
praisethemoongood morning folks08:00
pavlushkaMorning praisethemoon :)08:13
pavlushkaping Naeil :)08:13
praisethemoonnoooooooooooooo he left me08:22
praisethemoonalli wanted is to tell him good morning08:22
elachecheMorning LoCo08:46
marwen_morning elacheche08:46
elachechewassup folks08:54
praisethemoonelacheche: how is it going09:34
praisethemoonwork is getting taugh :(09:34
elachecheWelcome to adulthood praisethemoon :D09:51
praisethemoonno thank you09:52
praisethemooni wanna leave >.>09:52
praisethemoonI just wanna stay home and code09:52
nizaruselacheche: alors la journée d'hier comment ça c'est terminé ?09:54
elacheche10 min après que t'as quitté x) On a fait une discussion après lors du déjeuner.. Q&A + Food x)09:57
elachecheIt was good..09:58
pavlushkaGood Day every one:)09:58
nizarusdes projets pour d'autres rencontres ?09:59
praisethemoonpavlushka: good day!10:00
praisethemoonelacheche: did you come up with a plan yet?10:00
pavlushkapraisethemoon: how is it going?10:06
praisethemooni'm tired man, the work is getting harder10:07
pavlushkaHello elacheche !10:07
praisethemoonI would like to add a new functionnality to a software that i dont have too much info about10:07
pavlushkao/ Naeil10:07
Naeilpavlushka, how are you mate10:08
elachechePeut être nizarus.. Avec les jeunes étudiants de student.tn10:08
pavlushkaNaeil: I am fine, thanks !10:08
pavlushkaNaeil: and you?10:08
Naeilfine as well ty :D10:09
nizarusAh ! l'un d'eux est à l'ISIMM c'est ça ?10:09
elachecheYep.. Le président du Club M$ x)10:14
nizarusNoooooooooooooooooon :D10:14
elachecheThe ISIMUX new guy was trying to contact us.. So he asked him to tell us that x)10:16
nizarusoui, il m'a envoyé un message Failbook10:19
nizaruset je l'ai demandé de contacter la ML u-tn etc...10:19
elachecheThat should be good than :)10:23
praisethemoonelacheche: did you come up with a plan yet?10:24
elachechepraisethemoon: To have a coffee this weekend?10:24
elachecheI'll tell you by tomorrow x)10:25
praisethemoonelacheche: alright xdd10:29
SalahMessaoudMorning channel o/10:33
SalahMessaoudYoo elacheche sup10:34
elachecheYo SalahMessaoud ! good you!10:38
SalahMessaoudI am good thanks10:39
praisethemoonSalahMessaoud: whale hello there10:39
SalahMessaoudYoo praisethemoon, how you doing ?10:43
praisethemoonI'm good man10:43
praisethemoonwhat about you?10:43
SalahMessaouddoing ok thanks :D10:43
SalahMessaoudwho is behind the name :D10:43
elachecheHahaha :D a Lua ninja SalahMessaoud x)10:44
praisethemoonand elacheche strikes again xDDDD10:45
SalahMessaoudLuna ?10:45
elachecheLuna was afk for months x) She's lazy10:46
elachecheOh! I forget to tell praisethemoon that SalahMessaoud is a Druapl ninja too..11:06
SalahMessaoudWe have Ninjas :D11:07
elachecheWe have a squad of them x)11:08
praisethemoonSalahMessaoud: Tunisian Ninjas12:03
praisethemoonthat would be a good community name :312:03
praisethemoonelacheche hack ninja12:04
praisethemoonhow does it feel when you tell people that you are sys admin and they start talking about hacking? :D :D12:04
elachechesUsually they don't understand what I said 'sysadmin'.. When I start talking about linux they start askign about hacking x(12:18
praisethemoonyeah xD maybe we need a youtube channel12:25
praisethemoonto educate people12:25
praisethemooni'll take the cs class12:25
praisethemoonelacheche: you take sysadmin classes12:34
praisethemoonSalahMessaoud will take drupal classes12:35
praisethemoonpavlushka will take uhmm12:35
praisethemoonwhat classes you wanna take?12:35
praisethemoonelacheche: \#13:09
praisethemoonelacheche: <313:09
praisethemoonkeyboard suddenly switched to qwerty -_-13:10
pavlushkapraisethemoon: basic system troubleshooting :p13:27
praisethemooncuz why not :D :D13:38

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