
Anjadoes anyone have any idea how Qt finds its default theme on ubuntu?00:11
naught101_How do I prevent kde system sounds from increasing the device volume in Pulseaudio?00:58
naught101_Hrm.. looks like switching phonon to use gstreamer might help: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=20037801:08
naught101_YAS. It did, and without even rebooting.01:11
naught101_though now system sounds trigger ducking of other audio... sigh01:13
DarinMillernaught101_: good find! I have the same issue.01:13
naught101_DarinMiller: note I also already had flat-volumes set to no01:14
DarinMillernaught101_: OK, I will play with it....01:14
DarinMillerhmmm, where do you set flat-volumes to "no"?01:16
DarinMillernevermind.... followed the link and sub-link above and found the location01:21
naught101_hrm... maybe it didn't work after all..01:22
naught101_maybe after a restart01:23
DarinMillerEarlier I had tried playing the notification sound from the Sys settings -> Multimedia -> Audio & Vid tab, then using the PA volume setting to adjust volume, but the volum level is not retained...01:25
=== santa is now known as Guest75222
marilynI just installed vobcopy but it complains that there's no CSS library.03:01
IrcsomeBot1InvisaMage was removed by: InvisaMage03:32
marilynI figured it out. I did reconfigure of libdvd-pkg03:34
pragomer_1I have no video-thumb-preview in dolphin under kubuntu 16.04. I installed ffmpegthumbnailer,kffmpegthumbnailer, ffmpegthumbs, mplayerthumbs.04:38
pragomer_1any idea?04:38
pragomer_1ok.. I got it myself:04:40
pragomer_1sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/plugins/* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/04:40
pragomer_1helped !04:40
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teledynis there a way to disable dragging/moving of tabs in konsole?05:54
teledyni accidentally detach them all the time :-(05:54
josselinsalut ça boume la room?06:33
valorie!fr | josselin06:34
ubottujosselin: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.06:34
=== Guest75222 is now known as santa_
=== Krzysztof is now known as Guest34668
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omkar_Hi Guys I am not able to generate an entry for mint linux which is alredy present in the system10:44
omkar_I just repaired my grub using boot repair from kubuntu live cd10:44
omkar_when i run  grub-mkconfig it does say it found linux mint but didn't wrote anything abt that in grub.cfg10:46
omkar_can anybody help me with this prob10:50
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BluesKaj_howdy folks11:42
BluesKaj_Ḿorning Smurphy11:47
=== hermit is now known as Guest37769
jacklinuxGood Morning!12:54
jacklinuxhow do I update the ubuntu 14:04 to 16:04?12:54
jacklinuxGood Morning!12:57
jacklinuxhow do I update the ubuntu 14:04 to 16:04?12:57
Smurphydo-release-upgrade ???12:58
hateballjacklinux: in a terminal, "sudo do-release-upgrade"13:05
hateballjacklinux: but the GUI should also offer you an update13:05
jacklinuxIt is to make the apper?13:06
jacklinuxI think I have problems with the software sources.13:06
jacklinuxGUI is not giving me that option.13:08
BluesKaj_jacklinux, open the update manager and disable LTS Only upgrades13:10
BluesKaj_oops sorry jacklinux enable LTS only13:11
jacklinuxok! i'll try.13:11
jacklinuxI did. But not climbed the pop-up update.13:23
jacklinuxthe pup-up rose13:24
jacklinuxthank's guys13:25
=== Guest84871 is now known as IdleOne
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ForgeAushey all :)14:03
ForgeAusI'm having a problem with gnustep I think I installed things in the wrong order or something, still even reinstalling every dependancy and adding stuff I found in references it doesn't help, the problem is about moving BitstreamCharter.nfont/ in the install script doesn't find it existing...14:06
ForgeAusbut it doesn't give a full path to where it expected it or anything14:06
=== Seviish is now known as Sevish
hi2uwhen i click url links in chat windows, it tries to open with StarUML application, how can i set it global to browser?15:09
hi2uwhen i click url links in chat windows, it tries to open with StarUML application, how can i set it global to browser?15:51
SmurphyBTW - Does Sieve filter management now work in kmail ???15:52
=== jan is now known as Guest52971
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mgolden_hi2u: Start Menu -> Settings -> System Settings -> Default Applications -> Web Browser17:01
IrcsomeBot1Alemiisa was removed by: Alemiisa17:02
hi2umgolden: didnt work17:05
hi2uthat url still tries application StarUML17:05
hi2ucant find dispatcher settings17:08
dei__hello how can I contribute to open source code? I am new and I don't know where to  start17:28
ForgeAusyay, success.. I got KDE running under Services for Linux (needed mostly a dbus tweak)17:31
ForgeAusits not pretty... lots of errors and stuff but it is mostly functioning17:31
user|79181anyone on?17:32
forgeaus_just to prove it... here I am :) ... in konversation :)17:32
BluesKaj_ user|79181, just ask your question17:32
user|79181i'm having trouble understanding the difference between kubuntu and kde neon17:32
ubottuKDE Neon ( http://neon.kde.org/ ) is a KDE project to package the latest stable and development versions of KDE software on top of an Ubuntu base. As it is not an official Ubuntu or Kubuntu project, please use #kde-neon for discussion and support.17:33
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest21627
Guest21627Hi every one i just get started17:48
=== Shyiskhar is now known as Guest87258
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user|42766Could anyone please help me with wifi on kubuntu 16.0418:52
user|42766I have network adapter Intel wireless-ac 726518:53
user|42766WiFi is not working and I didn't found the solution18:53
mgolden_hi2u: What are you using for chat?18:54
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=== heinkel_111 is now known as heinkel_flying
=== heinkel_flying is now known as heinkel_111
heinkel_111I am trying to upgrade kubuntu 15.10 ---> 16.04.1 but apparently the upgrader fails to locate som packages, problem with some depositories19:44
heinkel_111is there an authorized way to renew /etc/apt/sources.list ?19:44
viphi ho, how to "save" view in file dialogs? e.g. when saving files. I've got huge icons, but I want it smaller, and don't want to ctrl+scroll every time19:49
vipany hints?19:49
vipoh, it is `kdialog`19:51
heinkel_111is there a kubuntu package that is omparable to update-manager-core for ubuntu?19:53
heinkel_111seems like this works from the command line, not in the muon gui20:03
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