
c-matewew thats an intense password00:38
c-mateok screen cracked on me00:39
c-matenow im on inspiron 152500:39
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sekretaHi, has anyone successfully gotten Private Internet Access running in 16.04 recently? All the guides and forum posts I have found online and followed have been unsuccessful.03:10
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18WAABBOVI need help, i had just installed ubuntu-mate on my new laptop [Lenovo 100s] but my power always stays at 100% so i have to install a new battery driver bu found no one please hel me!16:49
18WAABBOVI need help, i had just installed ubuntu-mate on my new laptop [Lenovo 100s] but my power always stays at 100% so i have to install a new battery driver bu found no one please hel me!17:02
Burn2if someone is already here, i have got a question to confirm a bug on "mate + compiz"21:16
SnipesHi Burn2. What's the bug?21:21
Burn2Hi Snipes21:21
Burn2Here is the problem, that i could reproduce on the live cd without any upgrade21:21
Burn2so i enable compiz in the option of mate tweak.21:21
Burn2With compiz enable, alt + tab does not show the minimised application has it should. The option is already on on the pluggin, i have tested all the pluggin that does that on compiz and it's already the same21:22
Burn2On the panel, the application is here, i could call it back again, so it's just like the "alt + tab" does not see it when it's minimised, even if the option to take care of it is enabled21:23
Burn2In fact if i use the "alt + tab option for all the desktop" i see the minimised application21:23
Burn2but not on the option for the curent desktop even if the application is on this panel21:24
Burn2sometimes after minimised it disapear from the panel too, the application is steal running, but mate does not see it again. It only appear with compiz, not with the default option or compton21:25
Burn2(and with all the update, it's the same of course)21:25
SnipesI also have Compiz. Gonna check it out21:26
Burn2The disaparition seems to appear less, perhaps it's when i use the "all deskop alt + tab" that show the windows, and then when i minimise it it disapear from the panel too (i should take a look to confirm), it's like compiz and mate does not really work togever and something goes wrong21:29
Burn2thank's Snipes.21:30
SnipesMinimized windows disappear here also when using Application switcher21:31
Burn2so it's the same problem. And do you confirm the over part? That alt + tab does not show the minimised application?21:32
SnipesI'm using Shift switcher21:32
SnipesIn Shift switcher you can do Alt + Super + Tab and that is showing minimized windows21:33
Burn2i have tested all, and always have the same problem21:33
Burn2yes Snipes but, it will show the application of all the desktop, that's the same21:34
Burn2so it's the same problem then me, it does not work has it should. :/21:34
SnipesStrange. I only have the bug in Application Switcher21:34
SnipesBut yes, normal switching in Shift Switcher also doesn't show minimized windows21:35
Burn2i am on "ring switcher", and it's the same, alt tab "normal" does not show the minimised application, only if i use all worksplace21:35
Burn2so you confirm the bug :/21:35
Burn2where does this bug could be reported? is it more compiz or mate related?21:36
SnipesYes. But is this also in other distro's? You should Google it. I don't really miss it, so I never researched the bug :P21:36
Burn2i have google it and found nothing21:36
Burn2it's like nobody found the bug...21:37
SnipesThan it could be a Mate bug21:37
SnipesCouldn't hurt to report it to Mate and Compiz21:37
Burn2i was going to use ubuntu mate, but then with such bug i could not :(21:37
Burn2i could confirm that on xfce + compiz on ubuntu 14.04 all was ok21:37
SnipesSo why not use xfce?21:38
SnipesIt's a good distro. I just couldn't get some themes working, so I tried Mate and stuck with it21:38
Burn2because on the xubuntu 16.04 i have got problem with compiz too21:39
Burn2but it was on the "panel"21:39
Burn2not panel, on the theme of the decorator21:40
Burn2but could be related to the upgrade from 14.0421:40
Burn2so after testing mate, i found it good. So i have made a clean install with made, thinking that all would be ok has it's an official integration of compiz21:40
Burn2i will test fresh install with xubuntu + compiz see if all is ok21:41
Burn2i am connected to irc made to see if it's just related to "ubuntu" integration/version of mate21:41
Snipesxfce and Compiz has been problematic for me in previous versions. so I haven't used compiz with xfce. I find Mate to work better with compiz than xfce21:42
Burn2i do not have any problem before with xfce, that's a lot of time i use it on all my computer21:43
SnipesBut I cant remember if the Alt + Tab problem also was in Xubuntu, so you'll heve to test it21:43
SnipesI had it the other way around :P21:44
Burn2in 14.04 that was not the same, i will test on the 16.04 to see, but i doupt.21:44
SnipesBut it could be a hardware difference. You never know21:44
Burn2perhaps, but i am using it on a lot of different computer, one with intel igp sandy bridge, one with nvidia 250GTS, an other with an old 6600go with no problem21:45
Burn2for the mate + compiz pb, it's more related to the integration. But it could be the version of compiz, or the "old" version or mate that make the problem21:46
SnipesI used to be a distro hopper, but I've settled with Mate now, so I can't tell you anything about the new Xubuntu, so you'll have to install it. But installing Linux is fun :P21:46
Burn2yes no problem, it's a test computer, so i could do it, with no problem for my production, my other computer is steal on 14.04 until i found what i will use. :d21:47
Burn2but, it's bad that except that, everything was good on the ubuntu mate version. :/21:48
Burn2i have see that ubuntu use the 1.12.1 version where as the latest is 1.16, and on the 1.14 i see thing related to "alt + tab"21:52
Burn2i could test linux mint mate version to see if it's the same, when i have got time, that would confirm that's version related21:56
SnipesI think testing is the only option at the moment. i can't find anything online either. Only some bugfixes for minimized windows in Unity21:58
SnipesNow I'm actively searching for bugs in compiz in Google, I have found some more. Luckily no bugs that I would stop using Mate of Compiz :)22:01
Burn2yes i am upgrading to the mate 1.14 from the ppa to see if it solve or not the problem, if it solve it would be an information22:02
Burn2but i do not know where to report the bug after that22:02
Burn2ok i come back, i have to reboot, to see if it's solve or not. If i do not come back, it would be that i have brocken mate :d22:03
SnipesOk. Good luck22:04
burn2Ok nothing brocken :d22:05
burn2V 1.14.1, let see if it solve or not the problem22:05
burn2nothing change....22:06
SnipesToo bad.22:07
burn2so it's more related to compiz perhaps22:07
SnipesThat would be logical.22:08
burn2will see if i could found a ppa with updated version of compiz...22:08
SnipesI have to go, but good luck with testing!22:10
burn2ok thank's; i will have to go too, i do not find any ppa for compiz...22:12

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