
daftykinsthe 5am pi reboot! :>04:17
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:51
diddledandon't you love random butt-dialing12:53
SuperEngineerdunno - I've never dialled a random butt12:58
celebrujoin pokemon14:09
* penguin42 noticed that GUADEC is up in Manchester next year16:06
penguin42heck that's neat17:33
diddledantime for me to lose my man cred by watching strictly17:52
zmoylan-pidepends what ballgown you wear while doing so...18:24
popeyAzelphur: I just joined a random TF2 server (not played for ages) and your name flashed up :)20:23
=== Eddie is now known as Guest65275

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