[02:01] IRC is so dead [03:45] pantato: then don't use it [04:55] Prof. Tony Hall suspended without pay at University of Lethbridge (10/5/16) [04:55] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4JKdO1zW24 [04:57] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4JKdO1zW24 (Prof. Tony Hall suspended without pay at University of Lethbridge (10/5/16)) [04:58] Tenured prof losing his position for controversial views. Major news. [05:03] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4JKdO1zW24 (Prof. Tony Hall suspended without pay at University of Lethbridge (10/5/16)) [05:11] tsimonq2: thanks === americangirl is now known as girlinrogue [05:11] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4JKdO1zW24 (Prof. Tony Hall suspended without pay at University of Lethbridge (10/5/16)) [05:12] I'm trying to change the color of my panel to black, and my theme is nightmare, [05:12] Defend academic freedom. FREE PROFESSOR ANTHONY HALL. [05:12] and I tried the "system theme" setting for panel appearance and it's silver. Then I try custom color (with opacity) and no matter what color I choose it just is clear [05:22] anyone know? [05:41] nvm, got it [11:19] I'm having an issue whenever I trigger my microphone, like if I test it in an app or if I trigger it in my game, my computer lags for a moment. I'm thinking about installnig the realtek drivers for it here: [11:19] http://www.realtek.com/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=24&PFid=24&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false [11:19] should I screw with that? [11:19] but I'm afraid of screwing things up [12:07] I'm having an issue where if I have pulseaudio installed, i experience lag when i trigger my microphone or if I adjust my audio settings and it's really annoying. But if I have pulseaudio removed and i'm using ALSA, I cannot set my USB Webcam microphone as my default microphone device and as a result it does not work in many different programs. Anyone know which would be easier to solve? The ALSA issue or the pulsea [14:23] hi guys, I just installed Lubuntu 16.04 LTS on a computer but I have a weird issue (Also, the sound doesn't come out yet). The icons aren't displayed [14:26] I'd like the icons's back :( [16:14] lejocelyn: icons where [16:16] lejocelyn: right click on the desktop, desktop settings, advanced, use desktop as a folder === pavlushka is now known as Guest77853 === Guest77853 is now known as pavlushka [18:30] Hi. The indicator applet pannel shows newly launched things multiple times [18:30] skype appeared 4 times, Fcitx more than 10 times... [18:30] any Ideas what'? going on? [20:51] hell, how kdeconnect affects a lxde distro like lubuntu? [20:52] ops [20:52] hello === echoe_ is now known as echoe