
flocculantbluesabre: both uife's done now - rc tomorrow afaik, just in time :)06:19
Unit193Need a real-life upgrade test?06:21
flocculantwould be a useful thing to do 06:21
flocculantI've got one I can upgrade too06:22
flocculantI'd hope there are people in xub-users who'll upgrade so they'll get pinged this time when I shout06:23
Unit193OK, will do then.06:23
flocculantthanks 06:23
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-docs:: [xenial] r618 Launchpad automatic translations update. (by Launchpad Translations on behalf of ubuntu-core-doc)06:42
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-docs:: [yakkety] r622 Launchpad automatic translations update. (by Launchpad Translations on behalf of ubuntu-core-doc)06:42
ochosiflocculant: \o/07:26
flocculantmartin only saw one in -release - by the time I saw his reply to me - he'd gone, so I grabbed him asap this morning 07:26
flocculantochosi: as far as I know now the only 'horrid' visual thing is our resize boxes - don't think anything happened with that - the adwaita as well as greybird one bug 161771107:28
ubottubug 1617711 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Resize screen hard to read" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161771107:28
flocculantpretty good shape for next week now imo (ignoring things we know about like thunar)07:30
flocculantbluesabre: did you get chance to look at mugshot yet? 07:31
ochosiyeah, that thunar bug report still contains a patch and since i've been afk for some weeks i'm not sure anymore whether we tested that...07:31
flocculantthink so07:31
ochosioh crap, forgot about that bug07:31
flocculanthard to remember a specific thunar thing tbh07:31
ochosiwell i'll try to see if i can squeeze in looking for a fix sometime tonight or tomorrow07:32
ochosithanks for reminding me!07:32
flocculantochosi: well, while it's not very nice - not the worst thing that could be happening :)07:32
bluesabremorning all09:05
bluesabreflocculant, I've not yet :(09:05
bluesabrecyphermox, since you often handle updates to the ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu package, would you like to upload a new version? I've also reached out for sponsors on #-motu, lp 162964809:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1629648 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "[UIFe] Yak art for the Xubuntu slideshow" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162964809:40
bluesabreflocculant, also looking to update the numix theme to the latest release, lp 1630401, package can be pulled from https://packages.debian.org/unstable/numix-gtk-theme in case you want to take a look09:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1630401 in numix-gtk-theme (Ubuntu) "[UIFe] numix-gtk-theme 2.6.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163040109:44
flocculantUnit193: bug 163054111:26
ubottubug 1630541 in xfce4-datetime-plugin (Ubuntu) "Time unreadable in different themes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163054111:26
flocculantbluesabre: going to start xubuntu-z-bugs 11:28
flocculantand put gtk3 bugs I find on it :P11:28
flocculantbluesabre: grabbed that numix - not a theme I use so wouldn't much know if anything was wrong there11:30
bluesabreflocculant, yeah, I checked it out, seems fine here11:46
bluesabreand thanks11:46
cyphermoxbluesabre: ok!12:37
bluesabrecyphermox: awesome, you rock!12:39
cyphermoxbluesabre: doing it now, I'll use the bzr branch directly, to do the debcommit -r at the same time..14:03
bluesabrecyphermox, sounds good to me, thanks again14:04
cyphermoxI suppose you didn't make any changes yourself aside from uploading to your PPA?14:04
cyphermoxalso, I thought you had upload rights?14:04
cyphermoxubiquity-slideshow is in unapproved now.14:10
tracker4just setting up a xenial to test upgrades here said flocculant14:14
tracker4added xenial dev ppa's to make sure that works ok - seem to get the yakkety wallpaper from there :)14:15
bluesabrecyphermox, I have limited upload rights to the xubuntu packageset which does not currently include the slideshow14:21
bluesabrecyphermox, thanks for the upload14:22
tracker9hi bluesabre :)14:22
tracker9never upgraded with nvidia instead of nouveau14:22
tracker9bluesabre: don't worry about mugshot now either - that can wait for zealous zebedee14:26
flocculantwell that was painless14:38
krytarikknome, bluesabre, Unit193: Does anyone think of uploading xubuntu-docs?17:48
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
* flocculant thought that got sorted later18:58
Unit193Document pt_BR/index.xml does not validate20:25
krytarikknome: To fix the above, as well as the language name thing mentioned in -ot: http://paste.openstack.org/show/PXOjdgkADm74TsvH8AT9/22:05
knomekrytarik, you have a launchpad account at least, so please, a merge proposal22:06
Unit193What?  do-release-upgrade -d  tells me no new release found.22:31
bluesabreevening all23:48
bluesabreUnit193, do-release-upgrade must have misplaced it23:49
Unit193bluesabre: Looking now, it looks like the stupid upgrader reset /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades to lts, yet again...  I've reset that on others, but may have missed one.  This is ridiculous.23:53

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