
* Kilos waits for za to wake up00:00
paddatrapperMorning Kilos04:47
Kiloshi paddatrapper `hows things there04:48
Kiloshi Cryterion 04:48
paddatrapperVarsities are still closed, but I'm busy with pyconza which is fun :) 04:48
CryterionKilos interact granted to Debs on minetest server04:48
Kilosi have tried04:49
paddatrapperKilos: Your side? 04:49
Kiloswhat kinda interact04:49
Cryterionaction interact, I.E. can do things04:49
Kiloshere it just stays kinda cold paddatrapper , sunny day yesterday but wind never seems to rest here04:49
Kilosshould i go punch her Cryterion ?04:50
Kilosi even tried opening the door for her but her punch function doesnt do anything04:50
Cryterionthat'll work now04:52
paddatrapperHeh we had nice 29/30 weather the other day 04:52
Kiloslemme try04:52
Kilosnope Cryterion 04:52
Kiloshammer moves but no power04:53
Kiloslike she doesnt have permission to dig04:53
inetprouh-oh! 04:59
* inetpro notices some people doing serious minetesting again 05:01
inetprogood morning everyone 05:01
Kiloshi inetpro 05:01
KilosCryterion do you remember the link to superfly 's server?05:02
Kilosim hoping to show debs all our work when we first started05:02
inetpropaddatrapper: please tell us more about pyconza 05:03
Kilosinetpro watse vrug is die http://pasteboard.co/7pWDlkBS.jpg05:08
Kiloslyk soos applekoos05:08
Kilosek kannie naby kom nie05:08
Kilosblare lyk soos avo05:08
paddatrapperinetpro: its the Python conference for SA. There are about 380 delegates, 3 tracks and lots of hack spaces. Started yesterday and finishes today 05:10
Kilosoh my he crashed05:12
inetpropaddatrapper: link? 05:25
inetproKilos: I just noticed the gofundme update 05:26
Kiloswhat a luck hey05:26
inetprothat's awesome news from Monash05:26
inetprohats off to them, that's like one massive donation all by itself 05:27
Kilos25 of our k05:27
paddatrapperinetpro: https://za.pycon.org/05:28
inetprothanks paddatrapper 05:28
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy 08:30
LangjanHi guys, whats the latest from kilos re his health and funds?09:35
andrewlsdTotal amount due is now reduced to $5,889.6011:58
andrewlsddue to special discount from Monash11:58
andrewlsdnot sure if that is $5,889.60 + the $4,580 in gofundme campaign (total then $10,46912:01
andrewlsd). Or whether that the "total bill" now.12:01
andrewlsdif the second, then only 12:01
andrewlsdif the second, then only $1,310 would still  need to be raised.  12:02
andrewlsdinetpro: do you have a clarification on which of those the required target?12:02
andrewlsdinetpro: ie total bill for Kilos12:03
pavlushkaahoy ZA!13:04
inetproandrewlsd: was confusing to me as well, I'll try to get clarity on that asap14:01
inetpro12519.30 (Original Amount) - 2503.90 (Discount) = 10015.4014:10
inetpro10,015.40 (New Amount) - 5,889.60 (outstanding) = 4,125.80 (Amount in Monash's Accounts?)14:10
inetpro4,610.00 (Currently raised) - 4,125.80 (Amount in Monash's Accounts?) = 484.2014:10
inetprodon't know where this difference of $484.20 would be14:11
chesedoinetpro: i wonder if it would be exchange related (the fund raiser may be in USD while the account will be in AUD)...15:31
=== z4ki is now known as zaki
superflychesedo: the fundraiser is in AUS$17:23
pavlushkatheblazehen: ping :)18:38
pavlushkaoh and sharing will add 30 AUD to the fund :)18:38
* pavlushka adding footnote to superfly's post :)18:40
inetprouh-oh! Who's stealing my bits again?19:49
inetprogood evening?19:49
inetproah, I see they did a reboot at freenode19:50

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