=== maclin1 is now known as maclin === maclin1 is now known as maclin [13:19] https://staging.launchpad.net/? does not work. Did not work yesterday either. === ahoneybun_ is now known as ahoneybun [13:43] jarnos: staging is typically down over the weekend being restored from a fresh production dump [13:43] jarnos: you can use qastaging.launchpad.net instead if you just need a sandbox to experiment with [14:06] cjwatson, ok. How do you delete the changes? [14:07] cjwatson, I mean delete the project from the sandbox? [16:03] jarnos: Usually it's fine to just not bother, but if you really need to then ask us to do it via https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion [16:11] Is it possible to change project's description afterwards? [16:12] Say, if I want to add e.g. a donation button? [16:13] https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/61798 [16:17] I guess single personal donation button may be inappropriate, if there are many authors.. [16:20] I'll be back in about 3 hours. === pavlushka is now known as Guest77853 === Guest77853 is now known as pavlushka [19:07] I went into https://launchpad.net/~whatsapp-purple ,,, added the mentioned ppa ,,, updated ,,, then tried to sudo apt install whatsapp-purple ,,, but it's not working!!! [19:07] can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? [20:04] I'd like a little help on the project https://launchpad.net/command-not-found [20:04] I have branched the trunk to 0.2 [20:05] pushed 0.2 to lp, so far so good. [20:05] Then I removed the branch trunk [20:05] then I recreated trunk with the latest code [20:06] Now if I browse to the code of the 0.2 series, I get a error.... I still have the 0.2 branch on my computer. How should I fix this? [20:08] you should probably merge the 0.2 branch onto the master branch [20:08] otherwise you break the git history [20:09] or is this bzr? [20:09] (then I'm out, no clue about bzr) [20:10] this is bzr... Also, the trunk is a completely new code... [20:10] you should tell us exactly what URL you browse to when you get an error [20:10] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~command-not-found-developers/command-not-found/0.2/files [20:10] also, the command-not-found package has been 0.3 since Ubuntu 14.04; I'm not clear what you hope to achieve by starting with something obsolete [20:11] I'm reviving the lp page. The trunk series is the latest code. [20:12] OK, that's a bug in loggerhead (the branch viewing code) [20:12] probably unlikely to be fixed since it's unmaintained ... [20:12] For historical reasons, I tried to keep the 0.2 version.. [20:12] and http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~command-not-found-developers/command-not-found/trunk/files works [20:13] yes, thats the new 0.3 code [20:14] because I have the 0.2 branch on my computer, it should be ok to remove the 0.2 branch on lp and the push it again? [20:15] I doubt that will achieve much [20:18] Ok, thanks anyway cjwatson... I'll check with the package maintainer on what to do best... [20:18] looks like a failure to do with the structure of the branch [20:18] https://paste.ubuntu.com/23300214/ is the oops [20:18] it may be simplest to just convert the project to git ... [20:19] (which I suspect zyga would support, but you could certainly ask them) [20:21] though by all means feel free to figure out the problem in loggerhead from that traceback :-) [20:23] You gave me a good hint... If I do a 'bzr check' in the 0.2 branch, I got 1 inconsistant parent... [20:23] I'm leaving now... Something to do later... Thanks.