floridagram13 | <AdamOutler> Adamoutler interview with Rick Astley … https://news.adamoutler.com/FriOct7230118EDT2016/ | 03:02 |
floridagram13 | <govatent> And I fell for it. | 03:25 |
floridagram13 | <govatent> I was like, this is a risky link | 03:25 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> http://www.androidpolice.com/2016/10/08/okay-googeeelll-watch-adorable-4-year-old-boy-use-google-home/ | 16:27 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> yes! http://www.theverge.com/2016/10/4/13164882/google-assistant-actions-on-google-developer-sdk | 17:29 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> I just pulled a @RazPi and got a Laser Printer | 17:30 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> the heck? | 17:30 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> I don't print a whole lot so my ink cartridges tend to dry up before I use them | 17:33 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> Going to the underground coffeehaus for a bit | 19:29 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> Nice | 21:48 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> Getting ahead a little | 21:48 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> Wait | 22:03 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> Crap | 22:03 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> That's the release party | 22:03 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> Who's using Allo? | 22:33 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> I do - feel free to add me 305-929-3475 | 22:51 |
floridagram13 | <Abrerr> I do but the lack of web client and unable to use on multiple devices is a serious drawback. | 23:00 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> I don't think it works with Wear well | 23:01 |
floridagram13 | <Abrerr> Pebble user here, it bundles notifications to X messages in Y chats -- instead of continuing to tell me a particular messages, which kinda sucks | 23:02 |
floridagram13 | <Abrerr> I kinda miss hangouts now :\ | 23:02 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> I agree with everything you said Dustin | 23:03 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> Its still alive for now | 23:03 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> I also do not like how it does not support Glass | 23:03 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> PoC not final for sure | 23:06 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> Arg, I am really considering the Pixel, but I will likely wait a few months | 23:10 |
floridagram13 | <Abrerr> dat price tho | 23:13 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> I currently have the 128 GB Nexus 6P which if sold could cover part of it | 23:16 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> That is also not even close to the amount of money I have thrown at Google products in the past few years. I own the Pixel C and Google Glass as well - both expensive purchases | 23:17 |
floridagram13 | <Abrerr> I usually rock the 16gb devices, but after streaming music, I'm thinking 32gb is finally needed. | 23:18 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> I have the 64gb OPO | 23:19 |
floridagram13 | <Abrerr> My biggest ? is the 808 vs the 821 | 23:19 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> 32 is the bare minimum IMHO | 23:20 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> I stream mostly nowadays | 23:20 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> I also like to keep quite a bit of offline content with me as I sometimes travel to places with lackluster internet access | 23:20 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> But I do like to save a few things now | 23:21 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> I stream most of my stuff but keep a few GB of music and videos | 23:21 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> Not to mention offline YouTube | 23:21 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> 32 is the mini now | 23:21 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> Dont get me wrong, I chew through a TON of LTE data | 23:21 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> XD | 23:21 |
floridagram13 | <Abrerr> I'm feeling the constraints -- like to keepa few gigs of educational audio, GPM doesn't agree. | 23:21 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> I keep about 10 GB of offline podcasts alone | 23:22 |
floridagram13 | <Abrerr> Cached music is a huge hog, didn't realize how much music I listened to til recently lol. I drive a lot for work and am always streaming in the car. | 23:22 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> Oh god | 23:22 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> I have Android Auto and tend to stream at least 90 minutes per day when I have to go to the office | 23:23 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> I play music not podcasts mostly | 23:24 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> Wow | 23:26 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> I may be able to get away with a 64 GB phone but would not mind the extra space when I travel | 23:26 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> Holy | 23:27 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> Yes, AndroidPolice listed that last week | 23:27 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> I think I finally got this re-calibrated | 23:28 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> This first layer is going down perfectly | 23:28 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> Hopefully | 23:28 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> Look at what you get though | 23:28 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> It costs 69 just got the unit | 23:28 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> I know | 23:29 |
floridagram13 | <Abrerr> How is android tv? | 23:32 |
floridagram13 | <Abrerr> Dunno anything about it | 23:32 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> It is pretty sweet, I have not even plugged in my cable box in over 8 months | 23:33 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> I have the Shield Pro TV | 23:33 |
floridagram13 | <ahoneybun> I just have the Nexus Player | 23:33 |
floridagram13 | <Abrerr> Any benefit over streaming flix with chromecast? :D | 23:37 |
floridagram13 | <KMyers> You dont need to have your phone with you | 23:40 |
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