ubuntu 16.04? I mean, what components are needed? Is there an sdk which is separated? And what am I supposed to end up with? Is is a single program or a suite of programs?22:41
kahrlHi - how risky is it to add a regular user to the lpadmin group?22:43
werdfriekIs qt sdk a synonym for qt creator, or are they two different things?22:43
k1lkahrl: iirc thats the group for cups22:44
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naccwerdfriek: `apt install qtcreator` ?22:44
kahrlk1l: yeah22:44
kahrlI expect that lpadmin users can add arbitrary PPD files, and I know there have been bugs in the past where lpadmin users could change cups's log file to any file, say, /etc/shadow22:44
naccwerdfriek: qtcreator is a IDE22:45
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kahrlare PPD files sandboxed in any way, or are they basically kernel-level driver code?22:45
kahrlso, do I have to expect that lpadmin users can escalate to root privs?22:46
ngvbhi! how to boot kubuntu from flash drive on old pc without gpt and uefi support22:46
k1lkahrl: i am not familiar with the attack vector on cups22:46
k1lngvb: that should not be an issue. just make a live-usb and boot it22:47
kahrlthe attack on cups's log file was this: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=69279122:47
ubottuDebian bug 692791 in cups "members of lpadmin can read every file on server via cups" [Critical,Fixed]22:47
OerHeksngvb, does the old pc meet the specs for kubuntu? recent cpu, lots of ram and decent videocard?22:47
werdfrieknacc: Yeah, I have something installed and seems to be working correctly but I wonder if I really have everything. (When I installed on my 14.04 before I had several programs : eg: linguist, etc ... that I don't have now).22:48
ngvbk1l, this shouldn[t but it is. I have even opened a bug on launchpad, but it is ignored.22:48
werdfriekSo I don't know enough about qt to know if I got everything I can / might want to play with22:48
k1lkahrl: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2012/CVE-2012-5519.html22:49
k1lkahrl: so i guess that is fixed.22:49
k1lkahrl: i guess you want to talk to the cups guys about that  if that is still an issue.22:49
teeniskahrl: yeah you should probably assume that22:50
teeniswell, depending on the security needs of the environment22:50
k1lngvb: what is the issue then?22:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1556599 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "ISO images don't have valid partition tables" [Undecided,New]22:51
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k1lngvb: ok, i am not aware if the kubuntu iso is made with gpt. better ask in #kubuntu about that and link the bug22:52
nubcakesnapd (2.15.2ubuntu1) is being set up (or similar, my ubuntu is setup in german) taking ages, even cancelling it followed by dpkg --configure -a doesn't help, any ideas? (ubuntu 16.04 x64 Server)22:52
kahrlteenis: yeah, the feeling I got from reading that bug report is that cups by design thinks of lpadmin users as basically god22:53
kahrlcombined with the fact that cupsd runs as root (for other reasons), that's very risky22:53
teenisyeah, that type of stuff is rarely designed with security in mind22:54
teenisespecially for stuff that's not network facing22:54
multifractalI plan to do a fresh install and upgrade to 16.04. Before I do so, is there a way to get a list of everything I've apt-getted and pip installed, so that afterwards I can hand-pick all the packages I need?22:56
votlon multifractal dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall22:58
votlonor just apt list --installed22:58
k1lmultifractal: dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > ~/packages.list22:58
k1lthat will make that a list in your users home22:58
\9votlon: if he's going to upgrade to 16.04, he probably doesn't have 'apt' yet22:58
votlonah good point22:59
votloni think it slike pip 1.2+ u can just use pip list22:59
votlondon't quote me on that thou22:59
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RadeonHelpHi, I'm currently troubleshooting a friend's new Ubuntu install, he recently switched from windows but his GPU performance is horrific. He used to get hundreds of FPS in Rogue Legacy but now it's down to an unstable 40 FPS. This is a 2D game and it's running horribly. He is using a Radeon 6480g with AMDGPU driver, would FGLRX help and how would I install it on Ubuntu 16.04?23:01
Jordan_Ungvb: With BIOS the boot firmware shouldn't have any knowledge of the partition table at all, it should just execute the first sector of the drive. What happens when you try to boot from a USB drive where you have dd'd the image. What dd command did you use exactly?23:01
\9RadeonHelp: fglrx is dead23:01
RadeonHelpYeah I know, but so is this GPU. It's pretty old and it's a laptop chipset23:01
\9dead as in, it cannot be installed on 16.04, at all23:02
\9because it relies on outdated software23:02
votlonRadeonHelp: Linux just isn't 4 gaming, don't hurt me :323:02
RadeonHelpAh ok. Thanks for letting me know.23:02
\9RadeonHelp: my guess is that the card is too old for the amdgpu driver, and the system falls back to something else23:02
RadeonHelpThat's likely the case. Wondering if the older open source driver works with 16.04?23:03
\9try use this command to find out the current in-use vga driver: lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'23:03
\9i think there's another driver for use with older cards23:04
RadeonHelpAlright, I'll check that in a bit, he just went offline23:04
\9RadeonHelp: you'll want the "radeon" driver23:04
RadeonHelpAlright, thanks23:04
\9at least, that's what i think23:05
Jordan_URadeonHelp: The radeon driver is included with Ubuntu 16.04.23:05
\9i used it with my old integrated amd gpu23:05
ngvbJordanU, dd if=image.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=409623:06
ngvbmy bios checks partition tables on usb drives, if it cannot recognize it, it doesn't boot the drive.23:08
ngvbbios is phoenix bios pg6.023:08
Jordan_Ungvb: I would consider that a buggy BIOS. How have you determined that it is doing that?23:08
ngvbRead the internet.23:09
Jordan_Ungvb: Please pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l".23:09
ngvbI cannot do that just now, it needs reboot (which takes long because of optical drive).23:11
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Jordan_Ungvb: Make that "sudo fdisk --type=mbr -l". The protective msdos label should be fine, but I don't remember off hand if it has any partition marked "active", which may be what your BIOS expects to see.23:14
daemon555how do i upgrade netbeans to 8.2?23:14
naccdaemon555: not available in ubuntu, you could see if there is a ppa or build from source23:15
naccdaemon555: 8.2 isn't available from debian yet either23:15
dansthi, did anyone encounter Wicd interface bug, when dhclient has already received all the configuration, but in gtk-interface it still says "Connecting: Obtaining IP address" ?23:16
daemon555nacc: so what do i do get the bin file and instasll it again?23:16
naccdaemon555: no idea23:16
naccdaemon555: i would refer to netbeans webpage, i guess23:17
naccdaemon555: or ask in a netbeans specific channel23:17
daemon555'i tried and they said to reinstall23:17
naccdaemon555: netbeans 8.2 released *2 days* ago23:17
nacc!latest | daemon55523:17
ubottudaemon555: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.23:17
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ngvb1thank you, I'll try23:19
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check_why is catfish so slow?23:35
check_term: catfish -v --hidden /  then select . in search window23:37
OerHekscatfish is just a gui for locate/find , update your locate db first?23:37
OerHeksone is realtime, other is out of a database, sudo updatedb23:38
check_term output ->> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23282187/23:39
lordcirthwhy would it try to open files for writing?23:40
check_started with sudo updatedb23:40
check_File System  size:215462 items, totalling 7.4 GB(some contents unreadable)  usage:26.8 GB of 36.6 GB free (26% used)23:43
check_ Home  size:  5808 items, totalling 3.9 GB (some contents unreadable)  usage: 26.8 GB of 36.6 GB free (26% used)23:44
multifractalI just tried to boot from my 16.04 usb stick I just made -- it said 'not a com32r image'... Is this a problem?23:45
multifractalShould I download it again/re-create the startup disk?23:45
lordcirthmultiply, http://askubuntu.com/questions/67780/not-a-com32r-image-error-when-trying-to-install-from-a-usb-key#6779623:51
KOLANICHAs you see, it is active23:54
askhaderDoes anyone have any idea where Ubuntu places binaries for different versions of postgresql?23:56
k1lKOLANICH: Disklabel type: dos23:57
lordcirthaskhader, you can use apt-file to look at filenames inside packages23:57
KOLANICHk1l, ???23:58

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