chasinglogic | is there anyway to show time remaining on the batter in the top bar? | 02:28 |
chasinglogic | battery* | 02:30 |
msevwork | hi guy is it possible to alter the size of the icon in Synapse launcher | 06:45 |
msevwork | because its too huge for my taste :D | 06:45 |
maurice_ | Bonjour. Svp, je suis débutant. Quand je démarre mon ubuntu mate, il arrive des fois qu'il se plante et que je sois obligé d'éteindre l'ordinateur manuellement. Que dois-je faire? J'ai déjà fait mise à jour. | 09:47 |
Skyrider | Ello all | 10:58 |
Skyrider | Does mate (pi) come in lite version? | 11:05 |
ouroumov_ | hi Skyrider | 11:11 |
ouroumov_ | Skyrider, no | 11:11 |
Skyrider | That's a shame. | 11:11 |
ouroumov_ | What would be a lite version btw? | 11:11 |
Skyrider | no desktop pre-installed, and only the required components needed for it to work. | 11:12 |
Skyrider | etc :p | 11:12 |
ouroumov_ | So a server build of some kind? | 11:12 |
Skyrider | indeed. | 11:12 |
ouroumov_ | Maybe you could raise the idea on the ubuntu forums? | 11:13 |
Skyrider | Kinda surprised there is no lite version available though. | 11:14 |
Skyrider | Especially for the pi. | 11:14 |
ouroumov_ | It'd make no sense for Ubuntu MATE to make a version without MATE though | 11:15 |
Skyrider | That is actually true, yes :) | 11:16 |
Skyrider | But thus far, I can only find a 'mate' version of ubuntu for pi. | 11:16 |
ouroumov_ | gotta kill conn, bbl | 11:18 |
nomic | mate is a "lite" | 11:23 |
nomic | on rapsberry pi | 11:23 |
Skyrider | If the desktop is being installed, its not lite. | 11:23 |
msevwork | why not just raspbian lite | 11:25 |
Skyrider | Because its debian -_- | 11:25 |
msevwork | so? what difference does it make for a server distro? | 11:26 |
Skyrider | Package wise? a lot. | 11:26 |
msevwork | Skyrider, do you maybe know the answer to the question i posted earlier | 11:31 |
msevwork | on how to decrease the size of the huge icon in the Synapse launcher :D | 11:31 |
msevwork | the icon inside the launcher i mean | 11:31 |
msevwork | like the "looking glass" when one invokes the synapse | 11:31 |
Skyrider | I actually have no idea :( | 11:32 |
nomic | .z.z. | 11:34 |
Skyrider | Sorry | 11:35 |
msevwork | :) | 11:36 |
msevwork | np | 11:36 |
msevwork | gonna ask at launchpad probably | 11:36 |
Skyrider | I assume you googled it up? :p | 11:36 |
msevwork | yes | 11:36 |
msevwork | nothing comes up | 11:36 |
msevwork | i even used the search tool and looked inside files :D | 11:36 |
mate|86107 | | 12:00 |
kierons-pi | hi | 13:14 |
wizd3m | hey peeps | 13:32 |
mate|18065 | Hello everyone! I'm trying to install Ubuntu Mate 16.04 on my Asus N552VW, with Win 10 already installed. I've disabled secure and fast boot, but when i start the live the notebook is stuck in the loading screen and i have to force restart! Any suggestion? | 13:36 |
wizd3m | Try to add the nomodeset option when in the startscreen. Just press E to edit and add nomodeset to the last options. | 13:38 |
mate|18065 | I'll try! | 13:39 |
wizd3m | just be sure to add it between ro and quiet ;) | 13:39 |
mate|18065 | Ok thanks! | 13:40 |
wizd3m | this option forces your computer not to use your GPU | 13:40 |
wizd3m | yw | 13:40 |
=== owner_ is now known as Guest73966 | ||
nash_ | how to enable wifi indicator | 17:52 |
mate|65431 | Standard question I guess, but what to start with after installing ubuntu? | 18:10 |
=== MrBIOS_ is now known as MrBIOS | ||
=== MrBIOS_ is now known as MrBIOS | ||
khw | ether, My computer froze (bug in Ubuntu), and I didn't write down the chain you mentioned before that happened. | 19:37 |
Akuli | so far i've found one bug that can crash my system | 19:38 |
Akuli | if i enter a really looooooooooooooooong command to the terminal ubuntu's command-not-found-handle fills up my ram :D | 19:39 |
Akuli | i filed a bug, but nobody is interested in fixing it | 19:39 |
khw | Oops, wrong window. My bug is holding down CTRL-E to scroll down in gvim. By remapping that to individual commands, it makes it happen much less. | 19:43 |
=== Skyrid3r is now known as Skyrider | ||
andy__ | anone use multiwii | 20:32 |
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ubuntu-mate | hola alguien en español | 22:00 |
rumflump | !es | 22:01 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 22:01 |
brian_ | i know this isn't exactly a problem with my system, but is there some sort of binding or libary, or even official documentation on making a panel applet for gnome/mate based systems? My goal is to make a start menu GUI for mate, but i cant really find too much on it, at least in python. | 22:21 |
rahtgaz | brian_: check also the ubuntu channel. But in short, I've been trying to find information on the exact same thing for some time and the information just doesn't seem to be anywhere, or is too dispersed and incomplete making it very hard to put up a complete picture of the gnome interface. | 22:31 |
rahtgaz | I eventually gave up thinking it was too much work, just to try and understand what is, where is it and how to use the API | 22:32 |
brian_ | i know cinnamon has documentation on a JS applet, but thats different :( | 22:32 |
rahtgaz | as much as I love MATE, i think that if the documentation situation isn't improved, it will be very hard for it to gain new blood as old blood moves on to other things... and it will eventually disappear. DEs like Cinnamon and Budgie seem to be in a better position to eventually displace it | 22:37 |
rahtgaz | It's been quiet a few years now since Gnome 2 was an influential DE and there's plenty of new people out there (like me, and possibly you) that are eager to contribute but weren't around the linux OS during the days of gnome 2 and so have no knowledge of its workings. Without documentation, we are basically left out of options | 22:40 |
brian_ | well... LXQT is trying to modernize what LXDE was, so perhaps if they are succesful we may have a more modern updated alternative. | 22:41 |
brian_ | rahtgaz, found this recent article | 22:44 |
brian_ | rahtgaz, ive never really had a use for python GUIs, so im not sure, but since this integrates with the panel and allows you to display things, mabye it can be made into a menu | 22:45 |
rahtgaz | It gets registered as an indicator though, so I'm not sure. Also there are some differences between Unity and MATE indicators. But its worth a shot. | 22:47 |
rahtgaz | Also, I think the development board on our forums is ideal for this. if you can come up with a rough code draft, you may get some help from the developers... hopefully | 22:48 |
rahtgaz | I just balk at the idea of coding it in python. I'm personally desperate for some knowledge on the C bindings | 22:51 |
brian_ | I dont program as a proffesion right now, i merely do it as a hobby, so i dont know too much, and i also dont know too much in other launguages other than python, i just find python convenient. So as for making a javascript applet im not too fond of the idea, because i would have to learn JS... Im going to ask on the forums and hopefuly see if anyone knows anything... but i have a feeling my search will come up short. | 22:54 |
brian_ | Also i have no experience in C... And i doubt you can use C#... | 22:54 |
=== c-MATE is now known as c-mate | ||
c-mate | geez dell d610 still chugging along | 22:57 |
c-mate | even on a distro as light as this | 22:57 |
rahtgaz | you should be ok with python for these type of tasks. MATE (most DEs for that matter) favor python as the default interface language | 22:57 |
rahtgaz | hmm.. it's only 10 years old, c-mate. Shouldn't be noticeably slower. You mean during boot, or all-around slow | 22:59 |
c-mate | during install | 23:00 |
c-mate | takes it a second to think | 23:00 |
c-mate | but thats cause im on kiwi during install | 23:01 |
rahtgaz | it's probably nothing. it takes ages to install on my machine too. it's faster when installing on a VM on the same machine. go figure | 23:04 |
c-mate | lol | 23:04 |
c-mate | its doing aight install wise | 23:04 |
c-mate | just not firefox | 23:04 |
c-mate | firefox is a bit slow | 23:04 |
rahtgaz | what else isn't? Browsers are living things. start young and fresh and after sometime old, slow and irritating | 23:06 |
brian_ | c-mate, i like to use chrome or chromium, i get better preformance, with tab-suspender and adguard. | 23:17 |
brian_ | can a svg look just like a png? | 23:20 |
brian_ | the reason i ask is because the svg uses geometry, so im not sure if it would be able to present a detailed image like thousands of pixels can. | 23:21 |
brian_ | im thinking ill use pysvg, to convert a png image to svg, which will prevent downloading of the image on a web browser? | 23:21 |
ouroumov_ | Why would it prevent this? | 23:24 |
brian_ | my browser prevents downloading SVGs? i suppose i shouldn't assume | 23:28 |
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