
prometheanfiremay be able to work on that gentoo stuff04:09
prometheanfirehowever, before I can switch my images from glean to cloud-init I need to figure out why I need to reboot the server to get networking working04:10
prometheanfirebecause that's a thing04:10
prometheanfireon first boot it doesn't find the networking config, second boot it doe04:12
prometheanfireon first boot it doesn't find the networking config, second boot it does04:12
prometheanfireuses the same data source both times04:21
prometheanfiresmoser: looks like anything using the old network backend won't bring up the interfaces automatically04:45
prometheanfirein distros/__init__.py apply_network_config is run with bring_up=false04:46
prometheanfirethis calls the old backend with that false value04:46
prometheanfirethe old backend defaulted to true04:46
prometheanfiresmoser: I'm confused why you changed the default to false here 9c0a2abc8d2c0e390745ddb163f5eae07b20d61d04:52
prometheanfiresmoser: the default is true everywhere else04:53
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prometheanfireapply_network_config was run with bring_up set to false05:38
phatypushello, i have installed cloud-init 0.7.5 on centos 7.2.  i have a basic user-data file ready after reading the cloud-init examples (https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/examples.html), but i don't know where to put the user-data file and how to force cloud-init to interpret the user-data file.  can someone advise?08:35
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smoserprometheanfire, it runs with bringup = false because it should run before the OS goes to bring up networking.13:01
smoserso the OS then brings up the network as it would on normal boot.13:01
prometheanfiresmoser: on gentoo at least, for the first boot (when you add a service to startup automatically like is done) it needs to be brought up manually13:14
prometheanfire /etc/init.d/net.eth0 start13:14
smoserprometheanfire, hmm.13:15
smoserso during boot, you can't add new network configuration.13:16
prometheanfirenot within the same runlevel13:20
prometheanfireif you configured in the boot runlevel it'd work iirc13:21
smoserdo you change from 'boot' runlevel to another during normal boot ?13:21
smoser(ie, can we just put cloud-init in that boot runlevel ? thats basically what we do other places, and is kind of the intent)13:21
prometheanfireI can test with that13:22
smoserinitially to me that sounds like the thing to do.13:22
smosercloud-init and cloud-init-local should run "as early as possible"13:22
prometheanfirelet me make sure that's what I do with glean, but iirc that's how it was fixed13:23
smoserif that doesn't work, then we can change the caller to pass a flag other than bringup , or extend that one... saying that it is expecting the OS to bring this up.13:23
prometheanfire subprocess.call(['rc-update', 'add', 'glean', 'boot'])13:24
prometheanfireI think it's diskimage-builder that needs updating for it, but I'll work on it13:24
smoserwell can't the install somehow say that ?13:25
prometheanfirethis isn't debian where we instantiate services on install :P13:26
prometheanfirecloud-init-local and cloud-init13:26
smoserits not instantiating the service on install.13:26
prometheanfirecan/should the others be moved to boot?13:26
smoserits saying when the service should run, or what services it should have.13:27
prometheanfireconfig and final13:27
prometheanfirewell, for gentoo that's the same thing, given how service deps work13:27
smoserconfig later, final "rc.local like"13:27
prometheanfirewell, they have deps between then, so ordering isn'g a problem13:28
prometheanfirethat should be before netmount right?13:33
prometheanfireI imagine so because it's a datasource for configuring the network13:34
prometheanfireok, I'll modify the package, think that is what is causing problems as well13:37
prometheanfireoh, those are installed by cloud-init itself, https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init/tree/sysvinit/gentoo13:54
prometheanfirewell, for now as a test I'll just sed that out13:58
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prometheanfiresmoser: well, not sure if this is the full fix, but it did start networking properly https://gist.github.com/prometheanfire/9d248da8e6f42fd29a51bc1aa3ece7e915:42
prometheanfiresmoser: why is it trying to run that before net is set up?15:42
smoserwell, 'init' should not run until after net is up15:43
smoseri confused you15:43
smoseri'm sorry15:43
smoseri was wrong15:43
prometheanfirethat's fixable then15:43
smosercloud-init local should run before net is up15:43
smoserand block net coming up15:43
prometheanfirek, this is fixable :P15:43
smoserand cloud-init(-network) would then run *after* it is up15:43
prometheanfirelet me submit a pr15:44
prometheanfirenet generally comes up in the default run level15:44
smosergists are pretty wonderful15:44
prometheanfiredoes cloud-init lay down the config or or cloud-init-local15:44
smosercldou-init-local will always render a networking configuration15:45
smoserwell, once per instance.15:45
prometheanfirejust being clear :D15:45
smoseri really need to write stage descriptions out better.15:45
prometheanfirethis is my diff15:49
prometheanfireand just cloud-init-local will be in the boot runlevel15:49
prometheanfirecloud-init should actually be need net I think15:50
prometheanfireactually, after is still better in this case15:52
smoserprometheanfire, is 'netmount' "configure the network" ?15:58
smoseror "mount network filesystems"15:58
prometheanfiresmoser: second one15:59
prometheanfirebut netmount needs net iirc15:59
smoserwhy not be more direct ?15:59
smoserbefore net15:59
prometheanfireI am15:59
prometheanfireyou'll see15:59
smoseri was just reading that gist16:00
prometheanfireI changed since then16:00
prometheanfirethat was long long ago16:00
prometheanfirenow lets see if I can remember how to submit this16:00
prometheanfirethink that's right16:02
smoserOdd_Bloke, rharper cpaelzer i'm going to do something generally wrong..16:16
* rharper takes note16:16
smoserin order to get Odd_Bloke's fix into16:17
smoser (systemd: Run cloud-init.service Before dbus.socket)16:17
smoseri'm going to re-order the last 3 commits16:17
smoserand re-write his changelog entry16:17
smoserso that the ubuntu upload has only his change16:17
smoserand has a sane commit message16:17
rharperjust the single fix16:17
Odd_BlokeFTR, I think my commit message is fine; people in the future will be less interested in "fixed something broken" than "here is why this line is here".  But feel free to do whatever you want. :)16:18
Odd_Bloke+1 on the general approach.16:18
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prometheanfiresmoser: let me know if any other info is needed on that pr16:20
smoserOdd_Bloke, yes, but the previous commit message described that well16:23
smoserso no need to duplicate that16:23
Odd_BlokeRight, but wouldn't show up in blame.16:23
smoser http://paste.ubuntu.com/23289574/16:23
Odd_Blokesmoser: dbus.service?16:24
smoserhave you tested your chagen ?16:25
Odd_BlokeBy making that manual change a couple of days ago, yes.  Let me test again now to confirm.16:26
Odd_Blokesmoser: Confirmed.16:27
rharpersmoser: I tested the dbus.socket in yakkety-daily instance on serverstack16:27
rharpersmoser: in particular, if you check, systemctl list-dependencies dbus.service; you can see it depends on dbus.socket16:28
rharperand we'd like to ensure cloud-init runs before the dbus.socket is active16:28
rharperto ensure nss fails fast16:28
Odd_Bloke^ this16:28
smoserdeed is done.16:34
smoserpushed to master with re-worked history.16:34
smoser109340b3c16857f526a75d4237d753b8cb82035e was pre-rework16:34
smoserhttps://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init/log/?h=ubuntu/devel now updated16:38
smoserbuilding and uploading16:43
smoseruploaded http://paste.ubuntu.com/23289681/16:45
cpaelzersmoser: rewriting history is what winners do, so it can't be too bad17:11
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satherhey, cloud-final service module is failing, where can I obtain logs for that?22:45
sathercloud-init-output.log is not showing anything22:45
satherand journalctl -u cloud-final.service is sparse as well22:45
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prometheanfiresather: /var/log/cloud-init.log ?23:31
prometheanfirethat's where I have it write to23:31
prometheanfiredoesn't even use a logging service and still writes there23:31

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