zequence | sakrecoer: Inga problem, eller hur? | 00:02 |
zequence | sakrecoer: I know that you are not heartless. The way I know that, do you know? | 00:03 |
sakrecoer | this thing is beatyfull, kaj. with you too. | 00:04 |
zequence | What thing? Not sure I agree yet.. | 00:04 |
sakrecoer | frienship goes beyond cyberspac. lile i roöd ypu in my sms; i miss decorticating the universe with you. | 00:06 |
sakrecoer | you don'y need to be here to be giving. just make that crazy music only you know how to. | 00:10 |
sakrecoer | i know it coz' you put it here on freenose for us who care | 00:11 |
sakrecoer | or st least for me, with that hilighteye _you_ gave me. | 00:14 |
zequence | You are right. There are no definitive lines. | 00:16 |
zequence | So, your thoughts, we should just forget about what has happened, and move on? | 00:18 |
sakrecoer | i am a little bitsad you couldn't take my second sebnsei's awesome 3.6 chambre. but iam very hapy to have adhad you as a master, zequence . no one can take that from us. | 00:18 |
sakrecoer | you can be a dick to _me_. it doesn't matter. you are zequence, tye person who made many and my creativity possible for at least 3 years. | 00:20 |
zequence | sakrecoer: I am sad about what has happened. | 00:21 |
zequence | It didn't turn out the way we had planned | 00:21 |
sakrecoer | and yes, maybe, i send you love sms in climsy ways, i do appreciate you for real. not only for knowing you AFK but also for knowing you AFK. | 00:21 |
zequence | you are right. It was clumpsy | 00:23 |
zequence | But, are you the right man for the job? | 00:24 |
zequence | It is important, I think. | 00:25 |
sakrecoer | hopefully, as good ad you. | 00:26 |
sakrecoer | unfortunately, way less techy... | 00:26 |
zequence | sakrecoer: How can we solve this? | 00:27 |
zequence | sakrecoer: Let's just say you are the right man for the job. You are, actually! | 00:28 |
sakrecoer | mi don't know... i miss my universe dicorticstor. all i know for sure, is thst neither you nor me is cub. | 00:28 |
zequence | How would you proceed? | 00:28 |
sakrecoer | i will begin by making peace with you | 00:29 |
zequence | Ok? We do that, and then what? | 00:29 |
zequence | Do you actually make peace? | 00:30 |
sakrecoer | then we keep on. like we did.. and also we try to find a better PL then me | 00:30 |
zequence | How do you make peace? | 00:30 |
zequence | Like a battle, that never ends? | 00:30 |
sakrecoer | i don't give up on your friendhsip | 00:30 |
zequence | Du har missat nåt på vägen | 00:31 |
zequence | Det kallas inte vänskap | 00:31 |
zequence | Du är lost, grabbenb | 00:31 |
zequence | JAg leker med dig nu | 00:32 |
sakrecoer | true, it's called legacy or respect | 00:32 |
zequence | För du fattar inte det | 00:32 |
zequence | Nej, det betyder bara att det fattas nåt i ditt huvve | 00:32 |
zequence | Kanske kan du lära dig det, men inte av mig | 00:33 |
zequence | Jag har gett dig alltför mycket tid nu | 00:33 |
sakrecoer | no, something was missing in _your_ hand wheb you highfived me afk | 00:33 |
zequence | The typical sociopath comeback | 00:34 |
zequence | It was YOUR fault | 00:34 |
zequence | It was always someone elses fault | 00:35 |
sakrecoer | i wish i could take that blame. it would make life, war and human condition easiet. | 00:35 |
zequence | sakrecoer: You take the blame, but the trouble is - you can't feel it. | 00:36 |
sakrecoer | fuck you i love you anyway, gigolo bitch | 00:36 |
zequence | And, the words of your troubles is that you finally found a smart enough person to see through you | 00:36 |
zequence | One that could see you as you really are | 00:36 |
sakrecoer | what can i say to one of my main sensei's? | 00:37 |
zequence | sakrecoer: You have all the classical signs. | 00:37 |
sakrecoer | ok, i wilö try to learn from my signs. i hear i'm a Virgo. i think you are cooler than this | 00:39 |
zequence | sakrecoer: You are a bit smarter than most people are. that is the only reason I didn't see it right away - cause you know that I know..' | 00:39 |
zequence | Sometimes I am a bit slow. But, only for a little while | 00:39 |
zequence | sakrecoer: So, about what happened, we will forget it, right? | 00:40 |
sakrecoer | yeah, i'm a cyberpunk psychopath, too happy to be true, to real to be cyber. _delete_ | 00:40 |
zequence | sakrecoer: Cool, so everything is as from the beginning? | 00:41 |
zequence | I dont' know. Simple question, in the end | 00:42 |
sakrecoer | except on your friendship part, i have a testimony on what a beautyfully and deep human ypu are and no one can take that from me | 00:42 |
sakrecoer | not even you | 00:43 |
zequence | sakrecoer: Ok, so I've gone a bit far, then? | 00:43 |
zequence | How do I earn your friendship back? | 00:44 |
zequence | sakrecoer: ? | 00:44 |
sakrecoer | maybe. but better too faar than wondering what is going on way away from where one stands. | 00:44 |
sakrecoer | you never lost it. in fact, i feard you lost mine. | 00:45 |
zequence | sakrecoer: You are to me, a classical example of a psychopath | 00:45 |
zequence | DalekSec: ^ flocculant ^ OvenWerks ^ | 00:46 |
zequence | Not sure they would get it though | 00:46 |
zequence | sakrecoer: Har du funderat på det? Är du en sociopat? | 00:47 |
zequence | sakrecoer: Känner du att jag förråder dig, eller så? | 00:47 |
sakrecoer | yes, i have. but you are wrong. i am a sociophile | 00:48 |
zequence | From the way you have interacted with me, nope, that is not it. | 00:49 |
zequence | I know you quite well now | 00:49 |
zequence | You can't hide from that anymore | 00:49 |
zequence | Not from someone like me, who can see | 00:49 |
zequence | And, if you wonder - what is that I see, well - I do see - that is why we are talking right now | 00:50 |
zequence | That is why I sort of lured you into a trap | 00:50 |
zequence | Someone like you cannot stay away from certain things | 00:51 |
zequence | "normal" people would have take certain actions by now | 00:52 |
zequence | All your friends may not know it yet, byt you are a sort of psycopath | 00:53 |
zequence | That is why behaved the way you did against Jimmy | 00:54 |
zequence | That is why you don't understand simple things like "don't write to me anymore" | 00:54 |
zequence | Because, you can't help yourself | 00:55 |
zequence | It's your condition | 00:55 |
zequence | And... | 00:56 |
zequence | That is the Ubuntu Studio leadership | 00:56 |
zequence | A sociopath, at the helm... | 00:56 |
zequence | If someone told me even once that they didn't like me, it would be very, very hard for them to get my friendhips | 00:58 |
zequence | That is the normal way | 00:58 |
zequence | But, of course, you can learn, by studyying. There's not a loyal bone in your body... | 00:58 |
zequence | krytarik: You are sort of the same family, arn't you? | 01:01 |
zequence | I know you | 01:01 |
zequence | Don't think any other are, though | 01:01 |
zequence | Worst people imaginable, running FLOSS projects, though | 01:02 |
zequence | I've played enough with sakrecoer. He is an easy victim, considering he is he typical villain. | 01:03 |
zequence | He doesn't understand things like honor | 01:04 |
zequence | He just does things, as they fit | 01:04 |
zequence | sakrecoer: Ska jag slippa höra från dig via mobil nu, eller? | 01:20 |
zequence | Eller. överhuvudataget? | 01:22 |
FManTropyx | hi, is there a date for 16.04.2? | 08:42 |
sakrecoer | FManTropyx: not yet it seems. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule | 08:50 |
eylul | by the way rosco2 did see your message, I'll try to do some of the testing today or monday. Thanks for reminding us. :) | 22:47 |
FManTropyx | why isn't Audacious included? | 23:45 |
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