
mgedminyesterday I poked around daily livecd images for ubuntu gnome05:51
mgedminand noticed that the syslinux help screens claim the minimum RAM requirements are just 384 MB05:52
mgedmindoes anyone remember which ubuntu package has the sources for those syslinux help files?05:52
mgedminafaiu they're shared between all flavours05:52
acheronukcyphermox: thank you. testing installer from your ppa :)11:49
acheronukkubuntu slideshow I mean11:49
acheronuk(Photo, 1280x726) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/ZlFpP9F9/file_677.jpg11:49
acheronuk(Photo, 1280x726) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/l2PJWumV/file_679.jpg11:49
acheronuk(Photo, 1280x726) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/1e0b0SgB/file_681.jpg11:50
cyphermoxmgedmin: gfxboot-theme-ubuntu maybe?13:29
cyphermoxfile a bug, worst case I can go fix it13:29
jaltHi, how can I blacklist a module from running during an unattended xenial desktop (ubiquity) install? Passing module_name.blacklist=yes in the boot options didn't work, possibly because the modprobe inside the squashfs re-detected it.15:31
jaltFor context, I have a fully working unattended install setup with a bootable usb and presseed, but it doesn't work on a laptop that has an onboard realtek eth interface whose driver (r8169) is broken. I added another eth interface which works fine, but ubiquity/dhclient insist on trying to get dhcp on the broken interface, and install hangs.15:31
cyphermoxjalt: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/kernel_modules#Using_kernel_command_line_217:20
jaltthanks for the tip cyphermox, i will try it.17:20

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