
AnonalyHey ppl, I am having this issue -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/786087/xubuntu-16-04-monitor-display-no-signal-after-turned-off00:06
Anonalydoes anyone else have this issue as well ?00:06
Anonalywow ok I fixed it :)))00:12
AnonalyI made this script ->00:12
Anonaly#Fix TV state when HDMI link is lost.00:13
Anonaly#By Mario Limonciello <email address hidden>00:13
Anonalyfor MODE in $BAD_MODE $GOOD_MODE; do00:13
AnonalyDISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output $OUTPUT --mode $MODE00:13
Anonalysleep 200:13
Anonalycreated a Keyboard Shortcut in xfce-settings to run it,00:13
Anonalyso now when I go ctrl-alt-backspace, I can get into my session again00:13
Anonalymaybe I should make it super +alt-f7 ?00:14
krytarik!pastebin | Anonaly00:15
ubottuAnonaly: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:15
Anonaly<Anonaly> I made this script ->00:15
Anonaly<Anonaly> #!/bin/sh00:15
Anonaly<Anonaly> #Fix TV state when HDMI link is lost.00:15
Anonaly<Anonaly> #By Mario Limonciello <email address hidden>00:15
Anonaly<Anonaly> OUTPUT="HDMI-0"00:15
Anonaly<Anonaly> BAD_MODE="1280x720"00:15
Anonaly<Anonaly> GOOD_MODE="1920x1080"00:15
Anonaly<Anonaly> for MODE in $BAD_MODE $GOOD_MODE; do00:15
Anonaly<Anonaly> DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output $OUTPUT --mode $MODE00:15
Anonaly<Anonaly> sleep 200:15
Anonalyman, copy paste issues there sorry for the flooding00:16
mrkrampswhy exactly does this require two modes?00:20
gratersProf. Tony Hall suspended without pay at University of Lethbridge (10/5/16)04:55
cfhowlett!ops | graters ban requested04:55
ubottugraters ban requested: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Myrtti, Pricey, knome, bazhang, ikonia, Flannel, elky, mneptok, Pici, pleia2, Unit193, holstein or genii!04:55
gratershttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4JKdO1zW24 (Prof. Tony Hall suspended without pay at University of Lethbridge (10/5/16))04:57
cfhowlettjumping from channel to channel with your trolling is sad and pathetic.  get a life somewhere.04:57
gratersTenured prof losing his position for controversial views. Major news.04:58
cfhowlettnothing to do with ubuntu.  be gone.04:58
gratersTenure was supposed to mean the prof could have full intellectual freedom without fearing for his university position. This is a major change.04:59
gratershttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4JKdO1zW24 (Prof. Tony Hall suspended without pay at University of Lethbridge (10/5/16))05:03
pavlushka!ops | graters ban requested05:13
ubottugraters ban requested: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Myrtti, Pricey, knome, bazhang, ikonia, Flannel, elky, mneptok, Pici, pleia2, Unit193, holstein or genii!05:13
elkythey're gone.05:13
pavlushkaelky: HE might come again and I though one more vote would gain priority :)05:14
elkyno, they cycle through vpns05:14
elkybanning is pointless and wastes banlist space05:15
cfhowletthe most certainly will return.  seems he has nothing else to do.  I've been adding his alias' to /ignore ... for all the good that does05:15
cfhowletthe's also fouling the waters in #ubuntu05:15
pavlushkaelky: aha05:15
elkyand since they predominently use feminine nicks, i'm not going to stick with "they" thanks05:16
elkyer, i am going to*05:16
pavlushkaok correction he/she05:16
pavlushkaor htey05:17
kosmos890I delete Downloads folder. How do I reset it (with the download icon) ?09:14
m3n3chm0hello, I have a big issue with Nvidia drivers so I decided uninstall everything and reinstall but I'm getting an error just for the last package named  nvidia-opencl-icd-34009:41
peruanowhy are the xubuntu mirrors so slow10:05
peruanoI'm currently getting 91kb/s10:05
peruanoand I have 75mbits from comcast10:05
knomethe mirrors are provided by volunteering organizations - try another one if one is slow.10:13
peruanohow to change it haha10:17
peruanoediting some source files?10:26
knomesettings manager -> software & updates -> "Download from:"10:31
peruanohow can I tell if xubuntu has 3d acceleration? I'm on a pentium 311:11
peruanois there a xubuntu for 286 computers?11:15
dualbootxubuntuhaving problems trying too boot my xubuntu it tells me my kernel is not loaded any tips11:15
resetneacCZIm just installed xubuntu on my netbook12:59
resetneacCZAnd... i really dont know for what is this room for12:59
mrkrampsin case you have questions or problems13:00
resetneacCZthen im on the bad way13:00
resetneacCZthanks  ^^13:00
mrkrampsi guess, this is more a good indication for xubuntu running well =D13:02
dualbootxubuntui'm having problems booting xubuntu it tells me my kernel is not loaded any tips?13:20
dualbootxubuntuthe insatallation said that it is installed correctly13:20
mrkrampsexact error message, pls13:21
dualbootxubuntuwell at first when I try to boot up I get to a black screen with text then I type boot and then it says "You have to load the kernel first"13:25
kimmokkHello gyes. how to get silverlight working 16.04 xubuntu14:09
kimmokkeli mite saa toimimaan14:09
=== paolo_ is now known as paolo
xubuntu47whow do i create a new user16:47
xubuntu47whello anyone there16:47
xubuntu47wguess not16:47
xubuntu47wpeace out16:47
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest77853
=== Guest77853 is now known as pavlushka
peruanothis channel is dead19:48
mrkrampsif nobody asks questions nobody writes answers19:51
peruanook I ask19:52
peruanohow can I tell if xubuntu has 3d acceleration? I'm on a pentium 319:52
mrkrampsperuano, sudo apt-get install mesa-utils19:55
mrkrampsglxinfo | grep rendering19:55
peruanook wait I asked this question last night my laptop is off now19:56
mrkrampsjust check if output is "direct rendering: Yes"19:57
peruanoit says yes, does this means I don't have to install mesa-utils? also how to see a 3d animation from mesa20:03
peruanoI see I typed glxgears haha20:09
peruanoi get 7 or 8fps is that low20:10
mrkrampsperuano, lspci -nnk | grep "VGA\|'Kern'\|3D\|Display" -A220:10
mrkrampswill output your gfx card and driver in use20:11
peruanokern not found20:13
=== jast is now known as Guest44905
peruanorage mobility 128agp 2x/mobility m320:14
peruanoit also showed my ethernet controller20:14
mrkrampsdriver support ist not bad for these old cards, but you cannot expect much performance nowadays20:16
peruanoI just wanted to use it with 3d acceleration whateverit can do20:17
mrkrampsperuano, way more important is the 2D hardware acceleration ;)20:18
peruanooh wow20:18
peruanoI never thought about that20:18
mrkrampsyes, one has to keep in mind, most of the output is rendered in 2d20:19
peruanoalso my network is too slow but I didn't get any dmesg message about missing some firmware like I get on debian how to know my nic is properly running20:20
peruanomy network card on the laptop is slow20:21
mrkrampsethernet or wifi?20:21
peruanoethernet wired20:21
mrkrampslspci | grep Ethernet20:22
peruanoI get speed of 160kb/s while from the same url on another pc I get 2MB20:22
peruanodigital equipment corporation DECchip 21142/43 (rev 41)20:23
peruanoit's a 10 year old pcmcia card I think20:24
mrkrampspretty old entries concerning this device20:27
peruanoso how can I make it faster20:42
mrkrampsno idea, might be a new driver issue, might be some kernel issue with pcmcia, or according BIOS settings20:43
CountryfiedLinuxHow do I properly install and setup Compiz in Xubuntu?20:59

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