eeytan | Hi. I have a strange font issue. It seems to only happen with proprietary software (like Perforce or Android studio.) Some fonts render as extremely tall with no spaces or very tall and not render. There's an example here: | 00:31 |
Guest89803 | HHH | 03:37 |
Guest89803 | HHH | 03:37 |
Guest89803 | HHH | 03:37 |
Guest89803 | HHH | 03:37 |
=== jim__ is now known as ksy | ||
Not_a_Robot_ | Somebody help me please. I selected in energy options to not lock the computer... And it gets locked every X minutes. How can I disable that, please? :/ | 04:47 |
momoe | I'm trying to get through Kubuntu Podcast #16 but their audio settings are so bad it's painful to listen to | 04:53 |
valorie | Not_a_Robot_: alt+f2 and type lock | 04:54 |
valorie | you'll see a few possibilities | 04:54 |
Not_a_Robot_ | valorie: thank you my saviour! | 04:55 |
valorie | momoe: there was one that was really bad for me too | 04:55 |
valorie | Not_a_Robot_: that's krunner! | 04:55 |
valorie | it saves me all the time | 04:55 |
valorie | :-) | 04:55 |
momoe | I really want to point ChrisLAS at them to see if he can give them a few tips. He runs a really professional rig on the Linux Action Show, and helped do the KDE Plasma 5.8 promotional video this past week. | 04:56 |
momoe | At the very least help them all fix those audio settings. | 04:56 |
valorie | momoe: please join #kubuntu-podcast if you want to help | 04:57 |
valorie | and I believe that they have met with Chris | 04:57 |
valorie | they are trying to improve every broadcast | 04:58 |
valorie | and sometimes they go back and fix previous eps | 04:58 |
momoe | Yeah, their audio was completely cut on a previous stream, for one of the hosts, they fixed in a later YT video | 04:59 |
=== Seviish is now known as Sevish | ||
=== jayhunold is now known as jhunold | ||
Smurphy | Talking about plasma 5.8 - will there be a release for KUbuntu 16.04 soon??? :} | 07:21 |
acheronuk | Smurphy: once we can get 5.8 into the new dev release (17.04) then we can look at backporting to 16.04 etc. so not 'soon' as in imminently about to land, but I would hope not a huge long wait either. KDE devs seem keen to help get it into 16.04 LTS, which is a big bonus | 07:35 |
Smurphy | :} Coo. Thx., | 07:36 |
Smurphy | Cool :} Sorry - Coffee not really making effect yet ... | 07:36 |
Smurphy | :D | 07:36 |
acheronuk | here neither. had to correct about 4 typos in that before hitting enter :P | 07:37 |
Smurphy | lol :D | 07:39 |
momoe | | 08:27 |
momoe | oops wrong chat sry | 08:27 |
=== tarator85 is now known as tarator | ||
marcelo_ | asdf | 11:41 |
momoe | fdsa | 11:42 |
momoe | So Kubuntu 16.10LTS is comming out this month, is there a set date? | 11:43 |
hateball | !yakkety | 11:48 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) will be the 25th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released in October 2016. Discussion in #ubuntu+1 | 11:48 |
hateball | momoe: I think 13th | 11:49 |
momoe | *nods* I was guessing it would be mid-month. Ty @hateball | 11:49 |
madeti | I'm using kubuntu 16.04, how can I install plasma 5.8 LTS ? | 11:49 |
hateball | madeti: wait for 16.10 | 11:49 |
momoe | ^ yes | 11:49 |
madeti | :/, I don't want to leave 16.04 | 11:50 |
momoe | I've tried using the backports ppa, and I don't reccomend it unless you really know what you're doing | 11:50 |
hateball | I dont think it is yet known/decided if 5.8 will get backported | 11:50 |
madeti | won't it be made available in backports ppa? | 11:50 |
hateball | due to Qt needing backporting | 11:50 |
hateball | and that might break main ubuntu stuff | 11:50 |
madeti | thats a shame :( | 11:51 |
hateball | the price of progress! | 11:51 |
Smurphy | well, 16.10 will come out this month, so we'll see what that makes. | 11:53 |
madeti | a heavy price indeed! | 11:53 |
madeti | :P | 11:53 |
chcknrub | Romans 14:17-19 | 13:23 |
chcknrub | 17 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, 18 because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and receives human approval. 19 Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. | 13:23 |
sunrise | wewe | 13:30 |
sunrise | #rubuntu | 13:30 |
sunrise | we | 13:35 |
Smurphy | chcknrub: Well - my God has a hammer, your's was nailed to a cross. Start thinking ... | 13:39 |
hateball | is media frame plasmoid broken for anyone else but me? I cant add any paths to it | 13:49 |
hateball | be it folder or file | 13:49 |
Smurphy | Barely using plasmoids. | 13:49 |
hateball | I wanted to have a plasmoid to present an amusing image daily instead of doing: i=$(curl -s; xdg-open $i | 13:50 |
hateball | so wanted to wget that instead and present it on the desktop :) | 13:51 |
Smurphy | Ah. Can't tell. Sorry. | 13:51 |
chcknrub | wup? | 13:59 |
chcknrub | now at office | 13:59 |
chcknrub | i'm using kubuntu at work, stuck with lts only, | 14:01 |
Smurphy | chcknrub: You have ubuntu at work? Which company u work for? | 14:01 |
BluesKaj | Hey folks | 14:01 |
Smurphy | Hia BluesKaj | 14:02 |
BluesKaj | hey Smurphy | 14:02 |
chcknrub | secret, can't tell | 14:02 |
Smurphy | chcknrub: Heh. You liar ;) | 14:03 |
chcknrub | we are using linux for our products, so mostly everyone using linux, i think 1000 to 2000 employees | 14:03 |
* Smurphy is using KUbuntu too at his company. Most people use Windows there, devels and Field-People mac's, and 2 or 3 guys dumped Windows in favor of Linux, with no support from GIS for whatever happens. | 14:04 | |
Smurphy | Needless to say that the Linux guys are always the ones online ;) | 14:04 |
BluesKaj | some have to hide linux from their bosses, | 14:05 |
chcknrub | yup, i don't know how to use windows 10, i don't boot into it, updates wasting too much time | 14:05 |
chcknrub | linux for products, we have to study it... whole system, from kernel to userspace, but i'm average user | 14:06 |
Smurphy | It was actually pretty simple for me. You want me to work for your company? I want too, under the condition that I have Homeoffice, and that I am allowed to use the OS of my choice. I want both these conditions written into my employment contract. | 14:06 |
Smurphy | I'm now almost 11 years at that company :) | 14:06 |
chcknrub | and have to study x86 and arm too.... i still have to read on arm system | 14:07 |
chcknrub | linux is way to go... windows is too close source, nothing to study | 14:07 |
Smurphy | ack. | 14:18 |
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest84871 | ||
=== edamrose__ is now known as edamrose | ||
user|98337 | heyyy | 14:38 |
user|98337 | how do i connect printer | 14:38 |
user|98337 | ? | 14:39 |
chcknrub | try google | 14:55 |
chcknrub | ur priinter modelll number | 14:55 |
=== lethu_ is now known as lethu | ||
eeytan | Hi. I have a strange font issue. It seems to only happen with proprietary software (like Perforce or Android studio.) Some fonts render as extremely tall with no spaces or very tall and not render. There's an example here: | 16:10 |
=== z4ki is now known as zaki | ||
=== mgolden is now known as mgolden_ | ||
IrcsomeBot | <J2v1s> How can I check Who is locking the /var/lib/dpkg/lock so I can run apt-get? | 18:25 |
soee_ | its system, root | 18:27 |
soee_ | sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock | 18:27 |
genii | Usually unattended updates | 18:27 |
IrcsomeBot | <J2v1s> It's a clean instalación and the display freezes with artifacts, so my first thing is to update packages | 18:28 |
IrcsomeBot | <J2v1s> But it have been running for like 10 mins, usually doesnt take that long | 18:29 |
admini_ | salam | 18:47 |
admini_ | az iran kasi hast? | 18:47 |
=== mib is now known as Guest50449 | ||
=== Haudegen is now known as Guest89537 | ||
Trebacz | My mouse does not respond to any changes in "pointer acceleration" or "mouse wheel scrolls by" both are set at ma 20x and 12 lines and motion is still the same. Touchpad changes work great. What am I missing?. | 19:01 |
Trebacz | In kubuntu 16.04 what system controls mouse pointer? Is it evdev or xorg? | 19:19 |
=== SJrX is now known as SJr | ||
duno | Nějakej čech ? | 19:48 |
=== Shyiskhar is now known as Guest54060 | ||
duno | Strč prst skrs prd | 19:48 |
duno | vyhul mi prdel ty píčo | 19:48 |
=== himcesjf is now known as Guest51742 | ||
=== Guest89537 is now known as Haudegen | ||
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=== niyazi is now known as ilhami | ||
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=== igitoor_ is now known as igitoor | ||
=== Ashareth is now known as ashareth | ||
ChetManly | someone please test a page with desktop effect enabled on 16.04 for me please? | 21:40 |
ChetManly | | 21:40 |
ChetManly | do the falling floppies get distorted? | 21:41 |
ChetManly | are desktop effect still a thing in 16.04? | 21:45 |
* ChetManly knocks on #kubuntu door, hears dog barking....suspects foul play | 21:51 | |
ChetManly | hello | 22:05 |
valorie | ChetManly: there was no distortion for me | 22:33 |
valorie | keep in mind that freenode is rebooting all their servers today, so there is quite a bit of turbulence | 22:33 |
=== Guest20840 is now known as claydoh | ||
ChetManly | valorie: what? | 22:40 |
valorie | [14:41] <ChetManly> do the falling floppies get distorted? | 22:41 |
valorie | not for me | 22:42 |
genii | Falling floppies? | 22:43 |
acheronuk | yep | 22:44 |
ssksjdkej | alllñlvaaaaaroooooo mooooooooliiiiiiinaaaaaa | 22:51 |
ssksjdkej | alllñlvaaaaaroooooo mooooooooliiiiiiinaaaaaa | 22:51 |
ssksjdkej | alllñlvaaaaaroooooo mooooooooliiiiiiinaaaaaa | 22:52 |
ssksjdkej | alllñlvaaaaaroooooo mooooooooliiiiiiinaaaaaa | 22:52 |
ssksjdkej | alllñlvaaaaaroooooo mooooooooliiiiiiinaaaaaa | 22:52 |
ChetManly | valorie: multi monitor? | 23:03 |
valorie | no, I just have a laptop | 23:04 |
jem- | alllñlvaaaaaroooooo mooooooooliiiiiiinaaaaaa | 23:28 |
jem- | alllñlvaaaaaroooooo mooooooooliiiiiiinaaaaaa | 23:28 |
jem- | alllñlvaaaaaroooooo mooooooooliiiiiiinaaaaaa | 23:28 |
jem- | alllñlvaaaaaroooooo mooooooooliiiiiiinaaaaaa | 23:28 |
jem- | alllñlvaaaaaroooooo mooooooooliiiiiiinaaaaaa | 23:28 |
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