lutostag | stokachu: that did it. thanks! | 00:06 |
stokachu | lutostag: np | 00:06 |
stokachu | lutostag: it's since been fixed i dont remember what beta release though | 00:07 |
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bdx | stokachu: generating and configuring the cernts is a great deal of maunual overhaul I go through with almost every app that uses layer-nginx, or has a frontend or endpoint of any kind for that matter | 00:34 |
bdx | stokach: do you think it would be wise to tls/ssl functionality as as option in layer-nginx? | 00:35 |
bdx | stokachu:^ | 00:35 |
stokachu | bdx: yea | 00:36 |
stokachu | think it's a good idea | 00:36 |
bdx | stokachu: should the target directory to store the crt/key in be specified as a config or option? | 00:51 |
bdx | I would think option ... bc it is something that isn't going to be modified really ... | 00:51 |
bdx | post deploy | 00:52 |
stokachu | bdx: yea should just drop the certs in the normal locations for nginx to look | 00:52 |
stokachu | you can make it an option but just default to /etc/ssl/certs | 00:54 |
bdx | stokachu: like this -> ? | 01:05 |
stokachu | bdx: quick glance looks good | 01:05 |
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neiljerram | rc3 with GCE: lots of my overnight tests failed because of machines going to 'down' state and never coming back. Wonder if anyone else is seeing that? It could be a GCE problem, as much as Juju. | 09:03 |
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zeestrat | marcoceppi: Are you still the maintainer for the Nagios charm? If not, do you know who could look at ? | 11:57 |
mup | Bug #1605733: Nagios charm does not add default host checks to nagios <family> <nagios> <nrpe> <unknown> <nagios (Juju Charms Collection):New> <> | 11:57 |
herb64 | Hi all, trying to bootstrap into an openstack environment, but getting "authentication failed" and I found this is because "certificate signed by unknown authority"... | 12:24 |
herb64 | also tried juju --debug bootstrap --config ssh-hostname-verification=false mycontroller cloudname | 12:24 |
herb64 | any way to disable that certificate check, similar with "--insecure" options in curl .. ? | 12:25 |
magicaltrout | the mesos docker integration just mimics docker commands in C | 13:02 |
magicaltrout | how hard can it be to do the same with LXC?! | 13:02 |
magicaltrout | (famous last words) | 13:02 |
jrwren | my mimics, do you mean fork/exec/pipe? | 13:03 |
Spaulding | Hello! | 13:05 |
Spaulding | Is there any folk that has working charm with xenial + ansible? | 13:05 |
Spaulding | xenial does not have python2 ... and basically i'm stuck cause i don't know how to run something like "pre-install" hook | 13:06 |
magicaltrout | jrwren: | 13:07 |
magicaltrout | i'm not a C coder | 13:07 |
magicaltrout | but that looks like its just running some commandline stuff | 13:07 |
jrwren | magicaltrout: i agree. subprocess is a giveaway | 13:08 |
magicaltrout | Spaulding: i dont' know of any, but i know people do do it from time to time. marcoceppi or lazypower should be able to help when they're around | 13:08 |
magicaltrout | indeed jrwren, so I figure fork, copy, change the commands to run LXC/LXD stuff compile and run LXD on Mesos ;)@ | 13:09 |
Spaulding | cheers magicaltrout ! | 13:09 |
Spaulding | so now i need to wait ;) | 13:09 |
magicaltrout | Spaulding: a two pronged attack never hurt either, but people dont' do it, dump a question on the juju mailing list as well | 13:09 |
magicaltrout | as people monitor that and not irc and visa versa | 13:10 |
Spaulding | magicaltrout: hmm... i might give a shot, but i also have an option to have direct help from juju dev's | 13:10 |
magicaltrout | well they are the people on the mailing list :) | 13:11 |
Spaulding | they should i guess :) | 13:11 |
jrwren | Spaulding: a common pattern is for hooks/install to be a shell script which installs requirements and calls python2 install.real at the end. | 13:11 |
Spaulding | ok, let's give a try with mailing list :) | 13:11 |
Spaulding | jrwren: exactly - but basically it's like a common scenario.. | 13:12 |
Spaulding | and i wanted just to use ansible to bootstrap anything i want | 13:12 |
Spaulding | but xenial is different (no python2) so basically i need to hack it dirty... | 13:12 |
jrwren | Spaulding: sadly, I think all of the charms I knew which were using ansible, moved over to reactive, so I have no good examples. They may never have been updated for xenial when they were ansible. | 13:17 |
Spaulding | hmm... | 13:17 |
Spaulding | we've got really big ansible.. | 13:17 |
Spaulding | and it would be much easier to use it instead repeating whole thing i.e. in bash | 13:18 |
Spaulding | i also tried to search some projects in google / github | 13:18 |
Spaulding | so far - no luck... | 13:18 |
Spaulding | btw. reactive looks really promising... | 13:21 |
Spaulding | i think it might be a good idea to use reactive and invoke ansible from it | 13:22 |
holocron | hey, sorry about the drop off yesterday, and I've since gotten a decent client that'll log the chat for me. Is there an irc chat log somewhere I can review what was said yesterday? | 13:28 |
magicaltrout | holocron: i have a decent backscroll 2 mins i'll pastebin what I saw | 13:29 |
holocron | magicaltrout thanks | 13:30 |
magicaltrout | | 13:31 |
holocron | appreciate that | 13:32 |
marcoceppi | Spaulding: o/ | 13:32 |
marcoceppi | Spaulding: you can install python2 during bootstrap for reactive charms by adding the following to your layer.yaml | 13:33 |
marcoceppi | Spaulding: | 13:35 |
marcoceppi | the layer.yaml options are evaluated by the reactive framework prior to any reactive code running | 13:35 |
marcoceppi | this allows you to bootstrap any deps needed for either apt packages or pip packages to run hook code | 13:36 |
Spaulding | lovely! | 13:36 |
magicaltrout | nearly as lovely as marcoceppi himself.... | 13:37 |
Spaulding | and then i can tell reactive to run ansible playbooks? right? | 13:37 |
magicaltrout | yeah you can do stuff like @when{myplaybook.notinstalled} | 13:37 |
magicaltrout | def install_the_best_playbookever: | 13:38 |
Spaulding | great! | 13:38 |
Spaulding | finally I'm out from the dark hole.. | 13:39 |
holocron | so, it seems that i've run into an odd problem with cs:xenial/rabbitmq-server. It starts up normally after deploy, but at some point the local nodename changes from "ubuntu" to "juju-..." and it starts to fail with "unable to connect to node rabbit@ubuntu: nodedown" | 13:39 |
magicaltrout | holocron: is that lxc? or something else? | 13:40 |
holocron | yeah, lxc.. or lxd i suppose | 13:40 |
magicaltrout | yeah, beisner told me they facilitate a reboot of rabbit-mq to fix that (I think,I was a bit drunk) | 13:40 |
magicaltrout | also RC3 supposedly has some hostname fixes that might resolve that issue also holocron | 13:41 |
magicaltrout | so if you're not on RC3, upgrade if you can | 13:41 |
holocron | i'm on rc3 | 13:41 |
holocron | okay i'll try a reboot | 13:41 |
magicaltrout | thats supposedly in the charm | 13:41 |
holocron | just fyi: the relevant log snippet | 13:41 |
magicaltrout | not some manual interaction | 13:41 |
holocron | ah hrm | 13:41 |
magicaltrout | dunno, although beisner and some others will do. Although I'm surprised RC3 doesn't resolve it if the change log wasn't lying | 13:42 |
magicaltrout | admcleod: you coming to ApacheCon then? | 13:48 |
admcleod | magicaltrout: im not sure yet | 14:09 |
magicaltrout | give me warning if kjackal is going | 14:10 |
magicaltrout | need to pack prozac | 14:10 |
beisner | hi magicaltrout - hmm nope no rmq reboots happening here. but the beer was good :-) | 14:13 |
holocron | beisner : are you saying that no reboots are happening in the rmq charm, or in my log snip? I have a clean model with single rabbitmq-server deployed, and it seems to be okay (but so was the one that came in with the openstack-on-lxd bundle) | 14:18 |
beisner | holocron, in our CI, not rebooting rmq | 14:19 |
holocron | okay, any idea what might've gone wrong here? | 14:19 |
holocron | beisner I spoke too soon, simple deploy failed in the same manner, as did a scale of the original unit | 14:23 |
holocron | | 14:25 |
magicaltrout | clearly too much beer | 14:42 |
holocron | magicaltrout: impossible | 14:43 |
magicaltrout | well not "too much beer", but "too much beer... to remember the conversation properly" | 14:43 |
holocron | lol that's definitely possible | 14:44 |
lutostag | cory_fu_: with the charm build thing I ran into yesterday... this fixes it for me, | 14:50 |
lutostag | (trying to run the charm-tools make test, but it keeps falling over, not due to me I believe' | 14:51 |
lutostag | (although I was abusing the wheelhouse -- for application rather than charm deps, so went ahead and made my own instead) | 14:52 |
cory_fu_ | lutostag: The problem with using 'download' instead of 'install' is that I don't think it's available with the pip version in trusty. | 15:03 |
lutostag | cory_fu_: ah, ok, I'll keep playing with it then | 15:04 |
cory_fu_ | lutostag: We may just have to put a condition on the series, though. But I would appreciate seeing that tested on trusty | 15:04 |
cory_fu_ | kwmonroe: updated | 15:07 |
kwmonroe | thanks cory_fu_! | 15:07 |
lutostag | anybody know about juju storage (and how to use it in 1.x)? | 15:56 |
lutostag | for instance, I have a postgresql charm that theoretically accepts storage, and its already deployed, how would I add storage to it? | 15:57 |
lutostag | s/charm/unit | 15:57 |
lutostag | rick_h_: ^^ who is storage-knowlegeable? | 16:01 |
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bdx | lutostag: if/when you find some answers, will you put them on blast? | 17:01 |
lutostag | bdx: yeah I'll submit an for sure | 17:02 |
cory_fu_ | kwmonroe, petevg: You guys notice this item in the RC3 announcement? "* LXD containers now have proper hostnames set" | 17:13 |
petevg | cory_fu: awesome! I'm gonna fire off a test of the hadoop bundle against localhost :-) | 17:16 |
petevg | cory_fu: sadly, it looks like our problem might not be fixed. Got a suspicious failure in my logs: (This is from one of the hadoop slaves, when deployed against lxd containers on xenial.) | 17:42 |
kwmonroe | petevg: what in the heck is is that really the name you get from running 'hostname' on that container? | 17:56 |
petevg | kwomonroe: that's what was in the logs ... | 17:57 |
kwmonroe | cory_fu_: remember how yesterday i was giving you grief about the slave unit status message being wrong because of the spec match? well, that was true, but you were right(er). when a charm is undergoing a long hook (like install) before -joined, the other side won't know it's .joined yet :( | 17:57 |
petevg | I tore down the container. Will try again in a bit, and poke at it some more. | 17:57 |
cory_fu_ | kwmonroe: Yeah, I knew that long-running hooks would block the .joined, but the spec issue has potential to make it inaccurate even longer. Anyway, we were both right | 17:59 |
kwmonroe | cory_fu_: can you think of a way to detect a unit's relations without relying on the states being set? | 18:02 |
cory_fu_ | kwmonroe: No. Before the -relation-joined hook fires, I don't think there's any possible way for the charm to know about the relation. I don't think even relation-ids would work | 18:03 |
PCdude | hi all :) | 18:17 |
PCdude | I have a fresh xenial (16.04, server version) install in a VM | 18:18 |
PCdude | I want to try out JUJU (yes never used before) so I followed the following instruction | 18:18 |
PCdude | | 18:18 |
PCdude | when I type "groups" it does not show me the LXD in the list | 18:19 |
PCdude | and when typing newgrp lxd it gives me "group lxd does not exist" | 18:19 |
cory_fu_ | PCdude: You might have to log out and back in, or try the `newgrp lxd` command to refresh in-place | 18:20 |
PCdude | cory_fu_: tried both, I restarted and tried the "newgrp lxd" | 18:20 |
cory_fu_ | PCdude: Can you confirm that lxd is installed with, e.g., `dpkg -l lxd`? | 18:21 |
cory_fu_ | It should have been brought in as a dependency of Juju, though | 18:22 |
PCdude | cory_fu_: it indeed is not installed, and as u said I thought that was automatically installed | 18:23 |
PCdude | but apparently not haha | 18:23 |
PCdude | manual install? | 18:23 |
PCdude | sudo apt install lxd? | 18:23 |
cory_fu_ | Yep\ | 18:24 |
kwmonroe | PCdude: what does 'juju version' say? | 18:24 |
PCdude | cory_fu_: lxd is present now lets continue the install and see what JUJU is capable of thanks | 18:25 |
PCdude | kwmonroe: let me check | 18:25 |
PCdude | 2.0-rc3-xenial-amd64 | 18:25 |
kwmonroe | ok - that's good PCdude. just making sure it was of the 2.0 flavor | 18:26 |
PCdude | kwmonroe: yeah, I was aware of the 2.0 version. I added the PPA and check with "apt-cache" that the right version was being installed | 18:26 |
kwmonroe | cool PCdude.. strange that it didn't bring lxd in as a dep | 18:27 |
PCdude | apart that it is solved now, how can this happen? | 18:27 |
holocron | I always have to "usermod -aG lxd holocron" and relog to pick up the change | 18:27 |
PCdude | personally, I think its vmware. I had strange problems with ESXI before, maybe something strange happened there | 18:28 |
PCdude | I used there preseed option for a change, not gonna do that again... | 18:28 |
holocron | oh, you didn't have LXD installed, just catching up :D | 18:29 |
PCdude | holocron: haha np | 18:31 |
PCdude | any amazing cool bundles or charms I have to check out as a newbie? :D | 18:33 |
holocron | what do you want to do? | 18:34 |
holocron | ghost is an okay one to poke at | 18:34 |
PCdude | well I have openstack running on ubuntu, but I want to tweak some more. Since it uses JUJU maybe something in that field? | 18:35 |
PCdude | holocron: from what I can see is that something similar to wordpress? | 18:36 |
holocron | yeah, though it's all node.js | 18:36 |
holocron | PCdude, you might look into the openstack-on-lxd bundle if you're wishing to dig into openstack, juju and lxd | 18:37 |
PCdude | ah cool, yeah let me check that out | 18:37 |
holocron | use these instructions; | 18:38 |
PCdude | btw, I have the strong feeling that the autopilot function (from landscape) just uses the openstack bundle from JUJU. is somebody here that can confirm that? | 18:39 |
PCdude | holocron: thanks, will look into that link | 18:39 |
holocron | that's the impression i got as well PCdude, though i haven't actually used autopilot myself | 18:41 |
PCdude | holocron: well it is quick and painless, but dont start asking questions about changing something then u are stuck in landscape. easy=10 customization=2 , but I think I can go a level lower to JUJU and configure there, but not sure if autopilot and landscape like that very much | 18:43 |
PCdude | also for me the 10 licenses are good enough, but for something bigger u have to pay alot | 18:44 |
holocron | PCdude I see. I don't use landscape either ^^ You'll find the openstack charms have a wide variety of configuration options, probably most of what you'd want to tune | 18:47 |
PCdude | holocron: I was thinking about the following for my openstack install: rn, I have 2 machines which is of course way to little to run good enough for the whole infrastructure,but I was planning on placing it on those 2 and when in the future adding machines slowly moving services from one of those 2 and place it on the new one with JUJU. Until I have say lets say 5-6 servers running without anything virtual. Would that be possible? and I mean moving it live, so | 18:49 |
holocron | i suppose it's possible PCdude.. having your machines in a MAAS cluster might make it simpler, though I'm no expert in the matter | 18:52 |
PCdude | holocron: me neither :) , we will see. where do u use JUJU for? | 18:53 |
holocron | pcdude: just starting to explore it myself, but specifically i'll be using it for openstack as well, considering moving some of my workload deployment automation to charms | 18:54 |
PCdude | haha cool, u have a working install with something else now? or this is going to be ur first try? | 18:55 |
holocron | i have a few ibm cloud manager with openstack installations but they're rapidly going away | 18:55 |
holocron | a few custom rolled installations of mitaka being maintained by the team too at the moment | 18:56 |
PCdude | so u are moving away from something I guess, what did u use before? | 18:57 |
holocron | as i said: ICM | 18:57 |
holocron | maybe the server reboot caused the message to get lost, i'll resend | 18:58 |
holocron | i have a few ibm cloud manager with openstack installations but they're rapidly going away | 18:58 |
PCdude | ah check I see | 18:58 |
PCdude | I got the last one | 18:58 |
holocron | if you're asking about what i'm using for hypervisor, it's KVM | 18:58 |
holocron | but really what i need is a good way to install openstack that's easy and repeatable.. juju is really attractive to me for this purpose | 18:59 |
PCdude | yeah, I am using ESXI right now, but wanna use openstack with KVM | 18:59 |
holocron | and to restate again, i'm interested in migrating some of my workload deployment automation into charms | 19:00 |
PCdude | amen... I so agree on that point. When I first opened the docs I thought, how is anyone in this world even capable of doing this onces haha | 19:00 |
holocron | so that's on the radar | 19:00 |
PCdude | holocron: have u looked at something else besides openstack? | 19:02 |
PCdude | kubernetes maybe | 19:02 |
holocron | kubernetes doesn't really map across to openstack imo | 19:03 |
holocron | it's more akin to juju or docker, i have looked at docker for some things (hyperledger specifically) | 19:04 |
PCdude | yeah I agree, but there have been some projects that it kind of makes it that way but with containers. I have seen some videos that makes it in the grey area. | 19:05 |
PCdude | uhm ok, let me check hyperledger | 19:05 |
holocron | oh hyperledger is not for workloads ;) it's smart contract stuff | 19:05 |
PCdude | haha, I was already reading and thought uhm, that cant be right | 19:08 |
PCdude | some servers are seriously restarting here | 19:10 |
holocron | they're rolling the whole freenode network | 19:10 |
PCdude | yeah, I guess | 19:11 |
PCdude | uhm, what is a "model" in JUJU? | 19:12 |
roadmr | PCdude: A Juju model is an environment associated with a controller | 19:13 |
roadmr | PCdude: | 19:13 |
PCdude | roadmr: yeah, I read that too, but it is the place where the charms are fired up? | 19:13 |
PCdude | its like a subnet for charms? | 19:14 |
PCdude | so when I type "juju list-controllers" I see 1 machine running. is that the controller of the models? | 19:20 |
holocron | PCdude: generally yep | 19:21 |
holocron | oh wait, i think i understand your question, you have 1 under "machines" ? | 19:22 |
holocron | try "juju status" and "juju show-machine 0" -- assuming that machine 0 is the one machine listed | 19:23 |
PCdude | holocron: yeah, I think that is what it is | 19:27 |
PCdude | deploying ghost rn | 19:27 |
magicalt1out | i mention juju and lxc and suddenly the thread goes dead | 19:54 |
magicalt1out | its like they know! | 19:54 |
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rick_h_ | magicalt1out: heh, did you cause trouble? | 19:57 |
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magicalt1out | well its a bit weird when people ask for the use case, i give it and get crickets | 19:58 |
rick_h_ | you broke some rule of fight-club | 19:58 |
magicalt1out | silly people, why do people just want application containers | 19:58 |
magicalt1out | this maybe true rick_h_ | 19:58 |
hml | good afternoon - i have an juju charm who’s deploy failed because the machine didn’t spin up. remove-application isn’t working…. | 20:01 |
hml | and it’s causing havoc: ERROR could not filter units: could not filter units: unit "juju-gui/0" has no assigned machine: unit "juju-gui/0" is not assigned to a machine (not assigned) | 20:01 |
hml | how do i get rid of it? please | 20:02 |
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rick_h_ | hml: can you mark it resolved and then remove it? | 20:03 |
hml | rick_h_: ERROR unit "juju-gui/0" is not in an error state | 20:04 |
rick_h_ | hml: and when you do remove-application juju-gui it gives ou the filter erro? | 20:04 |
hml | hml: no - it gave no error - i got the filter error when trying to do a juju status of a different application. | 20:05 |
rick_h_ | hml: maybe try juju retry-provisioning X where X is the machine that should have come up that failed? | 20:05 |
rick_h_ | hml: and see if you can get the application up | 20:05 |
rick_h_ | hml: and then cleanly remove it | 20:05 |
hml | rick_h_: the machine never came up, how do i give the retry-provision a machine? | 20:06 |
rick_h_ | hml: well is there a machine record that would show in status that it tried and is marked with a failure status? | 20:07 |
rick_h_ | hml: how many machines are currently deployed? Maybe try to start with what we think it might be. 0, 1, etc? | 20:07 |
rick_h_ | hml: other idea might be to try to juju add-unit juju-gui | 20:08 |
rick_h_ | hml: and see if you can get it to come up with a unit and help clear up the error space there | 20:08 |
hml | rick_h_: i’m at 16 machines… | 20:08 |
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rick_h_ | hml: k, might try the juju retry-provisioning 17 and see what it does | 20:08 |
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rick_h_ | hml: or try the add-unit trick and see if that gets things to a good place | 20:09 |
hml | rich_h_: ERROR cannot add unit 1/1 to application "juju-gui": cannot add unit to application "juju-gui": application is not alive | 20:09 |
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hml | rick_h_: retry-provisioning on machines 16-21 - machine not found. | 20:10 |
rick_h_ | hml: ok | 20:10 |
rick_h_ | hml: add-unit trick is all I can think of from there then. Will need to file a bug and see if we can repro and make it more resilient | 20:10 |
hml | rick_h_: so is there any way around the filtering message? i need to resolve issues on other charms, this is standing in the way | 20:12 |
rick_h_ | hml: can you do juju status without any filters? | 20:13 |
rick_h_ | hml: assuming that's also not working? | 20:13 |
rick_h_ | hml: maybe juju status --format=yaml and see if it bypasses any of the filter work? | 20:13 |
hml | rick_h_: status without filters is working | 20:13 |
rick_h_ | hml: ok, so there's nothing I can think to bypass an error using filters. Just ways around it by using jason output plus a tool like jq to get the filtering done outside of juju | 20:14 |
hml | rick_h_: format didnt’ work - i’m looking for more detail since nova-compute/0 machine is having troubles with the open vswitch | 20:14 |
rick_h_ | hml: grep the unit log file and see there? THings like status changes/etc should be in the log | 20:15 |
rick_h_ | hml: so juju ssh nova-compute/0 and then view /var/log/juju/unit-xxxxxx.log | 20:15 |
hml | rick_h_: got it | 20:16 |
rick_h_ | where the xxxx is something like nova-computer-0 | 20:16 |
hml | rick_h_: my favorite: “"leadership-tracker" manifold worker returned unexpected error: leadership failure: lease manager stopped” | 20:17 |
rick_h_ | hml: :/ | 20:19 |
hml | rick_h_: is there a bug for that one, or am i just lucky to keep hitting it? | 20:21 |
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rick_h_ | hml: ? | 20:28 |
mup | Bug #1616174: Juju agents cannot start: failed to start "uniter" manifold worker: dependency not available <sts> <juju:Incomplete> <> | 20:28 |
rick_h_ | hml: has a potential thing to fix it. Sounds like we didn't get a good repro steps though if you have more details to add to the bug that'd be helpful | 20:29 |
hml | rick_h_: i’ve seen that bug, i wasn’t sure how to run those steps - i found another solution, but perhaps short term: | 20:31 |
hml | kwmonroe: the units in question are running 2.0rc1 or were created with | 20:40 |
kwmonroe | optimism reinstated | 20:40 |
kwmonroe | hey rick_h_, can i specify bundle tags? i'm pretty sure this result only comes up because 'bigtop' is in the name: | 20:46 |
kwmonroe | i'm looking for tags simliar to what you'd do in a charm's metadata.yaml | 20:46 |
kwmonroe | but i don't see where i'd specify that for a bundle | 20:46 |
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bdx | cmars: I hooked it up -> | 21:36 |
holocron | i give up | 21:41 |
mup | Bug #1563271: update-status hook errors when unable to connect <landscape> <openstack> <rabbitmq-server (Juju Charms Collection):Confirmed> <> | 21:41 |
holocron | i know i saw in the docs how to update a unit from local charm source, now i'm missing it | 21:50 |
holocron | any help? | 21:50 |
kwmonroe | holocron: juju upgrade-charm <foo> --path /path/to/new-charm | 22:04 |
kwmonroe | cory_fu: tvansteenburgh: is tests.yaml deployment_timeout in seconds or minutes? juju-deployer -t is seconds ( but the bundletester readme comment for this option is minutes. | 22:05 |
tvansteenburgh | kwmonroe: seconds | 22:06 |
kwmonroe | thx | 22:06 |
holocron | kwmonroe thanks | 22:06 |
tvansteenburgh | kwmonroe: i don't see where it says minutes in the readme? | 22:07 |
kwmonroe | tvansteenburgh: | 22:08 |
kwmonroe | tvansteenburgh: | 22:09 |
tvansteenburgh | kwmonroe: thanks | 22:11 |
kwmonroe | np | 22:12 |
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