
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
LStrangerHello there. :)10:44
LStrangerDoes anyonw know how to reach gilir? Is he well? He doesn't reply e-mails lately.10:46
=== tsimonq2alt is now known as tsimonq2
tsimonq2LStranger: what's up? I can pass a message.17:24
LStrangertsimonq2: I need him for sake of Lubuntu-dev PPA and for Openbox. :)20:26
tsimonq2LStranger: again, if you tell me the problem, I can help you, and I can relay anything that's needed to Julien. :)20:31
tsimonq2as the wise ubot93 says...20:32
ubot93Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:32
LStrangerWell, fine, I wrote exact problem to Julien in e-mail - some packages in lubuntu-dev are stuck since July. And also I want to discuss Openbox package with him, he apparently uploaded it last time to Ubuntu. It's why I seek Julien. Does knowledge on details help you lure him? :)22:25
wxlLStranger: he's pretty much never on irc22:26
LStrangerwxl: yep, I know, I miss the times when we spoke here. :)22:27
LStrangerbut in fact, he can be lured rarely. :)22:28
tsimonq2LStranger: yes, details "lure" him22:33
tsimonq2LStranger: because then I look at what you have to say, answer what I can, then go to him with the rest :)22:34
LStrangertsimonq2: just ask him to look into e-mail, please, that's enough. :)22:37

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