
shakes808Has anyone ever messed around with Xamarin or Android dev?01:09
brousch_Interview this morning. 3 hours long11:39
ZimdaleAlways the best kind brousch_ lol11:40
brousch_I've never had one even close to that length11:41
ZimdaleIs it a tech interview?11:42
ZimdaleI know that that is like the min for developer interviews11:42
brousch_It also has "senior" in the title. I'm sure that adds an hour11:44
cmaloneyThat's a bit of a slog11:58
cmaloneyI had a half-day interview once for Jacobsen's. They gave me this bizarre test that was pretty much me working with instructions in this Turing-machine-like construct11:59
cmaloneyNeedless to say I didn't get that position (was for AS400 anyway so dodged two bullets).11:59
rick_h_cmaloney: did you use that?12:49
cmaloneyNever got a chance to use it12:49
cmaloneylooked interesting12:49
jrwrenopen source will still be there.12:57
jrwrenmaybe you can start contributing ;]12:57
cmaloneyYeah, no doubt13:00
cmaloneyhttps://jobs.mitalent.org/job-seeker/job-details/3937281/ <- I think I know what they're doing13:00
cmaloneySeems like a tech-stack salad though13:01
jrwreni've never herad of Cyrix data systems13:01
cmaloneyConsulting firm13:01
jrwreni wonder how much of rethinkdb could be implemented in postgresql with jsonb and NOTIFY13:03
cmaloneyCould probably bash together a few techs together to get similar functionality13:05
jrwrenYes, I have a question. Why didn't you use MongoDB? MongoDB is a web scale database, and doesn't use SQL or JOINs, so it's high-performance.16:52
cmaloneyBecause data is sacred17:19
cmaloneyand MongoDB abuses it like a teenaged boy abuses a sock.17:19
cmaloneyjrwren: btw: https://philwestern.bandcamp.com/music17:20
cmaloneycheck in there to see a few goodies from the past from a little band called "Download"17:21
jrwrenwat?!?! no wai17:21
jrwrencmaloney: did you see Ogre interviewed by a kid?17:21
cmaloneyyeah way17:21
cmaloneyNo, I missed that17:21
cmaloneyI've seen one where they interviewed Tom Araya of Slayer17:22
wolfgerWhat, no JamesGamble?  I wanted to share with him: https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/12032117_976159895754270_1520393111832953337_n.png?oh=7df39950a8d889b759cae293f3d5800f&oe=58665BAC20:25
wolfgerOh. LOL. Wrong channel.20:25

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