
=== peaches is now known as Guest42592
=== Guest42592 is now known as badpeaches
=== badpeaches is now known as Guest80046
=== Guest80046 is now known as safetypeaches
=== safetypeaches is now known as badpeaches
=== badpeaches is now known as Guest27905
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, critters and everything else09:56
icey\o teddy-dbear12:58
Forgeanother day dawns/greetings in ubuntu chan/keeping it active13:50
jedijfyou're jealous13:52
jedijfbut thank you forthe greeting. i guess it's obligatory now after your ubuntu surprise weekend play13:53
jedijfeither last or the previous weekend13:53
ForgeJedi Jim, what are you talking about? Or maybe, who are you talking to?13:59
jedijfForge: you Forge14:25
ForgeWhat was my "ubuntu surprise weekend play"? I'm dense this AM, work has poisoned my mind.14:27
jedijfyou ran something on ubu server and were surprised it worked - can't remember what, but rememberthe event - prolly sysadmin chan14:29
jedijfalong those lines14:30
ForgeOh, it wasn't surprise. Just happy that it worked. It was ZFS over mdraid that was the surprise. It's already taken action to preserve my data twice, where mdraid or lvm would have stayed silent and clueless.14:34
ForgeWelcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-38-generic x86_64)14:35
ForgeGalactica FTW.14:35
=== Guest27905 is now known as badpeaches
=== badpeaches is now known as Guest56216
=== Guest56216 is now known as peaches
=== peaches is now known as Guest51332

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