
=== napsy_ is now known as Guest36102
zdobbie*** entertainment *** https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/the-caller-had-a-lewd-tape-of-donald-trump-then-the-race-was-on/2016/10/07/31d74714-8ce5-11e6-875e-2c1bfe943b66_story.html04:46
PepelkaA caller had a lewd tape of Donald Trump. Then the race to break the story was on. - The Washington Post04:46
Pepelka»How an 11 a.m. phone call turned into a 4 p.m. scoop — and one of the most shocking stories of this election year.«04:46
zdobbiecan I haz a Sun please07:57
CrazyLemonno sun for us today08:06
CrazyLemonjutri bo boljše08:07
CrazyLemonno vsaj pri meni bo boljše :D08:09
zdobbiezdej se neki sveti08:14
zdobbienow can I haz some warm08:24
CrazyLemonholy sh1t you are a demanding guy08:25
CrazyLemon.vreme koper08:25
jabuk2ARSO: Koper Kapitanija (4m): 12.5°C @08.10.2016 8:00 UTC.08:25
jabuk2Vlažnost: 62% jugovzhodnik 1.4 m/s (5.0 km/h)08:25
jabuk2Sončni vzhod: 05:13:37, Kulminacija: 10:53:42, Sončni zahod: 16:33:4608:25
jabuk2Dan je dolg: 11ur 20min 09s, Luna je v ščipu08:25
zdobbie.vreme Celje08:30
jabuk2ARSO: Celje (244m): 6°C @08.10.2016 8:00 UTC.08:30
jabuk2Vlažnost: 96% severovzhodnik 0.7 m/s (2.5 km/h)08:30
jabuk2Sončni vzhod: 05:08:01, Kulminacija: 10:47:33, Sončni zahod: 16:27:0508:30
jabuk2Dan je dolg: 11ur 19min 04s, Luna je v ščipu08:30
zdobbieoh man08:30
CrazyLemonje kr frišno oštja09:19
zdobbie!t it sl oštja09:24
CrazyLemon!t en sl fail09:52
pitastrudlkoper ma ljubljansko vreme zdaj10:05
pitastrudljust grey10:05
pitastrudlmax level of greynes lahko dozivite v hamburgu10:05
pitastrudlits depressing10:05
CrazyLemonyou are depressing!10:08
zdobbiekdo te sili v hamburger ...10:09
pitastrudlCrazyLemon ne ti si10:11
pitastrudlzdobbie ta druga polovica10:12
zdobbiea je nemka?10:13
zdobbieal jih najdes10:13
zdobbiemet via counter-strike?10:16
pitastrudlhov did ju knov10:16
zdobbieheadshots connect people, on emotional level10:17
zdobbieI tried this so many times with CrazyLemon in insurgency10:17
zdobbiealas, team-kills are bad10:18
pitastrudllooks like it didnt work10:19
CrazyLemonyou never headshot me punk10:27
zdobbieit's so ez10:38
CrazyLemonyou're ez10:50
Pepelka [Ubuntu.si] CrazyLemon: RE: Med zaganjanjem sistema se le ta zaustavi pri GRUBu  https://www.ubuntu.si/forum/discussion/comment/43960#Comment_4396010:54
zdobbieclap clap fucking clap11:54
zdobbiemerde des merdes11:54
=== napsy_ is now known as Guest36102
yangKdo je že omenjal Talos tukaj ?14:42
CrazyLemonsnowden je omenjal talos15:41
CrazyLemon.stran https://ctrlq.org15:43
jabuk2https://ctrlq.org ni dosegljiva15:43
PepelkaGoogle Apps Script Developer - Amit Agarwal15:43
Pepelka»We help Google Apps users automate business processes and improve workflows with Google Scripts. Our expertise includes Google Sheets, Forms, Google Drive, Gmail, Maps and Google Calendar.«15:43
CrazyLemon.stran https://trakt.tv15:56
jabuk2https://trakt.tv ni dosegljiva15:56
PepelkaAutomatically track TV & movies you're watching. - Trakt.tv15:56
Pepelka»Scrobble, check in, discover, collect, rate, and comment.«15:56
CrazyLemonok..i'm confused15:56
CrazyLemon.stran https://trakt.tv15:56
jabuk2https://trakt.tv ni dosegljiva15:56
PepelkaAutomatically track TV & movies you're watching. - Trakt.tv15:56
Pepelka»Scrobble, check in, discover, collect, rate, and comment.«15:56
CrazyLemon.stran https://google.com16:01
jabuk2https://google.com ni dosegljiva16:01
CrazyLemon.apt nm-tool16:04
=== napsy_ is now known as Guest36102
PepelkaWhy is Trump so keen to build a wall to keep out Mexican rapists? : Jokes17:47
Pepelka»He's afraid of the competition.«17:47
CrazyLemonzdobbie kaj je tako zanimivega na rtvju?17:53
zdobbieodmevi vcerej17:54
CrazyLemonkaj je bilo tako zanimivega na odmevih včeraj?17:54
yangnage babe17:56
=== napsy_ is now known as Guest36102
CrazyLemonzdobbie če mi poveš kako naj livestreamam okno + audio18:39
CrazyLemonpotem ti lahk streamam odmeve18:39
zdobbiena ubuntuju?18:39
CrazyLemonflv sourcea nism najdu tko da..i guess je stream edina možnost18:40
CrazyLemonlive stream*18:40
zdobbieCrazyLemon: https://obsproject.com18:40
CrazyLemonzdobbie za youtube stream moraš bit partner18:47
zdobbieCrazyLemon: facebook live?18:53
CrazyLemonzdobbie lol18:54
zdobbieu not hype?18:54
yanguh danes je zivahno tukaj, fuzbal tekma pa se koncert18:55
yanglahko bi hot-doge prodajal18:55
CrazyLemonzdobbie sj sm začel youtube stream18:57
zdobbieu partner now?18:57
CrazyLemonsam moram še porihtat osb18:57
CrazyLemonzdobbie očitno ne rabiš več bit partner18:57
CrazyLemonits beta18:57
zdobbieclassic Google18:58
CrazyLemonVideo output low18:59
CrazyLemonYouTube is not receiving enough video to maintain smooth streaming. As such, viewers will experience buffering.18:59
CrazyLemon1mbps is not good enough18:59
zdobbiepozresn YouTube19:00
yangThe Gini coefficient was proposed by Gini as a measure of inequality of income or wealth.[5] For OECD countries, in the late 20th century, considering the effect of taxes and transfer payments, the income Gini coefficient ranged between 0.24 and 0.49, with Slovenia the lowest and Chile the highest.19:01
zdobbieCrazyLemon: hvala, ampak tist prispevek sem pol uspel pogledat19:01
CrazyLemonzdobbie še vedno ne štekam zakaj OBS pokaže black screen19:02
CrazyLemonpokaže pa cursor19:02
zdobbieCrazyLemon: Unity19:02
CrazyLemonzdobbie naah19:06
CrazyLemoncelotno namizje pokaže19:07
CrazyLemonsam chrome okna ni hotu19:07
CrazyLemonalso..1mbps is so not enough19:07
CrazyLemonpriporoča kdo kak film?19:12
zdobbieSwiss Army Man19:13
zdobbiekva je ze19:13
yangCitizen kane19:13
zdobbieThere Will Be Blood19:13
CrazyLemon.imdb there will be blood19:14
jabuk2There Will Be Blood |25 Jan 2008 158 min| Drama19:14
jabuk2A story of family, religion, hatred, oil and madness, focusing on a turn-of-the-century prospector in the early days of the business.19:14
jabuk2IMDB:8.1/10 (375,662 glasov) | Tomato: 8.4/10 216 reviews (users: 4.0/5 252601 reviews)19:14
jabuk2Povezava: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt046949419:14
CrazyLemonc'mon man..0819:14
CrazyLemonright..but 0819:15
CrazyLemonkar pomeni..no one is seeding that sh1t19:15
matjazthere will be blood ma na partisu zihr čez 100 sejalcev19:16
matjazgood enuff!19:17
CrazyLemonnot even near 100!19:17
CrazyLemonyou promised more than a 100!19:17
CrazyLemoni want more! more i say!19:17
CrazyLemonmogoče bi bilo bl pametno mal potrenirat headshote..da ne bo zdobbie tako glasn19:18
CrazyLemonwho am i kidding.. zdobbie bo vedno glasn19:18
CrazyLemoni'm a prophet19:19
CrazyLemonyou on the other hand ..you are a prophat19:19
CrazyLemonnič ne bo..popcorn ne mara TWBB19:22
CrazyLemoninsurgency it is19:22
PepelkaDonald Trump: "Grab them by the pussy" - YouTube19:25
Pepelka»Donald J. Trump is heard using vulgar terms where he bragged about grabbing women "by the p---y" in newly surfaced footage from 2005«19:25
matjazCrazyLemon, maš kej framedropa?19:27
zdobbietis but a normal excuse for his lack of usefulness in co-op games19:29
CrazyLemonmatjaz ne vem..konzolo ne morem več priklicat :D19:33
CrazyLemonampak neki malega je imho19:33
matjazshift tab19:33
CrazyLemonker te high detailed obleke so kr požrešne19:33
matjazpa maš tam od steama overlay19:33
matjazbaje ja19:33
Pepelka [Ubuntu.si] MiranR: RE: Med zaganjanjem sistema se le ta zaustavi pri GRUBu  https://www.ubuntu.si/forum/discussion/comment/43961#Comment_4396119:33
matjazsej zato sprašujem19:33
matjazše nisem igral od kat je bil updatze19:34
zdobbieCrazyLemon: ctrl+alt+f1 do ctrl+alt+f919:35
CrazyLemonmatjaz join me19:36
CrazyLemonali pa ostani kle pa pa poslušaj zdobbie kako trolla19:37
matjazgledal fuzbal, čez eno urco če boš še19:38
CrazyLemonmatjaz k19:40
zdobbiequoi!?!?!? je ne 'troll' pas!19:42
CrazyLemonti si pas k trolla ja :P19:50
CrazyLemonkr dež!20:05
CrazyLemonda faq20:05
Pepelka [Ubuntu.si] CrazyLemon: RE: Med zaganjanjem sistema se le ta zaustavi pri GRUBu  https://www.ubuntu.si/forum/discussion/comment/43962#Comment_4396220:44
yangWhat will You Get?22:50
yangYou will not only get the VoCore but also its full hardware design including schematic, circuit diagram(PCB); full source code including bootloader, system, applications. You are able to control EVERY BIT of your VoCore.22:50
PepelkaVoCore2: The World's Smallest Smart Router | Indiegogo22:50
Pepelka»Coin-sized Linux computer & smart router, target to make wireless life easier, fully open source.«22:50

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