ScottK | If you're convinced the test failures are false positives, you can ask the release team to override them. | 00:57 |
tsimonq2 | that's my priority over the weekend | 00:57 |
tsimonq2 | get an autopkgtest setup and confirm that the test failures can be overridden, that is | 00:58 |
tsimonq2 | santa_: I seeeeee you ;) | 02:38 |
tsimonq2 | (ping) | 02:38 |
santa_ | tsimonq2: yo | 02:38 |
santa_ | no luck, but hard work being done | 02:38 |
tsimonq2 | santa_: progress update please? | 02:39 |
tsimonq2 | santa_: I know acheronuk was wondering earlier, Final Freeze has been put into place and we want things to migrate ASAP ;) | 02:40 |
santa_ | tsimonq2: we wanted things to migrate asap since the beginning. I will try to deal with the release team and we will see what we can get | 02:41 |
tsimonq2 | good point | 02:41 |
tsimonq2 | thank you santa_ | 02:41 |
santa_ | this is madness btw | 02:42 |
tsimonq2 | santa_: at one point in the next day or so, could you send something to the mailing list informing us of your progress? | 02:42 |
tsimonq2 | +999999999999999999 | 02:42 |
valorie | yes, madness | 02:42 |
valorie | I hope this is the one time we go through such a time | 02:43 |
santa_ | it will never be worse than now, I'm pretty sure of that | 02:43 |
valorie | oh, not sure I want to say that | 02:44 |
valorie | just in case | 02:45 |
* valorie knocks on wood | 02:45 | |
tsimonq2 | I'm willing to not believe in any superstition for the moment just to say that this *WILL* bwe the last time this happens | 02:46 |
tsimonq2 | 100% | 02:46 |
tsimonq2 | for sure | 02:46 |
acheronuk | santa_ tsimonq2: yep, I know all the above really. just getting a bit anxious about it! | 06:50 |
acheronuk | santa_: yes, next time it will be better. plus I intend to then know enough about the tests myself by that point to help more with the fixing :) | 07:02 |
valorie | I think this release has been a trial by fire | 07:07 |
valorie | and now we're sort of getting the hang of it | 07:07 |
* valorie heads to bed | 07:07 | |
acheronuk | Indeed it has. we will learn from it and come back better as a result. Night night valorie :) | 07:09 |
acheronuk | \o/ kwin, plasma-workspace, plasma-framework all just migrated to release thanks to the stuff done overnight | 08:05 |
soee_ | o/ | 08:29 |
acheronuk | frameworkimtegration shifted. not plasma-framework. that is still stuck :/ | 09:01 |
mparillo | After this morning's updates, kinfocenter reports Plasma 5.75, FW 5.26, Qt 5.6.1on YY. Thank you. | 10:29 |
ahoneybun | clivejo: they made a mistake about the kdenlive bug report, they confirmed it now. | 12:16 |
ahoneybun | acheronuk: is there any new version of dragon player? | 12:31 |
acheronuk | ahoneybun: not sure. I avoid it as it has always been dog slow with high cpu usage for me in the past | 12:32 |
ahoneybun | 16.04.3 has some video playback issues | 12:32 |
ahoneybun | I've been using Chrome to play videos | 12:32 |
ahoneybun | even on the Podcast | 12:32 |
ahoneybun | sweet now I'm on Plasma 5.7.5 / FW 5.26 | 12:34 |
acheronuk | ahoneybun: there are some important parts of frameworks still stuck. including plasma-frameworks which contains the updated plasma theme | 12:36 |
ahoneybun | oh there | 12:36 |
ahoneybun | oh theres' an update to Breeze? | 12:36 |
acheronuk | I wish they would just be done with it and put that in plasma, as it seems daft to have it in FW | 12:36 |
ahoneybun | mm weird | 12:37 |
acheronuk | yep. it is | 12:37 |
acheronuk | ahoneybun: | 12:39 |
ahoneybun | even the dir says plasma lol | 12:39 |
acheronuk | see everything in: /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/ | 12:40 |
acheronuk | why the hell that isn't in plasma itself, I have not much clue | 12:40 |
* acheronuk **shugs** | 12:41 | |
ahoneybun | not sure either | 12:41 |
ahoneybun | anyway I fixed the doodle | 12:41 |
ahoneybun | hey pavlushka | 12:41 |
acheronuk | ahoneybun: yes, I saw. TY :) | 12:42 |
kfunk | hmm, what's the state with the kde pim stack for Ubuntu 16.10 btw? I see it's still at 5.1.3 there? | 12:42 |
kfunk | no new updates? | 12:42 |
ahoneybun | I did leave a review thing on your wiki right? | 12:42 |
ahoneybun | kfunk: how would one check the version? | 12:42 |
acheronuk | kfunk: 5.2.3 should be there or due to migrate soon | 12:42 |
kfunk | ahoneybun: apt show kmail | 12:43 |
pavlushka | Hello ahoneybun , how are you? unscathed? | 12:43 |
ahoneybun | 15.12.3 here | 12:43 |
ahoneybun | pavlushka: yep just rain and some wind | 12:43 |
ahoneybun | waiting to see if it does come back for round 2 | 12:44 |
acheronuk | kfunk: kde apps 16.04.3 ended up being uploaded a bit late under a FFE, so some parts are only just coming through | 12:44 |
clivejo | kfunk: how do the kmail internal version numbers correspond to apps versions? | 12:44 |
kfunk | alright, thanks! | 12:44 |
kfunk | clivejo: oh, don't ask me. I'm lost there. | 12:44 |
kfunk | I don't want to fill my brain with more (useless) data :) | 12:45 |
acheronuk | <ahoneybun> I did leave a review thing on your wiki right? | 13:00 |
acheronuk | aimed at me? ^^^ | 13:00 |
ahoneybun | yea sorry | 13:00 |
acheronuk | ahoneybun: can't see one. only if you have time though.. | 13:01 |
ahoneybun | I will | 13:01 |
acheronuk | ahoneybun: thank you :) | 13:02 |
ahoneybun | acheronuk: name changes on LP won't break the email forwarding and linking? | 13:10 |
acheronuk | ahoneybun: I don't know. that was one reason why I changed it before I was likely to get allocated an email, so I would not have to risk that | 13:12 |
ahoneybun | mm I have my LP on a few testimonials like yours | 13:13 |
ahoneybun | I'd like to change it to athoneycutt to be shorter a litt | 13:13 |
acheronuk | ahoneybun: probably best to ask on #launchpad to see what they say? | 13:13 |
ahoneybun | yea | 13:13 |
acheronuk | ovi also said he changed his a couple of times, but not sure at what point he meant he did that. | 13:15 |
* clivejo didnt know rik liked tripe | 13:18 | |
* clivejo imagines Rik with a bowl of triple checking his work | 13:19 | |
clivejo | stupid brain | 13:19 |
ahoneybun | darn | 13:20 |
clivejo | ahoneybun: also take the spaces out of @ SIG @ | 13:20 |
clivejo | its @SIG@ | 13:20 |
ahoneybun | opps | 13:20 |
clivejo | auto inserts your username and time stamp | 13:21 |
ahoneybun | alright cool | 13:22 |
* clivejo giigles @ kubuntu family | 13:22 | |
clivejo | we have granda Rick and granda valorie | 13:22 |
* clivejo curses and hisses | 13:23 | |
clivejo | I cant type today | 13:23 |
* acheronuk feels queasy at the though of tripe! | 13:29 | |
acheronuk | thought | 13:29 |
ahoneybun | triple | 13:34 |
ahoneybun | fixed thast | 13:34 |
ahoneybun | *that | 13:34 |
marco-parillo | Testing today's ISO, I still get: but I was able to <ctrl> <alt> F1 and login and startx <alt> F2 and type install. So far the installer is working (no slide show) but what I noticed is that the lock screen is back. IIRC, a couple of releases ago, the devs disabled screen locking on the live ISO so it would not lock during install (confusing newbies that | 13:53 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1627348 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Live DVD boots to black screen with mouse pointer" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 13:53 |
ahoneybun | marco-parillo: they are testing a fix in a ppa for the slideshow | 14:00 |
BluesKaj | Hey folks | 14:02 |
ahoneybun | what is with the network manager always asking for my password | 14:26 |
ahoneybun | ... | 14:26 |
=== edamrose__ is now known as edamrose | ||
ahoneybun | ok now this is getting supppperrr annoying | 14:31 |
ahoneybun | I keep getting kicked off my wifi | 14:32 |
cyphermox | yofel: I'm going to re-add ubiquity-slideshow-kubuntu to your seed -- I "fixed" the slideshow using blaze's amazing porting work to pyqt5 (with some extra fixes), things should work properly now | 15:38 |
yofel | yes, please do that, thanks! | 15:38 |
cyphermox | blaze: thanks btw, that would have taken me a lot more time if you hadn't already done most of the work | 15:38 |
blaze | cyphermox: no prob :) | 15:39 |
blaze | glad it was helpful | 15:39 |
blaze | and the slideshow is working finally :) | 15:40 |
cyphermox | yofel: seed updated, I don't know if you had uploaded a new metapackage for this though | 15:44 |
yofel | hm, I don't remember | 15:44 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Weekend after Yakkety lands, I want to do a design "audit" if the slideshow, if you will. :) | 15:56 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> I don't know if that's the right term | 15:56 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> But I think I might do the same for Lubuntu | 15:57 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> We'll see | 15:57 |
ahoneybun | the issue with making changes to that tsimonq2 is that translations will be broken then | 16:01 |
ahoneybun | we would have to make a call out to translators to work on them then | 16:02 |
ahoneybun | yay \o/ working slideshow | 16:03 |
ahoneybun | thanks cyphermox | 16:03 |
ahoneybun | and blaze | 16:03 |
acheronuk | yofel: any news on KCI? | 16:03 |
acheronuk | seems something is happening, but I dare not even login as a normal user | 16:13 |
=== z4ki is now known as zaki | ||
acheronuk | cyphermox: a million thank you's :) | 17:10 |
acheronuk | and same to blaze | 17:10 |
tsimonq2 | +1 acheronuk | 17:14 |
tsimonq2 | acheronuk: thanks for helping deal with our rat's nest :) | 17:14 |
tsimonq2 | you too santa_ :) | 17:14 |
acheronuk | which rat's nest! | 17:14 |
tsimonq2 | acheronuk: that big intertangled one that is yakkety--proposed | 17:15 |
acheronuk | tests? I am flailing around in the dark on those! | 17:15 |
tsimonq2 | but at least you're flailing ;) | 17:15 |
acheronuk | true. I may occasionally hit something correct by chance! | 17:16 |
tsimonq2 | well that's what we call "progress" :D | 17:16 |
=== mgolden is now known as mgolden_ | ||
valorie | o/ all | 19:09 |
valorie | how are things looking? | 19:09 |
valorie | thank you to everyone working so hard to get all our stuff ported/migrated/tested | 19:13 |
acheronuk | nearly all plasma and frameworks are migrated. apps probably need more help | 19:15 |
soee | \o/ | 19:16 |
* valorie is still reading #ubuntu-release | 19:29 | |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> \o/ | 19:33 |
acheronuk | way to go yet, but progress is happening :) | 19:41 |
=== xnox_ is now known as xnox | ||
=== claydoh is now known as Guest20840 | ||
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK | ||
clivejo | !ninjas | 21:25 |
ubottu | yofel, clivejo, acheronuk, tsimonq2 | 21:25 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> yup | 21:30 |
clivejo | sorry life got in the way today | 21:31 |
clivejo | looking for a progress report! | 21:31 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> it happens | 21:31 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> most of plasma and frameworks seems to have migrated. just a few straggling things left to sort. apps, probably better left to santa_ to comment | 21:33 |
clivejo | any movement on LP:1630700 | 21:33 |
valorie | oh the ninjas call got fixed, good | 21:33 |
valorie | thanks to whoever did that | 21:33 |
clivejo | need santa on there | 21:33 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> santa_ needs adding | 21:34 |
valorie | ooops, I said to have his name listed | 21:34 |
valorie | boo | 21:34 |
clivejo | can you follow that up valorie? | 21:34 |
valorie | I'll try, yes | 21:34 |
clivejo | good stuff! | 21:34 |
valorie | blaze, feel like becoming a ninja? | 21:35 |
clivejo | so I see Seth commented on my patch | 21:35 |
clivejo | anyone take that forward? | 21:35 |
valorie | LP 1630700 | 21:37 |
ubottu | Error: Launchpad bug 1630700 could not be found | 21:37 |
valorie | pfff | 21:37 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> there's been a bit of to and fro on mailing lists about patchs for those CVE, about them not applying etc. ScottK did something for tusty I think as well. | 21:37 |
clivejo | valorie: shhhhh its secret ninja stuff | 21:37 |
clivejo | we should mark it as private now its gone public | 21:37 |
clivejo | as public | 21:38 |
clivejo | stupid hands | 21:38 |
valorie | oh, sorry | 21:38 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> so I've not really looked at it deeply as seems upstream and debian are looking at ways to back apply them | 21:38 |
clivejo | but I have no idea how to patch xenial | 21:38 |
clivejo | I asked Debian last night | 21:39 |
clivejo | noone working on it | 21:39 |
clivejo | upstream KDE are also thinking about it | 21:39 |
valorie | seems most of the release team are asleep, but infinity is awake.... | 21:39 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> xenial = fw 5.18, so I guess asking KDE devs to help patch that might be the idea | 21:39 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> It's their code ^^^ | 21:39 |
clivejo | Sandro sent an email saying frameworks should get security fixes for a year | 21:40 |
clivejo | Btw. shouldn't we need to release fixed version for all framework versions? At previous Akademy (in Spain) it was told, that frameworks will get security fixes for an year, so we would need to release 12 frameworks? | 21:40 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> yeah, I saw that. | 21:41 |
clivejo | acheronuk: how are you feeling? | 21:41 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> that's a leading question....? | 21:42 |
clivejo | of course! | 21:42 |
clivejo | you know me too well | 21:42 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> what do you want me to do? if it's code or package, better off asking me tommorow | 21:43 |
clivejo | Ive had a long day, really not up for packaging at the moment, but could look over someones shoulder so to speak | 21:43 |
clivejo | that patch needs refreshed and changelog fixed | 21:43 |
clivejo | where is the bunny? | 21:44 |
clivejo | arguing club again? | 21:44 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> lost his symbols maybe? | 21:44 |
clivejo | sorry debating | 21:44 |
clivejo | oh dear | 21:45 |
clivejo | I had that one time, its a very painful condition | 21:45 |
valorie | are you trying to bait tsimonq2 into doing some work, clivejo? | 21:45 |
clivejo | yes | 21:45 |
valorie | last I heard he was taking a nap | 21:46 |
clivejo | my brain it starting to go to sleep | 21:46 |
valorie | probably worked all night on some project | 21:46 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> oh, wait, the energiser bunny has a drum, not symbols. doh | 21:46 |
clivejo | Simon sleep? | 21:46 |
clivejo | almost 23:00 here | 21:47 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> me *** sneaks a look at KCI *** | 21:47 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> still borked | 21:47 |
clivejo | still fecked | 21:47 |
clivejo | it loads the GUI a lot faster though! | 21:48 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> but does nothing else useful | 21:48 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> Simon was testing plasma 5.8 on debian mow I recall | 21:49 |
clivejo | valorie: did you hear sitter ripped KCI's heart out through its backside? | 21:49 |
clivejo | acheronuk: | 21:51 |
valorie | clivejo: I did | 21:51 |
valorie | seems yofel did some surgery on it | 21:51 |
valorie | not sure it has its ticker beating again though | 21:52 |
clivejo | nope | 21:52 |
clivejo | sitter is a very evil man | 21:52 |
valorie | @acheronuk -- yes, he was boasting about it | 21:52 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> @clivejo, No way can I make sense of that commit on this device | 21:52 |
clivejo | Simon, boasting?!? | 21:53 |
valorie | I know, unprecedented | 21:53 |
clivejo | LP 1630700 | 21:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1630700 in kcoreaddons (Ubuntu) "CVE - KMail - HTML injection in plain text viewer" [High,In progress] | 21:58 |
clivejo | Finally figure out how to make it public | 21:58 |
ScottK | That's the one I did for trusty. | 22:05 |
valorie | maybe simon will wake soon and figure out how to get it into xenial | 22:05 |
valorie | thank you ScottK | 22:05 |
clivejo | Uh oh! | 22:06 |
clivejo | Something has gone wrong. We're sorry! | 22:06 |
clivejo | really cant handle this when Im tired | 22:06 |
acheronuk | <infinity> slangasek: Oh, and I don't think I'm going to bother britney-blocking until Monday, since these weekend images are purely for testing, I have zero confidence or intent for them to be the final images. | 22:08 |
acheronuk | <slangasek> acheronuk: it means only things manually reviewed and accepted migrate | 22:08 |
acheronuk | from release ^^^^, as I want to be clear how much time we have to get the rest moved out of proposed | 22:09 |
acheronuk | so I guess maximum effort over the weekend to get it all through! | 22:09 |
ScottK | clivejo: are you subscribed to | 22:09 |
clivejo | ScottK: yes | 22:10 |
clivejo | but I been away from my computer all day | 22:10 |
ScottK | There was a message about an hour and a half ago pointing out the second commit you need to fix 1630700 for Kf5 5.26. | 22:11 |
clivejo | yes, I pasted that into the LP bug | 22:11 |
ScottK | K | 22:12 |
clivejo | Debian also have a patch in git - | 22:12 |
ScottK | K | 22:12 |
clivejo | figure would be better taking their patches | 22:13 |
clivejo | might get accepted by the release team faster? | 22:13 |
ScottK | It'd be the same, I think. | 22:14 |
ScottK | We can check. | 22:16 |
ScottK | It'll go better if I ask. | 22:17 |
ScottK | clivejo: see #ubuntu-devel. You've got release team approval. | 22:20 |
ScottK | Make your package and upload it. | 22:21 |
clivejo | Im not on the channel :( | 22:21 |
clivejo | need to add that to my BNC | 22:21 |
ScottK | Or switch to Quassel. ... | 22:23 |
clivejo | I use it | 22:25 |
clivejo | but dont have a core | 22:25 |
clivejo | and my internet is pathetic | 22:25 |
clivejo | ScottK: can you check this please : | 22:27 |
clivejo | acheronuk: ^ | 22:27 |
acheronuk | clivejo: not really with it enough now tonight to review commits | 22:29 |
clivejo | LOL me neither thats why Im asking for reviews! | 22:29 |
acheronuk | especially security fix ones! | 22:29 |
ScottK | Make it ubuntu2. I'd include something like patches thanks to Sandro Knauß | 22:31 |
ScottK | Since you mostly copy/pasted his work. | 22:32 |
clivejo | ScottK: I had that in my last changelog | 22:33 |
clivejo | and was told "We have our preferred changelog format documented at -- could you adapt the changelog to match when you fix the diffs and rebuild?" | 22:34 |
ScottK | I didn't do a line by line on the patch, but it looks like you got it | 22:35 |
ScottK | For Yakkety it's not a security team upload. | 22:36 |
clivejo | my patch was basically the same, but dpkg-source was complaining warning: unexpected end of diff | 22:36 |
clivejo | Seth said to refresh them | 22:36 |
=== Guest20840 is now known as claydoh | ||
ScottK | Version it like regular. | 22:37 |
ScottK | He's got nothing to do with Yakkety until after release. | 22:38 |
clivejo | I didnt think I could upload after FF? | 22:38 |
clivejo | or FFF | 22:38 |
ScottK | You can. | 22:38 |
ScottK | I talked to infinity and he approved. | 22:39 |
acheronuk | and other stuff if the release team ok it I presume | 22:40 |
ScottK | Yep | 22:41 |
clivejo | ok, fixed version and gave thanks - | 22:42 |
clivejo | built on amd64 - | 22:43 |
ScottK | Go for it. | 22:48 |
clivejo | is that changelog ok? | 22:48 |
ScottK | Except for UNRELEASED, yes. | 22:49 |
clivejo | thats for our tooling | 22:50 |
clivejo | the upload script will update that and tag it | 22:50 |
clivejo | just want to make sure its good to go | 22:50 |
ScottK | Think so | 22:51 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Thank you ScottK | 22:57 |
clivejo | ok uploaded | 22:58 |
clivejo | pushed to git | 22:59 |
valorie | \o/ | 23:00 |
clivejo | ScottK: Ive pinged infinity in the release channel to draw his attention to it | 23:01 |
clivejo | ScottK: so you got the patch into trusty? | 23:03 |
clivejo | what version of kmail is it using? | 23:04 |
* acheronuk checks in trusty vm | 23:04 | |
clivejo | how do I keep a record of the distribution which are vulnerable on the LP page and which ones have been fixed? | 23:05 |
acheronuk | [23:57] * jderose has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | 23:07 |
acheronuk | [23:58] * tai271828 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | 23:07 |
acheronuk | ^^^ stupid copy/paste | 23:08 |
acheronuk | kmail reports = 4.13.3 in trusty | 23:09 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> *yawn* | 23:12 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Just read backlog | 23:13 |
IrcsomeBot | * tsimonq2 kicks valorie and acheronuk | 23:13 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Now that that's over with, hi :) | 23:13 |
valorie | pffff | 23:13 |
* valorie kicks back | 23:14 | |
* acheronuk has virtual body armour on. did not feel that | 23:14 | |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Lol | 23:14 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> I'm getting ready to go to the homecoming game | 23:14 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> I had a headache so I took a nap, yes | 23:14 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> And haven't rebooted into wonderful Plasma 5.8 yet :P | 23:15 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> (that's why I kicked you both :P) | 23:16 |
valorie | oh, add insult to injury! | 23:17 |
* clivejo wonders what a home coming game is | 23:17 | |
valorie | usually American football | 23:17 |
valorie | not sure why it became an American high school tradition, we we had them too, and so did my father's high school | 23:18 |
* acheronuk is none the wiser as american football is confusing in it's own right | 23:18 | |
valorie | it seems to be designed to injure the players' brains | 23:20 |
clivejo | so why does it have a homecoming king and queen? | 23:21 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Idk about that either | 23:21 |
valorie | clivejo: about that I don't have a clue, but it seems to be a widespread Murrican custom | 23:23 |
clivejo | yeah, I see it in movies | 23:23 |
valorie | seems a setup for bad teen movies | 23:23 |
valorie | there was one Buffy the Vampire Slayer ep where the vampires attacked during the dance | 23:24 |
valorie | that was excellent | 23:24 |
valorie | :-) | 23:24 |
acheronuk | I think I remeber that | 23:24 |
mamarley | As an American, I can confirm that American football is confusing, boring, and designed to injure the players' brains. | 23:25 |
valorie | oh Buffy, how I miss ya | 23:25 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Well the dance is tomorrow night | 23:25 |
acheronuk | mamarley: thought so | 23:25 |
clivejo | is it also called prom? | 23:26 |
clivejo | or is that a different thing | 23:26 |
mamarley | clivejo: No, the prom is entirely different. | 23:26 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> ^ | 23:26 |
mamarley | It is some kind of dance/social event done by the cool kids in highschool. | 23:26 |
mamarley | I didn't go. :) | 23:26 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> I'm still a freshman but I know the gist of it ;) | 23:27 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> I want to go to every one so I don't forget | 23:27 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> *regret it later | 23:27 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> -offtopic | 23:27 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Well yeah... | 23:27 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Continue there? | 23:27 |
mamarley | I actually did try to go, but I couldn't find anyone who wanted to go with me. That ended up turning out OK though, because I would have hated it anyway. | 23:27 |
valorie | I didn't even notice mine, and yes we should take this to -offtopic | 23:31 |
valorie | sorry all | 23:31 |
mamarley | tsimonq2: Plasma 5.8? Where? | 23:33 |
acheronuk | debian | 23:33 |
mamarley | Oh. :( | 23:33 |
acheronuk | good night all :) | 23:34 |
acheronuk | zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz | 23:34 |
mamarley | Goodnight! | 23:34 |
valorie | niters rik; sweet dreams | 23:34 |
santa_ | clivejo: ping? | 23:35 |
clivejo | hello | 23:35 |
acheronuk | anyone in the US south east near the hurricane, take care | 23:35 |
clivejo | santa_: pong | 23:35 |
santa_ | clivejo: ktp-call-ui needs an upload the needed changes are in kubuntu_yakkety_archive | 23:36 |
mamarley | Yeah, Florida and Georgia are getting hit hard. So far it has just been some rain in North Carolina though. | 23:37 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Thanks acheronuk | 23:37 |
santa_ | clivejo: it's something needed to get the thing migrated from -proposed by britney spears | 23:37 |
clivejo | just a debian merge then? | 23:38 |
clivejo | and fixed my weird mess of a changelog | 23:38 |
valorie | britney spears, LOL | 23:38 |
clivejo | | 23:40 |
clivejo | should there be src in our git branch? | 23:42 |
clivejo | santa_: ^ | 23:44 |
ScottK | I got the patch into Trusty. It's in the security team's build que. When published, it'll be 4:4.13.3-0ubuntu0.3. | 23:46 |
santa_ | clivejo: unfortunately yes because the telepathy packages follow a different workflow than the others. debian in all its greatness | 23:46 |
santa_ | clivejo: however with our tooling that code is 'ignored' if I'm not mistaken | 23:47 |
santa_ | so it doesn't matter very much for us | 23:47 |
clivejo | ok, just checking | 23:47 |
santa_ | if you find something wrong let me know | 23:47 |
clivejo | just file structure stood out, wanted to check | 23:48 |
clivejo | everything else looks ok to me | 23:48 |
ScottK | clivejo: To keep track of which releases need fixing/are fixed, you can nominate the bug for specific releases. See what I did in #1631237 | 23:48 |
ScottK | clivejo: Now that you are a developer, you should have powerz to do that. | 23:49 |
clivejo | santa_: uploaded | 23:51 |
santa_ | clivejo: thank you very much! | 23:51 |
clivejo | rejected | 23:51 |
clivejo | Rejected: | 23:52 |
clivejo | The signer of this package is lacking the upload rights for the source package, component or package set in question. | 23:52 |
santa_ | really? | 23:52 |
clivejo | thats what the email says | 23:52 |
santa_ | yeah, let me check something | 23:53 |
clivejo | not on the list - | 23:53 |
santa_ | yeah, that's what I checked | 23:54 |
clivejo | is it a new package? | 23:54 |
santa_ | give me a few minutes please, I need to schedule something | 23:54 |
clivejo | no problem | 23:54 |
ScottK | clivejo: for kcoreaddons, which releases are relevant? | 23:54 |
valorie | off to pizza.... | 23:55 |
clivejo | We put it on the bug report | 23:55 |
ScottK | K. | 23:55 |
clivejo | but I could see how to indicate which releases | 23:55 |
clivejo | couldnt | 23:55 |
clivejo | LP still is a bit of a mystery for me | 23:56 |
ScottK | clivejo: Click on "Nominate for series". | 23:56 |
ScottK | You might consider using #1631237 for the KDE4/kdepimlibs releaeses and your bug only for Kf5. | 23:57 |
clivejo | ScottK: | 23:59 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1630700 in kcoreaddons (Ubuntu Yakkety) "CVE - KMail - HTML injection in plain text viewer" [High,In progress] | 23:59 |
clivejo | ah good idea | 23:59 |
clivejo | eakk I selected Precise and Trusty already | 23:59 |
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