valorie | ooo, looks like lots got done today | 01:33 |
valorie | I was hoping for applications to be done though | 01:33 |
acheronuk | valorie: yes, looks like the release team took a well earned Saturday evening off. | 05:41 |
valorie | yeah, all is quiet | 05:43 |
valorie | I don't want them to work to exhaustion | 05:44 |
valorie | I just want all our stuff in! | 05:44 |
acheronuk | ditto | 05:53 |
acheronuk | hopefully there will be enough about today, donating part of their sunday, to get that done :) | 05:54 |
valorie | I wish I could help | 05:56 |
acheronuk | from update_output.txt I *think* the final parts of frameworks are about to migrate to release, so just apps now to get unstuck in that case | 10:31 |
soee | | 10:52 |
clivejo | still a lot of our packages stuck :/ | 11:30 |
clivejo | mostly PIM | 11:31 |
* ahoneybun_ kicks desktop twitter clients out the dorr | 11:34 | |
ahoneybun_ | *door | 11:34 |
clivejo | doing a lot of kicking this morning Aaron | 11:35 |
clivejo | wake up grumpy? | 11:36 |
acheronuk | there is a kdepim test in progress that *might* unlock things if it passes? | 11:39 |
clivejo | seems to been in progress for a very long time | 11:40 |
acheronuk | Running for:1h 26m 32s | 11:41 |
clivejo | Windows updates? Just trust us, says Microsoft executive | 11:42 |
BluesKaj_ | Hi folks | 11:42 |
acheronuk | clivejo: now says Test in progress (always failed) | 11:47 |
acheronuk | so hopefully.... | 11:47 |
acheronuk | wget -q -O - | grep Regression | sed 's/^<li>autopkgtest for \([a-z0-9-]*\).*/\1/'| sort | uniq | 11:49 |
acheronuk | shows nothing of ours now that I can see | 11:49 |
acheronuk | despite that, still stuck :/ | 12:34 |
mparillo | Final parts of FW still stuck? Which holds back apps? | 12:40 |
acheronuk | mparillo: as far as I see FW is all through | 12:41 |
mparillo | TY. I did not see any updates this morning. | 12:42 |
acheronuk | mparillo: I had kcoreaddons and kdelibs4support update. maybe you are on a mirror that hasn't synced yet | 12:44 |
ahoneybun_ | idk what is broken but my system can never install lxd right | 12:46 |
ahoneybun_ | just picked up those updates | 12:48 |
ahoneybun_ | though my wifi is so bad in here for some reason | 12:48 |
ahoneybun_ | my phone works just fine on this wifi though | 13:04 |
ahoneybun_ | anyone know the DNS files? | 13:28 |
=== ahoneybun_ is now known as ahoneybun | ||
santa_ | clivejo: ping | 13:55 |
santa_ | acheronuk: I think we need a no change rebuid of kjots and zanshin to get it out of proposed | 13:57 |
acheronuk | I saw those 2 repeatedly mentioned in the update_output.txt | 13:59 |
acheronuk | was not sure if the current stalemate could be got past with just harder hinting or not | 14:00 |
ahoneybun | acheronuk: know anything about Ubuntu's DNS settings and such? | 14:08 |
acheronuk | ahoneybun: not much. just seems to work for me, so i don't fiddle with it! | 14:09 |
ahoneybun | well I've been having issues with it | 14:10 |
ahoneybun | when I'm not on my own network mostly | 14:10 |
ahoneybun | I think my router messed with them | 14:10 |
ahoneybun | somehow! | 14:10 |
ahoneybun | since I saw that the DNS remote was set to it's IP once | 14:11 |
acheronuk | I just tend to set my DNS to Google servers on most things and then not touch it from there. my ISPs can be slow, which is what my router defaults to | 14:13 |
ahoneybun | yea but I don't know what command to run to do that since most files say don't edit them because the system will override the change anyway | 14:15 |
* ahoneybun sets up a LTS machine on his other monitor | 14:15 | |
ahoneybun | *an | 14:15 |
acheronuk | ahoneybun: I don't edit any files. I just have: | 14:18 |
ahoneybun | never thought of that | 14:19 |
acheronuk | that's on home connection. probably doesn't apply when I used the lappy elsewhere. | 14:21 |
ahoneybun | I wonder why mine says "Other DNS Servers" | 14:21 |
acheronuk | it just 'works' elsewhere, so I don't mess with it | 14:22 |
ahoneybun | why do I keep disconnecting... | 14:24 |
acheronuk | network config has never been my best thing | 14:28 |
=== lordieva1er is now known as lordievader | ||
DarinMiller | kicking the tires on the release iso... everything is rock solid from usb to full install. | 15:16 |
soee | \o/ | 15:17 |
DarinMiller | Although, something strange with 16.10: ff is v48 not v49 like 16.04... | 15:18 |
acheronuk | firefox 49.0+build4-0ubuntu2 is in proposed. just clearly having trouble with the builds to get it into release I think | 15:20 |
DarinMiller | acheronuk: where can I look up what's stuck in proposed? | 15:23 |
acheronuk | DarinMiller: | 15:23 |
DarinMiller | acheronuk: that list is huge! And theoretically that should all be released prior to the final iso builds? Does not seem possible in just a few days... | 15:28 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> Hey hey hey, morning | 15:28 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> DarinMiller: some stuff depends on others | 15:29 |
DarinMiller | o/ morning Simon! | 15:29 |
acheronuk | DarinMiller: The KDE/kubuntu stuff should jus all migrate together if we can just unblock one or 2 things | 15:29 |
acheronuk | the stuff belonging to other parts of ubuntu, well that is their problem. I guess much is a wish list rather than essential to go in, so can be survived without. | 15:30 |
DarinMiller | acheronuk: how are you able narrow down to just few depends from such a large list? | 15:31 |
acheronuk | you have to get good at reading and interpreting the update_output.txt | 15:34 |
DarinMiller | acheronuk: Do you just manullay review the depends: section of each kde related app? | 15:34 |
acheronuk | no, as described in there is output from the migration scripts that can tell you what is holding things back and why. | 15:36 |
tsimonq2 | acheronuk: refresh and scroll to the bottom of ProposedMigration ;) | 15:37 |
acheronuk | lol. the one liner Mirv gave me :) | 15:38 |
tsimonq2 | acheronuk: refresh again. credit given. :P | 15:40 |
acheronuk | :D | 15:41 |
acheronuk | now just need one that tell you why all you "valid candidates" are still STUCK! | 15:42 |
tsimonq2 | acheronuk: with the amount of packages that we have, we should get a full OpenStack and Britney setup like the Ubuntu archive and have a nice little setup like that. :P | 15:43 |
tsimonq2 | acheronuk: we could tweak it so that backports-landing is proposed, and backports is release :P | 15:44 |
acheronuk | my list of things we *should* do if we had the time, people, or resources, is getting scarily long. | 15:45 |
tsimonq2 | yeah | 15:45 |
clivejo | santa_: pong for a a wee while | 16:14 |
tsimonq2 | acheronuk: both Kubuntu *and* Lubuntu ship with Firefox, so it's a priority of mine to get it good to go ;) | 16:15 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Santa> Clive, I think we need a couple of no change rebuilds: kjots and zanshin | 16:15 |
tsimonq2 | acheronuk: just asked Chris in #ubuntu-release what the deal is, awaiting a response atm | 16:15 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Santa> I think that will unblock our stuff in proposed | 16:16 |
tsimonq2 | clivejo: you haz pong ^ | 16:16 |
acheronuk | tsimonq2: I run with the firefox-next/beta ppa enabled, so to be honest I had not noticed it was out of date in the main repo | 16:16 |
tsimonq2 | ahh ok | 16:16 |
acheronuk | I saw it in excuses, but didn't really clock the versions | 16:17 |
clivejo | @Santa can I just request a rebuild somewhere or have to do an new upload ? | 16:17 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Santa> If they are in the kubuntu packageset you could do it | 16:17 |
clivejo | kjots looks like its synced from Debian | 16:19 |
clivejo | and not in my list of packages I can upload | 16:19 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Santa> What about zanshin? | 16:20 |
clivejo | its in my list | 16:20 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Santa> Ok, can you make a no change rebuild of it? | 16:21 |
clivejo | looks like its also auto-synced | 16:21 |
clivejo | Copied from debian sid in Primary Archive for Debian GNU/Linux by Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync (sponsored by Ubuntu Archive Robot) | 16:21 |
acheronuk | does release team concur that they will fix the blockage if rebuilt? | 16:21 |
ScottK | Best to just upload and let them review it in the que. | 16:24 |
CRogers | Hi everyone. | 16:43 |
CRogers | Was directed here from the #kubuntu channel. | 16:44 |
CRogers | I've made a clean-geometric version of your new Kubuntu logo. | 16:44 |
CRogers | I will post a temp link to it for our use, if you like. | 16:44 |
CRogers | *your | 16:44 |
acheronuk | CRogers: post your link and we can have a look | 16:51 |
CRogers | Thanks. Just asking permission first, so I don't get booted for posting links. :) | 16:51 |
CRogers | | 16:51 |
CRogers | Compare to your current resource: | 16:52 |
CRogers | (you can use browser-zoom to see the difference. | 16:52 |
acheronuk | I saw from #kubuntu that you have straightened out the oddly curved portions of the gear teeth | 16:53 |
CRogers | I believe your original was auto-traced with a low-res bitmap. | 16:53 |
CRogers | Which produces the somewhat irregular lines/corners. | 16:54 |
acheronuk | I like yours better, but I have nothing to do with the artwork side, so I'll have to leave it to others on that | 16:54 |
CRogers | It's merely a reconstruction of the original. | 16:54 |
CRogers | Feel free to "patch" your current version with it. :) | 16:55 |
CRogers | I made it to accompany some requested wallpaper. | 16:55 |
tsimonq2 | CRogers: could you send an email to CCing with what you just told us? | 16:55 |
CRogers | Sure. | 16:56 |
CRogers | Here's the wallpaper I made with it featured, btw (if anyone else wants it) | 16:56 |
CRogers | | 16:56 |
mparillo | acheronuk: You were right. I just got libkf5coreaddons-data libkf5coreaddons5 libkf5kcmutils-data libkf5kcmutils5 libkf5kdelibs4support-data libkf5kdelibs4support5 libkf5kdelibs4support5-bin | 16:57 |
tsimonq2 | wow, that's nice CRogers :D | 16:57 |
tsimonq2 | CRogers: include that in the email? | 16:57 |
CRogers | Sure. :) And thanks! | 16:57 |
CRogers | If anyone wants a dif resolution, just ask. | 16:58 |
CRogers | I have it loaded into Inkscape, ready to output at any resolution. | 16:58 |
acheronuk | 1920x1200 :P | 16:58 |
acheronuk | if you have a sec | 16:59 |
acheronuk | mparillo: great. now we just need the rest of the apps :/ | 17:01 |
acheronuk | wow. a lot of debian syncs coming up in release. I thought WE left it late! | 17:04 |
tsimonq2 | acheronuk: I was just thinking the same thing lol | 17:04 |
CRogers | acheronuk, sure, no problem: | 17:05 |
CRogers | Hmm, wonder if I could script imagemagick to do this for me. lol | 17:06 |
CRogers | Would save server space... yes, yes I think that's the way to go. | 17:06 |
CRogers | Why didn't I think of that before? :P | 17:07 |
acheronuk | CRogers: :) | 17:10 |
ScottK | CRogers: also, please indicate the license for your work in the mail as well (needs to be a free license, e.g. no non-commercial). | 17:12 |
CRogers | Ah yes, I always forget. | 17:12 |
CRogers | is cc0 okay? | 17:12 |
CRogers | Problem is, it's a derivative work, based on your logo. | 17:13 |
CRogers | So I really have no (c) claim at all to it. | 17:13 |
ScottK | You could say "derivative of .... Licensed on the same terms as the original". | 17:14 |
ScottK | You do have copyright over any creative aspects of your transformation, so best to be explicit. | 17:15 |
ScottK | CRogers: ^^^ | 17:15 |
CRogers | Okay. I'd rather waive all my rights to it. lol | 17:15 |
CRogers | so cc0 works nicely for that. | 17:16 |
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=== Guest77853 is now known as pavlushka | ||
blaze | acheronuk: this screenshot gave me strong 2007 feeling :) | 17:26 |
acheronuk | blaze: reminds me of mandriva times..... | 17:27 |
blaze | yep, kind of | 17:28 |
ScottK | CRogers: not all jurisdictions allow you to relinquish all your rights. | 17:36 |
CRogers | I believe all jurisdictions allow me to donate work. | 17:36 |
CRogers | in which case, the rights are transfered. | 17:37 |
CRogers | However, if there's some magic legal encantation I can recite to officially transfer it, I'm happy to. | 17:37 |
CRogers | My current location is the United Kingom (London) if that helps. | 17:50 |
CRogers | Made with Inkscape, so not even the software manufacturer can claim rights over it. :) | 17:52 |
clivejo | CRogers: some nice work there | 18:06 |
clivejo | do you know about the new KDE Store? | 18:07 |
clivejo | CRogers: you could upload your wallpapers to the store - | 18:08 |
clivejo | and please do send emails to both the devel and kc mailing lists | 18:12 |
clivejo | ScottK: can I upload a package thats synced from Debian? | 18:13 |
CRogers | clivejo, Cool, thanks for the tips. | 18:14 |
clivejo | CRogers: do you enjoy helping with this kind of work? | 18:14 |
CRogers | clivejo, Yep. :) | 18:14 |
CRogers | Why, you need some graphics? | 18:15 |
clivejo | well the podcast team might be interested | 18:15 |
clivejo | sick_rimmit: CRogers here is a graphics designer | 18:15 |
clivejo | CRogers: sick_rimmit ahoneybun and ovidiuflorin are the guys who do our Podcast | 18:16 |
CRogers | That would be Rick. :) | 18:17 |
clivejo | indeed | 18:17 |
CRogers | Yes, he asked me if I'd like to interview for the podcast. | 18:17 |
clivejo | they also look after the website | 18:17 |
CRogers | I assume as a geust speaker. | 18:17 |
CRogers | *guest | 18:18 |
blaze | good stuff | 18:18 |
clivejo | oh so they must know about you :) | 18:18 |
CRogers | Yes, Rick's request is the reason I re-hashed the Kubuntu logo | 18:19 |
clivejo | hi blaze :) | 18:19 |
blaze | hi clivejo | 18:19 |
clivejo | thanks for fixing the installer | 18:19 |
CRogers | Not request for podcast, but rather he asked for a kubuntu variant of the wallpaper. | 18:19 |
clivejo | CRogers: what OS do you use yourself? | 18:21 |
CRogers | Currently Ubuntu 16.04 with GNOME. | 18:21 |
clivejo | do you use Krita? | 18:22 |
CRogers | Yes. | 18:22 |
sick_rimmit | Hello | 18:22 |
* sick_rimmit waves | 18:22 | |
tsimonq2 | sick_rimmit: hello! :D | 18:23 |
tsimonq2 | sick_rimmit: how are you? :D | 18:23 |
CRogers | hi sick_rimmit | 18:23 |
sick_rimmit | All good here, is all well with ahoneybun ? | 18:23 |
CRogers | Nice anagram, btw | 18:23 |
sick_rimmit | lol | 18:23 |
sick_rimmit | hi CRogers | 18:24 |
CRogers | ;) | 18:24 |
clivejo | sick_rimmit: he was kicking you on Telegram this morning | 18:24 |
clivejo | so I assume hes ok | 18:24 |
sick_rimmit | I' ve been away from my devices today | 18:24 |
clivejo | thats what Telegram is for! | 18:25 |
sick_rimmit | Oh good, I know it's been a touch windy, and I wondered if he needed to borrow an unbrella | 18:25 |
clivejo | he was having wifi trouble | 18:25 |
sick_rimmit | Ah yes but my wife shouts at me "Will you put the phone down!!" | 18:25 |
CRogers | hehehe | 18:26 |
sick_rimmit | Ah CRogers, yes I saw the wallpaper and asked for 2 copies | 18:26 |
clivejo | CRogers: what version of Krita so you use? | 18:26 |
CRogers | Using 3.0 app image | 18:26 |
CRogers | which is the latest release. | 18:26 |
sick_rimmit | I thought it was really excellent wallpaper | 18:27 |
clivejo | good stuff!! | 18:27 |
CRogers | sick_rimmit, yes, hopefully you got my reply on g+ | 18:27 |
sick_rimmit | Cosa Buenas | 18:27 |
sick_rimmit | Ah I saw some, but been away most of the day | 18:27 |
* sick_rimmit goes off to check G+ | 18:27 | |
tsimonq2 | sick_rimmit: *cosas | 18:27 |
clivejo | !en | tsimonq2 | 18:28 |
ubottu | tsimonq2: Certain Ubuntu IRC channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 18:28 |
CRogers | busted! lol | 18:28 |
clivejo | :P | 18:29 |
tsimonq2 | !es | clivejo | 18:29 |
ubottu | clivejo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 18:29 |
CRogers | hahaha | 18:29 |
CRogers | excalation. | 18:29 |
clivejo | if I spoke Spainish I certainly would go there, but I dont! | 18:29 |
CRogers | hehehe | 18:29 |
* clivejo waits for it | 18:30 | |
ScottK | clivejo: if it's in the packageset, yes. If it's a no change upload make the revision build1 vice ubuntu1. | 18:30 |
tsimonq2 | clivejo: *Spanish | 18:30 |
clivejo | tsimonq2: is like our channel spelling corrector and grammor police | 18:31 |
ScottK | That's treated specially so it will be autosynched over. | 18:31 |
acheronuk | clivejo: seems it is the library bumps of those ABI break packages that is causing zanshin and kjots to break | 18:31 |
clivejo | I'm bit nervous doing that | 18:31 |
clivejo | someone with more permissions than I need to do kjots | 18:32 |
tsimonq2 | clivejo: *grammar | 18:32 |
* clivejo pets tsimonq2, theres a good spelling bot | 18:32 | |
ScottK | Is kjots on the ISO? | 18:33 |
tsimonq2 | *there's | 18:33 |
clivejo | never heard of it :/ | 18:33 |
tsimonq2 | !info kjots | clivejo | 18:33 |
ubottu | clivejo: kjots (source: kjots): note-taking utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.0.1-2 (yakkety), package size 351 kB, installed size 1634 kB | 18:33 |
tsimonq2 | lol | 18:34 |
ScottK | If so, maybe getting a member of the DMB to refresh the packageset will add it. | 18:34 |
acheronuk | ScottK: no, not on the iso | 18:34 |
ScottK | If it just needs a no change rebuild, I can do it tomorrow is someone reminds me | 18:35 |
ScottK | If it needs more, I can sponsor tomorrow, but someone needs to prepare the package. | 18:35 |
sick_rimmit | Awesome CRogers I got those wallpapers now, public thanks on G+ coming shortly | 18:36 |
sick_rimmit | also, excellent job on the Kubuntu_Logo SVG | 18:36 |
sick_rimmit | | 18:37 |
acheronuk | if release team should be about leter, can they sponsor? | 18:37 |
sick_rimmit | I think we need some Brand Guides, and logo assets putting some place | 18:37 |
* sick_rimmit off to Trello brand guids | 18:37 | |
CRogers | sick_rimmit, happy to help. | 18:44 |
clivejo | CRogers: where in the UK are you? | 18:45 |
CRogers | I live in Kingston, but general London area. :) | 18:45 |
CRogers | I run a Linux meet in central London every third wednesday. | 18:46 |
CRogers | Which is this week in fact. | 18:46 |
CRogers | So if any here want to come have some drinks with us, feel free. | 18:46 |
CRogers | | 18:47 |
CRogers | There's usually about 15 - 20 of us. Some regulars, but a lot of folks who come through too. | 18:47 |
clivejo | bit far away for me Im afraid | 18:47 |
CRogers | keep us in mind if you're in town. | 18:48 |
CRogers | We're here to stay. | 18:48 |
tsimonq2 | CRogers: you in touch with the Ubuntu UK LoCo? | 18:48 |
CRogers | tsimonq2, not yet... | 18:49 |
tsimonq2 | pop in their IRC channel :) | 18:50 |
CRogers | Their team website is full of spam... lol | 18:51 |
CRogers | | 18:51 |
CRogers | I was really looking forward to 5 minute chocolate cake in a mug too. ;P | 18:51 |
CRogers | But not if it includes viagra. XD | 18:52 |
clivejo | might help it stay in the mug | 18:52 |
CRogers | hahaha | 18:52 |
sick_rimmit | No way, I am in London on Wednesday | 18:52 |
sick_rimmit | I have a meeting on Pentonville Road | 18:52 |
CRogers | Woo! | 18:52 |
clivejo | go to it Rick! | 18:53 |
CRogers | Yea, come have a drink! | 18:53 |
* sick_rimmit looking at details | 18:53 | |
clivejo | but you have to wear Kubuntu gear! | 18:53 |
CRogers | Hehehe | 18:53 |
CRogers | I'll be wearing the usual red hat. | 18:53 |
CRogers | But Timo, our Co-organiser always makes a floppy sign with some markers. Hehehe | 18:54 |
clivejo | I could wear my VLC hat! | 18:54 |
CRogers | clivejo, Please tell me it's just a traffic cone. lol | 18:55 |
sick_rimmit | I only have Kubuntu business cards :-( | 18:56 |
clivejo | no, its a VLC hate! | 18:56 |
clivejo | hat | 18:56 |
clivejo | from QtCon | 18:56 |
clivejo | Haruld Sitter tried to kill me with it, but I foiled his evil plan | 18:57 |
CRogers | clivejo, these ones? | 18:58 |
clivejo | yup | 18:58 |
CRogers | Looks slightly more comfortable. | 18:58 |
clivejo | it is! | 18:58 |
acheronuk | santa_: should libkf5pimtextedit5abi1 have had a breaks/replaces on libkf5pimtextedit5? | 18:58 |
clivejo | my pup love wearing it | 18:58 |
CRogers | Wear whatever you want. :) | 18:58 |
CRogers | People bring all kindsa crazy stuff. | 18:59 |
CRogers | Lots of toys too. | 18:59 |
CRogers | Pi stuff is popular. | 18:59 |
santa_ | acheronuk: no, and in fact the point of the abi manager is avoiding that | 18:59 |
acheronuk | santa_: you mean so they are co-installable? | 19:00 |
santa_ | acheronuk: yes, that's the point of the abi manager | 19:00 |
CRogers | That's an awesome hat, btw. | 19:00 |
* acheronuk turns brain sideways and tries again | 19:01 | |
CRogers | Some sort of felt, I take it? | 19:01 |
tsimonq2 | clivejo: can we get a picture of your pup with the VLC hat on? :D | 19:01 |
CRogers | +1 lol | 19:01 |
acheronuk | santa_: ok. yes that does make sense now. :) | 19:01 |
acheronuk | I think.... | 19:01 |
clivejo | Ill have to catch him first | 19:02 |
clivejo | he off chasing birds | 19:02 |
clivejo | wish he would chase the mice | 19:02 |
tsimonq2 | lol | 19:02 |
tsimonq2 | !ninjas | santa_ | 19:03 |
ubottu | santa_: ninjas is yofel, clivejo, acheronuk, tsimonq2, santa: we need your attention! | 19:03 |
tsimonq2 | meet me in BBB? | 19:03 |
tsimonq2 | and that should have been updated to santa_ not santa :P | 19:03 |
CRogers | Augh, mice! I found a great bloody rat skelleton today when I cleaned out one of our sheds. | 19:03 |
acheronuk | tsimonq2: for what? | 19:03 |
tsimonq2 | acheronuk: we need to talk about KCI | 19:04 |
* clivejo thinks tsimonq2 just likes to hear himself talk | 19:04 | |
tsimonq2 | lol | 19:04 |
* acheronuk nods ^^^ | 19:04 | |
clivejo | CRogers: got few of those too | 19:04 |
tsimonq2 | you guys coming or not? lol | 19:04 |
clivejo | meal bin attracts them :( | 19:05 |
CRogers | This one was wrapped around my bicycle pump like some sort of strange love-afair happened. | 19:05 |
CRogers | It's also a commentary on how often I use my bike. :P | 19:05 |
clivejo | eakkk | 19:05 |
acheronuk | eek! | 19:06 |
* clivejo wonders what the rat was doing to the pump | 19:06 | |
tsimonq2 | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | 19:06 |
acheronuk | all thsoe packages that got synced earlier. they coulda done zanshin and kjots. sigh | 19:07 |
tsimonq2 | acheronuk: come in BBB! we have clivejo trapped :P | 19:08 |
acheronuk | I doubt that! | 19:08 |
CRogers | acheronuk, nice! Here's mine: | 19:08 |
acheronuk | ick ick ick! | 19:09 |
tsimonq2 | acheronuk: you need proof? get in BBB? :P | 19:09 |
clivejo | LOL | 19:09 |
CRogers | Wow, the resolution on my phone camera is incredible. lol | 19:09 |
clivejo | mmmm | 19:09 |
clivejo | soup | 19:09 |
CRogers | Really really grim. hahaha | 19:09 |
IrcsomeBot1 | * ahoneybun pushes tsimon off clive | 19:09 |
tsimonq2 | lol? | 19:10 |
clivejo | KCI is fecked, get a gun and put it down | 19:10 |
clivejo | its the most humane option | 19:10 |
tsimonq2 | yeah, take it out of it's misery | 19:11 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> I'm about to give up on trying to us any wifi on this laptop... | 19:11 |
tsimonq2 | after all, it's written in Ruby :P | 19:11 |
clivejo | it would be like giving CRogers pet rat mouth to mouth | 19:11 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> just sooooooooo bad | 19:11 |
acheronuk | urgh! | 19:13 |
CRogers | He was my pet? Woah, now I feel really guilty... | 19:13 |
valorie | speaking of artwork, really great work CRogers! very generous of you | 19:14 |
valorie | ahoneybun, ovidiuflorin - do we have artwork for the website for release day? | 19:15 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> nope | 19:17 |
CRogers | valorie, Thanks! I had been wanting to make some linux-specific wallpaper for a while. Had a few hours and some coffee. Also, I wanted to troll the person sitting next to me a bit, scoffing at my Lenovo x220 T in a trendy coffeeshop filled with pretty new Macbooks. | 19:17 |
CRogers | My laptop looks like a black brick. lol | 19:18 |
CRogers | It has not a smooth curve on it, except where the edge has been worn down to the bare metal. ;P | 19:19 |
CRogers | btw, pressure sensitivity works out of the box for sculpting in blender. Fow some reason that gets more looks than anything else. | 19:21 |
clivejo | sick_rimmit: ping | 19:21 |
clivejo | does anyone know if we actually have that credit with Digital Ocean? | 19:23 |
clivejo | or was it just offered? | 19:23 |
sick_rimmit | Hi | 19:38 |
sick_rimmit | Sorry was looking up train journeys | 19:39 |
clivejo | can you shed some light? | 19:39 |
sick_rimmit | It was offered, but I didn't follow it up. | 19:39 |
sick_rimmit | DO Hosting I mean | 19:39 |
clivejo | would that be hard to arrange? | 19:41 |
CRogers | DO sponsors a lot of podcasts. | 19:45 |
CRogers | So that may be a good angle if the offer has chilled too much. | 19:46 |
valorie | what we really need is enough power to run a jenkins instance | 19:50 |
CRogers | Okay, gotta run. Nice meeting everyone. Will bbl. | 19:51 |
clivejo | be good CRogers and nice to meet you | 19:51 |
CRogers | likewise clivejo | 19:51 |
valorie | clivejo: can you send the list the specs you think we need? | 20:24 |
valorie | and then I'll follow up on it unless someone else has a contact | 20:24 |
valorie | if you don't know the specs sgclark or sitter might be able to shed some light | 20:25 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> well that was scary | 20:26 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> changed a few networking settings and was stuck on boot | 20:26 |
valorie | ewww | 20:26 |
clivejo | Ive managed to get a ssh to kci | 20:26 |
valorie | oh cool | 20:26 |
clivejo | but as for configuring the slaves, will need yofel for that | 20:27 |
valorie | we don't have config docs anywhere? | 20:28 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> Not that I know of | 20:36 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> Tbh I need yofel to guide with the docs server as well | 20:36 |
valorie | too bad we don't have someone expert in ansible etc who could set that up | 20:37 |
valorie | it would make spinning up containers easy | 20:37 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> Well it's because I don't know how yofel stored them | 20:41 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> I don't want to mess it up | 20:41 |
valorie | right | 20:43 |
sick_rimmit | | 20:44 |
sick_rimmit | I spoke on ML about 1 year ago with a staff member | 20:44 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> I see the reason of DO if we have Linode | 20:44 |
sick_rimmit | I will get intouch with them, and see what we can sort ou | 20:44 |
sick_rimmit | t | 20:44 |
valorie | ahoneybun: if you meant you don't see a reason -- our linode was running at full tilt as I recall | 20:59 |
valorie | we don't have root on the blue systems instance of jenkins, which clive needs to completely rebuild it | 20:59 |
valorie | he thinks it would be best to start with a fresh container | 20:59 |
valorie | on which we have full rights | 21:00 |
valorie | and can document as we go | 21:00 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> I don't see a reason | 21:00 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> Which is what yofel wants it to do | 21:01 |
valorie | if we discuss it on the list, he can chime in | 21:03 |
valorie | | 21:03 |
valorie | might be usable now! | 21:03 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> Soee linked it | 21:05 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> I don't see the reason for a desktop client | 21:05 |
sick_rimmit | I've emailed DO, and updated Trello. Will feedback with news ;-) | 21:26 |
sick_rimmit | time for me to go now, bed time | 21:26 |
sick_rimmit | nite all | 21:26 |
acheronuk | kjots: | 22:11 |
acheronuk | looks like a package that was PIM, but then not ported for 16.0.x apps | 22:12 |
acheronuk | so has a standalone source now in debian, that was just synced | 22:13 |
acheronuk | debian has a slightly newer version so maybe just request that? | 22:13 |
valorie | acheronuk: it looks like I have the power to link to an upstream project, but I've never done it | 22:29 |
valorie | is that what needs to happen? | 22:29 |
valorie | are the pimsters still releasing it? | 22:31 |
acheronuk | I'm not sure what needs to be done | 22:31 |
valorie | and yofel is probably asleep by now | 22:31 |
acheronuk | seems they are doing some minor maintenance to it | 22:32 |
valorie | seems steveire/Stephan Kelly was fixing bugs in 2008, blogged about it before that | 22:38 |
valorie | seems to be connected to both akonadi and grantlee | 22:41 |
acheronuk | sounds like kjots it pretty defunct? | 22:53 |
valorie | I"m discussing in #kde-devel right now | 22:55 |
valorie | not quite defunct | 22:56 |
valorie | but not healthy and thriving either | 22:56 |
acheronuk | we at least need it rebuilt. healthy or not. | 22:57 |
valorie | ok | 22:57 |
acheronuk | or the release team to force through our other updates, not caring for now that kjots gets broken for a while | 22:58 |
valorie | it sucks that it got mostly ported | 22:59 |
valorie | then split off pim | 22:59 |
valorie | and now sits neglected, because nobody maintains it | 22:59 |
acheronuk | never used it. there are many note taking apps though, so guess it's maybe a victim of that duplication | 23:00 |
valorie | I guess | 23:01 |
valorie | I just use kate for everything | 23:01 |
valorie | kjots makes itself available to akonadi though, so when akonadi works, it should be a working part of kontact | 23:02 |
valorie | but they cut it away | 23:02 |
acheronuk | I still don't trust akonadi with my data. maybe it's better now, but hassle with it years ago put me right off anything that used it for storage | 23:03 |
valorie | haven't tried kmail recently | 23:03 |
valorie | it used to be my favorite part of the kde desktop back in kde3 days | 23:04 |
valorie | then it stopped sending my mail while reporting that it was sent | 23:04 |
valorie | then it started crashing | 23:04 |
valorie | after a few years I gave up | 23:04 |
acheronuk | thunderbird is cross platform and stores all it's data in the profile which I can easily move | 23:05 |
acheronuk | so I have stuck with that | 23:05 |
valorie | I gave up on sylpheed and tbird as well | 23:05 |
valorie | gmail all the way | 23:05 |
valorie | on the web | 23:05 |
valorie | completely against all my principles | 23:06 |
tsimonq2 | eew | 23:07 |
tsimonq2 | Gmail?!?!? | 23:07 |
tsimonq2 | I have a domain at Gandi so I switched to that | 23:07 |
tsimonq2 | | 23:07 |
acheronuk | you would :P | 23:07 |
valorie | I am not gonna run a mail server | 23:07 |
valorie | never | 23:07 |
valorie | and my son isn't enthused about me using the one he set up, called | 23:08 |
valorie | because it used to run off of our backup server | 23:08 |
tsimonq2 | valorie: Gandi does everything | 23:08 |
tsimonq2 | I don't run the mail server, Gandi does | 23:08 |
tsimonq2 | but I trust Gandi more than Google | 23:08 |
valorie | oops, we're not on -offtopic | 23:09 |
clivejo | ok I cant seem to burn a DVD at all now | 23:34 |
valorie | k3b not working for ya? | 23:36 |
valorie | it worked a few weeks ago for me in 16.10 | 23:37 |
clivejo | it was | 23:37 |
clivejo | but not its not | 23:37 |
valorie | :( | 23:37 |
clivejo | and I need a rescue disc burnt ASAP | 23:37 |
valorie | oh gads | 23:38 |
valorie | do you have a 16.04 machine with a DVD drive? | 23:38 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> USB or get out lol | 23:38 |
clivejo | nope | 23:39 |
valorie | ahoneybun: the old computer I was trying to rescue for a friend would only boot from disk or DVD | 23:39 |
valorie | :( | 23:39 |
valorie | old XP laptop | 23:39 |
clivejo | its a windows 7 machine full of viruses | 23:39 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> If It can boot from USB it needs to get Lubuntu or something tbh | 23:40 |
clivejo | trying to write a AVG Rescue disc to see if I can get it cleaned out | 23:42 |
clivejo | the owner wants it the way it was before :/ | 23:42 |
clivejo | numpty | 23:42 |
clivejo | someone people shouldnt be allowed a computer until they can use them properly! | 23:44 |
clivejo | saying that, I cant even burn a fecking DVD! | 23:44 |
valorie | :( | 23:44 |
clivejo | 98% and it just stops writing | 23:45 |
clivejo | has something changed in yakkety? | 23:46 |
valorie | wow, is the image too large or something? | 23:47 |
clivejo | nope | 23:49 |
clivejo | only 120Mb | 23:49 |
clivejo | this is annoying me now | 23:50 |
clivejo | 6 new DVD's runied | 23:51 |
valorie | geez! | 23:53 |
valorie | can it be your equipment? | 23:53 |
valorie | in any case, sympathies | 23:54 |
valorie | and hopes that you can boot from a USB | 23:54 |
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