
floridagram13<Abrerr> I'm suddenly considering that mi box now lol00:04
floridagram13<KMyers> Android TV units are also great for emulators00:08
floridagram13<Abrerr> Android + kodi sounds solid00:12
floridagram13<Abrerr> And yea, emulators00:12
floridagram13<Abrerr> :)00:12
floridagram13<KMyers> The Shield TV does Plex00:13
floridagram13<KMyers> Finally got my tinkering desk almost finished, just need to mount a few shelves01:57
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Nice01:57
floridagram13<KMyers> I need to clean off my main desk however01:58
floridagram13<Abrerr> Nice, using synergy for the laptop?02:00
floridagram13<Abrerr> Rockin the gnome02:00
floridagram13<ahoneybun> He has one laptop to many monitors02:02
floridagram13<KMyers> The laptop is powering all monitors on my main desk, the other desk has its own computer02:03
floridagram13<Abrerr> Oh right on. What're you using to split up the displays?02:12
floridagram13<KMyers> A DisplayLink dock02:12
floridagram13<KMyers> This one to be exact - https://www.amazon.com/Plugable-Universal-Docking-Station-Ethernet/dp/B00ECDM78E/ref=as_li_ss_tl?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1475979166&sr=1-2&keywords=DisplayLink&linkCode=ll1&tag=tcz-20&linkId=f9f9a4a261b2f1ac830e57fc56596a4102:13
floridagram13<KMyers> Not great for gaming but great for general purpose stuff02:14
floridagram13<KMyers> All through USB 3.002:14
floridagram13<Abrerr> That's awesome02:24
floridagram13<Abrerr> Gaming, ain't nobody got time for that02:24
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I do!02:27
floridagram13<Abrerr> Lol, whatcha playing these days?04:08
floridagram13<KMyers> There is only one acceptable game04:14
floridagram13<KMyers> Starcraft 204:14
floridagram13<Abrerr> Wtb street fighter on Linux so I can start playing again04:14
floridagram13<KMyers> Time to clean up some files04:16
floridagram13<AdamOutler> What emulator is everyone using on Android TV? Resource links?04:35
floridagram13<KMyers> Depends on platform04:35
floridagram13<AdamOutler> I'd like to set up nes and snes for mine.04:35
floridagram13<KMyers> I use SNES9x EX+ for SNES and Dolphin04:36
floridagram13<AdamOutler> Roms and firmware?04:36
floridagram13<AdamOutler> Usually you need a firmware that none provides.04:36
floridagram13<KMyers> SNES9x reverse engineered the BIOS a long time ago, so it runs out of the box04:37
floridagram13<KMyers> Dolphin is the same way04:38
floridagram13<KMyers> As far as obtaining ROMs, you should get them legally however it is not too hard to find ROMs for older games online04:39
floridagram13<ahoneybun> No links04:44
floridagram13<KMyers> cdn1.rack1.net/ROMS/Gamecube04:45
floridagram13<ahoneybun> @Abrerr I game mostly on Xbox one04:47
=== ahoneybun_ is now known as ahoneybun
floridagram13<ahoneybun> The heck13:51
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Why is the bot not reporting the tweets13:52
floridagram13<ahoneybun> @telewitterbot start15:04
floridagram13<Abrerr> 😮15:11
floridagram13<Abrerr> Anki so good15:12
floridagram13<Abrerr> I need to come up with a better way of syncing the decks.15:13
floridagram13<Abrerr> Gonna try throwing an ssh server on the phone and just scping it over there15:14
floridagram13<Abrerr> oh jeeb, they have a sync service.15:15
floridagram13<KMyers> http://www.bestbuy.com/site/motorola-moto-360-sport-smartwatch-45mm-silicone-black/4759801.p?&ref=199&loc=TM20TXf59aU&acampID=1&siteID=TM20TXf59aU-H9Tz5js3h52CGO11QSq_MQ19:08
floridagram13<Ivoriesablaze> Yeah, I saw, but I'm trying to just save some money19:15
floridagram13<Ivoriesablaze> Incredibly tempting19:16
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Android Wear is going to die I think19:16
floridagram13<KMyers> I doubt that19:16
floridagram13<ahoneybun> there are no new devices this year19:16
floridagram13<KMyers> There have been several new devices this year, Fossil just released a few a couple of weeks ago19:17
floridagram13<KMyers> It does not shock me that new devices were not released at the end of the year - it gives manufacturers a few months to begin working with the Android Wear 2.0 platform19:17
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I should say ones in our price range then19:17
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I know the Moto 360 Gen 1 is dead in the water officially19:18
floridagram13<KMyers> Yes, no shock there19:19
floridagram13<ahoneybun> which it will most likely be my last19:19
floridagram13<ahoneybun> unless Google Assiant does something cool19:19
floridagram13<KMyers> Smartwatches in general are still a nitche market and it will likely remain that way for a while. Look at SmartPhones - there was a few year gap between when SmartPhones were released and Flip Phones outsold them by a landslide due to cost19:20
floridagram13<ahoneybun> When I see you next I could use some help with my DNS settings on my laptop19:22
floridagram13<KMyers> Whats wrong with your DNS settings?19:23
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I'm having loading issues on any network other then my own19:25
floridagram13<KMyers> What does your /etc/resolv.conf look like?19:25
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Give me a sec19:30
floridagram13<ahoneybun> # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8) … #     DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND — YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN … nameserver … search hsd1.fl.comcast.net19:32
floridagram13<ahoneybun> yea that's not right19:32
floridagram13<ahoneybun> stupid comcast19:32
floridagram13<Abrerr> Lol19:32
floridagram13<Abrerr> That's a tempting moto19:33
floridagram13<ahoneybun> stupid comcast?19:33
floridagram13<Abrerr> I'm a sucker for battery life, because I'm lazy and never charge19:34
floridagram13<ahoneybun> ever since I used my laptop to set the service up I've had issues19:34
floridagram13<ahoneybun> @KMyers ^19:34
floridagram13<Abrerr> Which service?19:35
floridagram13<ahoneybun> comcast19:35
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I hooked the router up to my laptop to set it up19:35
floridagram13<Abrerr> What's the dns look like on other devices? Dhcp just whack?19:35
floridagram13<ahoneybun> the issue is that I have not formated my root in a while19:35
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I would think or
floridagram13<ahoneybun> for google19:35
floridagram13<ahoneybun> can someone post their resolv.conf?19:36
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I thought or something was localhost19:37
floridagram13<Abrerr> # Generated by resolvconf … nameserver … nameserver
floridagram13<KMyers> sudo nano /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head19:37
floridagram13<Abrerr> 127.x.x.x is local19:37
floridagram13<KMyers> kmyers@KMyers-Kudu-Professional:~/Downloads$ cat /etc/resolv.conf # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8) … #     DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND — YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN … nameserver19:37
floridagram13<ahoneybun> what?19:38
floridagram13<KMyers> kmyers@KMyers-Kudu-Professional:~/Downloads$ cat /etc/resolv.conf # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8) … #     DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND — YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN … nameserver … search lan19:38
floridagram13<ahoneybun> now how do I fix this19:39
floridagram13<Abrerr> for now, manually enter some dns into resolv.conf19:39
floridagram13<ahoneybun> but is overrides it19:39
floridagram13<Abrerr> I'd check dhcp settings on your comcast box19:39
floridagram13<Abrerr> it's temp19:39
floridagram13<Abrerr> I'd imagine it's overwritten upon new dhcp requests19:39
floridagram13<KMyers> Just edit it through Network Manager19:39
floridagram13<ahoneybun> and if I don't have that?19:40
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I don't use GNOME19:41
floridagram13<Abrerr> check /etc/resolvconf.conf19:41
floridagram13<Abrerr> never messed with resolvconf, but gonna make some edits, repull via dhcp and see what happens19:42
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I don't have that file19:42
floridagram13<KMyers> run nm-connection-editor19:42
floridagram13<KMyers> nm-connection-editor19:42
floridagram13<ahoneybun> not installed that's GNOME19:43
floridagram13<KMyers> Ubuntu proper has it installed19:43
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I'm tempted to a full reinstall19:43
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I don;t19:43
floridagram13<KMyers> search for "Network" in your hud19:43
floridagram13<ahoneybun> sudo apt install network-manager-gnome19:43
floridagram13<ahoneybun> don't have HUD19:43
floridagram13<KMyers> Or whatever search thing in KDE19:44
floridagram13<ahoneybun> no luck19:44
floridagram13<Abrerr> not running ubuntu, so dunno where they keep their configs19:45
floridagram13<Abrerr> locate resolvconf19:45
floridagram13<Abrerr> or just create it in /etc19:45
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I know where the file is19:45
floridagram13<ahoneybun> that one anyway19:45
floridagram13<ahoneybun> but it says do not edit it19:46
floridagram13<Abrerr> because it's generated upon dhcp19:46
floridagram13<KMyers> sudo apt install gnome-system-tools19:46
floridagram13<ahoneybun> no no no19:46
floridagram13<Abrerr> adding nameservers to resolvconf.conf added my static dns to resolv.conf19:46
floridagram13* ahoneybun giving up on it19:47
floridagram13<Abrerr> noooooo :\19:47
floridagram13<ahoneybun> if Keith can't fix it then it's hopeless19:47
floridagram13<KMyers> Arg, tempted to say just bring it over19:47
floridagram13<ahoneybun> a clean install will fix it19:47
floridagram13<ahoneybun> when I wipe the root anyway19:47
floridagram13<ahoneybun> wait19:48
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I did do that19:48
floridagram13<ahoneybun> mm so I blame comcast19:48
floridagram13<Abrerr> resolvconf is the service generating resolv.conf19:49
floridagram13<ahoneybun> yea and the man page is just crap19:49
floridagram13<Abrerr> hahaha agreed19:49
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I've tried that route19:49
floridagram13<ahoneybun> every command I try it just complains19:50
floridagram13<Abrerr> according to man page on arch19:50
floridagram13<Abrerr> although, I added two entries to resolvconf.conf, and only one appeared in my actualy resolv.conf19:51
floridagram13<Abrerr> not sure the delimiter to separate entries aside from newlines19:51
floridagram13<AdamOutler> Set DNS to your router address.19:51
floridagram13<ahoneybun> idk even 16.10 comes out I'm doing a *full* clean install19:51
floridagram13<AdamOutler> Or set things to DHCP.19:52
floridagram13<ahoneybun> @AdamOutler you speak like I know how to just do that19:52
floridagram13<AdamOutler> What is your /etc/network/interfaces?19:52
floridagram13<ahoneybun> nope19:52
floridagram13<ahoneybun> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23300125/19:52
floridagram13<AdamOutler> All these things are set in there19:52
floridagram13<AdamOutler> Shouldn't there be an eth0 or WLAN0?19:53
floridagram13<ahoneybun> guess not19:53
floridagram13<Abrerr> output of ip addr?19:53
floridagram13<AdamOutler> you mean ifconfig19:54
floridagram13<AdamOutler> run ifconfig19:54
floridagram13<Abrerr> ubuntu land is on ifconfig?19:54
floridagram13<AdamOutler> ifconfig is standard for Linux since networking was created.19:54
floridagram13<AdamOutler> interface config.19:54
floridagram13<Abrerr> thought that was deprecated19:54
floridagram13<ahoneybun> nope19:54
floridagram13<ahoneybun> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23300133/19:55
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I guess wlp9s0 is wlan19:55
floridagram13<Abrerr> yar19:55
floridagram13<AdamOutler> do sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces19:55
floridagram13<Abrerr> wl port 9 slot 019:55
floridagram13<AdamOutler> then make it look like this https://pastebin.adamoutler.com/J7HT19:56
floridagram13<AdamOutler> then execute sudo service networking restart19:56
floridagram13<AdamOutler> then execute ifconfig19:56
floridagram13<AdamOutler> I want the output of ifconfig19:56
floridagram13<AdamOutler> oh.19:56
floridagram13<AdamOutler> wait.19:56
floridagram13<ahoneybun> mm what19:56
floridagram13<Abrerr> i liked eth0, wlan0 better, but got tired of making the change on newer installs19:56
floridagram13<ahoneybun> lol19:56
floridagram13<ahoneybun> wired connections work fine19:57
floridagram13<ahoneybun> well for the most part I think19:57
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I've not tried any outside my own network19:57
floridagram13<AdamOutler> https://pastebin.adamoutler.com/thsj19:57
floridagram13<AdamOutler> make it look like that19:57
floridagram13<ahoneybun> btw the serive thing is pre systemd19:59
floridagram13<AdamOutler> Looks like your ethernet doesn't have an IP address and your wlan looks fine20:00
floridagram13<ahoneybun> And my wifi is broken20:01
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Yay20:01
floridagram13<AdamOutler> if you'r erunning on
floridagram13<AdamOutler> your ip address is
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I don't see any wifi networks20:01
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Damn it adam20:01
floridagram13<AdamOutler> ok, well try what I just told you.20:01
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I did and not its broke20:01
floridagram13<AdamOutler> https://pastebin.adamoutler.com/thsj20:01
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Stupid me20:01
floridagram13<AdamOutler> well, hold on.  get the output of ifconfig now.20:01
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I don't see the wifi name anymore20:02
floridagram13<AdamOutler> sudo systemctl daemon-reload20:02
floridagram13<AdamOutler> if that doesn't work, reboot20:02
floridagram13<Abrerr> those 10 ip's can't be right.20:03
floridagram13<ahoneybun> is my router20:03
floridagram13<Abrerr> Surely20:03
floridagram13<Abrerr> Looking for your ifconfig output lol20:03
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I don't have internet to post it20:04
floridagram13<ahoneybun> The wifi broke20:04
floridagram13<AdamOutler> ok.  do this then https://pastebin.adamoutler.com/THho20:04
floridagram13<Abrerr> nvm, was a typo apparently.20:04
floridagram13<AdamOutler> this should make the wifi connect.20:04
floridagram13<Abrerr> Found it in your earlier bin20:04
floridagram13<AdamOutler> then do service networking restart20:05
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Note to self20:05
floridagram13<AdamOutler> sudo service networking restart20:05
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Don't listen to adam20:05
floridagram13<ahoneybun> That command does not work20:05
floridagram13<AdamOutler> Aaron, I hold 3 Linux certs, a security cert, and i'm a certified ethical hacker.20:05
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Well it does not do anything here20:06
floridagram13<AdamOutler> are you running those commands from the command line or were you entering them into the /etc/networking/interface?20:06
floridagram13<ahoneybun> And my machine is stuck on boot20:06
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Duck20:06
floridagram13<AdamOutler> ctrl+alt+F220:06
floridagram13<AdamOutler> log in20:06
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I just got a black screen20:07
floridagram13<Abrerr> no boot output at all? :|20:07
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Great...20:07
floridagram13<AdamOutler> If entering this: https://pastebin.adamoutler.com/THho caused your computer to crash, then you've got some serious issues.20:07
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Just a blinking line20:07
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Well it did20:08
floridagram13<AdamOutler> ctrl+alt+f2 is not working?20:08
floridagram13<ahoneybun> No tty is20:08
floridagram13<AdamOutler> hold right-shift when booting for safe mode.20:08
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Nothing20:09
floridagram13<AdamOutler> no options to boot at all?20:09
floridagram13<AdamOutler> How long has it been since you restarted?20:10
floridagram13<ahoneybun> No20:10
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Today20:10
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I have a 16.04 USB20:10
floridagram13<Abrerr> livecd and edit that file? shouldn't cause boot hangups tho20:10
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Well it's wrecked either way20:10
floridagram13<AdamOutler> I can tell you for sure that the settings I just told you come well after the initial kernel loading.  you should see several screens worth of data before the kernel attempts to start networking.20:10
floridagram13<AdamOutler> try pressing ESC when booting this time to see if maybe there's a hidden screen.20:11
floridagram13<Abrerr> isn't there a recovery kernel in ubuntu grub entries?20:11
floridagram13<AdamOutler> Yeah, he's not seeing it.20:11
floridagram13<Abrerr> doesn't even make it to grub?20:12
floridagram13<Abrerr> hw issuesssss20:12
floridagram13<AdamOutler> If this is truely just a black screen with no options, there's a problem with the bootloader or the hardware.20:12
floridagram13<Abrerr> I'd start with a disk check20:12
floridagram13<Abrerr> kinda weird tho if you've had no other issues than a goofy dns setting20:13
floridagram13<AdamOutler> you can boot into a boot disk, then "sudo install-grub /dev/sda; sudo update-grub /dev/sda"  to reinstall and configure the bootloader20:13
floridagram13<Abrerr> dbl check those sdX20:13
floridagram13<AdamOutler> ... where sda is the hard disk.20:13
floridagram13<AdamOutler> also, check your bios settings to ensure you are attempting to boot the right disk.20:14
floridagram13<AdamOutler> and remove any USB drives from your computer ;)20:14
floridagram13<AdamOutler> that's the most likely culprit.20:14
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I can tell you it worked fine20:14
floridagram13<Abrerr> What did?20:15
floridagram13<ahoneybun> The computer before this20:15
floridagram13<Abrerr> oh20:15
floridagram13<ahoneybun> It should boot quick20:15
floridagram13<ahoneybun> It has to be getting stuck on something20:15
floridagram13<AdamOutler> remove USB devices?20:15
floridagram13<Abrerr> telegram timestamps being weird20:15
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Why would that do anything?20:15
floridagram13<AdamOutler> several reasons.20:16
floridagram13<Abrerr> your bios may be booting off the usb priority20:16
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I don't have a drive in there20:16
floridagram13<Abrerr> that's not usually the case unless explicitly set tho from the boards I've seen20:16
floridagram13<AdamOutler> 1. it's trying to boot a usb device. 2. the devices are sucking down your 5V line. 3. a malfunctioning usb device can cause problems with all communications.20:16
floridagram13<Abrerr> All them certs, you sound like a busy man Adam20:17
floridagram13<AdamOutler> I am.  I'm always working on something.20:17
floridagram13<AdamOutler> This was my project two weeks ago https://community.smartthings.com/t/65-home-automation-announcer/5839220:17
floridagram13<AdamOutler> I'm working on bluetooth audio now.  I have to come up with a way to keep bluetooth active because it keeps turning off and takes 1/4 second to turn back on.20:18
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Going into a live session and changing everything back20:18
floridagram13<AdamOutler> @ahoneybun you are running Ubuntu, right?20:19
floridagram13<Abrerr> hrm, right on20:19
floridagram13<AdamOutler> I've only seen enp8s0 on virtual machines.20:19
floridagram13<Abrerr> They made that change kernel side a while ago20:20
floridagram13<Abrerr> dunno what kernel ubuntu is on20:20
floridagram13<Abrerr> Can tack on an option in grub to ignore the new convention20:20
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Of course20:20
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Well I had a few VMs installed20:21
floridagram13<ahoneybun> 4.8 kernel20:21
floridagram13<AdamOutler> I really think you changed something else.  Those settings I gave you are perfect.20:21
floridagram13<ahoneybun> And I'm back20:22
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Removed all those and back20:22
floridagram13<AdamOutler> all those usb devices, or settings?20:22
floridagram13<ahoneybun> No the settings to interface20:22
floridagram13<AdamOutler> the /etc/networking/interfaces took your computer down?20:23
floridagram13<AdamOutler> and made it so the hardware wouldn't even initialize?20:23
floridagram13<AdamOutler> and made it so there was no output on screen?20:23
floridagram13<ahoneybun> yep I could not get to the TTY20:23
floridagram13<ahoneybun> I was stuck on the Kubuntu logo20:23
floridagram13<ahoneybun> usually takes me 3-5 secs to boot on this SSD20:24
floridagram13<Abrerr> That's some mega-weirdness20:24
floridagram13<Abrerr> So the kernel did in fact load?20:24
floridagram13<Abrerr> <-- trying to absorb Ubuntu's networking methods20:24
floridagram13<Abrerr> I'mma install 1610 I think on release.20:24
floridagram13<AdamOutler> no. this sounds like some of the problems with networking that Linus was freaking out about.20:24
floridagram13<Abrerr> Your wireless back up?20:25
floridagram13<ahoneybun> seems to be20:25
floridagram13<Abrerr> dns still 127.x?20:25
floridagram13<ahoneybun> on my laptop now20:25
floridagram13<AdamOutler> heh, what is your kernel version?20:25
floridagram13<AdamOutler> 4.8?20:25
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Linux something-clever 4.8.0-21-generic #23-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 4 18:27:25 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:26
floridagram13<AdamOutler> BUG_ON() :D20:26
floridagram13<AdamOutler> https://www.linux.com/news/new-linux-kernel-48-plus-kernel-killing-bug20:27
floridagram13<ahoneybun> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23300253/20:28
floridagram13<ahoneybun> @AdamOutler20:28
floridagram13<ahoneybun> new field20:28
floridagram13<ahoneybun> leaving the house now though20:28
floridagram13<Abrerr> lol20:28
floridagram13<Abrerr> let us know if you manage to solve the DNS issue. :D20:29
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Yea I might back up and format it all20:31
floridagram13<Abrerr> You just roll with one / partition? just curious20:31
floridagram13<ahoneybun> No20:31
floridagram13<Abrerr> ... vm is taking it's sweet time booting20:33
floridagram13<Abrerr> separate /home a life saver when installing new versions of ubuntu?20:33
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Yea20:33
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Though I need to clear it out since I'm running out of space20:34
floridagram13<Abrerr> using kubuntu or ubuntu with kde?20:34
floridagram13<Abrerr> amg my vm :(20:35
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Kubuntu all the way20:35
floridagram13<ahoneybun> It is Ubuntu + KDE20:36
floridagram13<Abrerr> No major differences between the two, right? Mostly just the DE?20:36
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Nope tons20:37
floridagram13<Abrerr> blarrrrr, just wanted to play with nfs shares20:37
floridagram13<Abrerr> but my VMs are being derp20:37
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Everything is nicely set up for you20:37
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Though the KDE Apps are being turned into snaps now20:38
floridagram13<Abrerr> Not sure I get the whole snaps deal. basically chroot'd apps?20:38
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Well KDE pulls a lot of deps20:39
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Not as much as before but with snaps you can have all the apps but not of the deps local20:39
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Now if the deps20:39
floridagram13<Abrerr> deps aren't shipped with the snaps? contained ofc20:39
floridagram13<ahoneybun> They are20:39
floridagram13<ahoneybun> But the deps can be shared between the apps so you just have one copy of them rather then one per app20:40
floridagram13<Abrerr> So instead of libx5.0, they'll ship libx4.9 with the snaps that works best with their apps? and other snaps have access to 4.9 so we're not storing redundant copies?20:41
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Well no it would allow you to have the latest KDE Apps shipped with the latest version of the deps on a LTS20:42
floridagram13<ahoneybun> Think of having GNOME s file manager v3.22 on a LTS20:42
floridagram13<Abrerr> oh ok, gotcha. Forgot about the whole lts dealio20:44
floridagram13<Abrerr> Need to configure palm detection on this trackpad20:46
floridagram13<Abrerr> cursor jumping around kills me20:46
floridagram13<Abrerr> ayyyy - think I got it.23:39
floridagram13<Abrerr> Option "DisaleWhileTyping" "1" to the rescue23:39
floridagram13<Abrerr> Disable* even23:47

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