
xubuntu36w I need a help my xubuntu  this locking before appearing the login screen01:45
xubuntu36wI need a help my xubuntu  this locking before appearing the login scr01:53
jj995when I lock my screen, sometimes it shows "Light Display Manager" in the top right and when I enter my password it says "Incorrect password".  If I Ctrl-Alt F1 then Ctrl-Alt F2 the lock screen is gone -- no need to enter a password.  When I wake up my laptop from sleep, the lock screen shows my name in the top right and entering my password works.  it is as if there are two different lock programs, and one is broken.  anybody know how to fix this?04:00
jj995uninstalling gnome-screensaver solved that problem04:06
kosmos890How do I create a global .desktop file (for all users)?10:00
Unit193kosmos890: Besides putting in it /usr/local/share/applications/?10:06
kosmos890Unit193: There isnt folder "applications"10:10
Unit193Create it.10:10
Unit193By default, there's actually not a lot in /usr/local/10:12
kosmos890I create the /user/local/share/applications/myfile.desktop but it doesn' t work.10:17
friend17how is mounting of usb hdd managed? i want to auto mount at boot but when using fstab all files and folders are owned by root, the drive is ntfs, i tryed user_id=1000,group_id=1000 but it has no effect?10:20
Unit193kosmos890: Just tried adding one to /usr/local/share/applications/ and it showed up in the menu fine, are you sure the syntax is right?10:21
Unit193`desktop-file-validate` might help.10:23
kosmos890Unit193: My desktop file is shown into menu "other" category (but I had set Categories = Favorites) only for the ADMIN user. How to use 'desktop-file-validate'? Sorry for my bad english10:30
Unit193Are you trying to add one to Whisker's favorites?10:32
Unit193If so, I don't use that so don't know how exactly, but that's in whisker settings.10:32
friend17just realised user_id=1000 should have been uid=100010:36
friend17works as expected now10:36
friend17thats what i get for relying on forums and not reading the man first10:37
kosmos890Unit193: I didn't modify whisker menu. I edit only the key<Categories>-<value> pair in myfile.desktop. Now I found menulibre to edit applications. The same question again. All changes in whisker menu are global?10:39
Unit193kosmos890: You might have to modify the Xubuntu default one for that /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/ (and wherever it puts it in there.)10:41
kosmos890Unit193: Thanks for your help. Still I am not able to create a global .desktop file.I will try to create a separate user and follow these instructions http://askubuntu.com/questions/74205/how-do-i-prevent-a-user-from-customizing-the-panel-in-xubuntu to lock panels and then I will create the .desktop file. The user has the privilege to delete the .desktop file?10:58
xubuntu94wNeed help. No sound driver on Fujitsu Scenic p-30012:33
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